English For Academics 11

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Name: ____________________________________________ Score: __________

Year & Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________
General Instructions: Read each item carefully. Write your best answer in each number with capitalized form
using black pen only. No erasures.

_____1. Which of the following is NOT an _____7. Which one does not describe a
example of an academic text? thesis statement?

a. conference proceedings a. It is stated in a question form

b. daily newspaper b. It predicts the content of the paper
c. scholarly journal c. It provides the summary of the text
d. thesis d. It tells the purpose of the paper

_____2. Which of the following best _____8. Which of the following cannot be
describes the content and style of an considered a characteristic of a topic
academic text? sentence?
a. It is connected to the thesis
a. Use of author’s personal point of
b. Use credible and relevant sources b. It can be the first sentence of a
c. Use of non-standard English paragraph.
d. Use of outdated references c. It is the main idea of a paragraph.
d. It can be the main idea of an essay.
_____3. The following are some of
_____9. Which of the following cannot be
academic reading purposes. Which one is
not? considered a characteristic of an effective
academic reader?
a. To determine gaps in literature a. Biased
b. To identify relevant ideas b. Critical
c. To provide support to a claim
c. Objective
d. To write a short story
d. Open-minded
_____4. Which can be done before _____10. Which of the following statements
reading? is NOT true about academic reading?
a. Highlighting key words a. Academic reading consists of
b. Making comments on the main idea periodicals.
c. Questioning the title of the text b. Academic reading differs from non-
d. Underlining context clues academic reading.
_____5. Which is best used during reading? c. Academic reading involves
a. Writing a reaction paper d. Academic reading requires focus.
b. Determining the author’s purpose
c. Writing annotations _____11. This is a medium of human
d. Evaluating the currency of the text communication that represents language
and emotion with signs and symbols.
_____6. Which can be done after reading a
text? a. Speaking
b. Writing
a. Creating a concept map c. Reading
b. Discussing author’s major points d. Thinking
c. Making inferences about the thesis
d. Predicting from the title of a text

_____12. The creator or originator of any c. Search, Question, Read, Recite,
written work such as a book or play. Review
d. Search, Qualification, Ready, Recite,
a. Author
b. Translator
c. Procrastinator _____17. The acronym KWL method
d. Terminator stands for;
_____13. The following are importance of a. What I Know, What I Want to Learn,
writing, EXCEPT: What I have Learned
b. What I Know, Where do I live, What I
a. Keeping history
have Love
b. Maintaining culture
c. Knowledge, Wisdom, Learning
c. Dissemination of knowledge
d. Knowledgeable, Wisdom, Love
d. For entertainment
_____18. This statement presents or
describes the point of an essay.
_____14. This method guides you in
reading and understanding a text using a. Simple statement
table with three columns. b. Thesis statement
c. Compound statement
a. SQ3R method
d. Essay statement
b. KWL method
c. JKL method _____19. It helps you identify the key
d. SQ5R method arguments presented by the author and
analyse concepts presented in the text.
_____15. This is a reading comprehension
method named for its five steps and a. Critical thinking
introduced by Francis P. Robinson. b. Critical reading
c. Analytical thinking
a. SQ3R method
d. Analytical reading
b. KWL method
c. JKL method _____20. It is the main idea of a
d. SQ5R method paragraph. It can be located in the
beginning, middle, or last part of the
_____16. What is the meaning of acronym
SQ3R method?
a. Declarative sentence
a. Survey, Question, Read, Recite,
b. Imperative sentence
c. Topic sentence
b. Survey, Qualification, Ready, Recite,
d. Interrogative sentence

II. TRUE or FALSE. Indicate whether each claim is True or False.

_____21. Academic reading requires concentration and comprehension.

_____22. Academic texts are completely different from non-academic texts in terms of
structure, content, and style.
_____23. Authors of academic texts usually present facts to support their main argument.
_____24. Completing academic readings appears to be a challenge in which students fail.
_____25. Critical reading strategies lead the readers to a full understanding of the text.
_____26. Essentially, the language of academic texts is precise and accurate.
_____27. One has to determine his/her purpose before reading.
_____28. Reading strategies differ from one person to another.
_____29. Successful readers of academic texts generally integrate valuable information or
ideas from one source to another.
_____30. Through writing annotations, readers are guided on important ideas presented in the

_____31. A paragraph can consists of two or more topic sentences.
_____32. Sometimes, the main idea is presented at the end of the paragraph.
_____33. Locating the thesis statement or topic sentence while reading a text can save time.
_____34. You don’t have to read the full text if you know how to spot its main idea.
_____35. The main idea is always stated in the first part of a paragraph.

III. Give five examples of critical reading strategies for BEFORE, DURING and AFTER

Before Reading

During Reading

After Reading

IV. Essay
Write a short essay about the “Importance of Reading”


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