(4859) - 79 B.E. (Electrical) Industrial Drives & Control (2008 Course) (Semester - II)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] SEAT No. :

P1728 [4859]-79
[Total No. of Pages : 3

B.E. (Electrical)
(2008 Course) (Semester - II)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from Section II.
2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
5) Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed.
6) Assume suitable data, if necessary.

Q1) a) State essential parts of a drive? Explain function of each block. How
drive offers flexible chara.s? [8]
b) Explain multi quadrant operation of drive used in hoist mechanism. Explain
Const. Torque & cont-power operation of drive. [8]
Q2) a) What are the types of Mechanical loads as function of speed? Explain
with speed Torque chara & suitable examples. [8]
b) A drive has following parameters. J = 10 kgm2 T = 15 – 0.01 N Nm and
load torque TL = 0.005N Nm. Where N is speed in rpm. Initially drive is
in steady state. Now to revese it, the motor chara is altered to
T = (–15 –0.01N) Nm. Calculate reversal time required. [8]

Q3) a) What are the electrical braking Methods? Explain regenerative braking
used for three phase Induction motor. Draw Torque/Speed chara. [8]
b) A 230 V, 1000 rpm, 150 A dc separately excited Motor has arm. resi. of
0.02 Ω . Motor is required to brake using plugging from 900rpm. Calculate
value of ext. resistance to be added in arm. Circuit to limit braking current
to twice full load value. Also calculate braking torque. [8]


Q4) a) Explain dc dynamic braking in Induction Motor. Draw torque speed

chara. during motoring & braking. What precautions are required to be
taken to use this method? [8]

b) A 220V dc shunt motor has arm. resi. of 0.062 Ω & with full field, of
215V, at speed of 960rpm. The motor is driving an overhauling load with
torque of 172 Nm. Calculate mini speed at which Motor can hold the
load by means of regenerative braking. [8]

Q5) a) Explain operation of a separately excited dc motor fed from a three

phase fully controlled converter in armature circuit & from single phase
semibridge converter in field circuit. Write possible quadrant
operations. [9]

b) Draw closed loop speed control scheme for control below and above
base speed for a separately excited dc motor. Explain its operation. [9]


Q6) a) Explain the operation of dc separately excited Motor with armature fed
from single phase full controlled converter & with constant field at rated
value. Explain possible quadrant operation & range of speed control of
Motor. Comment on range of continuous conduction. [9]

b) Explain closed loop control of separately excited DC motor with help of

block diagram for cont torque mode of operation. [9]


Q7) a) Draw speed torque chara. to explain static stator voltage speed control
method in Induction motor drives. What is range of speed control &
What are the limitations? [8]

b) Why v/f control is preferred in Induction motor control? What are

advantages & limitations? How v/f ratio is decided? [8]


[4859]-79 2


Q8) a) Explain static rotor resi. control method used for IM speed control with
neat diagram & required relations. [8]
b) What are advantages of closed loop control? Explain scheme for closed
loop control used in VSI fed IM drives. [8]

Q9) a) What are duties of Motor? How thermal model of motor is obtained?[8]
b) Calculate starting time of drive with parameters J = 10 kg-m2,
TM = 15+0.5WM, TL = 5+0.6WM. Where WM is angular velocity rad/sec.
Q10)a) Explain energy conservation in case of Motor Pump used for flow control
using electric drive, compared with conventional throttling operation.[8]
b) A motor operates on periodic duty consisting of loaded period of
20 min & no load period of 10 min. The Maxi temp rise is 60 ºC. Heating
and cooling time constants are 50 & 70 mins resp.ly. When operating

continuously on no load, the temp rise is 10ºC Determine: [8]
i) Mini temp during duty cycle
ii) www.sppuonline.com
Temp. when Motor is loaded continuously.

Q11)a) Explain flux oriented vector (FOC) control of Induction Motor using
block dia. & vector dia. [9]
b) Explain drives used in Traction for various operations. [9]
Q12)Write Notes Any three:
a) Electric drives in Textile mill. [6]
b) Brushlen DC motor. [6]
c) Electric Drives in Paper mill. [6]
d) Electric Drives in Sugar mill. [6]

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