3rd Quarter Mapeh 7

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Department of Education


Surigao City

Name: __________________________________ Grade/Section: ______________Date: _________________

School: _______________________________________________ Score: _____

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is not a characteristic of Islamic music?
A. Song phrase C. Using head tone voice
B. Narrow Singing D. Melisma singing
2. The musical element that refers to the general loudness and softness of a sound is
A Texture C. Dynamics
B. Rhythm D. Meter
3. Which of the following is distinguishing characteristics of music in Mindanao (Islamic music)?
A. Relaxed singing like natural speaking range
B. Tensed, high pitched-style
C. With speech-like enunciation singing
D. Long-phrased style singing
4. The following are different manners in playing bamboo instruments EXCEPT:
A. Strumming C. Plucking
B. Blowing D. Shaking
5. The most common accompaniments used for music in Mindanao is:
A. Guitars C. Violin
B. Gongs D. Cello
6. If your MAPEH teacher ask you to create a routine or series of gesture/movements that suit to the tausog
song langan bata bata, she expects you to:
A. Skip both feet in an irregular pattern
B. Jump forward and backward
C. Raise both arms simultaneously
D. Sways body slowly with gentle rocking
7. Pangando is a Manobo thanksgiving dance and the movement to perform it is to:
A. Series flicking of wrists as is pushing evil spirits and elements
B. Rhythmic stepping of feet and raising of both hand as in giving thanks

C. Galloping as if mimicking a horse used by arriors

D. Constant movement of arms as if courting a lady
8. The melody of songs in Mindanao may move up, down or stay the same
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Has flat keys
9-11 Create a dance routine using the basic Sua-sua steps
SUA-SUA STEP. Point R (or L) in fourth in front (ct. 1),
slide forward with the toes of the same foot and put the weight
on the whole sole of the other foot. This step is used throughout
the dance.
12-13 Sing the folk song below using kettles as gongs.
Buyayang Buyayang
(Butuan folk song)

Buyayang buyayang
Buyayang sa tubig
Ako manakayan wa bay katigkatig
Di na mogaud
Tukon lang kanunay
Diin mikadahik
Sa balay ara ni Nene.
14. The grandest festival that showcases the arts and crafts of Zamboanga del Sur which is celebrated to
commemorate the anniversary of the province
A. Megayon Festival C. Sibog sibog Festival
C. Hudyaka Festival D. Lawiswis Festival
15. To the Mandayas, the good god Tagamaling, tauught a Mandaya woman how to weave abaca fibers to
make a design. This art of producing textile took her three months to master, the craft locally called:
A. Tapis C. Dagmay
B. Sarung D. Sapin
16. The Golden Tara of Agusan has a trace of which external influence?
A. Hindu-Malaysian C. Afro- Asia
B. Arab-African D. Anglo- Saxon
17. It is the legendary bird that has become a ubiquitous symbol of Maranao art. It is depicted as a fowl
with colorful wings and feathered tail, holding a fish on its beak or talons. The head is profusely
decorated with scroll, leaf, and spiral motifs. It is said to be a symbol of good fortune.
A. Okir C. Manukan
B. Sarimanok D. Magic Chicken
18. What is the famous tubular multi-purpose garment worn by different groups in Mindanao. With the most
intricate and colorful design and is decorated by an embroidered narrow panel called the langket with
pakorabong or okir design?
A. Blanket C. Kamison
B. Tapis D. Malong
19-21. Draw a a sari manok with complete embellishment like intricate design and colors.
22. The three basic principles or balance used in arts of Mindanao are as follows EXCEPT:
A. Geometric balance C. Symmetrical balance
B. Aesthetic balance D. Asymmetrical balance
23. Which group in Mindanao has rich recipes that it talks about life itself. In other words food is life itself ?
A. Manobo C. Lumad
B. Mandaya D. Maranao
24. As part of musical heritage of Maranao, the following are their musical instruments EXCEPT:
A. kulintang C. Banduria
B. sarunay D. Kobbing
25. Maranao is also famous for their exquisite cuisine especially a condiment made of traditionally
cultivated spices, locally known as:
A. Kakanin C. Mama
B. Palapa D. Tabako

26. Choose the letter that best defines physical fitness assessment.
A. An assessment taken before the school year starts
B. An assessment that evaluates heart rate and blood pressure
C. A series of measurement that helps determine the physical fitness of an individual
D. A prerequisite assessment that every school must have
27. Fear of injury is one of the barriers in achieving physical fitness, what is the best way to address it?
A. Learn how to warm up and cool down
B. Learn how to exercise appropriately considering your age, fitness levels, skill and health status
C. Choose activities involving minimum risk
D. All of the above
28. It is a recreational dual sport played using rackets to hit a shuttlecock across the net.
A. Badminton C. Lawn Tennis
B. Table tennis D. Bowling
29. Which statement assumes personal responsibility on physical fitness?
A. An individual is responsible for his own physical fitness
B. The school assumes responsibility on the students physical fitness
C. It takes a law maker to implement physical fitness
D. The trainer is the sole responsible of the students physical fitness
30. The essence of sport is to win
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Sometimes
31. Which of the factors below are critical in choosing the right test for your fitness program?
A. Specificity C. Reliability
B. Validity D. All of the Above

32. Monitoring is a systematic and routine collection of information from projects and programs for the
following purposes EXCEPT:
A. To learn from experiences to improve practices and activities in the future
B. To take informed decisions of the future of the initiative
C. To win in the competition
D. To have an internal and external accountability of the resources used and the results obtained
33. Evaluation is assessing as systematically and objectively as possible the completed monitoring form
of any physical activity or sport. This should help draw conclusion of main aspects of intervention suc h as:
A. Relevance, effectiveness, timely
B. Efficiency, impact, sustainability
C. Duration, specificity, frequency
D. None of the above
34. In goal setting, we follow the acronym SMART, what does A stand for?
A. Attainable C. Advocacy
B. Allowable D. Administration
35. It is an offensive skill in playing badminton
A. Serving C. Shooting
B. Smashing D. Spiking
36. The first step in giving first aid to a sprain or fracture is;
A. Call medical attention C. Control any bleeding
B. Give CPR D. Monitor the breathing
37. To immobilize the injury, you will secure the splint too tight.
A. True C. Loosen the undergarments
B. False D. Apply krabat
38. In applying ice to the injury you should place ice or cold pack on the injury for 20 minutes every three to
four to limit swelling
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. 30 minutes is the maximum to avoid swelling

39. What is the term used to refer to the cognitive ability and skills to improve ones quality of life
A. Cognitive ability
B. Theory
C. Mental health
D. Emotional stability
40. Stress is normal and inevitable.
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. It is evitable
41. If distress is a negative stress, what do you call a positive stress?
A. Mistress C. Good stress
B. Stress-free D. Eustress
42. What is the most common stressors among adolescents
A. Unemployment C. Peer pressure
B. Workplace D, Fired from work

43. The most healthful way to combat stress is to

A. Take care of yourself C. Sulk in the room
B. Have a drinking session with friends D. Hide from friends
44. As a student, which of the following scenarios gives you a good amount of stress?
A. Preparing for a sisters wedding C. Unable to take a bath
B. Going to class late D. Taking a test youre not ready
45. Below are common reactions of our body to a stressful, EXCEPT:
A. Loss of appetite C. Sleeping too much too little
B. Comfortable D. Crying
46. Who is the right person you need to seek help with when dealing a serious stressful event?
A. Principal C. Mayor
B. Guidance councilor D. Neighbor
47. Being a student can sometimes be stressful, so the first step you need to do in taking care of yourself is
A. Eat a balanced diet C. Watch movie
B. Go online (fb, instagram, twitter) D. Hang out with friends
48. What is the first sign of a healthy grieving?
A. Mourning C. Acceptance
B. Fainting D. Denying the truth
49. Warning signs of mental disorder are as follows EXCEPT:
A. Confused thinking C. Social withdrawal
B. Prolonged depression D. At peace
_____ 50. In seeking medical help for mental disorder, who will you approach?
A. Dentist C. Pediatrician
B. Ob Gyne D. Psychiatrician

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