Muscle Endurance: Crab Walk
Muscle Endurance: Crab Walk
Muscle Endurance: Crab Walk
Alligator walk
Step 1: Get down in a push up position with your chest off the
floor, but your shins/feet rest on floor. Your arms and back
should be straight.
crab walk
Crab Walk Exercise is a little known exercise that uses
body weight strength to improve coordination and whole
body strength. The reason it is called Crab Walk is
because you look sort of like a crab while performing it.
How to do it
ABS - The Turtle - lie back on the floor and raise your legs creating
90 degree angle on knees and hips. Put hands on temples and flex
torso with breath out. Straight you arms and try touch the ground
behind legs.
Step 2
Slowly lift one foot off of the floor and hold the position.
Step 3
Lower your leg back down to the floor, alternate legs and repeat.
The abdominal muscles (abs) provide movement and support to your core area. The deeper
and closer to the spine the particular abdominal muscle is, the more effect over body posture
it will have, and this often contributes significantly to a healthy back.
Many people put a lot of focus on working their abs but forget their surrounding neighbors;
the oblique muscles. Obliques serve as stabilizers, and are used in almost every physical
activity. Exercising your obliques should be a very important part of your workout program.