The Hands of The Blacks

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A CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of African literature as a

means of exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading styles vis-à-vis
purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which
information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel structures and
cohesive devices in presenting information.
B PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an
informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features,
stance and behavior.
1. Use the appropriate reading style (scanning, skimming, speed reading, intensive reading,
etc ) for one’s purpose EN8RC- If-7
2. Appreciate literature as a means of understanding the human being and the forces
he/she needs to contend with EN8LT- If-7.
3. Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment or other
factors EN8LT- Ih-3
A. English 8 Learner’s Material pages 144-150
A. Reviewing previous lessons
1. Recalling important information tackled before reading the short story
B. Establishing a purpose of the lesson
1. stating the objectives of the lesson
2. stating the criteria for grading the SGDA (Small Group Differentiated Activities)
C. Finding practical application of concepts
1. Presenting outputs on the assigned tasks
 Media Arts Group
Providing historical information about Africans and the forces they need to
contend with as a race
 Visual Arts Group
Presenting visual representations of answers to the question of the main
 Theater Arts Group
Presenting a skit applying critical reading style centered on the responses of the
teacher, priest, Señor Antunes, Señor Frias, Doña Dores, Doña Estifania, book
and Mother.
 Music Group
Presenting a song dedicated to the Africans

2. Processing /Grading the presentation

3. Digging deeper understanding of the selection
 Explain the answer of Mother.
 What are the challenges faced by the Africans as a race?
 How were your views and opinions about the Africans challenged or changed by
this selection?
 Explain how this selection may be influenced by history and environmental

D. Evaluating Learning
A. Complete thought of the following sentences. Choose the correct answer from
the choices given inside the parentheses.
1. Luis Bernardo Honwana was born in _________________.
(Algeria, Mali, Mozambique, Zimbabwe)
2. Honwana is a journalist, author and _________________ known for his poetically
insightful portrayal of village life in their country.
(actor, musician, public official, scientist).
B. Identify whose idea is each of the following statements.
3. Their hands were folded together praying in secrets.
4. God made the hands of the blacks lighter because they had to be.
5. The blacks walked around with their hands and feet.
6. God, the angels, and the saints baked men and hung them in chimneys.
7. Their hands were bleached because of washing.

C. Identify the term defined in each of the following items.

8. It is the inner surface of the hand between the fingers and wrist.
9. It is a furnace or oven for drying, burning or baking bricks.
10. It is the passage or structure through which smoke escapes from a fire, usually
extending above the roof.

 Grading the Small Group Differentiated Activities (SGDA) based on the rubrics
 Answering a 15-item quiz which will be given the next session/meeting


Group: _______________________ Section__________ Score _____________

Criteria Outstanding (4 Very Satisfactory (3 Satisfactory (2 Fair
points) points) points) (1 point)
Content The presentation focuses The presentation focuses Students presented 3 Students presented 2
on 5 or more ways on on 4 ways on how to ways on how to show ways on how to show
how to show one’s love show one’s love and one’s love and respect to one’s love and respect to
and respect to parents respect to parents parents parents
Presentation Presenter used clear Presenter’s voice is Presenter incorrectly Presenter mumbles
voice and correct, clear. He/she pronounces terms. incorrectly pronounces
precise pronunciation of pronounces most words Audience members have terms speaks too quietly
terms and showed high correctly, and showed difficulty hearing for students in the back
level of and mastery of average level of presentation and of the class to hear, and
the subject matter confidence and mastery showed minimum of showed no confidence
of the subject matter. confidence and mastery and mastery of the
of the subject matter. subject matter.
Creativity The group used The group used The group used the The group used an
innovative methods of innovative methods of typical methods of unclear method of
presentation. The presentation partly but presentation. Innovation presentation. Innovation
presentation is very relied mainly on the is not present. The is not present. The
interactive and very typical methods. The presentation is quite presentation is not
attractive to the presentation is interactive and quite interactive and not
audience interactive and attractive attractive to the attractive to the
to the audience audience audience
Organization The group presents The group presents The group has difficulty Audience cannot
information in logical, information in logical following presentation understand the
interesting sequence sequence which because the group jumps presentation because
which audience can audience can follow. around. there is no sequence of
follow. information.

Leader: _____________________

Members: _____________________ ___________________ _________________________

_____________________ ___________________ _________________________

_____________________ ___________________ _________________________

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