Cell Organelles
Cell Organelles
Cell Organelles
Cell’s Organells
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lessons, student will be able to:
• Define cells
• Identify the cell’s organelles and its functions
• Understand the concept of transcription and
• Understand the mechanisms of mitosis and
• Understand types of cell’s transportation
-Some IP contain a central pore/channel
-The channel permits the movement of water
and small solutes across the CM.
Carrier proteins
-Bind solutes and transport across the CM
-The transport process involves a change in
shape of the carrier protein when solute
binding occurs,
-may require ATP as energy source.
Receptor proteins
-receptor are sensitive to the presence of
specific extracellular molecules (ligands).
Copyright 2010, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. -Binding of receptor protein with ligands may
trigger changes in the activity of the cell
Membrane Proteins -Functions & Structures
-MP may have a variety of specialized functions
-Enzymes in CM may be integral or peripheral
-The catalyze reactions in the extracellular
fluid/cytosol, depending on the location of the
protein and its active site.
Anchoring proteins
-AP attach the CM to other structure and
stabilize its position.
-e.g inside-cytoskeleton, outside – attach to
another cell.
Recognition protein/Identifiers
-the cells of the immune system recognize other
cells as normal
Copyrightand abnormal
2010, John based on the
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Smooth refer to the fact that no ribosomes are associated with the ER.
• Associated with the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates
• The SER functions:
i) Synthesis of phospholipids and cholesterol needed for maintenance and growth of
the CM, nuclear membrane, and Golgi apparatus in cells.
ii) Synthesis of steroid hormone such as androgens and estrogens.
iii) Synthesis and storage of glycerides especially triacylglycerides, in liver and fat
iv) Synthesis and storage of glycogen in skeletal muscle and liver cells.
v) Responsible for the detoxification and inactivation of drugs especially in liver and
kidneys cells.
Rough ER (RER)
• Because water moves quickly, most of our body fluids and cells are in osmotic
* Solutes are
transported across
plasma membranes
with the use of
energy, from an area
of lower
concentration to an
area of higher
Active Transport
Cytosol 3 Na+
gradient 1