Cooling Tower Water Quality: Thermal Science
Cooling Tower Water Quality: Thermal Science
Cooling Tower Water Quality: Thermal Science
While it is important to consider equipment concerns at all times, C = (E+D+B) / (D+B) where:
maintaining system water condition is equally important for keeping
C = cycles of concentration
the cooling processes at full capacity and continuing effective
E = evaporation, approximately gpm x °F range x 0.0008
operation of the cooling tower.
D = drift loss, approximately gpm x 0.0002
Consider the cooling tower, along with the other mechanical B = blowdown gpm
components, as the cooling system hardware, while the water
It is the open nature of these systems that determines the unique
flowing through the cooling tower is the system software.
water problems that they exhibit. Cooling towers concentrate
Water condition is not often thought of as a potential variable solids and the air contact in these open systems allows the buildup
over time. The cooling water essentially is invisible to the operator, of contaminants, organics, bacteria and their food sources in the
but when left unattended, water supports biological growth, circulating cooling water.
and corrodes or scales equipment. Proper ongoing treatment is
These unique evaporative water system problems — concentration
important to process operation and efficiency.
and air washing — must be dealt with or process disasters will
Cooling loops remove waste heat from the process and function follow. Water is both the static and dynamic basis for controlling
by allowing water to evaporate to the atmosphere. The evaporated such problems.
water must be replaced continuously by fresh make-up water.
Practical tools for automating water removal from the system are
an instrument to measure circulating water conductivity, solids in
the water and a signaled solenoid valve to bleed the water system
when necessary. The conductivity set point is the most critical
factor in operating an open evaporative cooling loop. Once the type
FIGURE 2 Corrosion, in general, and pitting corrosion, in of solids and their concentrations are known, an effective inhibitor
particular, must be guarded against in order to ensure selection can be made to ensure that deposition does not occur
the long-term integrity of the cooling system on vital heat exchange surfaces in the process equipment. One
can inhibit the most common scales by using sequestering agents
like HEDP (HydroxyEthylidene 1, 1 DiPhosphonicacid) and/or Finally, it is critical to provide a consistent and effective biocide
polymers like polyacrylate. addition to the system. In most cases this is a chlorine or bromine.
Because of regulatory pressures, one might consider other cooling
Other control strategies might include calcium reduction by water
water biocides like ozone or hydrogen peroxide. These compounds
softening or solubility modification by pH reduction.
are very effective biocides when properly applied and ozone can be
Preventing corrosion: Corrosion is prevented by a number of used as a stand-alone treatment in most HVAC cooling systems.
system choices and on-going prevention strategies. First, the bulk
In a conventional chemical treatment system, a service provider or
water chemistry at operating cycles of concentration as determined
self-administered water maintenance program consists of adding
in the scaling section will dramatically impact the corrosion rates
an oxidizing biocide and a combination scale and corrosion inhibitor
in a cooling system.
to the water system. One should monitor chemical treatment to
Once the system chemistry is known, one can then carefully choose determine the effectiveness of the program. This will prevent major
the system materials for the environment and for compatibility with operating problems in the system.
one another. Third, it is essential to keep the system clean. Deposits
In a number of cases, additional, specific additives may be
provide locations where bacteria can act to create non-standard
necessary to avoid unique problems presented by operating water
water conditions that dramatically increase the local corrosion rate.
chemistries and specific site issues. A modern pre-packaged
Therefore, the system must be substantially free from biological treatment pump and controller system is shown in Figure 4.
activity and largely clear of debris on surfaces, particularly in areas
where suspended solids will settle. Continuous filtration or regular
and thorough maintenance cleaning will accomplish this.
Second, limit the air-wash effect of the cooling tower, which Automated method: Newer water treatment systems use
naturally adds nutrients and bacteria to the system, by filtration for electronic monitoring to evaluate the reliability of treatment
removal of suspended solids and the bacteria that reside on them. delivery and the effectiveness of the treatment system in keeping
Effective filtration can be done either with centrifugal separators or the control parameters within specified limits. By using this type of
sand filters. A front-end strainer also is essential. control, a technician is dispatched only when problems requiring
on-site resolution are encountered.
thermal science