Sikaflex-260 N e

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Product Data Sheet

Version 3 (02 / 2017)

Sikaflex®-260 N
High-performance, multipurpose adhesive

Typical Product Data

Chemical base 1-C polyurethane
Color (CQP1 001-1) Black
Cure mechanism Moisture curing
Density (uncured) (CQP 006-4) 1.2 kg/l
Non-sag properties Very good
Application temperature 10 - 35 °C
Skin time2 (CQP 019-1) 40 minutes
Open time2 (CQP 526-1) 30 minutes
Curing speed (CQP 049-1) (see diagram 1)
Shrinkage (CQP 014-1) 2.5 %
Shore A hardness (CQP 023-1 / ISO 868) 50
Tensile strength (CQP 036-1 / ISO 37) 7 MPa
Elongation at break (CQP 036-1 / ISO 37) 300 %
Tear propagation resistance (CQP 045-1 / ISO 34) 8 N/mm
Tensile lap-shear strength (CQP 046-1 / ISO 4587) 4 MPa
Volume resistivity (CQP 079-2 / ASTM D 257-99) 1 x 107 ·cm
Service temperature (CQP 513-1) -40 - 90 °C
Shelf life (storage below 25 °C) (CQP 016-1) cartridge / unipack 9 months
drum / pail 6 month
1) 2)
CQP = Corporate Quality Procedure 23 °C / 50 % r.h.

Description Product Benefits Areas of Application

Sikaflex®-260 N is a 1-component - Wide adhesion range Sikaflex®-260 N is suitable for
multipurpose pasty adhesive that - Good application behavior and various applications such as struc-
cures on exposure to atmospheric workability tural bonding or direct glazing
moisture. Sikaflex®-260 N provides - Short cut-off string within the Mass-Transportation
a long open time and ensures a - Good bead stability and non-sag business.
safe application even under warm property This product is suitable for pro-
conditions. - Cold application fessional experienced users only.
- Manual- and pump application Test with actual substrates and
- One-component formulation conditions have to be performed to
ensure adhesion and material

Sikaflex® -260 N 1 / 2
Cure Mechanism Application Packaging Information
Sikaflex®-260 N cures by reaction Do not apply at temperatures be- Cartridge 300 ml
with atmospheric moisture. At low low 10 °C or above 35 °C. The
optimum temperature for substrate Unipack 600 ml
temperatures the water content of
the air is lower and the curing and adhesive is between 15 °C Pail 23 l
reaction proceeds more slowly and 25 °C. Drum 195 l
(see diagram 1). To ensure a uniform thickness of
adhesive bead, we recommend Bases of Product Data
12 that the adhesive is applied in form All technical data stated in this
Thickness of cure [mm] 10
30 °C (86 °F) of a triangular bead (see illustra- Product Data Sheet are based on
80 %r.h.
tion). laboratory tests. Actual measured
8 23 °C (73 °F) For advice on selecting and setting
50 %r.h. data may vary due to circumstan-
6 up a suitable pump system, con- ces beyond our control.
4 10 °C (50 °F) tact the System Engineering De-
50 %r.h.
partment of Sika Industry.
2 Health and Safety Information
0 For information and advice regard-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ing transportation, handling, stor-
Time [days] age and disposal of chemical
Diagram 1: Curing speed Sikaflex®-260 N products, users shall refer to the
actual Safety Data Sheets contain-
Chemical Resistance ing physical, ecological, toxicologi-
Figure 1: Recommended bead configuration cal and other safety-related data.
Sikaflex®-260 N is resistant to
fresh water, seawater, and pro- Removal
Uncured Sikaflex®-260 N may be Disclaimer
prietary aqueous cleaning agents; The information, and, in particular, the
temporarily resistant to fuels, min- removed from tools and equipment recommendations relating to the appli-
eral oils, vegetable and animal with Sika® Remover-208 or another cation and end-use of Sika products,
fats; not resistant to organic acids, suitable solvent. Once cured, the are given in good faith based on Sika's
concentrated mineral acids and material can only be removed current knowledge and experience of
caustic solutions or solvents. mechanically. the products when properly stored,
The above information is offered Hands and exposed skin should be handled and applied under normal
washed immediately using Sika® conditions in accordance with Sika's
for general guidance only. Advice
Handclean Towel or a suitable recommendations. In practice, the
on specific applications will be differences in materials, substrates and
given on request. industrial hand cleaner and water. actual site conditions are such that no
Do not use solvents on skin! warranty in respect of merchantability
Method of Application or of fitness for a particular purpose,
Surface preparation Further Information nor any liability arising out of any legal
Surfaces must be clean, dry and Copies of the following publications relationship whatsoever, can be in-
are available on request: ferred either from this information, or
free from grease, oil and dust. The
from any written recommendations, or
surfaces must be treated with a - Safety Data Sheets
from any other advice offered. The user
cleaning and activating agent or - Sika Pre-treatment Chart of the product must test the product’s
primed with the appropriate primer. For 1-component Polyurethanes suitability for the intended application
Advice on specific applications is - General Guidelines - Bonding and purpose. Sika reserves the right to
available from the Technical De- and Sealing with Sikaflex® and change the properties of its products.
partment of Sika Industry. SikaTack® The proprietary rights of third parties
must be observed. All orders are ac-
cepted subject to our current terms of
sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the
local Product Data Sheet for the prod-
uct concerned, copies of which will be
supplied on request.

Further information available at:

Sika Schweiz AG
Sikaflex® -260 N 2 / 2

Business Unit Industry

Tüffenwies 16
CH-8048 Zurich
Tel. +41 58 436 40 40
Fax +41 58 436 55 30

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