Sikaflex 227

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1-component fast skinning sealant


Chemical base 1-component polyurethane
Colour (CQP001-1) Black, white
Cure mechanism Moisture-curing
Density (uncured) depending on color 1.3 kg/l
Non-sag properties Good
Application temperature ambient 5 ─ 35 °C
Skin time (CQP019-1) 40 minutes A
Curing speed (CQP049-1) (see diagram)
Shrinkage (CQP014-1) 5%
Shore A hardness (CQP023-1 / ISO 48-4) 40
Tensile strength (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 1.7 MPa
Elongation at break (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 600 %
Tear propagation resistance (CQP045-1 / ISO 34) 6 N/mm
Service temperature (CQP513-1) -50 ─ 90 °C
Shelf life 12 months B
CQP = Corporate Quality Procedure A) 23 °C / 50 % r. h. B) storage below 25 °C


Sikaflex®-227 is a 1-component polyurethane ▪ Short cut-off string Sikaflex®-227 is suitable for sealing, seam
sealant designed for car body sealing. It cures ▪ Fast skinning sealing, simple bonding as well as for vibra-
on exposure to atmospheric moisture to a ▪ Low odour tion reduction and sound deadening meas-
durable elastomer. It adheres well to a wide ▪ Overhead work possible ures in crash body repair and car body con-
variaty of substrates. ▪ Bonds well to a wide variety of substrates struction. Suitable substrates are metal
▪ Can be sanded primers and paint coatings (2-c systems),
▪ Can be painted metals, painted plastics and plastics.
▪ Resistant to ageing Seek manufacturer’s advice and perform tests
▪ Silicone free on original substrates before using Sikaflex®-
227 on materials prone to stress cracking.
This product is suitable for experienced pro-
fessional users only. Tests with actual sub-
strates and conditions have to be performed
to ensure adhesion and material compatibil-


Version 06.01 (04 - 2023), en_AU

CURE MECHANISM Sikaflex®-227 can be processed with hand, PACKAGING INFORMATION
Sikaflex®-227 cures by reaction with atmo- pneumatic or electric driven piston guns as
spheric moisture. At low temperatures the well as pump equipment. For advice on se- Cartridge 310 ml
water content of the air is generally lower and lecting and setting up a suitable pump sys-
the curing reaction proceeds somewhat tem, contact the System Engineering Depart- BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA
slower (see diagram 1). ment of Sika Industry. All technical data stated in this document are
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured
Tooling and finishing data may vary due to circumstances beyond
Tooling and finishing must be carried out our control.
within the skin time of the sealant. It is re-
commended to use Sika® Tooling Agent N. HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION
Other finishing agents must be tested for suit- For information and advice regarding trans-
ability and compatibility prior to use. portation, handling, storage and disposal of
chemical products, users shall refer to the ac-
Removal tual Safety Data Sheets containing physical,
Uncured Sikaflex®-227 can be removed from ecological, toxicological and other safety-re-
tools and equipment with Sika® Remover-208 lated data.
or another suitable solvent. Once cured, the
material can only be removed mechanically. DISCLAIMER
Hands and exposed skin have to be washed The information, and, in particular, the re-
Diagram 1: Curing speed for Sikaflex®-227 immediately using Sika® Cleaner-350H clean- commendations relating to the application
ing towels or a suitable industrial hand clean- and enduse of Sika products, are given in
CHEMICAL RESISTANCE er and water. Do not use solvents on skin! good faith based on Sika's current knowledge
Sikaflex®-227 is generally resistant to fresh and experience of the products when prop-
water, seawater, diluted acids and diluted Overpainting erly stored, handled and applied under nor-
caustic solutions; temporarily resistant to Sikaflex®-227 can be best painted after form- mal conditions in accordance with Sika's re-
fuels, mineral oils, vegetable and animal fats ation of a skin. Painting could be improved by commendations. In practice, the differences
and oils; not resistant to organic acids, glycol- treating the joint surface with Sika® Aktivator- in materials, substrates and actual site condi-
ic alcohol, concentrated mineral acids and 100 or Sika® Aktivator-205 prior to paint pro- tions are such that no warranty in respect of
caustic solutions or solvents. cess. If the paint requires a baking process (> merchantability or of fitness for a particular
80 °C), best performance is achieved by allow- purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
METHOD OF APPLICATION ing the sealant to fully cure first. All paints legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
Surface preparation have to be tested by carrying preliminary tri- either from this information, or from any writ-
Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from als under manufacturing conditions. ten recommendations, or from any other ad-
grease, oil and dust. The elasticity of paints is usually lower than vice offered. The user of the product must
Surface treatment depends on the specific that of sealants. This could lead to cracking of test the product's suitability for the intended
nature of the substrates and is crucial for a the paint in the joint area. application and purpose. Sika reserves the
long lasting bond. Suggestions for surface pre- right to change the properties of its products.
paration may be found on the current edition FURTHER INFORMATION The proprietary rights of third parties must be
of the appropriate Sika® Pre-Treatment Chart. The information herein is offered for general observed. All orders are accepted subject to
Consider that these suggestions are based on guidance only. Advice on specific applications our current terms of sale and delivery. Users
experience and must be verified by tests on is available on request from the Technical De- must always refer to the most recent issue of
original substrates. partment of Sika Industry. the local Product Data Sheet for the product
Copies of the following publications are avail- concerned, copies of which will be supplied
Application able on request: on request.
Sikaflex®-227 can be processed between 5 °C ▪ Safety Data Sheets
and 35 °C but changes in reactivity and applic- ▪ Sika Pre-treatment Chart
ation properties have to be considered. The Polyurethane
optimum temperature for substrate and seal- ▪ General Guidelines
ant is between 15 °C and 25 °C. Bonding and Sealing with Sikaflex® and

PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sika Australia Pty Limited

Sikaflex®-227 ABN 12 001 342 329
Version 06.01 (04 - 2023), en_AU
012001202273001000 Tel: 1300 22 33 48


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