The Legend of Rambutan

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Genelyn P. Dulay BSE-II Mrs. Jacquiline P.

Mythology and Folklore October 16, 2019

The Legend of Rambutan

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Butan, there lives a beautiful princess named Rama.
Princess Rama has a reddish and hairy skin which makes her different among the other women.
She was the favorite daughter of the king that is why her sisters are envying her. Even though
she is beautiful inside and out, she has no suitor unlike her sisters. She was admired but never
courted by anyone. Princess Rama is longing to have a special someone in her life but it seems
like she is cursed to be just beautiful but without a lover. Because of this, she became very lonely.
The king is doing everything for her to become happy that is why all the favor is given to her.
Because of it, the jealousy of her sisters grew stronger. They also overheard that Princess Rama
will be the one to inherit the kingdom when the time that the king will die. Secretly, they are
planning something evil to Princess Rama. One day, they invited their sister to go with them in
the mountains of Butan for them to have a bonding. They are so happy when Princess Rama
decided to go with them because they can finally accomplish their evil plan which is to leave her
into the woods so that they will be the one to inherit the kingdom when Princess Rama will be
gone. When they finally have the chance, they rush to go back to the kingdom and live Princess
Rama alone into the woods. When they arrive at the kingdom they inform their father that
Princess Rama went to a faraway place and going to marry a man. When the king heard it, he
was very shock and felt very sad but deep inside his heart he believe that her favorite daughter
cannot do it.

One day, a very strong storm came and the mountains of Butan was greatly damage.
Because of it, Princess Rama’s sister was very worried about her. They tried to find Princess Rama
into the woods but they fail to find her on the place where they left her. Because of fear and
regrets, they confessed that they have left Princess Rama in the mountains a day before the storm.
When the king heard about this, he immediately command his soldiers to search the princess in
the mountains of Butan. The king punishes his own daughters by casting them out of the kingdom
and he also said to them that they must forget that they were daughters of a king.

After how many days of searching, there was still no princess found. But the soldiers
notice a very strange tree in the middle of the mountain. The tree has a fruit that is small and
reddish, it is also hairy-like skin. The soldiers immediately told the king about this. When the
king came to see the tree, he cried because he knew that it was Princess Rama. The tree has been
taken care by the king himself and named it as Princess Rama of Butan. After how many years,
people renamed it as Rambutan.

Theme: Love and Jealousy

Moral Lesson: Don’t envy others. Count your own blessings and give thanks. The bitter
jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart can eat you and destroy you.
Genelyn P. Dulay BSE-II Mrs. Jacquiline P. Mendoza
Mythology and Folklorew October 10, 2019

How the Earth was created (Myth)

In the very beginning, there was only the sky and the water below. There was a great
kingdom in the sky which was also ruled by a great king. This great king has a son named Earth.
Prince Earth was really different from his father. He was coward and timid. It seems like he was
not a son of a king. People are laughing to this prince but they are also worried that the kingdom
will not be ruled successfully when he will going to inherit the throne from his father. However,
the great king still loves his son and he is trying to train him because he will become the next
ruler of the kingdom.

One day, a fortune teller came and said that Prince Earth will become the savior of the kingdom
and of the life of everyone. When the people in the kingdom heard about this, they all laugh
because they think that it was very impossible. The great king continued to train his son with all
the skills that he needed to learn. One day, the king notice a strange practice of his son. Even
when he was still a child, he is already doing this. He is always throwing rocks to the waters
below. When the king ask him why, he said that he was so satisfied by doing it. He also said that
it feels like he must do it. The king just supported his son even though he cannot really
understand him. To show the king's support, he also accompanies his son to throw rocks down
to the waters sometimes. This thing was become their bonding as father and son.

Many years later, the kingdom was becoming a not really very nice place to live it because
of the population that arises intensely. Because of this, the people are starting to complain and
they said that the end of the kingdom and of their life is about to come. They cannot find any
possible solution to the problem.

One day, Prince Earth went missing. They cannot find him anywhere in the kingdom.
Suddenly, he appeared running towards the people. His face tells that he has a very great news.
He said that he knows a place for the people to live in. It is found below. The people were
confused not until they really see that there is a land below. They were very happy, they still don't
believe that their life is now safe and they can now have a new start. The people praise Prince
Earth for he was the savior of the kingdom. The king remember the prophecy that he will become
the savior of the kingdom and of everyone. The land was made below the sky because of the
prince's practice of throwing rocks since he was still a child. The people named their new place
after the great prince Earth.

Theme: Individual vs. Society

Moral Lesson: Do not judge someone’s capabilities because you may not know that they are the
one that can do great things.
Genelyn P. Dulay BSE-II Mrs. Jacquiline P. Mendoza
Mythology and Folklore October 16, 2019
Pretty Pia (Folklore)

Once upon a time there was a very beautiful girl named Pia. She was really beautiful and
admirable to the point that all the people who will see her will stop whatever they are doing and
stare at her astonishing beauty. It seems like there was something magical about her beauty
because everyone who can see her will instantly admire her. Because of this, he has a hundred
suitor that is doing all their best for them to be chosen.

When Pia was still a baby, three fairies came to her and bring her some magical gifts.
These fairies just escape from their kingdom just to give their gift to the baby that they love. The
guards in their kingdom are finding them because they are not allowed to give any gifts just
because they admire someone. They have a list of babies for them to give magical gifts but they
all first went to Pia because she was their favorite. They must just give one gift on one baby but
because they admire baby Pia, they all want to give the three main special gifts to her. The beauty
fairy gave her the gift of admirable beauty, the witty fairy provide her the great intelligence and
lastly the kindhearted fairy is about to give her gift of good character but then the guards of their
kingdom have found them so she was not able to give the last gift to her.

Pia was a very beautiful and intelligent girl but her character doesn’t match her
appearance. She is treating people very bad; she is unkind, rude, stubborn and ungrateful. One
day, the three fairies came to visit her but then instead of being happy to see her, they are really
disappointed to her attitude toward the people. So these fairies want to teach her a lesson. They
all take back the gifts that they have given unto her and Pia has become an ugly and dumb
woman. The fairies appear to her and said that she must find a true love for her to have back her
beauty and intelligence. But because she was already ugly and dumb, not even one of her suitors
came to pursue her.

Pia went home and blame her mother about what happened to her because her mother
was not that beautiful but she has a very beautiful heart. Since Pia was already a grown-up, she
is always treating her mother very bad. She also accusing her mother that she has stolen her from
a very wealthy family. Her mother was really hurt every time her daughter is acting like this to
her. But her love to her daughter was still bigger and will never fade.

One day, Pia went home crying because no one seems to like her. All of her friends shut
her out. People are also very disgust to see her because aside from her ugly face, she has also a
bad attitude. Pia seems like no one loves her anymore so she lose her hope on getting her beauty
and intelligence back. While she was crying, someone caresses her back and said that it will going
to be alright and still loves her no matter what. It was her mother. This time Pia realizes that she
have found the true love. She immediately hug her mother back and plead forgiveness for all the
bad things she had done. After that, she instantly changed and have the beauty and intelligence
that is taken away from her.

Theme: Love

Moral Lesson: Having a beauty and intelligence is great but having a good character is greater.

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