Basf Mastertop 1205 Tds PDF

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MasterTop® 1205

Three component solvent free high build epoxy floor coating

MasterTop 1205 is a pigmented, solvent-free, MasterTop 1205 is supplied in 18 litre packs
high build epoxy floor coating system designed to (29.2kg)
offer seamless durable floor protection at applied Part A - 24kg
thicknesses between 0.2-0.4mm. Part B - 3.4kg
With the addition of MasterTop SR 3 (slip Colour pack - 1.8kg
resistant aggregates) between coats, anti-slip
resistant applications can be achieved in system COLOURS
build-up thicknesses between 0.5-1.0mm. Available in the following standard colours:
Light Grey, Dusty Grey, Oxide Red, Brilliant Blue,
MasterTop 1205 exhibits excellent wear, abrasion Other colours can be produced depending upon
and chemical resistance and is suitable for use in the quantity and in consultation with BASF’s
a wide variety of industrial and commercial Technical Services Department.
applications. It can be used to provide a surface
coating with a high gloss hygienic finish or a slip TYPICAL PROPERTIES*
resistant coating system.
Laboratory tests carried out at 25°C
MasterTop 1205 provides impermeable protection Pot life Approx. 35 mins
against common oils, greases, lubricants, aviation Initial cure 24 hours
fuels and hydraulic oils such as Skydrol. As in all Max. overcoating time 36 hours
corrosive situations, a full analysis of operating Final cure 7 days
and exposure conditions is required, followed by Full chemical resistance 7 days
reference to chemical resistance data to ensure Mixed density Approx. 1.6kg/litre
product suitability. Max service temperature 60°C
Flexural strength ASTM C580 40N/mm²
MasterTop 1205 can be used extensively in but is Tensile strength ASTM C307 20N/mm²
not limited to the following areas of application: Bond strength BS 1881 Part 207 >1.5N/mm²

 Chemical manufacturing plants. GUIDE TO APPLICATION

 Pharmaceutical and other medical facilities. Remove all surface laitance, oil, grease or any
 Car production and showroom facilities. defective concrete that will reduce the bond of the
 Aircraft hangers and maintenance areas. MasterTop 1205.
 Warehouses with high density traffic. The surface to which the MasterTop 1205 is to be
 Food and beverage production areas. applied must be flat.
 Vehicle movement areas. Surface irregularities must be ground down or
filled out with MasterTop 2200 or repair materials
from MasterEmaco range.
 Excellent wear and abrasion resistance. A light etch giving the profile of medium grit
 Superior chemical resistance. sandpaper is the ideal surface for the application
 Smooth high gloss finish for hygienic of MasterTop 1205, this can be achieved by light
applications. grit blasting, captive blasting or surface grinding.
 Slip resistant finish in trafficable applications.
 Easy application by brush, roller or squeegee. After all preparation has been completed, ensure
dust is removed from the surface. This is best
achieved using an industrial vacuum.
MasterTop® 1205

PRIMING / SEALING Note: In cold weather or when the ambient

MasterTop 1205 does not require a priming coat. temperature is below 25°C, contact Technical
Department for application advice.
Add the entire contents of the MasterTop 1205
Part A and Part B and MasterTop Col Pack and Expansion joints in the existing substrate floor
mix the three components for 2 minutes using a must continue through the MasterTop 1205
slow speed drill (300-400rpm) fitted with a spiral coating. Contact your local BASF representative
mixing paddle until all striations have disappeared for advise on BASF sealants.
and a uniform colour is obtained.
APPLICATION Fully cured MasterTop 1205 samples have been
MasterTop 1205 is a versatile product and can be tested for chemical resistance to the following
applied in various application thicknesses from chemicals for 7 days @ 25°C:
200 microns to 250 microns per coat giving DFT
thickness of 0.4-0.5mm when applied as a two Lactic Acid 10% Resistant (colour change)
Citric Acid 10% Resistant
coat system.
Acetic Acid 10% Resistant
Hydrochloric Acid 18% Resistant (colour change)
To achieve a smooth finish at an application rate Sulphuric Acid 50% Resistant (colour change)
of 200 microns per coat use a medium pile roller or Nitric Acid 20% Resistant (colour change)
suitable paint brush. Sodium Hydroxide 50% Resistant
Ammonia (0.880) 10% Resistant
For slip resistant finishes, apply the base coat first. Petrol Resistant
This coat can then be scattered with Mineral Oil Resistant
MasterTop SR 3 aggregate by completely blinding Butanol Resistant
at approximately 0.6-1.0kg/m². Apply aggregate to Skydrol Resistant
wet base coat. After initial cure (12 hours at 40°C) Saturated Sugar Resistant
the excess aggregate should be removed by Solution
brushing or vacuuming. Saturated Urea Resistant
Alternative textures can be obtained by varying the
amount of MasterTop SR 3 broadcast on to the COVERAGE
base / sealer coat.
The top coat can now be applied. Depending on 18 litre pack of MasterTop 1205 covers 90m² @ a
the surface profile, type and density of the dft of 200 microns (2 coats required),
MasterTop SR 3 used, the top coat may consume i.e. 0.2 litres/m²/coat
more material than the base coat to achieve a fully
sealed surface. The top coat must be applied
within the maximum over coating time period i.e. SLIP RESISTANT FINISH
36 hours at 25°C or 24 hours at 40°C. 18 litre pack of MasterTop 1205 covers 72m² at a
dft of 250 microns (2 coats required),
Prior to application, MasterTop 1205 should be i.e. 0.25 litres/m²/coat
stored undercover and protected from extremes of
temperature in an air-conditioned environment MasterTop SR 3 approx. 0.6-1.0kg/m².
immediately prior to application.
Above coverages do not allow for any wastage
and coverages may vary depending on the
porosity and profile of the concrete substrate.
MasterTop® 1205


Remove uncured MasterTop 1205 from tools Field service, where provided, does not
and equipment using MasterTop THN 2. If constitute supervisory responsibility. For
MasterTop 1205 has cured then it can only be additional information contact your local BASF
removed by mechanical means. representative.

STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE BASF reserves the right to have the true cause
Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground of any difficulty determined by accepted test
and on pallets. Protect from rainfall. Avoid methods.
excessive compaction and protect from
extremes of temperature. QUALITY AND CARE
All products originating from BASF’s Dubai, UAE
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS facility are manufactured under a management
As with all chemical products, care should be system independently certified to conform to the
taken during use and storage to avoid contact requirements of the quality, environmental and
with eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which occupational health & safety standards ISO
could be tainted during the curing/ drying phase 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
of the product). Treat splashes to eyes and skin
immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek * Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
medical attention. Reseal the containers after
use. ® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC Disclaimer: the LRQA mark relates
P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE to certified management system and
Tel: +971 4 8090800, Fax: +971 4 8851002 not to the product mentioned on this datasheet

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