Critical Thinking Skills Among Senior High School Students and Its Effect in Their Academic Performance

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International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities

Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X





Received: 2018-08-10 Accepted: 2018-09-20 Published online: 2018-10-15


The research was conducted to identify the Critical Thinking Skills and Academic Performance of the
Senior High School aside from this it is the most important goal of schooling is to learn. And learning,
as numerous educators have repeatedly pointed out, is a consequence of thinking. The purpose of the
research is to determine the level of critical thinking skills of the respondents in the SHS of LFG-DNHS,
thus the Pearson-R Correlation will use and purposive sampling to select the respondents. This method
includes giving standardized critical thinking test to determine the profile, the scores and the level of
critical thinking of the respondents. The respondents include a total of 45 senior high school students.
On the basis of the aforementioned findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: The
researcher found the profile of the respondent in their age, gender, religion, civil status, source of
information in reading. Among the Area of Academic Performance and Mean of the 45 respondents it
has a weighted mean of 3.35; the level of academic performance of 45 SHS students covering Core,
Applied and Specialized (marked as 3.35 in the DepEd Grading System) with verbal interpretation of
AVERAGE. In this regards, it shows that SHS subjects need to infuse critical thinking skills because
they need to think critically or to understand first the problem before they can solve or make a
decision especially they are future hope of the nation; The critical thinking skills levels of the
respondents are not fully developed yet. They got a mean score of 28.01 that belongs to Beginning
Thinker in the Critical Thinking Skills Test using the Critical Thinking Test. The test had proven that
they did not attain the appropriate critical thinking level skills of a students enrolled in a General
Academic Strand and Tech-Voc in the senior high school level; There is a significant relationship
between critical thinking skills and the academic performance of the GAS and Tech-Voc Strand
students which is -0.13534233with a verbal interpretation of SLIGHT CORRELATION. It indicates that
there is a need of infusing and developing critical thinking skills of the students as they move from
one level to another and in facing the 21st Century Skills and the Outcomes-Based Education in the
Senior High School Level.

Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills, Senior High School, Academic Performance, etc.

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X


This action research and study deals with ―Critical Thinking Skills among Senior High
School Students and Its Effect in their Academic Performance. The Luis – Fe Gomez
(LFG) Diamantina National High School Senior High School is one of the key arenas in
developing the cognitive and personality of the students with a total population of 93
students, 7 teachers and 1 staff. One of the main goals of the school is to promote give
and take relationships. The learners‘ performance remains to be the top priority for
educator, for it will make a change or difference in the life of the learners either in the
local, national or global stage. This is the very reason educators continue to explore
variables that will contribute effectively for the quality performance of the learner‘s
particularly in academic and character. Academic Performance is one of the 21st
century education skills required in the Senior High School level students and a
particularly with high impact of importance in the field of outcomes-based education.
Training skills related to attributions and academic performance is so important that
some scholars called it the main objective of education and experience. Pearson-R
Correlation will be used in the study to compare the critical thinking skills and the
academic performance among the selected respondents in the Senior High School. The
sample and respondents of the study includes a total of 90 students from the GAS and
TVL enrolled in the under the General Academic Strand. In determining the level of
their attributions and general academic strand. Data was analyzed in the two levels of
descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of SPSS software. In descriptive level,
statistic traits such as frequency, mean and standard deviation were used to describe
data. The most important goal of schooling is to learn. And learning, as numerous
educators have repeatedly pointed out, is a consequence of thinking. The learners‘
success in school is thus heavily dependent on their inclinations as well as their abilities
to think skillfully. This also holds true for success in the workplace and in most areas of
civic and social life. One way to ensure that students learn more and better than they
do now, and to help ensure their success in out-of-school life as well, is to help them
improve the quality of their thinking‖ (Beyer, 1997).Unlike high school teachers who
spoon-feed their students, college instructors allow thei r students to work on their own
by only giving them the needed concept. Senior High School requires ―high-order
thinking‖ which enables the students to intelligently evaluate ideas and information.
The main goal of a college education is not to teach students what to think but to teach
them how to think . Department of Education wants to build not just mere students but
they want to produce students who possess the characteristics of a critical thinker. The
institution of education must recognize its responsibility to teach students to think
critically which is vital for the learners to negotiate decisions humanely and intelligently
in an ever –changing world. This must be the foremost objective of all educators across
education levels (elementary, secondary, tertiary) regardless of the discipline(s) they
are into, as business education teachers must inculcate in their minds that the be-all
and end-all of education is to equip the learners not just with theoretical knowledge
which may soon be obsolete but with the ability to think critically to be functional and
competitive in a rapidly changing global society. ―Although the word 'critical' is
sometimes used in a negative sense, the conception of critical thinking is not negative.
Also, it does not treat critical thought as persuasion, but critical thought will, we hope,
often be persuasive.

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the relationship between student and teacher for
Academic Year 2016-2017. Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following
1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of?
a. age d. civil status
b. gender e. source of information in reading
c. religion

2. What is the level of academic performance of the respondents in terms of?

a. Core Subjects;
b. Applied Subjects;
c. Specialized Subjects?

3. What is the level of Critical Thinking Skills of the respondents in terms of;
a. Reading in a Assumption
b. Personal Attitudes of CTS
c. Accountability of Induction
d. Fallacies of CTS?

4. What are the practical significance and theoretical significance of Critical

Thinking Skills and the profile of the respondents?

5. Based on the findings, what enhancement program can be developed to upgrade

and to improve critical thinking skills and academic performance of the senior high
school students?

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will give important information for consideration by some
educational sector as basis for improvement of Critical Thinking skills in Academic
Performance in Senior High School.

To the Learners, the result of this study will motivate them to study hard and
improve their performance in school. Also, this study will give them an idea on the
importance of knowing critical thinking as one of the factor of student‘s Academic
Performance. Improvement of their critical thinking skills means improvement in their
Academic performance.

To the Parents, this study will help them in understanding the capacity of their
child in the tertiary level as they look on the critical thinking skills of their children.
Parents will also be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their children, thus, will
help them interact with their children more effectively.

To the Teachers, this study will serve as their guide in teaching Business
Education as they develop the critical thinking skills of their students. Knowing the level
of critical thinking skills of their students will help them understand how they can help

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

improve their student‘s Academic performance, Problem Solving, Analytical and

Decision Making Skills as a future Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs.

To the School Administrators, the result of the study will provide them with
empirical basis in making instructional materials, modules and methods that can
improve the critical thinking skills of the students. Knowing that the student‘s
performance depends on his critical thinking skills, they will provide teachers with
better directions to follow so that they can give quality education to their students.

To the Curriculum Planners and Developers, Officials and Staff of CHED, this
study will give them an idea in formulating policies that can help improve the critical
thinking skills of the students.

To the Future Researchers and Text Book Writers, the result of this study will
serve as guide to other similar studies in the future. They can apply the concept and
importance of critical thinking in their research study.


It is demonstrated in the figure through the two parallel single-headed lines, the
relationship among critical thinking skills and academic performance. It is presented
that critical thinking skills and academic performance are directly proportional to each
other. If the student has a low level of critical thinking skills then, poor academic
performance may be accomplish. And also, students can reach an excellent
performance in academic subjects if and only if they obtain a high level of critical
thinking skills. It only shows how critical thinking skills of each student affect his/her
academic performance.

Research Methodology

Research Methodology describes the research design, the population and sample
size of the respondents, the sampling technique, the description of the respondent, the
research locale, the instrumentation, the data gathering procedure, and the statistical
treatment of data used by the researcher.

Research Design

The purpose of the study is to determine the level of critical thinking skills of the
respondents in the SHS of LFG-DNHS, thus the Pearson-R Correlation will use and
purposive sampling to select the respondents. This method includes giving standardized
critical thinking test to determine the profile, the scores and the level of critical thinking
of the respondents. The respondents include a total of 45 senior high school students
from General Academic Strand their characteristics are academic inclined for the girls
and skills based for the boys as per observation they do on hand task such as creating
concept paper, research, automotive activity and cooking as assessment in their
national certificate.

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers asked permission from the SHS Focal Person to conduct the
study. After the permission is granted, the researcher undertook the following steps:

1. Coordinate with the students and teachers of SHS school year 2016-2017.
2. Do the floating of questionnaire to the respondents.
3. Compute, tabulate, analyze, and interpret the data gathered to arrive at the
findings of the study.

Statistical Tools Used

In order to analyze the data gathered for this study, the researchers made use of
the following statistical tools:

Percentage. This tool used to reduce the different sets or number or common
frequencies of a comparative sets of number. It is employed as a form of numerical
analysis. This is utilized to determine the proportion of the respondents in each

P= X 100
n=number of respondents
100=constant variable

Likert Scale. This will be used to analyse the answered of the respondents through the
questionnaire using the following interpretation.


5 Outstanding 90-100
4 Very Satisfactory 85-89
3 Satisfactory 80-84
2 Fairly Satisfactory 75-79
1 Did Not Meet Expectations Below 75

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This portion of the study presents and analyzes the data gathered in relation to
the general problem of the study. It is organized in accordance with the sequence of
sub-problems as stated in the Statement of the Problem.

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

A. Profile of the Respondents

Table 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to Age


11-14 17 37.78
14-16 17 37.78
17-20 10 22.22
21-30 1 2.22
TOTAL 45 100

This table shows that the age 11-14 and 14-16 years old got the highest
percentage which gained a percentage of 37.78 and the least was the age of 21-30
years old with 2.22%. There is one special case among the group since Senior High
School is a new curriculum in the Philippines they welcomed students through Balik-
Estudyante program and our institution always follow the rule of the division.

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to



Male 10 22.22
Female 35 77.78
TOTAL 45 100

This table shows that majority of the respondents were female with a percentage
of 77.78 and the male respondents only got 22.22%.

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to



Roman Catholic 36 80
Iglesia ni Cristo 3 6.67
Methodist 0 0
Born Again Christian 1 2.22
Baptist 1 2.22
Jehovah Witnesses 0 0
Ispiritista 2 4.44
Others 2 4.44
TOTAL 45 100

This table shows that the highest percentage in the distribution of religion was
the Roman Catholic with 80%, and the least was the Methodist and Jehovah Witnesses
with 0%. The relationship between students belief and critical thinking skills proved that
religion has a big contribution in the students development not only the bible or the
words of God but the circle of friends whom they benefitted reading on it as reflected in
the open ended questionnaire it is a critical thinking skills among roman catholic

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

students because they are fan and love more on reading and aside from this is a form
of their past time.

Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to Civil



Single 44 97.78
Widow 0 0.00
Separated 0 0.00
Married 1 2.22
TOTAL 45 100

This table shows that the single got the majority with 44 or 95.56% and the
widowed and married got only 2.22%.

Table 5. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents according to

source of the information in reading.


Books 20 44.44
Laptop 8 17.78
Cellphone 6 13.33
Magazine 3 6.67
Flyers 1 2.22
Notebook 6 13.34
Tabloid Paper 1 2.22
TOTAL 45 100.00

This table shows that majority of the respondents‘ source of information is the
book with 44.44 and the least among them are the flyers and tabloid papers.

Table 6. Academic Performance and Mean of the 45 respondents during First and
Second Semester 2016-2017

Indicate if Subject SUBJECTS General

is CORE, APPLIED, Average/M
Core Earth and Life Science* 85
Core General Mathematics 80
Core Personal Development/Pansariling Kaunlaran 88
Core Physical Education and Health 90
Core Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang 92
Core Oral Communication 89
Core Reading and Writing 87

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

Core 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the 88

Core Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba't Ibang Teksto Tungo 91
sa Pananaliksik
Core Physical Education and Health 89
Core Physical Science* 84
Core Statistics and Probability 82
Core Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions 84
Core Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person 86
Core Media and Information Literacy 90
Core Physical Education and Health 3 92
Core Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 88
Core Physical Education and Health 4 93
Overall Core Performance
Very Satisfactory

The academic performance and mean of the 45 respondents during first and
second semester 2016-2017, the passing line is 75% in general 87.67 is the total
average of the 45 respondents and interpreted as very satisfactory. Students'
achievements in core subject is a wide reader type of the students because most of the
available subject some of it is similar with such as Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa
Wika at Kulturang Pilipino a prequisite of the subject Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba't
Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik as it was interpreted it was a continuous study both
from research and reading.

Table 7. Academic Performance and Mean of the 45 respondents during First and
Second Semester 2016-2017

Indicate if Subject is CORE, SUBJECTS General

Specialized Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction 80
Specialized Creative Writing/Malikhaing Pagsulat 91
Specialized Introduction to World Religions and 87
Belief Systems
Specialized Philippine Politics and Governance 88
Specialized Applied Economics 93
Specialized Bread and Pastry Production 1 89
Specialized Organization and Management 85
Specialized Bread and Pastry Production 2 89
Specialized Work Immersion/Culminating Activity 80
Overall Applied Performance
Very Satisfactory

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

The academic performance and mean of the 45 respondents during first and
second semester 2016-2017, the passing line is 75% in general 86.88 is the total
average of the 45 respondents and interpreted as very satisfactory. Students'
achievements in core subject is highly favorable as remarks them numerical this shows
that applied subject in General Academic Strand composed also application skills
subject such as Work Immersion/Culminating Activity where students have their on the
job training, Bread and Pastry Production 1 and 2 for their national certificate II.

Table 8. Academic Performance and Mean of the 45 respondents during First and
Second Semester 2016-2017

Indicate if Subject is CORE, APPLIED, or SUBJECTS MEA

Applied English for Academic and 80
Professional Purposes
Applied Entrepreneurship 84
Applied Empowerment Technologies (for the 80
Applied Filipino Sa Piling Larang – Akademik 90
Applied Practical Research 1 81
Applied Inquiries, Investigation, and 82
Applied Practical Research 2 84
Overall Specialized Performance

The academic performance and mean of the 45 respondents during first and
second semester 2016-2017, the passing line is 75% in general 83 is the total average
of the 45 respondents and interpreted as satisfactory. Students' achievements in
specialized needs an assessment since practical research 1 and 2 need more reading
materials to enhance comprehension skills and critical thinking skill.

Table 9. Percentile Rank and Stanine of the 45 respondents during First and Second
Semester 2016-2017.

Percentile Rank Stanine Mean Interval Performance Classification

Above 93 9 4.50-5.00
89-92 8
75- 88 7 3.50-4.49
60-74 6 Average
40-59 5 2.50-3.49
23-39 4
11-22 3 1.50-2.49 Below Average
4-10 2
Below 4 1 1.00-1.49

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

Table 10. Area of Academic Performance and Mean of the 45 respondents during First
and Second Semester 2016-2017.

Area of Academic Performance Mean DepEd Grading System Equivalent

Core 3.45 Average
Applied 3.26 Average
Specialized 3.34 Average

Table 11. Area of Significance level in Dimension of reading and profile of the

Critical Thinking Tests and Its Dimension

Profile of the Assumption Attitudes Accountability Fallacies
Corr. Level Corr. Level Corr. Level of Corr. Level
of Sig. of Sig. Sig. of Sig.
Age 0.17 0.07 -0.01 0.09 0.11 ns 0.08 0.10 ns 0.07
ns ns

Gender 0.06 0.14 0.12* 0.02 0.18 ns 0.06 -0.02 0.12

ns ns

Religion 0.09 0.12 0.10 ns 0.17 0.12 ns 0.09 0.02ns 0.09


Civil Status 0.08 0.08 0.12 0.09 0.04ns 0.12 0.14ns 0.06

Source of info. 0.07 0.11 0.02* 0.04 -0.01ns 0.12 0.02ns 0.07
In Reading

Based on the table the practical significance of critical thinking skills in reading is
terms of gender it has correlational value na 0.12 at level of significane na 0.02 this is
contradict of the study of Granada (2017) that gender has no relationships in any
dimension in reading. It shows the result that in reading gender has an effect also in
source of information in reading gender it has correlational value na 0.02 at level of
significane na 0.04 this is similar with the masters thesis of Ramos (2018) that source
of information in reading has an effect in dimension and the profile of the respondents.

Table 12. Critical Thinking Tests and Its Dimension and Mean of the 45 respondents
during First and Second Semester 2016-2017.

Critical Thinking Tests and Its Dimension Mean Reading Norm

Reading in a Assumption 6.89 Beginning Thinker
Personal Attitudes of CTS 7.57 Beginning Thinker
Accountability of Induction 5.78 Beginning Thinker
Fallacies of CTS 7.77 Beginning Thinker
Total CTS 28.01 Beginning Thinker

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

Based on the result of the research a beginning thinker one who assess propositions he
encounters and evaluate his or her own principle in HOTS level meaning you need
higher order thinking skills to do so. As the table imply it has a total mean of 28.01 and
interpreted as Beginning Thinker.

Variables Pearson r Correlation Verbal Interpretation

CTS and C -0.37811781 Low Correlation
CTS and A -0.11257854 Slight Correlation
CTS and S -0.05534233 Slight Correlation

Pearson R Correlation Verbal Interpretation

0.00 to ± 0.20 Slight Correlation
0.00 to ± 0.40 Low Correlation
0.00 to ± 0.60 Moderate Correlation
0.00 to ± 0.80 High Correlation
0.00 to ± 1.00 Very High Correlation


CTS and C= Critical Thinking Skills and Core

CTS and A= Critical Thinking Skills and Applied
CTS and S= Critical Thinking Skills and Specialized



On the basis of the aforementioned findings of the study, the following

conclusions were drawn: The respondents has an age 11-14 and 14-16 years old got
the highest percentage which gained a percentage of 37.78 and the least was the age
of 21-30 years old with 2.22%; Majority of the respondents were female with a
percentage of 77.78 and the male respondents only got 22.22%; The highest
percentage in the distribution of religion was the Roman Catholic with 80%, and the
least was the Methodist and Jehovah Witnesses with 0%; Single students got the
majority with 44 or 95.56% and the widowed and married got only 2.22%; This table
shows that majority of the respondents source of information is the book with 44.44
and the least among them are the flyers and tabloid papers; Among the Area of
Academic Performance and Mean of the 45 respondents it has a weighted mean of
3.35; The level of academic performance of 45 SHS students covering Core, Applied
and Specialized (marked as 3.35 in the DepEd Grading System) with verbal
interpretation of AVERAGE. In this regards, it shows that SHS subjects need to infuse
critical thinking skills because they need to think critically or to understand first the
problem before they can solve or make a decision especially they are future hope of the
nation; The critical thinking skills levels of the respondents are not fully developed yet.
They got a mean score of 28.01 that belongs to Beginning Thinker in the Critical
Thinking Skills Test using the Critical Thinking Test. The test had proven that they did
not attain the appropriate critical thinking level skills of a students enrolled in a General
Academic Strand and Tech-Voc in the senior high school level; There is a significant

International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 60-72
ISSN: 2545-420X

relationship between critical thinking skills and the academic performance of the GAS
and Tech-Voc Strand students which is -0.13534233with a verbal interpretation of
SLIGHT CORRELATION. It indicates that there is a need of infusing and developing
critical thinking skills of the students as they move from one level to another and in
facing the 21st Century Skills and the Outcomes-Based Education in the Senior High
School Level; Develop a comprehensive teaching and instructional materials such as
multi-media contents materials including simulators and video tutorials, modules, and
text book that can improved analytical, logical, and problem solving skills, and decision
making skills needed in the critical thinking level skills of GAS and Tech-Voc students in
the SHS level.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations were drawn: 1. General Academic Strand and Tech-Voc instructors
and teachers must give more comprehensive examples and inculcate the idea of the
importance of analytical, decision making and problem solving skills, and critical
thinking skills in their core, applied and specialized subject. They must organize the
design of instructions to understand critical thinking at a deep level of enhancement
programs. 2. Attend trainings, workshops and seminars that will help enhancing and
developing the critical thinking skills of the students using an outcomes-based
education model for educators. 3. The administrators‘ curriculum planner and
developers can infuse the critical thinking skills in the curriculum. Hence, the teachers
can give and construct a new teaching methodology in infusing the Critical Thinking
skills along with the subject matter using the outcomes-based education model to meet
the requirements in the 21st century education skills and outcomes-based education


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