Second Quarterly EXAMINATION Mapeh 7: Score

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Republic of the Philippines

DepEd Region III – Central Luzon `

Schools Division of Tarlac Province
San Julian – Sta. Maria High School (300987)
Moncada, Tarlac
Second quarterly EXAMINATION Score:



Year/Section: Date:
*Direction: Read and understand each question carefully, and then circle the letter that
corresponds to the best answer.
*MAPEH: b. Mindoro d. Visayas
1. A song used to communicate with spirit rituals for 14. Balitaw is a musical style of the Visayan which is a
healing the sick and protecting the community. song-and-dance debate between a man and a woman,
a. Marayaw c. Pamuybuyen one example of this is .
b.Ambahan d. Antang a. Antang c. Rosas Pandan
2. The gong that is struck by the palm while resting on b. Ili-Ili Tulog Anay d. Salidumay
lap is called . 15. The following are examples of vocal music, which
a.Binanig c. Gangsa Toppaya of the following is an example of Visayan vocal music.
b.Gangsa Palook d. Rondalla a. Ako Kini si Angi c. Magtanim Ay Di Biro
3. Kulial is a lyrical poem expressing passionate love, b. Atin Cu Pung Singsing d. Pamulinawen
which of the following instruments is used to
accompany the poem. *ARTS:
a. Banduria c. Gitgit 16. It is cultural-religious celebration to honour the
b. Kusyapi d. Tongatong feast day of the Santo Niño.
4. The following are chordophones except . a.Ati-atihan c. Moriones
a. Basal c. Octavina b. Dinagyang d. Kasadyaan
b. Guitar d. Gitgit 17. This much-awaited Lenten festival in Mariduque
5. Binanog is a gong, drum, wooden percussion starts on Palm Sunday and is participated by the locals.
ensemble from . The participanats in this festival wear masks and
a. Cordillera c. Palawan costumes that depict Roman Soldiers.
b. Mindoro d. Visayas a. Ati-atihan c. Moriones
6. Who among the following composers is known as b. Dinagyang d. Sinulog
the “Father of Rondalla” 18. Known for its fine marble.
a. Carlos Fransisco c. Juan Silos Jr. a.Marinduque c. Romblon
b. Juan Luna d. Ramos Santos, Ph.D. b. Mindoro d. Palawan
7. Which of the following is an idiophone? 19. Is a wrap-around piece of cloth worn by women a
a. Kalutang c. Suling skirt paired with a kimono.
b. Kudyapi d. Tongali a. Habon c. Tingkop
8. Which of the following is a chordophone? b. Patadyong d. Buglas
a. Kalutang c. Basal 20. Ambahan is a rhythmic poetic expression composed
b. Kudyapi d. Gimbal of syllable lines.
9. Which of the following is an aerophone? a. 5 c. 7
a. Kalutang c. Suling b. 6 d. 8
b. Kudyapi d. Pateteg 21. It was once recognized as the “Weaving Capital of
10. A rondalla instrument which has a 14-string with 16 the Philippines”.
frets and shorter neck. a. Cebu c. Panay Island
a. Banduria c. Octavina b. Bicol d. Zamboanga
b. Laud d. Guitar 22. It is a colorful festival in Kalibo, Aklan which means
11. In term “Ati-atihan” means . “make believe Ati”.
a. Make-Believe Atis c. Make-Believe Friend a. Ati-Atihan c. Maskara
b. Make-Believe Everyone d. Make-Believe Man b. Dinagyang d. Moriones
12. Sublian is a festival celebrated in . 23. It is a term used in Aklan which means “weaving”.
a. Aklan c. Cebu City a. Pananahi c. Pagrara
b. Batangas d. Davao b. Pagsusulsi d. Paghahabi
13. Hudhud is an epic poetry which is recited and 24. This term refers to the masks made from wood or
chanted only during four occasions in . paper mache’ worn during the Moriones Festival.
a. Cordillera c. Palawan a. Morion c. Ati
b. Mascara d. Ambahan 39. Principle of training pertaining to the response of
25. First inhabitants of Palawan. the body to changes in exercise frequency, intensity,
a. Manyans c. Tagbanuans and time.
b. Iraya Mangyans d. Ati-Atihan a. Variation c. Reversibility
26. Miag-ao church in Iloilo depicts which European b. Overtraining d. Cross Training
style of architecture. 40. Using another sport, activity, or training technique
a. Baroque c. Neoclassical to help improve performance in the primary sport or
b. Gothic d. Renaissance activity.
27. This literary form is a rhythmic expression of the a. Variation c. Reversibility
Mangyans with a meter of seven syllables and is b. Overtraining d. Cross Training
written on bamboo tubes or slats. 41. Training too hard and not allowing adequate time
a. Ambahan c. Hanunoo to rest.
b. Hudhud d. Oyayi a. Variation c. Reversibility
28. It is a cone-shape colander harvest basket made of b. Overtraining d. Cross Training
blackened and natural bamboo from Palawan. 42. A match where there is one player on each of the
a. Tingkop c. Iraya basket opposing sides.
b. Manunggul d. Ambahan a. Doubles c. Singles
29. This fine fiber requires a long laborious extraction b. Group d. Triples
process from leaves to be made into fine textile. The 43. A match where there is two players on each of the
processing of this fiber has been a tradition in Aklan. opposing sides.
a. Bariw c. Piña a. Doubles c. Singles
b. Husi d. Romblon b. Group d. Triples
30. The name of this indigenous tribe in Mindoro 44. Losing fat from a specific location on the body; a
literally means “men” and “women” without any fallacy in physical activity participation.
reference to any nationality. a. Injury c. Spot Reduction
a. Cebuanos c. Tinguains b. Rally d. Stroke
b. Mangyans d. Visayas 45. Can be anything from the occurrence of a new
symptom during training or competition.
*PHYSICAL EDUCATION: a. Injury c. Spot Reduction
31. A form of running at a slow or leisure pace. b. Rally d. Stroke
a. Jumping c. Walking
b. Jogging d. Throwing *HEALTH:
32. A rally of which the result is scored. 46. It is needed for the regulation of vita body
a. Stroke c. Point functions, such as blood clotting, heart muscle
b. Let d. Rally contraction and relaxation etc.
33. Term used in table tennis that refers to a forward a. Calcium c. Protein
movement of the player’s racket. b. Iron d. Carbohydrates
a. Stroke c. Point 47. It helps the body make enzymes, antibodies, and
b. Let d. Rally hormones.
34. In badminton and table tennis, a rally or play which a. Calcium c. Protein
is halted and which the result is not scored. b. Iron d. Carbohydrates
a. Stroke c. Point 48. It is important for proper functioning of cells and
b. Let d. Rally for resistance to infection.
35. A net game played on a rectangular court where a. Calcium c. Protein
opponents volley shuttlecock over a net using a racket. b. Iron d. Carbohydrates/Vitamins
a. Table Tennis c. Badminton 49. It happens when a person eats and gets nutritional
b. Tennis d. Basketball requirements beyond the needed and ideal amount.
36. It is also called “Ping-Pong”, a game similar in a. Over Nutrition c. Obesity
principle to lawn tennis played on a flat table divided b. Under Nutrition d. IDD
into two equal courts by a net fixed across its width at 50. A condition wherein a person is not getting enough
the middle. or right food.
a. Table Tennis c. Badminton a. Malnutrition c. Obesity
b. Tennis d. Basketball b. Micronutrient d. IDD
37. It is called lawn tennis, is a game in which two 51. A medical condition in which a person has too
opposing players or pairs of players use rackets to hit a much body fat.
ball over a net on a rectangular court. a. Malnutrition c. Obesity
a. Table Tennis c. Badminton b. Micronutrient d. IDD
b. Tennis d. Basketball 52. Are vitamins and minerals that all humans need to
38. Principle of training wherein other sports or maintain strong bodies and mental sharpness.
activities are utilized to improve. a. Malnutrition c. Obesity
a. Variation c. Reversibility b. Micronutrient d. IDD
b. Overtraining d. Cross Training
53. The key ingredient of foods including milk, yogurt,
and cheese, it is for bone development.
a. Calcium c. Protein & Iron
b. Fiber d. Vitamin C
54. These are nutrients which heal cuts and keep skin
a. Calcium c. Protein & Iron
b. Fiber d. Vitamin C
55. Foods include meat, beans and nuts are rich in this
nutrient which gives you strong muscles.
a. Calcium c. Protein & Iron
b. Fiber d. Vitamin C
56. These nutrients help us in our digestion.
a. Calcium c. Protein & Iron
b. Fiber d. Vitamin C
57. This food group gives you energy because it
contains carbohydrates.
a. Milk c. Grains
b. Fruits d. Meat
58. A micronutrient deficiency primarily affects
children that last a lifetime, causing blindness and does
not reach optimum physical growth.
a. VAD c. AIDA
b. HIV d. IDD
59. A micronutrient deficiency which the red blood cell
or hemoglobin count is less than normal.
a. VAD c. AIDA
b. HIV d. IDD
60. A micronutrient deficiency results from lack of
iodine in the diet.
a. Malnutrition c. Obesity
b. Micronutrient d. IDD

☺“Trust yourself! You know

more than you think you do.”☺

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Head Teacher I/TLE
Principal II

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