Mastertop 1110 Tds

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MasterTop® 1110 (Formerly known as Mastertop 1110M)

Water-based epoxy floor and wall coating for concrete and masonry surfaces


MasterTop 1110 is a two-component, water  Moisture tolerant
dispersible, epoxy resin coating, designed to seal  Economical
and protect concrete and cementitious floors and  Easy application
walls.  Solvent-free, non-tainting
 Easily cleaned
Primary Uses MasterTop 1110 gives good general
 Dust-free surface
protection for concrete surfaces and provides an  Ease of maintenance
easily cleaned, non-dusting finish in numerous  Good bond to dense surfaces
industrial and commercial applications. The system
is free of organic solvents and will not taint PACKAGING
foodstuffs. MasterTop 1110 is supplied in a 5kg unit.
MasterTop 1110 can be successfully applied to
damp concrete surfaces making it particularly COLOURS
suitable for wet process industries, where a dry MasterTop 1110 is available in the following
substrate may be difficult or impossible to obtain. colours: light grey; dark grey; dust grey; red; blue
beige; green and white
MasterTop 1110 offers good resistance to a wide
range of chemicals and aggressive liquids, but as
in all corrosive situations, a full analysis of
operating and exposure conditions is required,
Pot Life: 20°C 1 hour
followed by reference to chemical resistance data, Specific gravity: (varies with
to ensure product suitability. 1.35-1.45g/cm³
MasterTop 1110 can also be applied to act as a Max. service temperature: 60°C
combined sealer/coating/curing membrane Min. recoat time: 10 hours at 25°C
Max. recoat time: 48 hours at 25°C
provided that the concrete has hardened
D.F.T.: 75-100 microns per coat
MasterTop 1110 is used extensively in the
From all available information it has been found
following application areas as a sealing coat and
that MasterTop 1110 shows a minimal risk of
wearing surface to epoxy toppings and screeds:
tainting foodstuffs during and after complete cure
 Dairies
has taken place.
 Abattoirs
 Fish and meat processing plants
 Soft drink and beverage production MasterTop 1110 can be applied to a clean, dry or
 Manufacturing and food processing damp but not wet, substrate free from dust, dirt, oil,
 Bakeries grease and other contaminants. A clean surface
 Wash and changing room walls
will ensure improved adhesion between substrate
 Pharmaceutical factories
and coating.
 Industrial and commercial kitchens
The method of surface preparation will be dictated
by the size of area to be treated, location and
degree of contamination.
MasterTop® 1110 (Formerly known as Mastertop 1110M)
NEW CONSTRUCTION: minutes until a uniform streak free consistency is
Floors to be coated or overlaid should be at least 7 achieved. MASTERTOP 1110 M is supplied in
days old unless water-reducing admixtures have preweighed units; at no time should packs be split.
been incorporated. (Consult BASF’s Technical
Services Department for advice). The removal of PRIMING:
laitance and contaminants is best achieved by Substrates that are porous should be primed using
mechanical means, such as vacuum recovery shot MasterTop 1110 diluted with up to 10% by volume
blasting. of water per 4kg pack. Coverage will be
approximately 5-7m²/kg/coat.
EXISTING CONCRETE: Mixing should be as described above. Application
All contamination must be removed and a sound should be by short haired roller or airless spray.
clean substrate exposed. Mechanical means of
preparation are preferred followed by the removal COATING APPLICATION:
of dust and other loose debris using an industrial Apply 2 coats of MasterTop 1110 at 5-8m²/kg/coat
vacuum. In areas of deeply penetrating and allow at least 6-8 hours but no more than 48
contamination by oils, greases and fats, hot hours between coats.
compressed air treatment followed by
impregnation with a low viscosity sealer / primer is Apply the second coat at right angles to the first.
the recommended treatment. MasterTop 1110 should be allowed to cure for 48
hours prior to receiving light traffic. Full cure is
Prior to application, MasterTop 1110 should be achieved after 7 days. As with all water-based
stored under cover and protected from extremes of systems, good ventilation and air movement is
temperature which will cause inconsistent required to assist drying, especially in damp
workability and cure times of the mixed material. conditions.
During application in cold conditions, correct
conditioning is essential; but application should be RESISTANT COATINGS
halted if the ambient temperature is likely to fall Where slip resistance is required, MasterTop
below 10°C. Consideration should be given to the SLIP-RESISTANT AGGREGATE NO. 1 (SR NO.
substrate or base slab, as it is likely to be 1M) is broadcast into the wet base coat, to
considerably colder than the ambient air saturation. Leave overnight to dry then remove
temperature. excess aggregate by sweeping or vacuuming,
before applying the topcoat. When a slip-resistant
MIXING: finish is applied in areas that will be wet and/or
MasterTop 1110 is a two-component product suffer from chemical spillage, a primer coat must
consisting of base and reactor components. The always be applied.
base component should be mixed before use to
redistribute any settlement that may have occurred
during storage.
BASE COAT 6.5-7m²/kg
To the pre-mixed base add the complete contents AGGREGATE 1.5-2kg/m²
of the reactor container. Using a slow speed drill TOP COAT 5-6m²/kg
with a suitable mixing attachment, mix for 1-2
MasterTop® 1110 (Formerly known as Mastertop 1110M)
Coverage will vary according to the nature of the Field service, where provided, does not
substrate. All calculated usages assume constant constitute supervisory responsibility. For
thickness on a regular substrate. Failure to additional information, contact your local BASF
achieve representative.
the required surface regularity will lead to
additional material being used. BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of
any difficulty determined by accepted test
Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and methods.
protect from extremes of temperature. In tropical
climates, the product must be stored in air- QUALITY STATEMENT
conditioned environment. All products manufactured by BASF Egypt, or
imported from BASF affiliate companies world-
Failure to comply with the recommended storage wide, are manufactured to procedures certified to
conditions may result in premature deterioration conform to the quality, environment, health &
of the product or packaging. For specific storage safety management systems described in the
and disposal advice, consult BASF's Technical ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS
Services Department. 18001:2007 standards.

* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
Up to 12 months if stored in unopened containers
according to manufacturer’s instructions. ® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.
As with all chemical products, care should be
taken, during use and storage, to avoid contact
with eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can
also be tainted with vapour until product has fully
cured or dried). Treat splashes to skin and eyes
immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek
medical attention. Re-seal containers after use.
For further information, refer to the material
safety data sheet.


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