Differentiated Thinking Tools and Strategies (Public)

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Tools and Strategies to support students at different levels of the SOLO Taxonomy Click on the highlighted templates to access,

Click on the highlighted templates to access, edit and print blank charts
Supports the SOLO Taxonomy Teacher Support Material from the Enhanced PYP: The Learner

Surface Understanding (students benefit from feedback at the Deeper, Conceptual Understanding (students benefit from feedback at the process or self-regulatory level to help them become
task level to help with knowledge acquisition, use, storage and assessment-capable learners)

One / Many Ideas (Uni- and Multi- Structural) Connecting Ideas (Relational) Going Further (Extended Abstract)
I have one / many ideas about the topic I have ideas about the topic and I can make connections between I have connected ideas and can look at them or think about them in
them a new way. I can innovate and create. I can use my knowledge to
take action

Verbs to support Define, identify, name, draw, find, label, match, recall, describe, outline, list, Sequence, classify, compare and contrast, explain causes or effects, Generalise, predict, reflect, evaluate, hypothesise, create, prove, plan,
learning outcomes follow a procedure to... analyse, make an analogy, organise, distinguish, interview, question, apply, justify, suggest, argue, compose, prioritise, design, construct, perform,
at each SOLO level. dissect, test, establish invent, conclude, criticise, debate, explain, give reasons, grade, judge,
recommend, support, test, validate

Graphic Organisers Circle maps - Defining attributes.template Pam Hook’s SOLO Hexagons Make a generalization - Use evidence to reach a
to support different Single bubble maps - Listing attributes/examples. template Venn diagrams - Similarities/differences.template 1 template 2 conclusion/generalization.
SOLO levels of Spider diagrams / Cluster maps - Attributes of an object / idea / Double bubble maps - Similarities and differences (specifying Cause-Effect-Solution - Proposing solutions, connecting with
thinking. concept. template numbers of similarities and differences). template cause/effect.
Frayer Models -- examples, non-examples, definitions and Affinity diagrams - grouping ideas based on their relationships. Force field analysis - For and Against analysis (Good for decision
characteristics. template Mind maps - showing connections, hierarchy and attributes. making). template
Tree diagram or branching key - showing possible outcomes of SWOT analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities, Threats
Project Zero Visible Thinking Routines: events. template 1 template 2 template 3 (Good for decision making). template
Connect-Extend-Challenge - Connecting new ideas to prior Concept maps - Breaks down concepts into component ideas and Priorities grids - Quadrant map of urgent/important (Good for
knowledge. shows the relationships between ideas. decision making). Template
Questions Starts - For furthering inquiry: Now we know ----, what Matrix/ Quadrant maps - Mapping two attributes (similar to the Futures Wheels - Consequences of single events / domino effect.
else can we find out? progress--achievement quadrant from MAP testing). template template
Think - Puzzle - Explore - Setting the stage for inquiry. Priming Bridge maps - Showing relationships between ideas.
students and activating prior knowledge. Diamond/Triangle ranking - Ranking based on specific criteria. Project Zero Visible Thinking Routines:
What Makes you Say That? - Using descriptions of what can be Triangle template diamond template Headlines - Capturing the ‘essence’ of a concept; summarizing and
seen to build an explanation. Timelines - Chronological order of events. template 1 template 2 making conclusions.
Circle of Viewpoints - Exploring diverse perspectives. Timeline with overlapping events / Gantt Charts - template 3-2-1 Bridge - Taking a stance and justifying it with evidence-based
Creative Questions - Expand and deepen students’ thinking, to Flow charts - Sequencing events. reasoning.
encourage students’ curiosity and increase their motivation to Cycle charts - Sequencing events. template Peel the Fruit - Tracking and Guiding Understanding and inquiry.
inquire. Storyboards - Sequencing and planning events. Question Sorts - Identifying powerful questions to further inquiry
Fishbone diagram - Shows possible causes of a specific effect. and deepen understanding.
De Bono’s Thinking Hats: PMI - Plus, Minus, Interesting evaluation tool. template Layers - Structuring analysis of creative works.
Focusing on bringing in ideas: Futures Wheels - Consequences of single events / domino effect. Circle of Viewpoints - Exploring diverse perspectives.
White Hat - Collecting the acts template Here - Now / There -Then - Considering presentist attitudes and
Red Hat - Recording emotions and feelings Critical path analysis - Identifies the activities necessary to judgements.
complete a task, including identifying the time necessary to finish Making It Fair - Now, Then, Later - Generating and evaluating
each activity and the relationships between the activities. template possible action.
The Reporter’s Notebook - Separating facts and feelings to make
a judgement.
Project Zero Visible Thinking Routines: Creative Questions - Expand and deepen students’ thinking, to
Connect-Extend-Challenge - Connecting new ideas to prior encourage students’ curiosity and increase their motivation to
knowledge. inquire.
The Explanation Game - Exploring causal understanding. Does It Fit? - Effectively flesh out and evaluate options,
3-2-1 Bridge - Taking a stance and justifying it with evidence-based alternatives, and choices in a decision-making situation.
reasoning. Options Diamond - Decision making when different factors pull
CSI: Colour - Symbol - Image - Capturing essence non-verbally. strongly in opposite directions.

Michael Hughes @HughesT0KY0, Seisen International School, Tokyo. Updated March 2019.
Tools and Strategies to support students at different levels of the SOLO Taxonomy Click on the highlighted templates to access, edit and print blank charts
Supports the SOLO Taxonomy Teacher Support Material from the Enhanced PYP: The Learner

Generate - Sort - Connect - Elaborate - Organising thoughts Step Inside: Perceive, Know about, Care about - explore
through concept mapping. different perspectives and viewpoints as they try to imagine things,
Peel the Fruit - Tracking and Guiding Understanding and inquiry. events, problems, or issues differently.
Question Sorts - Identifying powerful questions to further inquiry
and deepen understanding. De Bono’s Thinking Hats:
Layers - Structuring analysis of creative works. Focusing on extending ideas:
Circle of Viewpoints - Exploring diverse perspectives. Blue Hat - The metacognition hat - Is everyone using the hats the
Here - Now / There -Then - Considering presentist attitudes and correct way?
judgements. Green Hat - Thinking in a new way, thinking about multiple
Creative Hunt - Analysing/breaking into component parts. perspectives

De Bono’s Thinking Hats:

Focusing on connecting ideas:
Yellow Hat - The benefits / positives
Black Hat - The drawbacks, cautions and negatives

Key Concept Question Scaffolds

Question Key:
Michael Hughes @HughesT0KY0, Seisen International School, Tokyo. Updated March 2019.
Tools and Strategies to support students at different levels of the SOLO Taxonomy Click on the highlighted templates to access, edit and print blank charts
Supports the SOLO Taxonomy Teacher Support Material from the Enhanced PYP: The Learner

(f) = factual - Gathering and remembering facts and ideas

(c) = potentially conceptual - Analysing the big ideas
(d) = potentially debatable - Evaluating perspectives and developing theories

Surface Questions will encourage learners to gather information Deeper, Conceptual Questions will encourage learners to analyse the concepts and make connections between them. Debatable
and facts about the topic or concept. questions will help learners to consider different and new perspectives as well as develop theories.

One / Many Ideas (Uni- and Multi- Structural) Connecting Ideas (Relational) Going Further (Extended Abstract)
I have one / many ideas about the topic/concept I have ideas about the topic/concept and I can make connections I have connected ideas and can look at them or think about them in
between them a new way. I can innovate and create. I can use my knowledge to
take action

Verbs to support Define, identify, name, draw, find, label, match, recall, describe, outline, list, Sequence, classify, compare and contrast, explain causes or effects, Generalise, predict, reflect, evaluate, hypothesise, create, prove, plan,
learning outcomes follow a procedure to... analyse, make an analogy, organise, distinguish, interview, question, apply, justify, suggest, argue, compose, prioritise, design, construct, perform,
at each SOLO level. dissect, test, establish invent, conclude, criticise, debate, explain, give reasons, grade, judge,
recommend, support, test, validate

❏ What is…? (f) ❏ What are the components of….? (f) ❏ What is/are the best kind of ….? (c) (d)
❏ What does …. look/sound/feel like? (f) ❏ What are different kinds of …. ? (f) ❏ What makes a good …. ? (c) (d)
Form ❏ What are the main ….? (f) ❏ How is/are ….. alike and different? (f) (c) ❏ What are some good/bad examples of …. ? (c) (d)
What is is like? ❏ What is …. made up of? (f) ❏ What are the connections between …. and ….? (f) ❏ What are the most/least important …. ? (c) (d)
(c) ❏ How can …. be improved? (c) (d)
❏ What will …. be like in the future? (c) (d)

❏ What are the basic rules of ….? (f) ❏ How does …. work in a system? (f) (c) ❏ What are the possible problems with …. ? (c) (d)
❏ How does …. work? (f) ❏ How does …. work in a local, national, global ❏ How can …. be improved? (c) (d)
❏ What is the purpose of …. ? (f) (c) setting? (f) (c) ❏ What would happen if …… was removed from the
How does it
❏ What can … be used for? (f) ❏ What are some similar uses of … ? (f) (c) system? (c) (d)
❏ How do the component parts of …. work? (f) (c) ❏ What would happen if …. Was added to the
❏ How can people show …. ? (f) (c) system? (c) (d)
❏ What information does …. give us? (f) (c)

❏ How has …. changed over time? (f) ❏ How are the causes of …. and …. ❏ What was/were the deciding factor(s) in …. ? (c)
Causation / ❏ What/who caused/causes …. ? (f) (c) similar/different? (f) (c) (d) (d)
Change ❏ What is/are the motivating factors for …. ? (f) ❏ What caused …. to change from …. to …. ? (f) (c) ❏ What was/were the main causes of …. ? (c) (d)
What causes (d) ❏ What was the most severe consequence of …. ?
something to ❏ How can the changes of … be categorized? (f) (c) (c) (d)
happen/change? ❏ What are/were the phases/stages of change? (f) ❏ What was the biggest effect of ….? (c) (d)
(c) ❏ When was/is the best/perfect time for ….? (c) (d)

Perspective ❏ What is your perspective on …. ? (f) (c) ❏ What has shaped your perspective on …. ? (f) (c) ❏ Why has …. influenced your perspective on …. ?
What are the ❏ What is one/many point(s) of view? (f) (c) ❏ How are the points of view similar or different? (f) (c)
points of view? ❏ What is an opposing point of view to …. ? (f) (c) (c) ❏ What has caused your perspective on …. to
❏ What are the local, national, global perspectives? ❏ How has ………….’s perspective changed over change? (c)
(f) time? (f) (c) ❏ How is this perspective helpful/harmful? (c) (d)
Michael Hughes @HughesT0KY0, Seisen International School, Tokyo. Updated March 2019.
Tools and Strategies to support students at different levels of the SOLO Taxonomy Click on the highlighted templates to access, edit and print blank charts
Supports the SOLO Taxonomy Teacher Support Material from the Enhanced PYP: The Learner

❏ How are local, national and/or global perspectives ❏ Who is right/wrong? (c) (d)
alike and/or different? (f) (c) ❏ How do the values/beliefs of …. influence their
❏ What are the pros and cons of this point of view? perspective? (c) (d)
(f) (c) (d) ❏ Who should decide whether …. ? (c) (d)
❏ Why do(es) ……. think this? (f) (c) ❏ How can we test/validate this perspective? (c)
❏ What has caused somebody to think this way? (f)
❏ What are the implications of …. for different
people? (f) (c) (d)

❏ What are one/many similarities/differences …. ? ❏ What are the reasons for the ❏ What generalizations can we make? (f)(c)(d)
(f) similarities/differences …. ? (f)(c) ❏ What is the significance of the connections?(f)(c)
❏ What are some other things with the same ❏ Why/how are the things/issues alike? (f)(c) (d)
properties? (f) (c) ❏ How does (an issue/problem) affect (a ❏ What action could you or others take to …. ? (c)
What are the
❏ Where is this an issue/problem? (f) (c) person/people/a place) - locally, nationally, (d)
❏ What are some other issues with the same globally? (f)(c)(d)
problems? (f) (c)

❏ What are our responsibilities …. ? (f) ❏ What do you need to consider when making a ❏ Who should decide/influence …. ? (c)(d)
❏ What are the local, national, global decision about …. ? Why?(f) (c) (d) ❏ What action could you or others take to …. ? (c)
responsibilities? (f) (c) ❏ How are local, national, global responsibilities (d)
What is our
❏ What can people do to help …. ? (f) (c) different? Why are they different?(f) (c) ❏ Who has the most responsibility toward …. ? (c)
responsibility? (d)
❏ What can people do to prevent …. ? (f) (c) ❏ Who has similar/different responsibilities? Why?
(f) (c)

The following matrix is only to be used as a general guide and is not necessarily true for all questions. For example ‘What does a good haircut look like?’ requires knowledge of what a haircut is,
evaluation and judgement. It is a debatable question and more likely an extended abstract question than a uni/multistructural question, as the question starter ‘What does…’ indicates here.

Is/Does? Has/Did/Was Can? Would/Could? Will? Should? Might?

Defining/Describing Recalling/Describing Exploring Exploring Predicting Reasoning Imagining
(present tense) (past tense) possibilities probabiltiesl

Michael Hughes @HughesT0KY0, Seisen International School, Tokyo. Updated March 2019.
Tools and Strategies to support students at different levels of the SOLO Taxonomy Click on the highlighted templates to access, edit and print blank charts
Supports the SOLO Taxonomy Teacher Support Material from the Enhanced PYP: The Learner


*Adapted from Wiederhold (1991) and Hook (2018)

Michael Hughes @HughesT0KY0, Seisen International School, Tokyo. Updated March 2019.

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