4th Quarter Exam

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1. What is the most popular traditional songs of Japan?
A. Sakura C. Wayang Kulit
B. Gamelan D. Peking Opera
2. The most popular shamisen music was called _________. This music is very flexible and can be performed by one shamisen or by
an entire orchestra.
A. erh-huang C. Nagauta
B. Sakura D. gagaku
3. It is a stylized Chinese form of opera dating from the late 18th century in which speech, singing, mime and acrobatics are
performed to an instrumental accompaniment.
A. Sakura C. Wayang Kulit
B. Gamelan D. Peking Opera
4. Is an Indonesian and Malay word for theater, sometimes the term is used to refer to kinds of Puppet theater.
A. Wayang C. Dalang
B. Kulit D. Kendang
5. It is an Indonesian musical ensemble that is comprised mainly by bronze percussion instruments augmented by other percussion
instruments, strings and a flute.
A. Sakura C. Wayang Kulit
B. Gamelan D. Peking Opera
6. The puppeteer in Wayang Kulit is also called _______?
A. Chou C. Kendang
B. rebab D. Dalang
7. It means skin and refers to the leather construction of puppets.
A. Wayang C. Dalang
B. Kulit D. Kendang
8. Used to express the lyric mood such as mild, placid, and gentle.
A. Bonang C. Mie
B. Kabuki D. Erhuang
9. A traditional theater art of Indonesia.
A. Wayang kulit C. Sakura
B. Peking Opera D. Kabuki
10. A combination of acting, dancing, and music which includes the manifestation of form, color and sound.
A. Wayang kulit C. Sakura
B. Peking Opera D. Kabuki
11. A mouth-blown free reed instrument consisting of vertical pipe.
A. Sulok C. Sheng
B. Suling D. Saron
12. A xylophone of heavy broze bars.
A. Sulok C. Sheng
B. Suling D. Saron

1. It is the shadow puppet of Indonesia.
A. Kabuki c. Peking Opera
B. Nang D. Wayang Kulit
2. The Indonesian Shadow puppet theater shows are based on the stories of_______.
A. Biag ni Lam-ang C. Ramayana and Mahabharata
B. Nagarakretagama D. The Tale of the Heike
3. The puppeteer of Java, Indonesia is called________.
A. Blencong C. gawang
B. Dalang D. Kothak
4. The performance of shadow puppet theaters are accompanied by the music of ________.
A. Gamelan C. Piano
B. Guitar D. Rondalla
5. _______ is the main male role in Peking Opera.
A. Dang C. Jing
B. Chou D. Sheng
6. Red color on make up in Peking opera means.
A. Suspicious and craftiness
B. Roughness and fierceness
C. Courage, bravery, and uprightness
D. Fierceness, ambition, and cool-headedness.
7. which of the following props cannot be seen in the Chinese Spring Festival?
A. Chinese Fans C. Dragon Puppets
B. Chinese Lanterns D. Wayang Kulit Puppets
8. The Chinese people believe that performing the lion and dragon dances_______.
A. Makes the country more wealthy
B. Drives bad luck and evil spirits away
C. Tells the people to reconcile
D. Makes the people more healthy
9. It is the Japanese Drum festival.
A. Chinese new year festival C. Dragon Festival
B. Kodo Taiko Drum Festival D. Balinese Dance Festival
10. It literally means to float.
A. Loy C. Krathong
B. Chiang D. fai
11. This is one of the reasons why Thais launch hot-balloon lanterns into the sky.
A. For fun C. sends away misfortune and bad lucks
B. For hatred D. For personal purpose
12. What particular term is used for “sky lantern?”
A. Chiang Mai C. Loy Krathong
B. Khom Fai D. Yi Peng
13. It is a Festival in Thailand to honor the goddess of water
A. Chiang Mai B. Khom Fai C. Loy Krathong D. Yi peng
1. Is a tall, leafy plant, originally grown in south and Central America, but now cultured throughout the world.
A. Tobacco C. Drugs
B. Marijuana D. Barley
2. What organization says that tobacco smoking and chewing is the second leading cause of death around the world.
3. Refers to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
A. Sidestream Smoke C. Third-hand Smoke
B. Mainstream smoke D. Tobacco Smoke
4. A smoke left for a long time on sofa, beddings, pillow and other objects.
A. Sidestream Smoke C. Third-hand Smoke
B. Mainstream smoke D. Tobacco Smoke
5. The smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe.
A. Sidestream Smoke C. Third-hand Smoke
B. Mainstream smoke D. Tobacco Smoke
6. The following are the effects of a smokers body except:
A. Oral Cancer C. Miscarriage Risk
B. Mouth Disease D. UTI
7. Is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that humans have been consuming since the ancient times.
A. Alcohol C. Drugs
B. Soft Drinks D. Tobacco
8. A type of alcohol that are used in laboratories and are poisonous and fatal if taken.
A. Ethyl C. Vodka
B. Red Cross D. Isopropyl and methanol
9. A type of alcohol that is also called as the beverage alcohol.
A. Ethyl C. Methanol
B. Ethanol D. Isopropyl
10. The following statements about alcohol are true except?
A. Alcohol is a good alternative to cure snake bites
B. If someone faints after drinking alcohol its not okay to let him/her sleep.
C. If someone drinks hard, he/she cant control his/herself.
D. Alcohol wont give you extra energy.
11. It controls one’s mental processes, memory, speech, learning and decision making.
12. Alcohol drinking or too much alcohol drinking may affect the following except:
A. Family C. Community
B. Talent D. Country
13 What Republic Act in the Philippines states that the use of tobacco in public places and public conveyances is strictly prohibited?
A. Republic Act 8749 C. Republic Act 2214
B. Republic Act 9211 D. Republic act 4987

1. A form of dance developed by a group of people that reflects the traditional life of the people of a certain country or region.
A. Folk Dance C. Pop Dance
B. Social Dance D. Interpretative Dance
2. The rate of speed from fast to slow.
A. Coordination C. Tempo
B. Duration D. Timing
3. A great exercise and a fun recreational activity for people of all ages.
A. Street Dancing C. Ballroom Dancing
B. Folk Dancing D. Social Dancing
4. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a group of people continuously from one generation to generation.
A. Belief C. Traditions
B. Culture D. Ways
5. The following are the basic steps in folk dancing EXCEPT:
A. Waltz Turn C. Change Step
B. Heel and Toe Polka D. Jump Step
6. It means to bow
A. Saludo C. Leap
B. Padyak D. Set
7. This is a dance of the ethnic people living in the western side of the cordillera way back before the coming of the Americans
to our country.
A. Pangalay C. Binislakan
B. Sakuting D. Sua-ku-sua
8. Both arms are in one side at shoulder level, either right or left.
A. Set C. Arms Forward
B. Arms in Lateral Position D. Leap
9. Emphasis on a beat, usually but not always, the first beat of the measure.
A. Tone C. Dynamics
B. Accent D. Intensity
10. It is the loudness and softness of an accompaniment in fitness, the degree of vigor or the amount of effort expended during
an activity.
A. Tone C. Dynamics
B. Accent D. Intensity
11. To spring one foot and land on the other foot.
A. Leap C. Gallop
B. Slide D. Skip
12. To move the body or part of the body around the wide axis.
A. Set C. Slide
B. Pivot D. Bend

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