Unit03 PDF
Unit03 PDF
Unit03 PDF
Looking ahead
Words and phrases
society (n)
3.21 hook up /%hUk "Vp/ (phr v) 3.29 interact (with) /%Int@r"&kt/ (v)
connect sb/sth to a piece of communicate with sb, especially
equipment ◆ I went to see Mike while you work, play or spend Nanotechnology
in hospital today. He’s better, but time with them ◆ Sarah’s job as a
he’s still hooked up to all those receptionist allowed her to interact 3.36 molecule /"mQlIkju:l/ (n)
machines. L Often used in the with a huge variety of people. smallest unit, consisting of a group
passive. hook-up (n) interaction (n), interactive (adj), of atoms, into which a substance
interactively (adv) can be divided without a change in
3.22 nerve /n3:v/ (n) its chemical nature molecularity
one of the long threads that carry 3.30 flourish /"flVrIS/ (v) (n), molecular (adj), molecularly
messages between the brains and develop quickly and be successful (adv)
parts of the body so that you can or common ◆ During the Second
move, feel pain, etc. nervous World War the black market 3.37 precision /prI"sIZn/ (n)
(adj): nervous system flourished in many British cities. the quality of being exact, accurate
flourish (n), flourishing (adj) and careful ◆ In our chemistry lab
3.23 sensation /sen"seISn/ (n) we had some precision scales which
feeling that you get when sth 3.31 retailer /"ri:teIl@(r)/ (n) could weigh even fractions of a
affects your body ◆ Lying in the person or business that sells goods gram!
sun might be a pleasant sensation to the public ◆ ‘Zara’ is one of
for some people, but not for me. Europe’s biggest clothes retailers. 3.38 in layman’s terms
L Also: very great surprise, L Compare with wholesaler: /In "leIm@nz %t3:mz/ (phr)
excitement, or interest among a lot sb who buys goods in large in simple language ◆ I don’t really
of people. The adj and adv forms quantities, especially so they can understand all this technical
refer to this meaning. sense (n, be sold again to make a profit. language. Can you put it into
v), sensational (adj), sensationally retail (n, v, adj) layman’s terms?
3.32 cramped /kr&mpt/ (adj) 3.39 manipulation
3.24 tiny /"taIni/ (adj) not having room to move freely /m@%nIpju"leISn/ (n)
very small in size or amount ◆ The theatre was far too small, control or use of sb/sth in a skilful
and we felt very cramped in our way ◆ The manipulation of this
3.25 transmitter /tr&ns"mIt@(r)/ (n) seats. cramp (v) kind of data can only really be
piece of equipment that sends done by computer. L Also: control
electronic signals transmission 3.33 window-shop or influence of sb/sth, often in
(n), transmit (v) /"wInd@U %SQp/ (v) a dishonest way so that they do
look at the goods in shop windows, not realise it. manipulate (v),
3.26 fingertip /"fINg@tIp/ (n) usually without intending to buy manipulator (n), manipulative (adj)
the end of your finger that is furthest anything ◆ I’m not really planning
from your hand, usu. meaning the to buy anything today, I’m just 3.40 hence /hens/ (adv)
fleshy part, not the nail going to window-shop. window- for this reason ◆ The project is
shopping (n) much bigger than expected, hence
the need for extra staff.
… in virtual space 3.34 replica /"replIk@/ (n)
very good or exact copy of sth 3.41 substantial /s@b"st&nSl/ (adj)
3.27 virtual /"v3:Íu@l/ (adj) ◆ Do winning teams actually take important, large in amount or
made to appear to exist by the use home the real World Cup or is it value ◆ It was surprising that
of computer software ◆ ‘The Sims’ just a replica? replicate (v) after all those years there was
computer game allows players to no substantial change in her
build up an entire virtual world. appearance. substantially (adv)
L Also: almost or very nearly the
thing described, so that any slight
difference is not important. Only
used before nouns. virtually (adv)
3.49 set up /%set "Vp/ (phr v) leg, I had to pull out of the dance 3.70 revenue /"rev@nju:/ (n)
start, e.g. a business set up (n) competition. money that an organisation
3.60 wasp /wQsp/ (n) receives from its business
3.50 bring down ◆ Because of my company’s
/%brIN "daUn/ (phr v) black and yellow flying insect that
can sting increased revenue this year, every
make sb lose power member of staff is receiving a
generous bonus.
3.144 compartment
the presence of smoke
/k@m"pA:tm@nt/ (n)
Reading 3.135 shuttle /SVtl/ (n)
any vehicle that travels regularly
one of the separate sections which
a railway carriage or aircraft is
between two places ◆ A shuttle divided into
Life on Mars? service runs between Terminal A
3.145 tilt /tIlt/ (v)
3.126 former /"fO:m@(r)/ (adj) and Terminal B every five minutes
move, or make sth move, into
that used to exist in earlier times at this airport. L A space shuttle
a position with one side or end
◆ Charles Robson, the former travels between Earth and, e.g. a
higher than the other ◆ The lorry
Olympic athlete, will be giving a space station taking supplies or
tilted noticeably as it went round
speech on motivation. equipment.
the bend in the road.
3.127 stream /stri:m/ (n) 3.136 crew /kru:/ (n)
3.146 bank /b&Nk/ (v)
small narrow river all the people working on a ship,
travel with one side higher than
plane, etc
the other when turning ◆ The
3.128 breeze /bri:z/ (n)
3.137 cordless /"kO:dl@s/ (adj) plane banked sharply before the
light wind
(of a telephone or an electrical pilot guided it safely over the
3.129 draw up /%drO: "Vp/ (phr v) tool) not connected to its power mountain.
prepare and write a plan, list or supply by wires
other document
3.147 craft /krA:ft/ (n)
3.138 power drill /"paU@ %drIl/ (n) aircraft or spacecraft
3.130 critic /"krItIk/ (n) electrical tool with a pointed end
person who expresses disapproval
3.148 puffy /"pVfi/ (adj)
for making holes
(of clouds, etc.) looking soft, round
of sb/sth, esp. publicly criticism
3.139 adapt (to) /@"d&pt/ (v) and white
(n), criticise (v), critical (adj),
critically (adv) change your behaviour in order
3.149 buffeting /"bVf@tIN/ (adj)
to deal more successfully with a
knocking or pushing sb/sth
3.131 muck up /%mVk "Vp/ (phr v) new situation ◆ At first Chris found
roughly from side to side ◆ Jim
do sth badly so that you fail to it difficult to adapt to his new
walked out of the hut into the
achieve what you wanted ◆ I was school, but he soon made friends
buffeting gale. buffeting (n)
trying to fix the TV, but I’ve really and settled down. adaptor (n),
mucked it up. It won’t even turn on adaptation (n), adaptability (n),
now. L Informal. adaptable (adj)