Iste Checklist

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ISTE Standards Checklist


Standards Indicator Date Observed

Empowered Learner
Student utilizes technology to customize their learning
Students leverage technology to take an active role in
experience by choosing objectives and methods of
choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in
demonstrating their learning.
their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
Digital Citizen
Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and Student has demonstrated good digital citizenship, respecting
opportunities of living, learning and working in an copyright and fair use, avoiding plagiarism, and interacting
interconnected digital world, and they act and model in online in a safe, appropriate manner.
ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
Knowledge Constructor
Students critically curate a variety of resources using Student has demonstrated the ability to conduct research,
digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative selecting credible academic sources, and utilizing technology to
artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for organize to knowledge obtained through their research.
themselves and others.
Innovative Designer
Student has demonstrated the ability to use technology to
Students use a variety of technologies within a design
develop a design process to solve complex, open-ended
process to identify and solve problems by creating new,
questions with imaginative solutions.
useful or imaginative solutions.
Computational Thinker
Student has demonstrated the ability to utilize technology to
Students develop and employ strategies for understanding
collect and identify data and extract key information to gain
and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of
deeper understanding of complex concepts ad problems.
technological methods to develop and test solutions.
Creative Communicator
Students communicate clearly and express themselves Student has modeled effective ways to demonstrate their
creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, knowledge clearly, concisely, and creatively using technology to
tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their create infographics, videos, presentations, and other media.
Global Collaborator
Student has demonstrated the ability to work effectively with a
Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives
team of their peers as well as with online communities consisting
and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and
of culturally diverse peers or experts in the community.
working effectively in teams locally and globally.

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