(풀이1) 23년 고1. 11월모의고사 주요문제
(풀이1) 23년 고1. 11월모의고사 주요문제
(풀이1) 23년 고1. 11월모의고사 주요문제
countries, there are legal requirements [which specify ①that a whole team of doctors must
:법적인 요건 :명기.명시하다 접속사that + 완전문 cf)관계사what + 불완전문
agree over the *diagnosis of death in the case of a potential **donor]. The reason [for these
:진단 :잠재적인 기증자 =>주어(단수명사)
strict regulations for diagnosing brain death in potential organ donors]/②is,no doubt, to ease
:진단하다 =>단수동사 <<수의일치>> cf)are :의심할 바 없이 :완화하다
public fears of a premature diagnosis of brain death for the purpose of obtaining organs.
:너무 이른;조숙한 cf)immature미숙한 :얻다,획득하다 :장기
But it is questionable whether these requirements reduce public suspicions as much as they
=>가주어 :의심스러운=doubtful =>진주어
create ③them. They certainly maintain mistaken beliefs that diagnosing brain death is an
=>대명사의 수의일치:public suspicions이 복수 cf)it :(형)잘못된 =>믿음<추상명사> + 동격의that
diagnosing the deaths of organ donors] should be exactly the same as for those [for ⑤whom
immediate burial or ***cremation is intended]. (those)생략 =people
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[32~34 ]다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 수동태에 주의=be pp (by 사람)
32.Participants in a study/ were asked to answer questions [like “Why does the moon have
*phases?”]Half the participants/were told to search for the answers on the internet, while the
:(접)~하는 반면에
other half/weren’t allowed to do so. Then, in the second part of the study, all (of) the
=>search for the answers on the internet
participants/were presented with a new set of questions, such as “Why does Swiss cheese
<=present A with B : A에게 B를 주다;제공하다
have holes?” These questions were unrelated to the ones [asked during the first part of the
<=> be related to : ~와 관련되다; 관계가 있다 ones=questions
study], so participants [who used the internet] had absolutely no advantage over those [who
hadn’t ]. You would think (that) both sets of participants/ would be equally sure or unsure about
(used the internet)생략 =people;participants
how well they could answer the new questions. But those [who used the internet in the first
=>간접의문문: 의문사(how well)+주어(they)+동사(could answer)+목적어(the new questions)
part of the study] rated themselves as more knowledgeable than those [who hadn’t ], even
ER16) 재귀대명사(-self/-selves)의 용법
1)재귀용법 ex1) (You) Love yourself.
2)강조용법 ex2) The student herself read the English novel.
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34. Plato’s realism includes all aspects of experience but is most easily explained by
:플라톤의 실재론
considering the nature of mathematical and geometrical objects [such as circles]. He asked
:본질;특성 <=mathematics수학 <=geometry기하학
the question, what is a circle? You might indicate a particular example [carved into stone] or
=> 동격
[drawn in the sand]. However, Plato would point out (that), if you looked closely enough, you
:지적하다 => 가정법 과거<현재사실의 반대 가정>
would see that neither it, nor indeed any physical circle, was perfect. They all possessed
<=neither A or B : A, B 둘다 ~않다 <=단수취급 :소유하다
flaws, and all were subject to change and decayed with time. So how can we talk about
:(성격의) 결함,결점,흠 :~하기 쉽다 :쇠퇴하다;부패하다
perfect circles if we cannot actually see or touch them? Plato’s extraordinary answer was
that the world [ we see] is a poor reflection of a deeper unseen reality of Forms, or universals,
:접속사 <=목.관.대that/which 생략 :반영(물) :보편적인 것
where perfect cats chase perfect mice in perfect circles around perfect rocks. Plato believed
<=관계부사where + 완전한 문장 cf)관계대명사which
(that) the Forms or universals are the true reality [that exists in ________________________].
(현재형)<=진리,(불변의)사실 [3점]
①observable phenomena of the physical world : 물리적 세계의 관찰가능한 현상들
②our experiences shaped by external influences : 외부 영향에 의해 형성되어진 우리의 경험들
③an overlapping area between emotion and reason : 감정과 이성 사이에 겹치는 영역
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37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
:눈에띄는,현저한 :발전,진보 : 딥 러닝 기반의 얼굴 인식 접근법
in recent years, in terms of identification performance, they still have limitations. These
: ~의 면(관점,측면)에서 : 식별 성능 :한계
(A) To counteract this problem, researchers have developed models for face aging or digital
:~와 반대로 행동하다;대응하다 :~을 보완하다 :얼굴 특성에 있어서의 차이
(B) If the selected database does not contain enough instances, the result may be
systematically affected. For example, the performance of a facial *biometric system may
decrease /if the person [to be identified] was enrolled over 10 years ago.
(C) The factor [to consider]/ is that this person may experience changes in the texture of the
face, particularly with the appearance of wrinkles and **sagging skin.These changes may
be highlighted by weight gain or loss.
:강조하다;두드러지다 * biometric: 생체 측정의 ** sagging: 처진
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
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[38~39] 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
Leaving the contribution of that strategy to one side, the danger [of creating more
<=leave ~ to one side: ~을 차치하다;잠시 미뤄두다, 신경쓰지 않다
uniform crops]/ is that they are more at risk /when it comes to disasters.
:획일적인 작물 :위험에 처하다 :~에 관한한;~와 관련되어 :재앙
The decline in the diversity of our food/ is an entirely human-made process. The biggest
:감소,쇠퇴=decrease :다양성
loss of crop diversity/ came in the decades [that followed the Second World War]. ( ①) In an
:손실<=lose의 명사 :수십년
attempt to save millions from extreme hunger/, crop scientists found ways[to produce grains
such as rice and wheat on an enormous scale]. ( ②) And thousands of traditional varieties/
:엄청난 규모로 variety: 품종
were replaced by a small number of new super-productive ones. ( ③) The strategy worked
:~을 대체하다 :초생산적인 =varieties
spectacularly well, at least to begin with. ( ④) Because of it, grain production tripled, and
between 1970 and 2020 the human population/more than doubled. ( ⑤ ) Specifically, a global
food system [that depends on just a narrow selection of plants]/ has a greater chance of not
being able to survive diseases, *pests and climate extremes. <=전치사of+부정어not+동명사being
* pest: 해충
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A few years ago, Cuba altered that uniform style, modernizing it and perhaps
:바꾸다,변경하다 cf)altar제단 :현대화하다 :병렬구조<=분사구문 and 분사구문
conforming to other countries’ style; interestingly, the national team has declined since
:~에 따르다,순응하다 =>문장부사, <=현재완료 + since/for
that time.
Between 1940 and 2000, Cuba ruled the world baseball scene. They won 25 of the first 28
World Cups and 3 of 5 Olympic Games. ( ① ) The Cubans were known for wearing uniforms
=be famous for ~로 잘 알려지다
[covered in red from head to toe], a strong contrast to the more *conservative North American
A,B <동격의 comma> :대조
style [featuring grey or white pants]. ( ② ) Not only were their athletic talents superior, the
<=feature~을 특징으로 하다 <=도치 : 부정어구not only + be동사 + 주어 + 보어 (but also)생략
Cubans appeared even stronger from just the colour of their uniforms. ( ③ ) A game would
:~처럼 보이다 <=비교급 강조 “훨씬” much/even/still/fat/a lot + 비교급
not even start(,)and the opposing team would already be scared. ( ④ ) The country[that ruled
international baseball for decades]/has not been on top since that uniform change. ( ⑤ )
Traditions are important for a team; while a team brand or image can adjust/ to keep up
:<대조>~하는 반면에;~하지만 :(자)조정되다 :~
with present times, if it abandons or neglects its roots, negative effects can surface.
keep up with = ~에 뒤지지 않다; (시류,유행에)따르다 abandon:버리다,단념하다 neglect:무시하다,소홀히하다
surface: 표면화되다,나타나다
* conservative: 보수적인
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[이하 추후 보강 예정ㅋ]
40.다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 [3점]
Many of the first models of cultural evolution drew noticeable connections between
culture and genes by using concepts from theoretical population genetics and applying
them to culture. Cultural patterns of transmission, innovation, and selection are
conceptually likened to genetic processes of transmission, mutation, and selection.
However, these approaches had to be modified to account for the differences between
genetic and cultural transmission. For example, we do not expect the cultural
transmission to follow the rules of genetic transmission strictly. If two biological parents
have different forms of a cultural trait, their child is not necessarily equally likely to
acquire the mother’s or father’s form of that trait. Further, a child can acquire
cultural traits not only from its parents but also from nonparental adults and peers;
thus, the frequency of a cultural trait in the population is relevant beyond just the
probability that an individual’s parents had that trait.
* mutation: 돌연변이 ** relevant: 유의미한
Early cultural evolution models used the (A) between culture and genes but had to
be revised since cultural transmission allows for more (B) factors than genetic
(A) (B)
① similarity … diverse
② similarity … limited
③ difference … flexible
④ difference … complicated
⑤ interaction … credibl
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[41~42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
A ball thrown into the air is acted upon by the initial force given it, persisting as
inertia of movement and tending to carry it in the same straight line, and by the
constant pull of gravity downward, as well as by the resistance of the air. It moves,
accordingly, in a (a)curved path. Now the path does not represent the working of any
particular force; there is simply the (b)combination of the three elementary forces
mentioned; but in a real sense, there is something in the total action besides the
isolated action of three forces, namely, their joint action. In the same way, when two or
more human individuals are together, their mutual relationships and their arrangement
into a group are things which would not be (c)concealed if we confined our attention to
each individual separately. The significance of group behavior is greatly (d)increased in
the case of human beings by the fact that some of the tendencies to action of the
individual are related definitely to other persons, and could not be aroused except by
other persons acting as stimuli. An individual in complete (e)isolation would not reveal
their competitive tendencies, their tendencies towards the opposite sex, their protective
tendencies towards children. This shows that the traits of human nature do not fully
appear until the individual is brought into relationships with other individuals.
* inertia: 관성 ** arouse: 유발하다
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