The Anglo-Saxons - David Mackenzie Wilson

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Ancient Peoples and Places


General Editor

Ancient Peoples and Places

D . M. Wilson




Ancient Peoples and Plates


C. H. S. Bushnell THE C E LT S
1 THE SCYTH IA N S J . F. S. Stone
T. Talbot Rice 10 JA P A N BEFO RE
THE C R EE K S J . Edward KidderJ r
L. Bemabo Brea
4 DENMARK B EFO RE J . D . Evans
O. Klindt'Jensen
Sir Mortimer Wheeler
S. J.D e L a e t
6 THE C E LT S 1} B R IT T A N Y
T. C. E. Powell P. R . Ciot
Raymond Bloch R . Rainbird Clarke
Miire and Liam de Poor Raymond Bloch





in t r o d u c t io n : th e stu d y of









THE P L A T E S 173


IN DEX “ 4

PLATES Jewelled clasp from Sutton Hoo

2 Dismantled jewelled mounts from the
Sutton H oo sword
3 Tw o silver dishes from Sutton Hoo
4 Jewelled gold buckle from Sutton Hoo
J Jewelled gold strap-distributor from
Sutton Hoo
6 Jewelled gold buckle from Sutton Hoo
7 The great gold buckle from Sunon Hoo
8 The Sutton Hoo helmet
9 The Sunon H oo purse-lid
10 Terminal of the Sunon H oo whetstone
II Fish from a Sutton H oo hanging-bowl
12 Tower of Earls Barton church, Northants
U Interior of Escomb church, C o. Durham
14 Apse o f W ing church, Bucks
IJ C hurch o f St Lawrence, Bradfords tv
A von, Wilts
16 Süva-mounted portable altar
17 T he Trewhiddle chalice
l8 Plates from a house-shaped shrine
19 Anglo-Saxon silva p ennia
C roup o f cruciform broocha
PLATES 21 Group of saucer brooches
22 The Abingdon sword
2} The Witham sword
24 The Fetter Lane sword pommel
25 Fragment of a leather scabbard from
Hexham, Northumberland
26 Scrtmatdx from Sittingboume, Kent
27 Scramasax from Winchester
28 Boar from the Bcnry Grange helmet
29 The Benty Grange helmet
30 Buckle from Worms, Germany
31 Buckle from Kent (»)
32 Buckle from Smithfield
33 Necklace from Desborough, Northants
34 The Haslingfield equabarmed brooch
35 The Kingston Brooch
36 Jewelled brooch from Breach Down, Kent
37 Jewelled brooch from Faversham, Kent
38 Jewelled pendant from Faversham, Kent
39 The Wynaldum buckle^plate
40 St Cuthbcrt’s pectoral cross
41 The Ixworth cross
42 The Wilton cross
43 The Middleton Moor hanging'bowl
44 Buckle and clasps from Taplow, Bucks
45 The Winchester hanging'bowl
46 Symbol from the Book of Durrow
PLATES 47 The Ezra folio from the Codex Amiadnus
48 Carpet page from the Lindisfarne Gospels
49 Evangelist portrait from the Lindisfame
50 Evangelist symbol from the Echternach
51 Evangelist portrait from the St Chad
52 Page of cannon tables from
MS. Royal I.E.V I
53 The Ruthwell cross
54 Figure of Christ, from the lid of
St Cuthben’s coffin
55 The Witham pins
56 The Franks Casket
57 The Alfred Jewel
58 The back of the Alfred Jewel
59 The Minster Lovell Jewel
60 The Dowgate Hill brooch
61 The Tassilo Chalice
62 The Kirkoswald brooch
63 Part of the Trewhiddle hoard
64 The Strickland brooch
65 The Fu lla brooch
66 Cross head from Cropthome, Worcs
67 Trial-piece of bone from York
68 St C uthben’s stole
69 The donation folio from the Charta of
the New Minsta, Winchesta
PLATES 70 The Annunciation from the Benedicdonal
of St Aethelwold
71 Scene from M S., British Museum
Harley 603
72 Sculptured stones at Bakewell, Derbyshire
73 Angel from the church of St Lawrence,
BradfordsonsAvon, Wiltshire
74 Viking gravestone from St Paul’s
churchyard, London
75 Ivory panel from Winchester
76 Ivory comb in the British Museum
77 Reverse side of the same comb
78 The Sutton, Isle of Ely, disc brooch
79 Censer cover from Canterbury

Montelius’s railway carriages, p. 14

Map: Kingdoms and peoples of Anglo-Saxon
England, p. 33
Boars from the Sutton Hoo clasps, p. 30
Standardfrom Sutton Hoo, p. 51
S S. Peter and Paul, Canterbury, plan, p. 37
Escomb church, Co. Durham, plan, p. 38
The Gandersheim casket, p. 67
Reconstructions of Warendorf houses, pp. 77-73
Plough, from eleventh-century MS., p. 73
Plough and harrow (Bayeux Tapestry),pp.76-77
Tooh from Hurbuck, Co. Durham, pp. 78-73
17 Implementsfrom late Anglo-Saxon M SS., p. 80
FIGURES ij Man using a spade (Bayeux Tapestry), p. 8t
14 Implements from Sandtun, Kent, p. 82
15 Relief'band amphorafrom the Rhineland, p. 87
16 Men drawing a barrel on a cart (Bayeux
Tapestry), p. 89
17 The Sutton Hoo ship, p. go
18 Clothes from eleventh'century M SS., p. 92
19 Three small long'brooches, p. pj
20 Anglo'Saxon pottery, pp. 98-99
21 Anglo'Saxon glassware, p. toy
22 Sword hilts, pp. 106-107
2} Sword pommel guardfrom Exeter, p. n o
24 Warrior, from late Saxon MS., p. i n
25 Reconstructed Anglo'Saxon shield, p. 1 ty
26 Shields and weaponsfrom Anglo'Saxon M SS.,
p. 115
27 Anglo'Saxon spearheads from London, p. 117
28 Francisca from Howletts, Kent, p. 119
29 Transporting weapons (Bayeux Tapestry), p. 124
30 Warrior (Bayeux Tapestry), p. 125
yi Brooch from Ragley, Warwicks, p. lyy
y2 Ribbon'Style ornament, p. iy j
yy Animal ornamentfrom the Witham pins, p. 143
34 Ornament on gold ring from Poslingford, p. 144
yy Animal ornament from Trewhiddle, p. 14$
y6 German, Irish and English animal ornament,
p. 146
37 Animalfrom cross'shaft, Middleton, Yorks,p. 160
y8 Animal ornament on tenth'century shrine, p. 162


h is b o o k is intended to give a general view o f Anglos

T Saxon culture as seen through the eyes of the archaeologist.

No book of this length can hope to do more than sketch the
broad outlines of the subject; consequently I have had to be
selective in my approach and I am only too conscious of the
many gaps that occur in this story of six hundred yean of the
most formative period of English history.
It would be impossible to give separate acknowledgments
for all the help I have received during the writing of this book,
but I cannot allow it to go to press without some indication of
my indebtedness. My thanks are due to Mr G . Ashburner for
providing me with so many brilliant photographs. I am grates
ful to Professor Holger Arbman, Mn S. Hawkes, Dr Ole
Klindt-Jcnsen and Mn M. Saunders for long hours of discus
sion of the problems of Anglo-Saxon archaeology. The day-
to-day contact with my colleagues in the British Museum has
provoked discussion, which has naturally influenced my
thoughts on the subject, and my debt to them, and to the
institution itself, cannot be sufficiendy acknowledged. I would
particularly like to thank Mr Julian Brown, who has allowed
me to read, before publication, his revoludonary theories
concerning the Lindisfarne Gospels, and Mr R . H. M. Dolley
who, over a number of years, has paucntly answered many
quesuons on numismadc subjects. Mr Rupert Brucc-Mitford
and Mr Peter Lasko kindly read the typescript of this book and
offered me much advice and help which I deeply appreciate.
I must thank the Early English Text Society for permission to
use their transladon of the riddle on p.122 and the editors of
Arms tmi Armour, for the use o f the transladons of the passages
of poetry on pp. 108 and 12 1.

Dr Daniel’s encouragement and advice has helped me
enormously and must be acknowledged here. I must thank
my mother for h a patience in reading through the typescript
and putting in the commas. My wife has helped me immeasur/
ably, with criticism, with typing and, above all, with h a
drawings - for she has drawn all but one of the line illustrations.

I n t r o d u c t io n : The Study o f
Anglo-Saxon Archaeology

•t h e e n d o f t h e nineteenth centuty archaeology had

emerged from the antiquarianism of the early Victorian
period, and from the quarrels attendant on the evolutionary
theories, into a rigid discipline based on two methods of study
- excavation and typology. General Pitt/Rivers had reduced
excavation to a science, carried out with military precision, and
had inculcated into the minds of the hitherto rather lackadaisical
field archaeologist a belief in scientific accuracy. It was many
yean, however, before English archaeologists had learnt the
lessons he taught and reached the standard of thoroughness that
has placed English field archaeology in a position second to
none in the world. The second method o f study was developed
in England by Sir John Evans and Pitt/Rivers, and in Scandi'
navia by Oscar Montelius and his disciple Bernhard Salin. A
close and detailed study of the material remains of ancient
peoples produced a system of'typology’. T he basis of typology
is the fact that manufactured objects are subject to evolutionary
processes. Sometimes the evolution can be seen as a gradual inv
provement in form or function, or both; occasionally it can only
be seen as a development in decoration. This is ben illustrated
by Montelius’s own example of the development of the railway
carriage. Starting as a horse/drawn coach, adapted to run on
rails, it developed in form through various stages: first as three
conjoined coaches made into one carriage until in the late
nineteenth century the only trace of its coaching ancestry was to
be seen in the curved bottoms of the side windows of the first/
class compartments. Typology can be used for its own sake or
applied chronologically. A typological sequence showing, say,
the development of the form of a particular type o f brooch can
The Angh'Saxons

(») w
Fij. I. Mmulms't nävtf anitgn: (») Biflmi iSly (l) Atutrk iSf>; (t) mi
(i) SwtimICtmmj c. iSy>

then be used as a scale against w hich chronological judgments

can be made. Thus an object found w ith a brooch o f typologi/
cally early form might be said to be, in all probability, earlier in
date than an object found with a brooch o f the same group, but
o f a more developed form. T he archaeologist calls this 'dating
by association’.
The excavation, carried out between 195} and 1957» by Mr
Hope/Taylor of the site o f a palace o f an A nglo-Saxon king,
at Yeavering in Northumberland, is only a brilliant actension
of the methods used by General Pin-Rivets on C ran borne
Chase; the use o f electrical and aerial methods o f survey is
nothing but a logical development in a sequence of technical

The Study of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology
improvements. Similarly Mr Leeds’s study of the Anglo-Saxon
square-headed brooches is an extension o f the methods used by
Oscar Montelius fifty-odd yean ago.
Until the recent war there was a tendency for the archae­
ologist to live in an ivory tower of his own devising; its founda­
tions were excavation and cataloguing, and its supcntructurc
new chronologies and typological judgments. In 1921, for in­
stance, the late Dr Crawford defined archaeology as the study of
‘the extra-corporeal limbs of man’; the study, in other words, of
man’s products, of his axes and spean, his houses and byres, his
pots and pans. A n arid subject indeed! But how much more
arid was the doctrine o f one of the greatest Anglo-Saxon
archaeologists, Professor Baldwin-Brown, who, in 19 15, wrote:
The nature of the objects afTccts the archaeologist in so far
as his knowledge of this enables him to group it with others
of the same class, but his chief interest in it docs not concern
the probable conditions under which it was made and used,
as much as its relationships to the other objects of its group.
This attitude was typical of that o f many scholars and, apart
from the very imponant social interpretations of the archae­
ological material by Cordon Childe and the political perversions
of the same material by the Nazis, archaeology remained
bounded by the twin gods Oscar Montelius and General Pitt-
Riven. That it finally broke away from their constraining
influence is due mainly to the genius of such teachers as Cordon
Childe and Grahame Clark, who widened its scope beyond
the narrow confines of the basic material, so that today the
archaeological material is seen chiefly as the fossilized results of
human behaviour. The modem archaeologist’s aim is to try to
reconstitute that behaviour without overtaxing his basic
This sketch of the recent history of archaeological technique
is very necessary if we are to understand the archaeological

The Anglo'Saxons
methods that lie behind the study o f the Anglo-Saxon period.
Hodgkin in the preface to his Histary of the Anglo-Saxons, pub­
lished in 1935. wrote, ‘ Saxon archaeology has not yet attained
to a high degree o f scientific accuracy.’ There can be no doubt
that his statement was justified - but why i
When Hodgkin wrote those words there were perhaps four
or five full-time Anglo-Saxon archaeologists working in
England; none of them held teaching posts in the universities
- they were all attached to museums. A t the British Museum,
Reginald Smith had ceased, some ten years earlier, to write on
Anglo-Saxon subjects, although his enormous erudition was
available to the scholarly world, while Sir Thomas Kendrick
had just started his Anglo-Saxon Art. A t the Ashmolean
Museum Mr Leeds had just produced his book Anglo-Saxon
Art and Archaeology, the first book on such a subject to be written
since the publication of the British Museum’s Guide to Anglo-
Saxon and Foreign Teutonic Antiquities in 1923. Leeds’s book was
the published text of a series of lectures given at Edinburgh and,
although full of interesting material, is, not unnaturally, badly
balanced. A t Cambridge Mr T . C . Lethbridge was excava­
ting vast and complex Anglo-Saxon cemeteries. Today the
position is a little better; there are perhaps a few more full-time
Anglo-Saxon archaeologists in the country, but the only uni­
versity teaching post in Anglo-Saxon archaeology is closely
bound up with the teaching of Anglo-Saxon language and
literature. Every student of Anglo-Saxon archaeology has,
therefore, had to struggle, with little or no formal teaching, to
a knowledge of the subject from other disciplines - English,
History or Prehistory. Consequendy it is hardly surprising that
Anglo-Saxon archaeology - the Cinderella among antiquarian
studies - is in a parlous state and, owing to the tremendous
backlog of work, its methods often seem to be out of date to
archaeologists of other periods and to historians, whose subjects
have reached a stage of greater maturity. In order to answer

The Study o f Anglo-Saxon Archaeology
Hodgkin’s criticism the Anglo-Saxon archaeologist must face
up squarely to certain problems of his subject.
The student of the Anglo-Saxon period has the advantage of
both archaeological and historical evidence in his study. That
the two types of evidence can work admirably together is illus­
trated by the recent excavation of a royal township at Yeavering
in Northumberland. There can be no doubt that this site, so
ably excavated, is indeed ad Gefrm, the royal township men­
tioned by Bede as the place to which Paulinus went, with King
Edwin, in 627 to preach Christianity to the people of Bemicia.
The site will be discussed in greater detail in a later chapter, but
it may not be out of place to mention here how, in the investiga­
tion of this site, archaeologists have helped historians and, con­
versely, how historians have helped archaeologists. The
archaeologist provided for the historian, among other facts,
some idea of the physical appearance of a Saxon royal town­
ship, the ground plan and probable reconstruction o f the meet­
ing place of a moot and a rough date for the abandonment of
the site. The historian provided for the archaeologist the identity
of the site, a knowledge of the likely purposes of the various
buildings and a fixed date in a sequence of relative dates.
Such co-operation as this is not always quite so happy. There
is a tendency for archaeologists to be tempted by the mirage of
absolute historical dating. Rarely is the archaeologist so arrogant
as to say, as one very great Anglo-Saxon archaeologist (E. T.
Leeds) did say, ’. . . for the early entries in the Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle it is a question whether they are worth the vellum on
which they were first written’; but too often the archaeologist
jumps at a conclusion rather too hastily, just because it seems to
fit an historical context. For instance, it has long been accepted
by archaeologists, who based their belief on a detailed study o f
the contents o f the graves, that there was considerable Frankish
influence in Kent at the beginning of the sixth century. It seems
probable that this influence was activated by the Franks follow-

The Anglo-Saxons
ing their victory over the Visigoths at Vouillé in $07. Archae/
ologists have attempted to date the scan of this influence on the
basis of the archaeological evidence. One scholar has recently
examined the problem in the light of a group of brooches: ‘of
[Professor Kiihn's] bow/brooch types of purely continental
origin, which are essentially radiate brooches, he [Kühn] finds
twenty specimens with localities in England, all in Kent except
two: seven (one Cambs, one Lines) certainly made after 550,
one probably so, and one (Thuringian) of 525-575; and eleven
made before 550, three of which he dates 525-550 and eight
500-550, including tw o- the pair from Chatham Lines grave
2 - which he suggests were indeed made c. 500 or before 525,
but deposited rather after, since its contents as a whole belong
to Werner’s Croup II, 520-550. It is about 525, in fact, that
Kühn reckons the Frankish/Kendsh relations thus displayed to
have begun. It seems, therefore, that the datings on which
Leeds suggested that in the time of Clovis, who died in 5 11 ,
Franks emigrated into Kent, cannot quite be held within that
In other words, largely on the basis of the two brooches from
Chatham Lines, which are dated by Professor Kühn to be­
tween 500 and 525, the date of the beginning of the Frankish
influence in Kent is moved forward by fourteen years.
There are 134 brooches, like those from Chatham Lines,
found in Europe, twenty/four of which occurred in associa/
don with other objects. One of these brooches was found in a
grave at Weimar with a copy o f a coin of Zeno, the Byzantine
Emperor who reigned from 474-491; on this basis Kühn dates
the grave to between 500 and 550. But other brooches of this
group were found together with coins of Valendnian (364-75)
and o f Anastasius (491-518), and one with a hoard o f first/
century coins in a grave at Bückingen. The only statement that
can posidvely be made about this group is that the Weimar
burial must have taken place after 474. There is really no reason

The Study o f Anglo-Saxon Archaeology
- archaeological or historical - why all the brooches in this
group should not have been made before 500; there is equally
no reason why any of the brooches of this group should not
have been placed in a grave at any period between, say, 47J
and 57J.
The fault of the author of this theory is that he has accepted
relative dating as absolute dating. Kiihn’s dating system for these
brooches, which is itself questionable, is a relative dating states
ment based on a chain of evidence which can best be illustrated
by an adaptation of Montelius's formula: an object A found
with an object B (A + B ) is dated with reference to a dated
object E , through the link: A + B ~ B + C = C + D = D + E,
each stage o f the formula representing a different archaeological
find. In such a case the margin of uncertainty must grow with
every link until even relative dating statements arc meaningless.
This method of dating is too often used by Anglo-Saxon
archaeologists, who, tempted by the accuracy of historical state­
ments, try to date objects within limits that are too narrow. This
is not to deny the value of typology and its concomitant, dating
by association, in constructing a chronology. In prehistoric
contexts the use of these methods is essential, for some sort of
relative chronology must be built up as a working hypothesis.
In the same way a similar structure is essential in the Anglo-
Saxon period. But the use of this structure by an archaeologist
in making fine historical judgments is completely indefensible.
It might be thought that, where a large number of objects are
involved, dating by these methods might be more reliable. Dr
Bertil Almgren, however, has recently shown statistically, by
means of a study of the largest group of Viking brooches found
in Scandinavia, that objects found in association with any
individual brooch cannot be dated to within a century. The
same reasoning is true o f the whole of the pagan Saxon period.
In the late Saxon period, however, it is possible to date certain
objects, and particularly metalwork, more closely. First, a few

The A itflo'Saxens




7* Certain objects from the Sutton Hoo (r. 650-60)

coffin of St Curhbert Oondall (r. 670)

Sth The Tauilo Chalice

(777-88) (made in
Germany undo arong
English influence)

9* Alhstan’s ring (817-67) Scvington (t. 840-50)

K. EihelwulTs ring Hon, Norway (r. 855)
(816-67) Hexham (t. S50)
Q. Eihclswirh’s ring Kirkoswald (t. 855)
(«JJ-8») Beeston Tor (r. 87t)
Bp Ethilwald’s seal Trtwhiddlc (r. 872-5)
(r. 850) Talnotrie (r. 900)
The Alfred Jewel
lOlh Cucrdale (t. 901-5)

nth Pin of Abp Wolfitan of Igdösa, Sweden (r. 1006)

York (tooa-1013) Stockholm, Sweden
KingEiwtrJAt Conftssors (r. 1025)
Cnu (1042-66) (lost) Sutron, Isle of Ely
(r. 1066-87)
St Mtry 01 Hill
(r. 1075) (lost)

The Study of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology
objects can be dated because they are inscribed with the names
of known historical figures; secondly, certain objects are found
with coin hoards, which can now be dated with extreme ac-
curacy; and, thirdly, certain objects are known to have belonged
to certain historical people, having been found in their coffins,
etc. The table opposite shows all the pieces of late Saxon
ornamental metalwork found in such contexts.
It can be seen from this table that while there is a certain
amount of dating evidence for the ninth and eleventh centuries,
the evidence for the eighth and tenth centuries is practically
non-existent. Even with these accurately dated parallels, few
scholars would dare to date a piece of ornamental Saxon metal­
work o f this period to within a century, even with the help of
the contemporary illuminated manuscripts. How very much
more difficult to date the featureless axe or spearhead! More
fragile objects can perhaps be more closely dated by coin evi­
dence. It happens occasionally, as at Chester and Morley St
Peter in Norfolk, that a hoard o f coins is hidden in a pot. Such
an object, because it is cheap and easily broken, may not have
been o f any great antiquity when it was buried, and the date o f
its manufacture can probably be placed within a few years of
its deposition; but there are not many such pots. Precious ob­
jects, however, have a tendency to be handed down from one
generation to another, as was the sword mentioned in 1015 in a
will of the Atheling Athelstan: ‘to my brother Edmund I grant
the sword which belonged to King Offa’ . The sword was more
than two hundred and twenty yean old when the prince died!
On a humbler scale can be mentioned the case quoted by Mr
Lethbridge of a ten-year-old girl, ‘who was buried with
brooches, girdle hangen and other things, which were worn or
patched at the time of burial. She was provided with festoons
of beads much too big for her. She was not buried with her
own jewels, but with old and worn-out objects, which had
probably belonged to h a mother. They had been picked out

The Anglo'Saxons
of some old remnants chest. The cracked brooch with its
missing garnets, the girdle hangers roughly patched for the
occasion - these may have belonged once to her grandmother
or great-aunt.’
This problem of absolute dating has exercised all who have
written about Anglo-Saxon archaeology. Baldwin-Brown for
instance, in the early years o f this century, evolved a cypher by
means of which he divided up each century into quarters,
assigning archaeological material to one of these short periods.
In the later years o f his life, E. T . Leeds w ould often bend o v a
backwards in an attempt to avoid too accurate a dating state­
ment. In this book I must follow the example o f Leeds: w h ae
a definite dating statement is made, it is made with all due
qualifications; a book brisding with ’probably’ and ’possibly’
would make tedious reading: the reada must supply his own
quali fications.
The A nglo-Saxon archaeologist must admit that his chron­
ology is one of the w eaka points in the present state of his
subject’s growth. O nce this is admitted, a thorough study of
the materia] can lead him to make historical judgments of a
much broada type than those made by his predecessors. His
material can be intapreted in its economic and social setting;
he can make judgments about trade and about kingship, about
d in and about craftmanship which were impossible fifty
years ago. T he time will come when a relative chronology can
be erected for the whole o f the Anglo-Saxon period on a basis
acceptable to both the statistician and the historian. W ith the
aid of new scientific methods, such as dendrochronology (tree­
ring dating) and radio-carbon dating technique, it may even
be possible within the next fifty years to build up a reasonably
accurate absolute chronology. W e are not yet in this happy
state, however, and, until we are, the Anglo-Saxon archae­
ologist must be wary o f making historical judgments which
have fine chronological implications.
The Study o f Anglo'Saxon Archaeology
To illustrate the way in which the Anglo-Saxon archae­
ologist can help the economic historian, let us first take a state­
ment made nearly twenty-five years ago by the greatest of all
Anglo-Saxon historians, Sir Frank Stenton. ‘The beginnings
of English foreign trade’, he wrote, ‘lie in an obscurity which is
only broken by occasional grants o f freedom from toll to
monasteries owning sea-going ships, by discoveries of early
English coins on the Continent and by incidental references
to trade or traden in ecclesiastical narratives.’ Like othen,
archaeologists and historians, before him, he did not use the
archaeological evidence, which tells of trading connections in
luxury goods long before written evidence appean. European
archaeology abounds in such evidence: Frankish glass, perhaps
made on the Rhine, is found in Wales, Eastern Mediterranean
pottery is found in Cornwall, and Byzantine silver in Suffolk.
Rich silks from the East found in St Cuthbert’s coffin arc an
indication of a considerable trade in such materials at an earlier
period, while bronze bowls from Coptic Egypt, garnets from
India and cowrie shells from tropical waters found in Anglo-
Saxon graves tell of far-flung trading connections in the period
before England had become Christian. In the later period
Anglo-Saxon sword blades are found in Norway and Anglo-
Saxon coins occur in Polish hoards, while fragments of
German stone mortars are found at Thetford. These material
remains tell us as much o f the direction and scope of the trade
of Anglo-Saxon England as all the documents that the
historian can produce. Mr C . C . Dunning, for example, in a
lecture given in 1959, has traced, by means of the archae­
ological material, the changing currents of the cross-Channel
wine trade, reinforcing historical evidence with material facts
and filling in certain gaps in the historian’s knowledge.
Such results as these are but a foretaste o f things to come. In
the future it is possible that the archaeologist will be able to help
both the social and economic historian by excavating, com-

The A n j h 'Saxons
pletely, an Anglo-Saxon village. This has never been done-
although recent excavations on the Continent, particularly
those at Warendorf, enable us to gain some idea of the physical
appearance and social organization of a contemporary German
village. It is possible that the energetic work of the Deserted
Medieval Village Research Group (which is engaged in
indexing and surveying English villages that were deserted in
the Middle Ages) will ultimately light on a village mentioned
in Domesday, which has since been deserted, but which may
provide in the hands of the excavator, some explanations of
obscure points in that great Norman survey. The work already
done by archaeologists is quite impressive; in recent yean,
palaces and water-mills have been excavated, defensive earth­
works thoroughly investigated and discussed, and technical
problems concerning the goldsmith’s art and the blacksmith’s
products solved by practical experiment.
One particular branch of the study of the Anglo-Saxon
period has developed by leaps and bounds in recent yean. The
investigations by such scholan as Mr Grierson, Mr Dolley and
Mr Blunt of the problem of the Anglo-Saxon coinage have
resolved many archaeological and historical problems. Prob­
lems of minting and moneying, of circulation and coinage
reform have been answered, mainly by a re-examination of
material already in collectors’ trays. The body of numismatic
evidence is so great that most new finds serve mainly to confirm
the results of the re-examination of the material. For the first
time, since the late nineteenth century, the problem of the deco­
rative style of the Anglo-Saxon coinage has been tackled
logically. For instance, Mr Dolley, in a thorough study of
certain later coins of Aethelred II (979-1013), identified nine
‘styles’, each one distinguished by a different form of bust on
the reverse of the coin. Each style is regional and has been given
a geographical label - Northern, Southern, Eastern, etc. The
historical implications o f this have been followed up by Mr

The Study o f Anglo'Saxon Archaeology
Dolley who has suggested that the reason for the regional
stylistic distinction at this stage of Aethelred’s reign, where it
had not occurred before, was a deliberate decentralization in the
face of the great Danish attacks which culminated in Canute’s
conquest of the country. Such a conclusion can and docs lead
to other historical judgments which are o f deep significance.
Numismatic judgments can similarly have great significance
in relation to the archaeological material. For instance, Mr
Grierson’s study of the Merovingian coins found in the Sutton
H oo treasure not only enables historians to guess at the identity
of the king commemorated by this burial, but enables archae-
ologists to construct some sort of chronology for the ornamental
metalwork of the seventh century. Similarly Edgar’s sexennial
cycle of coin types, by which a new type of coin was issued
every six yean and the coins in circulation called in, has been
recognized by the numismatist in the structure of the coin
hoards of the tenth and eleventh centuries. The archaeological
implications of the dating of hoards to within six yean or less
in the late A nglo-Saxon period are not yet fully appreciated.
From the work of the numismatist the Anglo-Saxon
archaeologist can learn a lesson, for the methods o f study are
often very similar. The A nglo-Saxon archaeologist’s material
has been collected over a couple of centuries mainly from graves
and hoards or found casually in isolation. It is common for a
research student to take a group of these objects, the small-long
brooches, for example, and study them, erect a typological
structure based on his study, discuss its origin and degenera­
tions and make a few remarks on its geographical distribution.
A ll this is very valuable work and one of the great aims o f the
future Anglo-Saxon archaeologist must be to publish all the
material lying neglected in museums up and down the country.
But Anglo-Saxon archaeologists have never tackled certain
problems which seem to me to be equally useful and interesting.
Mr Jessup has discussed in detail the methods of manufacture

The Anglo'Saxons
of the Kentish garnet jewellery, but nobody has yet discussed
the technical aspects of the structure o f the Anglo-Saxon shield.
Except in the cases o f individual cemeteries, nobody has yet
bothered to examine the skeletons found in Anglo-Saxon
graves for evidence o f longevity, disease or diet. Nobody has yet
collected the evidence available in the Anglo-Saxon archae­
ological material for carpentry, fishing, agriculture and similar
pursuits. Many publications of A nglo-Saxon cemeteries contain
short reports on the impressions o f cloth rusted on the buckle
plates or shield bosses, but nobody has yet gone round looking
at every single example of impressed d oth structure on metal
objects, although Mrs Crowfoot made a gallant beginning.
Nobody in modern limes has investigated thoroughly the
interesting problems o f dress and fashion in the period. A ll
these are problems, typical of hundreds that could be listed,
which could be worked on and discussed in the present stage
of our knowledge.
By the detailed re-examination of the material remains, new
facts are bound to emerge. T he articles o f Mr Jackson and
D r Fletcher on various aspects of Anglo-Saxon architecture
demonstrate, most clearly, how such a re-examination can add
to our appreciation of the period. Their recent re-appraisal o f
the A nglo-Saxon church at Lydd, for instance, has shown
conclusively that this church must be one o f the earliest in
England and that it probably dates from the pre-Augustinian
era. Their conclusions were reached by merely looking at the
church in detail, with their minds completely free from pre­
conceived ideas as to its structure.
A nglo-Saxon archaeology until the 19 )9-45 war was very
largely a ‘museum’ study; the student examined objects in
museums or excavated cemeteries, and then studied his finds
in association with other objects in the same grave, and in
relation to similar objects discovered elsewhere. Since the war,
however, he has turned his attention much more to field work.

The Study of Anglo'Saxon Archaeology
W e have already mentioned the excavations at Yeavering
carried out by Mr Hope-Taylon to these can be added Croup
Captain Knocker’s excavations on the site o f the Anglo-Saxon
town at Thetford, Sir Cyril Fox’s classic study, based on work
carried out before the war, of Offa’s Dyke, the great Unear
earthwork which stretched along the border of Wales and
M acia, Mr Rutter’s excavation of the Crossgates village site in
Yorkshire, Miss Cram p’s initial excavation of the site of Bede’s
monastery at Jarrow and Mr Hope-Taylor’s excavation of the
royal manor at O ld W indsor. These have initiated a pro­
gramme of investigations of sites other than cemeteries which
wiU continue to broaden our basic knowledge o f Anglo-Saxon
culture. W hat is more intaesting is that the archaeologist has
been working togetha with the historian on all these sites. In
the words of Professor Crimes, ’The day is past when the
historian, the philologist, the an historian and the archae­
ologist could ignore each other - not perhaps with impunity
(for this was never so), but without attracting adverse criticism
for such action. Today all four discipUncs, and many others
too, including the more purely scientific ones, must work
togetha more closely if they are to make significant progress.’
In this book I have attempted to combine with the evidence
of archaeology a measure, at least, of the evidence suppUed by
oth a discipUncs, in an anempt to give an ova-all picture of the
material culture, the an and the social and economic sutus of
our Anglo-Saxon forbears. This picture cannot be complete
in a book of this length, and I can only hope that it will give
a fair account, for the general reada, of the Anglo-Saxons as
an organized society, seen through their mataial culture. The
mataial culture of these people, as it survive today, is, as we
shaU see, of a very rich, but very Umited, character. In the
pagan paiod it is confined largely to the mataial found buried
in grave. In the Christian period, when pagan burial practice
to a large extent cease, the evidence rests largely on chance

Tht Anglo'Saxons
finds and such monumental remains as churches and stone
crosses. Based on such sources, the picture I have painted is
bound to be incomplete and in pans blurred, but it represents
to the best of my ability the present state of our archaeological
knowledge o f the Anglo-Saxon period.

C h a pter I

Historical Background
and Pagan Burials

T o m a n y (he Anglo-Saxon period is seen as a no-nun’s-

land, across which flic insubstantial, semi-legendary
figures - Hengist and Horsa, Arthur, Alfred and Oflfa. The
bleak outlines of the history of the period must be defined if we
are to understand its archaeology.
It would be idle to expect to achieve a well-balanced view
of Anglo-Saxon history in the course of the next few pages.
Indeed, to the professional historian, the summary that follows
may seem to contain merely a crude and uncritical appraisal of
the period. This summary, as I have already said, is, however,
intended for the non-specialist and not for the professional
historian; the opinions it contains are based on those of the
leading historians o f the Anglo-Saxon period, to whose works
the reader is referred in the bibliography.
The history of Anglo-Saxon England must be considered in
three stages: (a) the pagan period from the settlement to the
Augustinian mission, (b) (he establishment of England, and
(r) the Scandinavian era.
No period of British history is so nebulous as the fifth century.
Roman government, which had collapsed as the end result of a
process of decline in the first few years of (he fifth century,
bequeathed a legacy of Roman institutions to Britain. The
Romanized native population struggled for a short time to
preserve its individuality and to retain its civilization, but was
gradually submerged by inroads of invaders from the Continent.
‘The newcomers,’ wrote the Venerable Bede,' . . . came from
three very powerful nations of the Germans, namely the Saxons,

The Anglo-Saxons
the Angles and the Jutes. From the stock of the Jutes arc the
people of Kent and the people of Wight, that is, the race which
holds the Isle of Wight, and that which in the province o f the
West Saxons is to this day called the nation of the Jutes,
situated opposite that same Isle of Wight. From the Saxons,
that is, from the region that now is called that of the Old
Saxons, came the East Saxons, the South Saxons and the
West Saxons. Further, from the Angles, that is, from the
country which is called Angulus, and which from that time
until today is said to have remained deserted between the pro­
vinces of the Jutes and Saxons, are sprung the East Angles, the
Middle Angles, the Mercians, the whole race o f the Northum­
brians, that is, of those people who dwell north of the River
Humber, and the other peoples of the Angles . . . In a short
time, as bands of the aforesaid nations eagerly flocked into the
island, the people of the newcomers began to increase so much
that they became a source of terror to the very natives who had
invited them.’
This passage, wrinen nearly three hundred years after the
events it describes, is unfonunatcly our best historical source for
the origin of the English peoples. The accuracy and exact
meaning of Bede’s summary of the invasions has been argued
ai nauseam. Ultimately our best course would seem to be to take
it at its face value: the account is presumably based on legend
and oral tradition, but Bede- a most careful and exact
scholar- has apparently simplified a very complicated story.
First of all he mentions that the 'newcomers’ - the Anglo-
Saxons as we more conveniently call them- were invited to
come to England by the native inhabitants. These invited
peoples were known as foederati, mercenary soldiets brought to
Britain towards the end of the Roman period to help defend
the country against attack from Ireland, Scodand and the
Continent; traces of their pottery, similar in form to that of their
homeland, have been identified by Dr Myres at a number ot

Historical Background and Pagan Burials
Roman military sites (Caister-on-Sea, Caister-by-Norwich,
York, etc.). Secondly, Bede specifies the homelands of these Fij. t
people. The Saxons came from North Germany and Holland,
from the area which was known in his day as Old Saxony, the
Angles from the south of the Danish peninsula, from the area
which is still called Angeln, and the Jutes from Jutland. In
other words, the Anglo-Saxons came from the western coast-
lands of Europe, from the area between the mouth of the Rhine
and central Jutland. Their invasions must be seen against the
background of similar tribal movements throughout Europe,
movements which are so important that the contemporary
period on the Continent is designated ‘the Migration period’.
A sixth-century Byzantine writer, Procopius, divides the
invaden of Britain into two, Angles and Frisians, and there is
probably a kernel of truth in his statement. Although the
Frisians apparendy inhabited the coastlands of North Holland,
it is possible that at this time the Frisians and Saxons had
merged into one people, the Frisians losing their identity in the
process, a not uncommon occurrence in the Migration period.
In fact, by the time that the English setdement had got under
way it is probable that all these peoples. Angles, Saxons and
Frisians, and to a lesser extent the more independent Jutes, had
become more or less identified with each other, an opinion
which is to a certain extent supported by the mixed character
and origin of the earliest Anglo-Saxon grave-goods. The
Anglo-Saxon peoples, then, were probably of mixed stock,
with a number of common characteristics, before they arrived
in England.
The invaders came in bands, headed by aristocratic leaders,
to setde in a new land, at first in small groups, later combining
into larger units. The date of the most important incursions of
the Anglo-Saxons took place, Myres has argued, ‘within ten
yean of the middle of the fifth century’. Our knowledge of the
course of the invasions is based on both archaeological and

The Anglo* Saxons
historical sources - neither of them very secure. They came
both in the guise of colonists and as mercenaries.
That the Roman policy of employing mercenaries was con*
tinued in the post'Roman period is well illustrated by the
history of the semislegendary Vortigem and Hengist and Horn.
Vortigern, ‘a proud tyrant’, employed Teutonic mercenaries
under two leaders, Hengist and Horsa, to help him repel the
Piets and the Scots. The colony, founded by Vortigem in the
east of England, must have been strengthened by accretion
from the Continent, until the mercenaries rebelled against their
employers and started to colonize the country in earnest. The
names of these people may be legendary but it is reasonable to
suppose that parts of England- Kent and Sussex for instance -
were settled in this manner. The conquest of the rest of England
probably started, as did the colonization of America, with
small bands camping on the eastern seaboard and gradually
spreading west up the river valleys into the rest of the country.
The Britons, under such legendary heroes as Arthur, for
example, put up a considerable resisunce against the Saxons.
Gradually, however, over a period of some hundred and fifty
years they were reduced to the position o f a subject population,
or fled to the hills and fastnesses of the Celtic lands to the west
and north. A t the time of the Augustinian mission the Anglos
Saxons controlled the whole of England from Kent to East
Dorset and from the East Coast to the lower Sevan, Staffords
shire and Dabyshire, most o f Yorkshire and pan of Notthums
betland and Durham. The conquest o f Britain continued
sporadically for many yean - the Edwardian wan of the Middle
Ages are but the logical conclusions of an expansion that was
continuous from the middle of the fifth century.


The presence of a large numba o f tribal leaden in the early
yean of the settlement resulted in the establishment in England
The A njlo'Saxons
o f numerous royal dynasties. The relations between these dy­
nasties was more often bloody than friendly, but there is good
reason to believe that the new settlers regarded themselves more
as Anglo-Saxons than as members of their own particular
Kingdom. The late sixth and seventh centuries are often
lumped together by historians under the heading 'the period of
the heptarchy’. There were, however, more than the seven
kingdoms implied in this title existing at one period or another.
These were Northumbria (occasionally divided into two king­
doms - Bernicia, between the Tees and the Forth, and Ocira,
between the Humber and the Tecs), Lindsey (roughly Lin­
colnshire and East Anglia), Mercia (roughly the present-day
Midlands), Essex, Middlesex, Kent, Wessex and Sussex,
which were all at one time or another kingdoms, with kings
who traced their ancestry irom Woden or from another
Germanic god, Seaxneat. The history of the period from 600 to
the Conquest tells of the gradual movement of the main centre
of power from north to south, from Northumbria to Wessex.
It is also the story of the reduction of the power of these king­
doms and their ultimate unification under one man.
One of the most imponant influences of the period was, of
course, that provided by the church. The mission o f St
Augustine, which staned in 596, and the consequent conver­
sion of the country, were to bring literacy to the Anglo-Saxons
and organization to the central government; but, as Sir Frank
Stenton has pointed out, the church was more a hindrance than
a help to the unity of the country. The establishment o f the
Archbishopric of York in 734, for example, split the ecclesias­
tical and, to some extent, the secular government of the country
into two. Northumbria was throughout the middle period of
Anglo-Saxon history regarded as a distinedy separate part of
the country; as witness, for instance. King Alfred’s use of the
terms ‘on this side of the Humber’ and 'beyond the Humber’ in
the introduction to his translation of Gregory’s Cura Pastoralis.

Historical Background and Pagan Burials
In the early days of Anglo-Saxon Christianity, Northumbria
was the most imponant kingdom in England. In the seventh
century the Northumbrian kings, Edwin, Oswald and Oswiu,
came within an ace o f establishing a permanent overlordship
over the whole of England. But in 658 this hope of unity was
ended by the revolt of the Mercians, when W ulf hae took the
throne o f M acia. Although we have a clear picture o f the
kings of Northumbria from the hand of Bede, himself a
Northumbrian, the northern kingdom neva again achieved
the pow a it had unda Edwin and Oswald.
Meanwhile Macia had absorbed the kingdoms o f Essex and
East Anglia (with Lindsey), the rulers of these two areas
becoming subject to their Macian overlord. By about 670,
London, the great macantilc centre o f England, had come
u n d a their control. During W u lf here’s reign Wessex became
subject to M acia, as did Sussex and the Isle of W ight.
W ulf hae was defeated by the Northumbrians at the end of his
reign and his successor, Aethelbald, was left to complae the
task of building up Macian supremacy ov a the whole of
England. It was Aohelbald’s cousin Offa (757-796) who was
to be the strorfgcst Macian king, rex totius Anglorum patriae
(King o f the whole of England) as he described himself in one
of his charters. In 796 Cenwulf succeeded OfTa and until 821,
when he died, Macian supremacy remained firm and estab­
lished. O v a a numba of years following CenwulT$ death,
howeva, Egbert, king of Wessex, afta a series o f campaigns in
Mercian territory received the submission of all the lands
formaly ruled by Offa. From now on, the fortunes of the royal
house of Wessex were to control the Anglo-Saxon kingdom.


In 793 the V iking raidets descended on England and Western
‘ In this year,' says the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ’dire portents

The Anglo-Saxons
appeared over Northumbria and sorely frightened the people.
They consisted o f immense whirlwinds and flashes of lightning,
and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air. A great famine
immediately followed those signs, and a little after that in the
same year, on 8th June, the ravages of heathen men miserably
destroyed Cod’s church on Lindisfame, with plunder and
They came to a land, rich and comparatively peaceful, to
plunder pillage, rob and rape. England was a home of leanv
ing, the centre of a prosperous merchant and agricultural
community, and was completely unprepared for the sudden
menace from the Scandinavian lands of the misty North. A t
first the invaders came in small bands merely to plunder, but,
by the middle of the ninth century, great organized armies were
ravaging the countryside. Mercia and Northumbria were cons
quered by the invaders and Wessex was sore pressed. Alfred’s
defeat of the Viking marauders at Eddington in 877 called a
halt to a series of Viking victories which had brought much of
England under the control of the Scandinavians. From 877
and onwards, under Alfred and his successors, the Viking
raiders, who had now settled in the north and east o f England,
were gradually brought under the control o f the English crown.
Traditionally these early Vikings are known as Danes,
although doubtless by the time they were settled in England
they were a people of mixed Scandinavian blood. In the early
yean of the tenth century Lancashire and Cheshire, and the
north-west generally, were invaded from Ireland by a group of
Norwegian Vikings and the internecine wan between the two
elements, Danish and Norwegian, considerably aided the
conquest of Northumbria by the Mercians and the West
Saxons under Edward the Elder and Acthelstan, who has
been described as the most brilliant of English kings. Not only
did Acthelstan conquer the north and establish friendly
relations with its aristocracy, but he also conquered Cornwall

Historical Background and Pagan Burials
and became one of the elder statesmen of Europe, consulted by
the Emperor, the Normans and the Scandinavians. He estab'
lished a sound civil service and reformed the coinage. From the
death of Acthelstan in 9)9 there is a marked decline in the
strength and prestige of the English kings. Wars with Viking
raiders and bad counsel at home depleted the strength of the
kingdom and only under Edgar (959-975) was any o f the
former brilliancy of English government achieved. Edgar’s
greatest achievements were in the field of artistic patronage and
in the monastic revival that took place under the great Church'
men, Oswald, Acthclwold and Dunstan - the latter credited by
one chronicler with 'holy guile’.
In the years following Edgar’s death the Viking attacks were
renewed and, although these were resisted with spirit and some
success, the conquest of England by Sweyn and Canute in the
early years of the eleventh century was a foregone conclusion.
Canute came to the throne of England in 1016 and for nine'
teen years governed from England an Empire which, in name
at least, extended from the shores of the Baltic to the Isles of
Sc31y. The great Anglo'Scandinavian Empire could only be
controlled by an immensely strong king and collapsed in 104a
on the death o f Harthacnut, the son of Canute. The English
dynasty of Wessex regained the throne in the person of Edward
the Confessor, who had grown up at the court of the Dukes of
Normandy. During his reign Norman influence in England
increased, the church, the law and the administration being
influenced by contemporary French institutions. These Not'
man elements in pre'Conquest England were, to a certain
extent, counteracted by the rude Anglo'Saxon nationalism of
William’s distant cousin, Harold. When, on the death of
Edward and the succession of Harold, William, Duke of
Normandy, claimed the English throne, England was to some
extent prepared for Norman government. Much that was
good in Anglo'Saxon England survived the Norman C on '

The A n^lo'Saxons
quest, which centralized the government o f the country and
unified England once and for all.


It is a commonplace that the pagan Anglo-Saxon archae­
ology of this country can only be studied from the material
deposited in the graves of the newly arrived population, from
their brooches, buckles, weapons and pottery. Much of this
material will be treated in greater detail under separate headings
in later chapters of this book. Here I wish to discuss the im­
plications o f this material in a broader context.
The Anglo-Saxon peoples practised both inhumation and
cremation in the burial o f their dead. The two rites take many
forms. Although most Anglo-Saxon inhumations were in an
extended position, crouched burials, in which the body has
been buried with the knees beneath the chin, arc by no means
unknown. Other variations also occur. A t Abingdon, for
example, one skeleton lay on its face with the left arm raised and
bent across the forehead. Sometimes a double burial is found,
where the body has been placed in an old grave with the under­
lying body disturbed and disarticulated; occasionally two
bodies were buried side by side. Cremation also can take
various forms, though usually the burnt bones were collected
and placed in an um. A traveller at the court of King Alfred
tells how in the Baltic lands there was a custom ‘that in every
tribe the dead shall be burned, and i f a single unbumed bone is
found, great atonement shall be made for it.’ Care of such a
quality is reflected in many of the cremation cemeteries of
England, but occasionally the cremation was not so complete.
Both inhumation and cremation burials occur in flat cemeteries
and in barrows and mounds. The occurrence of mixed in-
humation/cremation cemeteries is frequendy recorded, even in
the West Saxon area, where the ritual was more usually
inhumation - out of 201 graves excavated at Abingdon, for

Historical Background and Pagan Burials
example, only 82 were cremations. There seems to be little
chronological implication in either form of burial: cremations
occur both early and late in the pagan Anglo-Saxon period
and the same is true of inhumations. It is often stated that
cremation was a feature of the early Anglo-Saxon period,
having been gradually replaced later by the use o f inhumation,
and that in mixed inhumation/cremation cemeteries the crema­
tions are the earlier burials. There may be an element of truth
in this (especially in the Thames Valley) but, as Mr Leth­
bridge has pointed out, at Lackford in Suffolk, ‘cremation
survived . . . to the end of paganism’, and the occurrence of a
late form of square-headed brooch at Abingdon in a crema­
tion burial shows that Mr Lethbridge’s statement is true of the
West Saxon region as well.
T he Saxons tended not to use old Romano-British cemetery
sites. The sites of Hassocks and Ringmer in Sussex, which are
often quoted in an attempt to support this continuity, are
apparently accidental re-usages o f an ancient site. T he Roman
pottery from Hassocks, for example, cannot be dated much
after the middle o f the third century. The considerable Anglo-
Saxon cremation cemetery on the Mount o f York, however,
was right in the middle of the Roman city’s principal burial
place and this, at least, does demonstrate a continuity between
Roman and Anglo-Saxon cemetery usage. But such cases are
rare and we have little evidence which would enable us to
relate the A nglo-Saxon burials to their Roman counterparts.
The A nglo-Saxon dead were buried with their most
intimate personal possessions, brooches, work-box and chate­
laine in the case of a woman, spear, shield and sword in the
case of a man. Occasionally they were buried with food (at
Melboum a sheep’s jaw was found in the grave, while at
another Cambridgeshire cemetery eggs were found in an um)
and drink, which was held in the smaller, secondary pottery
vessels found in inhumation cemeteries. In cremation burials

The Anglo-Saxons
personal possessions were often burnt with the body; if not,
they were often represented by small, unbum t model combs,
knives, etc., placed in the urn with the ashes. Features such as
the food and the model tools suggest that this is something more
than the habit found in a number of modern societies of
dressing-up a corpse in its best clothes. T he body was being
sent off into the after-life with the belongings it would need
there, some men even being placed in their ship, as at Snape.
A s the surviving vernacular literature was written by Christians
- usually by priests- it is hardly surprising that there is in this
country little written evidence concerning pagan burial prac­
tices. W e have to turn to the evidence provided by the Scandi­
navian literature for information concerning such burial rites.
The following passage from Yuglingo Sago is typical o f many
passages which could be quoted here:
‘The burning was carried out in a splendid m anna. A t that
time it was believed that the higher the smoke rose in the air,
the loftier would be the position of the burnt man in heaven;
and the more possessions that were buried with him the rich a
he would be.’
The great A nglo-Saxon epic poem Btoumlf yields some
evidence regarding the practice of pagan burial. Consider, for
example, the burial of Beowulf himself:
‘Then the people o f the Geats, as he had asked them, con­
structed a splendid pyTc on the ground, hung with helmets,
war shields and shining «useless, in the midst of which the
lamenting warriors laid the glorious prince, their beloved lord.
Then the warriors began to light the greatest of funaal pyres on
the hill, the wood smoke rose high, black above the fire; the
roaring flame mingled with the weeping (the tumult o f the
wind ceased) until it had consumed the body hot to its hcatt
. . . The people of the W edra then raised a high, broad batrow
on the cliff; it could be seen from afar by seafarers; in ten dayi
they built the beacon of the bold warrior. They surrounded the

Historical Background and Pagan Burials
remains of the pyre with a wall, constructed as worthily as
skilled men could do. They laid rings and jewels in the barrow.’
The passage then tails off into semi-Christian sentiment, but
the pagan elements are plain. A m ong other funerals recorded
in Beowulf is one in which a ship is loaded with the body and
treasure, and pushed out to sea.
The idea of a journey to the world of the dead is almost as
universal as is the idea of furnishing the body with weapons,
tools, ornaments and food. It would be tedious to labour the
point. However, it is as a result of the Anglo-Saxons’ belief in
this idea that we have the large quantity o f pagan Saxon
material in our museums today.

From 1913 until his death in 195$. E. T . Leeds, in a scries of
books and articles, attempted, on the basis of a minute study of
the archaeological material, to define the areas of the Anglian,
Saxon and Jutish settlement. This was mainly based on a
typological study o f the humbler type of A nglo-Saxon brooch.
O ne of his most important observations, however, is based on
a geographical fan: Anglo-Saxon cemeteries, he noted, bore
no distributional relationship to the Roman road system; the
newcomers advanced into, and setded, the country along the
river valleys. He further pointed out that the Anglo-Saxons
also avoided the Roman towns and forts, the great deserted
stone buildings of the Romans which were described in the
literature as the ’cunning work of giants’. W e have already
noted that continuity in the use of cemeteries between the
Roman and A nglo-Saxon periods is a rare occurrence. This
lack of interest on the part of the Saxons in the social machinery
of Roman Britain - in its daily life, its communications, its
villa system, its organized army and its central government-
is an interesting and unexplained feature of their settlement.

Tht AnjIo'Saxons
Leeds's picture o f this honor romani needs perhaps a little qualis
fication today. Mr S. Frere’s recent excavations have shown
that there was a Saxon settlement o f an extremely early period
within the Roman town at Canterbury and there were cer/
tainly two early cremation cemeteries of some size at York.
A gain, it is clear that in north and east Kent, at any rate, the
Anglo/Saxon cemeteries are closely related in their distribution
to the Roman roads.
Leeds’s anempt to distinguish the A nglian, Saxon and
Jutish elements in the burial material met with varying success.
W e have seen how the national character of the newcomers at
the time of the invasions was already very mixed: this mixture
is reflected in the archaeological material. Certain features of
the Saxon element among the invaders, however, are clearly
distinguishable. The distribution of early saucer brooches, for
example, as studied by Mr Leeds and more rccendy by Mrs
Saunders, shows a concentration in south/cast England and
the Thames Valley - an area traditionally designated Saxon.
Such saucer brooches have their origin on the lower Rhine, in
the area of the Saxon homeland. Similarly a group of small
square/headed brooches, of an early date, found in Kent and
paralleled to some extent in the Danish material, help to vindi/
cate Bede’s statement as to the Jutish origin o f the Kentish
people. D r Myres suggested that a study of the pottery would
seem to indicate that East A nglia received more direct im/
migration from Schleswig than did Northumbria, which, as
Mr Hunter Blair has pointed out, came under Saxon rule as
much as a result o f the revolt o f Saxon mercenaries employed by
the Romano/Britons, as by direct colonization. But generally
speaking the archaeological material of the period o f setdement
is so mixed that attempts to distinguish it tribally are vain.
W e must not forget that there were Anglo/Saxon merce/
naries in Britain before the Roman abandonment o f the pro/
vince. T he mercenaries took over the districts which were too
Historical Background and Pagan Burials
weak to oppose them and invited their cousins from across the
Notxh Sea to come and share their spoils. T he mercenaries were
presumably of very mixed origin, as were their cousins, and
they combined to contribute to the muddle that comprises the
archaeological record, a muddle in which, in a single cemetery,
older Romano-Saxon pottery occuts alongside both A nglian
and Saxon pottery and in which Saxon brooches occur in both
Anglian, Saxon and Jutish areas.
Broadly speaking, however, once the preliminary muddle of
the invasion period was over, and once the newcomers had
become established, certain features in the archaeological
material clearly distinguish the Essex-Wesscx-Susscx area
from the Yorkshire-Mercia-Suffolk area and both of these
from the rich Kentish area. H ow much of this material is tribal
in the sense o f‘Anglian’, ‘Saxon’ or ‘Jutish’, and how much is
regional, is a problem that must now be examined.
O ne of the chief archaeological features of A nglo-Saxon
Kent is the garnet-ornamented jewellery - for although some of
this jewellery occurs elsewhere, it has long been obvious that it
is mainly concentrated within that county. T he discovery,
however, of a large quantity of garnet jewellery at Sutton Hoo
in Suffolk encourages the archaeologist to reconsider his
previously held views. For the Sutton H oo jewellery, while
related in certain technical features to the Kentish material, has
also many unique features. The differences are sufficient to
enable us to recognize a distinct Kentish culture, at once indi­
vidual and wealthy, which must be based almost completely
on economic circumstance and not on tribal differences. Kent’s
geographical position and its rich soils have always made it a
wealthy county. Most scholars nowadays would agree that this
garnet jewellery flourished in the last half o f the sixth century
and in the first half of the seventh, and that it reflects the rich­
ness and importance of the settled area, an importance which
can be seen, for example, in the historical figure of King

The Anglo'Saxons
A ethelbm of Kent who had strong Continental connections.
But to call this jewellery ‘Jutish’, as is so often done, is to miss
the whole significance of the Kentish problem. D r Hodgkin
was on the verge of solving the problem when he said, ‘The
Jutish nation . . . was made after the Conquest. It was to all
intents made in Kent.’ In fact the historians have been using the
word ‘Jutish’ when they meant ‘Kentish’. Bede’s 'Jutarum natio’
in Kent and the Isle o f W ight has been torn from its context; it
means surely that the earliest settlers in those areas were or*
ganized under leaders from Jutland and received reinforce/
ments from that area as well as from other northern European
areas. It follows that once the newcomers had become estab/
lished in the Kentish area they would, under the influence of
their new environment and of their geographical situation in
relation to the Franks, develop a material culture of their own,
just as they developed a legal system and a nation of their ow n.
O ur picture o f the material culture o f the Angles and the
Saxons is not quite so well defined. T he archaeological evi/
dence within the areas occupied by these peoples rests largely
on a study of their jewellery, the A nglo/Saxon equivalent
of the mass/produced jewellery sold today in the cheaper
chain stores. T he distribution of this material, when divided
typologically, falls into two groups which can be classed as
A nglian and Saxon. For instance, as we have seen, one o f the
leading Saxon types o f brooch is the saucer brooch, which has
a distributional concentration in the Upper Thames Valley,
Sussex and Berkshire, with a number o f outliers in the southern
Midlands. This type o f brooch is reasonably common in the
continental Saxon homeland and its Saxon distribution in
England is quite convincing. Similarly the small group of
wrist clasps appear to be typically AngUan, if judged only by
their geographical distribution. I believe, however, that we
must be rather more careful in attaching these tribal names to
objects just because they are found in the broad area in question.
Historical Background and Pagan Burials
The distribution of a certain type of cruciform brooch (A berg
III and TV) is clearly centred on the Cambridge region, with
outliers in Yorkshire and Mercia. So far, admittedly, not a
single brooch of this sort has been found in the Saxon region,
yet the type can hardly be considered as typical of the whole
Anglian area. Rather, it is a fashion that grew up in a smallish
area and which was then traded out of that area into other
districts. Other so-called Anglian types occur over such a wide
area that although they were presumably made in one particular
district, it is impossible to distinguish them by any other tide
than ‘Anglian’ .
The wide distribution of objects resulting from trade must
always be borne in mind. We shall revert to this subject in a
later chapter, but a few examples may be quoted here to
demonstrate the mobility o f objects at this early stage of Anglos
Saxon history. Anglo-Saxon jewellery has been found in
Germany, pottery from the Low Countries carried wine to
Kent, and chatelaine rings of African ivory are of reasonably
common occurrence in Anglo-Saxon graves, while cowrie
shells came from the tropical waten of the Indian Ocean.
When we know that objects such as these travelled thousands
of miles to local markets we cannot rely too closely on a scat­
tered distribution of a handful of cheap brooches over the whole
face of England.
Space prohibits a full discussion of the thousands of Anglo-
Saxon graves found in England, but one of these graves, found
at Sutton Hoo near Woodbridge in Suffolk, deserves con­
sideration at some length. The grave produced the richest and
most brilliant treasure ever found on British soil; it is, indeed,
only paralleled in Europe by the funerary treasure o f Childcric,
King of the Franks who died in 481. Childeric’s treasure was
found at Toumai in Belgium in 165), but only a few fragments
survived the robbery at the Cabinet des Medaillcs in Paris in

The Angh'Saxons
18 31. Many rich graves had been found in England before the
discovery of Sutton Hoo - Taplow in Buckinghamshire,
Broomfield in Essex, Cowlow in Derbyshire and a whole host
of graves in Kent - but all pale into insignificance by the side ot
this East Anglian king’s treasure.
The excavators of Sutton Hoo in 1939 came to an oval
mound with a central hollow, lying on the edge of an escarp'
ment overlooking the river Debcn. The shape of the mound
was eventually explained by the fact that a ship had been buried
in it; the hollow in the middle proved to have been caused partly
by the collapse of a wooden mortuary chamber amidships and
partly by the attentions of some sixteenth' or seventeenth'
century antiquarians, who had Died to rob the grave by sinking
a shaft in the centre of the mound. A ll that remained o f the
ship were the marks in the sand of the decayed wood, marks
which were skilfully isolated by the excavators so that a plan ot
Fit. 17 the ship and photographs o f it in its entirety could be made.
The original overall length of the ship must have been about
eighty'six feet, of which some eighty feet were traced. It was a
clinket'built ship of a type paralleled by the ship found at
Nydam in South Jutland. Unlike the well/known Viking
ships, it was a rowing'boat; there was no seating for a mast and
Daces of a rowlock survived on the port gunwale. No seats or
decking were found but in the centre were Daces of the gabled
monuary chamber which contained the burial deposit.
No body was found in the ship - no traces of human bones.
The burial must, then, be considered as a cenotaph, a monu'
ment to a great man: the ueasure and paraphernalia found in
the grave leave no doubt that this was the memorial of a king.
The objects found in the burial chamber can be divided into
three groups: (a) domestic utensils and minor weapons, (b)
personal ornaments and personal weapons, and (c) royal
regalia. The objects classed under the first heading include a
quantity ofehainwork, iroivbound wooden buckets, cauldrons,

Historical Background and Pagan Burials
a pottery bottle (which in form resemble the wheel/
turned pottery of Kent), a group of spears and angons (sec
below, p. 123), an iron/hafted battle/axe and a number o f iron
objects of indeterminate use. The remains of a musical instni/
ment, which has been reconstructed as a rectangular harp,
was taken to piece before burial and placed inside a cast
bronze bowl, which had been imported from Alexandria.
Also found w ee the remains of a set of silver/mounted drink/
ing/homs and gourds. One of the target horns has been re/
constructed and found to have a capacity of some six quarts
and must have come from the head of the now extinct aurochs.
A ll these objects arc paralleled in other Anglo/Saxon con/
texts, with the exception of the iron/hafted axe. Other objects,
however, must be classed in this group, some o f which are
rather more exotic - the great circular silver dish of Byzantine
origin which bears the control stamps of the Emperor Anasta/
sius (49 1-51 8), for example. Other pieces of Mediterranean
silver plate include a large fluted silver bowl, which was found
underneath the large dish; it bean in a central, circular field a
late classical female head in low relief. A silver ladle and a
small cup were found, together with a set of ten hemispherical Plate j
silva bowls. In the centre o f each bowl was inscribed a simple
geometrical or semi/floral design. Two very significant pieces
are a pair o f spoons o f a wcll/known classical type, which bear
the name Saul and Paul in Creek characten. This allusion to
the convenion of the Aposde must symbolize the convcnion or
the baptism o f an imponant person.
Finally, we must class in this group a series of three bronze
bowls fitted with loops for suspension and ornamented with
circular, and, in one case, with square as well as circular,
panels of enamelled ornament. These belong to a large and
common group of antiquities, known as 'hanging/bowls’,
which continued 10 be made until well on into the eighth
century, some late variants being found in Viking A ge grava

The AnjIo'Saxons
in Scandinavia. The decoration of the applied enamelled
panels is Celtic rather than Anglo-Saxon in origin; it is most
commonly based on developed spiral motifs, sometimes, as at
Sunon H oo, being further decorated with small pieces of mille-
fiori glass floated into the enamel. These millefiori fragments are
cut from a rod made up o f many stretched and twisted strands
of different coloured glass, in the fashion of the multi-coloured
‘rock’ popularly sold at seaside resorts. There has been a con­
siderable amount of discussion concerning the purpose and
Place 11 origin of these bowls. T he presence of a model fish, sanding
on a column in the centre of the Sunon Hoo bowl, and the fact
that many of the bowls have an escutcheon on the inside,
suggest that they held some clear liquid; the suggestion has
recendy been made that they were used as a kind of ecclesiasti­
cal ‘finger-bowl’, although there is still a certain amount of
support for the theory that they were used as sanctuary lamps.
T he fish in the Sunon H oo hanging-bowl may be the well-
known Christian symbol; if so, a liturgical use is not ruled out.
O n the other hand, if the bowl held water, the fish would then
be in its natural element and its use here might merely be the
craftsman’s conceit. These bowls were apparendy made in a
Celtic area, presumably in Northumbria: D r Fran;oise
Henry’s contention that they were made in Ireland is not
entirely convincing in the face of their rarity in that country and
their ubiquity in the Anglo-Saxon area.
The second group of objects in the Sunon H oo cenouph
comprises the personal equipment which was laid out along
the line of the keel, in the cenne of the monuary chamber. It
forms by far the most exciting group of objects in the gave. T he
Plan a three major weapons, the sword with its jewelled pommel and
scabbard, the shield with its bird and d n g o n figure, and the
Plate > helmet, covered with p late of impressed ornament, are closely
paralleled in the rich g a v e of U ppland in Sweden and, al­
though no really convincing case has ya been made out for the

Historical Background and Pagan Burials
actual physical importation of these objects from Sweden, the
probability is strong enough to deserve serious consideration.
A ll the personal ornaments, however, are certainly of English
manufacture and are remarkable as much for their richness as
their quantity. Other than the mounts of the sword, nineteen
pieces of gold jewellery were found in the grave, the largest and
most impressive of which is the great gold buckle, which is j -i Plate 7
inches long and weighs over fourteen ounces. The front face of
this object is covered with most skilfully interlaced, asymmetrical
snakes, bordered by interlaced, elongated animals. The loop of
the buckle has a slightly more regular, plain ribbon interlace,
but the circular plate, behind the tongue, has more interlaced
snakes. A ll the ribbon/like bands on the buckle plate and on
the circular tongue plate are decorated with incised circles
within bordering lines, all inlaid with niello. Three great plain
domesheaded rivets connect with sliding catches on the hinged
back plate.
There is a striking difference between the great gold buckle
and the more flamboyant, polychrome jewellery, which makes
up the greater pan of the personal ornaments. The pursedid, Plait 9
for example, consisted of a border, made up of twisted wire
filigree, and panels inlaid with garnet and coloured glass which
enclosed a piece of ivory, leather or other material, in which
were set seven plaques and four studs. The plaques and studs
are inlaid with garnets and mosaic glass: in the top centre is a
plaque containing four animals, set in pairs, whose limbs
interlace; this is flanked by two hexagonal mosaic plaques.
Below each of these is a plaque portraying a man between two
rampant beasts, while in the centre bonom o f the purse are two
affronted plaques showing small, duckdike birds caught in the
claws of birds of prey. The height of perfection in this poly'
chrome technique is reached in the pair of curved clasps that Plate 1
hinge centrally on a gold, animal'headcd pin. The clasps were
sewn to their cloth or leather base through a series of strong

The Anglo'Saxons
lugs. Each half of each clasp is, in all major respects, similar to
the others, although there are slight variations in each piece.
F ii} The curved end takes the form of two boars, so interlocked
that their hindquarters form the outer element of the ornament,
their heads appearing in the centre. In the spaces between the
heads and feet are panels of delicate filigree animal ornament.

Fif.). Inltrltdtti hom jnm At

Sutttm Hm ilsips

The rest of the plaque consists of a rectangular frame, oma'

mented with a series o f interlaced, ribbon-like creatures, which
encloses a carpet pattern of polychrome cell-work. In no other
piece of jewellery from Sunon Hoo does the quality of w ork
manship surpass that demonstrated by the clasps. The garnets
are cut accurately to the shape of the cell which they fill,
whether the edge be straight, curved or step-shaped. Beneath
each garnet can be seen the piece of gold foil with its chequer'
board pattern which reflects light back through the garnet at
different angles. In this piece can be seen all the competent
assurance of a first-rate craftsman. These objects, together with
the many minor pieces of garnet jewellery found in the grave,
PUtei 4-6 form the nucleus of a corpus of jewellery which has a local East
Anglian character. Although related in a superficial manner
to the garnet jewellery of Kent, the Sutton Hoo jewellery,
together with a number of other pieces in the grave, was
apparendy made in a single East Anglian workshop under a
number of influences, English, Frankish and Swedish.
The third group of objects comprises the symbols of royalty,

Historical Background ani Pagan Buriab
an iron standard and whetstone, which may be considered as a
sceptre. These objects have been studied comprehensively by
D r Berges and D r G auen. Here we can only describe them
briefly and indicate their symbolism. T he standard is made of
iron, is about six feet four inches high, and consists of a long
iron bar surmounted by a ring topped by a bronze-covered iron
stag. A t its foot is a barbed spike. Immediately below the ring
are four shon arms, each terminating in formalized bull’s
heads. A bout a foot below the ring is an iron grill with homed
projections at the comets linked w ith iron bars to a point about
halfway down the standard. A t first it was thought that the
object was a flambeau, or lampstand, but it seems more
reasonable to suppose that it is in fa« a standard (of the type
known as Tufa) which Bede says was carried in front o f King
Edwin of Northumbria; the obje« is more or less unparalleled
in the Europe of that time.
T he whetstone found at Sutton Hoo shows no traces of use
for any normal sharpening process; indeed the delicate carving
and bronze casing at the terminals make it unlikely that it was
ever intended to be used for such a purpose. O f square section,
it is about twenty-four inches long and tapers towards the
terminals. T he looped terminals arc painted red and enclosed
in a bronze cage. Below the terminals, at each end and on each
face, are a series of human masks carved in low relief. The
whole stone is ground to a finely polished surface. This obje« Fii- *
is unparalleled in the Anglo-Saxon world, although a frag- ^
ment of a large whetstone decorated with crude representations
of the human face has recendy been found at Hough-on-the- /«»
H ill in Lincolnshire, and two small« whetstones carved with s “'™
human masks have been found in the Celtic west. T he fact
that this whetstone has no conceivable use endows it with a
significance o f its own. The idea that it is a sceptre has received
genaal acceptance: in the words of Sir Thomas Kendrick, ,
‘Nothing like this monstrous stone exists anywhae else. It is a ”

T ht Anglo-Saxons
Plate 8 unique, savage thing; and inexplicable, except perhaps as a
symbol proper to the king himself and the divinity and mystery
which surrounded the smith and his tools in the nonhem
world.’ Whether we accept it as a sceptre or as a wand o f office
and authority is immaterial; we have something here that is out/
side the run of material normally found in A nglo/Saxon graves.
Lastly, mention must be made o f objects of the utmost
importance - the coins. There were thirty/seven coins, three
blanks and two small ingots, all o f gold, in the Sutton Hoo
burial. They were originally enclosed in the purse, of which
only the lid mounts survive. The coins were all trmises (one/
third of a solidus, the standard imperial gold coin of the
Roman Empire) and were all struck in France. A close and
detailed study of the coins by Mr Grierson has dated their
deposition to between the years 6jo and 660. This date is
therefore the date of the whole burial.
There can be little doubt that the man who was commemo/
rated by the burial of such elaborate gravc/goods was a royal
personage, and presumably a king. It would seem likely that
he would be an East Anglian king, a member of the Wuffingas
dynasty, who died between 650 and 660. It is hardly likely to
have been a foreigner, for a cenotaph such as this would surely
have been set up in the homeland of the king. Three kings
fulfil the conditions laid down; Anna, who died in 654,
Aethclhere, who died in the following year, and Acthelwald,
who died in 66 j or 664. Aethclwald’s successor did not die
until 71 j and Anna’s predecessors were joint kings, who died
about 640. The first possible king, Anna, was buried in the
monastery at Blythburgh. Aethclhere died in battle, his body
being lost in the flood waters of the Winwaed. We do not
know what happened to Acthelwald’s body. Both Anna and
Acthelwald were Christians and presumably Acthelwald, like
Anna, received a Christian burial. Aethclhere was a pagan, a
lapsed Christian. Now, it is possible that the followers of either

Historical Background and Pagan Burials
A nna or A cthelwald erected this cenotaph to their master as a
sort of insurance policy, in the event of Christianity failing to
furnish him with sufficient provision in the after-life, and
indeed A nna has been suggested as the subject of this burial.
My own view is that the Sutton Hoo cenotaph commemorates
Acthclhere, the pagan king, whose body was not available to
his followets when they erected his grave. In this heroic age,
one of the greatest things a man could do was to die on the field
of battle. Aethclhere, despite his short reign, died the death of a
hero and would therefore be deemed worthy by his followers of
receiving the burial due to a pagan hero. W e shall never know
the answer to this problem - the unknown king has left his
memorial and we can only admire the riches and glories of
these East A nglian kings who numbered among their treasures
the finest jewellery produced in Europe at that time, as well as
riches imported from the exotic Mediterranean world. The
king who was commemorated by this burial must be seen as
the peer of any Germanic or Saxon king in Western Europe.

C h a p t e r II

Christian Antiquities

Sg6: In this year Pope Gregory sent Augustine to England with a

good number of monks, who preached God’s word to the English

Thus, laconically, docs (he Anglo'Saxon Chronicle dismiss

(he Christian mission (o England. T he convenion o f England
was a long process; i( was many decades, for example, before
pagan burial practices ceased completely. Gradually, as
Chris(iani(y became more effective, gravesgoods became of less
importance in contributing to our knowledge of the Anglos
Saxons and a different class o f antiquity takes their place.
Churches, chalices, crosses and manuscripts replace the pots
and brooches, the swords and the jewellery of the illiterate
pagan population. T he church brought with it Mediterranean
learning and ideas; it brought writing and architecture, sculps
ture and painting to add colour and sophistication to the life
of the English.
Christianity was not unknown in England before the advent
of St Augustine; in the north there was a submerged but active
Celtic church, founded while the Romans still ruled the
country. Missionaries o f this church travelled from Scotland
and Ireland to the Continent, apparently leaving the Saxon
invader to his own gods and his own beliefs. In Kent, King
Aethelbcrt had married a Christian princess, Bertha, the
daughter o f the Frankish king Charibert, and she had brought
with her a Frankish bishop named Liudhard. But it was
Augustine who was to convert Aethelbcrt and Kent. The
slow and tedious business of the convenion of England then
began in earnest and perhaps the greatest triumph o f the mission
was the conversion of K ing Edwin of Northumbria in 626.

Christum Antiquities
For the missionaries, however, it was uphill work and there
were many setbacks before England was finally convened.
W e have few, if any, relics of pre-Augustinian Christianity
in Anglo-Saxon England. There are a number o f churches of
Roman date in this country but only two churches, or frag­
ments of churches, now survive w hich were used in the period
between the depanure of the Romans and the Augustinian
mission, and the evidence for their use is slender. T he first is the
church of St Martin at Canterbury where a portion of the
chancel may be pan of the ancient church which Queen
Bertha had used before the anival o f St Augustine. D r Fletcher
and Mr Jackson have recently suggested that the church at
Lydd, which still stands, may perhaps have been pan o f a pre-
Augustinian basilican church, of a type best paralleled in
Rome at the Porta Maggiore; there is certainly a strong case for
assuming that this is a sub-Roman or late Roman structure.
O ne of the principal sites o f the conversion has recently been
found in the excavations at Yeavcring, Northumberland.
Yeavering was the site of one of the palaces of Paulinus's royal
conven, the Northumbrian king Edwin. The preliminary
repon draws attention to the most remarkable feature found on
the site, namely traces of a large timber grand-stand resembling
in plan the triangular cuneus of a Roman theatre. This was
almost certainly the meeting place, or moot, of the local as­
sembly and it is tempting to imagine Paulinus preaching from
the platform at the focus of the structure. W e must await Mr
Hope-Taylor’s final report on his excavations, but buildings
were certainly found on the site that can only be interpreted as
churches, while one of them was possibly a pagan temple
which had been converted to Christian use.
The architectural aspects of the Anglo-Saxon church are
best summarized by the description of three churches, two from
the period immediately following the conversion and one from
the later period, towards the Norman Conquest. A ll the sur-

T k t Anjlo'Saxons
viving Anglo-Saxon church«, with one exception, are built
of stone. The one exception is the much restored late church at
Creenstcad, in the wooded county of Essex, which is built of
vertical timbers in the manner of the Norwegian church« of
(he early medieval period. There were traca of what might
have been a timber church at Ycavering, and from the literary
sourc« we know of timber church« at Lindisfarne, Glaston­
bury and Chcster-le-Strcct. Recent excavations by Mt Olof
Olsen inside medieval Danish church«, built of masonry,
have revealed trac« of earlier church« built in wood, and it is
possible that invatigations of English church« built aft« the
Conquat of imported stone in a wooded or fen area might
reveal similar trac«.
F i ji The church of St Pet« and St Paul at Canterbury was
founded by St Augustine soon aft« his arrival in England. He
died in 604, before it was completed. Excavations in the early
yean of this century revealed a fairly complete ground-plan. It
was the church of a monastery of which the ancillary buildings
have disappeared. It was an important church, designed, as
we know from Bede’s Eedtsiastisal History, to be the burial
place of kings and archbishops and was praumably much
grander than the normal building of the period, although in
the general details of its construction it falls into line with other
South English church«. The church, which was built almost
entirely of re-used Roman brick, consisted of a nave flanked by
side chapels, a narthex or entrance hall, and a chancel, every
trace of which has disappeared. One of the side chapels was
dedicated to St Gregory, another to St Martin. It contained the
tombs of St Augustine and some of his successors at Canter­
bury as well as the tombs of Aethclbert and his queen Bertha.
The church was about twenty-seven fett wide but its length
cannot be ascertained. A s must be expected, the ground plan of
this church reflects its Italian prototyp«, although the form of
the chancel in English church« of this plan is possibly a

Christian Antiquities

Fif. j. Cmaii'plm cf ibcrib cf SS. PtUr aU Pnl, Ccnlrrbury (tfur Ctcpbcm)

Byzantine rather than a Roman form.

Markedly different from the rather early southern group are Plate u
the Northumbrian churches of which that at Escomb, County F» <
Durham, is the best surviving example. It is built of neatly/
dressed squarish stones in regular courses and has an ovcr/all
length of J JJ feet. Its square chancel takes up ten feet of this
length and is joined to the nave by a high, narrow arch, con
structed of large stones running through the whole thickness of
the wall. The voussoirs are wedge-shaped with plain cham/
fered imposts at the springing level. The sides of the opening

The Anglo'Saxons

Fiji. 6. Grtmtd'plm tf Eumi <lmr<b, Co Dnrbåm fåtn Clopbom)

are constructed of large, long, narrow stones alternately set at

right angles to each other (this type of work must not be con'
fused with later, purely decorative, ‘long and short’ work). The
windows of the church are either round or square headed, with
an internal splay which enabled the minimum of glazing to
admit the maximum amount of light. The original doors are
square headed and the church is entered from the side. The
date of this building is uncertain but it seems reasonable to
assign it to the seventh century. It is interesting to note that the
ground'plan of this church is closely related to that of one of
the buildings found at Yeavering. Sir Alfred Clapham
tentatively suggested that these churches of Northumbria, so
different from those found in the south of England, are of
Gaulish inspiration. W e know that Benedict Biscop, one of
the greatest religious leaders of the seventh century in Northum/
bria, brought stonc/masons from Gaul, but as Clapham has so
rightly pointed out, there is not enough evidence from either
side to support this hypothesis; in fact it seems more and more
unlikely in the face of the Yeavering evidence of a very early
church of this plan.
Platt ra T he church at Earls Barton, Northamptonshire, exhibits
features of the period after the V iking raids, w hich may be used

Christian Antiquities
here to illustrate the differences in architectural detail between the
earlier and later phases of Anglo-Saxon Christianity. Similar
features can also be seen on many Anglo-Saxon churches, as
for example at Wing in Buckinghamshire, and at Bradford- Plate m
on-Avon, Wiltshire, which are illustrated here. The tower of Plate 15
Earls Barton church is probably one of the most spectacular
surviving fragments of pre-Conquest architecture in this
country. The nave and chancel of the church have disappeared,
but it has been suggested that they must have been fairly small
and insignificant. The tower, however, is impressively built of
plastered rubble work and is decorated with vertical pilaster
strips and horizontal string-courses, arcades and prominent
long and short work (in which long stones are set, alternately
upright and flat, at the corner of the building). The string­
courses and the pilaster strips, derived from churches of the
Carolingian Rhineland, are, with the triangular headed lights
and the windows splayed both externally and internally (as
distinct from the single internal splay of the Early Saxon
period), clear and definite features of late Anglo-Saxon church
architecture. In the topmost stage of the tower (other than the
recent crenellation) can be seen the arcading built up on
baluster shafts with the marked central swelling which is so
common a feature of Anglo-Saxon architecture of the late
period. The earlier pillars of this sort, like those at Bede’s
monastery of Monkwearmouth which was built in the late
seventh century, are more often of regular cylindrical form.
Most late Anglo-Saxon arches are round-headed and only such
small openings as narrow doorways and windows have tri­
angular heads which are copied from Carolingian examples.
The windows of the churches were sometimes glazed. It is
recorded, for example, that Benedict Biscop imported glaziers
from Caul. A tower such as that at Earls Barton fulfilled a
multitude o f functions; it not only served to hold bells, it was a
strong point, a place of refuge in the face of attack and a store

J 9
The An&lo'Saxons
house for the more precious possessions of the landowner. The
fortress/like tower o f the Anglo/Saxon church is the pan of the
building which most often survives, and, in its way, this fact is
perhaps as indicative as any other of the state of restlessness of
the later Saxon period.
This summary description o f Anglo/Saxon church archi/
tecture can be nothing more than a quick sketch o f a well/
documented subject and the reader is refened to the general
bibliography for further information on the matter.
Benedict Biscop imported not only glaziers, but also masons.
We have seen how the pagan Anglo/Saxons had built in wood
and regarded the stone building of the Romans with awe as the
‘cunning work of giants’. It is significant that the Christian
church, with its Mediterranean background, »/introduced the
art of the mason into this country and with it the an of the stone
carver. There must be nearly 2,500 known fragments of Anglo/
Saxon sculpture in England and South Scodand, and, al/
though many of them arc decorative architectural features, a
good many of them take the form o f crosses and tombstones.
The large stone crosses, sometimes eighteen feet high, which
occur especially in the north of England, must be taken as
marking preaching places or meeting places. It has been sug/
gested that, when a community could not afford to build a
church, a cross of wood or stone was erected and made the
centre for Christian worship. There is a certain amount of
evidence for this argument, despite the fact that many crosses
are so rich that a small wooden church could have been built
for the same price and in the same time as it would take to
raise a cross. From the literature we learn that Willibald, who
later became the missionary bishop o f Eichstätt, was taken as a
sick child ‘to the cross of the Saviour, it being the custom of the
Saxon people to ere« a cross for the daily service of prayer on
the estates of good and noble men, where there was no church.’
The surviving crosses nearly all stood in a churchyard, and

Christian Antiquities
such of them as do occur in the market-place of a town, as at
Sandbach in Cheshire, were presumably removed there at the
period of the Reformation. Even when there was a church
they would be used as a centre for preaching. St Oswald of
Worcester, for example, in the tenth century, frequendy
preached near a memorial cross to congregations that were too
big for his church. Such crosses as that from Bewcasde in Plate si
Cumberland, or Ruthwell in Dumfriesshire, form part o f a
large group which occurred, to use Sir Thomas Kendrick’s
words, ’as a comprehensible advertisement for the Bible story’.
It is conceivable that in some cases the crosses were erected to
replace a wooden cross put up by the original missionary of the
area, as a commemoration of the conversion, but such theories
are incapable of proof. Many of these crosses were overthrown
during the Reformation; an A ct o f Assembly o f the Church of
Scotland, for instance, dated 1642, ordered the ‘idolatrous
monuments at Ruthwall’ to be demolished.
Memorial crosses and tombstones vary considerably in size
and shape. Some memorial stones, such as the so-called pillow
stones from Hardepool, were actually buried in the grave; they
are square and bear a cross with the name of the person who
was buried engraved on the surface. Others, the hog’s-backed
tombstones o f the north-west of England, for example, are
recumbent stones with the shape of a pitched roof. The vast
majority took the form of crosses or slabs, sometimes as much
as ten feet high, erected as headstones on graves. The tomb­
stones are immediately derived from Roman prototypes, which
are quite common in this country, and from the Celuc tomb­
stones so often encountered in western Britain; they are cer­
tainly not a characteristic of the pagan Germanic forbears of
the Anglo-Saxons.
From literary sources we learn o f the richness of church
treasuries of the Anglo-Saxon period. Between 970 and the
Norman Conquest the Abbey of Ely, for example, received

The Anglo'Saxons
many gifts, including four silver-gilt figures o f virgin saints, set
with precious stones, a gold crucifix, many silver and gold
crosses, one at least bearing a figure of Christ, a shrine deco/
rated with gold and precious stones to hold the relics of St
Wendreda, a life-size seated figure o f the Virgin and Child in
gold and silver, an episcopal cross, a silver ciborium in the
shape of a tower, chalices, patens, censers and a large quantity
of rich textiles. Many of these objects disappeared when the
monks of Ely paid William the Conqueror a fine in 1074: on
this occasion the figures of the four virgins, the figures of the
Virgin and Child, crosses, altan, shrines, book-covets,
chalices, patens, bowls, buckets, chalice-pipes, cups and
dishes were sacrificed to raise the required one thousand marks.
Such objects rarely survive: but two great finds allow a glimpse
of the trappings of the Christian Church. The fitst is the Coffin
of St Cuthbert, and the second the Trewhiddlc Hoard.
On 17th May 1827, a party of clerics and workmen gathered
in the feretory of Durham Cathedral to open the reputed grave
of St Cuthbett, who had died in 687 at his hermitage on Farne
Island. The shrine of the saint had been pillaged at the Reform­
ation and a very circumstantial account survives of the break­
ing-open of the coffin and its reburial by Henry V Iir $ Com­
missioners. Happily the body of the saint, with the light wood­
en coffin dating from the seventh century, survived with some
of the other contents of the coffin until the nineteenth-century
opening o f the tomb. The members of the Cathedral chapter,
when they opened the tomb, found not only the skeleton of St
Cuthbert and relics of other saints, but certain objects placed in
the tomb either at the time of his original burial or at one of the
many later re-openings o f the tomb during the early Middle
Ages. Only five objects of a date roughly contemporary with
St Cuthbcn survive: these are the pectoral cross o f the Saint,
the portable altar, the comb, a gospel book and the coffin itself.
Platt 14 The pectoral cross, which has a span of 2 I inches, is o f gold

Christian Antiquitus
inset with garnets in a cell pattern made up of adjacent rec-
tangles, with a circular garnet at the centre and a loop for
suspension. It is hollow, built on a baseplate; a cylindrical
collar in the centre carries the circular garnet which rests on a
white shell impotted from tropical waters. The garnets in the
cenae and those on the arms are bordered by billeted and
beaded edgings and by dummy rivets in the shape of small
cylinders of gold crowned by a golden granule. The cross is
remarkable in that it is a Christian object carried out in the
technique of the pagan Anglo-Saxon jeweller. Other crosses Pina 41,41
in this technique are known from Wilton and Ixworth, and a
small pendant gold cross with a central garnet occurs in the
Oesborough necklace. Taken together, these objects show that
there was no immediate change in the fashions of jewellery
with the inaoduction of Christianity, for they closely resemble
the garnet jewellery of the pagan period; but we shall discuss
this maner below.
The portable altar of St Cuthbcn is the earliest but not the
only, portable altar of the Anglo-Saxon period. Originally it
was a small block of oak forming a rectangle measuring
$ l by 4| inches, inscribed in honorem s petru (‘ In honour
of St Peter’) and carved with five crosses, one in the cenue and
one in each corner. Either during the Saint’s lifetime or within
a few yean of his death, a silver shrine was added to the altar,
enclosing it completely. The silver plates are decorated in an
embossed technique. On one side is a now fragmentary repre­
sentation of a seated St Peter. The back of the shrine bean
interlace and foliate patterns and the remains of an inscription
which cannot be interpreted.
Altan such as these would be carried by a priest or bishop on
his missionary journeys, and were apparently quite common.
Symeon of Durham tells us that a wooden altar was found at
the rime of the mid-eleventh-century uanslarion of St Acca,
Bishop of Hexham, who died in 740. It was made of two
T h t Anglo'Saxons
piece of wood fastened with silva nails and inscribed to the
Plate i6 glory of the Trinity, St Mary and St Sophia. In the Cluny
Museum in Paris is anotha Anglo-Saxon altar of porphyry,
mounted on an oak base and bounded by strips o f parcel-gilt
silva. It is about io$ inche long and has a much worn
nielloed inscription round the edge (niello is the black sulphide
of silva). The silva borda of the porphyry face is decorated
with figure: at the top is a crucifixion between the symbols of
St Luke and St John; below, the symbols of St Mark and St
Matthew flank an Agws Dti, and on the long side arc St
John and the Virgin with the two archangels, Gabriel and
Raphael. The back of the altar was covaed with velva held
in place by small silva plate. It is of late tenth-century date.
Larga altars do not survive, but we have descriptions in
Anglo-Saxon litaature of altar frontals, for instance the altar at
Ripon, which was clothed in a rich purple textile worked with
gold thread.
Also preserved in the tomb o f St Cuthbcrt was a large ivory
two-sided comb with thin teeth on one side and thicka teeth
on the otha. In the centre of the comb is a pierced hole and the
central panel has one convex and one straight side. It is otha-
wise quite plain. The comb is probably contemporary with the
Saint and, although the evidence for the liturgical use of the
comb at such an early date is ratha slenda, thae can be little
doubt that it was used by the celebrant in the Mass, as was
occasionally the practice in the lata Middle Ages.
The coffin of the Saint is a light shell of oak carved in a
linear style with representations of saints and archangels. It
is discussed in greata detail below (p. 154).
Probably the most intaesting of St Cuthbcrt’s relics are the
vestments, particularly the stole, maniple and girdle. Inscrip­
tions on the stole and maniple tell us that they w ae made to
the orda of Queen Aclfflaed for Bishop Frithcstan. Queen
Aelfflaed died before 916 and Frithcstan was Bishop of

Christian Antiquitus
Winchester (rom 909 to 9 )i. so the vestments must have been
made between 909 and 916. They were probably given to the
shrine of St Cuthbcrt by Aclfflaed’s husband, King Aethelstan,
about 934, for he is recorded as having presented various gifts
to the shrine including a stole, maniple and girdle. Richly
embroidered on the stole are the standing figures of the sixteen
prophets, separated from each other by fronds of acanthus, and
set on either side of a central Agnus Dri; the two ends bear
busts o f St Thomas and St James. The maniple bore a similar
design except that the central figure is the hand of God, and
the flanking figures are the Popes Sixtus II, Gregory the Great,
St Lawrence and St Peter. The terminal pieces are decorated
with busts of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist,
all identified by inscriptions. The colours of these pieces of
embroidery are now faded and it is difficult to distinguish them.
Recent cleaning, however, has shown that as well as the gold
thread which abounds, bluish-green, sage-green, delicate
pinks, dark brown and dark green were all used. It was per­
haps such a stole as this that we know was designed by St
Dunstan for the Lady Acthelwynn to embroider a few years
later. The interest of these pieces is mainly art-historical, as will
be shown in a later chapter; in this context their importance
lies in the fact that they are the only surviving examples of
Anglo-Saxon ecclesiastical vestments.
The Trewhiddle hoard is for many reasons one of the most
imponant finds of the whole Anglo-Saxon period. It was
found in 1774 in an old mine-working at Trewhiddle, near St
Austell, Cornwall, and contained, besides a number of coins
which date its deposition to about 87$, the animal-ornamented
mounts o f a drinking-horn, which ornament gives to the art of
the period the name ‘Trewhiddle style’. Most of the objects
from the hoard arc now in the British Museum. Its importance
here lies in the fact that two objects of ecclesiastical use were
found in the hoard, a silver scourge and a chalice. This is one

The Anglo'Saxons
Plait 17 of the two Anglo-Saxon chalices that survive: it is five inches
high, is made of silver, and was originally collared with a
beaded wire above and below the knop in the manner of many
of the chalices of the period. The chalice that was found in
1 104, in St Cuthbert's tomb with a paten, no longer survives,
but we must presume that it was similar to the gilt-bronze
chalice found at Hexham, not far from Durham, at the end of
the last century: it is small (only 2} inches high) and is probably
a travelling chalice, perhaps one used with a portable altar like
that of St Cuthbcn. It is similar in shape to the Trewhiddle
Plan 6i chalice and typologically is closely related to the great Tassilo
chalice (some to} inches high), the chief treasure of the monas­
tery of Kremsmünster in Austria. The Tassilo chalice was
made for the monastery at the order of Duke Tassilo, between
777 and 788, probably by an Englishman or by a craftsman
trained in an English school.
The second ecclesiastical object found in the Trewhiddle
hoard - the scourge - is unique. Scourges are otherwise known
only torn literature. It is made of silver wire plaited in the
Trichinopoly technique so familiar to school children, who to
this day practise it under the name o f‘tatting’ with the aid of a
discarded cotton reel.
No crook-shaped croziers of the Anglo-Saxon period sur­
vive although Irish examples and manuscript illuminations
indicate their appearance. The head of a crozier o f a rather
later period, however, from the tomb of Bishop Ranulph
Flambard of Durham (died 1128 ), shows that they do not
differ greatly from the shepherd’s nook borne by modern
bishops. Croziers with a T-shaped or crutch head were also
used and an early eleventh-century example of such a head,
made o f ivory, survives from Alccster. Another similar crozier
of Anglo-Saxon manufacture is in the treasury of Cologne
A few other pieces of church plate survive. There is, for

Christian Antiquitus

fi/ 7. Tk Gaimbam aikt. Bmtwklt, Dual Mutum (jttr Sttpbat)

The A n ^k'Sax ons
example, a cruet in the British Museum which might have been
used for ecclesiastical purposes. It is o f cast gilt-bronze and
probably dates from the early eleventh century. In the same
style is a series of censer coven, one from Penhore, one from
Plate 79 Canterbury and one from London Bridge. These three coven
are cast in openwork and are square in plan with a gabled roof.
The body of the censa was probably spherical and the whole
object was, it seems, suspended on cords or on four thin ban
which, running through the loops of the cova, allowed the top
to be raised or lowaed. This latta mechanism is to be seen in
the illumination of a psalta, o f eleventh-century date, in the
British Museum.
The only surviving Anglo-Saxon altar cross is that from
Bischofshofen, near Salzburg, known as the Rupert Cross. A
much more splendid example is illustrated in the eleventh-
century Regista of the Winchesta New Minsta. A small
eleventh-century cross, bearing an ivory figure of Christ, in the
Victoria and Albert Museum and a cross in the treasury at
Maastricht are all that survive o f countless such objects.
Large numbers of Celtic reliquaris and shrins survive but
Saxon reliquaris are rare. Two nielloed silva plats in the
British Museum from a house-shaped casks probably formed
PUic is part of a house-shaped shrine, of a type common throughout
Europe. Similar piecs in boxwood and ivory of Anglo-Saxon
manufacture are known in foreign collections, one of which,
Ffr 7 the Candenheim C ask s, is associated by a runic inscription
with the Abbey of Ely. Anotha, once in the collection o f Dr
Nelson, is of boxwood and bears scens o f Christian signifi­
cance. A third piece, a shrine from Mortain, France, has an
inscription in English runic lettering.
It is recorded that Bencdis Biscop beautified the church at
Monkwearmouth with sacred picturs o f figurs from the New
Testament, while the church at Jarrow had similar picturs
togethawith some thatwae intended to illustrate the connection

Christian Antiquities
between the Old and the New Testaments. None of these
paintings survives, and we have no idea what they looked like;
but as we know o f no other painting from this period other than
traces o f colour on tombstones and other carvings (as for Plate 74
instance on the famous Viking Tombstone from St Paul’s
churchyard in the Guildhall Museum, London), we can only
lament that we may no longer see, as did Lcland in the six*
teenth century, the brilliant painting of the cross-shaft in the
church at Reculver, Kent
The most magnificent remains of Anglo-Saxon Christianity
are the manuscripts, often beautifully illuminated, which sur­
vive in considerable numbers. These are of extreme importance
in our understanding of Anglo-Saxon an and will be discussed
in that context in another chapter. In England the an of the
scribe, working to the glory of Cod, often reached heights un­
equalled on the Continent and, just as the English craftsmen in
Rome made church plate for the altar o f St Peter’s itself, so did
English scribes work in the new monasteries of Germany and
France. A t the same time foreign craftsmen were at work in
England. We have seen how glaziers and masons were brought
to Northumbria by Benedict Biscop, and much later the pulpit
and crucifix at Beverley were described as ‘of Germanic work­
Traces of Christianity abound in secular contexts; the curse Plate 7«
on the back of a large silver disc brooch from Sutton, Isle of
Ely, bean Cod’s name; the nose guard of the helmet from
Benty Grange bean a cross in inlaid silver; the king who was
commemorated at Sutton Hoo had a pair of spoons, sym­
bolizing his christening, inscribed with the names Saul and
Paul; the ring of Queen Ethelswith bean a representation o f the
Lamb o f God. Angels appear on an ivory panel from Win­ Piae 7J
chester and the hand of Cod appean on coins of Edward
the Elder and other Anglo-Saxon kings. The impact of
Christianity on Anglo-Saxon society and its importance in
The An&lo'Saxons
everyday Saxon life are attested by these and many other
similar representations of Christian symbolism.

C h a p t e r III

T he L ife o f the People

h e e n c l i s h v i l l a g e is an Anglo-Saxon product.

T It is noteworthy that few existing English villages of the

present day do not appear in Domesday Book, while hardly
any of them have a Roman origin. Roman capitalism had
produced the villa system and, despite Seebohm’s argument for
continuity between the Anglo-Saxon village and the Roman
villa, there can be no doubt that the idea of the villa with its
organized industry and agriculture was anathema to the
individualistic Saxon. The Anglo-Saxon economy, of the
pagan period at least, was based firmly on the village; the
Roman towns and villas were to a large extent ignored.
The Anglo-Saxon of more humble station apparendy
owned his own land and farmed it in associadon with his
fellow villagers. He lived in the village for protecdon and was
surrounded by his own, and his neighbours’, fields (isolated
farmsteads were a rarity in Anglo-Saxon England). He farmed
his land under the open field system, whereby every man had
a number of snips scattered within the area of his village.
Although such a system was not, and could not be, used in the
less fertile parts of the country (in the marshes of Lincolnshire
and the forest land of the Weald, for example), most o f the in­
habited areas would be farmed in this fashion.
Certain villages betray, to this day, their Anglo-Saxon
ancestry. Dr Hoskins has quoted the Hertfordshire village of
Bygrave as a typical example. The territory of the village was
about 1 ,800 acres in extent and the houses were all grouped
round the church. There were no isolated farmsteads in the
fields, which were originally fanned on the strip system.

The Anglo'Saxons

Fix■ 8. Rnomtruttion of houin, rtc. front Wortniorf, ibowmx t Imx bout (<),
T O « imollrr bttiUiixi, form, tu., mi o hut of At typtforni ot Sutton Courttmy.
Btrhbirt ( ()

Examples such as this enable us to gain some impression o f the

general appearance of an Anglo-Saxon village, but after a
thousand or more years’ use, the details of the Anglo-Saxon
village plan have become blurred.
Unfortunately no Anglo-Saxon village has ever been com­
pletely excavated; fairly large numbers of sites have been par­
tially investigated and have produced a considerable quantity of
material (pottery, implements, etc.), as well as the ground-plan
of a few timber-framed huts. Working under extremely difficult
conditions, Mr Leeds uncovered a number of small huts at
Sutton Courtenay in Berkshire. Other excavations at Cross­
gates, near Scarborough, at Sandtun in Kent and at St Neots
in Huntingdonshire, for instance, have produced the plans of
small rectangular houses which are little more than hovels and
which date from both the early and the late Anglo-Saxon
periods. Some of these huts had a sunken floor, the pitched
roof coming down to the ground from a central ridge pole; huts
The Life o f the People

' ' / t

of this type must have been liable to flooding and extremely

unpleasant to use. Some of them were almost certainly used as
dwellings by members of the lowest class of society, but many
of them were probably workshops. Two of the houses explored
at Sutton Courtenay were certainly weaving sheds, a third
was doubtless a pottery shed, and others also probably had
specialized uses.
Comparison with such Continental sites as Lindholm Hojc,
near Ålborg in Denmark, Warendorf, near Münster in
Germany and Tofting, in Holstein, Germany, has demon'
strated that huts of similar form occur in the neighbourhood of
larger long'houses. The ground'plans of more than seventy'five
buildings were uncovered at Warendorf, which is the most FiiS
extensive village of its type yet excavated. Not all the buildings
were, of course, contemporary with each other; some represent a
number of successive rebuildings. But the excavators were able
to recognize a village of rectangular dwelling'houses, some

T h t Anglo* Saxons
measuring as much as eighty feet by twenty/one feet, some very
much smaller. Bams, stables, byres and other specialist build/
ings were also found. The houses were wooden frame buildings
with wattle and daub walls and thatched roof. The later
phases of (he village o f Lindholm Haje in Denmark show
similar buildings, together with one of the extraordinary boat/
shaped houses that are a feature of Viking A ge Denmark. A t
all these places huts, of the same general type as those found at
Sunon Courtenay, have been uncovered, and Mr Ralegh
Radford has very rightly pointed out that Anglo/Saxon
villages were probably very much like their Continental con/
temporaries, with long/houscs as well as the small huts. Until
such a village is found in England and excavated, students
will have to rely on these Continental parallels and on vague
generalizations based on literary evidence and the appearance
of present/day villages.
The literary evidence concerning villages and houses is
extremely complex: besides casual mentions in chronicles and
biographies, there are chanen describing estates and their
boundaries, wills giving details of some of the furnishings of
the houses, and even an early eleventh/ccntury document on
estate management which gives an account of the rights and
duties of the various classes of society in relationship to the
manor. From literature we can gain a vivid sense o f the life of
the village, and of the comfon of a great hall like that found
during the Yeavering excavations. Archaeology has produced
little more than a few house/plans and a few thousand wmched
pots - things cold in their meaning and seemingly without
relationship to people who actually lived more than a thousand
years ago. For the moment the historian must provide the living
picture of the Anglo/Saxon village - the archaeologist can only
provide a little background.
The study of Anglo/Saxon agriculture has not received as
much attention as it deserves. We know a great deal about

The Life o f the People

Fif. . Pimsjh.framelrvrntlysentsfry manuscript mBritishMuseum(Cation Tikrius

prehistoric, Roman and medieval agriculture, but few people

have tried to gather the scattered Anglo-Saxon evidence to­
gether. Certain facts are known and can be simply stated. The
most common cereals were barley, oats and wheat. Flax was
grown for cloth-making and woad for dyeing. Fruit and nuts
were probably gathered from the forest, and Parain has sug­
gested that a few rough fruit trees were even planted deliberately
on the edge o f the forest. Tools were needed for these pursuits,
but few have survived.
No plough, and only a single plough-share (from Westly
Waterless, SufTolk), is known to have survived from the
Anglo-Saxon period. From the manuscripts and the Bayeux
tapestry we can glean a certain amount of evidence, which,
howcvcT, must be treated with extreme care. A n artist illumina­
ting a manuscript would not necessarily go out in the fields and
look at a plough before he drew it: he would be much more
likely to copy a drawing from another manuscript, which may
itself have been painted in Padua or Paris. The evidence for
the English plough of the Anglo-Saxon period is, then, very
slender, but certain suggestions as to its structure can be made.
It was a fairly heavy implement drawn by a number of oxen; it Fip. p, to
had a heavy wheel, but no mould-board; the furrow was

The Anglo*Saxons

Fix- I«.
Plater, from At Btytux Taptitry

turned by a coulter which was shifted at the end of each furrow,

so that the next furrow would lie in the same direction. The
field would then be harrowed with an implement that may well
have looked like the one shown in the Bayeux tapestry, and the
Fix- it seed scattered broadcast.
Certain harvesting implements survive. Four scythe-blades
were found at Hurbuck in County Durham, in a hoard of
Fix■ " Anglo-Saxon tools. The blades were bound to the handle and
the upturned point of the ung, which can still be seen on one
of the Hurbuck examples, was hammered into the haft to give
it greater security. These scythe-blades bear a striking resemb-
Fix- ia lance to scythes illustrated in manuscripts. Sickles, bill-hooks
and pitch-forks are also illustrated in the manuscripts, but none
Fix-13 of these is known from Anglo-Saxon contexts. Spades were
made of wood and were shod with iron. A few of these shoes
have been found in archaeological contexts, including the
Fix-14 example from Sandtun, an Anglo-Saxon village in Kent.
Manuscript evidence would seem to imply that the blade of the
spade was set at one side of the handle. Large numbers o f axes
used for forestry and carpentry survive. A series of these, with
adzes, a pick and an augcT, from Hurbuck, is illustrated here.
The grain produced in the fields was milled locally. There was
often more than one mill in a village; Hatfield in Hertfordshire,

The L ift o f the People

Fig. iob. Harrow,from the Baynx Tapestry

for example, had four at the time o f the Domesday survey. Not
all the mills, however, would be as elaborate as the mill
recently excavated at Old Windsor in Berkshire. This mill,
which probably served the royal manor, had three vertical
water wheels, working in parallel and turned by water flowing
through a ditch dug for three-quarters of a mile across a bend in
the Thames. The ditch, or lect, was twenty feet wide and twelve
feet deep and was re-cut several times before it went out of use
in the early eleventh century.
The pastoral side of Anglo-Saxon agriculture is even less
well documented. Nobody has, for example, yet made an
analysis of the animal bones found on Anglo-Saxon habitation
sites. Sheep, catde, pigs and goats were bred, probably in that
order of importance. Wool was one of the main exports of
Anglo-Saxon England and the cloth industry seems to have
been extensive; all that survives in the archaeological record,
however, besides the odd sheep-bone, is a few pairs of shears
and a tool found at Sutton Courtenay, which might have been
used for carding wool. Sheep and cattle were, of course, also
kept for their milk and their meat: they would be fattened
during the summer and the least promising beasts would be
slaughtered in the autumn, the meat being preserved by salting
or drying. Only the strongest catde would be kept through the

The A nglo' Saxons


= J

Fij. Hoardof toob
from Hurbtuk, Co.
Durham, bulndmg
tqrtbe Waits, oxts,
a smalt pisft. London,

The A itflo ' Saxons

winter and, judging from analogy with medieval Denmark

where the cattle were often so weak at the end of the winter that
they had to be carried from the byre in spring, it was often touch
and go whether they survived or not. Horses were luxury
animals but certainly existed in some numbers and were used
for draught as well as for riding.


Our knowledge of the physical appearance and even of the
actual existence of Anglo-Saxon towns is, at least before
Alfred’s time, tenuous in the extreme. Excavations on sites
bombed during the 19)9-45 war, particularly in Canterbury
and Southampton, together with recent research excavations at
Thetford, Oxford, Cricklade and Warcham, have produced a
certain amount of evidence which is unfortunately not yet
published; any statement here must therefore be preliminary.
We have, in an earlier chapter, mentioned the apparent
desertion of the ancient Roman towns, but some remnant of
Roman municipal government must have survived the Saxon
invasions. The Saxon bishops who established themselves in
Roman towns were, as Sir Frank Stenton has demonstrated,
The Life o f the People
conscious of the ancient origin of the town which they dis-
tinguished by the word civitai (city) - their brother bishops in
Anglo-Saxon foundations did not use this word. The existence
of Roman remains at Carlisle is ancsted in one o f the Lives of
St Cuthbert, in a passage which implies a Saxon population in
a Roman town. By the time of Bede, as we have seen, the
ancient Roman city of London had become ‘the metropolis of
the East Saxons, a mart of many people coming by land or sea.’
In 627 Paulinus came to Lincoln to evangelize the natives; he
converted the reeve, the royal official and chief citizen, who
built a church. Such references as these show that there was a
certain amount of administration in the ancient Roman towns
and that they were not all completely depopulated.
Some Roman towns, however, must have been completely
deserted. When King Offa founded the monastery in honour
of St Alban, the first British martyr, he gave the monks land
near the deserted Roman city of Verulamium. The buildings of
the ancient city served as a quarry for the monastery and, later,
for the town which grew up around it. In a similar way
Silchcster and Wroxcter were quarried for building stone,
while a marble sarcophagus from Grantchester was re-used to
house the body of Queen Ethelthryth. Chester was still
deserted in 89) when a Viking army sheltered within its walls.
The Roman towns decayed, but in the ruins of some of them
Anglo-Saxon squatters huddled together for protection.
Miserable huts sprang up in Canterbury, which was shortly
to become the centre o f a royal court and a town of increasing
population, in which it was soon necessary for local customary
law to forbid the building of houses too close to each other. JJ. in
Fiy. M, urirtf
ipJt; xatiu Ibt
The street plans o f such towns as Gloucester, Colchester and (uyrilwn tf a that
Winchester reflect the street plan of the Roman city, but the atitspaint(a/ttrtbt
collapsing Roman buildings often forced the inhabitants of the Baytux Tapatry)
towns to make new paths round the debris, thus creating a new

The A nglo'Saxons

Fif. 14. Fidrb-h, v * »

dm tnj ibet tf iptJt fnm
StnJtitn,font. London,British

Gradually most of the Roman towns were repopulated and

other towns, probably little more than overgrown villages,
were fortified. These new towns occurred only when economic
and geographical conditions were favourable, or when defence
became necessary. From a very early suge the defence of a town
was, with the building o f bridges, an important communal
obligation, a duty from which even the favoured church was
not excused.
A s most o f the Anglo-Saxon towns have been built over by
their medieval and modem successors, it will be only over a
long period of time that the archaeologist can investigate their
structure. Such investigations depend mainly on demolitions
connected with rebuilding programmes or enemy action.
But a few towns still survive within the earthen banks of the
Anglo-Saxon burgh. One of these is the ancient port of
Wareham in Dorset, which was probably first fortified by
King Alfred in the ninth century when a rectangular bank and
ditch was thrown round it. Wareham was a town of some
importance and early Celtic inscriptions and remains of
Roman habitation would seem to indicate that it was already
old in Alfred’s day. Two of the Saxon churches survived until
the middle of the last century, but now only St Martin’s church,

The Life o f the People
against the north wall, and the encircling bank and ditch
remain to indicate the Anglo-Saxon character o f the site. St
Martin’s is a small church, but Lady St Mary’s, which was
destroyed in 1842, was much larger; indeed pictures and plans
show that it was one of the largest surviving Anglo-Saxon
churches in the country. In the Saxon period it was of sufficient
importance to be the burial place of Beohtric, King of the
West Saxons, and the temporary resting-place of King Edward
the Martyr, who was murdered at nearby Corfc in 978. The
bank and ditch which formed the defences of the town were
much altered in the twelfth century and the ancient form o f the
bank, with its palisaded or stone embattled top, although
interpreted by excavation nearly ten years ago, has never been
published, so that archaeologists must remain ignorant of one
of the most important sites of the Anglo-Saxon period.
Similarly we must also await the report on the Anglo-Saxon
town at Thetford, with its many houses and churches, its
pottery kilns and other industrial remains.
But archaeology can give some idea of the function o f an
Anglo-Saxon town, even if our knowledge of its physical
appearance is tenuous. The town served two primary functions
in the Anglo-Saxon period; first as a defence and administra­
tive centre, and secondly as a market and economic centre. The
defences of Wareham illustrate the former function to perfec­
tion; within these walls men could live in comparative safety
in the troubled periods when pirates and raiders were abroad.
From the Anglo'Saxon Chronicle we have an interesting
picture of the native inhabitants of Winchester in 1006, pro­
tected by the town’s fortifications, watching from a distance the
V iking host marching with their booty to the sea. Not only
would the inhabitants of a town benefit from its fortifications
but the people from the surrounding countryside would be able
to take refuge there in time of trouble. The fortification of
thirty-one Wessex towns in the time of King Alfred means.

The Anglo'Saxons
as Sir Frank Stencon long ago pointed out, that in Wessex no
village was more than twenty miles away from a fortified centre.
But it is the economic function of the town that leaves most
trace in the archaeological record. Exotic materials - precious
stones, glass, bronzes, millstones, silver vessels, coins and many
other objects - found in Anglo-Saxon contexts are indicative
of the primary function of a town: trade. The towns were not
only markets for agricultural produce from the surrounding
countryside, they served also as markets for goods from abroad.
Although most of the trade must have been carried out by
means of baner, the presence of a coinage of extremely high
standard indicates a medium o f trade more normal to civilized
It was not until the late seventh century that the first Anglo-
Saxon coins were struck. The hoard from Crondall in Hamp­
shire, deposited about 670, is particularly imponant in this
context. It contained, besides two pieces of jewellery, 101 gold
coins of which seventy-three are some of the earliest surviving
Anglo-Saxon imitations of Roman and Merovingian coins.
Cold was not destined to remain the metal of cunency for very
long; it was to be replaced by silver, but the struggle to retain
the gold standard is reflected in a number of coins struck in
electrum (an alloy of gold and silver). By the early eighth
century, however, the Anglo-Saxons had adopted the silver
coinage which was to remain the basis of all trade until the
fourteenth century.
The earliest silver coins were, despite various attempts to
maintain a high standard, often degenerate and debased in
weight and legend. The factor which above all others was to
influence Anglo-Saxon coinage for the better was the ap­
pearance in Northern Europe of a very large number of Arabic
coins at the end of the ninth century. The coins appear partly
as the result of Viking raids into Russia and the Near East and
to a certain extent as the result of trade between Western

The Life o f the People
Europe and the East. The Arabic coins found in Scandinavia
and Germany are mostly of silver. Already about 780 OfTa had
taken over from Kent a new coin, the penny. Towards the end
of his reign OfTa standardized the weight of the penny at
twenty'two grains and it rarely dropped below this figure for
nearly five hundred years.
The English coinage was essentially a royal institution,
although the archbishops of Canterbury and York were
allowed to strike their own coins. The actual coining, however,
was done in many provincial centres, presumably under the
control of the reeve or other royal official. The privilege of
striking coins was farmed out to a professional moneyer, whose
name usually appears on the reverse of the coin. The penalties
for debasing the coinage were extremely heavy and were
presumably strictly enforced, for base coin is rarely found. It
has already been noted that, in Edgar’s reign and in the succeed'
ing reigns, the coinage was called in and reissued at regular
intervals. Similarly all foreign money, which came into the
country in the last two centuries o f the Anglo'Saxon period,
was melted down and re'Struck. In this way the king could
retain the standard of his coinage with no cost to himself, for
the moneyer would buy coins for reminting by weight and not
by face value. This interest of the Anglo'Saxon kings in keep'
ing up the standard of the currency, made English coinage a
recognized medium of exchange from the Balkans to Scandi'
We have already mentioned a few of the more exotic inv
ported materials which have been found in Anglo'Saxon
contexts, and which must have reached this country by way of
trade. This trade was carried on by people of all countries, but
three nations seem to have dominated the trade of Europe for
long periods of time - the Frisians, the Jews and the Arabs.
The Frisians, who lived on the fertile shore o f Holland, practi'
cally controlled the trade of Northern Europe. They were a

The A n g h 'Saxons
maritime people who had colonics in London and York and
travelled between the great Baltic pons of the Viking Age,
Birka, Haithabu and Schiringshal, carrying thither Rhenish
wine, English and Frankish weapons, hunting dogs, oriental
silks and English cloth, to baner for ropes, amber, furs - fox,
beaver, sable and ermine, - and slaves. The Jews and the
Arabs controlled the trade in Southern Europe, Asia and
Africa. Ibn Khordadbch describes one Jewish merchant thus:
'This merchant spoke the Arabic, Persian, Latin, French,
Spanish and Slav languages. He travelled from the Occident
to the Orient, sometimes by land and sometimes by sea. From
the West he took eunuchs, women slaves, boys, brocade,
beaver-skins, marten-pelts, other futs and swords.’ He staned
in Western Europe (in the Frankish lands) by the Western
Sea and travelled by sea to al-Farama (Pelusium in Egypt);
then, changing his mode o f transport on various occasions, he
travelled by way of Arabia to India and China. On his return
journey 'he bore with him muscat, aloes, camphor, cinnamon
and other products of the East and returned with them to Cons
stantinople.’ This was but one o f a number o f journeys o f like
character made by this man; it reminds us that the inters
national trade of Europe in the Dark Ages was extensive and
that the trade connections of many of the merchants of this
period would have put many a modern business house to
But the Frisians, Arabs and Jews were not the only met'
chants: Anglo-Saxons were also trading with the Continent:
T go on board my ship’, says the merchant in Aelfric’s Colloquy,
‘with my freight and row over the regions of the sea, and sell my
goods and buy precious things which are not produced on this
land, and I bring it hither to you with great danger o v a the sea
and sometimes I suffer shipwreck with the loss of all my goods,
barely escaping with my life.’ He describes the goods he brings
back, ‘purple and silk, precious genu and gold, rare garments
The Life o f the People
and spice, wine and oil, ivory and brass, copper and tin,
sulphur and glass and suchlike things . . English merchants
traded hunting-dogs, furs, silver, linen, slave, horse and
weapons with Italy, and entered into trade agreements with the
kings of Lombardy. The merchant bought and sold where and
when he could; the type of cargo he carried with him was
conditioned only by economic considerations. He had to cons
tend with tolls and taxe, embargoes and customs officials; there
is ample evidence of all these mercantile hazards in the docu-
mentary sources, while more direct piracy was also a very
present danger, particularly in the Viking Age.

Fit . ij. Relief

amphora from dr

The trade in perishable goods, which formed such an im-

portant pan o f the Anglo-Saxon mercantile system, is reflected
in certain instances in the archaeological material. While we
cannot hope to trace archaeologically the chief exports of
Anglo-Saxon England - wool and cloth, - certain imports
have left their mark. The occurrence of Continental pottery in
England has already been mentioned. From the seventh
century onwards we have evidence that pottery was imported
from the Continent, which must presumably be associated with

The Anflo'Saxons
Fit- is the German wine trade. The great relief-band amphorae, some
of them three or four feet in height, can have been used for no
other purpose than transporting wine. The wooden barrels
Pit. 16 which arc depicted on the Bayeux tapestry and which pre­
sumably contained French wine have not left any trace in the
pre-Conquest archaeological material, although remains of an
immediately post-Conquest example have been found at
Pevensey Castle.
The Eastern trade is reflected in such objects as the Egyptian
glass found in an Anglo-Saxon grave in Sussex. Other frag­
ments of Eastern glass in the Christian Anglo-Saxon period
come from London, Chichester, Yorkshire and Fife. Also
from the East are bronze bowls of Coptic origin, imported
from Alexandria, garnets from India, and cowrie shells from
the Indian Ocean, which tell us that mercantile contacts with
the Orient were not casual. But apart from the occasional frag­
ments of Oriental silk, we have no traces of spices and dyes and
other perishable goods which the East could provide for the
peripheral islands of the world.

One of the chief legacies of Rome was a system of roads, built

so that Roman armies and merchandise could move quickly
about the country. These well-constructed roads were used by
the Anglo-Saxons in their ordinary day-to-day business. There
can be little doubt that they deteriorated during the Anglo-
Saxon period, but the volume of traffic was by no means as
heavy as that in later medieval, Tudor and Stuart times, and
the roads must have been in fairly good condition. The speed
with which armies moved across country adequately reflects
the condition of the roads.
The Anglo-Saxons apparently thought of the roads not, as
the Romans had done, as a system of trunk communications,
but as a means of communication between market towns.

The U fe o f the People

Fif. 16. Cart, eantammf a barrel, drawn by Iwa men. The Bayeux Tapeitry

Small tracks were developed from the newly-founded villages

linking the village directly with the nearest town or with the
nearest stretch o f made road. A long the roads passed messengers
and parties o f clerics, royal officials and pilgrims, pack-animals
and carts carrying merchandise, and the baggage train of the
royal court as it moved from centre to centre.
There is but little archaeological trace of these means of
transport. Pieces of horse-harness and, from Howletts, the only
authenticated Anglo-Saxon horse-shoe are all that survive. No
traces of the carts that figure in the manuscripts and in the
Bayeux tapestry remain. Both two- and four-wheeled carts are F« 16
represented in the manuscript sources and they appear to have
been drawn by men as well as by draught animals. Farm cans
had bodies of light staves (and perhaps of wickerwork). The
wheels were spoked and made up of composite felloes. Travel­
ling wagons, which would make longer journeys, were
probably more substantially built and roofed with leather.
Whenever possible, however, merchandise was transponed
by water. This was quicker, less physically exhausting and
cheaper. The Nonhern European practice of boat burial, to
which we have already referred, has preserved for us the plans

The A nglo'Saxens

Fif. 17. The Sutten Hot ship

of three boats. They all date from the seventh century and were
all three found in Suffolk - one at Snape and two at Sutton
Hoo. They were all rowing-boats: the largest and most com-
Fip. 17 plete example was that found at Sutton Hoo in 1939. The um­
bers o f this boat had decayed until nearly all the actual body of
the wood had disappeared, but the excavators skilfully isolated
the marks left in the soil by the decaying wood and the iron
clench nails which fastened the strikes to each other, and were
able to plan and photograph the complete vessel. The ship was
over 80 feet long and 14 feet in the beam; the prow rose to a
height o f at least 1 2 1 feet above the level of the keel-plank
amidships. It was a rowing-boat and, when lighdy loaded,
would have drawn about two feet of water. There were nine
snakes on each quarter. To the wash snake, or gunwale snake,
were attached thorn-shaped rowlocks. The keel was little more
than a thickened plank. The ship was snengthened with
twenty-six ribs, which were nailed only at their ends, pre­
sumably being lashed to cleats on the snakes. There was no
nace of the steering oar, which normally occurs on the star­
board side of ships of this period.
No sailing-ships of this period (the seventh century) survive
either in this country or on the Continent. We do not even
know whether they existed or not. However, we do know that
by the eighth century sailing-ships were in use in Northern
waters and that oars were only a secondary method o f propul­
sion. A number of Viking ships have been excavated in
Norway and it is reasonable to presume that English boats, of
the ninth century at least, were of a similar form, with a proper

The Life o f the People
keel, thirteen or fourteen strikes and a footing for a mast. The
ship found at Gokstad in Norway is not dissimilar to those
depicted some 250 yean later on the Bayeux tapestry and in the
pages of the latest Saxon manuscripts, with their rising prows
and stems and large square sails set on a central mast. Smaller
boats of the Anglo-Saxon period have not been found in
England, although river-going rowing-boats have been found
on the Continent. These smaller boats are often miniature
editions of the sea-going vessels, but we must presume that skin
boats and coracles were also used by the fishermen who lost
their fish-hooks a Sandtun in Kent. Fif. 14


No fragment of ordinary Anglo-Saxon dress, of more than a
few square inches in size, survives. Our whole knowledge of
dress has therefore to be built up on the evidence of a few
clothes found in Danish bogs, on pictorial evidence and on
literary sources. The Anglo-Saxon literary sources provide us
with precious little information, and that of the most casual
sort: an English missionary bishop, for example, freezing as a
result of a German winter, sends home a cri de coeur for a new
cloak. Another cleric, Alcuin, sends to a friend on the Conti­
nent for garments and hoods of goat-hair. In Frankish sources
we have fuller descriptions of dress. Charlemagne, for example,
took a patriotic pride in dressing in the native costume of the
Franks. Einhard tells us that he wore some sort of linen com­
binations beneath his trousers and a woollen three-quaner-
length tunic, trimmed with silk and belted at the waist. His
shoes, which were buckled over his feet, had bands attached to
them, with which he cross-gartered his legs. He wore a fur
cape, which appears to have been fairly short but covered both
the front and the back of his body. Over all this he wore a
long, flowing mande, fastened at the shoulder by a brooch.
Dress of more or less this same form seems to have been worn

The Anglo'Saxons

Fig. 18. CUAes pcrtnyti in

generally in Western and Northern Europe from the Roman

period to the Conquest. A long-sleeved tunic and a pair of
trousers o f a style similar to that described by Einhard have
been found in the peat-bogs of southern Jutland as well as a
square cloak of wool with a fringed edge. The trousers were
supported by a leather belt threaded through loops, and the
Fig. i8 socks were sewn on to the ends of the trouser legs. The clothes
portrayed in the later Anglo-Saxon manuscripts correspond in
most details to those described by Einhard and to the garments,
some five hundred yean earlier in date, found in the Danish
bogs as well as those portrayed on the late seventh-century
Plate }6 Franks Casket. Tacitus says that the dress o f the Germans con­
sisted of a tunic, fastened with a thorn or a brooch, and a mande
and nothing else. This seems to be true of the poorer elements of
society in the late Anglo-Saxon period, if the manuscript evi­
dence can be trusted. We can reasonably suppose that men’s

The Life of the People
dress remained more or less unaltered in form throughout the
Anglo-Saxon period, only varying in quality and richness.
Strangely enough, women’s dress also changed but little.
According to Tacitus, the German women of the Roman
period wore very much the same sort of dress as the men, save
that they ’often wear undergarments of linen, embroidered with
purple, and, as the upper pan does not extend to sleeves, fore­
arms and upper arms are bare’. We must assume that the
women did not wear trousers. The women’s tunic and cloak
were apparently longer than those of the men. Towards the
Conquest the dress developed long, open sleeves, although a
hundred years earlier sleeves gathered at the wrist are depicted
in certain manuscripts. Hats were seldom used by men, whose
hair was usually worn long, while women wore a more or less
voluminous hood.
The commonest garments were made of wool of a quality
which varies, in the words of Mr Lethbridge, ’from . . . the
texture of a modern flannel shin to that of Harris tweed’, while
linen has been well attested on a number o f occasions: silk was
imponed from the Orient, but presumably only by the
extremely wealthy. We have no clue as to the colours with
which these fabrics were dyed, although the ladies who em­
broidered the stole o f St Cuthben used threads of pastel shades
as well as those o f more brilliant colour. Many of the garments
had braided edges. In the Taplow barrow, for example, wool
and gold were woven together - in a tablet weave - to form the
edging of the cloak, or tunic, of the warrior buried there. Even
in more humble context the cuffs of a tunic were woven in
tablet weave (without the gold thread); an example of this was
found by Mrs Crowfoot in the material from a grave from St
John’s College, Cambridge, cricket field. There is also a sug­
gestion that the cuffs found in the Sleaford, Lincolnshire,
cemetery were of leather (which might indicate a leather tunic).
Although jewellery is rarely seen in Anglo-Saxon manu-

The Anglo'Saxons
script illustrations, it is obvious from the large number of
brooches and other jewellery found in the graves of the pagan
period that the Anglo-Saxons delighted in decking them­
selves with knick-knacks. No other subject in Anglo-Saxon
archaeology has received so much attention as the brooches;
they are a typologist’s dream. It is often forgotten, however, that
brooches were integral parts o f everyday dress in the days before
bunons. Basically there were three types of Anglo-Saxon
brooch, the ring (or penannular) brooch, the bow brooch and
the disc brooch. The ring brooches and penannular brooches
are derived from pre-Roman Celtic forms and, until the
seventh and eighth centuries, are often rather plain, apart from
occasional more exotic examples. In the Northumbrian and
Irish areas, in the eighth and ninth centuries, penannular
brooches with large expanded terminals were developed. The
terminals were decorated with animal ornaments in the style of
the period. Another type was evolved with spherical, brambled
More commonly found are the various types of bronze bow
brooch, which developed from the Iron A ge and Roman
safety-pin type of brooch, under a certain amount o f Eastern
European influence. These take many forms, some simple and
others more elaborate. The great square-headed brooches (some
Plate 10 of which are made o f silver) and the cruciform brooches are
often as much as six inches in length, while some o f the so-
Fi|. if called ‘small-long’ brooches are barely two inches in length.
The square-headed brooches are often decorated with chip-
carved ornament (e.g. the example illustrated in fig. Ji);
cruciform brooches are often plainer in form. The brooch, with
the main ornamental elements, was cast and then touched up
with chisel and punch. The catch plate and hinge lugs, which
carried the spring-pin, were then brazed on the back, while the
face of the brooch, if it were a particularly grand example, was
gilded. This type of brooch probably died out towards the end

The Life of the People

of the pagan period.

The third type o f brooch, which is of circular form, has
Roman precursors. There are many forms of circular brooch:
some are merely plain bronze discs decorated with ring and dot
or other mechanical ornament, while others have a silvered or
tinned surface. More elaborate are the cast and gilded saucer Plate ai
brooches, which have a Rhenish ancestry. The richest disc
brooches are, of course, the great polychrome jewels of Kent, Plates j j-je
which are discussed at some length below (p. 138). In the
Christian period disc brooches are found which arc sometimes
very elaborate objects of silver and gold. They are usually
dished like a watch glass, and the largest is more than five
inches in diameter.

The Anglo-Saxons
Brooches of ocher forms naturally occur; small brooches in
(he shape of birds and animals were adopted by the pagan
Anglo-Saxons from Continental models, a silver trefoil
PUu 6a brooch of eighth-century date from Kirkoswald in Cumber­
land is perhaps the precursor of a long series of similar brooches
manufactured in the ninth and tenth centuries by the Vikings,
while in the Christian period brooches in the shape o f a cross
are not unknown.
The smaller brooches (saucer brooches, small-long brooches,
etc.), arc usually found, in pairs, in women’s graves; they were
apparendy worn on either side of the tunic above the bosom,
and, occasionally, festoons of beads were suspended between
them. The large brooches are usually found singly and were
probably used to fasten the cloak, or mantle, at the shoulder.
This method of fastening the cloak can be seen illustrated in
various manuscripts and sculptures. Apparendy these larger
brooches were worn by both men and women.
Necklaces o f glass beads, amber and even, occasionally,
beautifully shaped amethyst drops arc quite common in Anglo-
Saxon graves. They are never illustrated in manuscripts but,
from their position in the graves of the pagan dead, it seems that
they were usually worn as festoons either pinned or sewn to the
garment above the breast. Now and again more splendid neck-
PUitsj laces of gold or garnet arc found, as, for example, at Des-
borough in Northamptonshire, where a scries o f gold pendants
and gold-mounted cabochon garnets, with an equal-armed
cross in the centre, is spaced by a series of barrel-shaped gold
A chatelaine with imitation keys - T-shaped pieces of flat
bronze, known as girdle hangers - and possibly a double-sided
bone comb would hang at a woman’s waist. Her hair might be
done up with a jewelled fillet or be adorned with small rings of
bronze. She would occasionally wear ear-rings of bronze or
silver and even a finger-ring. The braided cuff o f h a tunic

The Life of the People
might be fastened, if she lived in East Anglia, with a pair of
plates of a rather elaborate hook-and-eye form and, if she were
wealthy, she might have jewelled ends to her girdle. Bangles of
silver, bronze or glass might be worn on her arm, and even on
her leg; a small bronze drum-like needle-case might also hang
at her waist. A fairly wealthy farmer’s wife might wear a great
deal of jewellery and would probably look most colourful. Her
husband’s sword belt, which hung over his right shoulder,
might have a large ornamented buckle, but if he were too poor
to own a sword he might have a buckled belt at his waist,
attached to which would almost certainly be a sheath bearing a
small wooden-hiltcd knife.

A s with most archaeological periods, the pottery o f the Anglo-

Saxon people forms a very large part of their material remains.
The wheel-turned ponery of the Roman period, with the whole
system o f commercial potting, disappeared, to be replaced by a
mud-pie type of hand-made ponery which was introduced by
the new Anglo-Saxon scnlers. The vessels were made of local
clay, probably by the women of the village, and were fired in
the domestic fires or in rough-and-ready kilns, which have left
no archaeological trace.
First let us examine the ponery of the pagan period. Some of
the ponery, such as that found in the Anglo-Saxon graves at
Sleaford, is featureless and ugly. Other vessels found elsewhere
are obviously the product of a skilled poncr and were sought-
after over wide areas; the Tcklingham’ potter's wares, for in­
stance, are found all over Cambridgeshire and Suffolk (at
Lackford, Icklingham, Girton, Cambridge, West Stow
Heath, etc.). The difference is explained by the fact that while
the Sleaford ponery was ordinary everyday ware, filled with
food or drink and placed in the inhumation grave to provide
for the buried man’s journey into the after-life, the ware of the

The Anglo'Saxons

(•) (V W
Fig. 19. Anfj^Stxnn poOtry: (t) Hasjfs-m^sbt'HiU, Lints; (b) Ssmtb EUsnftm,
Lines; (c) Btrten Stipmt, Nirtbmts
Icklingham potter w u specially made lo contain the ashes of
the dead - the difference, say, between a modern soap-box
and a modern coffin. Quite often a domestic vessel might be
adapted as a funerary um, but many of the pots, such as that
illustrated in fig. 20(a), were obviously made as funerary vessels.
Fiy. a Typical Anglo-Saxon pottery has a paste varying between
M. (k)‘ (<) black and grey-brown. It is hand-made and the ware is so soft
that a finger-nail easily bites into it. Much of the finer funerary
ware is decorated with largish, oval bosses or impressed stamps
and incised lines - very occasionally animals are drawn and
stamped on the vessel, but such occurrences are rare and the
design is usually purely ornamental. Certain decorative
features of the funerary pottery have been interpreted as of
ethnic significance, and successful attempts have been made to
link similar types of pottery in England and in the Continental
homeland o f the Anglo-Saxons; but, in the light o f the mixed
nature o f the Anglo-Saxon population at the time o f the settle-
ment, extreme caution is necessary in any consideration of the
origins of the people who used this pottery in England.
Basically speaking, the Anglian pottery in the Continental
homeland is decorated with simple horizontal linear motifs
round the neck, above a zone of vertical ornament sometimes


interspaced with small bosses on the shoulder of the pot. The

Saxon pottery is decorated with elongated bosses, sometimes o f
complicated form, below the shoulder of the pot, and vertical
slashed or stamped ornament. The pottery of North-Western
Europe and England reflects the community of the area, but it
is difficult to son out in detail the different relationships within
that community.
A different type of pottery is found in Kentish graves: flask- Fit- n (i)
shaped, it is usually red to buff in colour. Its form is probably
based on that of Roman wine bottles and it may well have
been made abroad in the Rhenish area and be the sole surviving
fossil of the Continental wine trade of this early period. Coarse
pottery of the normal Anglo-Saxon type rarely occurs in Kent.
Pottery, of the type found at Sleaford, is found in cemeteries
and on pagan settlement sites all over England and occurs in
such late seventh- and early eighth-century contexts as at the
monastery of Whitby; while pottery of a similar form, though
turned on a slow wheel, is found in eighth- and ninth-century
contexts in East Anglia and elsewhere, as, for example, on the
site of the Savoy palace in London. Our knowledge of this
later pottery is drawn mainly from East Anglia. The primitive
kiln - little more than a circular depression o f puddled clay -

The A nglo'Saxons
found in Carr Street, Ipswich, in 1928, has given the name ot
Ipswich to this type of eighth' and ninth'century pottery
(which is also known as Middle Saxon pottery); it is hard,
Fij. 20 sandy and greyish'black in colour. The pots have thick walls
(/)• (i) and sagging base and are occasionally decorated with a stamped
ornament. Three forms arc found; the simple cooking'pot,
which is directly descended from the vessel o f the pagan period
found at Sleaford and elsewhere, a spouted pitcher and a bottle.
A t some stage in the Middle Saxon period the use of the fast
potter's wheel was introduced. Some o f the pottery found at
Ipswich, for example, demonstrates this fact. In the late Saxon
period a far more accomplished pottery is found, known as
Thctford ware after the Suffolk town where it was found in
such profusion. Three kilns were excavated at Thetford, but
have not yet been published. They produced a variety of shapes:
pitchers, angled bowls, large storage jars (some as much as
three feet high), water'bottles and lamps. The pottery is ap/
parently influenced by Rhenish prototypes, such as the relief'
5(f. is band amphora. Closely allied to the Thetford pottery is St
Neots ware (so called after the town in Huntingdonshire)
which is grey'purple in colour, with a soft fabric containing
much crushed sea'shcll. The commonest types o f this ware
are bowls with flanged rims and various forms of cooking pot.
From Stamford, Lincolnshire, comes the most individual
type of pottery of the Anglo'Saxon period; it is known as
Stamford ware since a kiln was found there in 1875. Existing
accounts of this kiln are not complete enough to indicate
whether it was pre' or post'Conquest in date, for this pottery
continued to be made long alter the Norman invasion. The
clay of the estuarine deposits in the Stamford area produced a
fine creamy'grey pottery, which sometimes has a pinkish tinge.
Spouted pitchers, jugs, jars and deep flanged bowls of this
ware are found as far apart as Oxford and York. One of the
most distinctive features of this pottery is that it is glazed in a

The Lift of the People
light green or yellowish shade - the first glazed pottery to be
seen in England since the Roman period. It is not known where
the practice o f glazing originated. It is possible that kilns were
operating in Dutch Limburg at this period and producing
this type of pottery, but there is no evidence of priority of dating
on either side of the Channel. It is reasonably certain that the
practice of glazing pottery was not invented in Western Europe:
it was probably introduced from the Near East - glazed pottery
is known from Persia and Byzantium.
The pottery from the south of England, from Kent to
Dorset, was at this period little different from the Middle Saxon
pottery. Generally speaking, where Stamford ware and Cons
dnental pottery are not found, the local pottery consisted mainly
of bag-shaped cooking pots, sometimes decorated with irregular
scratches. Vessels o f this form are found well on into the twelfth
century. Pottery of this period from the north of England and
from the Midlands occurs rarely. The examples that are found
are mainly derivatives of East Anglian wares.

One of the most important groups of material found in Anglo/

Saxon graves is the series of glass vessels which add a touch of
lightness to the generally ponderous aspect of Anglo-Saxon
antiquities. The forms produced by the Anglo-Saxon glass-
blower, and his opposite number on the Continent, may have
been stereotyped and the colours may not have been as rich as
those used by the Romans but, compared with vessels of other
material found in the Anglo-Saxon period, the variety of form F/f. it
and the attractive colours (yellows, greens, browns and blues)
are extremely refreshing.
Anglo-Saxon glass has been the special study of Dr Harden,
and his work must form the basis of any summary of the sub­
ject. A fairly large number of Roman glasses (nearly thirty)
have been found in Anglo-Saxon graves; particularly notice-
The Anglo'Saxons
able are (he cone beakers such as that from Kempston in
Fit-ii Bedfordshire. Class o f Anglo-Saxon type, nude both in
Britain and on the Continent, is found in some profusion. The
commonest forms are the squat jars and the palm cups; less
common are the bag beakers, and only two examples are
known from this country of glass drinking-horns (both from
Rainham, Essex). These rarer types, as well as the slightly more
common, but hideous, claw-beakers, were almost certainly
manufactured on the Continent and imported into this country
by the wealthy. It is a noticeable feature that many o f the glass
vessels found in graves of the pagan period will not stand up­
right - a feature which can be observed in the later manu­
scripts, and in the Bayeux tapestry, where glasses are seen to
lie and not stand on the table.
No glass kilns of the pagan Anglo-Saxon period are known
to survive, but certain glasses, as, for example, the palm cup,
are found in such quantities that they were very probably made
in this country and it has been suggested that a glass house was
situated somewhere in the neighbourhood of the richest of all
Anglo-Saxon cemeteries, that at Faversham in Kent. The only
glass kilns known in England were found recendy at Glaston­
bury, Somerset. Under the north-east corner of the later medi­
eval cloister were found the remains of the floors of three kilns.
Fragments of glass, found in association with them, indicate a
date in the ninth or tenth centuries. One of the kilns produced
very few fragments of glass and it may be possible to interpret
it as an annealing kiln. We must await the publication o f these
kilns, but we seem to have here the remains of the only known
Anglo-Saxon glass factory in this country. We must presume,
on the analogy o f later glass houses, that all the kilns were
under the same roof and that the glass-blowers, using tools not
very different from those used today, produced their glass
vessels in the area between the kilns.

The Life of the People

Fr/ 21. An/lo'Saxcn ylasswore: (a) squat jar, Upchurch, Kent; (b) palm tup,
Faversbam, Kmt; (<) drinkirtjfbom, Rainbam, Essex; (i) bell beaker, Ashford,
Kent; (t) claw'beaker, Taplow, Busks; (j) tonebeaker, Kempston, Beds; (y) bay beaker,
Faversbam, Kent; (b) stemmed beaker, Croydon, Surrey; (i) pouch bottle, Sarrt, Kent

C h apt er IV

Weapons and Warfare

h i s w a s a h e r o i c a c e : the vernacular literature

T makes this abundantly clear. Even Christ is seen as a

heroic Prince:
Then the young hero, GoJ Almighty,
Firm and unflinching, stripped himself.
The greatest virtue was loyalty to one’s lord: the warrior
shared the spoils of battle, but he was also willing to die for his
lord - indeed it was considered a disgrace to leave the field of
battle if one’s chief were dead. This spirit is reflected in both the
poetry and prose of the Anglo-Saxons long after Christianity
had become firmly established in England. War has left its
remains in the archaeological record, in the form of innumer­
able weapons buried in the graves of warriors and peasants. It
is fitting that when we deal with a heroic age we should con­
sider these remains at some length.
Although the sword was the most imponant Anglo-Saxon
weapon, it is not found with the frequency of other weapons in
the graves of the male Anglo-Saxon. Baldwin-Brown, a long
time ago, quoted some figures to demonstrate the comparative
rarity of swords: two were found in the 308 graves from King­
ston, seven came from the 150 graves at Bifrons, although at
Sarre there was one sword in every ten graves. To these figures
may be added some more modern results: one sword was
found in the hundred graves excavated at Holywell Row and
none at all in the 123 graves found at Burwell. We know from
the documents of the Christian Saxon period that swords were
precious objects, handed down from father to son. We have
already noticed that the sword which had belonged to OfTa
was bequeathed by an eleventh-century prince to his brother.
Again and again we meet references in Anglo-Saxon poetry to

swords which have greater virtue because they were old, or
because they had belonged to some famous person o f the past.
The sword was the weapon o f the man of wealth and posi-
don. Some swords, as for example Beowulf’s sword, Na-
tgling, even bore names of their own. Few of these rich swords
survive; at best, all that remains is a few mounts of bronze, or
of more precious metal, which embellished the hilt. Now and
again an exceptionally rich sword occurs to give us an im-
pression of the wealth and position of its owner.
The earliest Anglo-Saxon swords, those of the pagan period,
are two-edged and about two feet six inches long; they arc thin-
bladed with straight edges and rather rounded points. Known
technically as a spatha, the Anglo-Saxon sword of the pagan
period has a long and continuous ancestry that stems back
to the Celtic La Tine sword, which is of similar length and
shape. The sword was carried in a scabbard, which was
usually made of two thin laths of leather-covered wood. The
mouth o f the scabbard was sometimes ornamented with a metal
band; one of the most impressive examples, from Chcssel
Down, has a gilt-bronze ornamented panern on one face and a
magical runic inscription on the back. Some scabbards were
bound with a strip of metal and were tipped with a metal
chape, which occasionally, as at Brighthampton, was orna­
mented. The scabbard was sometimes lined with fleece, and
this has been explained by the fact that the natural greases of
the sheep’s wool would keep the blade from rusting. Professor
Atkinson was able to undertake a thorough examination o f the
scabbard of a sword from Pctcrsfingcr. It was made up of
alternate layers o f wood and leather, a thin wooden sheet on the
inside, wood on one outer face and leather on the other, all
bound round the edges with bronze. A t Brushficld in Derby­
shire, Thomas Bateman found a scabbard which was covered
with leather ornamented with a series of lozenges, while a
fragment of a similar scabbard was found at Hexham in
Northumbria. The blade o f the sword was comparatively thin
and was occasionally decorated with a stamped design; two
boars, for instance, appear on the blade o f a sword from the
River Lark. Some blades are ‘pattern welded’. This method of
twisting bands of iron together and beating the resulting plait
into a thin blade which is then edged with hard steel, adds
flexibility to an otherwise comparatively intractable weapon.
The face of the sword is then polished and the marbled effect
achieved must be responsible for such passages as the descrip
tion in Btowulf: ‘ Upon him gleams the ancient heirloom, the
hard, ring patterned sword, treasure of the Heathobeards.’
Often, however, the blade is beaten out of one piece of metal
and is unornamented.
r<i « The hilt has been used by Behmer and others as the basis of a
typological distinction between the various swords, but as yet

Wtapons ani Warfart

no really satisfactory typology has been evolved (Bchmer’s type

I, for example, includes swords of both the fifth and seventh
centuries). The hilt is built up round the tang which is a con'
tinuation of the blade. The guard, or quillions, consists
usually of a simple insubstantial rectangular block of bone or
wood, projecting an inch on cither side o f the blade. The grip
is o f wood (less frequently of bone) and is bound with cloth or
leather, or even with silver wire or cord. Occasionally, as on a
sword from Chessel Down, the grip is decorated with orna/
mental metal plates. The tang is riveted over a plate at the top of
the hilt, and, to cover the rather rudimentary result, a pommel
is often added which can be highly decorative. This pommel
can take many forms; a sword found in a grave in the Fleam
Dike, in Cambridgeshire, for example, has a spherical pom/
mel; sometimes it is merely a very flat triangle of iron, but more

The Anglo-Saxons
often it has a sub^triangular shape, which has long rejoiced in
the picturesque description o f‘the cockcd'hat pommel’. Some
cocked'hat pommels are decorated with small rings, a few of
which are frcc'running rings, while others are immovable and
merely decorative. This feature, which in England is rare and
largely confined to Kent, is a universal trait throughout North'
ern Europe and one is reminded of the passage in the Old
Norse Pottic Edit:
l knout of swords lying in Sigarsholm . . .
Ont among them thefinest of a ll. . .
A ring on the hilt, valour midway
andfear on the point for him who wins it.
The ring, as has often been pointed out, is associated with
the heroic quality of courage.
The early type of sword, the spatha, with its miserable hilt,
apparently continued to be made well on into the Christian
period; drawings in Carolingian manuscripts show us swords
of similar form. But about the end of the eighth century, with
the advent of the Vikings, an entirely revolutionary sword was
developed in Western Europe - perhaps in Britain, perhaps in
the Rhineland. We have in this country some fifty or sixty
swords of this period, some of which were obviously weapons
of the Viking invaders. They vary considerably in quality and
size; most of them have blades which are between two feet six
inches and two feet nine inches in length, have broad shallow
fullers (a fuller is a groove running down the centre o f the blade)
and are pattern welded; the best are welbrnade, springy and
double-edged. The rather pathetic hilt of the spatha is replaced
by a more splendid one with fine projecting quillions, which
may be straight or curved. The pommels can be divided
roughly into two typological groups, one having a lobed shape
and the other a flattened semicircular, or pointed oval, cap; a
few types fall into neither category.
The blades of these later swords are much stronger and
Weapons ani Warfare
heavier than those of the spatha. Occasionally, inlaid or etched
into the blade is the name of the swordsmith who made them,
and many swords found in Scandinavia, for example, bear the
name of one of the great Anglo-Saxon swordsmiths, Ulf berth.
A s the hilts of some of these swords are not of Anglo-Saxon
type the blades must have been imported into Scandinavia and
mounted in a fashionable Viking hilt. Sometimes the blades
have a magical inscription, as on the sword from Canwick
Common, Lincoln, now in the British Museum, which has
an inlaid silver inscription: a n t a n a n a n t a n a n t a n .
Some of the Anglo-Saxon hilts are very grand; for instance, Plate 24
the parcel-gilt silver pommel from Fetter Lane in the City of
London, decorated with whirling snakes interspaced with a
leaf pattern, is one of the most beautiful and accurately executed
pieces o f metalwork to have survived from this period. Slightly PUie aa
less grand is a sword from Abingdon, Berkshire, which has
silver plates inlaid into both the quillions and the pommel. The
silver plates are decorated with animal, plant and even human
motifs engraved and set with niello. There are parallels to the
Abingdon sword from the River Witham, near Lincoln, from Plate a]
Dolven, Gronnebcrg and Hoven in Norway. Poor relations of
these rich hilts are those from Yorkshire, Cooderstone,
Norfolk, and Kaupang, Norway. The quillions and pommel
are usually of iron, overlaid occasionally with silver but often
merely decorated with a punched ornament; sometimes how­
ever they are of bronze, as, for example, the pommel-guard
from Exeter which bears the name of the maker in the Latin Fit-13
inscription l e o f r i /m e f e (Leofric me fecit, Leofric made
me). It would seem that swords with lobed pommels and
curved quillions were more elaborately decorated than the
simpler D-shaped type, but this is perhaps a dangerous
generalization. A s most of the swords of this period found in
England are casual finds, we know less about the scabbard than
we do for the earlier period. However, traces of wood and

The Attglo'Saxotu

Fij.s). Su’trifwmmrlgturifrom Exrur,butriltJwiémmcf mJtrr(Ltofrii).LerUm.

British Musrvm

rather elaborate chapes and mounts from scabbard openings

indicate that they were little different from their pagan fore'
F<i u runnen. The sword hung at the left hip, being carried in a
sling which passed over the right shoulder. The late Saxon type
of sword continued in use well on into the Norman period.
Related to the sword is the single/cdged long'knifc - the
teramasax. Such kniv« were used by the men who murdered
Sigibert in 575. Gregory of Toun described them as ‘strong
kniv«, commonly called scramasaxes, smeared with poison’.
This statement has presumably been responsible for the uns
doubtcdly false assumption that the grooving on the blad« of
the scramasaxes held poison. The term *scramasax' coven a
multitude of kniv« from the very short knife, no more than
three inch« long, to the considerable weapon which may be as
much as two and a half feet in length. Here we shall concert'
träte on the weapons only.
Plata, i«, 27 The typical scramasax of the Migration period, as found on
the Continent, is a clumsy object about fifteen inch« in
length with an asymmetrical tang, though occasionally, as at
Pouan, the weapon is as much as twenty-one inch« in
length and has a beautifully decorated hilt. Scramasaxes do not

Weapont and Warfare
appear in this country until the latter part o f the pagan period
and their variety of shapes makes it difficult to generalize con'
ceming them - for instance, one of the tcramasaxes found at
Undeby in Yorkshire is twenty'four inches in length, while
others may be as little as fourteen inches long. They were
carried in a sheath at a man’s thigh and the sheath was suss
pended from the belt by means of a series of small bronze
loops; a very good example o f this feature was found in the
Marina Drive cemetery at Dunstable, Bedfordshire. The guard
of the scramasax is often very insignificant, while the pommel

can vary considerably in shape, from an unobtrusive 'cocked' Plate vj

hat’ to the more elaborate silver pommel of the Winchester
scramasax; this is tripartite with a central lobe flanked by two
shoulders which, in their design, are reminiscent of animal
heads. A n imponant, though later scramasax pommel, comes
from Windsor, the central lobe of which is inlaid with a gold
panel covered with interlaced filigree wire ornament, the thicker
wire terminating in exquisite animal heads, while bunches of

The Anglo'Saxons
grapes made of small granules of gold enrich the design even
The tradition of the pagan scramasax continues through into
the Christian Saxon period: the scramasaxes from Ofton and
Hoxne in Suffolk and from the Thames at Wandsworth may
well belong to the eighth century. But the true late Saxon
scramasaxes are typified by two fine examples in the British
Plait in Museum, one from the Thames and the other from Sitting'
bourne in Kent. The Thames scramasax is twenty'eight inches
long and has an inlaid mosaic along its upper edge made up of
copper, bronze and silver wire in triangles and lozenges.
Also inlaid is the whole of the futhorc, or runic alphabet.
The Sittingbourne scramasax is ornamented with inlaid panels
decorated with the pure, vigorous Winchester an style which
cannot be dated much before the middle of the tenth century;
it carries the name of both its owner and its maker, Sigcbcrcht
and Bjorthelm. Many other scramasaxes of this later group are
inlaid with copper or bronze wire and in fact the technique
continues into the thineenth century. It would be best to think
of these scramasaxes as daggers, although many of the later,
larger weapons may well have been more useful as a sword.
The commonest weapon of defence, of which traces are
Ffc.tS found in Anglo'Saxon graves, is the shield. The Anghv
Saxon shield comprises a round wooden board, known as an
orb, with an iron boss in the centre. The orb is sometimes
covered with leather and a central hole allows the knuckles of
the hand to mancruvrc within the hollow formed by the boss,
the grip being attached at this place. Some of the shields were
bound at the rim with a metal binding, but this is rare and a
leather binding was presumably more common. The shields
vary in size. The smallest shield recorded in England is one o f
twelve inches in diameter found at Petersfinger, Wiltshire, and
the largest, thirty inches in diameter, came from Ringmer,
Sussex. Traces of the orb are rarely found in Anglo'Saxon

Weapons and Warfare
graves and these figures must be created with caution. A t
Cacnby, Lincolnshire, however, pan of the orb o f a substantial
shield survived; it must have been at least an inch thick and was
decorated with a series of gilt-bronze plaques decorated with
interlace ornament. Judging by the few examples where the
handle and the boss have been riveted together through the orb
and where the wood has survived, it would appear that pagan
Anglo-Saxon shields were often not much more than half an
inch in thickness - in fact, not unlike the surviving Viking
shields found in the Cokstad vessel in Norway which have a
large and surprisingly thin orb. Such a shield would be light
and easily handled in batde.

Fi£. 2$. RtiOfiftrwtcd

Ah&Io'S axon shield (after

The orbs were usually made of lime wood and were some­
times covered with leather, as at Sutton Hoo; the orbs of some
shields would be painted, as in the Viking Cokstad find. A ll
the surviving shield bosses arc made of iron and are of three
main shapes, one with concave sides and a carination, one with
convex sides, and one conical. They are riveted to the orb
through the flange, sometimes with bronze or gilt-headed
rivets. They are usually beaten out of a single lump of metal,
but occasionally, as in the Melbourn cemetery, a conical shield
The Anglo'Saxons
boss was made by bending a flat sheet o f metal to form a cone.
The boss is usually tipped with a button which can sometimes
be elaborately decorated with a silver or bronze plaque.
There has been considerable discussion as to whether the
shields were curved like a watch glass. It has been said more than
once that, ‘The angle of the boss flange indicates a considerable
curvature to the surface of the shield.’ Such an argument may
well be false. The angle of die flange of the boss is probably an
accident of manufacture, as it would be considerably more
difficult to produce a boss with a flat flange, as distinct from an
angled flange, because o f the stresses in the metal. A t the same
time an angled flange would provide a better grip on the wood
when the rivets were fastened. So very few complete shields
have survived that the evidence is not conclusive. In the whole
of Northern Europe, however, not a single curved shield orb
has been found. There is some evidence that the orb of the
Sutton Hoo shield was curved, the long attachments of the grip
apparendy providing for a curved board; similar evidence
has been put forward in favour of curved shields in Italy and
Germany. Detailed examination of the grip of one of the
shields from Pctcrsfinger, Wilts, has convinced the excavators
that the shield was curved, with a radius of curvature of about
twenty inches. The structure of this shield is of great interest,
Professor Atkinson having shown that the shield orb was
‘built up of two or more thicknesses of wood with the grain of
one lamination running at right angles to the next, as in
modern plywood’. He suggests that this structure was necev
sary in building up a convex shield, and that the orb was made
up of a number of narrow strips laid side by side. The nine-
tecnthscentury description of the find o f a shield at Linton may
perhaps be illuminated in the light of the Petersfinger example:
‘Enough was preserved to show the form to have been circular,
and laths of wood converged from the extremity to the umbo.
These laths were fastened to the body of the shield, probably of

Weapons and Warfare
wood, with twine.’ The precise meaning of this description is
obscure, but it has a remarkable coincidence with the descrip'
tion of the Petersfinger shield and it is possible that these
shields were conical or curved. There can be little doubt there'
fore that curved shields were used by the Saxons and this is
confirmed by manuscript illustrations. F>i-26

The shield and the spear were the common arms of the
average soldier, and it is probable that some shields were made
of wood and leather alone and that only the richer members of
the community had shields with an iron boss. A t Oberflacht
in Germany, for example, an oval wooden shield covered with
leather and without a boss was discovered. Tacitus, writing of
the Germanic peoples at the beginning of our era, describes
shields of wickerwork. It is not impossible that the Anglo-
Saxons occasionally copied this form of construction. Most

The Anglo*Saxons
of (he Anglo-Saxon shields illustrated in the contemporary
manuscripts arc round, while most of the shields illustrated in
the Bayeux tapestry are kite-shaped. While it is probable that
the Norman ladies who executed this giant labour were not
particularly concerned with (he shape of their opponents’
weapons and followed the Norman fashion, it is not impossible
that, despite the manuscript evidence, the Anglo-Saxons used
kite-shaped shields in the eleventh century. One thing that
emerges from the manuscript and tapestry evidence is that the
shield o f the late Saxon period was already being used for some
sort of heraldic display. We cannot be sure that the signs on the
shields indicated anything more than sympathetic magic or
personal artistic taste, but it seems probable that certain signs
indicated a clan or a sept.
‘Arma, id tst scutum it lancum’ (a man’s arms are the shield and
the spear) say the laws of Charlemagne, and the ordinary
Saxon must have fought mainly with these two weapons. Iron
spearheads are the commonest weapon found in Anglo-Saxon
contexts, yet, probably because they are so uninterestingly uni­
form, these have never been studied with the thoroughness
accorded to other weapons. But the spear, not only a weapon of
war but an implement o f the hunt, is found both in the poor
man’s grave and, as at Sutton Hoo, in the grave of the king.
The weapon of Woden was used universally and some of the
finer spearheads decorated with inlaid precious metal indicate
something of the value of this weapon in the mind of the
Our knowledge of the Anglo-Saxon spear, from the
archaeological point o f view, is based on the iron tips or heads
and on the iron ferrule. The tip is usually leaf-shaped and has a
Fif. Tj socket for the shaft. It is usually lozenge-shaped in cross section,
the blade rising from the edge to a medium rib, while the
socket which continues from the narrow neck of the spearhead
is split on the side and usually carries an iron rivet. Presumably

I i<S
Weapons and Waifare

The Anglo'Saxoni
when the spearhead was fitted to its shaft, it was first riveted
into place and the head made firm by hammering the socket so
that the split end closed slightly, tightening the grip on the
Occasionally, as at Sutton Hoo, the spearhead is barbed, and
spearheads of similar shapes are seen in later Saxon manus
scripts. Such barbing may be a development of the lata Saxon
period. The shaft, according to the literature, was usually made
of ash. Now and again this sock« is decorated by being inlaid
with silva, coppa or bronze - or sometimes by faceting.
Spearheads vary considerably in length, from a few inch«
to two fea and, though some have very prominent shoulders,
the form varia very little throughout the Saxon period.
In some cases the blada are panem welded but this is an uns
common occurrence. Lunate grooving of the blade on eitha
side of the midrib has often been taken as a sign of Saxon
workmanship, a technique that may pahaps have its roots in
the Early Iron Age, w hac thae are technical parallels. One of
Fig. *7 W (be late feature, and one which is often called Carolingian, is
the two wings, or spika, which stick out on eitha side of the
socka. These wings are functional in that they prevent the
head o f the spear from piacing the targa too far, making with'
drawal easia. These feature can be noticed in a numba of
manuscripts from the ninth century onwards and are not
without parallel in more modem contexts. From the mantis
Fig. 26 scripts it appears possible that these wings w ae not always
fixed to the sock«; some may have been made o f wood and
attached to the shaft. No complae Saxon spear survive; the
nearet parallel is provided by the G am an gravesficld at
Obaflacht where an entire spear was found lying outside the
coffin in which the warrior was buried. The spear was about
seven fea long and the head was attached to the shaft by gilts
headed nails and further bound by a leatha thong. This
example agrea well in length with the spears illustrated in the
Weapons and Warfare

F%. 28. Francisca,

or throwing oxtjrom Howlttti, Ktnl. London, Briliib Mumm

manuscripts, which are often considerably longer than a man’s

height. A similar length is indicated also by the distance
between the tip of the spearhead and the tip of the fenulc in
graves at Chcssel Down and Petersfinger.
Sword, scramasax, shield and spear - these are the come
monest weapons found in Anglo-Saxon graves and on Anglo-
Saxon sites. We must, however, deal with certain other
armour which is found more rarely: the axe, the helmet, the
bow and arrow, the angon and the coat of mail. A popular ft/ 28
weapon of the pagan period on the continent was the frandsca
or throwing axe, which has a comparatively short handle and a
head which curves upwards from the handle at a wide angle
to a slighdy upturned blade. This form is mainly Frankish but,
although of rare occurrence, it is found in this country on one
or two sites, mainly in Kent; one example, from Howletts, has
an inlaid gilt plate on the head. A commoner type of axe in
the later Saxon period is that which has a blade with a broad ft/ 26
curved edge, mounted at right angles to the shaft; this was used
as a battle-axe in hand-to-hand fighting and it is seen put to
this use in the Bayeux tapestry, by which time the battle-axe is
The Anflo'Saxons
a particularly English weapon (Stenton describes it as the
traditional weapon of the house-carles) although it had not, as
Miss Keller suggests, ousted the spear. This type of axe, with
the curved and often drooping blade, was probably also used
for chopping wood (although the T-shaped axe was parti'
cularly used for this purpose). Such axes as that from Sutton
Hoo, which has a metal haft, must be a battle-axe; the iron
haft could not be cut through by a well-directed blow from
another axe - indeed it would turn the blade and provide an
unpleasant shock for the person who dealt the blow.
Only three helmets have been found in Anglo-Saxon con­
texts. One from Lcckhampton Hill, Gloucestershire, is now
lost and a description and an engraving is all that survives.
The helmet was formed of two crossed bronze bands joined
at the top by an ornamental button and affixed at the
bottom to a head band which had loops to which were at­
tached, at either side, a chain. The second helmet was found at
Plate 29 Benry Grange in Derbyshire in 1848 and is a very elaborate
object. The cap is made up of a framework of flat iron bands
built up in a spherical form, with a nose guard decorated with
the sign of the cross in silver. The gaps between the bands were
originally filled in with horn plates (which no longer survive)
attached by means of rivets with ornamental silver heads of
Plate 28 double-axe shape. The crest of the helmet is in the form o f a
boar, which is decorated with silver-gilt plates and studs, and
its eyes are garnets set in filigree gold mounts. It has been sug­
gested that the body of the boar was originally enamelled. The
third helmet from an Anglo-Saxon grave is from Sutton Hoo:
this is, in all probability, an imported piece and has been dis­
cussed elsewhere.
The presence of the boar, a Celtic symbol of some impor­
tance, on the Benty Grange helmet illuminates a number of
passages in Anglo-Saxon literature, particularly a passage from
Beowulf, where a helmet is personified as a boar

Weapons and Warfare
On that pyre could he plainly seen
the bloody mail shirt and the golden swine,
The iron-hard boar . . .

The ‘golden . . . iron'hard boar’ must be related to the most

conspicuous part of the Benty Grange helmet. It is interesting
to note that a boar is depicted as the crest of a helmet on
that exceptional first/centuty Celtic object, the Gundestrup
The helmet was not a common piece of armour in the Saxon
period - it seems to have been worn only by a chieftain or a rich
man. On the Franks Casket, for instance, only the helmets of
the leaders are depicted with neck guards and nose pieces; other
warriors have soft leather (?) hats. Even on the Continent, in the
contemporary Germanic graves, helmets are rare, although they
occur in Germany and Sweden much more frequently than in
England. In the manuscripts o f the Christian period the helmet
appears to be worn chiefly by those in authority. The type of
helmet worn by the warrior, with its conical cap and nose
guard, was evidently in common use among the cavalry at the
battle of Hastings. Unfortunately no helmets of this type sur/
vive in this country, although comparable examples exist CISC'
where, for example, the helmet of St Wcnccslaus in Prague
Cathedral, which, like the Benty Grange helmet has a Chris'
tian symbol (in this case the Crucifixion) on the nose guard. It
seems probable that by the end of the Saxon period the helmet
was a common piece o f armour, as witness the reference in the
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for 1008 where every eight hides o f land
had to provide a helmet and a corselet. But Miss Keller is
doubdess right when she says that the helmet was a compari'
tively rare piece of armour until this period. The ordinary
soldier probably wore the so'called Phrygian cap, which may
have been, as Laking suggests, lined with metal.
Archen are represented on the cighth'century Franks Plate 56
The Anglo-Saxons
Casket, on the Bayeux tapestry and on numerous manuscripts
of the Anglo-Saxon period. Bows and arrows are, however,
extremely rare in Anglo-Saxon graves. A t Chessel Down,
Hillier records that ‘the presence of the bow, about five feet in
length, could be distinctly traced by the dark line of decom­
posed wood in the chalk’, and Baldwin-Brown records a
similar feature at Bifrons. Also at Chessel Down were found
arrowheads and traces of the shafts of a number of arrows,
which the excavator presumed were made of the ‘small
straight wood of the hazel’. Arrowheads are sometimes found,
but they arc not a common Anglo-Saxon antiquity and
Baldwin-Brown has pointed out that they may easily be con­
fused with the head of a spear or a javelin; there appear to be
both socketed and tanged arrowheads, some of which were
certainly barbed, but one must presume that most arrows had
no metal point and were merely hardened in the fire. A t Ober-
flacht in Swabia for example a series o f arrows was found, each
some two feet in length, which were 'so withered that we took
them for bowstrings’, no arrowheads were attached to them and
only a brownish colouring was seen where the points should
have been. A t this same site were found a number of bows, one
of which was seven feet long. They were made of yew and were
thickest in the centre, tapering towards the end and slightly
curved. These bows must have been strong enough to deserve
the description given to the bow in an Anglo-Saxon riddle:

WOB is my namt rtversti;

1 am a strängt creaturt, shaped amid combat.
When I bend, and the venomous dart
goes from my bosom, I am quite ready
to sweep that danger to life far from me.
When my master who thus tormented me
released my limbs, I am longer than before,
until, fraught with destruction, I spit out

Weapons ani Warfare
the very deadly venom I had previously swallowed.
What I am speaking about does not
easily pass away from any man,
if whatflies from my belly reaches him
so that he pays for the evil drink with his strength
and quickly makesfull compensation with his life.
When l am unstrung I will not obey anyone
until I am skilfully tied. Say what I am.

The bow was the weapon of the foot soldier and of the
common man and served for both the chase and for battle. The
arrows were carried in a quiver, which was slung over the
shoulder, and were flighted with feathers. The bows in the
Bayeux tapestry appear to be about four feet in length but it
would be unwise to make any judgment of size from content'
porary illustration alone. The only surviving early medieval
bow from England is that from Berkhamsted Casde which
may be of an early thirteenth'ccntury date; like the bows on the
tapestry it is about four feet in length, which agrees with most of
the bows found at Obcrflacht. It has been suggested that
the bow was not a typical Anglo'Saxon weapon; perhaps
there is some truth in this in the light of Henry of Huntingdon’s
record of William the Conqueror’s reproach of the Saxons for
their bad bowmanship.
Agathias, writing of the wars between Justinian and the
Teutonic invaders of Italy, records that the chief weapon o f the
invaden was a light, barbed weapon which could be used as a
javelin or in hand'tO'hand fighting. ‘The haft is covered with
lamina so that little wood can be seen.’ Agathias’s description
is a little confusing, and attempts to identify the weapon des'
cribed have never been entirely satisfactory. It may be the angon,
which is mainly found on the Continent, but which docs occur
in this country and especially in Kent, where it has been found
at Sane, Bifrons, High Down and Strood. Another example

The Anglo'Saxons

Fif. if. Tnnipotinif imptiu, from lit Boynx Taptary

comes from Beddington in Surrey. But these weapons are so

undoubtedly foreign, and so rare of occurrence in the Anglo-
Saxon area, that we need not discuss them here.
The coat of mail, which can be seen so frequently on the
Bayeux tapestry, is a rare find in this country. Fragments o f a
mail-coat have been found at Sutton Hoo and the Benty
Grange helmet was covered with mail when found. Nothing
survives o f the Benty Grange mail and it is possible that it was
merely the neck guard of the helmet (a helmet with a mail
neck guard occurred in the more or less contemporary grave
6 at Valsgärde in Sweden). The mail from the Sutton Hoo
grave is corroded together, but undoubtedly formed a mail
shin. It differs from all the other surviving pre-Conquest chain-
mail in Europe in that the links arc not riveted, but merely
butted together-a weak construction that had nothing to recommend it save ease of manufacture. The mail-shirts
depicted in the Bayeux tapestry have short wide sleeves and

Weapons and Warfare
skins which are divided in from and behind, for ease in riding.
Sir James Mann has pointed out that these splits in the skirt
must not be interpreted as an indication that the shirt was a
garment which looked like a pair of combinations; the diss
comforts of riding in such a garment would have taxed the
endurance of even the hardiest Viking. Such suits of mail must
have been expensive to make and were obviously worn only by
leaders and chieftains, a leather jerkin being sufficient protcc/
tion for the more humble members of society. The mail/shirt
would itself be worn over a leather jerkin or even over a padded
vest, so that the interlocking rings might not be driven into the
flesh when pierced.
The Anglo'Saxons
In order to examine the method of warfare used by the
Anglo-Saxons, I have taken a description of a battle and
drawn from it conclusions as to the handling of weapons and
the methods of fighting. On August i ith 991, near Maldon in
Essex, was fought the battle which is known by the name of
that town. It was fought on the banks o f the River Blackwatcr,
the Danes were initially on the Island of Northey and ulti­
mately crossed, as a result o f the Saxons* bad strategy, to the
mainland by means of a causeway that is visible to this day.
The battle was commemorated by a tapestry, which no longer
exists, presented to the Abbey of Ely by the widow of
Bryhtnoth, the English leader, and by the vernacular Anglo-
Saxon poem which I have translated below. I have cut from
the poem some of the rhetorical passages, which, though
interesting, do not concern us here:

Then he ordered each soldier to dismount and drive his

hone away from the field and to rely on his hand and his
steadfastness. Then Bryhtnoth began to draw up his men; he
rode and advised them, told them how they should stand and
keep their ranks, and how they might best hold their shields
firm with their hands. He encouraged them. When he had
drawn up his army he dismounted among those people who
pleased him most, where his retainers were most devoted.
[A t this point the Vikings send a messenger offering to refuse
battle if the English will give them money; this offer is con­
temptuously turned down.] Then he [Bryhtnoth] ordered
the warriors, carrying their shields, to move forward until
they all stood on the river bank. [After holding the causeway
for a short time Bryhtnoth over-confidently allows the enemy
to cross the ford.] Then the battle wolves, the Viking horde,
were not hampered by the water. They came over the Black-
water with their shields, westwards over the gleaming flood,
the seamen with their linden shields. Bryhtnoth and his men

Weapons and Warfare
stood there waiting for the enemy. He ordered them to form
a wall with their shields and to stand firm against the foe.
The fight, and the glory which comes with it, was now close
to hand. The time was now come when the doomed should
fall. A ll was clamour, ravens circled above, the eagle eager
for carrion. There was a cry on the earth.
They let the filediardened spears, the grim^ground
javelins, fly from the hand. Bows were busy, point pierced
shield, the rush of battle was fierce, warriors fell on all sides,
the young men lay dead . . . Bryhtnoth’s kinsman, his sister’s
son, was cruelly hewn down by swords. . . A man hardened
in batde advanced to meet the warrior [i.e. Bryhtnoth] and
raised his weapon, his shield as his defence. The earl, in
no way less bold, advanced towards the ‘churl’, each bent
on evil to the other. Then the Viking threw a southern
spear, which wounded the lord of the warriors, who banged
the spear with his shield so that the shaft broke; the spear was
shivered and fell away from him. The warrior was angry and
with his spear struck the proud Viking who had given him
the wound. The warrior was skilful and ran his spear
through the young warrior’s neck; his hand guided it so that
it killed the Viking.
Then he struck another raider so that his corselet burst
and he was wounded in the breast through the chain mail;
the fatal point reached his heart. [Bryhtnoth is again
wounded.] A man then advanced on the earl to rob him of
his warrior’s trappings, the spoil and rings and ornamented
Then Bryhtnoth drew his broad and brown/edged sword
from his shearh and struck him on his corselet. Too quickly
another Viking checked his hand, crippling the earl’s arm.
The yellow/hilted sword fell to the ground and he could not
hold a sword or use a weapon. [After a heroic speech
Bryhtnoth and his two retainers arc killed, whereupon some

The Anglo* Saxons
warriors flee the field while others are rallied by heroic
speeches and are gradually struck down.] Then, eagerly, the
hostage helped them; he was called Acscferth and was the
son o f Ecglaf, and came from a good Northumbrian family.
He did not draw away from the fight, but shot his arrows
unceasingly, sometimes hitting a shield, sometimes a warrior.
A s long as he could wield his weapons, he dealt out wounds
as much as he could.
Edward the Tall stood yet at the forefront of the battle.. .
He broke the shield/wall and fought with the warriors until
he had worthily taken vengeance on the seamen for the death
of his chief and lay among the slain.
That noble retainer Aetherie, the brother of Sibirht, eager
and impetuous, also fought boldly, as did many others; they
hacked away the beaked shield and were valiant. The rim of
the shield burst and the war-shirt sang a fearful song . . .
Then were the shields broken: the Vikings advanced en-
raged by the battle . . . Bryhtwold, an old retainer, spoke,
raised aloft his shield, shook his ashen-spear and encouraged
the warriors boldly. ‘Purpose shall be harder, heart more
valiant, courage greater as strength grows weaker. Here lies
our lord, cut down, the noble man in the dust. He who
thinks to turn now from the fight will long regret it. I am old.
I will not flee but will lie by the side of my lord - that so
much loved man.’

Nothing remains of the battle of Maldon except a causes

way in the Essex marshes and a lener recording the find of
Bryhtnoth’s skeleton in Ely Cathedral in 1769. The battle was
not of extreme importance, it is dismissed by the Anglo*Saxon
Chronicle in a few words. This poem, however, wrinen not
long after the banle while individual acts o f valour were still
fresh in the mind, enables us to reconstruct something o f the art
o f war in the Anglo-Saxon period.

Weapons and Warfare
A s was usual in Anglo-Saxon times the battle was fought
on foot; only rarely are there references to cavalry engagements.
Anglo-Saxon battles were fairly solid affairs: once the forces
had met, the battle consisted of grim hand-to-hand lighting in a
restricted area, the opposing sides hacking away at each other
until one side was reduced to carrion or broke and fled. It is
obvious from this poem that, despite the well-organized
political structure of the period, the army was bound by the
pagan heroic tradition based on the warrior’s duty to his lord:
when the chief was in the ascendant his companion or retainer
enjoyed the glory and the spoils of victory; conversely, the
retainer sufTcred with his chief, even, like Brythwold and
Aetherie, dying by their chief’s side. It was considered some­
thing of a disgrace to flee from battle after the death of one’s
chief (although by the late Anglo-Saxon period even ‘the right
side’ could flee with some impunity), and even a Christian
like Asser cannot help letting a hint of criticism creep into his
writings when the Saxons fled from the field after the death of a
chief. A s a consequence, battles were bloody and long drawn-
out affairs.
By the very end of the Anglo-Saxon period the heroic battle
was superseded by a more open fight on horseback and, at the
batde of Stamford Bridge in io66, there is some evidence that
cavalry was used, if ineptly, by the Anglo-Saxons. Even so, the
Anglo-Saxons fought the battle of Hastings largely on foot and
one of the factors contributing to their defeat may have been
their lack o f mobility, although it has been very rightly pointed
out that the Normans were not properly disciplined cavalry­
men - they manoeuvred rather as a body of mounted in­
From the Maldon poem it can be seen that the leader of the
Anglo-Saxons took some care to draw up his men in line of
battle. He was apparently at pains to create a wall of shields.
It has been suggested that this shield-wall was in the nature of

The Anglo-Saxons
the Roman testuio, that, to use Professor Cordon’s words, ‘the
shield-wall was a defensive formation made by ranks of men
placed closely one behind another and holding their shields
side by side and overlapping so as to present a continuous wall.
The front rank of men held their shields before their breasts and
the ranks behind held theirs over their heads to protea both
those in front and themselves.’ This interpretation must be
basically true {pace Oman), but there is a certain formality
about it which seems foreign to the idea of a Saxon battle.
First of all I think we must discount the idea that the shields
were interlocked; this would give no room to manoeuvre, and
even in the very formal construction of the Roman testudo the
shields were not held so that they overlapped. Again, it is
doubtful whether the men in the second rank, if indeed there
were a second rank, would hold their shields ov a their own
heads and the heads of those in the front rank; there would be
too much risk of enunglement, one rank with another, in
such a tight and solid formation. The first shock of batde was a
hail o f arrows and javelins from either side; it would be im-
possible to draw a bow or throw a javelin if the suggested
formation w ae held. One can only believe that the army was
ranged more or less in a line, with little space between each
soldi«, and that the shield was held in front of the body so that
the head was proteaed, and at an angle to the body so that
maximum protection was afforded to each man. This would
give the impression to the opposing army o f a wall composed
of shields. A ny second rank would hold the shield in the same
way; when a warrior ‘broke the shield-wall’ he presumably
fought his way through the line of shields.
The shield indeed played an important pan in the batde: it
took, or turned, arrows and javelins and sometimes became so
weighed down with them that it had to be cast away; it aaed
as a defence in hand-to-hand fighting and, as in the poem
quoted, was used to turn aside the spear thrust. We have many
Wtapons ani Watfart
references in the literature to the orb being cut away and we
must imagine that sometimes nothing was left in the hand but
the boss which could then be used very effectively as a mailed
fist - indeed there are references to the shield being used as a
weapon of offence. After the battle it would be an easy maner
to replace the broken orb.
The sword was used as a cutting weapon and the spear for
thrusting, and the importance of these weapons is amply
brought out in this poem which so well illuminates the ait of
war in the Anglo-Saxon period.

C hapter V

Anglo-Saxon A rt

h e o r i c i n s o f a n g l o - s a x o n a r t are threefold:

T insular Celtic, classical Mediterranean and continental

Germanic. Each influenced the growth of the national art, and
the importance of each varied through the years. Sir Thomas
Kendrick has described the an of Anglo-Saxon England
before 900 as 'a series o f conflicts between the mutually irrecon­
cilable principles of the barbaric and classical aesthetic systems';
but perhaps it would be bener described as a struggle for re­
conciliation between the two systems, a reconciliation that was
achieved twice: first in the early eighth century and then again
in the tenth and eleventh centuries. The history of Anglo-
Saxon an is extremely complex and, in the space at my
disposal, I can only tackle it in a completely straightforward
manner, showing simply its historical sequence and avoiding
as many controversial elements as possible.
The clue to our understanding of Anglo-Saxon an lies in
the fact that the barbaric artist abhoned naturalism as much as
the classical artist of the Mediterranean abhoned the abstract.
The Anglo-Saxon artist never attempted accurate portrayal of
a human or animal form. He approached his subject in an
abstract manner, breaking the surfaces and lines into a kaleido­
scope o f broken, twisted, tonuous and dismembered animal
forms, which are completely divorced from the naturalism of
his Meditcnancan contemporary.
We must also bear in mind, in our discussion of the art of
this people, the limited nature of the material that survives. For
the first 250 years of the period under review our appreciation
of the artistic achievement of the Anglo-Saxons is confined to
the motifs which appear on jewellery and other similar articles
o f metal, stone or bone. There is no painting, no wood-carving

i ja
Angh'Saxon Art
or monumental an. From the lastj jo years a considerable body
of rather specialized painting and sculpture survives, which
enables us to gain some idea of the richness of the an of this
period; but the illuminated service books, Bibles, psalters and
benedictionals which survive today do not tell us much about
the wall paintings, stained glass windows and secular painting.
Similarly, the memorial and preaching crosses, which are to be
found in parish churches throughout the country, give no idea
of the quality of the wood-carving and other plastic ans of the
Anglo-Saxons. The surviving material, by its very nature,
must give us a biased opinion of Anglo-Saxon an - our
picture can never be complete, - but where there is a tendency
to condemn and say, ‘There is no an’, we should remember that
our evidence is slight and unreliable.


Generalizations arc dangerous, but as far as the material allows
us to make such a statement, pagan Anglo-Saxon an is based
on two techniques, chip-carving and polychrome jewelling,
and on two forms, animal ornament and abstract linear shapes.
One of the techniques (chip-carving) and one of the forms
(animal ornament) have their origin in the classical world,
while the other two originate in the Celtic world of Britain and
North-West Europe. There can be little doubt that Celtic an
had lost most of its momentum towards the end of the Roman
period in Europe, and that the Celtic artists of Britain, of the
Rhine and of the Danube were adapting, without any great
vitality, the an of the Classical world. But a single spark, the
chip-carving technique, seems to have kindled the Celtic-
Gcrmanic imagination to produce a new and exciting art.
Chip-carving is a technique used originally in the carving of
hard-wood and adapted by the Romans to metalwork. A
running lozenge pattern of conjoined X ’s is marked out on the
surface to be decorated; a corner of the chisel is then placed

M 3
Tht Anglo'Saxons
in the centre of the X and the material, wood or metal, is cut
along the line of each leg so that the cut is deepest in the
centre and just touches the surface at the end of the leg. The
material, thus loosened by the chisel, is carved away so that,
instead of an X marked on the surface, there is a pyramidal
hole in its place. This technique, or a variant of it which pros
duces a long V-shaped incision, is then used all over the surface
Plita, jo. i i to give a glittering faceted effect. It was developed along the
borders of the Roman Empire and spread from the Rhine to
England. A group of buckle-plates, decorated in this manner
and manufactured in the Rhenish area, is even found in this
country. Such objects as these attracted the Anglo-Saxon
aesthetic sense and were to influence the Anglo-Saxon metal­
worker considerably. With the introduction of chip-carving
the Germanic metal-worker also became interested in adapting
non-gcometrical motifs to this technique; experiments were
made with spirals and leaves, and the rather weak Romano-
Germanic animal ornament, with its slightly abstract and
flaccid appearance, was tightened up into an animal style that
Plate 34 ultimately was to affect the whole o f Europe. The Roman and
Germanic background to this ornament is dearly seen in the
decoration of the equal-armed brooch from Haslingficld,
Cambridgeshire, which was probably manufactured in the
Rhineland and brought into this country by one of the earliest
settlers. The brooch has chip-carved scroll ornament and
backward-looking animals lying along the internal borders.
A considerable proportion of the Anglo-Saxon metal­
workers’ art, during the next two or three centuries, was based
on animals executed in the chip-carving technique. ‘The
Fit-31 creature’, wrote Sir Thomas Kendrick, ‘loses its zoological
reality and is convened into mere pattern. Heads and legs, tails
and teeth, are mixed together into an attractive pot-pourri of
confusion which covers every square inch of the surface of the
object.’ This same decoration is encountered both in Germany

Anjlo'Saxon Art
The Anglo'Saxons
and Scandinavia, as well as in Hungary and Eastern Europe,
and it is not easy to decide where this animal style, o f which the
Anglo-Saxon style is but a phase, first appeared. There is a
tendency to believe that the broad features of the Anglo-Saxon
animal style originated in Scandinavia, but it is difficult to pin­
point the priority of any particular piece. There can be little
doubt, however, that the main features of early Anglo-Saxon
an were introduced into England from the Continent and that,
once introduced, they flourished in their own individual
manner, at the same time influencing, and being influenced by,
the Scandinavian and Germanic an.
The striking similarity between the English and Scandina­
vian material has often been illustrated: it was this similarity
which made Bernhard Salin combine the Scandinavian and
English animal ornament of the fifth and sixth centuries
under the general classification, ‘Style I’. The distinction at
the time was good, but the term ‘Style I’, when applied to
English animal ornament today, is misleading, for it lumps
English ornament together with other ornament which has a
distinctly different flavour. Sir Thomas Kendrick was the first
person to attempt to break away from this label and from the
label ‘Style II’ which Salin had given to the more sinuous
ribbon-like treatment of animal ornament that was introduced
into this country towards the end of the pagan period. The first
style was called by Kendrick the ‘Helmet and Hand Style’,
and the second the ‘Ribbon Style’; the second title is ideal, but
the first gives no impression of the style it describes and archae­
ologists arc forced to use the old classification of Salin.
The restless movement o f the first animal style with its broken
lines and abstract forms was replaced by a quieter, apparently
simpler, ornament based on the interlacing and interplay of the
ribbon-like bodies of animals and snakes. In effect the new an
of the Ribbon Style was not very far in its aims from the earlier
disjointed an of the first style. The aim was still to cover the

U 6
Anglo-Saxon Art
ornamented surface with complicated animal and tendril
ornament. There was still no tendency to realism. Symmetry
was used or ignored at will; on the Crundale Down sword
pommel symmetry is very strictly adhered to; on the great gold
buckle from Sutton Hoo, the structure of the buckle is sym- Fif. p , lift
metrical, but only the heads of the animals arc placed
symmetrically - their bodies wander off into tight, pleasing
knots and into loose skilful loops all over the surface of the
object. The origins of the Ribbon Style are obscure, but
ultimately it is based on Romano-Germanic ornament.
Some say that it originated in Scandinavia, others, in Italy. The
discussion is yet to be resolved.

Fifi)!. RMan-stylr animal amamtnl,

from tht Sultan Haa hulslt andfram
Landau, British Mustum

In this country there is an interesting fusion between the two

styles, which is seen at its best on parts of the Taplow horn
mounts - disjointed ornament of the first style is combined with
the interlaced ornament of the Ribbon Style. (Incidentally, it is
interesting to note that both Style I and the Ribbon Style, as
well as the Fusion Style, all occur on different parts of the
Taplow drinking-horn.) It seems likely that the Ribbon Style
is a seventh-century phenomenon, while the first style belongs
to the fifth and sixth centuries. A n interesting feature of the
Ribbon Style, and one that can be seen on the clasp and buckle
from Taplow, is the combination of a false chip-carved effea Pluc 44
with filigree wire. The false chip-carved effea is achieved by
The Anglo'Saxons
pressing gold and silver sheets into pitch, to produce a pattern
similar to chip-carving, and capping the lines that stand up in
relief with beaded wire.
One of the most imponant and striking elements in the an
of the Anglo-Saxon pagan period is the rich polychrome
jewellery of Kent and East Anglia. The whole story of poly­
chrome jewellery is bedevilled by a controversy which was
staned in the 1930’s by Sir Thomas Kendrick, and which has
not yet been resolved in print. Although specialists are quite
happy in their own minds that Sir Thomas Kendrick’s
theories have been proved wrong, his theory has stood un­
challenged for twenty yean. Mr Jessup’s useful discussion of
the Anglo-Saxon jewellery, which is the only work that has
been published on the subject since Kendrick’s book, avoided
chronological judgments, and the only really convincing
arguments against Kendrick's theory were given orally by Mr
Bruce-Mitford in a lecture to the Society of Antiquaries in
1954. In his lecture Mr Bruce-Mitford demolished in a detailed
manner the whole structure of Kendrick’s arguments and the
broad lines of Mr Bruce-Mitford’s thesis were not challenged.
Basically, Kendrick pleaded ‘for a central date about a .d . joo
as an indicator of the period when most (not all) of the jewels
were being worn’. Since Kendrick wrote these words the great
Sutton Hoo treasure has been found and the large number of
pieces (thirty-four in all) of polychrome jewellery found there
have been conclusively proved to have been deposited between
650 and 660. In the face of this and other evidence which has
entailed the re-dating of such objects as the Cross of St
Cuthbcrt, most Anglo-Saxon archaeologists would agree that
the English polychrome jewellery flourished in the period
Polychrome jewellery is so called because it is inlaid with
garnets, blue and green glass, niello and white shell. There are
two types o f polychrome jewellery. The first is a rich, luxurious

Anglo'Saxon Art
jewellery in which flauem stones and glass are set in gold or
silver cells, built up from bands of metal on a base plate of gold
or silver. (These cells give the polychrome jewellery another
name, cloisonne, from the French cloison - a cell.) Another
feature o f this group of jewellery is the use of panels of filigree-
wire ornament which are spaced between the cells: similarly
the same wire is often used to build up a border for the jewel.
The most luxurious example of this class is the Kingston Plate is
The second class of polychrome jewellery is much humbler; Plata, i6, yj
the base plate and cells are cast in one piece, as is the incidental
ornament, which sometimes has a serrated edge in imitation
o f the filigree technique. These cells are filled with garnets;
coloured glass rarely occurs. The borders of many of the objects
in this class arc decorated with small black rings o f niello. One
of the features, which occurs very rarely in the humbler class of
polychrome jewellery but which is often found in the richer
group, is the small punched sheets of gold foil which are
placed at the bottom of each cell behind the garnet. These
sheets, punched in various patterns, abound in the Sutton Hoo
jewellery, for instance, and serve to reflect the light back
through the garnet at different angles, thus giving a sparkling
and lively effect to a stone which would otherwise be rather dull
and flat. Some of the empty cells in the Wilton cross have lost Plauzt
their garnets but retained their foil.
The objects most commonly executed in the polychrome
manner arc disc brooches which are most frequently found in
Kent, but the technique in its application to other objects is
well documented; garnets, for example, quite frequently
embellish the great square-headed brooches. There are, how/
ever, two distinct areas of manufacture of Anglo-Saxon poly­
chrome jewellery - Suffolk and Kent. The Suffolk, or East
Anglian, school, which is typified by the jewellery found at
Sutton Hoo, can be distinguished from the Kentish material

The Anglo'Saxons
by the shapes o f the individual garnets. Many of the Sutton
PL« 4a Hoo and East Anglian garnets are cut to the shape of a mush/
room (to be seen, for example, on the arms of the Wilton Cross
where they join the central circle); others are curved 10 make
r PUie i animal patterns, boar’s heads, etc., as on the epaulettes and the
I Fif. j purse lid from the Sunon Hoo burial. Nowhere else in Europe
at this period are such large pieces of garnet used in the design
of polychrome jewellery. The Kentish school is typified by the
disc brooches with their simpler cell patterns.
The shapes of the cells in the richer class of polychrome
jewellery have been the basis for considerable discussion as to
the origin of the technique. Most of the features of the Anglos
Saxon polychrome jewellery occur abroad in Italy, Sweden or
the Low Countries. Although, generally speaking, the English
material is of the highest quality, it would be extremely difficult
Plan 1» to decide whether, for instance, the Wynaldum bucklesplate,
found recently in Holland was made by a Dutch or an English
craftsman or whether, in the words of Mr BrucesMi tford, it
was perhaps ‘the work of a craftsman trained in Kent or SufTolk
but working for a Continental patron’. Polychrome jewellery
has its roots in two cultures, the RomanosCcltic Culture, with
its interest in polychrome brooches and other ornaments
worked in enamel, and in the Gothic Culture of the Black Sea
area, where the craftsmen had perhaps inherited some of the
techniques and skill of the Scythians. The great fourthscentury
treasure of Petrossa, Roumania, and the SzilagysSomlyo
treasure from Hungary demonstrate the richness of the dois
sonné technique in Eastern Europe, while, nearer home, the
rich treasure (buried in 481) from Childeric’s tomb found at
Tournai, Belgium, gives us some idea of the high quality of the
polychrome technique in Western Europe. Closer study o f the
polychrome technique in Continental Europe may ultimately
reveal its origins; meanwhile, all that can be said is that in
England the technique reached heights unexcelled elsewhere.

Anglo* Saxon Art
Lastly, in our discussion of the art o f the Anglo-Saxon
pagan period, we must consider certain Celtic influences and
motifs. These Celtic motifs occur most commonly on the fairly Plata 37,1»
large group o f objects known as hanging-bowls. The bowls are
all, with two late exceptions, made of bronze and vary in
diameter between about eight inches and eighteen inches; they
have at the rim three rings for suspension, clasped to the bowl
by means of hooks which develop from an ornamental plaque
or escutcheon. In later examples the escutcheons are often
enamelled and another escutcheon is attached inside the bowl
on the bottom. These escutcheons are decorated in a curvilinear
spiral style which has its roots in the native British Celtic
ornament. The question of the hanging-bowl has already been
discussed in relation to Sutton Hoo (p. 47 f.). The bowls,
however, are but one aspect of this revival of interest in Celtic
forms and shapes. The boar, which acts as a crest on the Benty PUta it, 19
Grange helmet, is in a direct line of descent from the large
number of boars portrayed in a similar form by the pre-Roman
Celts - boars are also depicted on the sword from the river
Lark, which we have already mentioned, and on the Sutton
Hoo epaulettes. In the field of human portraiture there are also
some interesting Celtic connections. The heads carved on the Plate 10
Sutton Hoo and Hough-on-the-Hill whetstones, for example,
have surely some Celtic connection and may have reached
Anglo-Saxon an either through Scotland or Ireland. This
Celtic repenoire passes full-bloodedly into Anglo-Saxon an.
In the late seventh and eighth centuries we see these motifs used
in the manuscripts, as well as on metal and bone objects. The
developed spiral patterns, which appear in such a skilfully
executed form in the Lindisfarne Gospels (implicitly dated by Plate 48
inscription to about 700), are but developments of the orna­
mental motifs appearing on the Middleton Moor escutcheon. Plate 43
A n ivory box of English manufacture from Gandenhcim (now Fij 7
in the Ducal Museum, Brunswick) has an animal style which

The Anglo* Saxons
is presumably of eighth-century date; in the middle o f the
bonom of one side is a panel completely taken up by a
developed spiral motif - one of its last definite occurrences in
Anglo-Saxon art.


A ll the art which we have discussed so far has been, with one
or two exceptions, applied art, ornament on metal brooches
and other objects of utility. The church was to introduce into
this country a completely new art form, painting, and was to
rekindle a dormant interest in monumental sculpture. These
forms o f art were not immediately adopted, just as Christianity
was not immediately adopted. No manuscripts written in
England before the last half of the seventh century are known to
survive and a similar statement could probably be made about
Anglo-Saxon sculpture, if we had but a single piece of firm
dating evidence for this particular art form in this early period.

m e t a l w o r k ; s e v e n t h t o n in t h c e n t u r i e s
It is often difficult for the professional archaeologist to remember
that the Sutton Hoo cenotaph, essentially such a pagan phe­
nomenon, was laid down more than half a century after the
Augustinian mission, and that most of the jewellery found at
Sutton Hoo, and indeed most of the metalwork ornamented in
the Ribbon Style, was probably made after the official intro­
duction o f Christianity into this country. It must be stressed
that the introduction o f Christianity did not put an end to the
work o f the pagan Anglo-Saxon jeweller. We have seen how
he adapted his craft to making such Christian objects as the
pectoral cross of St Cuthbert and the other associated crosses.
The metalworker merely changed his religion because he con­
sidered it politic and continued to work in the tradition o f his
masters and his forefathers, developing his art and broadening
his repertoire. Naturally he was influenced by the newly

Anglo*Saxon Art

introduced ans, but he continued to work with the familiar

forms. The last fling of the polychrome jeweller’s use of garnet
is to be seen in the garnets he placed at the terminals of the
trefoil brooch found in the Kirkoswald hoard (dated 855). But Plate «2
the strength of the chip-carving tradition is to be seen on the
Wilham pins, where the glittering gilt bronze emphasizes the Plate j j
animals, skilfully interlaced in a new and more naturalistic Fij.33
development of the Ribbon Style. It should not be thought
that animals were the only motif used by the Anglo-Saxon
artist of this period; scroll patterns are to be seen, for instance, on
the Kirkoswald brooch and the use of foliage motifs is parti­
cularly marked. Occasionally the animals degenerated into
foliage, as for example on the ring found a few years ago at
Poslingford in Suffolk. Fit-34
Chip-carved gilt bronze, as a technique, was replaced,
towards the end of the ninth century by carved silver, some­
times inlaid with black niello or gold plates; the animals and Plate «4
other ornamental motifs were defined by shallow carving and
The Anjlo'Saxons

Fiji )4. Extniti iraumg af tkt mummt m thejf>U mj/iwn PotUn^tri, Suffolk.
Ijnim, Brititb Musnm

speckled all over with the corner of an engraving tool. The

designs were, of course, marked out on the metal before being
carved and these lines o f construction can be seen on a number
of objects. Sometimes the artist would try out his panerns and
his animals on a piece of bone, as for example that found in the
PUk 67 last century in York, before carving them in silver. This use of
silver, resulting from the particular scarcity of gold at this
period, has given the title of the ‘silver age' to this phase of
Anglo-Saxon an. Among the best examples of this style of
Platt 6) silver work are certain mounts from a hoard from Trcwhiddle
Fit- 3S in Cornwall, which has given its name to the style.
The skill of the Anglo-Saxon metalworker of the Christian
period was renowned throughout Europe. In Rome, Anglo-
Saxon craftsmen o f the Schola Saxomtm were making vessels for
the altar of St Peter’s itself. When Duke Tassilo of Austria
founded the monastery of Kremsmünster in the year 777, he
Plate «1 gave to the abbey at least one piece of plate, a chalice, which
bears his name, and which was almost cenainly made by a crafts­
man trained in England or in the Schola Saxomtm in Rome. The
glittering gilt chip-carved surface o f this object bears charming
interlaced animals and foliate motifs of English origin, as well
as portraits of Christ and the Apostles which are of Medi­
terranean influence; the animal ornament cannot be exactly
paralleled in this country, but its style is so close to that of
England that it must be seen as an Anglo-Continental style.
Fi(. )6 The English styles also influenced the Irish and Scottish metal­
worker, then at the height of his powers. The animal patterns
of the Kells crozier, for example, are extremely close to those of

Artflo'Saxon Art

the Trewhiddlc hoard, while some of the animal ornament on

the newly found St Ninian’s hoard is derived from the rather
earlier Anglo-Saxon animal ornament, best seen in manu­
script in the Lindisfarnc Gospels. This style was not then cut
off from the main-stream of European an: it was a style right in
the centre of the stream. Its highest achievements are seen in
such objects as the Fuller brooch, which is fine enough to stand Plate 65
beside any of the world’s great jewellery. The ninth century was
one of the greatest periods in the an of the Anglo-Saxon metal­
worker his command of his medium is well illustrated by the
sword pommel from Fetter Lane in the City of London with Pine
its niello and parcel-gilt animal and leaf pattern, or by the
object made at the command of King Alfred - the Alfred
Jewel, one of the chief treasures of the University of Oxford. Pino 57,58
The Alfred Jewel, now in the Ashmolean Museum, which
was found in 1693 in Newton Park, near the Island of
Athelney in Somerset, is of gold with a crystal plaque covering
the enamelled figure of a man holding two sceptres. The
terminal takes the form of an animal's head and an Anglo-

The Anglo'Saxons

(•) ß) (<)
Fij }6. Cmmi, Irish a i Eiylish omul cnumtm tomptsti: (t) fmn At Ttssilt
Chalstt; (h) At Kills mzitr aW(t) TrtwbUUt hm mmsit

Saxon inscription round the edge reads, + A E L F R E D m e c

h e h t CEWYRCAN (Alfred ordered me to be made). The
back'plate is engraved with an elaborate foliate design which
has Carolingian as well as Anglo-Saxon affinities. The animal-
head terminal, which is executed in filigree wire and in
granules o f gold, must originally have been riveted to a wooden
or ivory handle or staff. The use of the jewel is not known; its
Plait js only parallel, apparently, is the Minster Lovell jewel, which
is also preserved in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. These
jewels are two of the rare examples from the late Saxon period
of the technique of cloisonné enamel: another English example
Plait <o is the circular brooch bom Dowgate Hill, with it representation
of a nimbed or crowned figure, which is very close in style to
the portrait in the Alfred Jewel.

m a n u s c r i p t s : s e v e n t h t o n in t h c e n t u r i e s
A t the end of the ninth century new motifs make themselves
felt in the art o f the metalworker, but for the moment we must
retrace our steps and consider the other an forms practised by
the Christian Anglo-Saxons. The Church brought to the
pagan English the skill of writing and illuminating books. The
illuminators had three sources for their art. From Mediter­
ranean illumination the Anglo-Saxons borrowed the idea of
naturalistic representation of the human figure, and certain

Anglo-Saxon Art
other formulae of illumination, as, for example, the use of
arcading to contain the canon tables (a concordance of
references to corresponding passages in the different Gospels).
From Ireland and the Celtic world probably came such
features as the elaborate initials, particularly that which occurs
in the 18th verse o f Chapter I of St Matthew’s Gospel, Christi
autem generatio sic erat ('Now the birth of Christ was on
this wise’). From the native Anglo-Saxon art came the use of
elaborate ribbon interlace and animal ornament, together with
the idea of covering whole pages with ornament to produce
the so-called ‘carpet pages’. There are, of course, many nuances
within this rather simplified scheme of origins, and as the
ancient barbaric spirit of the Anglo-Saxon gained the upper
hand, so the direct Mediterranean influences became more
obscure in the an of the scribe and the three influences fused
into one characteristic Anglo-Saxon style.
The earliest surviving illuminated manuscript of Anglo- Pint 4«
Saxon origin is the Book of Durrow (now in the Library of
Trinity College, Dublin) which, although once thought to be
of Irish origin, is now accepted by many scholars as a North­
umbrian work. It dates from the last half of the seventh
century and was probably written within a few years of 675.
The purely decorative ornament of this book is completely in
keeping with the insular ornament of the Ribbon Style and
with such Celtic features as spiral scroll patterns of a form
found on the hanging-bowl escutcheons. The symbols of the
Evangelists, which act as a frontispiece to each gospel, make
no concession to naturalism at all and are far removed from
their Mediterranean prototypes, yet they are drawn with
remarkable clarity. Similarity of style between certain motifs
from the Book of Durrow and the enamelled hanging-bowl
escutcheons is surely significant where the colour of the book
is concerned. The reds and yellows of this book are the colours
of the more or less contemporary enamels, and more dire«

The Anglo*Saxons
parallels to enamelling are to be seen on the figure o f one of the
evangelist symbols, whose robe is decorated with a panem
which imitates millefiori work. It has been suggested that some
o f the ornament of the Book of Durrow has its background in
the Sutton Hoo treasure. The great decorative pages of Durrow
have been compared with the rectangular panels of the Sutton
Hoo shoulder clasps, and parallels drawn between the animal
ornament of Durrow and that of Sunon Hoo. One of the
new decorative elements, plain ribbon interlace, which first
appears in the Book of Durrow, is in effect a regularized
version of the earlier Ribbon Style without its zoomorphic
characteristics. The Book of Durrow initiates one of the greatest
periods of Anglo-Saxon an.
Plata 47-jo Written and illuminated in Northumbria, shonly after the
Book o f Durrow, is a small group of manuscripts of which the
three most important are the Codex Amiatinus, the Lindis-
fame Gospels and the Echternach Gospels. They were all
produced within a few years of the turn of the seventh century.
Two of these books, the Lindisfame Gospels and the Echter­
nach Gospels, continue in the insular tradition of the Book of
Dunow, bringing it, however, to a perfection never before
Plate 47 attained. The third book, known as the Codex Amiatinus
(now in the Laurentian Library at Florence) was one of the
three copies of the Gospels (‘tres pandeetts novae translationis’,
as Bede describes them) written at the command of the first
Abbot of Jarrow (Ccolfrith, died 7 tö), one for the monastery of
Monkwearmouth, one for the monastery o f Jarrow and one for
the Pope. This large and splendid book was the one destined
for the Pope. Ccolfrith himself set out to deliver it in person,
but on the way he died at Langres in France and the book had
to be taken to Rome by his followers. The book was apparendy
modelled on one of those brought from Italy by Benedict
Biscop and is entirely Italianatc in the character of its illumina­
tion. It is influenced only in a very minor way by the artistic

Anglo'Saxon Art
traditions of Northumbria, which it rather surprising when one
considers that, at the same time as the Codex Amiatinus was
made, only a few miles away on a small island off the coast of
Northumberland, the Lindisfarnc Gospels were being wrinen Plus 48,4»
and illuminated in a markedly Anglo-Saxon style by Eadfrith
(Bishop of Lindisfarne 698-7.21). Recent studies have sug­
gested that it was written and illuminated within a year or two
of 698. This book, which is probably one of the finest works of
art ever produced in England, synthesizes in its many illumi­
nated pages the artistic traditions of three worlds, the Mediter­
ranean, the Celtic North and Anglo-Saxon England. The
four portraits of the Evangelists, for example, arc based on
Italian prototypes tautened by the economy of line of the insular
scribe. The controlled exuberance of the interlaced animals in
the carpet pages, with the jewel-like quality of their painting,
is purely Anglo-Saxon. The animals are similar in certain
respects to those on the Witham pins which, although much
simpler, glitter in a manner that may be compared to the glow Plate j j
attained by the illuminator. The third of this group of manu­
scripts, the Echternach Gospels, which bears a cousinly
relationship to the Lindisfarne Gospels without being quite so
grand, was painted in Northumbria, probably (according to
Mr Julian Brown) in the same scriptorum as the Lindisfarne
Gospels, and was sent shortly afterwards to the newly founded
German monastery of Echternach, where it became a model for
a style o f illumination which grew up there and which had its
roots in Northumbria.
These great painted manuscripts of the late seventh and early
eighth centuries obscure, with their brilliance, their more
humble successors o f the period between 725 and 850. Certain
manuscripts, such as the Book of Chad in the Library of Plate ji
Lichfield Cathedral, continue the native Anglo-Saxon
tradition of Durrow and Echternach, just as the great school of
manuscripts painted, probably at Canterbury, between the
The Anglo'Saxons
middle of the eighth and the middle o f the ninth century,
retain many of the traits o f the Lindisfame group, while
gradually taking into their ornamental repertoire the Contincn/
tal motifs and ornaments of the Carolingian Renaissance. Two
of the richest o f these manuscripts are the Codex Aureus o f the
Royal Library in Stockholm and a Gospel book in the British
Plate si Museum (Royal i.E .V I). The great pages of purple vellum in
these manuscripts give an impression of luxury and richness
which is maned, in the case of Royal i.E .V I at least, by the fact
that the silver lettering has oxidized and obscured the brilliance
of the painting. The portraits of the Evangelists and the frames
round them in this Gospel book can be compared with those
of such Carolingian manuscripts as the Codescalc Evangeliar,
while the canon tables retain much of the incidental detail that
was used in the Lindisfame Gospels. However, in one of the
earlier manuscripts of the school, the Canterbury Psalter in the
British Museum, the frame which surrounds the portrait of
David is of a completely Celtic character. The arch under
which he sits, surrounded by his musicians, is composed of
spirals of the type found on the hanging/bowls, while the
columns which support the arch have an interlace ornament
not unlike that of the Lindisfame Gospels. This same Psalter
and the Stockholm Codex Aureus have many minor illumi/
nated initials, including, in the case of the former, initials
which contain scenes illustrating Biblical happenings, a
feature which occurs here for the first time and which was to be
persistently popular throughout English medieval illumina/
tion. It is interesting, incidentally, to note that the richest and
latest of this group of manuscripts, Royal i.E .V I, contains no
illuminated initials. Even in these books the metalworker’s
techniques are seen to be carried into the manuscript arc small
speckled animals are reserved against a black background in
a manner which imitates the silver and niello art of the
Trewhiddle style. The Canterbury School succeeded the

I jo
Anglo-Saxon Art
Northumbrian School as the centre of English painting because
of the difficult and troublous political situation in the north;
it, in turn, was to be eclipsed in very much the same way by the
Viking incursions into England. King Alfred’s lamentations
concerning the fall in the standard of learning in England, with
which he prefaced his translation of Gregory’s Cura Pastoralis,
are reflected in the lack of late ninth-century manuscripts
illuminated and written in England.

s c u l p t u r e : s e v e n t h to n in t h c e n t u r i e s
The development of manuscript art in England was paralleled,
on a lesser plane, by monumental sculpture. O f this group of
monuments Sir Thomas Kendrick, writing in 19)8, said: 'N o
department of our national antiquities is more urgendy in
need of organized study than the English crosses . . . it [is] an
excessively embarrassing fact that the principal problems of
chronology and stylistic development are not likely to be solved
before a complete survey of the material has been accom-
plished.’ In i960 every word of this trenchant remark is still
true. The survey initiated by Kendrick has never been com-
plcted and, although a lot of work is being done on this
subject, we can expect no published survey for at least ten
yean. A ny chronological judgments must be made purely
statistically - an extremely dangerous thing to do. Here I can
draw only the broad outlines o f a hazy subject.
It seems probable that the idea of the Anglo-Saxon cross was
developed on Celtic soil in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, and
that it was one of the many innovations introduced into
England with Christianity; in its turn, the Celtic cross or
memorial stone was probably derived from a Romano-British
prototype. The ornament of the earliest Anglo-Saxon sculp­
ture, however, is derived from Mediterranean and Anglo-
Saxon sources and rarely from Celtic sources. Both Professor
Kitzinger and Sir Thomas Kendrick have pointed out that

The Anglo'Saxons
practically none of this ornament has any immediate Conds
nental source, and even the assiduous work of Professor
Brondsted in investigating its origins had few concrete results.
In the present context, then, it is best to ignore the vexed
question of the origins of this monumental art and treat it as the
individual insular phenomenon it is.
The most accomplished school of Anglo-Saxon carving in
the seventh and eighth centuries appears to have been
Northumbrian. Indeed the quality of the carving can broadly
be said to follow the geographical trends of manuscript
illumination: for towards the end of the eighth century Mercia
and Southern England appear to have produced the greater
works of an, so much so that, when in the early tenth century
there was a revival of stone carving in the north, the first
products were crude and ham-fisted in the extreme. The
assembled corpus of Anglo-Saxon sculpture is so large that it
is impossible to do justice to it in the space at my disposal. I
intend therefore to describe certain pieces of exceptional quality
and discuss them in their general context.
Plate si By far the most remarkable piece of Nonhumbrian sculpture
is the eighteen-foot cross from Ruthwell in Dumfriesshire,
which has been mentioned in an earlier chapter (p. 61); it
should probably be thought of in the same chronological con­
text as the Lindisfarne and Echternach Gospels. The four
arms of the cross originally bore portraits o f the four Evangelists
but, unfortunately, only two arms survive. Below the head of
the cross, on each of the broader faces of the shaft, are various
Christian scenes: John the Baptist, Our Lord in Majesty, Paul
and Anthony in the desert, the Flight into Egypt, the Visita­
tion, Mary Magdalene washing Christ’s feet, the Annuncia­
tion and the Crucifixion. The sides of the shaft bear an
Plate 47 elaborate vine-scroll peopled with animals and birds, the whole
motif known technically as an ‘inhabited vine-scroll'. The
scenes on the two faces and the panels on the sides of the cross
Anglo'Saxon Art
are surrounded by plain borden, those on the sides bearing a
rendering in runic lettering of one of the most beautiful of all
the Anglo-Saxon poems, The Dream of the Rood. The borden
of the pictorial panels bear Latin inscriptions describing the
scenes depicted. The figure-carving on this cross was done by
an artist who was more than usually competent in his medium:
the carvings are deep, soft and full, and the features are por­
trayed with a naturalism rarely found in an Anglo-Saxon
artist’s work; yet that this was carved by an Anglo-Saxon
sculptor cannot be doubted. There is a stiffness present that no
Mediterranean-trained artist would have allowed. Kendrick
has pointed out the awkwardness of the Mary Magdalene
scene where the woman is so contorted as to be almost gross,
while the drapery lacks the flow of any Mediterranean counter­
pan. Nearly every other example of Northumbrian sculpture,
however, is more clumsy or less naturalistic than the Ruthwell
cross. The Bcwcastlc cross, for instance, which may well have
been modelled on the Ruthwell cross, has, in its ponrayal of
the human figures, more abstract or insular characteristics than
the other possesses. Although similar panels of Biblical scenes
are very popular in Nonhumbrian crosses, in many cases they
become secondary to panels which contain abstract designs of
interlaced animals and vine scrolls, ‘inhabited’ or otherwise.
Southern English an at the end of the eighth century was
very much under the influence of the style o f ornament typified
in the Trewhiddle hoard and in the manuscript Royal i.E .V I. Plata ja, 63
Traces of sculpture in Southern England belonging to an F>i-}$
earlier period are apparently rare, although the one important
exception of the Reculver cross fragments must be mentioned.
There is a reasonable possibility that these few miserable frag­
ments are all that survive of a magnificent cross of seventh-
century date: archaeological evidence, based on excavation,
seems to support this theory. The fragments themselves show
the cross to have been round-shafted, bearing figural scenes

The AngU'Saxons
which were surtounded in part by ribbon interlace. There is a
delicacy about the carving that is not met with elsewhere in
Anglo-Saxon sculptural art, but the pieces are unfottunately
too fragmentary to be placed definitely in any context. For the
rest, such Anglo-Saxon carving as is found in Mercia and
southern England is very much influenced by the Northum­
brian styles and by the an of the manuscripts. The cross-head
PUk 66 from Cropthorne, Worcestershire, for example, bears an
animal which is closely related to the ones in the manuscript
Royal i.E .V I, while at the same time the birds and foliate
ornament are direct descendants of the Nonhumbrian in­
habited vine-scroll. The Cropthorne cross-head is one of the
higher achievements of Southern Anglo-Saxon sculptural art
of the ninth century, most of the surviving sculpture of this
period and area being flat and undistinguished; it is not until
the tenth century that the sculpture of Wessex and the south
rises to its greatest heights.
It would not be fitting to leave the subject of Anglo-Saxon
sculpture without some reference to two examples o f Nonhum­
brian carving which stand by themselves, removed from the
PUu 54 an of the monumental sculptor. The first is the oak coffin of
St Cuihbcn which was apparendy made in 698. It is carved
with linear representations o f the Evangelists, the Aposdes, the
Archangels, etc., in a style similar to the Evangelist portraits in
the Lindisfarne Gospels. Professor Kitzinger has shown that
the figures have their stylistic origin on the Continent, in the
same way that the Evangelist figures in the Echtemach/Lindis-
fame group have Continental connections, and that they are
best paralleled in this country on the Ruthwell cross. The
PUie 56 second piece o f Northumbrian carving which must be
mentioned is the Franks Casket (so called after Sir Augustus
Franks, Keeper of the Department o f British Antiquities in the
British Museum 1866-96, who gave it to the museum). It
is o f whalebone and is carved with scenes, taken from a uni-

Anglo'Saxon Art
venal history, of such diverse subjects as Wayland the Smith,
the Capture of Jerusalem by Titus and the Adoration of the
Magi. The whole o f the box, each side of which is framed by a
runic inscription, is carved with a barbaric abandon which is
lär removed from the slightly barbarized classicism o f the
Lindisfame Evangelist portraits, the figures of the Ruthwell
cross and the carvings of St Cuthbcit’s coffin. The casket
stands by itself as an expression of the vernacular an of the early
eighth century. These two pieces are imponant in so far as they
are two of the very few objects which survive in such perishable
materials, and serve to remind us that our knowledge of Anglos
Saxon art is very one-sided.


After Alfred’s Viking wars came a period of political console
dation which involved a series of campaigns against the
Vikings, and it is with the accession of Edgar in 959 and with
the monastic reforms of Oswald, Dunstan and Aethclwold,
that England, and with it English an, achieved another period
of greatness. Indeed, it might be possible to think o f the late
ninth and early tenth centuries as a period banen of artistic
merit, if it were not for two objects: the stole and maniple found PI»« «»
in the coffin of St Cuthben.
Very little is known about English embroidery in the Anglos
Saxon period, but literary references indicate its high quality.
It is recorded, for example, that when William the Conqueror
returned from a visit to England in the middle of the eleventh
century, his Norman subjects were astonished by the quality of
the robes he had acquired in England. Later, in the twelfth
century, embroideries o f‘English work’ (opus anglicanum) were
to become famous throughout Europe. Inscriptions on the stole
and maniple o f St Cuthben imply that they were made,
probably at Winchester, between 909 and 916. The figural
subjects embroidered on them have already been described

The Anjlo'Saxons
(p. 64). The elongated figures are executed with remarkable
sensitivity; they wear loosely draped clothes, their stance is well
balanced and naturalistic, and their faces are by no means
stereotyped. The figures are separated from each other by stiff,
formal acanthus leaves. They are embroidered in blues, greens,
pinks and browns and set against a golden background: the
whole cfTcct is one of extreme richness. The only other sur-
viving English embroidery of this period is a fragment in the
Basilica Ambrosiana in Milan.
These pieces demonstrate that, in the south of England at
least, the sophisticated classes were turning to the Continent
for artistic inspiration. The style of the stole and maniple of St
Cuthbcrt is completely Carolingian and its ultimate origin is
Byzantine: there is no trace of any insular stylistic trends. The
poverty-stricken state of English art before the middle of the
tenth century is reflected in all its forms, except only these
few embroideries which are so Carolingian in their conception.
In metalwork and sculpture the artist was struggling to attain
the brilliance o f his insular predecessors in the face of an influx
of Scandinavian taste; and in the field of manuscript illumi­
nation the artist attempted to keep alive the English ninth-
century an while trying, at the same time, to adopt Continental
models. The fleshy Carolingian acanthus leaf and the decorated
initials with their native Anglo-Saxon traditions do achieve
competence, but never brilliance, in such manuscripts as the
Junius Psalter (the Bodleian Library, Oxford) and, from
Durham, the Life of St Cuthben (Corpus Christi College,


In the middle of the tenth century, however, a brilliant style o f
manuscript illumination of the highest quality was introduced,
based on the Continental models which people like Dunstan
had got to know during their visits, enforced or otherwise, to

Anglo*Saxon Art
France. These manuscripts are said to belong to the ‘ W in'
ehester School’, but it is important to realize that other places
besides Winchester had scriptoria which were every bit as
competent. The first surviving product of the new style is a Plate «9
copy of the charter granted to the New Minster at Winchester
by King Edgar in 966, and which must date from the last half
of the tenth century. The text is written in letters o f gold and
there are three ornamental pages, as well as the principal
illuminated page (on purple vellum) which shows the King
between the Virgin and St Peter offering the Charter to Christ
who sits in a mandorla supported by four angels. The figures
are well proportioned and their clothes arc drawn with incisive
freedom. The faces of the figures are rather coarse, but this is
offset by their grace and sense of movement. A n imponant
feature o f this page is the formal border, consisting of a double
plain band-like frame entwined by a heavy and formal acanthus
ornament, which seems at odds with the lively quality of the
figures it encloses.
A n even heavier border encloses the portraits and scenes in
the richest of all late Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, the Benedic- Plate 70
tional of St Aethelwold, now in the British Museum. The
borders were so imponant that they are mentioned in the
dedicatory inscription, and Professor Kitzinger has rightly
pointed out that each page should be seen, not as a ponrait but
as 'a large and sumptuous openwork ornament’. We sec here
the Anglo-Saxon artist’s inherent attraction to ornament for
the sake of ornament that was so noticeable a feature of the
earlier manuscripts. Although the borders dominate the manu­
script, they do not overbalance the constructional equilibrium.
The artist achieved here a high vitality in his human portraiture;
the scene of the Annunciation, for instance, shows an angel
amidst swirling draperies, in a naturalistic stance, drawn with
confidence and lightness. The faces have lost the coarseness of
those in the New Minster Charter, but there is perhaps a

The Anjlo'Saxons
stereotyped quality about them. The colouring o f the manu-
script is highly extravagant, pastel shades are blended and
contrasted with rich colours, with purples and golds, and with
greens and blues.
The sumptuous fleshy painting of the Winchester School
continues, with little development, into the eleventh century.
There is perhaps a little more economy in such manuscripts as
the missal of Robert of Jumiéges (dated 10 13 -17 ) and the
Grimbald Gospels, but the overriding tradition of Winchester
ornament is patent, even in the post-Conquest period. It is
worth noting that, throughout the whole period, the decorative
initials form an important element in the manuscripts.
But there is another major tradition which is to be seen in the
Anglo-Saxon manuscripts of the tenth and eleventh centuries -
a tradition based on the an of the French school o f Rheims.
One ninth-century manuscript, the Utrecht Psalter (written at
Hautevillets, near Rheims), is of particular importance in the
history of lata Anglo-Saxon drawing. That it is difficult to
underestimate the importance of this style in tenth- and
Plan 71 eleventh-century English an is demonstrated by the copy of the
Utrecht Psalter in the British Museum, which was made in
southern England (probably at St Augustine’s, Canterbury)
about 1000, and which reproduces all the breathless activity o f
the original. The style o f drawing is impressionistic; the figura
tend to be spindly and their protruding eya, hunched backs
and twisted forms, together with the swirling draperia, are
executed with simple quick stroke of the pen. There is perhaps
a more linear quality about the copy than is to be found in the
original, but there is the same sense o f movement and light.
This style was not intended to be used in the lush manuscripts
of the Winchester School, but its effect is felt there, as can
pahaps be seen in the New Minster Charter. It is more easily
seen in the seria of scientific books of which a fairly large
number have survived. Towards the end of the eleventh

Anflo'Saxon Art
centuty (he style, though still influencing English drawing,
becomes more angular, while the quickly-drawn figures, with
their flickering quality, are reduced to more stylized, though
successful forms.
Anglo-Saxon manuscript art of this late period, then, was
influenced by two Continental tradiuons. The first was the
formalized Carolingian an, which developed into the masterly,
luxurious, individual style of Winchester, and the second, the
light, airy, impressionistic style o f the school of Rheims,
typified by the Utrecht Psalter.
The sculpture of the period falls into two distinct groups, that
which follows the Winchester traditions and that which
develops in Nonhumbria, based on the old vine-scroll and
interlace patterns and on new Viking taste. Examples of the
former are rare, while examples of the laner, although numerous
often seem to be, in the words of Kendrick, ‘a vast and dreary
assemblage of carvings that are of indifferent quality or down­
right bad.’
In the south-west of England about twenty fragments of
stone sculpture, influenced by the Winchester Style, survive.
The angels in the small church at Bradford-on-Avon, the Pine 71
‘Harrowing of Hell’ scene in Bristol Cathedral and the
Inglesham Crucifixion are the most famous. The draperies of
these carvings are even stifler than those of the contemporary
manuscripts, while their portraiture, where it can be seen
beneath the weathering, is coarse and stereotyped. The sculp­
tures, however, are not without distinction, as technically they
are well executed. The angel from the rood in the church of
St Lawrence at Bradford-on-Avon, for example, is a very
competent rendering in stone of the similar motif in the New
Minster Charter, with which it must be more or less con- Pine«»
temporary. But none of this sculpture is really brillianL The

Tiu An^lo'Saxons
nearest thing to brilliancy is achieved in ivory carvings, as, for
example, on a triangular ivory plaque from Winchester which
has much of the quality of the linear Winchester manuscripts
converted into the round.
In the north of England the sculptures continue the tradition
of the memorial and preaching crosses of the earlier period. The
new Viking taste is reflected in the subjects which appear on
them. A t Halton in Lancashire, for instance, pans of the
Scandinavian Sigurd Saga arc represented. It was this Viking
taste which helped the Nonhumbrians to build up a sculps
tural style which only achieved success when it was exponed to
Denmark - where it is known to archaeologists as the Jcllinge
Style. That the crude designs on the multitude of stones from
the Nonh could have blossomed into anything as accomplished
as the Danish Jcllinge Style seems incredible. The Vikings
brought back to Nonhumbria a taste for animal ornament -
the animals that were produced were grotesque and ugly in the
extreme and it is only on metalwork that any competence is
achieved. The cross from Middleton, Yorkshire, for example,
bears an animal that lacks any charm but that of extreme
naivety. A s with all these later Northern crosses, the technique
is strictly two-dimensional: there is never any attempt to carve
in the round or to give any impression of depth.
The sculpture of Mercia and eastern England shows a con­
tinuation of the same dull carving that occurs in the North -
interesting developments are the round-shafted crosses of
Mercia (found in an area centred on Macclesfield) and the
three-dimensional, house-shaped or hog's-back-shaped tomb­
stones of the north-east. But the carving on most of these is
Fil p . Animol
undistinguished, although in many respects they have attained
tboft from MMl- a grace of form which is lacking elsewhere. The Northum­
Hm, Yoriukm brian styles even had an effect in the South; one of the crosses
from Ramsbury, Wiltshire, for example, and a cross from A ll
Hallows’ Church, London, demonstrate that certain sculptors

Anglo*Saxon Art
were working in a style akin to that used in the north of
However, one exciting monumental style did develop in
England as a result o f the mingling of Viking and English art,
a style which is best illustrated by the vivacious tombstone Plate 74
from the churchyard of St Paul’s Cathedral, London. Here we
have a great animal carved in low relief, in a modification of
the Viking Ringerike Style, charging across the stone with its
head turned backwards in a flurry of zoomorphic tendril
scrolls: the whole was painted and the body of the animal
covered in small dots (successor perhaps of the speckled animal
of the ninth century). Its great claw'like feet, its small head, its
spiral hips and the long tendril with the tiny curled end are
typical o f an English application of a Viking an which in*
fluenced English sculpture and metalwork and even made itself
felt in a small number of manuscripts. The stone dates from the
early years of the eleventh century, presumably from the period
when England was pan of the Danish Empire. This style is the
only brilliant form of barbaric sculpture that occurs in this
country between the death of Alfred and the Conquest; it has a
life and vitality of its own which at its best - on the St Paul’s
slab - is breath'taking.
Very little minor sculpture in this style has survived; per'
haps the most accomplished is an incomplete bone plaque
from the Thames which bears the representation of a man in a
contorted position. The plaque is executed in the English
version of the Viking Jcllinge Style which, with its related
Ringerike Style, was reintroduced into England in the late
tenth century. In the English version of the Ringerike Style,
that is, in the style of the St Paul’s churchyard stone, is an ivory
comb in the British Museum. On one side of this comb is a Plato 7«, 77
carving of an interlaced animal in the Ringerike Style, with two
cat'like animals on the reverse side, whose heads are paralleled
in both manuscripts and metal objects of the same period.
The Anglo-Saxons


It is fitting that wc should end this chapter, as we began it, with
the art o f the metalworker, for even at this late period metal was
one of the materials the Anglo-Saxon artist could best handle.
Unfortunately the richest pieces of metalwork made in this
period do not survive, and we have only a series o f minor ob­
jects which reflea, rather than illustrate, the glory of English
metalwork. The great gold and silva figures that appear in the
inventories have been melted down and all that survives are a
handful of brooches and knick-knacks, and a few nude pieces
of church plate. Even the richest piece of all, the gold and silva
brooch from the King’s School, Cantabury, is of second-rate
workmanship, with clumsy degenaate animal ornament
carried out in the tradition of the Trewhiddle animals in silva
Fif. )S. Annul orna­ against a niello background. The same niello background also
ment ona tenth-century occurs on a pair of shrine plates, in the British Museum, bear­
Anj[lo-Sexen ibrine ing crudely executed animals which, while reflecting the form
plate in the British of the Trewhiddle animals, demonstrate the artist’s struggle
with the new Viking styles of Ringerikc and Jellinge. The
Anglo-Saxon mctalworka’s mastery of the Ringerikc Style
can be seen again in a ratha crude form on a brooch from
PUit 78 Sutton, Isle of Ely, found in the late seventeenth century with a
hoard of coins of William the Conquaor. The animal and
snake patterns in the four central fields of this objea are quite
skilful adaptations, by a second-rate craftsman, of a Viking
style, tempaed with the grotesque element so beloved of
English artists through the ages.
The Winchcsta Style also appears in the metalwork, and

Anglo'Saxon Art
particularly in a small group o f bronzes which bear all the
ornamental elements of the manuscripts, including foliage and
grotesque animals. This can be seen on the censer cover from Plate 79
Canterbury, with its addorsed birds in openwork, standing on
acanthus leaves in the true manner of the Winchester Style. The
figural style of the Winchester manuscripts is also to be seen in
metal on such pieces as the portable altar, now in the Cluny
Museum, which has been described elsewhere (p. 64). Plate 1«

This book, which has attempted to sketch the story of

Anglo-Saxon England as seen through the eyes of the archae­
ologist, finishes with a discussion of Anglo-Saxon an. English
an is often underestimated, even by Englishmen. During the
centuries between the fall of Rome and the coming of the
Normans, English an achieved greatness on a number of
occasions and the an historian can point to features of modern
English an which betray distinct characteristics of Anglo-
Saxon an.
It is not only the an o f the Anglo-Saxons, however, which
influences us today; much of modern English life stems directly
from Anglo-Saxon roots. Our administrative machinery (both
local and national), our laws, our parliament, our language and
our literature are ultimately Anglo-Saxon in origin. They have
changed through the centuries to such an extent that the
Anglo-Saxon of Alfred’s reign would barely recognize them,
but their origins are clear enough to the historian. More tangible
reminders of the Englishman’s Anglo-Saxon heritage abound
- the majority of English place-names were coined in this
period, as were some of our personal names; the ground-plans
of many of our villages and even a few of our towns were laid
down by the Anglo-Saxons. The boundaries of our parishes,
the broad lines of the county system, and even the method of
dating historical events from the birth of Christ, arc Anglo-
Saxon in origin. Viking warriors, Norman kings, French

The Anglo-Saxons
administrators, German royalty, French Protestants and
Central European political refugees have all been absorbed into
an English nation which remains basically Anglo-Saxon.

Select Bibliography

Much of (he material used in (his book is drawn from shon papers
published in many journals of varying degree of obscurity. It would be
impossible to refer to all these papers here; I have therefore listed (he
principal books which I have used as sources, together with one or two
of the more imponant papers. Such original sources as the Anjlo'Saxon
Chronicle, which were actually written during the Anglo-Saxon period,
are missing from the bibliography but will be found in Miss Whitelock’s
volume of English Historical Documents (cited below). The best histories
of the period are those by Collingwood and Myres (for the early period)
and by Stenton (for the later period). In illustration of the last chapter
of the book the reader is further referred to an excellent scries of colour
slides of manuscripts and jewellery, published by The Colour Centre,
Famham Royal, Slough, Bucks, which give a brilliant idea of the
technical and aesthetic qualities of the an of this period.

A berg, N., The An/lo^Saxons in England, Uppsala, 1926.

A berg, N., Tie Occident and lie Orient in tie Art of tie seventh century,
Stockholm, 1943-47.

A kerman, J. Y., Remains of Pagan Saxondom, London, i 8j j .

A lmgren, B., Bronsnycklar och Djuromamcntrk, Uppsala, I9jj (for

summary in English sec; D. M. W ilson, ‘Almgren and Chron­
ology’, Medjval Archaeology, III, 1959).

A m m an , H., Svear i Ostervddng, Stockholm, 195J.

Baldwin-Brown, G., The Arts in Early England, 6 vol., 1903-37-

Battiscombe, C. F., (ft/), The Relics of Saint Cuthhert, Oxford, 1956.

Baye, J. de . The Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons, London, 1893.

The A n jlo 'Saxons
Behmer, E., D a Zweischneidige Schwert der Germanischen Volker*
wanderunfszeit, Siockholm, 1939.

Blair , P. H., An Introduction to Anflo*Saxon England, Cambridge, 1956.

Bonser, W., An Antfo*Saxon and Ctltic BiUiopapby, Oxford, 1957.

British Museum, Guide to Anjlo*Saxon and Foreign Teutonit Antiquities,

London, 1923.

British Museum, The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial, jih impression, London, 1956.

Broccer, A. W. and Shetelic , H., The VHtinf Shjs, Oslo, 1951.

Brondsted, ]., Early English Ornament, London-Copcnhagen, 1924.

Bruce^Mitford , R. L. S., 'The Sunon Hoo Ship Burial, recent

theories and some commons on general interpretation1, Proe.
Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, X XV , 1949.

C ampbell, A.. The Battle of Bnmanhurb, London, 1938.

C hadwick, H. M., The Oripn of the English Nation, Cambridge, 1907.

C hadwick, H. M., Studieson Anjlo*Saxon Institutions, Cambridge, 1933-

C lapham, J. H. and Power, E etel.. The Cambridge Economic History

of Europe, Cambridge, 1941-32.

C lark, J. C. D., Prehistoric Europe, the Economic Basis, London, 1932.

COLLINGWOOD, R. G. and M yres, J. N. L., Roman Britan1 m l the

English Settlements, Oxford, 193Ö.

C oon, C. S., The Races of Europe, New York, 1939.

C urwen, E. C., Plouyh and Pasture, London, 1946.

D uckett , E S., St. Dmsian cf Canterbury, London, I95J-

D uckett , E S., Alfred At Great, London, 1957-

Falk, H., Altncrdiscbe Waffenkunde, Kristiania, 1914.

Faussett, B., Inventarium Stpulcbnle, London, 1856.

G lob, P., A ri og Pirn, Airbus, 1951.

G ordon, E V., T it Battle cf Malden, London, 1937.

G rabar, A . and N ordenfalk, C., Early Medieval Panting, Lausanne,

I9J 7-

H arden, D. B., («/). Dark Age Britan, London, 1950.

H aseloff, G., Dir TassiloktUb, Munich, 1951.

Hillier, G., The History andAntiquities of At bit cf Wight, London, n.d.

H odckin, R. H., A History cf At Anglo-Saxons, 2 vol. (jr i e l), Oxford,


H olmqvist, W., Kunstprchleme der Mercwmgerztit, Stockholm, 19)9-

H olmqvist, W., Gtnunic Art, Stockholm, I9J5-

H oskins, W. G., Tbt Miking cf the English Landscape, London, 1955-

JESSEN, K. and H elbaek , H., C trtib in Grtat Britain and Ireland in

Prehistoric and Early Historic Times, Copenhagen, 1944.

J essup, R. F., Anglo-Saxon Jewellery, London, 19JO.

JOLIFFB, J. E A ., TheJutes, Oxford, 19]].

The Anglo-Saxons
K eller , M. L-, Tie Anglo-Saxon Weapon Names, Hriddbog, 190a
(Anglististhe Forschungen, 15).

K endrick, T. D., Anglo-Saxon Art to goo, London, 1938.

K endrick, T. D., Late Saxon and Viking Art, London, 1949.

K irk, J., Tie Alfred and Minster LovellJewels, Oxford, 1948.

KrrziNCER, E.. Early Medieval Art m the British Museum, (and el),
London, 1955-

L ane^Poole, A., Medieval England, Oxford, 1958.

L eeds, E. T., Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology, Oxford, 19)6.

L owe, E. A., Codices Latini Antipsiores, vol. II, Oxford, 19) j.

O man, C., A History of the Art of War m the Middle Ages, (and ed.),
London, 1924-

Paor, M. and L. de , Early Christian Ireland, London, 19)8.

Petersen, J., De Norske Vilangesverd, Kristiania, 1919.

Petersen, J., VOemgetidens Redskaper, Oslo, 1951.

PFEILSTÜCKER, S., \ . . Frubangtlsichsischen Kunst", Balia, 1936.

Rickert, M-, Painting m Britain, The Middle Ages, London, 1954-

Robertson, A . J., Anglo-Saxon Charters (end e l), Cambridge, 1956.

Salin , B-, Dir Altgemanische Thieromamentik (ended.), Stockholm, 1935-

Singer, C., H olmyard. R J., H all , A . R. and W illiams, T . I.,

A History of Tedmalogy, voL U, Oxford, 195«.

Steensberg, A., Aiuknt Harvatmg Implements, Copenhagen, 194).

Stenton , F. M-. Anjlo*Saxan England, Oxford, 194}.

Stenton, F. M., Tie Bayeux Tapestry, London, 1937.

Stone , L., Sculpture m Britain, tie Middle Ages, London, 1955.

T albot R ice , D., English Art £71-1100, Oxford, 1952.

T hompson, J. D. Inventory of British Cam Hoards, London, 1956.

T ischler, F., ‘Der Stand da Sachsenfonchung, archäologiih gesehen',

Bericht Ja RomisebsGcrmaniteben Kommission, 35, 1934.

W heeler, R. E. M., London and the Vikings, London, 1927.

W heeler, R .E M ., London and tbe Saxons, London, 1935.

W hitelock , D.. The Beginnings of English Society, London, 1952.

W hiteLOCK, D., English Historical Documents, London, 1955-

W ormald, F., English Drawings of tbe Tenth and Elevenå Centuries

London, 1932.

W ylie , W., Fairford Craves, Oxford, 1832.

Z immermann, E. H., Vorkarolingischc Miniaturen, Botin, 19K.

Sources o f Illustrations

The line illuttntions, with the exception of Fig. 7, which is ulten from
Stephens’, Runic Monuments, are either original drawings, or redrawn
from published illustrations, by Mrs Eva Wilson.

The majority of the photographs, from which the plates are made,
were uken by Mr C. Ashbumer of the Colour Centre. Other source
arc as follows: Bibliothcque Nationale, Paris, PI. 50; British Museum,
PI. 1 , 2,17,18 . 2«, 27, 36. 37, 39. 4J. 49. J2 .63. «9. 70,79! Cambridge
University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, PI. 34; Mr W.
Dotcsio, PI. 73; Guildhall Museum, London, PI. 74; Mrs C. Keiller,
PI. 30, 31, 32, 43; Sir Thomas Kendrick, PI. 22, 71; The Laurentian
Library, Florence, PI. 47; M Paul Lctnare, PI. 16; Lemmen, Dublin,
PI. 46; National Buildings Record, PI. 13; Österreichische Licht*
bilduellc, PI. 61; Mr E. Smith, PI. 12, 15; Dr F. Stocdtner, PL 48;
Mr W. F. Taylor, PI. 66; Victoria and Alben Museum, London, PL
51; Warburg Institute, PL 53,75; and the author, PL 14, 25,67,72,76,

',*T 1
.... r
J . ■,.

Notes on the Plates

k å tlifb t cfåt much is åt mtnåttim.h sbtttUk mtåtsixti ått åt åtofvr»

i» åttt tutam iitoM tmly cs t jntrcl kåatim fcr åt tttwtcårut tf åt mår.

1 One of a pair of curved jewelled clasp from ehe Sutton Hoo ship burial.
A pin with an animahhead lop, atuched by a chain to the clasp, can be
withdrawn to break the clasp into two pans. The clasp was sewn on to a
cloth base by means of loops on the underside. The surface is decorated
with garnets and mosaic glass (cf. fig. ]). Early seventh century.
Length: 4-9 in. London, British Museum.

2 Cold mounts, some inlaid with garnets, 60m the hilt of the sword from
the Sutton Hoo ship burial. The two domed circular mounts were
attached to the scabbard and the truncated pyramidal mounts came, pres
sumably, 60m the sword belt. Late sixth or early seventh century.
Length of the pommel: 2-6 in. London, British Museum.

) Two of a suite of ten shallow silver bowls, of provincial Byzantine origin,

from the Sutton Hoo ship burial. Late sixth or early seventh century.
Diameter of each: approx. 8 in. London, British Museum.

4 Small jewelled buckle from the Sutton Hoo ship burial: of gold, it is
inlaid with garnets. Late sixth or early seventh century. Length: 1 -8 in.

j Cold strap distributor, set with garnets, from the Sutton Hoo ship
burial. The upper portion swivels laterally through 90° from the posi'
non shown in the photograph. The central clement is hinged. Strap
were attached by the gold rivets at the terminals. Late sixth or early
seventh century. Length: 2-t in. London, British Museum.

6 Cold buckle, decorated with garnets, from the Sutton Hoo ship burial.
This buckle belongs to the same suite of mounts as the adjacent strap

The Anflo'Saxons
distributor. Late sixth ot

7 The great buckle from the Sutton Hoo ship burial, decorated with
nielloed, interlaced snakes and other animal ornament (see fig. J2). Fits
half of the seventh cctttury. Length: 5-2 in. London, British Museum.

8 Helmet from the Sunon Hoo ship burial. The helmet, which was
probably made in Sweden in the early sixth century, consists of an iron
cap covered with impressed bronze sheets and further embellished with
silver and bronze gOt additions. Norice the garnets on the eyebrows.
The helmet has been much restored. Height: approx. 12-5 in. London,
British Museum.

9 Jewelled purse lid from the Sunon Hoo ship burial. The white back/
ground is modem; the plaques would originally have been set in lather or
ivory. The cells contain gamers and fragments of mosaic glass. The purse
contained 37 gold coins of Merovingian France, 3 blank coins and two
ingots. Early seventh century. Length: 7-4 in. London, British Museum.

to Terminal of the large whetstone (sceptrel) from the Sutton Hoo ship
burial. The bronze age is surmounted by a sauccr/shapcd plate and
covers a red/painted terminal knob. Late sixth or early seventh century.
Length of portion illustrated: approx. 3 in. London, British Museum.

11 Escutcheon from the inside of the largest hanging/bowl from the Sutton
Hoo ship burial, showing a bronze fish standing on a pillar erected in
the centre of the enamelled disc. Late sixth or early seventh century.
Length of the fish: 3-6 in. London, British Museum.

12 The tower of the parish church at Earls Barton, Northamptonshire. It is

the finest surviving piece of Anglo/Saxon architecture in this country.
The topmost courses and the battlements of the tower are modem, but
the greater portion of the tower is original Anglo/Saxon workmanship
of tenth century date. The basic rubble work is plastered and enriched
by pilaster strips, arading and other sculptural details. Height of
tower with modem additions: nearly 70 ft.

Notes on the Plates
i] Internal view of the church at Escomb, Co. Durham (rf. also, plan on
р. j8, fig. 6). The round-headed, nanow chancel arch, with its radial
voussoirs, is to be noted, as are the round-headed windows and square-
topped door. It may be dated to the late seventh century. Internal width
of the nave: approx. 14} ft.

14 The tenth-century apse of the parish church of All Saints at Wing,

Buckinghamshire. The majority of the fabric of the Anglo-Saxon
church survives, but the south aisle and tower of the church, seen in
this Ultimatum, arc of fourteenth and fifteenth century date respectively.
External length of the apse: 2) ft.

ij The church of St LawTcncc at Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. Built by

Aldhclm in the late seventh or early eighth century, restored with addi­
tions in the tenth century (when the angel illustrated in pi. 73 was added)
and, having been used for domestic purposes, it was rediscovered in
i8jS and carditlly restored. External length: approx. 48 ft.

16 Oak portable altar with porphyry centre and a parcel-gilt silver binding.
At the top is a crucifixion, at the bottom an Agnus Dti. Also portrayed
are the evangelist symbols, aichangcls, Mary and St John. Tenth
century. Length: 10-3 in. Paris, Musee de Cluny.

17 SUver chalice kom the Trewhiddle hoard (see pi. <>3)- One of two sur­
viving Anglo-Saxon chalices; the inside was originally gilded. The
chalice has been reconstructed. Ninth century. Height: 4-8 in. London,
British Museum.

18 Two plates from a tenth-century house-shaped shrine. They are of

sUva, inlaid with niello, the upper plate being decorated with animal
ornament (see % 38). Length of rectangular mount: 4-9 in. London,
British Museum.

19 A selection of Anglo-Saxon silver pennia of various periods; both the

obverse and the reverse of each coin are shown. Left to right: OfTa,
с. 78$; Alfred, c. 886; Edward the Elder, c. 920; Edward the Elder,

The Anglo-Saxons
e. 920; Sihtric (he One-Eyed, t. 923; Anlaf Guthfiiihson, t. 940;
Edward (he Martyr, c. 975; Erhdred II, summer of 1009; Erhclrcd II,
c. 1010; Ethelrtd II, t. 1010; Cnu(, t. 1025; Edward the Confessor,

20 Croup of cruciform brooches. Left (o right: Creenbank, Co. Durham;

West Stow Heath, Suffolk; Barrington, Cambridgeshire; Barrington,
Cambridgeshire. Sixth century. Length of largest example: 5-9 in.
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum.

21 Group of saucer brooches. Left to right: Cassington, Oxfordshire;

Wheatley, Oxfordshire; Brighthampeon, Oxfordshire; Fairford, Clou*
cestershire; Brighthampton; Fairford. Diameter of largest example:
3'2 in. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum.

22 The Abingdon sword. The hilt of this sword, as illustrated, has nielloed
silver plaies inlaid into the pommel and the guard. From New Cut
Mill, Abingdon, Berkshire. Length of guard: 4-7 in. Ninth century.
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum.

23 Hilt of a sword found in the bank of the River Witham, near Lincoln.
The silver plates, with which it is decorated, arc engraved with degen­
erate animal ornament and inlaid with niello. Ninth century. Length
of pommel: 2-7 in. Sheffield, City Museum.

24 The Fetter Lane sword pommel. Found in Fetta Lane, London, it is

executed in carved parcel-gilt silva, inlaid with niello. The design
depicts a seria of whirling snaka. Ninth century. Length: 3-8 in.
London, British Museum.

25 Fragment of the leather scabbard of a scramasax from Hexham, North-

umbaland, decorated with an intalaced ribbon pattern. Length: 4-4 in.
London, British Museum.
2tS Stramatax found at Sittingboume, Kent. Inlaid with coppa, silva,
niello and bronze, it records the name of the maka, BIORTHELM,
and the owno, SIGEBEREHT. Tenth century. Length: 12-7 in.
London, British Museum.

Notts on the Plates
27 Smmattx with silver pommel and guard; found with the hanging-bowl,
illustrated in pi. 45, and a spearhead in a grave at Winchester. Seventh
century. Length: 159 in. London, British Museum.

28 The boar fiom the Bcniy Grange helmet, depicted in pi. 29. Length:
3*73 iu. Sheffield, City Museum.

29 The framework of the seventh-century helmet found at Bcnty Grange,

Derbyshire. The cap was originally made up of horn plates atuched by
means of the iron bands which arc all that survive. The nose-piece,
bottom left, bean an inlaid silver cross. Sheffield, City Museum.

jo Bronze buckle from Worms, Germany, showing the common pro­

vincial Roman chip-carved ornament. Fourth-fifth century. Length:
2-8 in. London, British Museum.

31 Bronze chip-carved buckle and counter-plate of provincial type from

Kent (t). Fourth-fifth century. Length: 4-3 in. London, British

32 Bronze chip-carved buckle of provincial Roman type from Smithfield,

London. Fourth-fifth century. Length: 3-2 in. London, British

33 Cold and garnet necklace from a woman’s grave at Dcsborough,

Northamptonshire. Seventh century. Length of central cross: 1 in.
London, British Museum.

34 Silva-gilt, chip-carved, equal-armed brooch from Haslingfield, Cam­

bridgeshire. The brooch might have been made on the Continent or
by one of the earliest Anglo-Saxon settlers in this country. Fifth century.
Length: 3-9 in. Cambridge, University Museum of Archaeology and

3$ The Kingston Brooch. The richest piece of Anglo-Saxon jewellery

found outside the Sutton Hoo grave, from Kingston Down, grave 203.

The Anglo'Saxons
Kent. The sutfacc is decorated with gold filigree ornament, cuttle-fish
shell, garnets and lapis lazuli. The pressed foil backing to the garnets
can be clearly seen in the empty cells. Seventh century. Diameter:
j-j in. Liverpool, City Museum.

36 Jewelled disc brooch of Kentish type from Breach Down, Kent. The
brooch is of silver-gilt and the zig-zag border partem is inlaid with niello.
Cast cells are inlaid with garnets. Sixth century. Diameter: 1-5 in.
London, British Museum.

37 Jewelled disc brooch of Kentish type from Faversham, Kent. Sixth

century. Diameter: 1-6 in. London, British Museum.

38 Cold and garnet pendant from Faversham, Kent. The flat back-plate
is decorated with filigree wire, the three whirling animal-heads in the
centre being executed in cloisonné garnets. The eyes of the animals are
set m <aho<bon. Seventh century. Diameter: 4-5 in. London, British

39 Cold and garnet buckle plate, from Wynaldum, Friesland, Holland,

built up on a silver back-plate. In the upper panel are a pair of tortuous
backward-looking quadrupeds. Seventh century. Length: 3'7 in.
Leeuwarden (Holland), Fries Museum.

40 Pectoral cross of Sc Cuthben. This cross was found in the tomb of Sc

Cuthbert in Durham Cathedral. It was presumably placed in the coffin
on the death of St Cuthben in 687. The lower arm has been damaged
and repaired in antiquity. O f gold, shell and garnet, it is one of the
latest pieces of garnet jewellery known from an Anglo-Saxon context.
Seventh century. Breadth: 2-35 in. Durham, Cathedral Library.

41 The Ixwonh cross. Found in a grave at Stanton, Ixwocth, Suffolk, it is

of gold inlaid with thick garnets. Seventh century. Breadth: 1-5 in.
Oxford, Ashmolcan Museum.

42 The Wilton cross. This gold and garnet jewelled pendant, found at
Wilton, Norfolk, contain a coin of Hcradius (610-41), the Byzantine

Notts on the Platts
Empoor. Perhaps horn the Sutton Hoo workshop. Seventh century.
Height: I '9 in. London, British Museum.

4) Enamelled bronze mounts fiom a hanging-bowl found at Middleton

by Youlgravt, Derbyshire. Sixth-seventh century. Diameter of disc:
2-1 in. Sheffield, City Museum.

44 Two gold clasps, ornamented with filigree techniques, and a gold and
gamer buckle, torn a rich seventh-century barrow at Taplow, Buck'
inghamshire. Length of buckle: 4 in. London, British Museum.

45 Hanging'bowl, found, with a spearhead and the scromasax illustrated

in pi. 27, in a grave at Winchester. The escutcheon is inlaid with red
enamel. Seventh century. Diameter at rim: 1 1 •1 in. London, British

46 The Book of Durrow (fol. 21b). Portrait of the Evangelist Matthew.

The body of the Evangelist is an abstract expression of the naturalism of
the Mediterranean model from which it is derived. The colours of the
page are red, yellow and green. Second half of the seventh century.
Length of page: 9-6 in. Dublin, Library of Trinity College.

47 Codex Amiatinus. This page (the Ezra folio) has in the past been dc'
scribed as Italian. Recent research, however, suggests most strongly that
it is Anglo-Saxon and it illustrates well the classicism of a certain type of
seventh-century Anglo-Saxon manuscript an. Length of page: 19 4
in. Florence, Bibliotcca Laurentiana.

48 The Lindisfamc Gospels (fol. 47b). One of the great carpet pages,
illuminated with interlaced animals and birds. Painted just before the
year 700. Length: 15-5 in. London, British Museum.

49 The Lindisfamc Gospels (fol. 2jb). Page portraying the Evangelist

Matthew, surmounted by his symbol. Painted just before the year 700.
Length: i ] -5 in. London, British Museum.

$0 Echternach Gospels (fol. 18b). Symbol of the Evangelist Matthew,

The Anglo-Saxons
painted in Northumbria (possibly in the Lindisfäme imptorium) about
the year 700. Length: 10 3 in. Paris, Bibliothique Nationale.

[ St Chad Gospels (p. 142). Portrait of the E'

by his symbol the lion. Painted in Northumbria in the early eighth
century. Length: 97 in. Lichfield, Cathedral Library.

jz Page of cannon tables from the MS Royal i.E.VI (fol. 4a) in the British
Museum. In the borden, which surround these tables ofconcordance, arc
ornaments which can be compared to that on eighths and nintlvccntuiy
metalwork. Early ninth century. Length: 18-5 in. London, British

5] The Ruthwcll Cross. Two views, showing on one face various Christian
scenes and on the side a typical Northumbrian inhabited vinesscroll.
Ruthwell, Dumfries.

54 Panel from St Cuihbert’s coffin. Upper half of the figure of Christ

carved on the lid of the coffin reliquary. His right hand is raised in
blessing and He carries a book in His left hand. Late seventh century.
Durham. Cathedral Library.

jj The Witham pins (cf. fig. 33). Set of three, linked, circular, gilts
bronze pins found in the river Witham, near Fiskenon, Lincolnshire.
The ornament is executed in the chip-carved technique and the eyes of
the animals are inlaid with blue glass. Eighth century. Length of
central pin: 47 in. London, British Museum.

36 The Franks Casket. Whalebone ivory casket, of Northumbrian works

manship, carved with scenes from a universal history. The scenes are
surrounded by inscriptions in runes. Early eighth century. Length:

$7 The Alfred Jewel. Made of gold with a doisonné enamel portrait set
undo crystal. This jewel was found at Newton Park, Somerset in
1693. Round the edge of the uppo portion is an inscription which,
when translated, reads, Alfred ordered me to he nude. This presumably

Notts on the Plates
refers to King Alfred (871-99). Length: 2-9 in. Oxford, Ashmolean

58 Back of the Alfred Jewel, showing the engraved foliate pattern on the
gold back/plate.

59 The Minster Lovell jewel. Found at Minster Lovell, Oxfordshire. Con.

structed in the same manner as the Alfred Jewel (pi. 57), it is perhaps
slightly later in date (tenth centuiyt). Length: t-2j in. Oxford,
Ashmolean Museum.

60 The Dowgate Hill brooch. Found in Dowgate Hill, London, it is of

gold filigree and enamel. Its close resemblance to the Alfred Jewel
(pi. $7) is very miking. Ninth-tenth ccntuty. Diameter: i j in.
London, British Museum.

61 The Tassilo Chalice. Cilt bronze vessel inscribed with the name of
Tassilo, Duke of Upper Austria 748-88, and given by him to the
monastery of Kremsmünster, which was founded in 777. Height: tO’j
in. Kremsmünstcr Monastery, Austria.

62 The Kirkoswald brooch. This filigree silver trefoil brooch, set with
garnets (of which only one survives), was found at Kirkoswald, Cum.
betland, with coins which date its deposition to between 850 and 860.
Eighth-ninth century. Length: j-j in. London, British Museum.

6] Material from the Trewhiddle Hoard (see also pi. 17 and fig. }j).
Found at Trewhiddle, near St Austell, Cornwall, with coins which
date its deposition to r. 875. The objects shown include strap ends,
strap slides, pin and curved drinking.hom mounts. Many of the objects
arc decorated with animal ornament in the ‘Trewhiddle style’. London,
British Museum.

64 The Strickland brooch. Of silver, inlaid with gold plates and niello,
it is so called after Sir William Strickland who is presumed to have
acquired it in the early nineteenth century. Ninth century. Diameter:
4'} in. London, British Museum.

Tlit Anglo'Saxons
6j The Fulla brooch. A silver disc brooch inlaid with niello and portray'
ing, in the central panels, the five senso, taste, smell, hearing, touch and
sight. Ninth century. Diameter: 4-4 in. London, British Museum.

66 Head of a carved stone cross from Cropthome, Worcestershire. Ninth

67 Bone trial-piece from Station Road, York. Showing animals (similar

in style to those on objects from the Trcwhiddlc hoard) being tried out
on a piece of discarded bone. Ninth century. Length: 4-) in. Yack,
Yorkshire Museum.

68 Two portions of the stole of St Cuthbcrt, executed as Winchester (1)

between 909 and 916 and probably presented to the shrine of St Cuth-
best by King Acthclsun in 934. Left, St Peter—right, Jonah. Length
of portion illustrated: approx. 7 in. Durham, Cathedral Library.

69 Page (fid. 2b) from the Charter of the New Minster as Winches«.
King Edgar is seen offering the charter to Christ, who sits in a masse
dorla. The page must have been painted in, or shortly alter, 966.
Length: 8-125 in. London, British Museum.

70 Page (fol. 5b) from the Bcnedictional of St Acthclwold, illustrating

the Annunciation. This page illustrates the height of Winches« lavish-
ness. Made for, or at the order of, Acthclwold, Bishop of Winches«
975-80. Length 1 1 -5 in. London, British Museum.

71 Detail of fol. 51b of a psalter (British Museum MS., Harley <03).

Executed in a variety of coloured inks; the colours used in the portion
illustrated (the heading of Psalm 103) are red, black, blue and brown.
Date: c. 1000. Height of the portion illustrated: approx. 4-5 in. London,
British Museum.

72 Fragments of Anglo-Saxon carved stone eros« and tombsunes in the

porch of Bakcwcll Church, Derbyshire. The fragments illustrate difl"-

NoUs on the Plates
7) Angel, carved in none, from the church of Sc Lawrence at Bradford/
on/Avon (see pi. I $). One of the linen pieces of lace Saxon none sculp/
cure it can be compared with angels depicted in pi. 70 and 75. Tenth
century. Length: about 5 ft.

74 Tombstone from St Paul's churchyard, London, executed in the Ring/

crike Style. The surface was originally painted with two or three colours
and the body of the animal was speckled with white docs. Tcnth-
deventh century. Length: 2 ft. London, the Guildhall Museum.

75 Ivory pand, from Winchcncr, carved in the Winchester Style: an ex/

ptession in ivory of the figural style which can be seen in pi. 70 and 7].
Tenth century. Height approx. 3 in. Winchester, City Museum.

76- Two sides of a comb of walrus ivory, showing on one lace an interlaced
77 animal inspired by Viking an and on the ocher an Anglo/Saxon animal
which can be compared with those on the censer cover illustrated in
pi. 79. Tenth century. Height 2-1 in. London, British Museum.

78 The Sunon brooch. Found at Sutton, Isle of Ely, in 1694 with coins of
William I. The brooch is decorated with Ringerike Style ornament. On
the back of the brooch is inscribed a curse in Anglo/Saxon. Tenth-
deventh century. Diameter: 5-9 in. London, British Museum.

79 Bronze ccnscr/covcr, from Canterbury, in the form of a building:

the lower bordets and the hips of the animals are inlaid with nielloed
silver plates. Tenth-eleventh century. Height: 47 in. London, British
Abingdon, j8, 39, 106, 109, 216 an, 132-64
Acta, Bishop, 63 Atthur, King, 32
AcIflUcd, Quem, «4
Aelfric, 86-7 Athclstan, Atheling, 21
Acscfcnh, 128 Atkinson, Professor R. J. C., 105, 114
Anhclbald, King, 35 auger, 78. 78
Aciliclbcn, King, 44, 54, 56 Augustine, St, 54, 58
Aethclhcre, King, J2-3 axes. 47. 78,79, 115. 119-20
Acthclred II, King, 24-)
Acthclstan, King, 36-7, 65
Acthclwald, King. J2-3 Bakewell, 222
Acthclwold, Si, 37. >55. • 57 («r also, Baldwin-Brown, Professor G., 15, 22,
Bencdictioiul of.) 104
Aahclwynn, the Lady, 65 Barton Scagrave, 98
Aetherie, 128, 129 battle, tactics of, 128-31
Agathias, 123 Bayeux tapcsiy, 75-7, 81, 88, 89,91,102,
agriculture, 74-80 1 18, 122-5
Alchester, 88 Bede. 27. 29-30, 31. 42. 5«. 81
Alcuin, 91 Behmer, E., 108-7
Alfred, King, 34, 36, 38, 80, 82, 83, 145, Bencdia Biscop, 58, 59, 80, 88, 89
151 Benedictiotul of Sc Acthclwold, 157, 222
Allred Jewel, 143-8, 220-1 Benty Grange, 69, 120, 121, 124, 14t.
altar, portable, 63-4, 163, 213
Anastasius, Emperor, 47 Bcohtric, King, 83
Angles, 30, 31. 33. 44"S Btoumlf, 40-1, 105, 108,120-1
Anglo-Saxon CbronieU, 121 Bcrkhamstcd, 123
angons, 47, 123-4 Bemicia, 33. 34
animal ornament, 133-7,141. 142-8,149, Bertha, Queen, 54, 58
Beverley, 89
Anna, King, 32-3 Bewcasde, 81, 153
Arabs, 84-8 Bifrons, 104, 122, 123
architecture, 33-80, 214-5 bill-hooks, 78, 80
Birka, Sweden, 88

Bishofchofen, Austria, 68 censers, 68, 163, 223
Blunt, C. E., 14 Ccnwulf, 35
Blythburgh, 52 Chad, St. Gospels of, 149, 220
boon, 50, 120-1, 141, 217 chalices, 66, 215, 221
boats, 46, 89-90 Charibm, king of Franks, 54
bows, 121-J Charlemagne, 91
Bradford-on-Avon, 59, 159, 215, 22) chatelaine, 39. 96
Breach Down, 218 Chcssel Down, 10$, 107, 119. 122
Brighthampton, 105 Chester, 21, 81
Chester-le-Strect, 56
Brondsted, Professor J., 152 Childe, V. C., t j
brooches, 94-6, 216, 217-18, 221, 222, Childcric, king of Franks, 4$, 140
221 chip-carving, 133-6, 143, 217
Broomfield, 46 chronology, 17-22
Brown, Julian, 149 churches, 26, 54-60, 214-15
Bruce-Mitford, R. L. S., Ij8 Clapham, Sir Alfred, 58
Brushfidd, 105 Clark, Professor J. G. D., 15
Bryhtnoth, 126-8 clasps, jewelled, 49-50
Bryhtwold, 128, 129 cloisonné jewellery, 138-40
buckets, 46 cloth, 87
burial customs, 38-41 Cluny altar, 64, 163, 215
Burwcll, 104 Codex Amiatinus, 148-9, 219
Bygrave, 71 Codex Aureus (Stockholm), 150
coins, 24-5, 52. 69. 84-5, 215-16
Colchester, 81
Caenby, 113 Cologne, Germany, 66
Caister-by-Norwich, it combs, 64, 161, 223
Caister-on-Sea, 31 Coptic bowls, 47, 88
Cambridge, 93 Corfe, 83
Canterbury, 42, 35-7, 68, 81, 149-50. cowrie shells, 88
158,162, I6l, 211 Cramp, Miss R., 27
Canterbury Psalter, ijo Crawford, O. C. S., 15
Canwick Common, 109 cremation, 38-41, 42
Canute, King, 37 Cricklade, 80
Carlisle. 81 Crandall, 84
cattle, 77. 80 Cropthome, 154, 222
Celtic art, 47-8, 141-2, 147, 219 crosses, altar, 68, 69

The Anglo-Saxons
cross, pectoral, 62-3, 21I Edward the Martyr, King, 83
crosses, none, «0-1, 220, 222 Edward the Tall, 128
Crossgatcs, 27, 72 Edwin, King. 35. J4. JJ
Crowfoot, Mn G., 26, 9) Egbert, King, 35
Croydon, 10] Ely, 61, 126, 128
embroidery, 64-5, 155-6
enamel, 47-8. 141, 145-6. 147
Crumble Down, 1 37 Escomb, 57-8, 215
Cutbberl, St, Life of (ms), i j 6 Esse*, 34. JS
Cuthbat, St, relics of, 2j, 62-], 93, 138, Ethdthryth, Queen, 81
142, 154-6, 218, 220, 222 Evans, Sir John, 13

Dora, 34
Desborough, 63, 96, 217 Favetsham, 102, 103. 218
Deserted Medieval Village Research fish-hooks, 82, 91
Fleam Dike, 107
Dolley, R. H. M.. 24-5 Fletcher, Dr E. G. M., 26, 55
Dolven, Norway, 109 foeieroti, 30, 42-3
Dream of tir Rood, Tie, 153 Fox, Sir Cyril, 27
dress, 91-3
Dunning, C. C., 23 Franks Casket, 92, 121. 354, 220
Dunstable, in Franks, Sir Augustus, 154
Dunstan, St, 37. 65,155,156 Frete, S. S., 42
Dunow, Book of, 147-9, 219 Frisians, 31. 3), 85
Frithestan, Bishop, 64
Fuller Brooch, 145, 222
Eadfiith, Bishop, 149 Fusion Style, 137
Earls Barton, 58-9, 214
East Anglia, 34. IS. 4*
Echternach Gospels, 148. 149. 152, 219- Gandersheim Casket, 67, 68, 141
Cilton, 106
EMt, Poetic, 108 glass, 101-3
Eddington, battle of, 36 Glastonbury, 56, 102
Edgar, King, 25, 37. i$7 goats, 77
Edward the Confessor, King, 37 Godescalc Evangeliar, 150
Edward the Elder, King, 36, 69 Goksud, Norway, 91, " 3

Gooderstone, 109
Grantchesta, 81 Hoskins, Dr W. G., 71
Gregory: C m Pastoralis, 34, 151 Hough-on-thc-Hill, 98, 141
Gregory, Pope, 54, j6
Gregory of Tours, no Hoven, Norway, 109
Grierson, P., 2j Howletts, 119
Grimbald’s Gospels, 158
Crimes, Professor W. F., 27 Hurbuck, 76, 78-9
Ctonncberg, Norway, 109
Gundcstrup, Denmark, 121
Ibn Khordadbch, 86
Icklingham, 9J. 97
Haithabu, 86 Inglesham, 159
Halton, 160 inhumation, 38-9
hanging-bowls, 47-8, 141, 147, 218-9 invasions, the Anglo-Saxon, 29-32
Harley 603 (ms), 158, 222 Ipswich, 99, too
Harold, King, 37 Ixwotth, 63, 218
harp, 47
harrow, 76, 77 Jackson, E. D. C., 26, 55
Hanhacnut, King, 37 Jarrow, 27, 68
Hartlepool, 61 Jellinge Style, 160, 161, 162
Haslingfidd, 134, 217 Jessup, R., 2j-6
Hassocks, 39 jewellery, 43. 49-jo, 63. 93-7. 138-40.
Hastings, banle of 129 217-18
Helmet and Hand Style, 136 Jews, 86
helmets, 120-1 Junius Psalta, 156
Hengist, 32 Jutes, 30-1, 33, 43. 44
Henry, Dr F., 48
Henry of Huntingdon, 123
Hexham, 66, 105, 216 Kaupang, Norway, 109 (see also Scbirinp
High Down, 123 sbaT)
Kella, Miss M. U 120. 121
Hodgkin, r / h ., 16,44 Kells crozia, 144, 146
Holland, 31 Kempston, 103
Holywell Row, 104 Kendrick, Sir Thomas, 16,131,134 . *3«,
Hopc-Taykr, B., 14, 27 138. IJ2. IJ3
Hoesa, 32 Kern, Kingdom of, 33-4

The Anglo-Saxons
Kingston. 104,139.217-8 Mann, Sir James, 125
Kirkoswald, 96, 143, 221 manuscript an, 146-51, 156-9
Kitzinger, Professor E., 151-2, 154, IJ7 Martin, St, 56
Knocker, Croup Cap*. C., 27 Mclboum, 39, 1 13
Kühn, Professor, H., 18
Merda, 30. 33. 34”«
Middlesex, 34
Lackford, 39 Middleton, 160
Laking, Sir Guy. 121 Middleton Moor, 141, 219
Lark, River, 106, 141 Milan, Italy, 156
Lcckhampcon Hill, 120 mills, 76-7
Leeds, E. T , i j, 16, 17, 22, 41, 42, 72 Minster Lovell, 146, 221
Lethbridge, T. C . 16, 21, 93 Monkwcarmouth, 68
Lincoln, 81 Montclius, Oscar, 13-15
Lindholm Haje, Denmark, 73-4 moot, 17. 55
LindisLmr, 36, 56 Motley St Peter, 21
Lindisbme Gospels, 14t, 145, 149, 150, Mortain Casket, 68
«52. 154. *55» 2«9 Myres, Dr J. N. L.. 30, 31, 4*
Lindsey, 33. 34. 55.
Linton, 114
Liudhard, Bishop, $4 NttgUug, 105
London, 8t, 88, 117 necklaces, 63. 96, 217
New Minster, Winchester, charter of 157,
All Hallows’, 160-1 158, 159, 222, register of, 68
Fetter Lane, 109, 145, 216 niello, 138, 143. 150. >82, 215, 216, 221,
Dowgate Hill, 146, 221 222-3
London Bridge, 68 Normans, 37-8
Smithficid, 217 Northumbria, 33, 35, 36,42
St Paul’s churchyard, 69, 161, 223
Lydd, 26, j j
Oberflacht, Germany, 115, 118, 122, 12}
Offa, King, 21, 35. *«. «5. «<H
Maastricht, Holland, 68 Oflä’s Dyke, 27
Macclesfield, 160 Olsen, O., 56
mad,124-5 Ofion, 112
Maldon, battle of, 126-9 opus togUanum, 155
maniple, 64-5 Oswald, King, 35

Oswald, St. 37.1 55 Roman legacy, 29
Oswiu. King, 15 Rome, 55, 69, 144
Oxford, 80, 100 Rothwell, 95
Royal i.E.VI (ms), 150, 220
Ruthwcll, 61, 152,155, 220
Paulinus, Archbishop, 55, 81 Runet, J. G., 27
Pelusium, Egypt, 86 Rupert Cross, 68
Petshore, 68
Poasfinger, 10 5,112,114 , 119
Parossa, Roumania, 140 Sc Albans, 81
pick, 7«, 78 St Ncots, 72, 100
Piets, 32 Sc Ninian’s hoard, 145
pictures, sacred, 68-9
pigs. 77 Sandbach, 61
pitchforks, 76, 80 Sandtun, 72, 76, 82, 91
Pin-Riven, General, 13-15 Sane, 103, 123
ploughs, 75-6 Saunders, Mrs M., 42
polychrome jewellery, 138-40 Saxons, 29-31, 33. 44*5
Poslingford, 143, 144 scabbards, 48, 105, 109-10, i n , 216
pottery, 43, 97-101
Prague, 121 StbirinjtU, 86 (lee also: Kaupang)
Procopius, 31
pulpit, 69 Stboh Sdxcnum, 144
purse, 49, 214 scourge, 66
itrmusaxei, 110-2, 216-7
sculpture, 60-1, 151-5. 159-61, 220, 222,
Ragley. 135 223
Rainham, 102-3 scythes, 76, 78, 80
Ramsbury, 160 Scaxncat, 34
Ranulph Flambard, Bishop, 66 Sccbohm, 71
reliquaries, 68 sheep, 77

Ribbon Style, 136-8, 142 ships, 46, 89-90

Ringerike Style, 161, 162 shrines, 68, 215
Sigiben, I to
roads, 88-9 Silchcstn, 81
Roger of Jumiiges, Missal of, 158 Simngboume, 112, 216

The Anglo'Saxons
Sleaford, 93. 97-9 treasuries, church, 61-2
Snape, 40 Trewhiddlc, 65-6, 144-j, 146, ijo - i
South Elkington, 98 IJ3, 162, 215, 221
spades, 76, 81, 82 triahpiece, 144, 222
ijwliw, 105-8 tribes, 29-31
spears, 116-19 typology. 13-14
ipooni, 47
Stamford, 100-1
standard, 51 Undcby, in
Supenhdl. 95 Upchurch, 103
Stenton, Sir Frank, 23, 34, 80 Uppland, Sweden, 48
Bole, 64-j, 222 Utrecht Psalter, i$8, 159
Strickland brooch, 221
Snood, 123
Style I, 1 36-7 Valsgärde, Sweden. 124
Style II. 136 Verulamium, 81
Sussex, 34
Sunon Courtenay, 72-3 vinMcroll, 152-3
Sutton Hoo, 45-53,69,90,1 1 3 ,1 16,118, Viking art, 160-1, 162
120. 124, 137-41. 14®. 1 I 3“, 4 Vikings, 35-7
Sunon, Isle of Ely, 69, 162, 223 villages, 24, 71-4
Sweden, 48-9 Vorigem, 32
swords, 48, 104-10, 216
Sweyn, King, 37
Symcon of Durham, 63 Wandsworth, 112
Szilagy.Somlyo, Hungary, 140 Warcham, 80, 82-3
Warendotf, Germany, 24, 73-4
Weald, the, 71
Tadtus, 92-3. n $ weapons, 104-25
Taplow, 46, 103, 137, 219 Wcnccslaus, St, 121
Tassilo chalice, 66.144, 146,121 Wessex, 34-6
Thctford, 23, 27, 80, 83, 100 Wessex, royal house of 35. 37
Tofting, Germany, 73 whetstone, 51-2
tools. 76. *2 Whitby, 99
Toumai, Belgium, 45 Wight, Isle of, 30
towns, 80-3 William the Conqueror, King, 37, 123,
trade, 23. 4J. *3-® IJJ

Willibald, 60 wool, 77, 87
Wilton, Notfolk, 03, 139, 218 Worms, Germany, 217
Winchester, 69, 83, i n , 1 55, 160, 217 Wroxeter, 81
219. 223 Wuffingas, 52
Winchester art style, 112, 137-60, 162-3 Wulfhere, King, 35
Windsor, tit Wynaldum, Holland, 140, 218
wine, 87-8
Wing, 59, 2IJ Yeavaing (al Cefrin), 14, 17, 27, 33. SJ.
Winwaed, River, 32 58.74
Witham, River, 109, 143, <49, 216, 220 Yuxlmp uja, 40
Woden, 34, it« York, 31.39.42. too. 144.222


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