Preferences On Listening To Music, Academic Performance and Stress Coping of The Grade 12 Abm Senior Highschool in Our Lady of Fatima University

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A Research Presented to

Faculty of Senior High School

Our Lady of Fatima University

In Partial fulfillment

Of the Requirements for

Practical Research 2

Biares, Arvey Merylle

Castro, Kyla

Daumar, Alex Andrea

Gamutan, Shiela Mae

Palao, Raphael

Rachelle Ann G. Castro, MA, RPm

September 2019



In this modern era, individuals especially students, most of the time are using mobile

technology to have some entertainment but some of them uses mobile technology as a device in

listening to music. Many people find their different ways to relax while doing some task to avoid

stress. One of these ways is listening to music to help them concentrate relaxation and improve

their academic performance during class.

Music is a piece of art that previously existing. It speaks everything in life. Music is the

sound that shows what you feel inside your heart. It is also a form of communication that can

affect students. Music is found to help people to work and perform better in high-pressure

situations like taking up examination or finals week. Listening is a process of hearing variety of

sounds. It is better to be a good listener for a better understanding. Listening should enhance in

an orderly manner as people have different mindset. The adolescence stage is one of the best

times for an individual to improved listening. Once to learn, keep on learning. By improving

listening, students can change to reach goals in life. Some of the student generation who are

experiencing stress or anxiety while completing difficult academic task, uses music as an

instrument to lessen this stress (Dolegui, 2013). Coping up in stress and anxiety is slowly coping

up. But in the other hand, some students are listening to music not because of stress and anxiety

it is for listening to music can help them be more effective and efficient in doing academic task.

Listening to music is also a kind of strategy that students are using to have more concentration

and focus while studying. Some students want to have a good study habit that can truly help

them when it comes to studying and memorizing of things.

Academic performance is the ways of a student, teacher or institution to achieve their

educational goals it is also crucially linked to academic success. “Academically successful

adolescents have higher self-esteem, have lower levels of depression and anxiety, are socially

inclined, and are less likely to abuse alcohol and engage in substance abuse.” (Regiener, 2011).

Most of the Filipinos listen to music as a habit. During an interview the managing director of

spotify Asia stated, “We have seen 2.5 billion songs being streamed by Filipinos which is

phenomenal and 6.8 million playlist, we have never seen anything like that happen in launch

year in Asia. It’s been a lot of record-breaking firsts for us in the Philippines,” (Sunita Kaur,

2015). Music has been used for hundreds of years to treat illness and restore harmony between

mind and body. But more recently, scientific studies have attempted to measure the potential

benefits of music (Collingwood, 2018)

The importance of this study is for the researchers to know if there is an impact to the

academic performance of students, the issue of listening to music. Also, for the students to have

knowledge about the effective way of studying so that they will have a better academic

performance. The researcher wants to spread knowledge about this topic so that every individual

will have the idea about the different strategy when it comes to studying of students. Since,

listening to music is proven a popular habit among the Filipinos; the research aims to find out if

the habit of listening to music affects the academic performance of students.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

2. What is the academic grade of the respondents?

3. What is the preferences of the students in listening to music in terms of

3.1 Studying

3.2 Stress coping strategy

4. Is there a significant relationship between the preference of listening to music and

academic performance of students?

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant relationship between the preference of listening to music and

academic performance of students.

Scope and Delimitation

The proposed study intended to know and venture the preference of listening to music

and academic performance of the Grade 12 ABM students of Our Lady of Fatima University in

Quezon City, for the school year 2019-2020.

The purpose of the study is to know the significant effect among the students based on

music preference and academic performance. In this study, the researchers will use correlational

design wherein it intended to investigate the relationship among two or more variables. The

investigators will use survey as instrument.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be a great benefit to the following:

Students. This study will give students the idea on the different strategies for studying. It will

also give them the knowledge about the relation of listening to music on their academic

performance. In the end of the study, students will know the more effective way in learning.
Teachers. This study will benefit the teachers to accept the different styles of students in

reviewing. Teachers would be able to make more interesting way in teaching and they will be

informed on how to approach students easily.

Parents. For the parents, the researchers aim to make parents acknowledge different ways to

make academic performance better. As well as to make the parents more relative to the students.

The researcher also hopes that the parents will utilize the data to guide the students.

Future Researchers. For the future researchers, the topic aims to help them learn about the

topic. The researchers can utilize this research as a reference. The goal of this research is to carve

a path to for other research foundation.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance - is the gradual, measurable grading of achievement as evident in

grades earned, GPA, High school diploma, Bachelor’s Degree (Michael Morrall, 2019).

In this study, it pertains to one of the possible factors that can affect in listening to music.

ABM or Accountancy Business and Management - strand that focuses on the basic concepts

of financial management, business management and all things that are accounted for

(Edukasyon, 2016).

In this study, students that are taking up this strand on OLFU will be the respondents of

this study.

Anxiety - an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening

or might happen in the future (Cambridge, Dictionary, 2019).

In this study, it pertains to the one of the factors why listen to music.
Cognitive - means relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning and

understanding things (Your dictionary, 2018).

In this study, it pertains to one of the things that might affect listening to music in

different ways.

Concentration - the ability to think carefully about something you are doing and nothing else

(Cambridge Dictionary, 2019).

In this study, it pertains to one of the factors of listening to music of students whole


Cope - to deal with an attempt to one come problems and difficult situation (Cambridge

Dictionary, 2019).

In this study, this will be used if students will be able to cope up in stress with the help of


Mobile Technology - electric equipment such as mobile phones or small computers that you

can use in different places and the technology connected with them (Cambridge Dictionary,


In this study, this will serve as the instrument used by the respondents in listening to


Music - is the art and science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds or tones in varying

melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre, esp. so as to form structurally complete and emotionally

expressive compositions (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 2014).

In this study, this will serve as the main issue of the research that the researcher will find

if this has a direct affect in studying.

Preferences - the selecting of someone or something over another or others (Dictionary of The

English Language, 2016).

In this study, this serves as the likely of students in listening to music when it comes to


Stress - is a worry caused by a different situation, a something that causes this condition

(Cambridge Dictionary, 2019).

In this study, it is one of the factors why students listen to music.


Foreign Literature
Linnemann, Wenzel, Grammes, Kublak and Nater (2018) stated that despite increasing

evidence suggesting that music listening in our daily life has stress-reducing effects, study

mostly rely on subjective, retrospective data on music, both subjective and objective data on

music listening showed associations between a minimum of 20mins of listening to music and

lower stress report.

This tells us that there is an effect of listening to music in the stress of our daily lives.

Some participants answered that the duration of time in listening to music has also a direct effect

on the stress and different situations in life. This also include the effect in the cognitive and

academic performance of people especially students. Having at least 20 minutes per day in

listening to music can reduce the stress of a person depending on a certain situation in his/her


Schafer (2016) stated that individual differences in the strength of music preference are

among the most intricate psychological phenomena. While one person gets very well without

music, another person needs to listen to music every day and spends a lot of time in listening to

music. Listeners reporting more intense experience of the functional use of music in the past had

a stronger intention to listening to music to attain specific goals in specific situation and showed

a larger overall strength of music preference.

This brings up that different people have different preferences when it comes to music.

Also, they have a different experience about the effectiveness of music in their concentration,
strength and attaining a certain goal. Other participants prefer listening to music to improve their

skills but other is not. It always depends on the individual if listening to music can directly affect

their cognitive skill because there are different strategies to have a good or to improve skills not

just physical but also intellectual.

Baker (2018) the researcher found out that music is proven to help reduce stress. The

University of Maryland Medical Center reveals that students should listen to music. Music is an

effective stress reducer. Research finds that listening to soothing music can decrease blood

pressure, heart rate and anxiety levels in heart patients. This statement reveals the powerful effect

songs alone have on the human body. Music can also reduce anxiety as much as a massage, USA

today reveals that one study found that music’s effect on anxiety levels is similar to the effect of

getting a massage.

The article shows the different benefits of listening to music. It is stated that music can

relax the mind which can improve the performance of a person. It can improve not just the skills

but also it helps to lessen the experience of stress. The research aims to find out if music can help

to make academic performance better as well.

Cholakova (2018) the interview suggested that people can react differently to music.

Although most research suggests that music helps with memory there are still few respondents

who prefer perfect silence.

The interview stated that there are people who still prefer silence even though it is proven

that music benefits the mind. The research aims to find out if the students prefer listening to

music to help them with their academic performance.

Davis (2017) the lecture stated that Music can have both positive and negative effects on

studying, depending on the students and the type of music. Listening to music while studying

will improve and benefit your own study habits. Students who listen to music with lyrics while

completing reading or writing tasks tend to be less efficient and come away having absorbed less

information. Loud or agitated music can have adverse effects on reading comprehension and on

mood, making focus more difficult. Students who use music to help them memorize sometimes

need to listen to music while taking the test in order to reap the benefits of this study method. In

the silent test-taking environment, these students may find it more difficult to recall the

information. Ultimately, the effects of music on study habits are dependent on the student and

their style of learning. If easily distracted, students should most likely avoid music so they can

keep their focus on their work.

These benefits can help students relax to beat stress and anxiety while studying. They

background music can improve you to focus task by providing motivation and balance your

mood. Music can aid endurance and music is found to help them with memorization by creating

positive which indirectly boosts memory formation. There are also Drawbacks of listening to

music while studying, studies shown that music is sometimes found distracting than it is helpful,

less efficient and come away having absorbed less information. Loud music also effects reading

and making focus more difficult. Conversely, students will function better as multitaskers may

find that music helps them better concentration.

Adamson (2018) said that their study suggests that the cognitive skills developed during

music lessons can contribute to the children's cognitive ability in what seemed as completely

unrelated subjects, and this leads to overall improvement in academic performance. They found
that those who received music lessons had significant improvements in cognitive skills compared

with all other children who were part of the study.

This brings up that music can develop students by improving their overall improvement

in their academic performance through the use of music. This also include that music lessons

show improvements like language-based reasoning, ability to plan, organize and completing their

task. The students will have their significant improvements in their cognitive skills compared to

the other students.

Seidenberg (2017) the origins in 1993 “Listen to Mozart while you study, it’ll increase

your IQ”, an oft repeated fact, has origins in 1993 study published in nature, which showed that a

person’s spatial reasoning skills temporarily improved while listening to Mozart. The rumor

began to spread that classical music “makes you smarter”. The research says it depends. The

study found that who listened to any music while memorizing a list was able to recall less than

who studied in silence. The cognitive benefits of listening to play music are still manifold.

The article says that listening to Mozart is a way to improve studying. It is also says that

listening to music will help you to have better skills in terms of studying. According in the

Mozart theory, some individual can have more concentration when it comes in doing some task

or activities like studying. This theory does not say that it more effective in studying because

some individual still cannot concentrate in studying while in to music.

Segaran (2019) many students listen to music to help them “concentrate better” and some

even say it’s too quiet without music. The Mozart effect, a theory, that listening to music makes

people smarter, was developed in the early 1990’s. The Mozart myth. Ten years after, a term of
researchers gathered the results from almost 40 studies conducted on the Mozart Effect and

found very little evidences.

In this article, there’s a theory called Mozart Effect, where it makes your more intelligent

after you listen to it. An experimental research about the theory had conducted in this article

and results that there’s no enough evidence to prove that this theory makes one another better. In

this research, researchers aim to look if listening to music can improve students or not in


Deshkar, Nalk, Verma & Rathore (2015) according to the study, the innovative idea of

playing background music when studying liked by most of the students can reduce stress and

anxiety. In addition, this idea showed the positive effect of music in studying which may lead the

students to improve their academic performance.

Because of a lot of school works, students are most likely to be stressed and have anxiety.

In relation, the study suggests that listening to music can reduce anxiety and stress.

Overall, the article points out that the positive effect of listening to music while studying or

simply doing some school works helps the students to improved their performance in school.

Indira, Pydimarry, Katari, Hemanathan, Pal, Ghosh, Bhandarkar, Patil, & Agrawal (2018)

according to the research that music can improve cognitive abilities that results in better

academic performance. In addition, it has been shown that participating in musical activities will

developed students confidence and personal development.

Relating it to the study, the article suggests that when music is used to improve academic

performance, it will be beneficial for the students. The idea of this article is that the music
participation in students helped them developed their abilities such as cognitive skills and

personal development that contributes in students to excel in academic performance.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study shows the relationship between 2 variables. The

relationship between listening to music to the academic performance and stress coping of

selected 50 students is shown in the figure. This helps the researchers to organize their ideas to

make it easier to communicate to the participants. The conceptual framework will also be the

basis of the researchers if there is a significant relationship between the said variables.

Research Paradigm

Research Design

This research requires quantitative data in order to test its hypothesis. The correlational

design is used in this study because the researchers want to have knowledge about the

relationship between the preferences of listening to music and academic performance. The

method of research used in this study will be quantitative, where theories and variables are

changed over into numbers to be looked at and contemplated effectively. Therefore, the method

that this study intends to use is to conduct a survey. The survey will contain close ended

questions, which will give them a set of choices for the given questionnaire. In order to find the

correlation of the three variables namely, listening to music, stress coping, and academic

performance, the descriptive method will be used to ensure correct interpretation of data.

Research Setting

The setting for this research will be conducted at Our Lady of Fatima University, Quezon

City, located at #1 Esperanza Street, Hilltop Mansion Heights, Lagro, Quezon City. A brief

background about the locale, the school was established after the Valenzuela campus begin to

grow out in the year 1973 by Jose C. Olivares, a Chemistry professor-entrepreneur and his son-

in-law Dr. Vicente M. Santos, a physician. The locale was chosen for the practicality and

convenience of the research. The respondents were given a survey questionnaire in a place where

they feel at ease and comfortable so they can answer the questionnaire without any
inconvenience. Also, the researchers believe that the population of the Grade 12 students

studying at Our Lady of Fatima University was providing them the needed number of their

respondents. The study will be conducted in the first semester of academic year 2019-2020.

Research Subject

Students from Our Lady of Fatima University are the chosen participants in this study.

The total needed respondents of this study was fifty (50) Grade 12 students currently studying at

Our Lady of Fatima University who were willing to answer a survey questionnaire according to

the investigators topic.

The technique used in this study was convenience sampling technique also known as

Accidental sampling. Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling wherein subjects are

selected because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researcher. The sampling

used was the easiest way to find a convenient respondent for the researchers by keeping it

random for them to represent all of the ideas in the sample size.

Research Ethics

The study talks about the preference of students when it comes to listening to music, the

researchers will first provide consent note which the respondents sign to ensure that none of the

respondents were forced to answer the questionnaire and the researchers made sure that answers

of students are confidential to gain their trust and honesty. The researchers ensured that the study
was guided by ethical principle. The researchers also ensured that all of the data that was given

by the respondents was used for this study only.

Research Instruments

The Researchers used Structured Survey questions as an instrument for the study. Which

will be divided into two parts, the first was composed of closed ended demographic questions

regarding to age gender, the year level of the respondents and their general average in the school

year 2018-2019.

The second part of the questionnaire will be composed of scales Researchers prepared 20

good and suitable questions, the first 10 questions are checklist type to measure their preferences

in listening to music when it comes to studying and the other 10 questions use a stress coping

scale to measure their preferences in listening to music when it comes to their stress, and these

questions are answered by 50 participants. The questions were clear and flexible to the

participants. The researchers are the one who made the survey questionnaire.

Data Collection Procedure

In the collection of data of the study, the researchers provided a paper-pencil

questionnaire that is given to the chosen participants. The answers of the overall subject of 100

participants who responded to the structured survey given by the researcher serve as the main

focus of the study. Before the survey was conducted, the researchers made sure that ethical

considerations were properly observed.

In conducting the survey, the researchers asked first the consent of the participants before

they answer the survey questionnaire. Also, the researcher made sure that the participants

understand the purpose of the survey and that the survey being conducted is for this present study

only. Once that everything was done, the researchers prepared the survey for the participants to

be answered without a time limit and the researcher was there to help the participants with their


The researchers analyze and interpreted the information provided by the informants in

accordance with the objectives of the study and the result was done by using statistical

treatments. Upon finishing the results the researchers determined the relationship between

listening to music and academic performance of students. From all the results gathered in this

study, the researchers construct a conclusions and recommendations that correlate with the

problem of the study.

Statistical Treatment

For the analysis, these statistical procedures will be performed:

Pearson’s Correlation to analyze the data gathered, with this method the relationship

between the two variables will be known. The relationship of music and academic performance

will be revealed.

Weighted mean will be used in the statement of the problem 3.1 and 3.2, an average

computed by giving different weights to some individual. If all the weighs are equal, the

weighted mean is the same as the arithmetic mean.

Frequency distribution analysis will be used in the stress coping scale to summarize the

responses by presenting the frequencies and percentage in tabular form.


Demographic Profile of Respondents

In table 1.1, the student-respondents age that had the most of the percentage in this

research were aging 17 and 18 years old. The respondents that aged the least amount of

percentage were 16 and 23 years old.

This brings up that the majority of the Grade 12 ABM student-respondents were aged 17

and 18 years old. This points out that the student-respondents might have listening to music more

often other than ages 16 and 23 years old.

In relation to this, an article by Ong (2018) point out that for men, the most important

period for forming musical taste is between the ages of 13 to 16. Men were on average, aged 14

when their favorite song was released. For women, the most important period is between 11 and

14, with 13 being the most likely age for when their favorite song came out. It also found that

childhood influences were stronger for women than men and the key years for shaping taste were

tied to the end of puberty.

Table 1.1
Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age
Age F %
16 years old 4 8.7 %
17 years old 28 60.9 %
18 years old 13 28.3 %
23 years old 1 2.2 %
Total 46 100 %
In table 1.2, the highest amounts of the total respondent gained 35 out of 46 or 76.1% are

female while the male got 11 out of 46 or 23.9%.

In other words, the female respondents in this research are more likely found that they

prefer listening to music and may have positive or negative effect in their academic performance

and strategy on how they cope up with their stress.

In a study of personality and gender in preference for exaggerated bass in music,

researchers found that males demonstrated more of a preference for bass music than females.

This preference for bass music is also correlated with antisocial and borderline personalities.

Results showed that Psychoticism, gender, and Extraversion are all positively related to

preference for enhanced bass. The results of gender are maintained even if the tendencies for

elevated Pscores in males are statistically controlled McCown, Keiser, Mulhearn, Williamson


Table 1.2
Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender
Gender F %
Male 11 23.9 %
Female 35 76.1 %
Total 46 100 %

In table 2, most of the respondents have an academic grade that ranges from 91-95 which

is 52.17% of the respondents. While the lowest average grade is 81-85 which is 4.35%.
This implies that listening to music can bring a positive impact on the students while

studying or while relieving your stress. This can also improve their academic performance and

can help to their stress coping strategy.

According to Deshkar, Nalk, Verma & Rathore (2015) this idea showed the positive

effect of music in studying which may lead the students to improve their academic performance.

Table 2
Academic Grades of the Respondents
Academic Grade F % Interpretation
81-85 2 4.35% Satisfactory
86-90 20 Very Satisfactory
91-95 24 52.17% Outstanding
TOTAL 46 100%

Preferences of Respondents in terms of Studying

In table 3.1, this shows that most of the respondents perceived on Preferences of the

Respondents to Listen to Music in terms of Studying are low with the average of the weighted

mean of 2.26.

This implies that most of the respondents were not into listening to music while studying.

It also means that most of the respondents preferred studying without listening to music.

Schafer (2016) stated that individual difference in the strength of music preference is

among the most intricate psychological phenomena. While one person gets very well without

music, another person needs to listen to music every day and spends a lot of time in listening to
music. This brings up that different people have different preferences when it comes to music.

Also, they have a different experience about the effectiveness of music in their concentration,

strength and attaining a certain goal.

Table 3.1
Preferences of the Respondents to Listen to Music in terms of Studying
1. During what activities do you most often listen to music?

F %
During household chores 16 34.78%
While studying 6 13.04%
While exercising/during workout 4 8.70%
During relaxation 20 43.48%
Total 46 100%

In question number 1, most of the respondents answered that they are listening to music
during relaxation with 43.48%. The lowest answer is they are listening to music while
exercising or during workout with 8.70%.
2. Do you listen to music while studying?

F %
Yes, always 13 28.26%
Yes, sometimes 19 41.30%
Yes, rarely 6 13.04%
No, never 8 17.39%
Total 46 100%

In question number 2, most of the respondents answered that they are sometimes
listening to music with 41.30%. The lowest answer is they are listening to music but it is
rarely with 13.04%.
3. How often do you listen to music while studying?

F %
Depend on mood 26 56.52%
Some time 12 26.09%
Every time 4 8.70%
Most of the time 4 8.70%
Total 46 100%
In question number 3, most of the respondents answered that they are listening to music
depending on their mood with 56.52%. The lowest answer is they are listening to music
every time or most of the time with 8.70%.
4. How many hours per day do you listen to music?

F %
0-2 hours 18 39.13%
3-5 hours 18 39.13%
5-7 hours 9 19.57%
8-10 hours 1 2.17%
Total 46 100%

In question number 4, most of the respondents answered that they are listening to music
for around 0-2 hours and 3-5 hours with 39.13%. The lowest answer is they are listening to
music for around 8-10 hours with 2.17%.
5. What type of music do you listen to while studying?

F %
Rock music 1 2.17%
Pop music 34 73.91%
Instrumental 2 4.35%
Classical music 9 19.57%
Total 46 100%
In question number 5, most of the respondents answered that they are listening to Pop
music with 73.91%. The lowest answer is that they are listening to Instrumental music with
6. What is your reason for listening to music while studying?

F %
Helps to concentrate 6 13.04%
Keeps mind calm 30 65.22%
Prevent sleepiness 8 17.39%
Blocks external interferences 2 4.35%
Total 46 100%

In question number 6, most of the respondents answered that they are listening to music
because it helps them to keep their mind calm with 65.22%. The lowest answer is they are
listening to music to block external inferences with 4.35 %.
7. How does listening to music impact the length of time you spend studying?

F %
Music makes it more difficult for me to study 4 8.70%
Music does not affect my studying time 14 30.43%
Music helps me to study longer 20 43.48%
I don’t listen to music while studying 8 17.39%
Total 46 100%

In question number 7, most of the respondents answered that listening to music can
help them to study longer with 43.48%. The lowest answer is listening to music makes ito
more difficult for them to study with 8.70%.
8. Does listening to music help you to concentrate/memorize?

F %
Yes, always 9 19.57%
Yes, sometimes 22 47.83%
Yes, rarely 6 13.04%
No, never 9 19.57%
Total 46 100%

In question number 8, most of the respondents answered that listening to music can
sometimes help then to concentrate or memorize with 47.83%. The lowest answer is that
listening to music can rarely help them to concentrate or memorize with 13.04%.
9. How might music help or hinder studying?

F %
Distracting 8 17.39%
Help focus 21 45.65%
Either can be true 14 30.43%
Neither 3 6.52%
Total 46 100%
In question number 9, most of the respondents answered that listening to music can
help them to focus while studying with 45.65 %. The lowest answer is that listening to
music can neither be helpful nor distracting with 6.52 %.
10. Does listening to music improve your performance in class?

F %
Yes, always 1 2.17%
Yes, sometimes 31 67.39%
Yes, rarely 8 17.39%
No, never 6 13.04%
Total 46 100%
In question number 10, most of the respondents answered that listening to music can
sometimes improve their performance in class with 67.39%. The lowest answer is that
listening to music can always improve their performance in class with 2.17%.
Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Studying 2.26 Low

Scale: 1.0 - 1.75 Very Low; 1.76 - 2.50 Low; 2.51 - 3.25 High; 3.26 - 4.00 Very High

Stress Coping of Respondents

In Table 3.2, most of the respondents have high stress coping while listening to music.

The highest weighted mean is 4.50 which state that music can help them to relieve their stress.

While the lowest weighted mean is 3.74 which state that music can help them to go to sleep.

These state that listening to music has a positive effect on the stress coping strategy of

respondents which are the students. Music can help them to relieve their stress, boost their mood

and energy, helps them to relax and reduce emotional distress. Most of the respondents feel that

with music they can easily fall asleep and it lessen their feeling of pressure. In general, music can

be more helpful in stressful and sad situations.

Deshkar, Nalk, Verma & Rathore (2015) according to the study, the innovative idea of

playing background music when studying liked by most of the students can reduce stress and

Table 3.2
Preferences of the Respondents to Listen to Music in terms of Stress Coping Strategy

No. Stress Coping Mean Interpretation

1 While listening to music it helps me to relieve my stress. 4.50 Very High
2 There is a positive effect in my mood when I am listening to
4.35 High
3 The way to make me relax is through listening to music. 4.48 High
4 Listening to music can reduce my emotional distress. 4.20 High
5 Listening to music can boost my energy in doing some activities. 4.26 High
6 Listening to music can enlighten my mood in stressful situations. 4.35 High
7 I distract myself by listening to music when I feel stressed. 3.96 Average
8 Listening to music can help me go to sleep. 3.74 Average
9 Listening to music can help me to lessen the feeling of
3.76 Average
nervousness and pressure.
Grand Mean 4.18 High
Scale: 1.0 - 1.49 Very Low; 1.5 - 2.49 Low; 2.5 - 3.49 Average; 3.5 - 4.49 High; 4.5 - 5.0 Very

Significant Relationship between the Preferences of the Respondents to Listen to Music and
their Academic Grade

In table 4, it is shown that there is a significant positive low correlation between studying

and listening to music. In this case the study rejects the null hypothesis because the p-value is

less than 0.05 so there is a significant relationship between studying and listening to music,

It is also shown that there is a negative low correlation between stress coping strategy and

listening to music. In this case the study accepts the null hypothesis because the p-value is

greater than 0,05 so there is no significant relationship between stress coping strategy and

listening to music.

This result is supported by the conclusion of another research. "Music could help the

student to concentrate while studying to the extent when they prefer to listen to music. This

positive finding is relevant to justify the current trend of listening to music while studying as it
does not pose any adverse effects on the concentration of student. In fact, it might also improve

performance in their academics. Similarly, individual preferences of particular types of music

seem to play a significant role in helping student to concentrate" Kumar (2016).

Table 4.0
Significant Relationship between the Preferences of the Respondents to Listen to Music and their
Academic Grade

Academic Grade Pearson’s r p-value Verbal Interpretation

Studying Significant Positive

0.343 0.020
Low Correlation

Stress Coping Negative Low

-0.186 0.216 Correlation

Correlation is significant @ 0.05 level (2-tailed)



Summary of Findings

The objective of the study was to know the preferences of students in listening to music.

The study focuses on the significant relationship of music to the academic performance and

stress coping of the respondents.

First, in terms of the demographic profile of the respondents when it comes to their age,

most of them are from 17 and 18 years old respectively, with a frequency of 28 and 13 with a

percentage of 60.9%and 28.3%. While for the gender of the respondents, most of them are

Female with a frequency of 35 total percentages of 76.1 while the frequency of the male is 11

and 23.9 %.

Second, in terms of the academic grades of the respondents, most of them got an

academic grade ranges from 91-95.

Third, in terms of the preference of the respondents to listen to music while studying, it

has a weighted mean of 2.26 which has a verbal interpretation as Low.

In terms of the preference of the respondents to listen to music in terms of stress coping

strategy, it has a weighted mean of 4.18 which has a verbal interpretation as high.

Forth, significant relationship between the preferences of the respondents to listen to

music while and their academic grade. In terms of Studying, the computed Pearson’s r is 0.343

which means it has a significant positive low correlation and a p value of 0.020.

In terms of stress coping strategy, the computed Pearson’s r is -0.186 which means it has

a negative low correlation and a p value of 0.216.


After analyzing the summary of findings, these conclusions are established by the

researchers. The study has fulfilled the objectives set forth. In general, the researchers concluded

that music could not help the student to concentrate while studying to the extent when they prefer

to have a quiet place to study. On the other hand, music could help the student to relieve their

stress to the extent when they prefer to listen to music.

First point relies on the data based on the demographic profile of the respondents which

is, music helps students with their study but with a minor effect only. It brings up that the

majority of the Grade 12 ABM student-respondents were aged 17 and 18 years old. This points

out that the student-respondents might have listening to music more often other than ages 16 and

23 years old. While in sex, the female respondents in this research are more likely found that

they prefer listening to music and may have positive or negative effect in their academic

performance and strategy on how they cope up with their stress.

Second, the result in academic performance implies that listening to music can bring a

positive impact on the students while studying or while relieving your stress. This can also

improve their academic performance and can help to their stress coping strategy. The researcher

conclude that music can help students to relive their stress or to lessen the tension that they are


Third, the result implies that most of the respondents were not into listening to music

while studying. It also means that most of the respondents preferred studying without listening to

music. In this case the researchers conclude that students can study well without any existence of
music. They can be more focus and concentrated while studying with a quiet and good


Lastly, the result states that listening to music has a positive effect on the stress coping

strategy of respondents which are the students. Music can help them to relieve their stress, boost

their mood and energy, helps them to relax and reduce emotional distress. Most of the

respondents feel that with music they can easily fall asleep and it lessen their feeling of pressure.

In general, music can be more helpful in stressful and sad situations.

Therefore the researchers concluded that music helps the student study as a stress coping

strategy. This positive finding is relevant to justify the current trend of listening to music while

as a part of stress coping as it does not pose any adverse effects on the concentration and strategy

of student. In fact, it might also relieve stress and anxiety. Similarly, individual preferences of

particular types of music seem to play a significant role in helping student to concentrate.


Based on the findings in this study, it would also suggest that future research investigate

the relationship between the preferences of College students in music to their academic

performance and stress coping strategy to see if there are any similarities in the findings.

Besides, this study only is done in Our Lady of Fatima University, Quezon City it is also

recommended that further studies be carried out on students from other university.

The researchers also recommend that future researchers can also explore the effects of the

different genres of music to the academic performance of College and working individuals. Also,

the future researchers can use the findings of this current study to compare the effects of music

now and in the future.

In terms of studying, the future researchers can do an experimental research wherein they

will test the preferences of students in listening to music by playing some music using an

earphone. To start, the researchers will give an assessment to the participants and they will

answer it with a limited time while listening to music.

The researchers also make the following recommendations for students, teachers, and

schools management.

First is for the students, strategies of students in terms of studying can be improved by

understanding their skills in different aspects. Students should know their strengths and

weaknesses in studying. Students should be developed and learn how to cope properly with their

stressful situations. They should seek some advice and guidelines from people they can rely on.

Second is for the teachers, the experience of being a teacher must have advantages and

disadvantages. From that, they already explore and gain something that can be shared to their

students. Teachers should help and encourage their students to study well most of the time.

Teachers should train and accept that students have different styles in studying to enhance their


Lastly is for the School Management, the schools provide services for students to support

them for the future. They should often make a program for students to help them know the

significance on having a good condition while studying.

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