What Does Self-Control Mean?

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VIA Survey calls this strength Self-Regulation

Parent virtue: Temperance. Strengths of temperance protect us from excess. Strengths

comprised in this virtue are forgiveness, humility/modesty, prudence, and self-control.

WHAT DOES SELF-CONTROL Individuals with this strength

MEAN? might be described as:

You have the ability to control your emotions • Disciplined • Cool

and behaviors. You think before you act. • Poised • Measured
• Composed • Restrained
Self-control is the act of managing behavior in a way that
positively influences goal attainment and living up to Individuals with this strength
standards. Possessing this strength protects people from are likely to think, feel, or
destabilizing emotional extremes. Those with self-control
behave in the following ways:
are able to limit impulsive behavior. They have the ability to
• I can wait.
experience and navigate difficulty while remaining poised.
• If I do this now, I will benefit from it
They understand that through discipline and restraint, there
• I’m going to do this, even though I
are greater, long-term goals that they can accomplish. Self-
would rather not.
control is related to prudence, in that people with this
strength are able to implement extended planning • I can control my anger and
techniques in pursuit of difficult task completion. Self- emotions.
control does not mean a lack of thoughts, feelings, or • I am disciplined.
impulses; it just means you have command over them. • The more I practice self-control,
the better I get at it.
WHY DOES IT MATTER? • I have the ability to consider the
situation before responding.
For individuals, self-control helps them delay the short-term • I know that my actions now have
gain in pursuit of a greater, long-term success. This an impact on my success later.
strength is associated with having an “internal locus of
control;” of being in control of (and responsible for) your
own personal choices – and the outcomes of those QUOTES ON SELF-
choices. It gives people the power to diet, study for an
exam, or practice a musical instrument. Some
psychologists have likened self-control to a muscle: it gets “Temperance is a disposition of the mind which binds
stronger the more it’s used. the passions.”
A group’s ability to demonstrate self-control often appears
“You have power over your mind – not outside events.
in the form of “self-monitoring.” This means that individuals Realize this, and you will find strength.”
demonstrate honesty with one another about successful -MARCUS AURELIUS
group practices. When things are unsuccessful, group
“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can
members have the ability to adjust roles in the interest of
accomplish what others can’t.”
overall group success. It’s a crucial strength in our modern -JERRY RICE
society and its mentality of impulsivity and consumption.
“The first and best victory is to conquer self.”

www.posproject.org | ©2016 The Positivity Project “The best fighter is never angry.”

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