Sto. Rosario National High School

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Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija

Lesson Plan in English 8


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. identify the characteristics of personal pronoun;

2. use personal pronouns in creating essay; and

3. explain clearly the importance of personal pronoun in communication.


Topic: Personal Pronoun

Materials: pictures, power point presentation, video clips, visual aids, chalk and chalk


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine

“Please all stand and let us pray, Carlo will “Yes ma’am!”
you please lead the prayer?” (The student will lead the prayer.)

“Good morning!” “Good morning ma’am, it’s good to see you!”

“It’s good to see you too.

Before you take your seat, will you please (Students will pick up the pieces of paper
look under your chairs and pick up the and wrappers under their chairs.)
trashes you will see.”
“Done? Let me check your attendance. Miss “None ma’am!”
secretary, who among your classmates are

“Very good attendance! Can you give

yourselves a Pakbet clap?”
(will demonstrate the clap first then instruct “Pak na pak! Bet na bet! Pakbet!”
the students to repeat)

2. Review

“Okay, before we proceed to our lesson, let’s

have a short review about our last topic
which is Pronoun.
Romabell, would you please share your “Mam, a pronoun is a word used in place of
ideas about pronoun?” noun”

“Thank you Romabell, who else?”

“Yes Joshua?” “ Pronouns are used so that our language is

not cumbersome with the same nouns being
repeated over and over in a paragraph.”
“Very good answers! Let’s give your
classmates a pakbet clap!”

“Pronouns are set of words in a language

that are used as substitutes for nouns or
noun phrases and whose referents are
named or understood in the context.”

3. Motivation

“Since there are different kinds of pronouns,

we will tackle those, one by one, and before I
reveal the kind of pronoun for today’s
lesson, we will first have a short role-play!
Let’s watch this video.”
(Will play a short video clip about Personal

“Who wants to volunteer to reenact the “Ma’am! We will volunteer!”


“Class, please be quiet, let us watch and (Students will reenact the video clip)
listen to your classmates.”

“Very good performance! Let’s give them

three claps!
Another volunteers?” “Ma’am! We will also volunteer!”
(Students will reenact the video clip)

“Wow, another very good performance!

Let’s give them five claps!

B. Lesson proper
1. Presentation of Topic

“Okay class, what do you think is the kind of

pronoun we will study today, based on the
video we watched?” “Mam, our lesson for today is about Personal

“Very good!”

“Today we are going to study the personal

pronoun, its characteristics and its usage.
So, are you ready!?” “Yes ma’am!”
2. Discussion

(Will show a powerpoint presentation about

the topic)

“Lovely, will you please read the definition “Personal Pronoun refers to a specific
of Personal Pronoun?” person or thing and changes its form to
indicate person, number, gender and case.”

“Thank you. We use personal pronoun to

change the noun form depends on its
characteristics. Please read the first “Number, Three Persons (Point of View)”

“Thank you. Under the first characteristics

Three Persons (Point of View), we have;
First Person or the ones speaking.
For example, the pronoun I in ‘I will go to
church tomorrow’.
Again, in the sentence, who will go to church “I”

“Who wants to give an example of a “I will make sandwiches!”

sentence using the pronoun I?”

“Very good. Next, we have the

Second Person or the ones spoken to.
It means that I, the speaker, am talking to
someone. For example, the pronoun you in
these sentences;
‘1. You should study hard.
2. I will miss you.
3. You are my best friend.
Understand? “Yes ma’am!”
“Ronnel, can you give an example of a
sentence using the pronoun you?” “Do you want coffee?”

“Thank you Ronnel. Lastly, we have the

Third Person or the ones spoken about.
It means that you and I, are talking about
someone, or it can also be the other persons
talking about another person.
For example, the pronoun they in the
sentence ‘They are my friends”,
the pronoun he in “He needs to see you

“Are we clear with that? Any question so “None ma’am!”


“Okay, let’s proceed to the next

characteristics of personal pronoun. Jovan “Three Genders;
will you please read?” Feminine, masculine and neutral.”

“Thank you. So under the Gender

Feminine, we use the pronoun she, her and
hers to substitute the name of a female.
For example, She is my favorite teacher.
I will give it to her, and
This beautiful dress is hers. “Ma’am!”
Okay class, who wants to give an example?” (Students raising their hand)

“Yes Fham?” “She is my best friend.”

“Very good! Who else?” “Ma’am!

This bag is hers.”
“Great answer Marielle!”

“Then, for the next Gender Masculine, we

have he, him and his pronouns to indicate a
male person. Examples are;
He can dance well!
This cake is for him. and
His penmanship is ridiculous.”

“Ivan, would you like to give another “I cooked adobo for him.”

“Very good answer! How about you Neil?” “He has an awesome voice!”

“Thank you! And for the last Gender

Neuter, we have it and its pronouns. We
can use these pronouns to the nouns
without gender like things around us, ideas
or to the nouns that we can’t exactly
determine the gender, like insects, animals
and a like. Examples are;
1. It is my bag
2. Isn’t it amazing?
3. The tree lost its branches
Do you understand? “Yes Mam!

“Okay! Then let’s proceed to the third “The third characteristic of Personal
characteristics. Carlos, will you please read,” Pronoun is the Two Numbers,
Singular and Plural.”

“Thank you. Now look at this table. You can

see here what are the Singular and Plural
form of Personal Pronouns.”
“Please all read.”
“I, we
Singular Plural
I We Me, us
Me Us My,mine-Our, ours
My, mine Our, ours
You You You, you
Your, yours Your, yours Your,yours-Your, yours
He, she They
Him, her Them He,she-They
His, hers Their, theirs Him,her-Them
It, its
His,hers-Their, theirs
It, its.”

“Okay, according to the table, the plural

form of the pronoun I is to we, me is to us,
my is to our and a like. I have an example,
“I like to learn more!”

“Joshua, will you please change the singular “Mam, the sentence will be,

pronoun in this sentence into its plural We like to learn more!”


“Very good! Class, give him five claps!” (Students clap)

So are we clear? Any questions for that?” “None Mam!”

“If none, we will now have a short activity.

We need three groups, so your groupings
will be according to your row.
Now, I will post incomplete sentences on the
board. All you need to do is to supply each
incomplete sentence by choosing a correct
personal pronoun in the given choices.
All groups have the same items to answer.
The group who will first finish will be the
winner and will get the reward!”
(Activity written in cartolina)

1.___spend time watching the parade of
athletes. (Their, They)
2. Do you really need to ask___? (she, her)
3.___dance move is awesome! (His, Him) 3.his

4. Why ____ still love me? (we, you), mine

5.___want to move on! (Me, I) 5.I

“Wow! Congratulations to the winning

group! Here’s your prize!

C. Application

“Now, get one half sheet of paper, crosswise.

I want you to recall and make a short essay
about your most memorable moment with
your best friend/s, and then you should
(Ideas will come from students)
underline the personal pronouns that you
have used in each sentence. Minimum of five
personal pronouns only.”

“This activity is good for 10 minutes,”

“Okay time’s over! Please pass the papers

I will check your papers at home and then I
will return it to you next meeting, so that we
can maximize our time.”

D. Generalization

“Okay class; let me know if you have learned

from our discussion. What do you think is
the importance of personal pronoun in our
daily communication?” (Ideas will come from students)

“Thank you for your very good answers!”

E. Evaluation

“For our quiz, Answer the following items

and please kindly read the direction
carefully. Avoid any alteration okay?”


Direction; Encircle the appropriate personal

pronoun to use in each sentence then state
on the space before the number, if it is in the
form of Singular or Pronoun.

____1. (She, He) is my loving sister. 1. SINGULAR - SHE

____2. (He, Him) jumped on the river 2. SINGULAR-HE
____3. The teacher asked (me, I) and him to 3. SINGULAR –ME
clean the classroom.
____4. (He, Him) and I had a Persian cat.
____5. I asked (he, him) for forgiveness.
____6. (They, Their) cannot understand you.
____7. Let us clean (we, our) classroom
before we leave.
____8. Why (me, you) hurt him?
____9. (Me, I) will never listen to you again!
____10. Can you please talk to (they, them)
about this?

“Okay! Time’s up! Kindly exchange your

papers with your seatmates. Let us check.


1. Motivation

“Class, tomorrow we will move to another kind of pronoun, and our next topic will be about
Demonstrative Pronouns. Demonstrative pronouns are the same pronouns used for
demonstrative adjectives - this, that, these and those. Let’s watch this short video.”

(Will present a video clips about demonstrative pronoun.)

“Okay, for your assignment, get your notebook and please copy and answer the following:

1. What is demonstrative pronoun?

2. Why we should use demonstrative pronoun in our daily communication?

3. Give 3 examples of sentence with demonstrative pronoun.

References: Grade 8 English Learning Module, page 20

Prepared by: Ellaine Marie T. Hebrio Signed by: Ms. Jelaica S. Alarilla
Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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