Combined Strength of Steganography and Cryptography-A Literature Survey

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Volume 8, No. 3, March – April 2017
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
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Combined Strength of Steganography and Cryptography- A Literature Survey

Aiswarya Baby Hema Krishnan
P.G Scholar Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering
FISAT, Mookkannoor, Kerala, India FISAT, Mookkannoor, Kerala, India

Abstract: Cryptography and steganography are the 2 popular methods available to provide security. The objective of cryptography is data
protection and the objective of steganography is secret communication. Cryptography converts the data into cipher text that can be in unreadable
format to normal user where steganography hides the existence of message by embedding data into some other digital media. Both of them has
their own vulnerabilities. Crypto-steganography combination overcomes each other’s weakness and make difficult for intruders to attack or steal
sensitive information. This paper focus on the strength of combining cryptography with steganography and various works in the area of
combination of these 2 techniques are discussed.

Keywords: Cryptography; Steganography; Cipher, Stego image; Advanced Encryption Standard; Least Significant Bit


Computer and internet are the major media that connects A. Cryptography
different parts of the world as one global virtual world in Cryptography is one among many aspects of building
this modern era. That’s why we can exchange lots of security. It is a powerful tool used to protect information in
information easily at any distance within seconds of time. computer systems. When we use the browser for home
But the confidential data need to be transferred should be banking we use a number of cryptographic algorithms for
kept confidential till the destination. Rapid enlargement in protecting the confidential data. Even the computer
number of attack recorded during electronic exchange of passwords are protected by cryptographic hash functions.
information has certainly called for more robust method for When we send an email, it is also encrypted by SSL.
securing data transfer. Modern cryptography concerns itself with confidentiality
(information cannot be processed by anyone for whom it
Information security has grown as a prominent issue in was not intended), integrity (information cannot be altered),
our digital life. The network security is becoming more and authentication (sender and receiver can confirm their
significant as the volume of data being exchanged over net identity).The aim of cryptography is to store and transmit
increases day by day [1]. One of the reasons why attackers data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is
become successful in intrusion is that they have an intended can read and process it. To achieve this the data is
opportunity to read and understand most information from scrambled into cipher text, an unreadable format.
system. The most important motive for attacker to benefit
from intrusion is value of confidential data he can obtain by Modern cryptography is a mix of mathematics, computer
attacking the system. Hackers may expose the data, alter it, science, and electrical engineering and it has been around of
distort it or employ it for more difficult attacks. The solution 1000’s of years. It is at the heart of worldwide
for this problem has led to the development of cryptography communication network today. Cryptanalysis is the art of
and steganography. By combining cryptography and breaking into secure communication. Cryptography relies on
steganography in one system we can ensure enhanced two component: an algorithm and a key. The 2 key terms
security [2]. associated with cryptography is encryption and decryption.
Encryption is the process of scrambling the plain text into
Cryptography and steganography is not capable of cipher text, an unreadable format and decryption is just the
protecting the data alone. To improve information security reverse of encryption.
and to maintain secrecy and privacy of data, steganography
and cryptography alone is not sufficient. Cryptography can Cryptographic system can be classified based on,
be used where steganography is inefficient and
steganography can be used where cryptography is 1) Methodology for transforming plain text to cipher
inefficient. Thus a new approach of combining both text: It includes substitution technique and transposition
techniques has been proposed by many researchers for technique. In substitution technique, plain text is mapped
secure storage and transmission of data [3]. into another element and in transposition technique, plain
text is rearranged. The first well known cipher, a
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: substitution cipher was used by Julius Caesar around 58 BC.
Section II introduces a brief note on cryptography and It is now referred as Caesar cipher.
steganography. Related works in the literature of combining
cryptography and steganography are analyzed in Section III.
Finally, a brief conclusion is given in Section IV.

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Aiswarya Baby et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (3), March-April 2017,1007-1010

2) Methodology for number of keys used : It includes practice of concealing information or files within non secret
secret key cryptography, public key cryptography and hash data. The file containing the secret data is called the carrier.
function. Secret key cryptography [4] method employs a The modified carrier looks like original carrier. Best’s
single key for both encryption and decryption. The sender carriers are images, audio, video files since everybody can
uses a key to encrypt the plaintext and sends the cipher text send receive download them. Steganography is not
to the receiver. The receiver applies the same key to decrypt encryption. The data is hidden not encrypted.
the message and recover the plaintext. Since a single key is
used for both function, this cryptography is also called Steganography techniques can be generally classified as,
symmetric key cryptography. This is faster compared to
asymmetric key cryptography. Here the keys must be known 1) Spatial domain technique: In spatial domain
steganography bits in the pixels values are changed in order
to both sender and the receiver. The difficulty of this
to hide the data. Spatial domain techniques can be classified
approach is the distribution of the key. The secret key
into Least Significant Bit (LSB), Pixel value Differencing
cryptographic algorithm in use today includes DES, AES,
(PVD), Random Pixel Embedding method, histogram
CAST-128/256, Blowfish, Rivest cipher etc. Shifting method, Texture Based method etc. LSB is the
widely used simplest method where there is less chance for
Public key cryptography [5] uses 2 different keys public degradation of original image.
key, and private key. This is a property which set this
scheme different than symmetric encryption. If encryption is 2) Transform domain technique: Transform domain
done using sender’s public key then decryption should be
embeds information in transform space. In this domain, the
done using receiver's private key and vice versa. Public key
image is transformed from spatial domain to frequency
cryptography algorithm that is in use today for a key
domain by using any transforms and after a transformation
exchange /digital signature include RSA, Diffie-Hellman,
DSA, ElGamal, ECC etc. process, the embedding process will be done in proper
transform coefficients. The process of embedding data in the
Hash function also called message digest and 1-way frequency of a signal is much stronger than embedding
encrypt are algorithm that use no key. A fixed length hash principles that operate in the time domain. Transform
value is computed based upon the plain text that makes it domain techniques include DFT, DCT, DWT and they are
impossible for either contents or length of plain text to be less exposed to compression, cropping etc [8].
recovered. Hash algorithm are used to provide digital
fingerprint of a files contents. Examples includes MD, SHA, 3) Distortion technique: This technique store message
RIPEMD, Tiger etc. by distorting the cover slightly and detecting the change
from the original. The decoder function uses the original
3) Methodology for processing plain text: In block cover image during decoding process to find the difference
cipher technique [6] processing or encoding of the plain text between original and distorted cover image in order to
is done as a fixed length block one by one. A block example restore secret message [8].
could be 64 or 128 bits in size. The same key is used to
encrypt each of the blocks. A pad is added to short length 4) Masking and filtering: This technique is usually
blocks. It is usually more complex and slower in operation restricted to grayscale and 24-bit images. It doesn’t hide the
data in noise level but embeds it in significant
and examples of block cipher are Lucifer, IDEA, RC5 etc.
areas. Masking adds redundancy to the hidden
information. This method is more robust than LSB
In stream cipher technique [6] processing or encoding of
modification with respect to compression and different kinds
plain text is done bit by bit. The block size here is simply
of image processing since the information is hidden in the
one bit. A different key is used to encrypt each of bits. Bits
visible parts of the image.
are processed one by one in as in a chain. It is simple and
much faster than block cipher. Examples of stream cipher
are FISH, ISAAC, RC4 etc.
This section gives an analysis on the various works that
B. Steganography have been proposed in the area of combination of
Steganography derived from 2 Greek words ‘steganos’ steganography and cryptography.
which means either secret or covered and ‘graphein’ which
means writing or drawing. In this case steganography In [9] authors proposed a model for security enhancing in
literally means covered writing. The Greeks would actually image steganography that uses the neural network and visual
use this method to transmit secret messages more than 2000 cryptography. Visual cryptography is a renowned technique
years ago. Normally in those days they wrote on tablet to protect data which is image based. The secret data is
covered with wax. The first recorded use of the word encrypted using AES algorithm. The cover image is divided
steganography came up from 15th century book called into blocks and energy coefficient for each block is
steganographia, disguised as a book on magic. This was identified using IWT. The neural network is used to identify
written by Johannes Trithemius [7]. the best location in host image in order to embed the secret
data. LSB embedding technique is used to embed the secret
Steganography means hiding a secret message within data into high energy locations of cover image. Inverse IWT
another message. In digital computing there are many is applied on stego image in order to negate the effects of
opportunities for steganography. Steganography is the IWT. Later stego image is brought back to original shape by

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Aiswarya Baby et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (3), March-April 2017,1007-1010

using data re-arrangement process. During decryption the 2 image is encrypted using blowfish algorithm to produce the
shares of image are retrieved and inverse visual cipher image. Then the encrypted image is embedded using
cryptography is applied and later message is extracted and LSB technique in the cover image. Blowfish algorithm is
decrypted. lossless and highly secured encryption technique.

In [10] authors proposed a technique for protection of image In [16] authors proposed a method that increase the
in open wireless channel. The secret image is embedded in security of data transfer by combining cryptography and
the cover image using LSB technique from spatial domain. steganography. Mp3 file is taken as the cover media and the
Then the stego image is divided into 8*8 blocks. The secret message is encrypted using AES algorithm using a
divided stego image is encrypted by double random phase key that has been processed by MD5 hash function. The
encoding. Double random phase encoding transforms the secret message was inserted in the homogeneous frame in
image into white stationary noise. In the first phase of mp3 files with addition of a key code. The MD5 algorithm
double random phase the image is multiplied by first is a widely used cryptographic hash function used to verify
random phase mask. Then the, multiplied image is data integrity.
transferred from time domain to frequency domain by
applying fourier transform. In the final phase the image is In [17] authors came up with space domain
convolved with the second random phase mask. steganography. Secret image and carrier image are taken of
same size. Pseudo random noise sequence of both image is
In [11] authors presented an enhanced safe data transfer generated which is dependent on key. A single plane(R or G
scheme in smart Internet of Things (IoT) environment. They or B) is selected from both the images. Given plane of the
proposed a technique that employ an integrated approach of carrier image (CI) is divided into set of 16 pixels and then
steganography and cryptography during data transfer selection of the pixels are done in the similar manner as they
between IoT device & home server and home server & appear. Similarly given plane of secret image (SI) is sliced
cloud server. The sensed data from IoT device is encrypted into a set of 16 pixels based upon column select sequence
and embedded in the cover image along with message digest and row select sequence sequences.Then selected pixel will
of sensed data and send to the home server for be ciphered using second key and then embedded into the
authentication purpose. At the home server the embedded carrier image.
message digest and encrypted data version is extracted. The
received digest is compared with newly computed digest to IV. CONCLUSION
ensure data integrity and authentication. The same
procedure is carried out between home server and cloud The use of internet for communication purpose has rapidly
server. increased and it magnified the attacks to users. Protecting
the data is a big challenge for computer users. Cryptography
In [12] authors integrated RSA cryptography and audio and Steganography are widely used techniques to ensure
steganography. The secret message is converted to cipher security. Both techniques have many applications in
text using RSA algorithm and the cipher text is hidden in computer science and other related fields. Both methods
audio using LSB audio technique. By combining provide security in their own ways, but to add multiple
steganography and cryptography it produces the higher level layers of security it is always a good practice to use
of security. combination of these techniques. The concepts of
steganography, cryptography and their applications in the
In [13] authors proposed a new method of image security of digital data communication across network is
steganography on gray images combined with cryptography. studied in this paper and technical survey of recent methods
The secret message is encrypted using Vernam cipher and which combined steganography and cryptography is
the message is embedded in the cover image using LSB with presented.
shifting. Here the sender and the receiver shares one time
pad key for Vernam cipher. The authors claim that data V. REFERENCES
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