3.1.1 Foreword: 3.1 TOOLS

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3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Foreword

This Service Manual is designed to familiarize the The Operation and Maintenance Manual must be
user with the machine and its designated use. supplemented by the respective national rules and
regulations for accident prevention and environ-
The documentation relating to the machine is listed mental protection.
according to scope, quantity and language in the
shipping note of the machine or in the covering The Operation and Maintenance Manual must
letter if supplied separately. The Operation and always be available in the operator's cab of the
Maintenance Manual and spare-parts list are machine.
marked with the serial number of the machine.
The Operation and Maintenance Manual must be
On taking receipt of the consignment, please read and put into practice by any person in charge
check that the documentation is complete and in of carrying out work with or on the machine, such
the correct language. as

- operation, including setting-up, troubleshooting

The Operation and Maintenance Manual contains in the course of work, care, evacuation of produc-
important information on how to operate the ma- tion waste and disposal of fuels and consuma-
chine safely, properly and with maximum efficien- bles.
cy. Observing these instructions helps to prevent
hazardous situations, to reduce repair costs and - maintenance (inspection, servicing, repair)
downtimes and to increase the reliability and ser-
vice life of the machine. - transport.

In addition to the Operation and Maintenance

Manual and the mandatory rules and regulations
for accident prevention and environmental protec-
tion in the user's country and at the place where
the machine is to be used, the generally recog-
nized technical rules for safe and proper working
must be observed.

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3.1.2 Safety

Warnings and symbols Fitted with other attachments, the excavator can
also be used as a special-purpose machine, e.g.
The following signs are used in the manual to des- with a grab. Further detailed information can be
ignate instructions of particular importance: found in the Technical Specifications.

Operating the machine within the limits of the des-

ignated use also involves observing the instruc-
Precautionary rules and measures
tions set out in the Operation and Maintenance
designed to protect the machine
Manual and complying with the inspection and
operator and other persons from
maintenance directives.
life-threatening danger or injuries
and to prevent extensive damage.

Using the excavator or its attach-

ments for purposes other than or
extending beyond those stated
Information and precautionary above, e.g.:
measures designed to prevent
damage to the machine or other  for lifting or transporting persons
property.  as a working platform
 for lifting crane loads without the
equipment being approved for
this purpose
DESIGNATED USE  or driving in posts, supports,
sheet-piles etc. without the
The machine has been built in accordance with equipment being approved for
state-of-art standards and the recognized safety this purpose
rules. Nevertheless, its use may constitute a risk to
is considered contrary to the des-
life and limb for the user or third parties or cause
damage to the machine and to other Material ignated use.
property. Improper use may involve a life-
threatening risk for operators or
The machine must be used only in technically per- other personnel or may cause inju-
fect condition in accordance with its designated ry or extensive damage.
use and the instructions set out in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual, and only by safety-
conscious persons who are fully aware of the risks
involved in operating the machine. Any functional The manufacturer/supplier cannot be held liable for
disorders, especially those affecting the safety of any damage resulting from other than the desig-
the machine, should therefore be rectified immedi- nated use. The risk involved in such misuse lies
ately. with the user.

The excavator with backhoe or loading bucket Noise emission specifications are outlined in the
attachment is designed solely for excavating and Operation and Maintenance Manual.
- excavated soils,
- sand,
- gravel,
- blasted rock,
- ore,
- coal,
and other raw materials.

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Organisational measures operation, stop the machine immediately and re-

port the malfunction to the competent authori-
The Operation and Maintenance Manual must ty/person.
always be at hand at the place of use of the ma-
chine, e.g. by stowing them in the place provided Never make any modifications,
for such purpose. additions or conversions which
might affect safety without the
In addition to the operating instructions, observe supplier's approval. This also ap-
and instruct the user In all other generally applica- plies to the installation and ad-
ble legal and other mandatory regulations relevant justment of safety devices and
to accident prevention and environmental protec- valves as well as to welding work
tion. on load-bearing elements.
These compulsory regulations may also deal with
the handling of hazardous substances, issuing
and/or wearing of personal protective equipment or Spare parts must comply with the technical re-
traffic regulations. quirements specified by the manufacturer. Spare
parts from original equipment manufacturers can
The Operation and Maintenance Manual must be be relied on to do so.
supplemented by instructions covering the duties
involved in supervising and notifying special organ- Replace hydraulic hoses within stipulated and
isational features, such as job organisation, work- appropriate intervals, even if no safety-relevant
ing sequences or the personnel entrusted with the defects have been detected.
Adhere to prescribed intervals or those specified in
Personnel entrusted with work on the machine the Operation and Maintenance Manual for routine
must have read the Operation and Maintenance checks and inspections.
Manual and in particular the chapter on safety
before beginning work. Reading the instructions For the execution of maintenance work, tools and
after work has begun is too late. This applies es- workshop equipment adapted to the task on hand
pecially to persons working only occasionally on are absolutely indispensable.
the machine, e.g. during setting up or mainte-
nance. The personnel must be familiar with the location
and operation of fire extinguishers.
Check - at least from time to time - whether the
personnel is carrying out the work in compliance Observe all fire-warning and fire-fighting proce-
with the Operation and Maintenance Manual and dures.
paying attention to risks and safety factors.

For reasons of security, long hair must be tied

back or otherwise secured, garments must be
close-fitting and no jewellery, such as rings, may
be worn. Injury may result from being caught up in
the machinery or from rings catching on moving

Use protective equipment wherever required by

the circumstances or by law.

Observe all safety instructions and warnings at-

tached to the machine.

See to it that safety instructions and warnings at-

tached to the machine are always complete and
perfectly legible.

In the event of safety-relevant modifications or

changes in the behaviour of the machine during

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Selection and qualification of person- Safety instructions governing specific

nel - basic responsibilities operational phases
Any work on and with the machine must be exe- Standard operation
cuted by reliable personnel only. Statutory mini-
mum age limits must be observed. Avoid any operational mode that might be prejudi-
cial to safety.
Employ only trained or instructed staff and set out
clearly the individual responsibilities of the person- Before beginning work, familiarize yourself with the
nel for operation, set-up, maintenance and repair. surroundings and circumstances of the site, such
as obstacles in the working area and the bearing
Make sure that only authorized personnel works capacity of the soil.
on or with the machine.
Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the
Define the machine operator's responsibilities giv- machine is in a safe and reliable state.
ing the operator the authority to refuse instructions
by third parties that are contrary to safety. Operate the machine only if all protective and safe-
ty-oriented devices, such as removable safety
Do not allow persons to be trained or instructed or devices, emergency shut-off equipment, sound-
persons taking part in a general training course to proofing elements and exhausts, are in place and
work on or with the machine without being perma- fully functional.
nently supervised by an experienced person.
Check the machine at least once per working shift
Work on the electrical system and equipment of for obvious damage and defects. Report any
the machine must be carried out only by a skilled changes (incl. changes in the machine's working
electrician or by instructed persons under the su- behaviour) to the competent organisation/person
pervision and guidance of a skilled electrician and immediately. If necessary, stop the machine im-
in accordance with electrical engineering rules and mediately and lock it.
In the event of malfunction, stop the machine im-
Work on chassis and brake systems must be per- mediately and lock it. Have any defects rectified
formed by skilled personnel only, which has been immediately.
specially trained for such work.
Start the machine from the driver's seat only.
Work on hydraulic systems must be carried out
only by personnel with special knowledge and During start-up and shut-down procedures always
experience of hydraulic equipment. watch the indicators in accordance with the Opera-
tion and Maintenance Manual.

Before setting the machine in motion, make sure

that nobody is at risk.

Before starting work or travelling with the machine,

check that braking, signalling and lighting systems
are fully functional.

Before setting the machine in motion always check

that the accessories have been safely stowed

In conditions of poor visibility and after dark always

switch on the lighting system.

When crossing underpasses and bridges or when

passing under overhead fines always make sure
that there is sufficient clearance.

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Always keep a distance from the working face and Special work in conjunction with utili-
from slopes. sation of the machine - maintenance
Avoid any operation that might be a risk to ma- and repairs during operation - disposal
chine stability. of parts and consumables

Never travel across slopes; always keep the work- Observe the adjusting, maintenance and inspec-
ing equipment and the load close to the ground, tion activities and intervals set out in the Operation
especially when travelling downhill. and Maintenance Manual, including information on
the replacement of parts and equipment. These
On sloping terrain always adapt your travelling activities may be executed by skilled personnel
speed to the prevailing ground conditions. only.

Before leaving the driver's seat always secure the Brief operating personnel before beginning special
machine against inadvertent movement and unau- Operation and maintenance work, and appoint a
thorized use. Shut off the engine. person to supervise the activities.

In any work concerning the operation, conversion

or adjustment of the machine and its safety-
oriented devices or any work related to mainte-
nance, inspection and repair, always observe the
start-up and shut-down procedures set out in the
Operation and Maintenance Manual and the infor-
mation on maintenance work.

Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately


If the machine is completely shut down for mainte-

nance and repair work, it must be secured against
inadvertent starting by:

- removing the ignition key and

- attaching a warning sign.

Carry out maintenance and repair work only if the

machine is positioned on stable and level ground
and has been secured against inadvertent move-

To avoid the risk of accidents, individual parts and

large assemblies being moved for replacement
purposes should be carefully attached to lifting
tackle and secured. Use only suitable and techni-
cally perfect lifting gear and suspension systems
with adequate lifting capacity. Never work or stand
under suspended loads.

The fastening of loads and the instructing of crane

operators should be entrusted to experienced per-
sons only. The marshaller giving the instructions
must be within sight or sound of the operator.

For carrying out overhead assembly work always

use specially designed or otherwise safety-
oriented ladders and working platforms. Never use
machine parts as a climbing aid.

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Wear a safety harness when carrying out mainte-

nance work at greater heights. Warning of special dangers
Keep all handles, steps, handrails, platforms, land-
ings and ladders free from dirt, snow and ice.
Electric energy
Clean the machine, especially connections and Use only original fuses with the
threaded unions, of any traces of oil, fuel or pre- specified current rating. Switch off
servatives before carrying out maintenance/repair. the machine immediately if trouble
Never use aggressive detergents. Use lint-free occurs in the electrical system.
cleaning rags.
When working with the machine,
Before cleaning the machine with water, steam jet maintain a safe distance from
(high-pressure cleaning) or detergents, cover or overhead electric lines. If work is
tape up all openings which - for safety and func- to be carried out close to overhead
tional reasons - must be protected against water, lines, the working equipment must
steam or detergent penetration. Special care must be kept well away from them.
be taken with electric motors and switch-gear cab-
Caution, danger!
Ensure during cleaning of the machine that the
temperature sensors of the fire-warning and fire- Check out the prescribed safety
fighting systems do not come into contact with hot distances.
cleaning agents as this might activate the fire-
fighting system.
If your machine comes into contact
After cleaning remove all covers and tapes applied with a live wire
for that purpose.

After cleaning, examine all fuel, lubricant, brake do not leave the machine
and hydraulic fluid lines for leaks, loose connec- drive the machine out of the hazard
tions, chafe marks and damage. Any defect found zone.
must be rectified without delay.
warn others against approaching
Always tighten any screwed connections that have and touching the machine
been loosened during maintenance and repair.
have the live wire de-energized
Any safety devices removed for set-up, mainte- do not leave the machine until the
nance or repair purposes must be refitted and damaged or contacted line has
checked immediately upon completion of mainte- been safely de-energized.
nance and repair work.

Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts The electrical equipment of ma-
are disposed of safely and with minimum environ- chines is to be inspected and
mental impact. checked at regular intervals. De-
fects such as loose connections or
scorched cables must be rectified

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Gas, dust, steam and smoke Noise

Operate internal combustion en- During operation, all sounds baf-
gines and fuel-operated heating fles of the machine must be
systems only on adequately venti- closed.
lated premises. Before starting the
Always wear the prescribed ear
machine on enclosed premises,
make sure that there is sufficient
Observe the regulations in force at
the respective site.
Carry out welding, flame-cutting
Oil, grease and other chemi-
and grinding work on the machine cal substances
only if this has been expressly When handling oil, grease or other
authorized, as there may be a risk chemical substances, observe the
of explosion and fire. product-related safety regulations.
Before carrying out welding, flame- Be careful when handling hot con-
cutting and grinding Operation, sumables (risk of burning or scald-
clean the machine and its sur- ing).
roundings from dust and other
inflammable substances and make
sure that the premises are ade-
quately ventilated (risk of explo-
sion). Transporting and recommis-
The machine must be loaded and
transported only in accordance
Hydraulic equipment with the Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual.
Check all lines, hoses and screwed
connections regularly for leaks and Use only appropriate means of
obvious damage. Repair damage transport and lifting gear of ade-
immediately. Splashed oil may quate capacity.
cause injury and fire.
The recommissioning procedure
Depressurize all system sections must be strictly in accordance with
and pressure pipes (hydraulic sys- the Operation and Maintenance
tem) to be removed in accordance Manual.
with the specific instructions for
the unit concerned before carrying
out any repair work.
Hydraulic lines must be laid and
fitted properly. Ensure that no
connections are interchanged. The
fittings, length and quality of the
hoses must comply with the tech-
nical requirements.

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3.1.3 General

This Service Manual contains information in addi- The Service Manual is not subject to technical
tion to the Operation and Maintenance Manual updates after delivery.
and the Spare Parts List, to familiarize the per- Technical modifications, which are introduced after
sonnel with the designated use, maintenance and delivery of the machine may possibly also be in-
repair of the CAT excavator. corporated in machines which are already in oper-
The information in the SERVICE MANUAL corre- In this case there will normally be no automatic
sponds to the standard technical specification of update of already supplied Service Manuals.
the machine when it was delivered.
All Caterpillar Global Mining HMS manuals are
All sketches and drawings show principles. They issued in German and then translated. Even a
do not necessarily represent the actual design of good translation may give rise to questions which
the machine and are not to be used for manufac- Caterpillar Global Mining HMS GmbH will be
turing. pleased to answer. Please contact Your local CAT
dealer or Your Caterpillar subsidiary.
Special equipment is normally not considered.
The production of the SERVICE MANUAL was
done in great thoroughness.
If still clarification is required or errors are found
please contact Your local CAT dealer or Your
Caterpillar subsidiary.

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Application of Gleitmo 815

3.1.4 Corrosion protection for pins
and bearings Clean off grease, oil, dirt and corrosion protection
agents from pins and bearings using white spirit or
diesel fuel.
Corrosion protection for pins and bearings (bush-
ing and hubs)
Rust patches must be thoroughly removed, if any.

Use Gleitmo 815 anti-corrosive All parts must present a dry, bright metal surface.
agent only.
Apply a thin layer of Gleitmo 815 on pins and all
Other agents are not approved by
bearings using a brush or a spray can. Pin shafts
Caterpillar Global Mining HMS
and bearings must be completely covered by the
GmbH. protective layer.

If the protective layer of a pin already treated with

All pins and bearings (bushings and hubs) of the Gleitmo 815 is damaged, these areas must be
working equipment or in equipment components touched up before fitting the part.
must be treated with Gleitmo 815 anticorrosive
agent before fitting. Fitting and securing of pins

If the pin is too heavy to be fitted manually, apply

Gleitmo 815: Gleitmo 815 at first only at. a quarter of the pin’s
 permits easy fitting and dismantling
Then position pin by means of a lifting gear ready
for fitting.
 protects against rust, oxidation and similar
wear Apply Gleitmo 815 on the remaining length of pin
shaft, fit pin and secure.
 prevents seizing and fretting corrosion in
non-moving parts of bearings.

This is achieved by aluminium and copper particles

forming a protective layer on the metal. This layer
removes surface irregularities and does not sweat,
seize or harden.

Part Nos. for Gleitmo 815:

2 764 305

Available from the Caterpillar Global Mining HMS

Spare-Parts Service

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