Rubrics For Portfolio

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Rubrics for Student Teaching Portfolio

Criteria Exemplary Good Fair Poor

Components, which All components One of the Two of the More than
include the cover are present and components is components two of the
page, table of clearly marked missing are missing components
contents, learning are missing
tasks, attendance
and endorsement
letter (10%)
Organization (15%) Organization Organization Organization is Organization
follows the slightly differs different from does not
instruction for the from the the instruction follow the
portfolio correctly instruction given. Page instructions
and completely. given. Page numbers are given and
Page numbers numbers are correct. there are no
were correct. correct. page
Grammaticality and The written work is There are few There are The errors in
mechanics in writing processed well, minor errors several minor grammar and
(15%) edited and with the errors with the mechanics
obviously grammar and grammar and affect the
proofread. mechanics of mechanics of readability of
the work. the work. the work.
Neatness and Format Presentation and Presentation Presentation Presentation
(10%) organization of the and slightly is not neat
folio demonstrate organization of demonstrate and shows
professionalism. the folio is neat neatness. half-baked
and formal. output.
Completeness of Contents are all Contents are Few contents Several of
Contents (50%) completely filled all filled and are missing but the contents
with scholarly has a well has well are missing
discussion. It written written and the
clearly explanation. It explanation. It discussion is
demonstrates in- demonstrates mentions some poorly
depth good understanding written. All
understanding of understanding of lessons explanation
professional of learning in learned in are opinion-
education professional professional based.
subjects. subjects. subjects.

Rating: ___________

Rated By

Name of the FS Instructor

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