Variadores ACS2000

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Product brochure

Medium voltage AC drive

ACS 2000, 250 – 1600 kW,
4.0 – 6.9 kV
2 ACS 2000 brochure | ABB
ACS 2000 – simple and reliable motor control

The ACS 2000 medium voltage AC drive provides reliable motor

control for a wide range of applications.

The ACS 2000 is designed for high reliability, easy installation Key product features
and fast commissioning reducing the total cost of ownership. –– Suitable for use with or without an input isolation transformer

With its compact footprint, the ACS 2000 can be retrofitted –– Direct-to-line connection (transformerless) provides low cost
to control standard induction motors via a direct connection of ownership
to 4.0 – 6.9 kV line supplies (direct-to-line). Alternatively, the – – Simple drive system integration
ACS 2000 can be operated with an input isolation transformer – – Three in - three out cabling technique for quick and easy
to allow for flexible line side power voltages. It is available with installation
an integrated transformer or it can be connected to an external
transformer. – – Suitable for new or existing induction motors
– – Modular design provides high reliability and low mainte-
The ACS 2000 direct-to-line combines the cost savings of a nance costs
transformerless variable speed drive system with the benefits – – ACS 2000, low harmonic drive for low harmonic
of Voltage Source Inverters (VSIs), including excellent avail- performance
ability and reliability, high and constant power factor and
superior dynamic control performance. – – ACS 2000, regenerative drive for regeneration and power
factor correction
The ACS 2000 is available as low harmonic drive for optimal
low harmonic performance or as regenerative drive for
enhanced active braking and power factor correction.

Fields of application
Industries Applications

Cement, mining and minerals Conveyors, crushers, mills, mine hoists, fans and pumps

Chemical, oil and gas Pumps, compressors, extruders, mixers and blowers

Metals Fans and pumps

Pulp and paper Fans, pumps, refiners, vacuum pumps and chippers

Power generation Fans, pumps, conveyors and coal mills

Water Pumps

Other applications Test stands, wind tunnels and sugar mills

ABB | ACS 2000 brochure 3

Key features

The ACS 2000 general purpose drive offers unique features

which provide superior application flexibility with a standard

Line supply connection flexibility

The ACS 2000 provides different line supply connection
options, each offering unique benefits. The ACS 2000 is
available for connection to an external input isolation
transformer, with an integrated input isolation transformer
or for use without a transformer. The latter allows a direct
connection to the industrial line supply (direct-to-line).

Direct-to-line For operation with transformer

The ACS 2000 direct-to-line features an Active Front End External transformer
(AFE), which enables transformerless operation. This can lower For applications where a voltage-matching input transformer
investment costs substantially. Due to its compact size and is needed or galvanic isolation from the power supply is
lighter weight compared to a drive requiring a transformer, it required, the ACS 2000 can be connected to a conventional
also results in lower transportation costs and needs less oil or dry-type converter transformer.
space in the electrical room.
Integrated transformer
The ACS 2000 can be easily retrofitted to fixed speed motors Alternatively, the ACS 2000 is also available with an integrated
while the direct-to-line technology results in quick and easy input isolation transformer.
installation and commissioning.
l l

l l l I I



Topology of the ACS 2000 for direct-to-line connection Topology of the ACS 2000 for operation with an external transformer


Topology of the ACS 2000 with an integrated input transformer

4 ACS 2000 brochure | ABB

Powerful performance with DTC Low harmonic signature
Precise and reliable process control, together with low energy A low harmonic solution is available which meets the most
consumption, results in top performance. The ACS 2000 drive stringent requirements for harmonic distortion as defined by
control platform uses ABB’s award-winning Direct Torque Control relevant standards. This avoids the need for harmonic analysis or
(DTC), resulting in the highest torque and speed performance the installation of network filters.
as well as the lowest losses ever achieved in medium voltage
AC drives. Control of the drive is immediate and smooth under all Regeneration
conditions. For applications with high braking energy, the ACS 2000 is
available with optional regeneration capability, which feeds back
Motor friendly output waveform for use with new or braking energy to the line supply. This further reduces the overall
existing motors energy consumption.
The ACS 2000 provides near sinusoidal current and voltage
waveforms making it compatible for use with standard motors and Power factor correction
cable insulation. This is achieved with ABB’s patented multilevel For applications where other loads connected to the same line
topology which utilizes one DC link enabling a multi-level output supply cause leading or lagging power factor, the ACS 2000 is
waveform with a minimum number of power components. available with a static VAR compensation option. With static
VAR compensation, a smooth line supply voltage profile can
be maintained and reactive power penalties can be avoided.

15000 200 15000 200

150 150
10000 10000
100 100
5000 5000
50 50


0 0 0
Volts Volts Volts

-50 -50
-5000 -5000
-100 -100
-10000 -10000
-150 -150

-15000 -200 -15000 -200

50 Hz operation point 50 Hz operation point

Line current Line voltage Motor current Motor voltage

Line and motor

current and voltage

ABB | ACS 2000 brochure 5

ACS 2000 – the right choice for general purpose applications

Depending on the application, variable speed drives have to

fulfill different requirements. The ACS 2000 provides the right
solution for general purpose applications.

ACS 2000, low harmonic drives ACS 2000, regenerative drives

ABB’s low harmonic drives offer optimal low harmonic perfor- ACS 2000 regenerative drives feature an Active Front End
mance which does not require any additional filtering. (AFE), which provides enhanced active braking and power
factor correction.
Line side harmonics of the ACS 2000 are compliant with all
relevant standards. This avoids the need for harmonic analysis Regenerative braking
or the installation of a multi-pulse transformer, network filters or The AFE enables regenerative braking which allows full power
other additional equipment for harmonics reduction. flow both in motoring and generating mode. Regeneration
offers significant energy savings compared to other braking
methods as energy is fed back to the supply network.

Regeneration is especially suitable for applications with frequent

starts and stops. It allows energy efficient continuous braking
of applications such as downhill conveyors or expanders in
gas pipelines.

Power factor correction

The AFE can also provide reactive power (VAR) compensation.
With VAR compensation, the voltage level can be controlled to
stay within tight limits. A smooth network voltage profile can
be maintained and reactive power penalties can be avoided.

6 ACS 2000 brochure | ABB

ACS 2000

The air-cooled general purpose drive provides simple and

reliable motor control for a wide range of applications.

ACS 2000 direct-to-line,

800 kW, 4.0 – 4.16 kV

interlocked doors for

DC bus grounding
switch for safety

Input reactor with

common mode filter
for direct-to-line

User-friendly drive control panel for local operation

–– Keypad with multi-language display
–– Main supply on/off pushbuttons
–– Emergency off pushbutton

ABB | ACS 2000 brochure 7

ACS 2000

It is designed for easy installation, fast commissioning and

efficient maintenance reducing the total cost of ownership.

ACS 2000, 800 kW, 6.6 kV,

for operation with an external

Control unit
Inverter unit

Cable connection
section for top
and bottom entry

able phase

Rectifier unit

8 ACS 2000 brochure | ABB

Features and benefits

Features Advantages Benefits

Operation without transformer (direct-to-line)
No transformer required Reduces capital expenditure
Easy retrofit to fixed-speed motors Minimizes investment
Easy and fast commissioning Lowers downtime
Lowers transportation costs; less
Compact and light drive system
space required in electrical room
Operation with transformer
The ACS 2000 is available with an integrated
Easy integration into existing
transformer or for operation with an external Connection to any voltage level
Conventional oil or dry-type input isola- No special input isolation transformer
tion transformer required
Operation under single ground fault
Galvanic isolation to the line supply
without impact on the drive
Heating losses are not dissipated
Separate input isolation transformer can
into electrical room, reducing load
be located outside
on HVAC system
Integrated transformer for quick installa-
Lowers downtime
tion and commissioning
Active Front End (AFE)
Reduces energy loss in distribution
Power factor adjusted to compensate
system, avoiding need for larger
for reactive power
cables and utility penalties
Enables a direct connection to the line
Transformer is not required
Four-quadrant operation (regenerative
Minimizes energy consumption
Harmonic emissions compliant with
Inherent low harmonic signature
all relevant standards
Multilevel topology
Low parts count, which boosts drive
Patented multilevel topology
Provides near sinusoidal current and Compatible with standard new or
voltage waveforms existing motors
Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) topology
Excellent availability, reliability and
Higher uptime of plant or process
High and constant power factor Eliminates utility penalties
Safe ride through during supply vol-
Superior dynamic control performance
tage dips and better process control
Direct Torque Control (DTC)
Precise and reliable process control with
Higher productivity
superior performance
Compact size

Requires less space in electrical room Frees up valuable floor space

ABB | ACS 2000 brochure 9

Simple drive system integration

Installing a medium voltage AC drive could not be easier with

ABB’s three in - three out concept. Simply disconnect the direct-
on-line cable, connect the drive, and connect the drive to the motor.

Along with its flexible line supply connection options and DriveOPC
advanced software tools the ACS 2000 allows smooth and DriveOPC is a software package, which allows communication
simple drive system integration into any industrial environment. between ABB drives and the customer’s Windows®-based
Flexible control interface
ABB offers an open communication strategy, enabling connection DriveStartup
to higher-level process controllers. The ACS 2000 can be installed The commissioning wizard DriveStartup is an advanced tool
with all major fieldbus adapters for smooth integration, monitoring which simplifies and speeds-up commissioning, reducing
and controlling of different processes, according to customer plant downtime considerably.


Simple and efficient maintenance is an important factor in

keeping operating costs down.

The ACS 2000 is designed to maximize uptime as well as to

facilitate quick repair. The modular design lends itself to quick
and effective replacement of components, resulting in industry
leading Mean Time to Repair (MTTR).

Reliable components
ABB drive technologies, such as the multilevel VSI topology,
provide a low parts count, which increases reliability, extends
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and improves availability.

Easy access
The ACS 2000 has been designed to allow easy front access
to all drive components.

Redundant cooling
The ACS 2000 is available with redundant fans which increa-
ses availability.

10 ACS 2000 brochure | ABB

Service and support

The ACS 2000 is backed by comprehensive service and support,

from the customer’s initial inquiry throughout the entire life cycle
of the drive system.

Installation and commissioning Training

Proper installation and commissioning of the equipment, done ABB provides extensive training for its medium voltage AC drives.
by qualified and certified commissioning engineers, reduces A range of training programs is offered from basic tutorials to
start-up time, increases safety and reliability and decreases programs tailored to the customer’s specific needs.
life cycle costs. In addition, operators can be given practical
training by experienced specialists on site. Global network, local presence
After sales service is an integral part of providing the customer
With its three in - three out principle, flexible line supply connection with a reliable and efficient drive system. The ABB Group of
options and advanced software tools, such as the commissioning companies operates in more than 100 countries and has a
wizard, start-up of the ACS 2000 is easy and fast, thereby worldwide network of service operations.
minimizing plant downtime.
Services for ABB‘s medium voltage AC drives
Life cycle management –– Supervision of installation and commissioning
ABB’s drive life cycle management model maximizes the value of –– Local support
the equipment and maintenance investment by maintaining high –– Worldwide service network
availability, eliminating unplanned repair costs and extending –– Spare parts and logistics network
the lifetime of the drive. –– Training
–– Remote services
Life cycle management includes: –– 24 x 365 technical support
–– providing spare parts and expertise throughout the life cycle –– Preventive maintenance
–– providing efficient product support and maintenance for –– Customized service agreements
improved reliability
–– adding functionality to the initial product

ABB | ACS 2000 brochure 11

Data sheet ACS 2000

Inverter type Ambient temperature

Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), 9 levels line-to-line, with high voltage + 1 to 40 oC (higher with derating)
IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) power semiconductors
Enclosure classes
Motors IP21 to IP42
Induction motors; 250 – 1,600 kW
Control interface (optional)
Standards All common fieldbuses including Profibus, Modbus, DeviceNet,
All common standards Ethernet, ACS Drivebus, ABB Advant Fieldbus AF100, others
4 kV according to NEMA, IEEE 1566, UL 347A
6 kV according to EN, IEC, CE, NEMA Standard protection functions
Auxiliary voltage fault, overtemperature supervision, overcurrent,
Input short circuit detection, motor overload, motor stall and over-
5-level self-commutated IGBT active front end (AFE) or speed protection, communication fault (I/O watchdog), earth
24-pulse diode front end (DFE) fault, main circuit breaker supervision/tripping, emergency off
signal supervision
for operation
with integrated
with external Example options
– – Motor supervision I/Os
Low harmonic
AFE DFE DFE –– Fault/alarm: overtemperature, vibration of bearings
–– PT 100: winding and bearing temperatures
Regenerative AFE AFE AFE
– – Transformer supervision I/Os
–– Fault/alarm: overtemperature, Buchholz
–– PT 100: winding temperatures
Rated input voltages: –– Hardwired signals for remote drive control
4.16 kV, -10% to +10% (-30% with derating) – – References: start/stop, speed/torque etc.
6.0 / 6.6 kV, -10% to +10% (-30% with derating) – – Status feedback signals: ready/running
6.9 kV, -10% to +5% (-35% with derating); with DFE 0% to +5% – – Analog signals: current/voltage/power etc.
The ACS 2000 with integrated transformer is available with –– Redundant cooling fans with automatic switch over for duty
primary transformer voltages of 6.0, 6.6, 10 and 11 kV cycling and upon fan failure
(+10% to -10%). –– ABB DriveWindow service and diagnostic software
– – ABB DriveMonitor TM for remote monitoring and diagnostics
Input frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Auxiliary supply voltage

400, 440, 480 or 600 VAC, 3-phase, 50 / 60 Hz

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) / Single phase

control supply
If available, an external UPS can be connected for control
power supply, 110 – 240 VAC, single phase or 110/220 VDC.
Alternatively, the control can be powered via the auxiliary supply
voltage or an internal UPS can be provided.

Output frequency
0 to 75 Hz

Rated output voltage

4.0 – 6.9 kV

Efficiency of converter
Typically 97.5%

Input power factor

Controlled to 1 or adjustable to compensate for reactive power
of other loads connected to the same network

12 ACS 2000 brochure | ABB

Data sheet ACS 2000, 4.0 – 4.16 kV

Converter length and weight (approx. values)

Motor data Converter verter for operation
with integrated
data direct-to-line with external
over- Nominal rating * Light overload * Heavy duty * Type code ** Power Length Weight Length Weight Length Weight
load *
Pcont. max
Icont. max Imax PN IN Phd Ihd
hp hp hp kVA mm kg mm kg mm kg
(kW) (kW) (kW)
4,000 — 4,160 V ***
330 300 220
44 48 40 29 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0C 280 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(246) (224) (164)
385 350 257
52 57 47 34 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0D 326 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(287) (261) (192)
440 400 293
59 65 54 40 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0E 373 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(328) (298) (218)
495 450 330
67 74 61 45 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0F 420 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(369) (336) (246)
550 500 367
74 81 67 49 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0H 466 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(410) (373) (274)
660 600 440
89 98 81 59 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0L 560 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(492) (447) (328)
770 700 513
103 114 94 69 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0Q 653 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(574) (522) (383)
880 800 587
119 131 108 79 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0R 746 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(656) (597) (438)
945 900 660
127 140 121 85 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0T 839 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(705) (671) (492)
1000 1000 733
135 149 135 90 ACS 2040-1x-AN1-a-0V 933 1,940 2,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(746) (746) (547)
1375 1250 916
185 203 168 123 ACS 2040-2x-AN1-a-0Z 1,166 2,915 3,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(1026) (933) (684)
1650 1500 1100
222 244 202 148 ACS 2040-2x-AN1-a-1C 1,399 2,915 3,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(1230) (1119) (820)
1925 1750 1283
260 266 236 173 ACS 2040-2x-AN1-a-1F 1,632 2,915 3,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(1437) (1306) (958)
2000 2000 1647
269 296 269 179 ACS 2040-2x-AN1-a-1H 1,865 2,915 3,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a
(1492) (1492) (1094)

Notes: Dimensions:
* Indicative information referring to typical 4-pole motor, under nominal supply voltage conditions. Height: 2,110 mm cabinet height
The ratings apply at 40°C. At higher temperatures (up to 50°C) the derating is 1.5% / 1°C. 2,285 - 2,490 mm (incl. cooling fans on top)

No-overload use 2,490 - 2,515 mm with redundant cooling fans

Pcont. max: Typical motor power in no-overload use. Depth: 1,185 mm

Nominal ratings
Icont. max: Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40°C.
Imax: Maximum output current, available for 10 seconds at start.

Light-overload use
PN: Typical motor power in light-overload use.
IN: Continuous current rating of particular sub-frame allowing 110% IN at 40°C for
1 minute every 10 minutes.

Heavy-duty use
Phd: Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
Ihd: Continuous current rating of particular sub-frame allowing 150% Ihd at 40°C for
1 minute every 10 minutes.

** ‘x‘ indicates the different converter types

T - direct-to-line, regenerative
L - direct-to-line, low harmonic

*** 4.16 kV, +10% to -10%

ABB | ACS 2000 brochure 13

Data sheet ACS 2000, 6.0 – 6.9 kV

Motor data Converter data

No over- Frame
Nominal rating * Light overload * Heavy duty * Type code ** Power
load * reference
Pcont. max
Icont. max Imax PN IN Phd Ihd
kW A A kW A kW A kVA
6,000 V ***
275 33 36 250 30 183 22 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0D 344 A02
347 42 46 315 38 231 28 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0E 434 A04
390 47 52 355 43 260 31 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0G 488 A06
440 53 58 400 48 293 35 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0J 550 A08
495 60 65 450 54 330 40 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0L 619 A10
550 66 73 500 60 367 44 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0N 688 A12
616 74 82 560 67 411 49 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0Q 770 A14
693 83 92 630 76 462 56 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0S 866 A16
781 94 100 710 85 521 63 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0U 976 A18
800 96 100 730 87 533 64 ACS 2060-1x-AN1-a-0V 1,000 A20
880 108 116 800 96 587 71 ACS 2060-2x-AN1-a-0W 1,100 A23
990 119 131 900 108 660 79 ACS 2060-2x-AN1-a-0Y 1,238 A24
1,100 132 146 1,000 120 733 88 ACS 2060-2x-AN1-a-1A 1,375 A26
1,232 148 163 1,120 135 821 99 ACS 2060-2x-AN1-a-1C 1,540 A28
1,386 167 183 1,260 152 924 111 ACS 2060-2x-AN1-a-1E 1,733 A30
1,562 188 200 1,420 171 1,041 125 ACS 2060-2x-AN1-a-1G 1,953 A32

6,600 V ***
275 30 33 250 27 183 20 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0D 344 A02
347 38 42 315 34 231 25 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0E 434 A04
390 43 47 355 39 260 28 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0G 488 A06
440 48 53 400 44 293 32 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0J 550 A08
495 54 60 450 49 330 36 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0L 619 A10
550 60 66 500 55 367 40 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0N 688 A12
616 67 74 560 61 411 45 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0Q 770 A14
693 76 83 630 69 462 51 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0S 866 A16
781 85 94 710 78 521 57 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0U 976 A18
820 94 100 730 85 547 62 ACS 2066-1x-AN1-a-0V 1,075 A20
990 108 119 900 98 660 72 ACS 2066-2x-AN1-a-0Y 1,238 A24
1,100 120 132 1,000 109 733 80 ACS 2066-2x-AN1-a-1A 1,375 A26
1,232 135 148 1,120 122 821 90 ACS 2066-2x-AN1-a-1C 1,540 A28
1,386 152 167 1,260 138 924 101 ACS 2066-2x-AN1-a-1E 1,733 A30
1,562 171 188 1,420 155 1,041 114 ACS 2066-2x-AN1-a-1G 1,953 A32
1,600 180 198 1,500 164 1,100 120 ACS 2066-2x-AN1-a-1H 2,063 A34

* Indicative information referring to typical 4-pole motor, under nominal supply voltage conditions. Heavy-duty use
The ratings apply at 40°C. At higher temperatures (up to 50°C) the derating is 1.5% / 1°C. Phd: Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
Ihd: Continuous current rating of particular sub-frame allowing 150% Ihd at 40°C for
No-overload use
1 minute every 10 minutes.
Pcont. max: Typical motor power in no-overload use.

Nominal ratings ** ‘x‘ indicates the different converter types

Icont. max: Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40°C. A - for operation with external transformer, regenerative
B - for operation with external transformer, low harmonic
Imax: Maximum output current, available for 10 seconds at start.
T - direct-to-line, regenerative
Light-overload use L - direct-to-line, low harmonic
PN: Typical motor power in light-overload use. I - with integrated transformer, regenerative
IN: Continuous current rating of particular sub-frame allowing 110% IN at 40°C for K - with integrated transformer, low harmonic
1 minute every 10 minutes.
*** AFE: 6.0 / 6.6 kV, -10% to +10%; 6.9 kV, -10% to +5%
DFE: 6.0 / 6.6 kV, -10% to +10%; 6.9 kV, 0% to +5%

14 ACS 2000 brochure | ABB

Data sheet ACS 2000, 6.0 – 6.9 kV, continued

Motor data Converter data

No over-
Nominal rating * Light overload * Heavy duty * Type code ** Power Frame size
load *
Pcont. max
Icont. max Imax PN IN Phd Ihd
kW A A kW A kW A kVA
6,900 V ***
275 30 33 250 27 183 20 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0D 344 A02
347 38 42 315 34 231 25 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0E 434 A04
390 43 47 355 39 260 28 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0G 488 A06
440 48 53 400 44 293 32 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0J 550 A08
495 54 60 450 49 330 36 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0L 619 A10
550 60 66 500 55 367 40 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0N 688 A12
616 67 74 560 61 411 45 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0Q 770 A14
693 76 83 630 69 462 51 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0S 866 A16
781 85 94 710 78 521 57 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0U 976 A18
820 94 100 730 85 547 62 ACS 2069-1x-AN1-a-0V 1,075 A20
990 108 119 900 98 660 72 ACS 2069-2x-AN1-a-0Y 1,238 A24
1,100 120 132 1,000 109 733 80 ACS 2069-2x-AN1-a-1A 1,375 A26
1,232 135 148 1,120 123 821 90 ACS 2069-2x-AN1-a-1C 1,540 A28
1,386 152 167 1,260 138 924 101 ACS 2069-2x-AN1-a-1E 1,733 A30
1,562 171 188 1,420 155 1,041 114 ACS 2069-2x-AN1-a-1G 1,953 A32
1,600 180 198 1,500 164 1,100 120 ACS 2069-2x-AN1-a-1H 2,063 A34

Height: 2,100 mm cabinet height
2,490 mm (incl. cooling fans on top)
2,700 mm with redundant cooling fans

Depth: 1,140 mm

Converter length and weight (approx. values):

Low harmonic drive Regenerative drive

reference for operation with with integrated for operation with with integrated
direct-to-line direct-to-line
external transformer transformer**** external transformer transformer
Length Weight Length Weight Length Weight Length Weight Length Weight Length Weight
mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg
A02 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,330 3,050 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 2,850
A04 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,330 3,100 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 2,940
A06 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,330 3,150 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 3,030
A08 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,630 3,220 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 3,130
A10 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,630 3,220 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 3,230
A12 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,630 3,600 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 3,330
A14 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,630 3,720 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 3,450
A16 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,630 3,850 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 3,580
A18 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,630 4,000 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 3,720
A20 2,205 2,500 1,730 1,500 3,630 4,000 2,205 2,500 1,705 1,550 3,405 3,750
A23 3,800 4,260 2,180 1,800 4,080 4,550 3,800 4,260 3,000 2,550 5,200 5,140
A24 3,800 4,260 2,180 1,800 4,080 4,770 3,800 4,260 3,000 2,550 5,200 5,140
A26 3,800 4,260 2,180 1,800 4,080 4,870 3,800 4,260 3,000 2,550 5,200 5,300
A28 3,800 4,260 2,180 1,800 4,380 5,140 3,800 4,260 3,000 2,550 5,200 5,490
A30 3,800 4,260 2,180 1,800 4,380 5,810 3,800 4,260 3,000 2,550 5,200 5,700
A32 3,800 4,260 2,180 1,800 4,380 5,950 3,800 4,260 3,000 2,550 5,200 5,940
A34 3,800 4,260 2,180 1,800 4,380 5,950 3,800 4,260 3,000 2,550 5,200 5,990

**** Values for 6.6 kV primary voltage (>6.6 kV to 11 kV: +300 mm)

ABB | ACS 2000 brochure 15

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