Tofd Development: Technique
Tofd Development: Technique
Tofd Development: Technique
The principles of TOFD chapter described the basic layout of probes which are arranged on either side
of a weld (the same principles can be used to carry out a form of corrosion tests where there rn-ay not
be any weld to use as a reference). The image in Figure 2-10 shows the basic setup. However, aspects
of the diffraction process along with the limitations caused by ring-time, the electronic equipment and
the part tested need to be considered in greater depth when developing a TOFD technique for a
specific application.
In this chapter, we consider some of the essential parameters when configuring the setup. ln addition,
we also consider variations on probe layouts.
Initially probe selection is based on the material tested. TOFD considerations for frequency are
identical to pulse-echo. Coarse-grained materials and very thick materials will require lower
frequencies to overcome the attenuation effect of scatter.
The probe size is then considered. It is also based, at least partially, on the material tested. To some
extent larger probe dimensions produce a higher intensity pulse over a greater distance. But the need
for divergence is better addressed using smaller probe dimensions.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
The probe refracting angle is selected based on the geometry of the component tested. Very thick
sections will require small refracted angles to ensure the back-wall can be detected. When the weld
cap is not removed, it will present a restriction that may require a higher angle of refraction to ensure
that the near surface is adequately addressed. Because of the large divergence in TOFD probes, the
actual angles used may be off by as much as 5 degrees from the nominal and no significant
deterioration of the technique will result.
In some cases, the thickness of the component tested is sufficiently large, so that no single probe pair
can be expected to cover the entire thickness. Guidance on all of these items can be found in the
several Codes and Standards now available for TOFD. A typical table found in the standards is
reproduced here as Table 6-1. In this table we indicate the minimum number of zones that must be
used to address the thickness of welds tested by a TOFD setup.
516 ol t;
819 of t;
or f for rx <45"
1.112 of t
5112 of t
11,11.2 of t;
In Table 6-L,lhe column identified as "Number of TOFD Setups", refers to the number of TOFD probe
pairs used
Having selected the appropriate probe pair parameters for the application, the operator then needs to
position the probes to provide appropriate volume coverage. The effects of energy redistributiory
upon diffractioru should also be taken into consideration.
The tabulated recommendations, for PCS values, indicate that the beam crossing points are generally
set to two thirds through the test piece (for a single probe pair TOFD setup). For many applications
lhe 2/s guide is adequate; however, it is useful to confirm that the coverage on the far-wall will be
adequate. \A/hen the TOFD inspection is carried out on a single V weld, the root area on the far-wall
r (6): TOFD Tech
detecl small no
Figure getrerated usinli ESB€.l$'fool
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Intersectiory referred to in Table 6-1. In Figure 6-1, the front of beam edge is not actually seen, as it
glances parallel to the test surface. From this illustration, it can be expected that a lateral wave will be
detected. For a probe with a smaller divergence (such as would occur for a 10MHz probe) the front of
beam could be assessed by the detection of a side-drilled hole placed near the test surface. This is
indicated in Figure 6-2. The lack of response from the side-drilled hole, when the probes are centred
over the weld centreline, would indicate that the probe setup would not be suitable for flaw detections
near the surface.
EiusB.ddnqEhTd tr
Beam assessments, to establish coverage, are one of the functions of the calibration blocks and
machined targets described above (in addition to setting sensitivity).
Relying on drawings of divergence boundaries to verify coverage is not a guarantee of flaw detection.
Further consideration must be made for the pressure variation with respect to angle. Optimum
diffraction energy is obtained when the included angle at the centrelines is approximately 120 degrees.
This is based on diffraction theory for a vertical slit diffractor. EN 583-6 suggests that a working region
of -35 degrees to +45 degrees from this value may still provide useful signals. This produces an
incident angle range of about 8o to 38o with the vertical slit. However, at the 38 degree incidence,
nearly all compression energy is lost, as it coincides with the critical angle. Therefore, examinations
that rely on angles in this range (35-40 degrees) should be avoided.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
The dashed line in Figure 6-4 indicates the resolution, theoretically achieved for a 5MHz probe on
steel. The fact that amplitude drops off, for a particular range of angles within TOFD beam coverage,
is further evidence of the need for multiple TOFD zones (setups) as component thickness increases.
The compromise requirements for TOFD configurations should now start to be apparent. In order to
obtain optimum probe separation for maximum volume ensonificatiory a wide separation is used.
Optimum probe separatiory for resolving a separation between the upper and lower tips of a flaw, is
when the total distance travelled is a maximum and occurs with a minimum probe separation. \rVhen
considering the optimum diffraction pressure for detection of diffracted signals from flaws, a PCS,
that provides a120" included angle of the probe beam axes at the flaw tip, is required.
The recommendations in Table 6-1 indicate the beam intersections occurring at 213 the thickness of the
zones. This results in an included angle of nearly 120 degrees. Because of the compromises that are
required to obtain suitable coverage, resolution and detection amplitudes, the exact angle and PCS in
Table 6-1 should be considered as guidance and the optimum combination of parameters is to be
established based on the specifics of the application.
As noted previously, the precise angle used is not normally critical and deviation of 5 degrees is
usually tolerable.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Under some conditions, where Table 6-1 indicates that one probe setup may be adequate to fulfil
inspection requirements, the operator may still decide that more than one probe pair and more than
one PCS may be required, in order to obtain improved coverage and resolution. Depending on the
electronics and probe holders available, this may require more than one scan.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Diameter Freouencv Angle PCS Crossine depth Max- ansle in zone Min. ansle in zone
J 5 70 90 16mm 90' 60'
6 5 60 138 40mm 70' 44"
Diameter Freorrencv Anole PCS Crossins depth Max. angle in zone Min. angle in zone
J 5 90 16mm 90' 60"
6 5 60 773 5Omm 730 51'
6 5 45 200 100 570
Note: It was decided that the zone spacing would not be made equal for all three vertical extents.
Instead, a near surface limit of 25mm depth was designed. This left a thickness of 75mm to address.
\zVhen divided in half, each of the lower zones is 37.5mm high. The 2/3 crossing point in the zone from
25mm to 62.5mm is about 50mm from the surface. With the 6mm diameter SMHz probe selected for
the lowermost zone, the beam spread is getting close to the limit needed for coverage of the far
surface. Guidance from Table 6-1 indicates that we can direct the crossing point at the full depth when
using a 45o refracted angle. The curves, in Figure 6-4, indicate that this beam angle will suffer from
weak lower tip signals if detected below the centre of beam. However, the sensitivity to the upper tip
diffractions should still be adequate to provide flaw detections. If flaws that are located in this region
require vertical extent sizing, it may require extra TOFD scans or the pulse-echo sizing technique
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
For various reasons, the simple TOFD setup, with a matched probe on either side of the weld, may not
be possible or adequate in all cases. The following are some examples of other considerations when
setting up a TOFD inspection.
Figure 5-8 Double V 25mm wall with 2mm toe-crack on opposite wall, not detected
The solution to this problem is the offset scan. By offsetting the probe pairs, from the centreline of the
weld and making 2 scans (or using 2 pairs of the same probes), the toe crack will be detected on the
offset that places the crack above the locus of equal time, as illustrated in Figure 6-9.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Figure 6-9 Offset scan with 2mm toe-crack on opposite wall detected
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
1---:H-' ..:-=€EffiE'
- ,a:i--:::*E*}=i*
.l :::,-'=$#ffii
1- ^". -
-,.;,ffiF*&:-:= ,1
-. 5=*-
."A- "
- -r-E*€*
1 I
Figure 6-10 illustrates the setup and the sort of B-scan display that results from the same-side TOFD
configuration. Note that the root and cap signals are not possible to reference with respect to the
lateral wave and back-wall signals. A mathematically calculated top and bottom would be required to
assess the true depths of the indications.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
even configured the hardware to fire the TOFD probes, first in transmit-receive mode for the TOFD
data, and then in pulse-echo mode to generate the so-called creeping wave (which is nothing more
than the compression mode glancing along the near surface).
6.3.4 PA TOFD
With adequate electronics built into the system, phased array probes can also be operated in a TOFD
The probe arrangement is identical to the single element configurations, with a probe either side of the
weld. An appropriate number of elements are then selected to pulse and receive in each probe. The
number of elements and the refracted angles are selectable from the software menu in the phased
array system. The resultant signals are no different from those seen using single element probes with
similar parameters. Figure 6-11 illustrates a phased array setup for TOFD, and Figure 6-12 illustrates
the B-scan collected.
Figure 6-L1 PA TOFD layout with TMHz probe and 4 elements at 0.6mm pitch
Figure 5-12 Sample B-scan from PA TOFD setup (not noticeably different from mono-element)
Where multiple zones are used, there can be a limitation for phased array TOFD. A single phased
probe pair may be able to configure two zones, but it will be limited to the single frequency of the
probe. Applications with phased array systems often take advantage of the combined pulse-echo and
TOFD potential of the phased array, but may augment the phased array TOFD with a mono-element
TOFD, using a dedicated small diameter high frequency probe pair for the uppermost TOFD zone.
Incident angle is easily changed in immersion testing and is not limited to discrete angles, as is the
case for contact tests. Since no direct contact to the part is made, no wear occurs and contouring of the
probe is not necessary.
Probes used for immersion testing are relatively straight forward. Except for waterproofing of
electrical connections, construction of the basic unit is the same as for contact probes. Since no wedge
is used, the probe housings need not incorporate wedge adapters; and the elements can be mounted in
a housing with little or no protective face. In fact, PVDF (polymer) probes are constructed with gold
electrodes exposed to the water (providing very high frequency pulses).
Focussing of the beam is simplified in immersion techniques. Cast synthetic resins and moulded
ceramic or polymer elements allow straightforward focussing.
When the immersion fluid is restricted to a small volume in front of the probe, the immersion
technique is more accurately called gap testing. Devices are designed to provide a fixed gap between
the probe-face and test part. The gap is filled with water (or similar couplant). Couplant can
constantly be fed into the gap by a pump or the test may be configured to prevent water loss as the
part is moved past the probes. Plate and tubular products are often tested using these devices.
When the couplant is trapped in a small cavity and provides a fixed water path, the device is
sometimes termed a bubbler. Depending on surface conditions and thickness, the gap may be several
microns or several centimetres. Relative movement, between the probe and part coupled with surface
tensiory will ensure some water is always lost, so a reservoir must be drawn from. A single probe with
gravity fed water-flow can be used in manual scanning or the same principle can be employed for
automated systems with multiple probes. Several gap testing methods are illustrated in Figure 6-13.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Of the illustrated options for gap testing in Figure 6-1.3, the one indicating the probes with wedges in a
holder being fed with irrigation (lower left) is essentially the same as most contact setups where water
is pumped through irrigation channels in the wedges. When the gap is used, but is not sufficiently
large so as to avoid sound bouncing between the wedge and the test piece, a gap multiple occurs. This
appears as a double (or treble) lateral wave. Use of gap testing with wedges and just carbide wear tips
should avoid any gap, i.e., carbide tips should be adjusted to ensure the tips are flush with the wedge
surface. In these applications, the purpose of the carbide wear tip is to reduce wear, not to provide a
gap. The result of the gap when carbides are used is seen in Figure 6-14.
rrr, 6510 8$50 SsC 86gt S?8$ S?50 88{n
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Some of the considerations are illustrated in Figure 6-15. A 200mm diameter cylinder is modelled with
a 25mm wall thickness and double V weld. 45' TOFD probes are used and positio:red to cross at
approximately 66% through thickness. The PCS would normally be measured along the cylinder
surface. For the crossing depth required, the PCS is 53.75mm. If we compare the resulting angle at the
crossing point, it is not 90' (as would be the case for 45'beams on a flat ptate). Instead the angle made
to the tangent at the midpoint is 64.3", so the intersection angle at the 66% through thickness is very
close to the recommended value for optimum diffraction signal amplitude.
- tigure generated using ESBeamTool
When the PCS on the curved surface is compared to the chord (the straight line between the exit
points), it can be seen that the direct path is shorter than the PCS (52mm compared to 53.75mm). As
well, in Figure 6-15, a straight line tangential to the ID and OD has been drawn. Compared to a flat
plate 25mm thick, it can be seen that the probe exit points are lower than the midpoint. Another
difference exists between the flat and curved situation; in that, to achieve the same crossing point at
66% thickness and 64.3" on a flat plate, the PCS would be much greater (about 68.6mm).
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
64.3" L 64.3" L
64.57 mm
.3428mm-34.28mm I
gEn$nled usins
Fitiure cEn$nled
Fi.iure using lSBerm] ool
Figure 6-16 TOFD on plate to achieve same crossing and angle as in Figure 6-15
Clearly, the geometric calculations used on flat plate cannot apply on curved surfaces. Calculated
values will require geometric calculations based on the circle and the chord made by the line
connecting the exit points and the arc portion between the exit points. We will consider the more
general case illustrated in Figure 6-17.
,'. :.
Normally there are several knovrn parameters to start with and some parameters that must be
selected. \vVhen dealing with a hollow cylinder, parameters known would be the outer diameter and
The initial choice of beam crossing will be some percentage of the wall thickness (e.9., the two thirds
crossing point). An estimate of the PCS based on an approximation from a flat plate condition might
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
be used. But the PCS chosen will be measured along the surface so it represents the arc length on the
cylinder. This is indicated as length (s) in Figure 6-17.
The equation for the arc length along a circle is:
Next, the chord length(2l) is determined. This is derived from the equation:
a: Central angle of the arc in degrees
R: Radius of the arc
With the chord length identified, the next parameter to assess is the saggita. This is the term given to
the distance from the circle to the chord and is effectively the height of the arc. The equation for the
saggita (h) is:
h=R*\tRr-P (6.4)
The calculated values provide sufficient information to use trigonometry in establishing the remaining
parameters. Looking at Figure 6-77, the ends of the chord indicate a PCS condition identical to the flat
plate, with the intended depth of the crossing point being the wall thickness percentage less the
saggita height.
However, a further consideration must be made. When the probe is moved around the circle, its
nominal refracted angle, relative to top dead centre, increases. The effective refracted angle is the
nominal angle plus half the arc angle (a).
Using numeric values as an example, a 300mm diameter pipe, with a 30mm wall thickness, is to be
TOFD tested along the long seam. If this is a plate and the plan is to use a single TOFD zone with the
66% crossing of the beams, then the PCS is 70mm.
The 70mm arc length along the pipe surface represents a 26.7o arc on the 300mm diameter pipe. The
resultant chord length is 69.7mm. The chord offset from the circle (the arc height or saggita) is 4.1mm.
The included angle of the beams at the crossing point is about 134".
The chord end points are located at points that define the arc angle, 26.7". Adding half the arc angle to
the nominal refracted angle of 45o provides an effective refracted angle of 58.4..
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
The extended near surface dead zone can be quite deep into the tested component. A model illustrates
the added effect of geometry. Figure 6-18 illustrates a 10MHz TOFD pair on a 300mm diameter pipe
with a 30mm wall. Three near surface notches, one mid-wall target and one far surface notch are used
to indicate the ring depths. All targets are 10mm long. The near surface notches are 5mm, 10mm and
15mm deep. The mid-wall and far surface targets are 3mm high.
The resultant B-scan is seen in Figure 6-18. A horizontal cursor is placed at 20.075ts, where the.,end of
the near surface ring-time is indicated. No evidence of the 5mm deep, near surface notch is seen. Yet,
had this been a flat plate, the predicted dead zone would be only about 5.5mm. The second notch is
indicated by a weak signal that is still within the ringing signal. By the time the scanning gets to the
15mm deep notch the signal appears to occur just at the end of the near surface ring-time.
Figure 5-18 Extended near side dead zone due to cylindrical shape
The phase inversion associated with a mid-wall flaw having the same LSmm depth is seen next to the
15mm deep surface flaw. The far surface notch is easily detected at the end of the scan. However, since
the curvature of the pipe puts the toes of the weld lower than the thickness of the pipe at the
centreline, the far surface dead zones, in areas of concerry make detection of flaws in these regions a
potential problem. The differences, between calculated and observed dead zones and the regions on
the far surface where curvature will limit detection, are indicated in Figure 6-19.
-\ .-)
pronoun""i'o-'"t <qon"" ouo to curvature
fiig!,re geilerJted !5ing FSBeamTool \
Figure 6-19 Calculated as compared to observed near side dead zone
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Similar calculations are performed for TOFD, when done from the inside surface of a hollow cylinder.
Unlike the OD access condition, when scanning from the ID, the lateral wave is not as extended.
However, as a result of a slightly longer path where the lateral wave is forced to follow the inner
surface curvature, the lateral wave is generally weaker than for the flat plate condition.
A model of the inside curvature accessis illustrated in Figure 6-20. As with the outside model, the
near surface notches are 5mm, 10mm and 15mm deep. Compared to the notch diffractions, the'lateral
wave amplitude is larger. This is the opposite of the condition for the outside access on the curved
\,;1.=:i-.;:'r."=+,:" l, .,:,,,.:,,..,.'. :,r-i -. I
When the taper is accessible only from the tapered surface, there are limitations similar to those
experienced in TOFD inspections for cylindrical long seams that are inspected from the inside
curvatures. This is illustrated in Figure 6-21.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
figure lienerated
The taper transitions the section from 30mm, down to 20mm, wall thickness. At a 4:7 taper this makes
the slope 14". The probe angles selected are different from one another. On the right, the probe is
mounted on a 60" refracting wedge and on the left on a74" refracting wedge. The angle difference is
selected to provide a beam angle, at the crossing point, that is approximately equal on both sides. Due
to the cap restriction on the right side the crossing point is slightly off-centre in the weld. Using a
higher angle beam on the right side can improve the central position of the beam crossing, but the
wedge is an off-the-shelf item.
\zVhen access permits, it is more often preferred to test tapered surfaces from the surface, where both
probes are at the same elevatiory as in Figure 6-22. In the case where there is access from the same
elevation, the only difference from the flat plate configuration is slightly reduced detection on the
lower side of the weld, at the taper, on the far surface. Computation for assessing depths will be the
same as those for the flat plate conditions.
T-sections might be considered an extreme case of the inside curvature access. Probes, placed opposite
each other, with one probe on the horizontal arm and one probe on the vertical arm can provide tip
diffracted signals as well.
One can imagine the angle of the taper increasing up to 90". This is the form of the geometry in a T-
section. The amount of sound pressure that moves around the sharp corner at the bend, is
significantly reduced compared to the flat plate.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Figure 6-23 illustrates an immersion setup for a TOFD inspection on a thick T-section. 67rnm diameter
5MHz probes are arranged to produce 70o refracted angles with impact points iust before the weld.
The red lines indicate the transverse mode that forms and the green lines indicate the intended
compression modes. Two flaws are modelled in the setup. One is Smm higtu 7mm long and
perpendicular to the lower plate surface near the edge of the weld. The other flaw is 5mm long, 3mm
high and arranged to be 5o off the parallel of the lower plate near the weld root. With sufficient gairy
the lateral wave and the two flaws can be detected, as indicated inFigure 6-24.
>.!; - .ln ^
:: :ir :::::14::lii
In Figure 6-24 the cursor is placed at the edge of the vertically oriented flaw. No back-wall signal can
be detected and the flaw indications have a strange double echo effect. The double echo derives from
the shear head wave that is initiated by the compression mode glancing along the surface. This shear
head wave arrives at the flaw slightly after the compression mode and its interaction with the flaw
provides a further mode conversion back to compression mode.
The purpose of this model is to illustrate that detections can be made using an opposing TOFD setup
on T-sections. Details of sizing and depth estimates are not simple trigonometric solutions and
ter (6): TOFD Techni
therefore beyond the scope of this handbook. Further reading on T-section TOFD can be had in the
British NDT ]ournal, Insight tzel.
1 I
With beams focussed near the centreline, Brillon illustrated how flaws, in even a relatively thin 20mm
thick weld, can be sized better (and detected) using focussed beams. Figure 6-26 indicates the four
beams used with the associated B-scans to the right. Upper left is 40o, uPper right is 50". Lower left
60. and lower right is 70o. Upper tip identification of the two flaws (labelled 1 and 2 with arrows) are
seen to improve or deteriorate relative to the angle used'
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
Because developing a TOFD technique is often a result of making compromises between the many
variables, scan plans for TOFD often provide a means of visualising the optimisation process. With the
ability of software to adjust the parameters (as illustrated in Figure 6-5, Figure 6-6, Figtxe 6-7 and
others in this chapter), software technique development tools are becoming more popular and quickly
replacing the simple line drawings that were popular with the manual UT technique.
For basic (flat plate butt weld) TOFD configurations, the setups calculated by the technique
development software is generally adequate. However, in some cases the standard will also require
that the technique be validated or demonstrated on a block with defined targets.
Chapter (6): TOFD Technique Development
that, if changed, would result in changing the test results. Essential parameters for TOFD would
include the following items:
. examination levels e.g., whether or not reference blocks are required
. specification of reference blocks, if required
. requirements for access and surface conditions and temperature
o acceptance criteria
. equipment details (manufacturer and model)
. probe size, frequency, nominal angle, bandwidth
. setup of probes (PCS)
. scanning mechanisms
. couPlant
. volume inspected
. scan increment
r sensitivity methods calibration block materials and targets
o gating (time window)
. filters, averaging pulse-duration, pulser voltage
Chapter (7): TOFD Sensitivity Settings
In the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME BPVC),
TOFD is referred to as one of the "non-distance amplitude techniques". ASME specifically recognises
TOFD as an ultrasonic technique that does not use a threshold based on signal amplitude.
Indeed, TOFD is not an amplitude-based ultrasonic inspection method. Instead, the small amplitude
displacement patterns seen on the B-scans are used to identify and characterise flaws. F{owever, this
still requires that sufficient gain be applied to ensure that the subtle variations in phase displacements
on the A-scans can be discerned from the background noise.
In addition to verifying the instrument parameters for general use, a separate "calibration" is done to
ensure both uniformity and a minimum level of sensitivity of an inspection. This is usually considered
a form of "sensitivity calibration.
Distance-Amplitude techniques use a reference target to set detection sensitivity. To this corrections
(extra gain) may be added to compensate for attenuation effects. Targets used as reference and
additional gains can be recorded and are usually set in Specifications, Standards or Codes.
Although TOFD does not have the same requirement for distance amplitude corrections, TOFD does
require some means of assuring a minimum sensitivity to ensure indications are seen over the
background noise level. In addition to the detection aspect of setting sensitivity, there is also the need
of a formula to provide repeatability of the sensitivity used in subsequent inspections. To this end
there are three methods by which TOFD may be configured for sensitivity calibration:
"For all examinqtion leaels the sensitioity shull be set on the test object. The amplitude of the lateral usqoe shall
be between 40 'h and 80 % full screen heights (FSH). ln cases where the use of the lateral wqoe is not
appropriate (e.9., surface conditions, use of steep beam-angles), the sensitioity shall be set such that the
amplitude of the back-wall signal is between 18dB and 30dB aboae FSH.IMen the use of neither a lateral waae,
nor a bnck-wall signal is appropriate, sensitioity should be set such that the material grain noise is somewhere
between 5"/o and 10 FSH." Q1)
The British Standard BS 7706 identifies a fourth option; a representative flaw sample. Flowever, no
two flaws are identical; so other than considering such a flaw as "typical" of the sort being sought
Chapter (7): TOFD Sensitivity Settings
there is little more than a coarse indication of the gain required for that particular flaw, when using
this method.
In fact the BS 7706 document identifies two specific targets and does not actually identify a
"reference" signal per se. The four B57706 methods are:
1) Representative flaw sample
2) Diffracted signals from slits
3) Reflected signals from cross-drilled holes
4) Grain noise
The target signals (slits and side-drilled holes) can be grouped together and considered as any
machined target.
Artificial reflectors (and diffractors) do not respond in the same way as real flaws. However, when
using TOFD, there is generally no direct correlation between the amplitude of the signal and the
severity of the flaw. Thus, these machined targets are merely a convenient method of providing an
easily reproducible target that allows others to produce similar sensitivities. The same can be said for
setting responses off targets for the pulse-echo methods. In addition to providing reproducible
sensitivities, machined targets also provide a demonstration of the distribution of the ultrasonic field
and a means of demonstrating inspection resolution. \zVhen configuring a scan there is usually a
requirement to record the sensitivity determination method and settings. Typically, when calibrating
sensitivity for TOFD, a screen capture or a recorded dynamic scan is made to augment this
Chapter (7): TOFD Sensitivity Settings
For thick sections, when using a refracted angle near 45o, the amount of sound pressure available at
the surface of a lateral wave is very small compared to the range from 60" and higher. At these angles,
trying to increase gain to achieve a lateral wave signal will result in excessive sensitivity on the beam
axis. Instead of using the lateral wave as the reference signal, it is the back-wall signal that is used
(assuming the flat plate geometry). As with the lateral wave guidance providing a range of
amplitudes, guidance on use of the back-wall when using a refracted beam near 45" suggests.setting
the back-wall signal to 100% screen height and then adding anywhere from 18dB to 30dB extra.
through the thickness) or flat-bottom holes. Of these, the through holes and flat-bottom holes are not
generally used in TOFD as they are highly susceptible to probe skew.
Slits may be surface breaking or subsurface, but are generally considered planar (having length and
height). The width is, however, small compared. to the wavelength. Slit width should typically be less
than half a wavelength. With wavelengths in steels of 3mm to 0.6mm (for frequencies 2-10MHz), mill
cutting is not a practical option for fabrication of the targets for higher frequency techniques. As a
result, slits are normally made by electro-discharge machining (EDM). EDM slits are made with
copper electrodes in the shape of the desired target. Copper electrodes can be made with thicknesses
on the order of 200-300 microns (0.2-0.3mm), making the half wavelength recommendation reasonably
Notches may provide a similar planar shape, with respect to length and heigh! but are generally
wider. Square or 'V'notches can be made by mill cutting if the depths of cut are not too deep.
In order that a true diffracted signal is obtained, the width dimension of the notch must be small
(again less than half a wavelength); otherwise the signal will be of a reflective nature and will be
relatively strong compared to the diffracted signals from the narrower "slits" or'V' notches.
As with pulse-echo ultrasonic testing, the blocks containing these targets are considered calibration or
reference blocks. These should be constructed within a close tolerance of the thickness of the
inspection task in hand and of a similar material.
Side-drilled holes provide a similarly useful target for setting sensitivity; however, as with notches,
the signal from the top of the target may more accurately be considered a reflection rather than
diffraction. In order to discern the bottom diffraction signal from a side-drilled hole, the diameter
should be at least 2 wavelengths.
Calibrating gain settings with slits, notches or side-drilled holes is accomplished by positioning the
probe pair symmetrically on either side of the targef such that a diffracted/reflected signal is obtained
from the notch tip.
One way of ensuring that the signal is a diffraction signal is to arrange the notch or slit to be surface
breaking on the same side as the probe pair. The diffracted signal is then set to peak-to-peak
amplitude, typically 80% un-rectified A-scan display, and the image and settings recorded.
Chaoter (7): TOFD Sensitivitv Settinss
Some of the target layouts that can be used are illustrated below. Not all of the guidance of the
standards is reasonable to achieve. EN 583-6G2) suggests one design with the side-drilled holes and
slits to prevent the upper tip ring signal. It recommends that the block be adequately long to permit
the necessary probe movement over the reference diffractors and 5 such targets, with the diameter of
the SDH (side-drilled hole) at least two wavelengths. Figure 7-1 illustrates the scale required for a
block 30mm thick.
If a nominal SMHz probe is used, the wavelength of the compression mode in steel is 1.2mm. 3mm
diameter SDHs are a common larget size and might be typical of that used in the reference block. EN
583-6 indicates placing the targets (assumed to mean the lower diffraction tip) at 1,0"/"';25"/,, 50"/",75"/"
and 90"/, depths. So as to avoid interference of the slit, when placing the probes centred over a target,
the slits and targets must be separated by at least the PCS pulse, the diameter of the probes. If all the
targets are made in a single block 30mm thick by 30mm wide, the block needs to be about 2Tlmrnlong
if the refracted angle used is 60". The block length is longer for thicker wall and for higher angle
probes (requiring greater PCS). The block can be made shorter by using a wider block (e.9., 60mm)
and drilling blind holes from either side of the block.
Chapter (7): TOFD Sensitivity Settings
A useful design was seen in the older Euro norm, EN TS 14751. The design also made provision for
five targets, but they were a combination of side-drilled holes and a surface notch. The SDH at the
near surface was to be a smaller diameter (2mm), always within 3mm of the surface. Whereas the
lower SDHs were 3mm diameter, located at 25"/", 50% and 75% depths. To permit independent
detections, the SDHs were drilled to increasing depths from the end and the notch was positioned at
some distance away from the longest drilled SDH. The general layout is illustrated in Figure 7-3
The ISO 10863 document suggests anther reference block design to be used to assess the depth
resolution capability of a TOFD setup. This is illustrated in Figure 7-4. Note the small EDM notch is to
be 0.2mm wide and the surface breaking notches are to have pointed lower tips with an included
angle of 60'.
Figure 7-4 TOFD resolution reference block as per ISO 10863 (31)
Chapter (7): TOFD Sensitivity Settings
Special applications with complex geometries generally combine sensitivity and detection verification
assessments. Such a design is illustrated in Figure 7-5 where the design was used to verify detection of
cracking in a turbine rotor shaft.
.:.- ,- -r,--:.- : r .
Using the response from a target (either a reflected response from a notch or side-drilled hole)
provides some advantages when configuring a TOFD scan:
1) Repeatable inspection sensitivities used in different inspections can be achieved
2) A theoretical "estimate" may be extrapolated for detectability of a flaw of a size comparable to
the target assuring that a "minimum" detection level has been achieved
3) Volume coverage may be assessed by using targets at different depths and offsets
When using side-drilled holes, as the reference target, the maximised response set to 80% peak-to-
peak may not provide adequate scanning sensitivity. Thus, it may be necessary to add a fixed amount
of gain over that level (15-30dB could be required depending on the material and hole diameter).
Chapter (7): TOFD Sensitivity Settings
problematig the grain size may be approximately the same dimension as the wavelength, so
differentiating flaws and grains is not feasible.
Setting the gain level is accomplishedby a comparison of the A-scan time base before and after the
lateral wave.
Placing the probe pair on the test object, at the calculated probe separation, the operator displays the
lateral wave and compression back-wall reflection (if appropriate). The pulse duration is optimised to
provide the optimal pulse shape with maximum signal-to-noise ratio. Gain is then adjusted, by
observing the grass level after the lateral wave, so that acoustic grain-scatter is set to about 10% screen
height. Amplitude of the electronic noise, prior to the arrival of the lateral wave, should be at least 6dB
below the amplitude of the grain noise (i.e. 5%).
Note: this technique operates on the assumption that flaws of concern will provide greater amplitude
diffractions than the grain boundaries. This may not always be the case and care should be taken in
abnormally coarse structures, such as austenitic materials and electro-slag or heavy-wall submerged
arc welding. Figure 7-6 illustrates the contrasting B-scans that result when a fine grain and coarse-
grain structure weld are inspected. Typically, austenitic weld grain sizes can vary from about 30pm to
120prm. The recommended frequency for testing these welds is from 2MHz to 4MHz. Even with the
compromise of lower frequency for inspections, the TOFD display may still result in unacceptably
poor signal to noise ratios. Figure 7-6 indicates an acceptable level of grain noise on the left, with the
region just after the lateral wave as having a signal to noise ratio greater than 6dB; but the image on
the right contains grain structure noise comparable to the lateral wave amplitude (approximately 80%)
and a signal to noise ratio less than 2dB.
Chapter (7): TOFD Sensitivity Settings
Demonstrating the efficacy of an NDT technique has been part of standards requirements in the
nuclear industry for many years. With the introduction of the ASME Code Case 2235 (in the year
2000), ultrasonic testing has been accepted as a viable option to radiographic testing. However, in
order to qualify the setups used on ASME BPVC Section VIII pressure vessels/ any UT system must
not only be computerised, it must also demonstrate the capability of detection on a qualification block.
Requirements for the qualification of the test as outlined in ASME Code Case 2235G7) arel
"The procedure shall hsrse been demonstrated to perform acceptably on a qualification block(s). The qualification
block(s) shall be prepared by welding or hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and shall contain q minimum of three flaws,
oriented to simulate flaws parallel to the production weld's fusion line as follows:
(L) one surface flaw on the side of the block representing the oessel OD surface
(2) one surface flaw on the side of the block representing the aessel lD surface
@) lfthe block cqn be flipped during LIT examination, then one flaw may represent both the lD and OD
surfaces. Thus only two flaws may be required"
An example of a combined qualification and calibration block used to comply with ASME Code Case
2235 is seen in Figare 7-7.
: TOFD Sensiti