EAPP Summative Test - Midterm Examination

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Cabagdalan, Balamban, Cebu

Midterm Examination in EAPP(G11)

S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: _____________________________ Yr. & Section: __________________ Date: _________________ Score

Directions: Read the following statements about Academic and Non-Academic Texts. Write True if it is
True and False if it is not.

______________1. Academic Texts use any point of view and free of rigid structures.
______________2. Non-Academic Texts are less formal, opinion-based, and uses casual language.
______________3. Academic Texts is written in formal language and has a formal style and tone.
______________4. Both Academic and Non-Academic Texts are required to plagiarize if needed.
______________5. Non-Academic Texts are well-focused, with citation, concise, clear, accurate, and well structured.

Directions: Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided.

________6. Which is not a purpose in writing non-academic texts?

a. To inform b. To entertain c. To persuade d. To Enhance reader’s
________7. The following are examples of Non-Academic texts except one.
a. Memoirs b. Letters c. Essay d. Text Messages
________8. Which of the following is the purpose of writing Academic texts?
a. To mislead the readers from concrete information
b. To convince readers to what writer’s believe
c. To provide readers with facts and evidences
d. To compress readers’ understanding of a specific field
________9. Which feature of Academic Writing stresses that the main emphasis on writing should be on the writer’s
information to give and the arguments to make rather than on what the writer’s think or believe?
a. Objectivity c. Formality
b. Complexity d. Impersonality
________10. It is a feature of Academic Writing that observe more on the use of noun-based phrases and more content
or lexical words than function words.
a. Objectivity c. Formality
b. Complexity d. Impersonality
________11. It is a feature of writing that the ideas or information in the text are connected. Through this, reader can
determine if the idea belongs to the writer or to someone else.
a. Hedging c. Explicitness
b. Sentence Correctness d. Complexity
________12. It refers to how well writer follow Standard English conventions, how often slang or idioms being used, and
how objective the writer about the topic.
a. Objectivity c. Formality
b. Complexity d. Impersonality
________13. Which feature of Academic Writing implies that writer must avoid making statements that are not
supported with evidence or examples?
a. Objectivity c. Formality
b. Complexity d. Impersonality
________14. What Academic Paper that includes the writer’s think, or feel about what she/he have seen, read,
watched, or even experienced.
a. Reflection Paper c. Concept Paper
b. Reaction Paper d. Research Paper
________15. It is the sentence that states the main idea of a writing that helps to control the ideas within the paper. It
often reflects an opinion or judgment that a writer has made about a reading or personal experience.
a. Thesis Statement c. Supporting Sentence
b. Introductory Sentence d. Concluding Sentence
________16. It contains all the basic information and includes a concise, one sentence focused thesis.
a. Thesis Statement c. Body
b. Introduction d. Conclusion
________17. It can be a restatement of what you said in your paper or a comment which focuses on your overall
a. Thesis Statement c. Body
b. Introduction d. Conclusion
________18. It should contain paragraphs that provide support for your thesis.
a. Thesis Statement c. Body
b. Introduction d. Conclusion
________19. Which part of writing process where you need to understand the purpose of your paper and carefully think
about what you just read, watched, seen or experienced?
a. Prewriting c. Outlining
b. Organizing d. Drafting
________20. It is part of the writing process where you need to check your thesis and make sure the topic sentence of
each paragraph supports it.
a. Prewriting c. Outlining
b. Organizing d. Drafting

Directions: Complete the sentences with appropriate TRANSITIONAL DEVICES.

in other words but as well as furthermore

Drawing is all about taking the time to master each step. (21)____________________,
mastering the art of drawing doesn’t happen in a day.(22.) ________________, it’s a skill that takes
daily practice (23.)______________________ dedication to hone your craft. It’s important not to burn
yourself out,(24.)__________________ you need to stick with it.
Directions: Transform phrases introduced by wh using NOUN-BASED PHRASE.

25. Like all other forms of life, we human beings are the product of how we have evolved.
Answer: Like all other forms of life, we human beings are the product of ____________________.

Directions: Transform phrases introduced by wh using NOUN-BASED PHRASE.

Make a short a REACTION PAPER about the video being shown.(10 points)

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