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Eye (2002) 16, 411–421

 2002 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0950-222X/02 $25.00

Pathology and NG Ghazi and WR Green


pathogenesis of
retinal detachment

Abstract (II) Mechanisms of normal attachment of

Retinal detachment, separation of the
The forces of adhesion between the two layers
neurosensory retina from the underlying
can be divided into mechanical and
retinal pigment epithelium, is a sight
metabolic.2 Mechanical factors in turn are
threatening condition that is considered one
divided into those outside and those inside
of the few ocular emergencies. The literature the subretinal space (SRS).
is enormously rich in studies that focused on Mechanical forces outside the SRS include
different aspects of this disease process. Yet fluid pressures and vitreous. Fluid exits the
certain aspects remain largely unanswered. eye through the trabecular meshwork;
We briefly review major aspects of retinal however, a small proportion tends to exit
detachment and discuss various important from the vitreous to the choroid by virtue of
contributions in this field, focussing mainly the intraocular and choroidal oncotic
on the pathogenesis of and predisposing pressures.3,4 Because the retina and RPE
factors to retinal detachment, and on the substantially resist fluid transport, the
pathologic changes that occur following its outward vector of fluid movement tends to
development and following various surgical push the retina against the RPE.5,6 Likewise, a
procedures currently used in its drug that increases the vitreous oncotic
management. pressure tends to withdraw fluid into the
Eye (2002) 16, 411–421. doi:10.1038/ vitreous from the choroid through the retina.
sj.eye.6700197 This inward vector of fluid movement could
lead to retinal separation from the RPE
because of retinal resistance to flow.7,8
Formed vitreous acts as a seal to retinal
Keywords: exudative; mechanisms; breaks and indirectly aids in preventing
neurosensory retina; pathogenesis; pathology; retinal detachment and maintaining adhesion
posterior vitreous detachment between the retina and RPE.9 Whether the
vitreous plays a direct role in retinal adhesion
is yet to be determined although some studies The W Richard Green Eye
(I) Definition suggest that the physical structure of the Pathology Laboratory
vitreous might be of importance in Wilmer Institute
Retinal detachment is the separation of the Department of Pathology
maintaining retinal apposition.9,10
neurosensory retina (NSR) from the The Johns Hopkins Medical
Mechanical forces inside the SRS include the Institutions
underlying retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). matrix material between the NSR and RPE Baltimore
These two layers are derived from and the interdigitations between the RPE Maryland, USA
neuroectoderm that lines the optic vesicle microvilli and the photoreceptors.
during embryogenesis. As the optic vesicle A matrix is present in-between Correspondence:
invaginates to form the optic cup, the two photoreceptor outer segments and is called the WR Green, MD
Eye Pathology Laboratory
layers come in apposition. The inner layer interphotoreceptor matrix (IPM). It is Maumenee 427
differentiates into the NSR and the outer into predominantly composed of The Johns Hopkins Hospital
RPE. No real anatomic junctions form between glycosaminoglycans.11 This matrix may act as 600 North Wolfe Street
the cells of the two layers.1 Therefore, the a glue12 binding the NSR and RPE. The IPM Baltimore
forces of attachment of the NSR to RPE are also has structural components that remain MD 21287–9248
weak and once overwhelmed, a retinal attached to both the RPE and the cones if the Tel: 410 955–3455
detachment occurs that reestablishes the NSR was peeled off the RPE.13–16 Cell Fax: 410 614–3457
potential space between the two layers. adhesion molecules or receptors may be E-mail: wrgreen얀
Pathology and pathogenesis of retinal detachment
NG Ghazi and WR Green

involved in this interaction between the matrix and the rotational eye movements, the detached vitreous moves
cellular membranes.16–18 Factors that affect the within the vitreous cavity. Tractional forces are
physicochemical properties of the IPM and enzymes transmitted with these movements to the areas of
that degrade some of its components weaken retinal persistent vitreous attachment. If these forces and the
adhesion.19,20 forces of vitreous attachment at these areas are strong
The mechanism by which interdigitations of RPE enough, the retina tears. As the process of vitreous
apical villous processes and photoreceptor outer detachment progresses and the vitreous remains
segments contribute to retinal adhesion is not yet clear. adherent to the flap of the break a horseshoe tear will
However, three mechanisms have been proposed. result. On the other hand, if the vitreous traction is
These include the continuous process of phagocytosis strong enough to cause avulsion of the retinal flap at
of photoreceptor outer segments by RPE cells during its base, an operculated tear results and the traction
which the two cells are intimately connected,2 the resolves. Once a break occurs, ocular saccades cause
frictional forces that result from the interdigitations,2 fluid vitreous movement that may force fluid into the
and the possible presence of electrostatic interaction subretinal space dissecting the NSR off the RPE
between the cell membranes.21 especially if the break is held open by vitreous traction
Metabolic factors that affect retinal adhesion include (horseshoe tear).33,34 Hence an RRD ensues.
oxygenation. Retinal adhesion decreases tremendously Depending on the location of this pathology, RRD
postmortem20,22 and is restored with oxygenation.23 can be classified into equatorial, oral and macular.35–38
This can be either due to the effect of released RPE Equatorial RRD occurs in cases of myopia, lattice
lysosomal enzyme on IPM24 or due to the effect of degeneration, horseshoe tears and round retinal holes.
ischemia on active RPE fluid transport.2 The Oral RRD is most commonly seen in cases of aphakia,
importance of metabolic factors in retinal adhesions is pseudophakia, dialysis in the young,39–41 traumatic
also inferred from the effect of many drugs that dialysis, and giant retinal tears.42 Macular type is seen
interfere with the pH and RPE fluid transport activity.2
in high myopia, traumatic holes and idiopathic
macular holes.
(III) Types and pathogenetic mechanisms of Other less frequent causes of RRD include various
retinal detachment forms of necrotizing retinitis, like toxoplasmosis,43
cytomegalovirus infection,44,45 and acute retinal
A retinal detachment occurs when the forces of
necrosis syndrome46 all of which increase the chance of
adhesion between the NSR and the RPE are
developing full thickness retinal tears.
overwhelmed. This can occur by different mechanisms.
Traction retinal detachment (TRD) occurs when the
Regardless of the mechanism, all types of retinal
retina is pulled off the RPE by tractional forces in the
detachment have one characteristic in common, the
absence of retinal tears. These forces can be transmitted
accumulation of subretinal fluid. There are four major
to the retina either through tractional bands or
types of retinal detachment: rhegmatogenous, traction,
membranes that are contiguous with the retina, or
exudative or serous, and combined traction-
through vitreous strands bridging the retina to
tractional bands, or purely through vitreous bands as
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is
characterized by the presence of a full thickness retinal in cases of vitreous loss and vitreous incarceration in
break as the prefix rhegma, which means rent in Greek, surgical wounds. This type of retinal detachment,
implies. This break is held open by vitreoretinal however, is most common in proliferative retinal and
traction that allows accumulation of liquefied vitreous vitreoretinal diseases, like proliferative diabetic
under the retina separating it from the RPE. Therefore, retinopathy, sickle cell retinopathy, retinopathy of
the precursors to this type of retinal detachment are prematurity and proliferative vitreoretinopathy; and
liquefied vitreous, tractional forces that can produce following penetrating trauma,47–50 where contractile
and maintain a retinal break, and a break through fibrous and/or fibrovascular tissue forms within the
which fluid gains access to the subretinal space.25 Even vitreous cavity and/or periretinally and leads to TRD.
if a full thickness break is present in the retina, a Combined traction-rhegmatogenous retinal
retinal detachment will not occur if the vitreous is not detachment (TRRD), as the name implies, is the result
at least partially liquefied and if the necessary traction of a combination of a retinal break and retinal traction.
is not present.26 Vitreous syneresis, which culminates The retinal break, which is mostly located near a
in posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), can produce fibrous or fibrovascular proliferation, is usually
all three precursors of RRD.27 This is why in most secondary to traction that is the major component of
instances an RRD is preceded by a PVD. With retinal detachment in these cases.25 This form of retinal

Eye: Cambridge Ophthalmological Symposium

Pathology and pathogenesis of retinal detachment
NG Ghazi and WR Green

detachment, like TRD, is most common in proliferative RRD because of the high incidence of associated
retinal and vitreoretinal diseases. vitreous detachment and retinal breaks.
Exudative, transudative or serous retinal detachment As discussed earlier RRD develops in association
(SRD) is characterized by fluid accumulation in the with retinal breaks that develop at physiologic or
subretinal space in the absence of retinal breaks or pathologic sites of firm vitreoretinal adherence during
traction. The source of the fluid is the vessels of the PVD. The incidence of retinal tears varies from 0.59 to
retina, or the choroid, or both. This can occur in a 27% according to different studies,28,35 as does the
variety of vascular, inflammatory or neoplastic diseases incidence of retinal detachment in patients with retinal
of the retina, RPE, and choroid51 in which fluid leaks tears. Clearly, not every retinal tear leads to retinal
outside the vessels and accumulates under the retina. detachment56,57 since the prevalence of retinal tears was
As long as the RPE is able to pump the leaking fluid found to be 83 times that of retinal detachment.56
into the choroidal circulation, no fluid accumulates in Therefore, prophylactic treatment of retinal tears
the subretinal space and no retinal detachment occurs. should be selective and is recommended for
However, if the process continues and the normal RPE symptomatic tears56 and horseshoe tears with
pump activity becomes overwhelmed, or if the RPE persistent vitreous traction.58
activity decreases because of RPE loss or decreased In addition to the normal sites of strong attachment
metabolic supply (eg ischemia), then fluid starts to between the vitreous and retina, several peripheral
accumulate and a retinal detachment occurs.52 This retinal lesions are characterized by anomalous
type of retinal detachment can be also due to vitreoretinal adhesion and hence predispose to full
accumulation of blood in the subretinal space thickness retinal breaks when the vitreous detaches
(hemorrhagic retinal detachment). Inflammatory and pulls on the retina at these sites. Anomalous
diseases that can lead to SRD include posterior vitreoretinal adhesion occurs at enclosed and partially
scleritis, sympathetic ophthalmia, Harada disease, pars enclosed ora bays,29 meridional folds and complexes,
planitis, and collagen vascular diseases. Vascular retinal tufts,30,36 and lattice degeneration.31,37
diseases include malignant hypertension, toxemia of Ora bays represent a posterior indentation in the
pregnancy, retinal vein occlusion, Coats disease, retinal retina. This indentation can be completely (enclosed
angiomatous diseases, and different forms of choroidal ora bay) or incompletely (partially enclosed ora bay)
neovascularization including polypoidal choroidal surrounded by retinal tissue. In a study of 1000
vasculopathy.53,54 Choroidal tumors that may be autopsy eyes, Spencer et al59 found that retinal tears
associated with SRD include some nevi, melanoma, were associated with 16.7% of either type of ora bays;
hemangioma, lymphoma, and metastatic tumors. Other however, retinal tears associated with ora bays were
conditions that are associated with SRD include central present in only 0.5% of all eyes.
serous chorioretinopathy, familial exudative Meridional folds are elevated radial retinal folds that
vitreoretinopathy, Norrie disease, uveal effusion are aligned with a dentate process or an ora bay. The
syndrome, nanophthalmia, and optic nerve head pits association of a retinal fold, a dentate process and a
and colobomas are still somewhat enigmatic and are ciliary process in alignment is a meridional complex.
not classified under any of the three disease processes Conflicting data as to the incidence of retinal tears
that lead to SRD discussed above. Also SRD can be associated with these lesions is present in the
iatrogenic following retinal detachment surgery55 and literature.60,61
laser photocoagulation. There are three types of retinal tufts: non-cystic,
cystic, and zonular.30,36,62,63 These are projections of
retinal fibroglial tissue into the vitreous and are
(IV) Predisposing factors to retinal detachment
usually located in the vitreous base nasally or
Factors predisposing to TRD and SRD are the disease inferiorly. Noncystic tufts are not associated with cystic
entities associated with them as discussed above. degeneration of the retina, nor are they associated with
However, factors predisposing to RRD are less retinal tears or detachment. Cystic retinal tufts are
obvious, more difficult to diagnose and, when they cystic projections and are sometimes associated with
exist, the indications for prophylactic treatment are localized cystic degeneration of the retina and
sometimes controversial. These include vitreoretinal condensed vitreous strands at the apex.62 In one study,
adhesions in association with PVD; local ocular Byer64 found that 6.5% of retinal detachments are
diseases such as retinoschisis and myopia; cataract associated with holes that develop with PVD at the
surgery; trauma; and most of the areas of cystic tufts. He also noted that prophylactic
hyaloideoretinopathies the prototype of which is the therapy of these lesions is not necessary because the
Stickler syndrome. Most of these entities predispose to risk of developing retinal detachment secondary to

Eye: Cambridge Ophthalmological Symposium

Pathology and pathogenesis of retinal detachment
NG Ghazi and WR Green

cystic tufts is less than 1%. Zonular tufts are in both the inner and outer layers of the retina
projections of neuroglial tissue or embryonal-like involved by schisis. In these cases fluid passes into the
epithelium that extend anteriorly from the peripheral subretinal space through the inner and outer holes. A
retina at an acute angle where they become continuous hole occurring in only one of the retinal layers is not
with a lens zonule. The zonular tractional tufts are a enough to produce significant retinal detachment
means by which direct traction on the retina can occur although outer retinal holes might lead to localized
from manipulation of the lens. The retina at these sites detachment. Retinoschisis was observed in 2.5% of
often has cystic changes. Foos65 classified associated patients with RRD.76
retinal changes into trophic and tractional. The former Myopia is a definite risk factor for retinal
include partial and full thickness holes; the latter detachment and the risk increases with higher degrees
include rupture of the tuft and full thickness breaks of myopia.77,78 PVD occurs early,79,80 lattice
(2.2%). Generally these lesions are not associated with degeneration is more common81 and the retina is
an increased risk of retinal detachment except if the thinner in myopic patients than in emmetropes, and
breaks associated with them are extrabasal, particularly this makes retinal breaks and detachment a more
following cataract extraction.66 frequent occurrence and they are often bilateral.77,82,83
Retinal pits (lamellar retinal breaks) do not lead to Prophylactic treatment is indicated for horseshoe-tears,
retinal detachment but are a sign of posterior vitreous symptomatic tears, tears with surrounding retinal fluid,
detachment and retinal traction.32,38,67 in patients with history of retinal detachment, and
The strong vitreoretinal adhesions present at the probably in patients undergoing cataract extraction.
margins of lattice degeneration are well documented. However, this is a controversial issue and some
Lattice lesions can vary in shape, appearance, location authors advise to treat any break in patients with more
and pigmentation. They are most commonly pre- than 4 diopters of myopia.83–85
equatorial, parallel to the ora serrata, and located in Macular holes are also seen in cases of high myopia.
the vertical meridians.31,37 Lattice degeneration also The retinal detachment complicating these holes is
may occur posterior to the equator in a radial usually limited to the posterior pole within the
perivascular pattern.57,68 More than ten histopathologic temporal vascular arcades and may be non-
features of lattice degeneration have been identified58– progressive.86 Treatment of these cases is still
including retinal thinning and degeneration with controversial.87,88
atrophic hole formation, liquefaction of the overlying The crystalline lens and its posterior capsule
vitreous, and firm adhesion of the vitreous at the constitute a stabilizing factor on the vitreous body. The
margins of the lesion with glial and RPE cell vitreous movements during ocular saccades are
proliferation.31,37 Traction retinal breaks may occur at transmitted from the outer layers of the vitreous
the posterior margin of the lattice lesion during PVD towards the center. The same thing happens at the
due to firm vitreoretinal adhesion. However, the conclusion of a saccade. These accelerational and
incidence of traction breaks directly involving a lattice decelerational movements of the vitreous are
lesion is small.69,72 Tears are more likely to occur in dampened by the firm vitreous adhesions to the retina
juxtabasal and extrabasal lesions.73 Atrophic holes are and the posterior convexity of the lens. The latter
more common. Straatsma et al69 found that the ‘exerts a grip or mechanical hold on the vitreous
histologic incidence of atrophic holes and traction body’.27 With removal of the lens after cataract surgery
retinal breaks in lattice lesions is 18.2% and 1.4% this ‘grip’ is lost and the torsional effects at physiologic
respectively. In his clinical studies, Byer26,71 calculated and pathologic sites of firm vitreoretinal adhesions are
the incidence of retinal detachment from traction accentuated.89,90 Another effect of lens extraction on the
retinal breaks and atrophic holes associated with lattice vitreous is at the molecular level. Vitreous hyaluronan
degeneration to be 0.3–0.5% only. Retinal breaks concentration decreases following cataract extraction
associated with radial perivascular lattice are usually and this is much more prominent following ICCE.91,92
larger and more posterior and hence might lead to The posterior capsule, when preserved, is thought to
retinal detachments that are difficult to treat. The act as a barrier to diffusion. The decrease in
indications for prophylactic treatment of lattice lesions hyaluronan concentration accelerates the process of
are influenced by the clinician’s evaluation, experience syneresis and decreases the shock-absorbing property
and bias. Most authors agree that symptomatic tears, of the vitreous body, thus leading to an increase in the
history of retinal detachment in the fellow eye, high torsional forces transmitted to areas of vitreoretinal
myopia, aphakia or planned aphakia are indications for adhesions. These mechanical and biochemical
prophylactic therapy.71,74,75 alterations that occur following cataract extraction
RRD in retinoschisis occurs when holes are present increase the incidence of PVD91,93 and retinal tears and

Eye: Cambridge Ophthalmological Symposium

Pathology and pathogenesis of retinal detachment
NG Ghazi and WR Green

detachment.94 In one large study,94 the risk of retinal detachment develops. Traumatic vitreous syneresis
detachment following cataract extraction was 7.5 times may occur following trauma, at which time fluid seeps
that of a control group even 6 years after surgery. The into the subretinal space through the break leading to
risk of retinal detachment following extracapsular retinal detachment.116
cataract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular Nine percent of all macular holes develop following
lens varies according to different series but is about blunt trauma117 and these can lead to retinal
1.4%.95 The presence of an intact capsule appears to detachment. Several mechanisms118 have been
decrease the risk of retinal detachment following proposed for the development of these holes including
cataract surgery.96 post-contusion necrosis and vitreoretinal traction by a
Vitreous incarceration in a cataract wound is another contrecoup effect. The results of surgery for traumatic
factor contributing to vitreoretinal traction and retinal macular hole closure are favorable.119,120
detachment; however, in such cases the detachment The hyaloideoretinopathies include a number of
may be tractional rather than rhegmatogenous.97 diseases with much overlap in the clinical and
About 15% of all retinal detachments are traumatic sometimes genetic characteristics. Most of these
and they are much more common in young diseases share common dystrophic retinal and vitreal
individuals.98 Blunt trauma, with and without rupture changes; however, they sometimes differ by the
of the globe, and penetrating trauma can cause retinal predominance of one of these changes.121 The
detachments. RRD is more important in the setting of a characteristic ocular features as far as RRD is
closed-globe blunt trauma or contusion. Blunt trauma concerned include vitreous liquefaction (optically
represents about 70–85% of all traumatic retinal empty vitreous) and retinal break formation.
detachments.99–101 In the case of blunt trauma with Discussion of this group of diseases is beyond the
rupture and penetrating trauma, TRD secondary to scope of this paper.
fibrous ingrowth and intraocular proliferation is more
(V) Pathologic changes following retinal
Closed-globe blunt trauma, or ocular contusion, can,
directly or indirectly (contrecoup), cause several
vitreoretinal changes including dialysis at the anterior When the retina separates from the RPE secondary to
or posterior border of the vitreous base; avulsion of the retinal detachment of any type, the outer retina
vitreous base; horseshoe-shaped tear at the posterior becomes ischemic due to loss of its blood supply from
margin of the vitreous base, at the posterior margin of the choroid. The biochemical interplay between the
a meridional fold, or at the equator; operculated tear; RPE and the retinal photoreceptors is affected. The
and macular holes.108,109 About 60% of traumatic retinal earliest light microscopic manifestations include
breaks were located at the ora, whereas 60% of non- accumulation of subretinal fluid with loss of
traumatic tears were equatorial.109 The frequent photoreceptor outer segments, and if the process
occurrence of retinal breaks, the most important of persists the entire photoreceptor cell layer becomes
which being retinal dialysis, in ocular contusion injury atrophic.35,122,123 Apoptosis appears to play an
has been repeatedly emphasized.110–113 Studies important role in the time-dependent photoreceptor
performed on animal models of ocular blunt cell decay that occurs following retinal
trauma114,115 indicated that the initiating factor in the detachment.124,125 Machemer and coworkers126,127
pathogenesis of retinal detachment is the antero- showed that degeneration of the photoreceptor outer
posterior (AP) compression of the globe during impact segments occurs following experimental detachment in
that leads to a compensatory lengthening of the the monkey; however, they readily regenerate with
horizontal diameter. This AP reduction can be as surgical reattachment, more so for the rods than cones.
significant as 59% and, at the termination of impact or Nonetheless, clinical experience is that once the macula
collision, the globe re-expands in the AP direction with is detached, vision does not return to what it was
an ‘overshoot’ up to 112% its original length.115 During before detachment even following anatomic surgical
this process of AP reduction and overshoot marked success. This indicates that some changes persist. In
traction at the vitreous base and other areas of one experiment in monkeys,123 persistent outer
physiologic or pathologic vitreoretinal adhesion occurs. segment abnormalities were observed in ‘otherwise
The occurrence of retinal breaks following ocular well regenerated areas’ following retinal reattachment.
contusion is not sufficient to induce retinal detachment These included abnormalities in the orientation and
because the vitreous in such young patients is intact alignment of the outer segments, location of the cilium,
and provides a tamponade or sealing effect on retinal and disk alignment.
breaks. Vitreous liquefaction has to occur before In cases of chronic detachment, more prominent

Eye: Cambridge Ophthalmological Symposium

Pathology and pathogenesis of retinal detachment
NG Ghazi and WR Green

changes occur including cystic and macrocystic retinal study of 49 eyes, following scleral buckling procedure,
degeneration, retinal thinning, RPE alterations, Wilson and Green137 found epiretinal membranes in
demarcation lines, large drusen, choroidal 75.5%, macular pucker secondary to epiretinal
neovascularization at the ora serrata128 and iris membranes in 30.6%, photoreceptor atrophy in 26.5%,
neovascularization secondary to angiogenic factor element in-erosion in 21.7%, cystoid macular edema
elaboration by the ischemic detached retina. In some and ciliochoroidal effusion each in 10.2%, anterior
cases photoreceptor outer segments were observed in segment necrosis in only 8.2% compared to 23% in the
the aqueous humor of patients with retinal study of Boniuk and Zimmerman, and choroidal
detachment, particularly atopic patients.129 neovessels in 6.1% of the cases. One eye with cystoid
macular edema also had an inner lamellar macular
hole. The authors noted that photoreceptor cell atrophy
(VI) Pathologic changes following surgery for
could explain the fact that visual recovery is limited
retinal detachment
following successful reattachment of macula-off retinal
Cryopexy, laser photocoagulation, scleral buckling, and detachments. This appears to be dependent on the
vitrectomy, with and without the use of vitreous duration of retinal detachment prior to
substitutes, have all been used, individually or in reattachment.124,140,141
combination, in the treatment of retinal detachment. D’Hermies et al142 studied 60 encapsulations of
Studies on the histologic changes that occur following scleral buckling materials from patients who had
these procedures have been previously reported. undergone scleral buckling procedures for retinal
Cryopexy leads to formation of intracellular ice detachment using either a silicone or a hydrogel
crystals.130 Diffuse atrophy of the RPE and choroidal element. The capsules were composed of a fibrous
pigment is characteristic of the resultant lesions. In matrix with fibroblasts and inflammatory cells. Sixteen
addition, damage to smaller vessels, accumulation of of the 37 hydrogel capsule specimens contained foci of
pigmented macrophages in areas of RPE atrophy, giant cell foreign body reaction around hydrogel
proliferation of adjacent RPE, loss of the photoreceptor fragments. None of the silicone capsule specimens had
cell layer and glial cell proliferation in the outer retina giant cell reaction or silicone fragments.
with formation of chorioretinal adhesions occur.131 Barr138 studied 15 enucleated eyes that previously
Dispersion of RPE cells into the vitreous cavity with had RRD successfully reattached with scleral buckling.
subsequent proliferative vitreoretinopathy might Sixty percent of the eyes had epiretinal membrane
complicate cryotherapy.132 formation and 26% had cystoid macular edema.
Different types of lasers have been used in the Twenty six percent of the reattached retinas had
treatment of retinal breaks and detachment, and they significant atrophy of the outer retinal layers. Ten eyes
all work by the same mechanism. Light energy is had reduced postoperative vision. Outer retinal
predominantly absorbed by the RPE and transformed atrophy and CME could account for five cases but the
into heat that gets transmitted to adjacent tissues. This other five eyes had no histopathologic explanation of
causes variable degrees of destruction in the RPE, their reduced postoperative acuity.
photoreceptors and choriocapillaries, and eventually The changes that occur following pars plana
leads to chorioretinal scarring and adhesion. These vitrectomy (PPV), with and without tamponade or
histologic changes that occur following laser therapy vitreous substitutes, for retinal detachment have not
are comparable regardless of the type of laser been described in a large series yet. However, findings
used.133–136 in individual case reports have been described.
The histopathologic features following retinal Yamana et al122 assessed the effect of gas tamponade
detachment surgery by scleral buckling have been on the process of experimental retinal hole closure in
previously reviewed.137–139 Twenty nine percent of the rabbits. Ophthalmoscopically, the holes closed and the
204 eyes in an early series studied by Boniuk and detached retina around holes reattached by 7 days in
Zimmerman126,139 had clinically unsuspected tumors, 14 the group of eyes that received sulfur hexafluoride gas
eyes (6.9%) had no evidence of tumor though they tamponade after hole induction. The retinal holes
were enucleated because of the suspicion of an ocular remained open at the end of the observation period in
tumor, 23% had anterior segment necrosis, and the eyes without gas tamponade. Histologic and
glaucoma was present in most of the cases. Lens- immunohistochemical analysis disclosed the holes to be
induced endophthalmitis, granulomatous and filled with cytokeratin-and-glial fibrillary acidic
sympathetic uveitis, keratitis, reaction to sutures and protein-positive cells.
implants, and infection and internal erosion of buckle In a clinical and experimental study Krieger143
elements were other less conspicuous findings. In the observed that the pars plana sclerotomy incisions heal

Eye: Cambridge Ophthalmological Symposium

Pathology and pathogenesis of retinal detachment
NG Ghazi and WR Green

in a spectrum from localized scarring to uncontrolled was observed either pre- or intra-operatively.
fibrovascular proliferation with untoward clinical Histologic and ultrastructural analysis disclosed
effects. In another study144 the histologic changes of the chronic inflammatory cells with macrophages
pars plana incisions in four eyes during PPV included containing intracellular vacuoles. In two specimens it
fibrovascular ingrowth in four eyes and fibrous tissue was difficult to tell whether the vacuoles contained
ingrowth in one eye. silicone oil or PFO because both substances were used
Mietz et al145 described the light and ultrastructural at the time of initial surgery. Energy dispersive
findings in two epiretinal membranes that were spectroscopy was performed and the material within
obtained by PPV from two eyes that were previously the vacuoles was identified as PFO because of the
operated by PPV and silicone oil with daunomycin. absence of a ‘silicone spike’.
The membranes were composed of new collagen, Periretinal proliferations, including epiretinal and
fibrocytes and macrophages. Only one specimen had retroretinal membranes and proliferative
RPE and fibrous astrocytes. Numerous silicone oil vitreoretinopathy (PVR), have become more commonly
vacuoles were observed within some macrophages and recognized complications of retinal breaks, detachment,
RPE cells as well as extracellularly in both membranes. and surgery for retinal detachment. Discussion of these
In another study146 of two enucleated eyes and a complications is beyond the scope of this paper. The
subconjunctival specimen from a third case, silicone cell types that contribute to the membranes noted in
vacuoles were observed in the anterior chamber angle, these conditions include fibrous astrocytes, retinal
retina, choroid, beneath the RPE, and in fibrous tissue pigment epithelial cells, fibrocytes, that may or may
surrounding lens debris in one eye. Silicone oil had not have myoblastic features, and Mueller cells. The
been present for at least 2 years prior to enucleation in most common cell type observed in secondary
that eye. In the other eye and the third case, specimens epiretinal membranes is the fibrous astrocyte, while
were obtained within 3 months of silicone oil injection. RPE cells predominate in PVR.31
Silicone oil cavities were observed within epiretinal
proliferation in the former, and in subconjunctival Acknowledgements
fibrovascular tissue in the latter. Eller et al147 found
evidence of silicone oil within the ventricular system Supported in part by the Independent Order of Odd
on computed tomography and magnetic resonance Fellows, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
imaging in a patient who developed glaucoma
secondary to silicone oil retinal tamponade. Brain References
imaging was done 15 months following silicone oil
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