Activity 4 Mouse Party

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Activity 3: Mouse Party Activity

Table 1: The effect of drugs on the nervous system, mental processes and behaviour

Name Stimulant/ Neurotransmitter Effect on Effect on

of Depressant affected behaviour mental
drug processes
Depressant Heroin can activate neurons  Loss of  Loss of sense of
Heroin because their chemical concentration responsibility.
structure mimics that of a or interest.  Irritability
natural neurotransmitter in  Suddenly  Hostility
the body. This allows the nodding off.  Depression
drugs to attach onto and  Periods of  Anxiety
activate the neurons. hyper  Sleep
alertness. disturbances
 Shortness of such as
breath. insomnia
 Argumentative  Restlessness.
with family and
Caffeine Stimulant Caffeine increases alertness  Caffeine  Improves
by blocking ‘Adenosine’. improves alertness and
Adenosine is a performance attention.
neurotransmitter that makes on vigilance  Improve
us tired. It limits brain tasks and working
stimulation by blocking simple tasks memory
other neurotransmitter that that require  May help to
excite the brain. sustained relieve or help
response. to protect
 May improve against
your mood. depression.
Cocaine Stimulant Cocaine primarily affects a  Extremely  Reckless and
neurotransmitter called talkative while risky
dopamine, which plays an high. behaviours.
important role in the brain’s  Increased  Intense
reward and reinforcement energy levels. paranoia.
systems.  Increased  Psychosis.
mental  Violent mood
alertness. swings.
 Violence.  Hallucinations.
 Erratic, bizarre  Break from
behaviours. reality.
 Neglecting  Lack of
responsibilities motivation.
at work or
Nicotine Stimulant Nicotine blocks the release  Increased  Increases
of numerous mental anxiety and
neurotransmitters, including alertness. tension.
dopamine, serotonin,
acetylcholine, gamma-
aminobutyric acid, and

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