User Manual Automatic PFCs PCRJ8 14

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// ENG

// User Manual
// PFC ControllerPCRJ

Automatic PFC systems

all Series


01 01/07/207 REVISION UPDATE
02 17/09/2018 REVISION UPDATE

Identification Technical editing Verified by Approved by

Ing. Lorenzo Cassaresi Ing. Massimo Cassaresi Sig. Fabiano Bagnoli

____________________ ___________________ ________________

©2018 Telegroup S.r.l.

The contents of this manual are protected by copyright
owned by the publisher; reproduction is forbidden (also
partial) without authorization.
The information contained in this manual is accurate,
but we accept no responsibility for any errors or errors
omissions. The manufacturer also reserves the right to make
design changes

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1.1. Purpose of the Instruction Manual 5
1.2. Recipients 6
1.3. Storage of the Instruction Manual 6
1.4. Definitions and pictograms 6 ... 7
2.1. Transport and storage 9
2.2. Positioning 9
2.3. Installation 9
2.4. Operation and Maintenance 10
3.1. Manufacturer Identification 10
3.2. Product Identification 10
3.3. Statement 11
3.4. Safety Standards 12
3.5. Warranty 12
4.1. Environmental conditions 13
4.2. Electromagnetic environment 13
4.3. Technical data of the equipment 14
4.4. Sound emissions 14
5.1. Inspection of the unit 14
5.2. Connection 14 ... 14
6.1. Operating instructions for the PCRJ8 controller 18 ... 59
8.1. Intended use 61
8.2. Contraindications for use 61
9.1 Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance 62..64
9.2 Assistance 65

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Wiring Diagram
Declarations of conformity
Test certificate
Warranty certificate

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1.1. Purpose of the Instruction Manual
This instruction manual is an integral part of the entire range of automatic power factor correction panels
and is intended to provide all the information necessary for:
Know the product and its operation
Know the expected operating modes and limits of use
To sensitize operators correctly to security issues;
The correct installation;
Its correct and in safety conditions;
Perform scheduled maintenance operations correctly and safely;
To dismantle the product in safety conditions and in compliance with the regulations in force to protect
the health of workers and the environment

The managers of the company departments, where this machine will be installed, have
the obligation, according to current regulations, to read carefully the contents of this
document and to make it read to the conductors and maintenance workers, for the
parts that to them
compete. The time spent for this purpose will be largely rewarded by the correct
operation of the machine and its use in safety conditions

This document assumes that in the places, where the product has been destined, the current rules of safety and
hygiene of the work are observed.
The instructions, drawings and documentation contained in this Manual are of a reserved technical nature, strictly
owned by the manufacturer and can not be reproduced in any way, either fully or partially.
The Instruction Manual must accompany the product for its life time in all the passages of property that the same
may have therefore must be favored a good conservation handling it with care, avoiding contact with fats, dirt and
aggressive substances.
The manual must be kept intact, must not be removed, torn or arbitrarily modified any of its parts, must be stored in
an environment protected from moisture and heat, in the vicinity of the product to which it refers.
The first page shows the revision index of the instruction manual with the descriptions of the changes made in the
various revisions.
The sequence of the chapters responds to the temporal logic of the product life.
Telegroup S.r.l. having the responsibility to ensure that they are actually present in the points of use, only the
updated versions of the Manual make available the updated versions of the manual on the Site

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1.2 Recipients

The manual in question is addressed to Installers, Operators, Maintenance Managers and to all personnel
who can intervene or interface with the machine at any level.

It is divided into autonomous chapters aimed at specific figures for which the skills have been defined,
necessary to operate on the machine in safe conditions.
The machine is an appliance intended for industrial use, and therefore professional and not generalized, so
its use can only be entrusted to qualified technical personnel who:
has reached the age of majority (18),
both physically and mentally fit to perform work of particular technical difficulty,
has been adequately instructed on the use and maintenance of the machine,
has been judged by the entrepreneur to perform the task assigned to him,
be able to understand and interpret the operator's manual and safety instructions,
know the emergency procedures and their implementation,
possess the ability to operate the specific type of equipment,
is familiar with the specific rules of the case,
understood the operating procedures outlined by the manufacturer.

1.3 Storage of the instruction manual

The Instruction Manual must be kept with care and must accompany the product in all the steps of
Storage should be taken care of with dirty care.
They must be removed, torn or arbitrarily modified from the parts.
The Manual should be stored in an environment protected from humidity and heat and in the vicinity of the
product to which it refers.

1.4 Definitions and pictograms

To facilitate the immediacy of the comprehension of the text in this paragraph the meaning of terms, abbreviations
and pictograms used in the manual is clarified. Their use allows to quickly and univocally provide the information
necessary for the correct use of the machine in safety conditions.
INSTALLER: One who mounts and installs a machine and follows the entire process that goes from the arrival to
the destination of the components to the subsequent installation at the customer, to final testing and signing of
acceptance documents, possibly coordinating a team of men with specializations different.
The figure, in detail, has the task of:

assemble the machine following the drawing and using the components at its disposal;
provide, during installation at the customer's site, the setting up and adjustment of the machine or system;

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OPERATOR: The person in charge of installing, operating, regulating, cleaning, repairing and moving a machine
and carrying out its maintenance;
DANGER: A potential source of injury or damage to health;
HAZARDOUS AREA: Any area inside and / or near a machine where the presence of a person constitutes a risk to
the safety and health of that person;
EXPOSED PERSON: Any person who is completely or partially in a dangerous area;
RISK: Combination of the likelihood and severity of an injury or damage to health that may arise in a dangerous
PROTECTIVE DEVICE: Device (other than a guard) which reduces the risk, alone or associated with a guard;
INTENDED USE: Use of the machine according to the information provided in the instructions for use;
USE INCORRECTLY REASONABLE FORCE: Use of the machine in a manner different from that indicated in the
instructions for use, but which may derive from easily predictable human behavior.
RESIDUAL RISK: Risks that remain, despite the integrated protection measures adopted in the machine design
and in spite of the protections and protection measures
complementary measures adopted.
intended to perform a security function;
whose failure and / or malfunction jeopardizes the safety of persons. (eg lifting gear, fixed, movable, adjustable,
etc. protector, electrical, electronic, optical, pneumatic, hydraulic device, which asserts, ie interlock, a protector,


The descriptions preceded by this symbol contain very important information /

requirements, particularly with regard to safety. Failure to comply may result in
dangers for the safety of the operators;


• The pictograms in a triangle indicate DANGER.

• The pictograms contained in a circle impose a PROHIBITION / OBLIGATION.

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Dangerous electrical voltage

Generic danger

Read the instructions first


Before installing and starting the unit, carefully read the following user manual and safety instructions

To reduce the risk of an electric shock, perform assembly in a controlled temperature and humidity
area free of conduction contaminants.
Disconnect all connections before maintenance or repair. Before maintenance, repair or transport,
completely unplug the unit and disconnect all plugs or connectors.

2.1 Transportation and storage

Telegroup S.r.l. assumes no responsibility if the equipment is moved without the appropriate packaging,
which however does not ensure impermeability to water, dust and aggressive chemical agents
Transport the machine with lifting equipment suitable for the dimensions and weight of the machine.
Always keep in vertical position.
The appliance must always be stored inside.
During transport and storage refers to the following temperature range: -20 to + 50 ° C and, for short
periods not exceeding 24 hours, up to + 70 ° C.

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2.2 Positioning

Transferring the panel directly from a cold to a warm environment can cause condensation. Before
being installed it must be absolutely dry. Please allow an acclimatization time of at least two hours.

Do not install near water or in damp environments.

Do not install in places near heat sources.

At least 40 cm must be left to promote heat dissipation. of free space around the walls of the
equipment, naturally excluding the rear one. It is also necessary to allow the natural
circulation of air inside the cabinets, avoiding carefully placing anything against the cooling

2.3 Installation
Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. The activation of any
electrical equipment in such an environment constitutes a safety risk. Do not place the machine in an
unventilated area.
The power factor correction panel must be installed according to the instructions in this manual. Failure to
recognize the risks related to electricity could prove fatal. Please keep this instruction manual for future
User operations
The only operations allowed to the user are the following:
Activating and deactivating the unit
Use of user interfaces
Connecting the cables
These operations must be performed according to the instructions provided in this manual.
During any operation, the user must pay the utmost attention and perform only what is indicated in the
instructions. Any deviation from the instructions can be dangerous for the operator.
Position any cables so that no one can step on them or trip over them.
The machine must be operated by experienced personnel.
Never intervene on the live device,
if you also switch off without tension, use safety gloves.
Do not keep accumulated materials of any kind in the vicinity so as not to hinder the cooling of the
In case of maintenance or failure, report with a special sign that prohibits the insertion into the network.

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2.4 Operation and Maintenance

For complete disconnection of the system: if there are batteries of capacitors inserted, proceed with
their disconnection, following the instructions of "MAN mode". Open the main switch and wait at least
3 minutes for a complete discharge of the capacitors

Ensure that no foreign objects or fluids can enter the equipment.

This equipment operates at dangerous voltages, repairs must only be performed by qualified service

Disconnect the mains power supply before carrying out any service or repair. Check that there is no
dangerous voltage inside.

3.1 Identification of the manufacturer


Telegroup S.r.l.
Via L. Da Vinci, 100 - Loc. Sambuca

Tel. 055-8071267 / 8071118
Fax 055-8071338
e-mail: [email protected]
3.2 Product Identification

The panel is identified by a CE plate on which the reference data are indelibly marked.

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3.3 Statement
Telegroup S.r.l. has produced the product in compliance with the relevant Community Directives applicable at the
time of its placing on the market / first commissioning, has satisfied the relevant requirements from the applicable
directives and has provided the self-certification path for the affixing of the CE marking. Attached is a copy of the
Machine Declaration of Conformity.

The product can only be put into service if properly installed, maintained in efficiency and used in accordance with the
intended use. It is also forbidden to use it following constructive changes or additions

of other components that do not fall into ordinary or extraordinary maintenance without the product being declared again in
compliance with the requirements of the reference directives and the regulations in force.
3.4 Safety Standards

The panel was created taking into account the indications given in the safety technical standards listed below:
Concerning the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electrical
Directive 2014/35/UE
equipment intended to be used within certain voltage limits
Concerning the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
Directive 2014/30/UE
compatibility and repealing Directive 89/336 / EEC
CEI EN 61921 Power capacitors. Low voltage PFC batteries

3.5 Warranty

The product is covered by warranty, as provided for in the general sales conditions. If during the period of validity
malfunctions or faults of parts of the product occur, which fall within the cases indicated by the warranty, the
Manufacturer, after the appropriate checks, will repair or replace the defective parts.
In order to take advantage of repairs under warranty, the purchaser must in any case ship the appliance to the
manufacturer (Telegroup Srl Loc. Sambuca 50028 Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (FI)). The costs for shipping the product
to be repaired or replaced are the responsibility of the purchaser; these products are therefore supplied ex-works of
the seller.
The warranty right lapses if the faults claimed result from incorrect behavior and operations that do not comply with
the indications given in this manual, caused by the purchaser, by his employees, by third parties or by improper use
of the product:

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incorrect power supply
incorrect installation
natural events (Lightning etc. ..)
It is recalled that modifications to safety devices and systems and any intervention other than ordinary and
extraordinary maintenance, carried out without the express written authorization of the manufacturer, render the
warranty void and relieve the manufacturer from any liability for damage caused by the defective product.
For all these reasons we advise our customers to always contact our Customer Service.
For all components not manufactured by the Seller the warranty conditions of the manufacturers are valid.
With the repair or replacement of any defective parts, the seller's obligation must be deemed to have been
fulfilled, thus remaining exempt from any claim for damages.


Sheet metal cabinet FE P02 epoxy powder coated gray RAL7035 with smooth / textured finish, equipped with
slots for forced cooling of the air.

Front door for access to the internal parts interlocked to the main switch by means of a door-locking
handle; closing by locks.
Blind flange for cable passage located on the upper / lower part of the equipment.
Fixing of the equipment to the floor / wall.
General switch-disconnector with door lock and (pre-opening microswitch: switches the capacitors off, via
contactors, before the isolator contacts open - optional -).

Other features see (APPENDIX).

4.1 Environmental Conditions

The machine is suitable for operating in environments that are:
• altitude not exceeding 1000 m s.l.m .;
• temperature between 0 ° C and + 40 ° C with relative humidity not higher than 85%
It is forbidden to use the machine in environments that are:
• Excessively dusty;
• in corrosive atmosphere;
• at risk of fire;
• in an explosive atmosphere.

4.2 Electromagnetic environment

The machine is designed to operate correctly in an industrial-type electromagnetic environment, within the limits of
Emission and Immunity provided for by the following harmonized standards:
CEI EN 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments
CEI EN 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Generic standards - Emission for industrial environments

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4.3 Technical data of the equipment
On the product identification plate, the essential technical data are shown (General characteristics, Characteristics
of capacitors Characteristics of power factor correction regulators),
4.4 Sound Emissions
The A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level in the work stations does not exceed 45 db (A) during
the working phase;

5.1 Inspection of the unit
Upon receipt of the equipment it is advisable to remove the product from the packaging and check for any damage
caused by transport. If damage is found, inform the carrier responsible for the transport and your dealer. Keep the
packing carton in case the product has to be sent back to the factory for repairs.

5.2 Connection
Caution!!! The correct connection and commissioning of an automatic power factor correction device is relatively
simple, but must not in any way be entrusted to the case. As a result, the unit will not switch the capacitor banks on
or off or it will function abnormally. Since the panels are all tested and tested on site, any operating anomalies will
be due to incorrect connection and, in particular, to the incorrect positioning of the current transformer. Please
therefore follow the instructions in this manual to be followed strictly in the sequence indicated.
Thanks for your collaboration
Place the panel in a ventilated position away from sources of heat: good air circulation is one of the most important
characteristics for a correct and lasting operation. Leave a minimum space of 40 cm around the panel, so that the
air can penetrate and exit freely. Do not place the equipment in humid and dusty places unless it has been
requested with a particular degree of protection.

To assure the short-circuit withstand, it is necessary to install a three-phase fuse current regulators of the NH-aM
type, or other devices with similar characteristics, upstream of the power factor correction boards,
both with fixed current and breaking capacity higher than the supposed short-circuit current.

When Icc is not known at the installation point, the short-circuit current at the transformer secondary can be roughly taken.

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Power KVAR Icc max kA KVA Vcc% Icc kA
Da 7.5 a 40 1.5 50 4 1,8
Da 45 a 55 2.5 63 4 3,6
Da 65 a 75 8 100 4 5,77
Da 87.5 a 250 15 160 4 7,22
Da 275 a 400 20 200 4 9,02
Da 450 a 750 50 250 4 11,37
315 4 14,43
400 4 18,04
500 4 22,73
630 4 19,25
800 6 24,06
1000 6 30,07
1250 6 38,49
1600 6 48,11
2000 6 50,14

To connect an automatic PFC panel to the network, it is necessary to have a C.T. (current
transformer) having a secondary rated current of 5 or 1 A not supplied with the product but charged
to the customer.
The primary rated current of the C.T. must be chosen according to the rated current of the line
regardless of the power of the power factor correction bearing in mind that the measuring range of the
regulator current ranges from 8% to 110% of the current of the C.T. therefore, this condition must be met.
Eg: there is a circulating current of 200 / A. A T.A. will have to be chosen. whose current ranges from: 2500 A (8%
of 2500 = 200 / A) and 180A (110% of 180 A = 200 / A). It is a good rule to install a C.T. with a double primary
current that is actually circulating, therefore, in the case of the example, a C.T. will be selected. with
primary current of 400 A.

To connect the equipment to the network some simple operations are necessary that must be absolutely respected.

The sequence of the main operations necessary for this purpose can be summarized as follows:

1. Ground the secondary of C.T ..

2. Supply the equipment with cables of adequate cross-section according to the rated power.

3. Power supply: three-phase + Pe (unless otherwise requested)

4. Anchor the power cables to the main switch according to the phase sequence.

If you want to switch off the panel during operation, make sure, before opening the main switch, that you have
disconnected all the batteries, following the instructions (see MAN mode)

• The C.T. must be positioned on the phase (R - L1), upstream of the loads and the line that feeds the power
factor correction panel.

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• The phase sequence (R (L1) - S (L2) -T (L3)) must be respected when connecting the line to the power factor
correction panel.

• This condition can be easily checked with the aid of a voltmeter: by measuring, between the phase where the C.T.
(the R) and the phase anchored on the R terminal of the automatic power factor correction switch, the voltage
must be "0".

• The positioning of the C.T. It is essential for the correct functioning of the appliance. The relative diagram
is shown in the figure alongside

The following are some possible positions of the C.T.


Position 2: despite being the C.T. installed upstream, and

installed on phase L3 (T) instead of L1 (R)
Position 3: the C.T is installed on the load line!
Position 4: the C.T. it is installed on the phases that feed
the pfc!

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The insertion of an automatic power factor correction device in the presence of MV transformers. If there are
batteries of capacitors of the fixed type, on the transformers, the C.T. necessary for the control of the automatic
rephasing device to be placed downstream of the fixed capacitors.

The figure shows the connection of a power factor correction equipment in the presence of MV connected
transformers in parallel

NOTE. It is necessary to use a C.T. adder with 2 or 3 inputs depending on whether there are 2 or 3
transformers, to which the cables coming from the C.T .. must be connected. The output of the C.T. adder must
be connected to the automatic rephasing.
Set the C.T. (the ways to set this parameter are described in Appendix B) as the sum of the two or three C.T



The PCRJ8 is an automatic rephasing controller based on a microprocessor control circuit, able to
perform the insertion or disconnection of the capacitor banks necessary to reach and maintain the
average power factor set. The instrument makes a measurement with RMS value that allows operation
and correct display even in the presence of distorted waveforms. The central microprocessor unit
manages all the regulation procedures

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• Automatic microprocessor power factor regulator.
• LED display, 3-digit 7 segments.
• 4-button membrane keyboard.
• TTL-RS232 serial interface for set-up and automatic test by PC.
• Internal temperature sensor.
• Advanced functions (capacitor overload current measurement, average weekly power factor,
maximum value storage).
The appliance is set up to recognize the current direction of the C.T .. In case of cogeneration plants it
is necessary to disable this function (see advanced menu chapter) and to ensure the correct connection
of the C.T ..
The secondary of C.T. it must be connected to the ground.
A. Attention: the parameters of the PCRJ8 controller are already preset and must not be
B. The only parameters to be set by the installer are the language and the value of the primary of
the amperometric transformer (C.T). Pay close attention to the setting before pressing the
confirmation button.

First power-up
• At the time of first power up, the device may ask the user to set the clock and calendar, in case it is stopped.
• Then a window will appear asking to specify the language you want to use for navigation on the display. Press OK for direct access to the
parameter P01.01 for the selection of the language.

• Then the display will show a window asking to set the primary of the CT, which usually is the responsibility of the final installer. Even in this
case it activates a direct access to the setting of the relevant parameter P02.01. MAN

• The above procedure will be repeated every time the device is powered on, until the CT primary setting is entered in parameter P02.01.

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.6.2 Automatic power factor regulator REDUCED OPERATING MANUAL

Function of the keys
Front LED
First tensioning
Operating modes
Main menu
Password access
Browsing the display pages
Table of display pages
Harmonic analysis page
Waveforms page
Additional resources
Communication channels
Inputs, outputs, internal variables, counters
Limit thresholds
Remote variables
User alarms
Master Slave configuration
IR programming port
Parameter setting by PC
Parameter setting from front panel
Table of parameters
Description of the alarms
Properties of alarms
Alarm table
Input function table
Output function table
Measure table for analog limits and outputs
Command menu
Connection schemes
Clamping arrangement
Mechanical dimensions and panel drilling
Technical features

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The PCRJ8 automatic power factor control unit has been designed to
offer state-of-the-art functions for power factor compensation
applications. Built with dedicated components and extremely compact,
the PCRJ8 combines the modern design of the front panel with practical
installation and the possibility of expansion from the rear, where EXP
series modules can be slotted. The LCD screen provides a clear and
intuitive user interface.
• Automatic power factor controller with 8 built-in relays for capacitor
steps, expandable to 16 relays.
• 128x80 pixel, backlit LCD screen with 4 grey levels.
• 5 navigation keys for function and settings.
• Red LED indicate alarm or abnormal status.
• 10-language text for measurements, settings and messages.
• Expansion bus with 4 slots for EXP series expansion modules:
o RS232, RS485, USB, Ethernet, Profibus, GSM/GPRS
communications interface
o Additional digital I/O, static or relay outputs
o Additional analog I/O for PT100 temperature, current, voltage.
• Capability to operate with several units interconnected in Master /
Slave mode:
o Maximum configuration: Master + 8 slave.
o Max 32 step total.
o Max 16 step each unit.
o Step can be paralleled.
• Advanced programmable I/O functions.
• Fully user-definable alarms.
• High accuracy TRMS measurement.
• 3-phase + neutral mains voltage reading inputs.
• 3-phase current reading inputs.
• Front optical programming interface: galvanically isolated, high
speed, waterproof, USB and WiFi compatible.
• Calendar-clock with energy reserve.
• Memorization of last 250 events.

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Front keyboard
Key - Used to call up the main menu and to confirm a choice.
▲ and ▼ keys - Used to scroll through the display pages or to select
the list of options in a menu.
◄ key - Used to decrease a setting / selection or to exit a menu.
► key - Used to scroll through any sub-pages, or to increase a setting.

Front LEDs
Alarm LED (red) – Flashing, indicates an active alarm.

LCD display

Navigation Optical
panel for programming
measures interface
and menu

Alarm active Customization

LED label window

PCRJ8 Front panel

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First power-up
• At the time of first power up, the device may ask the user to set the
clock and calendar, in case it is stopped.
• Then a window will appear asking to specify the language you want
to use for navigation on the display. Press OK for direct access to the
parameter P01.01 for the selection of the language.

• Then the display will show a window asking to set the primary of the
CT, which usually is the responsibility of the final installer. Even in
this case it activates a direct access to the setting of the relevant
parameter P02.01.

• The above procedure will be repeated every time the device is

powered on, until the CT primary setting is entered in parameter

Operating modes
The currently selected mode is displayed in reverse at the center of the
home page. There are three possible operating modes, listed below:

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• When the unit is brand new and has never been programmed, it
automatically enters in TEST mode that allows the installer to
manually activate the individual relay outputs, so you can verify the
correct wiring of the panel.
• The activation and deactivation of the outputs is done as for the
manual mode, but without considering the reconnection time.
• Once in programming and parameters are set, the unit will
automatically exit the test mode.
• If you need to enter TEST mode after programming the unit, use the
appropriate command in the command menu.

MAN Mode
• When the unit is in manual mode, you can select one of the steps and
manually connect or disconnect it.
• From the home page, press ►. The step No. 1 is highlighted by a
box. To select the step you want, press the ◄ and ►.
• Press ▲ or ▼ to enter to disconnect the selected step.
• If the number above step is light gray, it means that the step is not
available because its reconnection time is not yet exhausted. In this
case, sending a command to close the step number will flash to
indicate that the operation has been confirmed and will be conducted
as soon as possible.
• The manual configuration of steps is maintained even in the absence
of supply voltage. When the power returns, the original state of the
steps is restored.

AUT Mode
• In automatic mode, the controller calculates the optimum
configuration of capacitor steps in order to reach the set cos ϕ.
• The selection criteria takes into account many variables such as: the
power of each step, the number of operations, the total time of use,
the reconnection time etc.
• The controller displays the imminent connection or disconnection of
the steps with the flashing of their identification number (above). The
flashing can last in cases in which the insertion of a step is not
possible due to the reconnection time (discharge time of the
• If the number above step is light gray, it means that the step is not
available because its reconnection time is not yet expired. The device
then waits for the end of the reconnection time.

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Main menu
• The main menu is made up of a group of graphic icons (shortcuts) that
allow rapid access to measurements and settings.
• Starting from normal viewing, press key. The main menu screen is
• Press ▼▲ to rotate clockwise/counter clockwise to select the required
function. The selected icon is highlighted and the central part of the
display shows the description of the function.
• Press to activate the selected function.
• If some functions are not available, the correspondent icon will be
disabled, that is shown in a light grey colour.
• etc. - Shortcuts that allow jumping to the first page of that
group. Starting from that page it is still possible to move forward-
backward in the usual way.
• - Switch the operation to manual or automatic mode.
• –Opens the password entry page, where it is possible to specify the
numeric codes that unlock protected functions (parameter setting,
commands menu).
• – Access point to the setup menu for parameter programming. See
dedicated chapter.
• – Access point to the commands menu, where the authorised user

Inserimento Pagina principale Passa in modalità

password manuale

Menu Passa in modalità

comandi Automatico

Menu impostazioni Pagina tensioni -

(Setup) correnti

Informazioni Lista eventi


Armoniche Statistiche Pagina potenze

vita step

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Password access
• The password is used to enable or lock the access to setting menu (setup) and to commands menu.
• For brand-new devices (factory default), the password management is disabled and the access is free. If
instead the passwords have been enabled and defined, then to get access, it is necessary to enter the
password first, specifying the numeric code through the keypad.
• To enable password management and to define numeric codes, see setup menu M15 Password.
• There are two access levels, depending on the code entered:
• User-Level access – Allows clearing of recorded values and the editing of a restricted number of
setup parameters.
• Advanced access level – Same rights of the user access plus full settings editing-restoring.
• From normal viewing, press to recall main menu, select the password icon and press .
• The display shows the screen in picture:

• . Keys ▲and ▼change the selected digit

• Keys ◄ and ► move through the digits.
• Enter all the digits of the numeric code, then move on the key icon.
• If the password code entered matches the User access code or the Advanced access code, then the
correspondent unlock message is shown.
• Once unlocked the password, the access rights last until:
o the device is powered off.
o the device is reset (after quitting the setup menu).
o the timeout period of two minutes elapses without any keystroke.
• To quit the password entry screen press key.

Display page navigation

• Keys ▲and ▼scroll through the measurements pages one by one. The title bar shows the current page.
• Some measurements may not be shown depending on the system

programming and connections.

• Sub-pages, which can be opened with key ►, are also available on some pages (displaying voltages and currents in the form of
bar graphs, for example).
• The user can specify which page and which sub-page the display should return to automatically when no keys have been pressed
for a certain time.
• The system can also be programmed so the display remains were it was last.
• You can set this function in menu M01 – Utility.

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Harmonic analysis page
• In the PCRJ8 it is possible to enable the calculation of the FFT harmonic analysis up to the 31st order of
the following measurements:
phase-to-phase voltages

o phase-to-neutral voltages
o currents
• For each of these measurements, there is a display page that graphically represents the harmonic content (spectrum) through a
bar graph.
• Every column is related to one harmonic order, even and odd. The first column shows the total harmonic distortion (THD).
• Every histogram bar is then divided into three parts, one each phase L1,L2, L3.
• The value of the harmonic content is expressed as a percentage with respect to the fundamental (system frequency).
• It is possible to show the harmonic content in numeric format, selecting the required order through ◄and ►. The lower part
of the screen will display a little arrow that points to the selected column, and the relative percentage value of the three

Valori numerici

The vertical scale of the graph is automatically selected among four full- scale values, depending on the column with the
highest value.

Waveform page
• This page graphically views the waveform of the voltage and current signals read by the PCRJ8.
• It is possible to see one phase at a time, selecting it with key.
• The vertical scale (amplitude) is automatically scaled in order to fit the waveform on the screen in the best possible way.
• The horizontal axis (time) shows two consecutive periods referred to the fundamental frequency.
The graph is automatically updated about every 1s

p. 25 / 43
• Thanks to expansion bus, the PCRJ8 can be expanded with EXP… series modules.
• It is possible to connect a maximum of 4 EXP… modules at the same time.
• The supported EXP modules can be grouped in the following categories:
o additional steps
o communication modules
o digital I/O modules
o Analog I/O modules.
• To insert an expansion module:
o remove the power supply to PCRJ8
o remove the protecting cover of one of the expansion slots
o insert the upper hook of the module into the fixing hole on the top of the expansion slot
o rotate down the module body, inserting the connector on the bus push until the bottom clip snaps into its housing.

• When the PCRJ8 is powered on, it automatically recognises the EXP modules that have been mounted.
• If the system configuration has changed with respect to the last saved, (one module has been added or removed), the base unit asks the user
to confirm the new configuration. In case of confirmation, the new configuration will be saved and will become effective, otherwise the
mismatch will be shown at every subsequent power-on of the system.

• The present system configuration is shown in the dedicated page of the display (expansion modules), where it is possible to see the number,
the type and the status of the modules.
• The I/O numbering is shown under each module.
The status (energised/de-energised) of every single I/O and communication channel is highlighted in reverse

Tipo dei moduli di


Numerazione e stato
delle risorse aggiuntive.
In reverse = attive

Additional resources
• The expansion modules provide additional resources that can be used through the dedicated setup menus.
• The setup menus related to the expansions are always accessible, even if the expansion modules are not physically fitted.
• Since it is possible to add more than one module of the same typology (for instance two communication interfaces), the
setup menus are multiple, identified by a sequential number.
• The following table indicates how many modules of each group can be mounted at the same time and in which slot they
can be inserted. The total number of modules must be less or equal than 4.

p. 26 / 43
EXP 10 06 4 Any
EXP 10 01 (FAST) 2 Any
EXP 10 11 RS-232 2 1,2
EXP 10 12 RS-485 2 1,2
EXP 10 13 Ethernet 1 1,2
EXP 10 14 Profibus® DP TBD TBD
EXP10 15 GSM-GPRS 1 2
DIGITAL I/O EXP 10 00 4 INPUTS 2 1,2
EXP 10 02 2 ST. OUTPUTS 4 1,2
2 C/O
EXP 10 03 RELAYS 4 Any
EXP 10 04 2 1,2
EXP 10 05 2 1,2
EXP 10 16 HARMONIC 2 1,2

Communication channels
• The PCRJ8 supports a maximum of 2 communication modules, indicated as COMn. The communication setup menu is
thus divided into two sections (n=1 … 2) of parameters for the setting of the ports.
• The communication channels are completely independent, both for the hardware (physical interface) and for the
communication protocol.
• The two channels can communicate at the same time.
• Activating the Gateway function it is possible to use a PCRJ8 with both an Ethernet port and a RS485 port, that acts as a
bridge over other PCRJ8s equipped with RS-485 only, in order to achieve a more economic configuration (only one
Ethernet port).
• In this network, the PCRJ8 with Ethernet port will be set with both communication channels (two among COM1,
COM2 and and COM3) with Gateway function set to ON, while the other PCRJ8s will be configured normally with
Gateway = OFF.

p. 27 / 43
Inputs, outputs, internal variables, counters, analog inputs
• The inputs and outputs are identified by a code and a sequence number. For instance, the digital inputs are identified by
code INPx, where x is the number of the input. In the same way, digital outputs are identified by code OUTx.
• The sequence number of I/Os is simply based on their mounting position, with a progressive numbering from left
to right.
• It is possible to manage up to 8 analog inputs (AINx), connected to external analog sensors (temperature, pressure, flow
etc). The value read from the sensors can be scaled to any unit of measure, visualized on the display and transmitted on
the communication bus. The value read from analog inputs is shown on the dedicated display page. They can be used to
drive LIMx limit thresholds, that can be linked to an internal or external output.
• The expansion I/O numbering starts from the last I/O installed on the
base unit. For example, with OUT1…OUT8 digital outputs on the base unit, the first digital output on the expansion modules will be OUT9.
See the following table for the I/O numbering:


INPx Digital Inputs - 1…8
OUTx Digital Outputs 1…8 9…16
COMx Communication ports - 1…2
AINx Analog Inputs - 1…4
AOUx Analog Outputs - 1…4

• In a similar way, there are some internal bit-variables (markers) that can be associated to the outputs or combined
between them. For instance, it is possible to apply some limit thresholds to the measurements done by the system
(voltage, current, power, etc.). In this case, an internal variable named LIMx will be activated when the measurements
will go outside the limits defined by the user through the dedicated setting menu.
• Furthermore, there are up to 8 counters (CNT1..CNT8) that can count pulses coming from an external source (through a
digital input INPx) or the number of times that a certain condition as been verified. For instance, defining a limit
threshold LIMx as the count source, it will be possible to count how many times one measurement has exceeded a
certain limit.
• The following table groups all the I/O and the internal variables managed by the PCRJ8.


LIMx Limit thresholds 1…16
REMx Remote-controlled variables 1…16
UAx User alarms 1…8
PULx Energy consumption pulses 1…3
CNTx Programmable counters 1…8

Limit thresholds (LIMx)

• The LIMn thresholds are internal variables whose status depends on the out-of-limits of one particular measurement
set by the user (e.g. total active power higher than 25kW) among all those measured.
• To make the setting of the thresholds easier, since the limits can span in a very wide range, each of them can be set using
a base number and a multiplier (for example: 25 x 1k = 25000).
• For each LIM, there are two thresholds (upper and lower). The upper threshold must always be set to a value higher than
the lower threshold.
• The meaning of the thresholds depends on the following functions:

Min function: the lower threshold defines the trip point, while the upper threshold is for the resetting. The
LIM trips when the selected measurement is less than the Lower threshold for the programmed delay. When
the measured value becomes higher than the upper setpoint, after the set delay, the LIM status is reset.
Max function: the upper threshold defines the trip point, while the lower threshold is for the resetting. The
LIM trips when the selected measurement is more than upper threshold for the programmed delay. When the
measured value decreases below the lower setpoint, after the delay, the LIM status is reset.
Max+Min function: both thresholds are for tripping. When the measured value is less than lower or more than
upper setpoints, then, after the respective delays, the LIM will trip. When the measured value returns within the
limits, the LIM status will be immediately reset.
• Trip denotes either activation or de-activation of the LIM variable, depending on „Normal status‟ setting.
• If the LIMn latch is enabled, the reset can be done only manually using the dedicated command in the commands menu.
• See setup menu M24.

p. 28 / 43
Type of Upper

Tipo di misura

Status of the Lower

Remote-controlled variables (REMx)

• PCRJ8 can manage up to 16 remote-controlled variables (REM1…REM16).
• Those are variables which status can be modified by the user through the communication protocol and that can be used
in combination with outputs.
• Example: using a remote variable (REMx) as a source for an output (OUTx), it will be possible to freely energise or de-
energise one relay through the supervision software. This allows to use the PCRJ8 relays to drive lighting or similar

User Alarms (UAx)

• The user has the possibility to define a maximum of 8 programmable alarms (UA1…UA8).
• For each alarm, it is possible to define:
o the source that is the condition that generates the alarm,
o the text of the message that must appear on the screen when this condition is met.
o The properties of the alarm (just like for standard alarms), that is in which way that alarms interacts with the power
factor correction.
• The condition that generates the alarm can be, for instance, the overcoming of a threshold. In this case, the source will
be one of the limit thresholds LIMx.
• If instead, the alarm must be displayed depending on the status of an external digital input, then the source will be an
• For every alarm, the user can define a free message that will appear on the alarm page.
• The properties of the user alarms can be defined in the same way as the normal alarms. You can choose whether a
certain alarm will disconnect the steps, close the global alarm output, etc. See chapter Alarm properties.
• When several alarms are active at the same time, they are displayed sequentially, and their total number is shown on
the status bar.
• To reset one alarm that has been programmed with latch, use the dedicated command in the commands menu.
• For details on alarm programming and definition, refer to setup menu M26.

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Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Parameter table
• Below are listed all the programming parameters in tabular form. For each
parameter are indicated the possible setting range and factory default, as well
as a brief explanation of the function of the parameter. The description of the
parameter shown on the display can in some cases be different from what is
reported in the table because of the reduced number of characters available.
The parameter code can be used however as a reference.

• Note: The parameters shown in the table with a shaded background are
essential to the operation of the system, thus they represent the minimum
programming required for operation.
M01 - UTILITY UoM Default Range
P01.01 Language English English
P01.02 Set clock at system power on OFF OFF-ON

P01.03 LCD contrast % 50 0-100

P01.04 Display backlight high intensity % 100 0-100

P01.05 Display backlight low intensity % 25 0-50

P01.06 Time to switch to low backlighting s 180 5-600

P01.07 Return to default page s 60 OFF / 10-600

P01.08 Default page main (page list)
P01.09 Plant description (empty) String 20 chr.
P01.01 – Select display text language.
P01.02 – Active automatic clock settings access after power-up.
P01.03 – Adjust LCD contrast.
P01.04 – Display backlight high adjustment.
P01.05 – Display backlight low adjustment.
P01.06 – Display backlight low delay.
P01.07 – Default page display restore delay when no key pressed. If set to OFF the display will
always show the last page selected manually.
P01.08 – Default page displayed on power-up and after delay.
P01.09 – Free text with alphanumeric identifier name of specific panel/plant. If a description is
set here, it will be shown as title of tha home page. The description will be used also
for identification after remote reporting alarms/events via SMS/E-mail.

M02 – GENERAL UoM Default Range

P02.01 CT primary A OFF OFF/1-30000
P02.02 CT secondary A 5 1
P02.03 Plant type 3-phase 3-phase
1 phase
P02.04 Current reading phase L3 L1
L1 L2 L3
P02.05 CT polarity Aut Aut
P02.06 Voltage reading phase L1-L2 L1-L2
P02.07 Smallest step power kvar 1.00 0.01 – 10000
P02.08 Capacitor rated voltage V 400 50 – 50000

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Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

P02.09 Rated frequency Hz Aut Aut

P02.10 Reconnection time s 60 1-30000
P02.11 Sensitivity s 60 1-1000
P02.12 Disconnection s OFF OFF / 1 – 600
P02.13 Setpoint cosphi 1 (standard) 0.95 IND 0.50 IND – 0.50 CAP
P02.14 Setpoint cosphi 2 0.95 IND 0.50 IND – 0.50 CAP
P02.15 Setpoint cosphi 3 0.95 IND 0.50 IND – 0.50 CAP
P02.16 Setpoint cosphi generating 0.95 IND 0.50 IND – 0.50 CAP
P02.17 Sepoint + clearance 0.00 0 – 0.10
P02.18 Setpoint - clearance 0.00 0 – 0.10
P02.19 Step disconnection when OFF OFF / ON
P02.20 Plant rated current A Aut Aut / 1 – 30000
P02.21 Plant rated voltage V Aut Aut / 100 – 60000
P02.22 Plant voltage type LV LV
P02.23 VT usage OFF OFF
P02.24 VT1 primary V 100 50-50000
P02.25 VT1 secondary V 100 50-500
P02.26 VT2 primary V 100 50-50000
P02.27 VT2 secondary V 100 50-500
P02.28 Step insertion mode Standard Standard
P02.29 Static switching delay cycles 3 1-20
P02.30 Tanphi setpoint enable OFF OFF
P02.31 Tanphi setpoint 0 -1.732 - +1.732

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Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

P02.01 - The value of the primary current transformer. Example: with CT 800/5 set 800. If set to
OFF, after the power-up the device will prompt you to set the TA and allow direct
access to this parameter.
P02.02 - Value of the secondary of the current transformers. Example: with CT 800/5 set 5.

P02.04 - Defines on which and on how many phases the device reads the current signal. The
wiring of current inputs must match the value set for this parameter. Supports all
possible combinations of parameter P02.06.
P02.05 - Reading the connection polarity of the CT.
AUT = Polarity is automatically detected at power up. Can only be used when working
with only one CT and when the system has no generator device.
Dir = Automatic detection disabled. Direct connection.
Rev = Automatic detection disabled. Reverse wiring (crossover).
P02.06 - Defines on which and on how many phases the device reads the voltage signal. The
wiring of voltage inputs must match the setting for this parameter. Supports all
possible combinations of parameter P02.04.
P02.07 - Value in kvar of the smallest step installed (equivalent to the step weight 1). Rated
power of the capacitor bank provided at the rated voltage specified in P02.08 and
referred to the total of the three capacitors for three-phase applications.
P02.08 - Rated plate capacitor, which is delivered in specified power P02.07. If the capacitors
are used to a tansione different (lower) than nominal, the resulting power is
automatically recalculated by the device.
P02.09 - Working frequency of the system.
Auto = automatic selection between 50 and 60 Hz at power
50Hz = fixed at 50 Hz
60 Hz = Fixed to 60 Hz
Variable = measured continuously and adjusted.
P02.10 - Minimum time that must elapse between the disconnection of one step and the
subsequent reconnection is that MAN AUT. During this time the number of the step
on the main page is shown in light gray.
P02.11 - Connection sensitivity. This parameter sets the speed of reaction of the controller.
With small values of P02.11 regulation is fast (more accurate around the setpoint but
with more step swithchings). With high values instead we‟ll have slower reactions of
regulation, with fewer switchings of the steps. The delay time of the reaction is inversely
proportional to the request of steps to reach the setpoint: waiting time = (sensitivity /
number of steps required).
Example: setting the sensitivity to 60s, if you request the insertion of one step of weight
1 are expected 60s (60/1 = 60). If instead serve a total of 4 steps will be expected 15s
(60/4 = 15).

P02.12 - Disconnection sensitivity. Same as the previous parameter but related to

disconnection. If set to OFF the disconnection has the same reaction time of connection
set with the previous parameter.
P02.13-Setpoint (target value) of the power factor. Value In use of standard applications.
P02.14 - P02.15 - Alternative setpoints selectable with combinations of digital inputs
programmed with the appropriate function.
P02.16 - Setpoint used when the system is generating active power to the supplier (with
negative active power / power factor ).
P02.17 - P02.18 - Tolerance around the setpoint. When the cosphi is within the range delimited
by these parameters, in AUT mode the device does not connect / disconnect steps
even if the delta-kvar is greater than the smallest step.
Note: + means “towards inductive”, - means “towards capacitive”.
P02.19 - If set to ON, when the system is giving active power provider (generation = active
power and power factor negative) all steps are disconnected.
P02.20 - Rated current of the system. Value used for the full scale of the bar graphs and for
setting the current thresholds expressed as a percentage. If set to Aut then the value of
P02.01 (CT primary) is used.
P02.21 - Rated voltage of the system. Value used for the full scale of the bar graphs and setting
the voltage thresholds expressed as a percentage. If set to Aut then the value of
P02.08 (nominal voltage capacitors) is used.
P02.22 – System voltage type. Depending on the setting of this parameter, the appropriate
wiring diagrams must be used. See at the end of the manual.

P02.23 .... P02.27 – Data of VTs eventually used in the wiring diagrams.
P02.28 - Selecting mode of steps insertion
Standard mode - Normal operation with free selection of the steps
Linear mode - the steps are connected in progression from left towards right only
following the step number and according to the LIFO (Last In First Out) logic. The
controller will not connect a step when the system steps are of different ratings and by
connecting the next step, the set-point value would be exceeded.
P02.29 - After having closed one step output, the measure acquisition is suspended for the
number of periods (cycles) specified by this parameter, in order to allow the external
static contactor to connect the capacitors. This function allows to avoid regulation
oscillations. Set this value according to the technical characteristics (closing time)
declared by the manufacturer of the static contactor.
P02.30 – Enables the setting of the setpoint as Tangent of displacement phase angle (Tanphi)
instead of Cosinus (Cosphi). Used as a reference by the energy suppliers of some
european countries.
P02.31 – Value of the Tnaphi setpoint. Negative values of Tanphi correspond to capacitive

p. 21 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M03 – STEP UoM Default Range

(STPn, n=1…32)
P03.n.01 Step weight OFF OFF/ 1 – 99
P03.n.02 Step insertion type Contactor Contactor
Note: This menu is divided into 32 sections that refer to 32 possible logical steps
STP1…STP32 which can be managed by the PCRJ8.
P03.n.01 - Weight of step n, referred to the value of the smallest step. A number that indicates
the multiple of the power of the current step with reference to the smallest set by
P02.07. If set to OFF the step is disabled and will not be used.
P03.n.02 - Type device delegated the insertion step.
Contactor = Switching with electromechanical contactor. On this step the time of
reconnection is used.
Static = Electronic thyristor switching. On this step the time of reconnection is not
considered . Used for Fast power factor correction.

M04 –MASTER OUTPUTS UoM Default Range

(OUTn, n=1…16)
P04.n.01 Output OUTn function n=1…8 See
Step x
n=9…16 Output function table
P04.n.02 Channel number x n=1…8 OFF/1 – 99
P04.n.03 Output normal/reversed NOR NOR
Note: This menu is divided into 16 sections that refer to 16 possible digital outputs
OUT1…OUT16, which can be managed by the master PCRJ8; OUT81..OUT08 on
the base board and OUT09…OUT16 on any installed expansion modules.
P04.n.1 – Selects the functions of the selected output (see programmable outputs functions
P04.n.2 – Index associated with the function programmed in the previous parameter. Example:
If the output function is set to Alarm Axx, and you want this output to be energized for
alarm A31, then P04.n.02 should be set to value 31.
P04.n.3 - Sets the state of the output when the function associated with the same is inactive:
NOR = output de-energized, REV = output energized.

M05 – MASTER / SLAVE UoM Default Range

P05.01 Master-Slave function OFF OFF
P05.02 Device role Master Master

P05.03 Slave 1 enable OFF OFF-ON
P05.04 Slave 2 enable OFF OFF-ON
P05.05 Slave 3 enable OFF OFF-ON
P05.06 Slave 4 enable OFF OFF-ON
P05.07 Slave 5 enable OFF OFF-ON
P05.08 Slave 6 enable OFF OFF-ON
P05.09 Slave 7 enable OFF OFF-ON
P05.10 Slave 8 enable OFF OFF-ON
P05.01 - Defines whether the system is used in master-slave configuration or not. OFF the
system works with a single controller (normal configuration). If you set COM1 or
COM2, working in master mode and slave setting indicates which communication
channel is used for communication between controllers.
P05.02 - Defines whether the current device is a master or a slave, and in this case, which is
his number.
P05.03… P05.10 - Enables the operation of individual slaves.

p. 22 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M06 – SLAVE 1 OUTPUTS UoM Default Range

P06.n.01 Output OUTn function n=1…8 See
Step x Output function table
P06.n.02 Channel number x n=1…8 OFF/1 – 99
P06.n.03 Output normal/reversed NOR NOR
Note: This menu is divided into 16 sections that refer to 16 possible digital outputs
OUT1…OUT16, which can be managed by the PCRJ8 slave 2; OUT81..OUT08 on
the base board and OUT09…OUT16 on any installed expansion modules.
P06.n.1 – Selects the functions of the selected output (see programmable outputs functions
P06.n.2 – Index associated with the function programmed in the previous parameter. Example:
If the output function is set to Alarm Axx, and you want this output to be energized for
alarm A31, then P06.n.02 should be set to value 31.
P06.n.3 - Sets the state of the output when the function associated with the same is inactive:
NOR = output de-energized, REV = output energized.

M07 – SLAVE 2 OUTPUTS UoM Default Range

P07.n.01 Output OUTn function n=1…8 See
Step x Output function table
P07.n.02 Channel number x n=1…8 OFF/1 – 99
P07.n.03 Output normal/reversed NOR NOR
See above, referred to slave 2
…. ….
M13 – SLAVE 8 OUTPUTS UoM Default Range
P13.n.01 Output OUTn function n=1…8 See
Step x Output function table
P13.n.02 Channel number x n=1…8 1 – 99
P13.n.03 Output normal/reversed NOR NOR
See above, referred to slave 8


(INPn, n=1…8)
P14.n.01 INPn input function OFF (see Input functions table)

P14.n.02 Channel number x OFF OFF / 1…99

P14.n.03 Contact type NO NO/NC
P14.n.04 Delay ON s 0.05 0.00-600.00
P14.n.05 Delay OFF s 0.05 0.00-600.00
Note: This menu is divided into 8 sections that refer to 8 possible digital inputs
P14.n.01 – Selects the functions of the selected input (see programmable inputs functions
P14.n.02 – Index associated with the function programmed in the previous parameter.
Example: If the input function is set to Cxx commands menu execution, and you want
this input to perform command C.07 in the commands menu, P14.n.02 should be set
to value 7.
P14.n.03 – Select type of contact: NO (Normally Open) or NC (Normally Closed).
P14.n.04 – Contact closing delay for selected input.
P14.n.05 – Contact opening delay for selected input.

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Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M15 – PASSWORD UoM Default Range

P15.01 Enable password OFF OFF-ON
P15.02 User level password 1000 0-9999
P15.03 Advanced level password 0-9999
P15.04 Remote access password OFF OFF/1-9999
P15.01 – If set to OFF, password management is disabled and anyone has access to the
settings and commands menu.
P15.02 – With P15.01 enabled, this is the value to specify for activating user level access. See
Password access chapter.
P15.03 – As for P15.02, with reference to Advanced level access.
P15.04 – If set to a numeric value, this becomes the code to specify via serial communication
before sending commands from a remote control.

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Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M16 – COMMUNICATION UoM Default Range

(COMn, n=1…2)
P16.n.01 Node serial address 01 01-255
P16.n.02 Serial speed bps 9600 1200
P16.n.03 Data format 8 bit – n 8 bit, no parity
8 bit, odd
8bit, even
7 bit, odd
7 bit, even
P16.n.04 Stop bits 1 1-2
P16.n.05 Protocol Modbus RTU Modbus RTU
Modbus ASCII
Modbus TCP
P16.n.06 IP address –
P16.n.07 Subnet mask –
P16.n.08 TCP-IP port 1001 0-9999
P16.n.09 Channel function Slave Slave
P16.n.10 Client / server Server Client
P16.n.11 Remote IP address –
P16.n.12 Remote IP port 1001 0-9999
P16.n.13 IP gateway address –
Note: this menu is divided into 2 sections for communication channels COM1..2.
The front IR communication port has fixed communication parameters, so no setup
menu is required.
P16.n.01 – Serial (node) address of the communication protocol.
P16.n.02 – Communication port transmission speed.
P16.n.03 – Data format. 7 bit settings can only be used for ASCII protocol.
P16.n.04 – Stop bit number.
P16.n.05 – Select communication protocol.
P16.n.06, P16.n.07, P16.n.08 – TCP-IP coordinates for applications with Ethernet interface.
Not used with other types of communication modules.
P16.n.09 - Role of the communication channel. Slave = Slave Modbus. Gateway = bridge
between the Ethernet port and serial port. Mirror = Remote panel mirror (reserved).
P16.n.10 - Enabling TCP-IP connection. Server = Awaits connection from a remote customers.
Client = Establishes a connection to the remote server.
P16.n.11 - P16.n.12 - P16.n.13 - Coordinates for the connection to the remote server when
P16.n.10 is set to the client.

p. 25 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M17 – BASE PROTECTIONS UoM Default Range

P17.01 Temperature unit of measure °C °C
P17.02 Panel interior temperature Internal Internal sensor
measurement source sensor AINx
P17.03 Channel nr. (x) 1 1-99
P17.04 Fan start temperature ° 50 0-212
P17.05 Fan stop temperature ° 45 0-212
P17.06 Panel interior temperature ° 55 0-212
alarm threshold
P17.07 Capacitor current overload ON OFF
P17.08 Capacitor current overload % 125 OFF / 100 – 150
P17.09 Immediate step disconnection % 150 OFF / 100 – 200
P17.10 Current overload alarm reset min 5 1 – 30
P17.11 Step trimming OFF OFF / ON
P17.12 Faulty step alarm threshold % OFF OFF / 25…100
P17.13 Maximum voltage threshold % 120 OFF / 90...150

P17.14 Minimum voltage threshold % OFF OFF / 60..110

P17.02 - Defines which sensor is providing the measure of the temperature inside the panel:
Internal sensor - Sensor built into the controller.
AINx - Temperature of PT100 expansion module with analog inputs.
NTCx - Tempertaura by NTC expansion module protection harmonics.
P17.03 – Channel number (x), relative to the previous parameter.
P17.04 - P17.05 - Start and stop temperature for the cooling fan of the panel, expressed in the
unit set by P17.01.
P17.06 - Threshold for generation of alarm A07 Panel temperature too high .
P17.07 - Enables the measurement of the capacitor current overload, calculated from the
waveform of the applied voltage.
P17.08 – Trip threshold for the capacitors overload protection (alarm A08), that will arise after a
integral delay time, inversely proportional to the value of the overload.
P17.09 - Threshold beyond which the integral delay for tripping of the overload alarm is zeroed,
causing the immediate intervention of the A08 alarm.
P17.10 - Delay time for the resetting of overload alarm.
P17.11 - Enables the measurement of the actual power of the step, performed each time they
are switched in. The measure is calculated, as the current measurement is referred
to the whole load of the plant. The measured power of the steps is adjusted
(trimmed) after each switching and is displayed on the step life statistic page.
P17.12 - Percentage threshold of the residual power of the steps, compared with the original
power programmed in general menu. Below this threshold the alarm A10 step failure
is generated.
P17.13 - Maximum voltage alarm threshold, referred to the rated voltage set with P02.21,
beyond which the alarm A06 Voltage too high is generated.
P17.14 - Undervoltage alarm threshold, referred to the rated voltage set with P02.21, below
which the alarm A05 voltage too low is generated.

p. 26 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]


(HARn, n=1…4)
P18.n.01 CT primary A 5 1 - 30000
P18.n.02 CT secondary A 5 1-5
P18.n.03 CT cabling type 2 in Aron 2 in Aron
1 balanced
P18.n.04 Nominal current A 5 1 - 30000
P18.n.05 CT positioning Global Global
Step 1
Step 2
Step 8
P18.n.06 Current limit % OFF OFF / 100 - 200
P18.n.07 Current THD Limit % OFF OFF / 1 – 200
P18.n.08 5rd Harmonic limit % OFF OFF / 1 – 200
P18.n.09 7th Harmonic limit % OFF OFF / 1 – 200
P18.n.10 11th Harmonic limit % OFF OFF / 1 – 200
P18.n.11 13th Harmonic limit % OFF OFF / 1 – 200
P18.n.12 Temperature alarm ° 55 OFF / 0-212
threshold 1
P18.n.13 Temperature alarm ° 55 OFF / 0-212
threshold 2
Note: Parameters in this menu are referred to protections that are available only when
using the harmonic protection module EXP1016.
P18.n.01 - P18.n.02 - Primary and secondary of the CT used for current measurement in
power factor correction panel and connected to the harmonics protection module.
P18.n.03 - Current measurement wiring mode:
2 in Aron - Reading of three currents (three-phase) with two CT in Aron configuration.
1 balanced - Reading a single current from a single CT.
P18.n.04 - Rated current flowing in the power factor correction branch under normal conditions.
P18.n.05 - branch of the circuit where are located the CT for harmonic protection measure.
P18.n.06 - Max current threshold in the power factor correction branch, used for generation of
alarm A11.
P18.n.07 - Current THD maximum threshold in the branch of power factor correction. Used for
generation of alarm A12.
P18.n.08 - Threshold 5th harmonic content in the branch of power factor correction. Used for
generation of alarm A13.
P18.n.09 - Threshold 7th harmonic content in the branch of power factor correction. Used for
generation of alarm A14.
P18.n.10 - Threshold 11th harmonic content in the branch of power factor correction. Used for
generation of alarm A15.
P18.n.11 - Threshold 13th harmonic content in the branch of power factor correction. Used for
generation of alarm A16.
P18.n.12 - P18.n.13 - Maximum temperature thresholds 1 and 2 on the sensors connected to
the harmonics protection module. Used to generate alerms A17 and A18.

M19 - MISCELLANEOUS UoM Default Range

P19.01 Step disconnection passing OFF OFF/ON
in MAN mode

P19.02 Maintenance interval 1 9000 1 - 30000

P19.03 Maintenance mode 1 Always Always
Step inserted
P19.04 Maintenance interval 2 9000 1 - 30000
P19.05 Maintenance mode 2 Step ins. Always
Step inserted
P19.06 Maintenance interval 3 9000 1 - 30000
P19.07 Maintenance mode 3 Step ins. Always
Step inserted
P19.01 - If set to ON, when switching from AUT mode to MAN mode, steps are disconnected in
P19.02-P19.07 - define three intervals of scheduled maintenance. For each of the three
intervals you can set the duration in hours and the counting mode. Always = Count
always active when the controller is powered Step ins = hour counter is
incremented only when one or more steps are inserted. When the time runs out
alarms are generated respectively A20, A21, A22 (the alarms must be enabled)

p. 27 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M20 – LIMIT THRESHOLDS UoM Default Range

(LIMn, n=1…16)
P20.n.01 Reference measurement OFF OFF- (misure)
P20.n.02 Channel nr. (x) 1 OFF / 1-99
P20.n.03 Function Max Max – Min – Min+Max
P20.n.04 Upper threshold 0 -9999 - +9999
P20.n.05 Multiplier x1 /100 – x10k
P20.n.06 Delay s 0 0.0 – 600.0
P20.n.07 Lower threshold 0 -9999 - +9999
P20.n.08 Multiplier x1 /100 – x10k
P20.n.09 Delay s 0 0.0 – 600.0
P20.n.10 Idle state OFF OFF-ON
P20.n.11 Memeory OFF OFF-ON
Note: this menu is divided into 16 sections for the limit thresholds LIM1..16
P20.n.01 – Defines to which PCRJ8 measurements the limit threshold applies.
P20.n.02 – If the reference measurement is an internal multichannel measurement (AINx for
example), the channel is defined.
P20.n.03 – Defines the operating mode of the limit threshold. Max = LIMn enabled when the
measurement exceeds P20.n.04. P20.n.07 is the reset threshold. Min = LIMn enabled
when the measurement is less than P20.n.07. P20.n.04 is the reset threshold.
Min+Max = LIMn enabled when the measurement is greater than P20.n.04 or less
than P20.n.07.
P20.n.04 and P20.n.05 - Define the upper threshold, obtained by multiplying value P20.n.04 by
P20.n.06 - Upper threshold intervention delay.
P20.n.07, P08.n.08, P08.n.09 - As above, with reference to the lower threshold.
P20.n.10 - Inverts the state of limit LIMn.
P20.n.11 - Defines whether the threshold remains memorized and is reset manually through
command menu (ON) or if it is reset automatically (OFF).

M21 – COUNTERS UoM Default Range

(CNTn, n=1…8)
P21.n.01 Count source OFF OFF-ON-INPx-OUTx-LIMx-
P21.n.02 Channel number (x) 1 OFF / 1-99
P21.n.03 Multiplier 1 1-1000
P21.n.04 Divisor 1 1-1000
P21.n.05 Description of the counter CNTn (Text – 16 characters)
P21.n.06 Unit of measurement Umn (Text – 6 characters)
P21.n.07 Reset source OFF OFF-ON-INPx-OUTx-LIMx-
P21.n.08 Channel number (x) 1 OFF / 1-99
Note: this menu is divided into 8 sections for counters CNT1..8
P21.n.01 - Signal that increments the count (on the output side). This may be the start-up of the
PCRJ8 (ON), when a threshold is exceeded (LIMx), an external input is enabled
(INPx), etc.
P21.n.02 - Channel number x with reference to the previous parameter.
P21.n.03 - Multiplier K. The counted pulses are multiplied by this value before being displayed.
P21.n.04 - Divisional K. The counted pulses are divided by this value before being displayed. If
other than 1, the counter is displayed with 2 decimal points.
P21.n.05 - Counter description. 16-character free text.
P21.n.06 - Counter unit of measurement. 6-character free text.
P21.n.07 - Signal that resets the count. As long as this signal is enabled, the count remains
P21.n.08 - Channel number x with reference to the previous parameter.

p. 28 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M22 - ANALOG INPUTS UoM Default Range

(AINn, n=1…4)
P22.n.01 Input type OFF OFF
P22.n.02 Start of scale value 0 -9999 - +9999
P22.n.03 Multiplier x1 /100 – x1k
P22.n.04 End of scale value 100 -9999 - +9999
P22.n.05 Multiplier x1 /100 – x1k
P22.n.06 Description AINn (Testo – 16 caratteri)
P22.n.07 Unit of measurement UMn (Testo – 6 caratteri)
Note: this menu is divided into 4 sections for the analog inputs AIN1…AIN4, available
with the EXP1004 expansion modules.
P22.n.01 - Specifies the type of sensor connected to analog input. The sensor should be
connected to the appropriate terminal for the type selected. See input module manual.
P22.n.02 and P22.n.03 - Define the value to display for a min. sensor signal, in other words at
the start of the range defined by the type (0mA, 4mA, 0V, -5V, etc.). Note: these
parameters aren't used for a type PT100 sensor.
P22.n.04 and P22.n.05 - Define the value to display for a max. sensor signal, in other words at
the end of scale of the range defined by the type (20ma, 10V, +5V, etc.). These
parameters aren't used for a type PT100 sensor.
P22.n.06 - Description of measurements associated with analog input. 16-character free text.
P22.n.07 - Unit of measurement. 6-character free text. If the input is type PT100 and the text of
the unit of measurement is °F, the temperature will be displayed in degrees
Fahrenheit, otherwise it will be in degrees Celsius.

Example of application: The analog input AIN3 must read a 4…20mA signal from an electronic
level sensor, that will have to be shown on the display with the descriprion ‘Reserve fuel tank
level’, with a full scale of 1500 litres.
So, we must program section 3 of this menu, that is referred to AIN3.
P22.3.01 = 4…20mA
P22.3.02 = 0
P22.3.03 = x1
P22.3.04 = 1500
P22.3.05 = x1
P22.3.06 = ‘Reserve tank
level’ P22.3.07 =’ litres’

M23 – ANALOG OUTPUTS UoM Default Range

(AOUn, n=1…4)
P23.n.01 Output type OFF OFF
P23.n.02 Reference measurement OFF OFF- (misure)
P23.n.03 Channel number (x) 1 OFF / 1-99
P23.n.04 Start of scale value 0 -9999 - +9999
P23.n.05 Multiplier x1 /100 – x100k
P23.n.06 End of scale value 0 -9999 - +9999
P23.n.07 Multiplier x1 /100 – x100k
Note: this menu is divided into 4 sections for the analog outputs AOU1...AOU4
available with EXP1005 expansion modules
P23.n.01 - Specifies the type of output analog signal. The sensor should be connected to the
appropriate terminal on the basis of the type selected. See analog output module
P23.n.02 - Measurement on which the analog output value depends.
P23.n.03 – If the reference measurement is an internal multichannel measurement (AINx for
example), the channel is defined.
P23.n.04 and P23.n.05 - Define the value of the measurement that corresponds to a min.
output value in the range (0mA, 4mA, 0V, -5V, etc.).
P23.n.06 and P23.n.07 - Define the value of the measurement that corresponds to a max. value
in the range (20ma, 10V, +5V, etc.).

Application example: The analog output AOU2 must emit a 0..20mA signal proportional to tha
total active power, form 0 to 500kW.
So, we must program section 2 of this menu, that is referred to AOU2.
P23.2.01 = 0…20mA
P23.2.02 = kW tot
P23.2.03 = 1 (not used)
P23.2.04 = 0
P23.2.05 = x1
P23.2.06 = 500
P23.2.07 = x1k

p. 29 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M24 – PULSES UoM Default Range

(PULn, n=1…6)
P24.n.01 Pulse source OFF OFF-kWh-kvarh-kVAh
P24.n.02 Counting unit 100 10/100/1k/10k
P24.n.03 Pulse duration s 0.1 0.1-1.00
Note: this menu is divided into 6 sections, for the generation of energy consumption
pulse variables PUL1…PUL6.
P24.n.01 - Defines which energy meter should generate the pulse of the 6 possible meters
managed by the PCRJ8. kWh = Active energy. Kvarh = Reactive energy. kVA =
Apparent energy.
P24.n.02 - The quantity of energy which must accumulate for a pulse to be emitted (for example
10Wh, 100Wh, 1kWh, etc.).
P24.n.03 = Pulse duration.

Application example: For every 0,1 kWhoutput by generator, a pulse of 100ms ha sto be
generated on output OUT10.
First of all we should generate an internal pulse variable, forinstance PUL1. So we must
program section 1 of this menu as follows:
P24.1.01 = kWh G (active energy)
P24.1.02 = 100Wh (correspond to 0,1 kWh)
P24.1.03 = 0,5
Now we must set output OUT10 and link it to PUL1:
P04.10.01 = PULx
P04.10.02 = 1 (PUL1)
P04.10.03 = NOR

M25 – USER ALARMS UoM Default Range

(UAn, n=1…8)
P25.n.01 Alarm source OFF OFF-INPx-OUTx-LIMx-
P25.n.02 Channel number (x) 1 OFF / 1-99
P25.n.03 Text UAn (testo – 20 char)
Note: this menu is divided into 8 sections for user alarms UA1...UA8
P25.n.01 - Defines the digital input or internal variable that generates the user alarm when it is
P25.n.02 - Channel number x with reference to the previous parameter.
P25.n.03 - Free text that appears in the alarm window.

Example of application: User alarm UA3 must be generated by the closing of input INP5, and
must display the message ‘Panel door open’.
In this case, set the section of menu 3 (for alarm UA3):
P25.3.01 = INPx
P25.3.02 = 5
P25.3.03 = ‘Door open’

p. 30 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

M26 – ALARM PROPERTIES Default Range

(ALAn, n=1…30)
P26.n.01 Alarm enable (see table) OFF – ON
P26.n.02 Retnitive (see table) OFF - RIT
P26.n.03 Operating mode (see table) AUT-MAN
P26.n.04 Global alarm 1 (see table) OFF – GLB1
P26.n.05 Global alarm 2 (see table) OFF – GLB2
P26.n.06 Global alarm 3 (see table) OFF – GLB3
P26.n.07 Step disconnection (see table) OFF
P26.n.08 Slave disconnection mode (see table) GENERAL - LOCAL
P26.n.09 Inhibition from input (see table) OFF - INH
P26.n.10 Modem call (see table) OFF - MDM
P26.n.11 Not shown on LCD (see table) OFF - NOLCD
P26.n.12 Alarm delay (see table) OFF/ 1-120
P26.n.13 Delay UoM (see table) MIN-SEC
P26.n.01 - Alarm enabled - General enabling of the alarm. If the alarm isn't enabled, it's as if it
doesn't exist.
P26.n.02 - Retained alarm - Remains in the memory even if the cause of the alarm has been
P26.n.03 - Operating mode – Operating modes where the alarm can be generated.
Global alarm 1 -2 -3 - Activates the output assigned to this function.ù
P26.n.04-05-06 - Step disconnection mode – Defines whether and how the capacitor steps
must be disconnected when the alarm is present. OFF = no disconnection, SLOW = gradual
disconnection, FAST = Immediate disconnection.
P26.n.08 - Slave disconnection mode – Defines, for Master-Slave applications, if when this
alarm arises, the disconnection is extended to all the step of the system (GENERAL) or only to
the output of the interested panel (LOCAL).
P26.n.09 - Inhibition - The alarm can be temporarily disabled by activating an input that can be
programmed with the Inhibit alarms function.
P26.n.10 - Modem call - A modem is connected as configured in setup.
P26.n.11 - No LCD - The alarm is managed normally, but not shown on the display.
P26.n.12-13 - Delay time – Time delay in minutes or seconds before the alarm is generated.

• When an alarm is generated , the display will show an alarm icon, the code and
the description of the alarm in the language selected.

• If the navigation keys in the pages are pressed, the pop-up window showing the
alarm indications will disappear momentarily, to reappear again after a few
• The red LED near the alarm icon on the front panel will flash when an alarm is
• If enabled, the local and remote alarm buzzers will be activated.
• Alarms can be reset by pressing the key .
• If the alarm cannot be reset, the problem that generated the alarm must still be
• In the case of one or more alarms, the behaviour of the PCRJ8 depends on the
properties settings of the active alarms.

Alarm description
A01 Undercompensation All the available steps are connected but the
cosphi is still more inductive than the setpoint.
A02 Overcompensation All the steps are disconnected but the cosphi
is still more capacitive than the setpoint.
A03 Current too low The current flowing in the current inputs is
lower than minimum measuring range.
This condition can occour normally if the plant
has no load.

p. 31 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

A04 Current too high The current flowing in the current inputs is
lower than minimum measuring range.

A05 Voltage too low The measured voltage is lower than the
threshold set with P17.14.
A06 Voltage too high The measured voltage is higher than the
threshold set with P17.13.
A07 Panel temperature too high The panel temperature is higher than
threshold set with P17.06.
A08 Capacitor current overload The calculated capacitor current overload is
higher than threshold set with P17.08 and/or
A09 No-Voltage release A no-voltage release has occoured on the line
voltage inputs, lasting more than 8ms.

A10 Step xx failure The residual power of step xx is lower than

minimum threshold set with P17.12.

A11 Harmonic protection The RMS current measured by the harmonic

Module nr. n protection module n is higher than threshold
Current too high set with P18.n.06.
A12 Harmonic protection The current THD measured by the harmonic
Module nr. n protection module n is higher than threshold
THD-I too high set with P18.n.07.
A13 Harmonic protection The percentage of harmonic content
Module nr. n measured by harmonic protection module is Harm too high higher than threshold set with P18.n.08.

A14 Harmonic protection The percentage of harmonic content

Module nr. n measured by harmonic protection module is Harm too high higher than threshold set with P18.n.09.

A15 Harmonic protection The percentage of harmonic content

Module nr. n measured by harmonic protection module is
11th. Harm too high higher than threshold set with P18.n.10.

A16 Harmonic protection The percentage of harmonic content

Module nr. n measured by harmonic protection module is
13th. Harmonic too high higher than threshold set with P18.n.11.

A17 Harmonic protection The temperature 1 measured by the harmonic

Module nr. n protection module is higher than threshold set
Temperature 1 too high with P18.n.12.

A18 Harmonic protection The temperature 2 measured by the harmonic

Module nr. n protection module is higher than threshold set
Temperature 2 too high with P18.n.13.

A19 Slave xx link error The slave nr. X does not communicate with
the master. Check the RS-485 wiring.

UAx User alarm x (x=1..8) User-defined alarm, as specified by

parameters of menu M25.
A20 Maintenance interval 1 The maintenance 1 interval hours are elapsed.
elapsed After maintenance service, reset counter with
command menu C.16.
A21 Maintenance interval 2 The maintenance 2 interval hours are elapsed.
elapsed After maintenance service, reset counter with
command menu C.17.
A22 Maintenance interval 3 The maintenance 3 interval hours are elapsed.
elapsed After maintenance service, reset counter with
command menu C.18.

Alarm properties
Various properties can be assigned to each alarm, including user alarms (User
Alarms, UAx):
• Alarm enabled - General enabling of the alarm. If the alarm isn't enabled, it's
as if it doesn't exist.
• Retained alarm - Remains in the memory even if the cause of the alarm has
been eliminated.
• Operating mode – Operating modes where the alarm is enabled.
• Global alarm 1 -2 -3 - Activates the output assigned to this function.ù

p. 32 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

• Step disconnection mode – Defines whether and how the capacitor steps
must be disconnected when the alarm is present. OFF = no disconnection,
SLOW = gradual disconnection, FAST = Immediate disconnection.
• Slave disconnection mode – Defines, for Master-Slave applications, if when
this alarm arises, the disconnection is extended to all the step of the system
(GENERAL) or only to the output of the interested panel (LOCAL).
• Inhibition - The alarm can be temporarily disabled by activating an input that
can be programmed with the Inhibit function.
• Modem call – The alarm will be signalled remotely by sending a modem call
under the conditions and modality defined in modem parameters.
• No LCD - The alarm is managed normally, but not shown on the display.
• Delay time – Time delay in minutes or seconds before the alarm is generated.

Alarm properties table


Slave disconnection
Step disconnection
Only in AUT mode

Global alarm 1

Global alarm 2

Glo al alarm 3

Delay time





A01 ● ● ● OFF GEN ● 15 ●
A02 ● ● OFF GEN ● 120 ●
A03 ● ● SLOW GEN ● 5 ●
A04 ● ● ● OFF GEN ● 120 ●
A05 ● ● ● OFF GEN ● 5 ●
A06 ● ● ● OFF GEN ● 15 ●
A07 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 30 ●
A08 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 30 ●
A09 ● IMM GEN ● 0 ●
A10 ● ● ● ● OFF GEN ● 0 ●
A11 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 3 ●
A12 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 3 ●
A13 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 3 ●
A14 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 3 ●
A15 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 3 ●
A16 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 3 ●
A17 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 10 ●
A18 ● ● ● SLOW LOC ● 10 ●
A19 ● ● SLOW GEN ● 0 ●
A20 ● OFF GEN ● 0 ●
A21 ● OFF GEN ● 0 ●
A22 ● OFF GEN ● 0 ●

p. 33 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Input function table

• The following table shows all the functions that can be attributed to the INPn
programmable digital inputs.
• Each input can be set for an reverse function (NA - NC), delayed energizing or
de-energizing at independently set times.
• Some functions require another numeric parameter, defined in the index (x)
specified by parameter P14.n.02.
• See menu M14 Programmable inputs for more details.

Function Description
OFF Disabled input
Configurable Free user configurable input INPx. Used for instance to
generate a user alarm UA or to count on a CNT counter.
Automatic mode When active, switches system to AUT mode
Manual mode When active, switches system to MAN mode
Select cosphi setpoint x When active, selects the cosphi setpoint x (x=1…3).
Keyboard lock Locks front keyboard.
Settings lock Locks access to setup menu and command menu.
Alarm Inhibition Selectively disables alarms that have inhibit property set
to ON.
Output function table
• The following table shows all the functions that can be attributed to the OUTn
programmable digital inputs.
• Each output can be configured so it has a normal or reverse (NOR or REV)
• Some functions require another numeric parameter, defined in the index (x)
specified by parameter P04.n.02.
• See menu M04 Master outputs and M06…M13 Slave outputs for more details.
Function Description
OFF Output always de-energized
ON Output always energized
Step x Capacitor step nr.x
Global alarm 1 Energised when global alarm 1 is active
Global alarm 2 Energised when global alarm 2 is active
Global alarm 3 Energised when global alarm 3 is active
Fan Panel ventilation fan
Manual mode Active when the regulator is in MAN mode
Automatic mode Active when the regulator is in AUT mode
Limit threshold LIM x Output driven by LIM limits
Pulse PULx Output driven by PUL pulses
Remote variable REM x Output is remote controller by REM variable
When the selected Axx alarmi s present, the output ias
Alarms A01-Axx
activated (x=1… alarm number)
When the selected UAx user alarm is present, the output
Alarms UA1..UAx
is activated (x=1… 8)

p. 34 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Measure table for Limits / analog outputs
• The following table lists all measures that can be associated with the limits (menu
M20) and outputs (menu M23).
• The codes selected in the parameters P20.n.01 and P23.n.02 correspond to the
measures below.
• To facilitate comparison with the three-phase measures, some 'virtual' measures
are provided, that contain the highest measurements across the three phases.
These measures are identified by the presence of the word MAX in the measure
• Example: If you want to apply a maximum limit of 10% on the content of
5.harmonics in the current of the system, when you have a three-phase current,
set LIM1 with H. I MAX, with channel no. set to 5. The device will consider the
highest of the harmonic content of the 5.o order among the three currents I L1, I
L2 and I L3.

P20.1.01 = H. I MAX (highest current harmonic among 3 phases)
P20.1.02 = 5 ( harmonic)
P20.1.03 = max (compare with max threshold)
P.20.1.04 = 10 (threshold = 10%)

Nr Measure code Description

00 OFF Measure disabled
01 V L1-N Phase voltage L1-N
02 V L2-N Phase voltage L2-N
03 V L3-N Phase voltage L3-N
04 I L1 Phase current L1
05 I L2 Phase current L2
06 I L3 Phase current L3
07 V L1-L2 Phase-to-phase voltage L1-L2
08 V L2-L3 Phase-to-phase voltage L2-L3
09 V L3-L1 Phase-to-phase voltage L3-L1
10 W L1 Active power L1
11 W L2 Active power L2
12 W L3 Active power L3
13 var L1 Reactive power L1
14 var L2 Reactive power L2
15 var L3 Reactive power L3
16 VA L1 Apparent power L1
17 VA L2 Apparent power L2
18 VA L3 Apparent power L3
19 Hz Frequency
20 Cosphi L1 Cosphi L1
21 Senphi L1 Senphi L1
22 Cosphi L2 Cosphi L2
23 Senphi L2 Senphi L2
24 Cosphi L3 Cosphi L3
25 Senphi L3 Senphi L3
26 W TOT Total active power
27 var TOT Total reactive power
28 VA TOT Total apparent power
29 Cosphi TOT Cosphi (balanced three-phase system)
30 Senphi TOT Senphi (balanced three-phase system)
31 THD VLN MAX THD phase voltage (max among phases)
32 THD I MAX THD phase current (max among phases)
33 THD VLL MAX THD phase-phase voltage (max among phases)
34 H. VLN MAX Harmonic content of order n of phase voltage (maximum among
35 H. I MAX Harmonic content of order n of phase current (maximum among
36 H. VLL MAX Harmonic content of order n of phase-phase voltage (maximum
among phases)
37 Cosphi MAX Cos-phi (max among phases)
38 Senphi MAX Sen-phi (max among phases)
39 VLN MAX Phase voltage (max among phases)
40 I MAX Current (max among phases)
41 VLL MAX Phase-phase voltage (max among phases)
42 VLN MIN Phase voltage (min among phases)
43 VLL MIN Phase-phase voltage (min among phases)
44 Cosphi MIN Cos-phi (min among phases)
45 AIN Measure from analog inputs
46 CNT Programmable counter

p. 35 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

p. 36 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Commands menu
• The commands menu allows executing some occasional operations like reading
peaks resetting, counters clearing, alarms reset, etc.
• If the Advanced level password has been entered, then the commands menu
allows executing the automatic operations useful for the device configuration.
• The following table lists the functions available in the commands menu, divided
by the access level required.


C01 Reset partial Energy meters Usr Resets partial energy meters

C02 Reset CNTx counters Usr Reset programmable counters CNTx

C03 Reset LIMx status Usr Reset status of latched LIMx variables

C04 Reset max temperature Adv Reset maximum temperature peak value

C05 Reset max overload Adv Reset maximum overload peak value

C06 Reset step hour meter Adv Reset step operation hour meters

C07 Reset step switching counters Adv Reset step operation counters
C08 Step power restore Adv Reload originally programmed power into
step trimming
C09 Reset total Energy meters Adv Resets total energy meters

C10 TEST mode activation Adv Enables the TEST mode operation for
output operation verifying
C11 Event log reset Adv Clears the event history log
C12 Setup to default Adv Resets setup programming to factory default

C13 Backup setup Adv Makes a backup copy of user setup

parameters settings
C14 Restore setup Adv Reloads setup parameters with the
backup of user settings.
C.15 Reset week TPF Usr Resets week total power factor history
C.16 Reset sevice interval 1 Adv Reset maintenance service interval 1
C.17 Reset sevice interval 2 Adv Reset maintenance service interval 2
C.18 Reset sevice interval 2 Adv Reset maintenance service interval 3
• Once the required command has been selected, press to execute it. The
device will prompt for a confirmation. Pressing again, the command will be
• To cancel the command execution press ◄.
• To quit command menu press ◄.

• PCRJ8 is designed for flush-mount installation. With proper mounting, it
guarantees IP54 front protection.
• Insert the device into the panel hole, making sure that the gasket is properly
positioned between the panel and the device front frame.
• Make sure the tongue of the custom label doesn't get trapped under the gasket
and break the seal. It should be positioned inside the board.
• From inside the panel, for each four of the fixing clips, position the clip in its
square hole on the housing side,then move it backwards in order to position the

p. 37 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

• Repeat the same operation for the four clips.

• Tighten the fixing screw with a maximum torque of 0,5Nm.
• In case it is necessary to dismount the system, repeat the steps in opposite order.
• For the electrical connection see the wiring diagrams in the dedicated chapter
and the requirements reported in the technical characteristics table.

p. 38 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Wiring diagrams

Standard Three-phase wiring

THREE-PHASE CONNECTION TYPE ―A‖ – P.11 set to A.con (default) (

Default wiring configuration for standard applications.
Voltage measure 1 ph-to-ph
ph voltage reading L1
Current measure L3 phase
Phase angle offset Between V (L1
(L1-L2 ) and I (L3) 90°
Capacitor overload current measure 1 reading calculated on L1-L2
Parameter setting P02.03 = Three
Three-phase P02.22 = LV
P02.04 = L3
P02.06 = L1-L2

Single-phase wiring

p. 39 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Wiring configuration for single-phase applications
Voltage measure 1 phase voltage reading L1-N
Current measure L1 phase

p. 40 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Phase angle offset Between V (L1

(L1-N ) and I (L1) 0°
Capacitor overload current measure 1 reading calculated on L1-N

Full three-phase wiring, without neutral

Parameter setting P02.03 = Single
Single-phase P02.22 = LV
P02.04 = L1
P02.06 = L1-N


Wiring configuration used for standard applications with full three-phase voltage control.
Voltage measure 3 ph-to-ph ph voltage readings
L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1
Current measure L1-L2-L3L3 phase
Phase angle offset 90°
Capacitor overload current measure 3 readings on L1-L2,L2-L3,L3-L1
Parameter setting P02.03 = Three
Three-phase P02.22 = LV
P02.04 = L1-L2-L3
P02.06 = L1-L2-L3

Full three-phase wiring, with neutral

p. 41 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]


Wiring configuration used for standard applications with full three-phase voltage control.
Voltage measure 3 ph-to-nn and 3 ph-to-ph
ph voltage readings
L1-N, L2-N, L3-N, L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1
Current measure L1-L2-L3L3 phase
Phase angle offset 0°
Capacitor overload current measure 3 readings on L1 L1-L2,L2-L3,L3-L1
Parameter setting P02.03 = Three
Three-phase P02.22 = LV
P02.04 = L1-L2-L3
P02.06 = L1-L2-L3-N

Configuration with MV measurement and correction on LV side

Configuration with MV measurement and correction on LV side

Voltage measure 1 ph-to-ph
ph voltage reading L1
L1-L2 on MV side

Current measure L3 phase

Phase angle offset 90°
Capacitor overload current measure 1 reading on L1
L1-L3, LV side

p. 42 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Impostazione parametri P02.03 = Trifase P02.22 = BT/MT Parameter setting P02.03 = Three
Three-phase P02.22 = LV/MV
P02.04 = L3 P02.23 = ON P02.04 = L3 P02.23 = ON
P02.06 = L1-L2 P02.06 = L1-L2

Full medium voltage wiring configuration

Configuration with MV measurement and correction

Voltage measure 3 ph-to-ph
ph voltage reading L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1
on MV side
Current measure L1-L2-L3
L3 phase
Phase angle offset 90°
Capacitor overload current measure 1 reading on L1
L1-L3, LV side
Parameter setting P02.03 = Three
Three-phase P02.22 = MV
P02.04 = L1-L2-L3 P02.23 = ON
P02.06 = L1-L2-L3

Steps on expansion modules

p. 43 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Fast regulation configuration

= +_

Static correction
Voltage measure 3 ph-to-ph
ph voltage reading L1
L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1

Current measure L1-L2-L3

L3 phase
Phase angle offset 90°
Capacitor overload current measure 3 Readings on L1
L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1

p. 44 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Parameter setting P02.03 = Three-phase P02.22 = LV

P02.04 = L1-L2-L3 P02.28 = Fast
P02.06 = L1-L2-L3

p. 45 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Master-Slave configuration



Example with one master and 3 slaves

p. 46 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

P05.01 = COM1 P05.01 = COM1 P05.01 = COM1 P05.01 = COM1

P05.02 = Master P05.02 = Slave01 P05.02 = Slave02 P05.02 = Slave03
P05.04 = ON
P05.05 = ON
P04.1.01 = Stepx
P06.1.01 = Stepx

P07.1.01 = Stepx
P08.1.02 = Stepx

Terminals position

600 V~
50 / 60 Hz











Mechanical dimensions and

d front panel
p cutout (mm)

p. 47 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

p. 48 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

Technical characteristics
Rated voltage Us 100 - 415V~
110 - 250V=
Operating voltage range 90 - 456V~
93,5 - 300V=
Frequency 45 - 66Hz
Power consumption/dissipation 10.5W – 27VA
Immunity time for microbreakings 110V~ ≥35ms
220V – 415V~ ≥80ms
Recommended fuses F1A (fast)
Voltage inputs
Maximum rated voltage Ue 600VAC L-L (346VAC L-N)
Measuring range 50…720V L-L (415VAC L-N)
Frequency range 45…65Hz – 360…440Hz
Measuring method True RMS
Measuring input impedance > 0.55MΩ L-N
> 1,10MΩ L-L
Wiring mode Single-phase, two-phase, three-phase with or
without neutral or balanced three-phase system.
Recommended fuses F1A (fast)999
Current inputs
Rated current Ie 1A~ or 5A~
Measuring range for 5A scale: 0.025 - 6A~
for 1A scale: 0.025 – 1.2A~
Type of input Shunt supplied by an external current
transformer (low voltage). Max. 5A
Measuring method True RMS
Overload capacity +20% Ie
Overload peak 50A for 1 second
Power consumption <0.6VA
Measuring accuracy
Line voltage ±0.5% f.s. ±1digit
Relay output OUT 1 - 7
Contact type 7 x 1 NO + contact common
UL Rating B300
30V= 1A Pilot Duty
Max rated voltage 415V~
Rated current AC1-5A 250V~ AC15-1,5A 415V~
Maximum current at contact common 10A
Relay output OUT 8
Contact type 1 changeover
UL Rating B300
30V= 1A Pilot Duty
Max rated voltage 415V~
Rated current AC1-5A 250V~ AC15-1,5A 415V~
Real time clock
Energy storage Back-up capacitors
Operating time without supply voltage About 12...15 days
Insulation voltage
Rated insulation voltage Ui 600V~
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 9.5kV
Power frequency withstand voltage 5,2kV
Ambient operating conditions
Operating temperature -20 - +70°C
Storage temperature -30 - +80°C
Relative humidity <80% (IEC/EN 60068-2-78)
Maximum pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category 3
Measurement category III
Climatic sequence Z/ABDM (IEC/EN 60068-2-61)
Shock resistance 15g (IEC/EN 60068-2-27)
Vibration resistance 0.7g (IEC/EN 60068-2-6)
Terminal type Plug-in / removable
Cable cross section (min… max) 0.2…2.5 mm² (24…12 AWG)
UL Rating 0,75…2.5 mm² (18…12 AWG)
Cable cross section (min… max)
Tightening torque 0.56 Nm (5 lbin)
Version Flush mount
Material Polycarbonate
Degree of protection IP54 on front - IP20 terminals
Weight 680g
Certifications and compliance
Certification cULus
Reference standards IEC/EN 61010-1, IEC/EN 61000-6-2
IEC/ EN 61000-6-3
UL508 and CSA C22.2-N°14

p. 49 / 48
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 100 50028 Tavarnelle V.P. – Firenze – Italia
Tel. 0039 055 8071267 – 8071118 Fax. 0039 055 8071338 [email protected]

UL Marking Use 60°C/75°C copper (CU) conductor only

AWG Range: 18 - 12 AWG stranded or solid
Field Wiring Terminals Tightening Torque:
Flat panel mounting on a Type 1 enclosure
Auxiliary supply connected to a line with a phase-neutral voltage ≤300V

Manual revision history

Rev Date Notes
00 30/10/2012 • First release
01 28/01/2013 • Added Tanfi parameters ( P02.30 e P02.31)
02 10/07/2013 • Manual aligned to device SW rev. 05
• First power-on messages
• Additional re source table
• Parameters added in Communication menu
• Range changed in harmonic protection menu
• Maintenance service parameters in miscellaneous menu
• Alarms and commands for maintenance management

p. 50 / 48
p. 30 / 43

Do not dispose of electrical or electronic equipment in household waste.

For proper disposal, contact the local center for collection / recycling / reuse, or handling of hazardous waste, and act in
accordance with local laws.

The following symbols on the product indicate:

The treatment of waste from electrical and electronic equipment must take place at appropriate local collection
centers that comply with local laws.

TELEGROUP capacitors are made without PCBs, in compliance with decree n. 216 of 24.05.88. Capacitors
not in use and out of service must be disposed of according to the local laws and regulations in force in each
country and in accordance with the European Directives. The condensers must be disposed of in compliance
with the European Waste Identification Code (CER 2002).

p. 34 / 43
8.1 Intended use

Any use of the equipment of parts different from that described above must be considered
an incorrect or improper use of the same.

The use of products / materials other than those specified by the Manufacturer, which may
cause damage to the product and dangerous situations for the user, is considered incorrect
or improper.

Power factor correction of three-phase, symmetrical and balanced electrical systems, with voltages and currents
(almost sinusoidal, therefore with a very modest content of harmonious currents and voltages OR with a high
content of currents and harmonic voltages) and with a correct short-circuit coordination between the network
Electrical and the Equipment
For the choice of the most suitable type of equipment for your system contact Telegroup TECHNICAL
The Equipment must be used correctly in order to ensure the initial degree of safety.
After use, at the end of its life, the equipment must be disposed of, taking into account the laws, of the place, which
regulate the disposal of this type of waste.

8.2 Contraindications of use

The equipment must not be used for purposes other than those shown in this manual;
In an explosive, corrosive or high concentration of combustible dust or gas;
In a flammable atmosphere;
Exposed to the weather;
With safety devices excluded or not working;

p. 35 / 43

9.1 Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance


The information in this paragraph is given in compliance with CEI EN 61439-1 prf. 6.2.2.

Maintenance and repair must be carried out by SPECIALIZED personnel and "TRAINED PERSONS". Maintenance
and repair that are not carried out properly can be a source of serious danger to the user.

Before starting maintenance and repair operations, carefully read the instructions in this Technical Manual to avoid
damage to people, pets and property.

Regular maintenance ensures the equipment level of safety and perfect initial operation.

Operator safety

It is essential that the persons in charge of maintenance are professionally qualified and follow normal safety

Incorrect maintenance can cause damage to persons or property, for which the manufacturer can not be held

The automatic rephasing device is equipped with an operating element, so it is necessary to disconnect all the
capacitor batteries before disconnecting the panel from the mains.

WARNING! Before accessing the appliance, wait at least three minutes after having disconnected the voltage, then
short-circuiting and grounding all the capacitors (CEI EN 60831-1 / prf.22 standard).

Avoid disconnecting a battery and re-insert it manually, in a shorter time than 30 s necessary for the discharge of
the capacitors

Maintenance notes

The standardization of the components and the circuit part, as well as the rational arrangement of the elements
used, facilitate at any time the operations of maintenance and control of the efficiency of the panel.

Automatic power factor correction equipment is designed and implemented with the aim of minimizing maintenance
interventions, however it is necessary to carry out some periodic checks every year:

check the tightening of the screws of all power connections (operation to be carried out also during

check the efficiency of the ventilation system. It is advisable to use a heater and blow hot air on the control
thermostats: at a temperature of about 35 ° C the fans must become operative, then at about 50 ° C, the
interruption of the auxiliary circuits that determine the block must be detected of the rephaser. Wait for the
protections to cool down for a few minutes and check for normal operation.

check the integrity of the protections (fuses, etc.).

clean the ventilation ducts of the panel. In the rephasing units with external protection class IP 40 - 54, clean or
replace the filters.
p. 36 / 43
clean the panel from dust or other, taking particular care of all those components that could create insulation
problems (busbar supports, capacitor plates, etc.).

check the absence of condensation on the live components.

check the integrity of the insulation relative to the power and auxiliary cables.

ascertain the correct functioning of the electronic regulator, by performing the manual insertion of the batteries
and checking the closing of the contactors corresponding to the individual outputs. Return the regulator to
Automatic mode and make sure that the inductive LED lights up and the appropriate batteries are inserted at
regular intervals when inductive loads (motors, transformers, discharge lamps, etc.) are present. Make sure that the
controller calibration does not determine a "rolling" condition (repeated switching on / off of the batteries).

check that the discharge resistors mounted on the individual capacitors are not interrupted or burned.

check that the condenser overpressure devices have not intervened.

control the current absorption of the individual drawers, by performing the measurement on each of the three
phases, recording the values and comparing them with the nominal ones. In case of variation greater than 20%
check each individual capacitor and replace it if out of service. We recommend consulting the Ns. Technical Office
if the currents absorbed by the single groups exceed, due to the network harmonics, the nominal values.

It is good practice to note on a "MAINTENANCE CARD" any actions taken with the DATE of execution and relative

check the efficiency of the pre-insertion resistors mounted on the single contactors (if present). If interruptions
are found, it will be necessary to replace the entire contactor since the operation in the absence of resistances,
causes a deterioration on the corresponding power contacts.

check the status of the electrical contacts of the contactors, in order to avoid damage to the capacitors as a
result of the operation of contactors with completely worn contacts. Traces of soot in the screw housing or near the
output terminals (power cables) indicate wear. Pay particular attention to the contactors of batteries 1 and 2, as
they are more susceptible to on / off. Never work on the contacts with abrasive materials.

removing the power contacts from their housing (eg contactor replacement), mark them and reassemble them in
exactly the same position.

check that there is no oxidation and / or corrosion of the components, in particular of raw copper.

check that there are no deformations in the insulation of the power cables, caused by excessively high working
temperatures, in particular on the output poles of the blocking inductances and on the connections of the fuse

check the condition of surfaces: painting or other treatments.

Before proceeding, in the search for the fault that determines the total or partial non-functioning, remember to
check that the connections, related to the wiring of the current circuit and power, have been performed as we

p. 37 / 43
In fact, by not respecting the phase of the voltage and / or of the current, the apparatus does not work properly and
can even stop after a certain period of apparently regular function

a) Replacing the fuses.

• Before replacing a power fuse or auxiliary fuse remove the causes that caused the event.

• Replace them with types congruent with the original

b) replacement of contactors.

• The contactors have a useful life of around 100,000 operations and must therefore be replaced after reaching this number. If
you are not able to evaluate the number of maneuvers reached, you must periodically inspect the contacts and take the
necessary measures.

• Replace them with types that are completely congruent with the originals.

c) Replacing the capacitors

The capacitors must be replaced, with others of the same SERIES, whenever the following anomalies are found:

Loss of liquid.

Case throat raised.

Absorbed fundamental current of less than 20% of the rated voltage at the rated voltage.

Perform accurate maintenance whenever the equipment is subject to unusual and unpredictable phenomena. (Eg Intervention
of fuses, accidental bumps, exceptional presence of powders or liquids).

9.2 Assistance

For questions and / or problems, call the After Sales assistance office at one of the following telephone numbers, asking for a
technical representative:

Tel. 055-8071267

Tel. 055-8071118

Or send an email to the following address: [email protected]

Please keep the following information at hand:

• Model number and serial number

• Date of the Fault or the Problem

• Symptoms of the failure or problem

• Customer contact information

For more information, visit our website

p. 38 / 43

To switch off the equipment quickly, use the circuit breaker located on the distribution board never the main switch-off of the
power factor correction equipment.

In the event of a fire in the environment where the appliance is installed, do not use water or any means that could compromise
the integrity of the appliance (such as dust extinguishers).

In case of fire of the appliance the use of water is strictly prohibited.

p. 39 / 43

p. 40 / 43

p. 41 / 43
p. 42 / 43
TELEGROUP S.r.l. Via L. Da Vinci, 100, 50028, Tavarnelle Val di Pesa – Loc. Sambuca – FIRENZE - ITALY –
Phone +39 055 80 71 267 /118 Fax. + 39 055 80 71 338 [email protected]

p. 43 / 43

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