Philippine External Relations With Southeast Asia
Philippine External Relations With Southeast Asia
Philippine External Relations With Southeast Asia
*PH claimed that Spratlys are case of territorium nullius *7th OIC Conference in Istanbul in 1976 gave full
– a territory over no effective sovereignty and open for support to MNLF, however in Tripolo Agreement in 23
occupation for ownership Dec 1976, it provided basis of final solution to Moro
problem without sacrificing PH sov.
Legal grounds for PH claim:
In 1992 – under Pres. Ramos, announced one of pillars
1. Islands are part of continental margin of PH of govt is pursuit of long term stability and peace. And
archipelago he created Natl Unnification Commision thru leadership
2. Islands do not belong to any state and PH made of Yorac which would achieve peace thru negotiated
an effective occupation settlement with leftist rebels. Negotiattions continued in
3. Claims by other states had lapsed bcos of Jakharta, Indo hosting all leaders and members. PH govt
abandonment and MNLF created Mixed consti to look at structure and
mechanism of ARMM. Hence, the govt position was the
Spratlys seems valuable bcos: final signing of agreement shall be done in PH. Bcos
1. Reports of oil and minerals under the sea issues should be resolved within framework of natl sov.
2. Strategic in location Regional Cooperation in SEA
3. Provision of political advantages to prospective
owner Ph policy for regional cooperation was first articulated in
*Indonesia said that claimant states should resolve
conflict peacefuly. ASEAN also adopted Manila According to Dr. Salazar – Filipinos share a common
Declaration of 1992 where claimants agreed to settle heritage with ther SEA or with other Asian peoples
conflicts peacefully
Ph Langugae belongs to broad family of laguanges
called Austronesian or Malayo- Polynesian
MNLF and role of Indonesia Malaysian leaders accepted Rizal as the pride of Malay
Muslim Independent Movement evolved into MNLF
which was publicly launched in 1968. Pan Malayan Union – founded in 1880s. jose Rizal
exhorted the Filipino propagandists to look for Filipino’s
Libya’s Pres Muammar Ghadafi - committed to support identification with their Malayan heritage
MNLF in 1972 by sending military and other assistance.
It also included strategic directions to enhance MNLF’s Rizal’s edition of Morga led the propagandists in
connections with other countries, especially OIC. rediscovering their Malayan identity tru history of Ph:
The Asians Relations Conference of 1947 (23 Philippine policy favored the restoration of the
March – 2 April 1947) Indonesian Government’s authority over its territories
Allied countries in search for solutions to emerging civil Carlos P. Romulo suggested a continuing machinery be
conflicts established to serve as a clearing house of information
essential to the actions by the various governments
George G. Marshall mediated between the warring
Chinese communists and Kuomintang forces Romulo under the instructions of President Quirino
established the machinery for a permanent Asian
Permanent Court of Justice received the first dispute regional bloc
referred to it for settlement, The Corfu Channel Case
(between Britain and Albania) - Strengthen the forces of democracy and prevent
other ideologies from capturing the faith of Asia
Britain granted freedom to India
This machinery was set up on 1977 when an ASEAN
The Asian Relations Conference (ARC) - Non- Central Secretariat was established in Jakarta
government in nature
Pandit Nehru (Prime Minister) and General Romulo –
Agenda of the conference counted upon to shy away from fostering racial or
geographic antagonism
1. National freedom movements in Asia
2. Racial problems and inter0racial migration 1949 April 4 – Pravda attacked Nehru for being anti-
3. Cultural affairs Soviet
4. Agriculture and Industry
5. Transition from colonial to national economy Nehru made it clear that his intention was to act within
6. Labor problems and social services UN agencies (he did not expect for an Asian bloc to
7. Status of women and women’s movement arise)
The conference stressed Asian Unity and the problems of PH – emphasized the intrusion of communist threat
newly emerging states
The Pacific Union, 1949
New Delhi Conference of 1949
First attempt of the PH government to initiate an
Return of colonial powers were resisted by nationalists- organization for cooperation among states in Asia –
Indonesians fought for independence for many years formation of the pacific Union
President Quirino – concept of preserving the Quirino gave instructions to Ambassador Romulo to set
independence and sovereignty of Asiatic and Pacific the machinery for the formation of the Union
Romulo stated in his reports that Asian countries were
- Reflect on the problem on how the Pacific can wary about the Pacific Union
contain the common threat of communism
- Given that the proponents were all weak nations
The Pacific Pact was given a military basis (to attract
support from US) Even with the negative reports Quirino scheduled a visit
to Washington
- This received no encouragement (US and India
stated that the time was not yet ripe for an Asian - Stated that he was determined to carry out the plan
pact) and fight if ever their freedom was to be threatened
- Despite the lack of support Quirino still pursued the again
idea - In the end a joint Truman-Quirino communique was
issued (1949 August 7)
1949 July 4, Quirino formally proposed the Pacific o This expressed sympathy for Asian efforts but held
Union which was favorably received by Gen. Chiang no commitment from the Truman administration
Kai-Shek and Syngman Rhee of South Korea
SHORT RANGE GOALS: consist of initiral steps Shinanouk rejected outright Philippine feelers for
such as establishment of machinery for frequent Cambodia to join Maphilindo -> due to ideological
consultations or consensus-making called and political differences
mushawarah and settlemet of the Borneo claim
MAPHILINDO Mushawarah never had the
These problems of konfrontasi and Sabah chance to bring about the cultural. Economic and
ownerships were two of the problems in SEA which social exchanges for the development pf the people’s
involved much foreign intervention general well-being because all the efforts were
concentrated on the political questions of the Sabah
Robert F. Kennedy made a fast three-nation tour in claim and Konfrontasi
mid –January 1964 to get the Malaysian dispute “out
of the jungles” and parties “around a conference The period of Konfrontasi showed how much the
table.” His twelve day peace-making mission was perceptions of each of the three states diverged from
to find a solution to the Malaysia problem within the one another and how much they distrusted one
MAPHILINDO concept another instead of bringing unity and brotherhood
which were the very goals of the cooperation
Pakistan, as a friend of all three countries involved
in the Malaysia dispute, could contribute to an early Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
settlement Organization (SEAMEO) 1966
One of Macapaga;’s goals for the policy of regional Several organization on educational cooperation for
cooperation was to secure the region from social, cultural and technological development exist
communism in the region, the major ones:
The Philiipines, through its policy to form 1. Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
MAPHILINDO, had also hoped to bring about the 2. Association of Southeast Asian Institutions
unity of Malay peoples by restoring their historic of Higher learning (ASAIHI)
traditions and common heritage and using these to 3. Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
serve their own interest and the region by Organization (SEAMEO)
establishing lasting peace and stability
SEAMEO – organized in 25-28 November 1966
The main reason for the ill fate of Maphilindo was
the extreme divergences in the interpretations of US Secretary of State George C. Marshall – his
their commonly accepted goals European Recovery Program or popularly called
Marshall Plan for Europe
The lack of congruence in their views resulted in the
absence of the word communism in Manila As o 1998, the SEAMEO members are Brunei
Declaration and in specifying colonialism and Darussalam, Cambodia, Indoesia, Lao’s People’s
imperialism as the threats to the region Republic
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and
Another problems that arose was the failure of the Vietnam.
three countries to perceive correctly one another’s
intentions Subsequent meetings developed SEAMEO. Regional
centers were established:
1. Regional English Language Center (RELC) The first Heads of Government Meeting was held in
in Singapore Bali, Indonesia on 23-27 February 1976. This was soon
2. Regional Center for Graduate Study and followed in Kuala Lumpur in 1977. And the thirs
Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) in the meeting to be held in Manila was held only in 1988
Philippines because of the lingering problems between Malysia and
3. SEAMEO Central Coordinationg Boards for the Philippines
Tropical Medicine
4. Regional Center for Tropical Biology Chapter IV of the ASEAN Concord and the Treaty of
(BIOTROP) in Indonesia Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia of 24 February
5. Regional Center for Education Innovation 1976 provide for a High Council to which disputes may
and Technology (INNOTECH) in the be brought
6. Regional Center for Architecture and Fine Low-key Dimplomacy – effective when the mediators
Arts (SAFA) in Bangkok are very well accepted for their own integrity by all
7. And Vocational and Technical Education parties involved. This kind of diplomacy has been very
(VOCHTECH) in Bruinei useful as an Asian way of doing things
In response to failure of the PH government to ban the
meetings, the Indonesian government threatened to
Most of the projects were almost completely funced by withdraw its help in the ongoing talks between the PH
the US Government. SEAMEO has four associate government and the MNLF.
members, Australia, Canada, Frane and New Zealand
However, with the support of the Organization of
Although SEAMEO was intended to operate within the Islamic Conference and Indonesia, the MNLF arrived at
framework of a higher regional organization such as an agreement with the government finally leading to
ASEAN, there is no formal working relationship peace within its fold.
between the two organizations
ASEAN, acting in unity, consistently invokes the Manila
Formation of ASEAN, 1967 Declaration of 1992 which binds everyone to the
The idea of another, more inclusive regional peaceful settlement of disputes over territory in the
organization was offered by Thailand’s Foreign Minister South China Sea
Thanat Khoman to Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Adam
Malik furing a reconciliation meeting of the Leaders of Bangkok Declaration of 1967 – states that foreign
Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia in Bangkok to end military bases are temporary in anture and will continue
konfrontasi to exist only with the expresses concurrence of the
countries concerned
Together with the states of Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand and Singapore, the Philippines drafted a plan President Ferdinand E. Marcos took the bold initiative
for the new groupings to achieve full sovereignty for the country and to achieve
closer relations with the other ASEAN states
The PH maintained that the new organization should not
be a military nor an anti-Communist league; problems of On 14 August 1976, Marcos made a sweeping review of
security should be discussed frankly but each state Philippines foreign policy since 1966 and established his
should be left in upholding its own institutions six-point foreign policy guidelines:
When three drafts of plan were being reconciled, the PH 1. Intensification and broadening of PH relations
was found to differ with the others on three points: with the ASEAN
2. Establishemnt of diplomatic relations with
1. The inclusion of a provision on foreign bases socialist countries
and regional security 3. Closer indentification with the Third World
2. Restrictions on the admission of new 4. Continuation of beneficial relations with Japan
members specifically the exclusion of Japan, 5. Support for the Arab countries struggle for a just
Australia and other developed states peace
3. The non-inclusion of the Philippine claim to 6. Maintenance of a healthy relationship with the
Sabah US compatible with the emerging realities in
movements of people, advisers, experts and technicians,
Marcos wanted the American to observe the PH laws. as well as of capital and banking services in the area.
He also wanted to project an Asian-oriented PH foreign
policy consistent with the strengthening of relations with The significant benefit of being a member of the
ASEAN partners ASEAN was explained by Linda Low. She emphasizes
the resulting establishment, important network and
The withdrawal of the US military from the PH bonding of human relations among politicians,
contributed to the formation of the ASEAN Regional bureaucrats, and business sectors.
Forum for security in the Asia-Pacific Region
North American Free Trade Association and European
In 1988, the US pushed for the conclusion of the Status Union in 1991 provoked the idea of Malysia for an East
of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the PH. The latter Asian Economic Grouping (EAEG) later to become the
renamed SOFA into VFA ir Visiting Forces Agreement East Asian Economic Caucus (EAEC)
It was ASEAB which worked for more than 12 years for ASEAN has balanced national and regional interest in its
a negotiated peace until UNTAC took over towards the life span of 30 years
end, to establish Cambodia’s elected government in
1993. ASA AND ASEAN brough PH foreign relations with
SEA states to a most desirable level.
Marcos announced that he would take steps to withdraw
the Philippine claim to Sabah as a permanent Fortunately, the growing ASEAN spirit has absorbed
contribution to the strength and prosperity of the previous animosities and set the members on very
ASEAN sympathetic and respectful relations.
The leader of the MNLF, Nur Misuari, came to an Japenese rule from 1941-1945 produced a unity of
agreement with the PH government for the development direction for Philippine external relations
of Mindanao unde the Southern Philippined Council for
Peace and Development (SPCPD) It was the first association with Malaya and Thailand,
the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA) of 1961, which
There is also an ASEAN Declaration on Mutual revealed the developing ability if Philippine leaders in
Assistance in National Disasters moderating their policy positions to achive a balance
between national development and regional peace and
One of the big concerns of ASEAN during the Vietnam progress.
War was the problem of the Indo-Chinese refugees
A joint communique was issued between President In his inaugural speech, he asked for a closer study of
Chiang Kai Shek and President Garcia with the two sides Asia and for the Philippines to accelerate trade with
agreeing to imporve mutual defense capabilities against other Asian countries
communism. pp. 233 – 240
Manila Taipei Agriculture and Fisheries Agreement with Chain of PH-Taiwan linkages intensified Taiwan’s
Taiwan official economy
- After Beijing learned of the agreement they sent a Taiwanese undertook an aggressive economic blitz
strong protest to the Department of Foreign Affairs
- Taiwan has been further reinforced with the (claimants to Spratlys are to settle the dispute
employment of thousands of Filipino OFWs peacefully)
PH-PRC relations was hostile and almost nothing 1995 – Recurrent entry of Chinese patrol boats
President Marcos re-established diplomatic relations in Critics noted that the inconsistent character of the PH
1976; most government institutions are not fully protest was seasonal
prepared to implement the new policy
- Season of budget proposal the PH military
- Major reason for the relation = ensure that no aid intelligence would report Chinese presence
will be given to the CPP and its armed sector - With or without the China threat the Department of
- PRC was more concerned with its own internal Defense has no assets to defend
reforms and relations with US, Japan, and Europe
Officials from DFA managed to convince the Chinese to
Ramos meeting with Lee Teng-Hui aroused suspicion sign the Code of Conduct agreement (procedure and
from the PRC (the PH was veering towards two-China protocol)
- The code is the current basis for resolving
Existence of numerous bilateral and international differences
agreements (personal relations developed)
Belief of both sides is the underwater resources are
1992 July 20 – PH signed an agreement with the China considerable thus despite the fact they agreed to shelve
concerning Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of the sovereignty issue the controversy continues
Under the Ramos Administration – PH foreign policy
Instrument of Ratification by the PH signed by Ramos with respect to China veered away from the
and Foreign Secretary Domingo Siazon compartmentalized approach
1993 April 3 – President Ramos went to a state visit to Crisis emerged in the region = Asian currency crisis
PRC on improvement of commercial relations
Currency predicament requires close partnership and
- Sino-PH Joint Committee on Scientific and effort by Asian countries to embark on new forms of
Technological Cooperation signed the Tenth cooperation
protocol on Scientific and Technological
Cooperation Mutual interest to develop friendly, stable, and mutually
beneficial PH-CH relations
1996 July 29 – Renato de Villa (Defense Secretary)
signed the agreement on the establishment of the Offices Challenge to the post-Ramos period is how to cope with
of the Defense and Armed Forces Attaches (ODAFAs) rapid pace of change
- establish their respective ODAFAs at the embassy Issues can no longer be compartmentalized
President Jiang Zemin – invited to visit the PH after - Economic issues to be dealt with by the APEC or
the APEC summit of 1996 (first time the highest Chinese WTO
official made a state visit) - Security issues to be dealt with through separate
bilateral security treaties
- During the visit two agreements were signed
1. Establishment of additional consulates
a. Consulate-general in Guangzhou
b. Consulate-general in Davao
2. Stipulated the maintenance of the Consulate
General of the RP in Hong Kong