Philosophy of The Human Person

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan



I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:

1. Realize that “all actions have consequences” (PPT 11/12-IIa-5.1)
2. Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices (PPT11/12-IIa-5.2)
3. Realize that choices have consequences and some things are given up while others are obtained in
making choices. (PPT11/12-IIb-5.3)
4. Show situations which demonstrate freedom of choice and consequences of one’s choices.

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Freedom of the Human Person

Materials: Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint Presentation

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Curriculum Guide
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Textbook pp. 76-92
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Teacher’s Manual pp. 23-26

A. Review
Ask the class about the previous lesson.
What they learn in the previous lesson.
Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson.
B. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students the names of their favorite superhero and what does
superhero always fights for?

C. Activities
The teacher let the students:
1. Complete the concept web with their ideas regarding freedom
2. Ask them to share and discuss their work to the class.
3. Have the students answer the discussion questions.

D. Abstraction
Inquire and Discover (Page 77)
What is freedom? What is the essence of freedom?
a. Discuss freedom as an intrinsic and essential property of the human person.
b. Ask the students to explain how freedom differentiates human actions from animal
c. Have them discuss the relationship between freedom and self-determination.
d. Ask the students to analyze the situation presented on page 78 and 79. Ask the students to
share their thoughts on the situation.
e. Explain how the use of freedom either upholds human dignity or dehumanizes a person. Ask
the students to give examples of freedom being used either to uphold or to diminish the
humanity of a person.
f. Let the students discuss the three kinds of freedom and give examples of each.
g. Ask the students to answer Discuss on page 81. Have them share their answers to the class.

What makes us free? How does freedom shape our experiences? (Page 82)
a. Discuss voluntariness as an important element of human freedom.
b. Ask the students to analyze the situation discussed on page 82. Ask the students the
possible reasons why Mang Lito decided to take action.
c. Let the students share experiences involving voluntary action and its results.
d. Ask the students to analyze the pictures on page 83 and describe the possible actions that
will arise. Ask them to describe their actions if they experienced the situations shown in the
e. Discuss responsibility as another important element of human freedom.
f. Ask the students to apply the concept of responsibility in analyzing Mang Lito’s actions (see
page 82)
g. Explain that voluntariness and responsibility go hand in hand in defining a person’s freedom.
h. Have the students explain how the lack of one element makes an action or decision
imperfect. Ask them to give examples of actions ordecisions which were imperfect because
they lacked an element of human freedom.
i. Discuss the concept of choice and its influence on human freedom.
j. Ask the students how reflection and prudence can help in making wise choices.
k. Guide the students in answering Discuss on page 85.
l. Have them do Think on page 86. Ask the students to share their work to the class.

How can I exercise my freedom in a responsible and beneficial manner? (Page 86)
a. Have the students react to the saying “My freedom to swing my fist ends where your nose
b. Ask the students why there is a necessity to place a reasonable limits on a person’s freedom.
Ask them to give examples of actions that cannot be performed by a person even if he/she
is considered free.
c. Let students relate experiences where they voluntarily refrained from doing an action they
were free to perform. Have them explain what led to their decision to limit their personal
d. Explain the necessity of exercising freedom with regard for truth. Describe how false
information can lead to wrong decisions and improper actions.
e. Ask the students to relate instances where their actions were influenced by false
information. Have them share how the situation affected them.
f. Explain that the exercise of freedom brings about a responsibility to uphold the freedom of
g. Have the students relate instances where they have chosen to uphold the freedom and
dignity of another person.
h. Let the students read the selection: “The Given and the Chosen” (Page 88). Ask them how
they deal with things that are “predetermined” in their lives.
i. Guide the students in answering Discuss on page 88.

E. Application
Reflect on your past experiences and identify a moment when you believed you “had no choice”
regarding your actions or decisions, or you made a choice that you eventually regretted.
Reevaluate that situation using the various views on human freedom.


Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned topic 1 2 3 4 5
or issue.
The paper conveys a genuine personal view 1 2 3 4 5
regarding the topic or issue.
The paper is written following the conventions 1 2 3 4 5
of good writing and standard grammar.
The work is original and does not contain 1 2 3 4 5
plagiarized content.
TOTAL (20 pts)

IV. Assessment
The students will answer the questions in page 90.

V. Assignment

Analyze the following situations. Give your recommendations on how the persons involved can
exercise freedom more responsibly. (Page 91)

Prepared by: Checked by:

JISBERT P. AMPO Lileth Roces, Ed.D

SST-II School Principal II

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