A Survey On Recent Approaches Combining Cryptography and Steganography

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Sultan Almuhammadi and Ahmed Al-Shaaby

College of Computer Sciences and Engineering,

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Digital communication witnesses a noticeable and continuous development in many
applications in the Internet. Hence, a secure communication sessions must be provided. The
security of data transmitted across a global network has turned into a key factor on the network
performance measures. Cryptography and steganography are two important techniques that are
used to provide network security. In this paper, we conduct a comparative study of
steganography and cryptography. We survey a number of methods combining cryptography and
steganography techniques in one system. Moreover, we present a classification of these
methods, and compare them in terms of the algorithm used for encryption, the steganography
technique and the file type used for covering the information.


Cryptography, encryption, decryption, steganography, stego-image.

Information security has grown as a significant issue in our digital life. The development of new
transmission technologies forces a specific strategy of security mechanisms especially in state of
the data communication [1]. The significance of network security is increased day by day as the
size of data being transferred across the Internet [2]. Cryptography and steganography provide
significant techniques for information security [3].

The most important motive for the attacker to benefit from intrusion is the value of the
confidential data he or she can obtain by attacking the system [2]. Hackers may expose the data,
alter it, distort it, or employ it for more difficult attacks [4]. A solution for this issue is using the
advantage of cryptography and steganography combined in one system [5, 3].

This paper presents a historical background of the art of cryptography and steganography in
Section 2, and shows the differences between these techniques. Section 3 gives a literature survey
about methods which combine steganography techniques and cryptography techniques. Section 4
David C. Wyld et al. (Eds) : ITCS, SIP, CST, ARIA, NLP - 2017
pp. 63 74, 2017. CS & IT-CSCP 2017 DOI : 10.5121/csit.2017.70306
64 Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT)
presents a comparative analysis of the surveyed methods. The conclusion is in Section 5 with
some useful remarks.

Cryptography and steganography are two approaches used to secure information, either by
encoding the information with a key or by hiding it [1, 6, 7, 8]. Combining these two approaches
in one system gives more security [5, 9]. It is useful to explain these approaches and discuss the
benefits of combining them.


Cryptography is one of the traditional methods used to guarantee the privacy of communication
between parties. This method is the art of secret writing, which is used to encrypt the plaintext
with a key into ciphertext to be transferred between parties on an insecure channel. Using a valid
key, the ciphertext can be decrypted to the original plaintext. Without the knowledge of the key,
nobody can retrieve the plaintext. Cryptography plays an essential role in many services, like:
confidentiality, key exchange, authentication and non-repudiation. Cryptography provides these
services for secure communication across insecure channels, Figure 1 shows the cryptography
system [10].

There are three types of cryptographic schemes for securing the data: public-key cryptography,
secret key cryptography, and hash functions. These schemes are used to achieve different
objectives. The length and type of the keys used depend on the type of encryption algorithm [10].

Figure 1: Cryptography System [11]

2.1.1. Symmetric-Key Cryptography

The technique of symmetirc-key encryption is also known as the symmetric-key, shared key, and
single-key encryption. In this technique, the same secret-key is used for both encryption and
decryption sides. The original information or plaintext is encrypted with a key by the sender.
Then the same key is used by the receiver to decrypt the message and obtain the plaintext. The
key is known only by those two parties who are authorized to do the encryption and decryption
[12]. The technique provide good security for transmission. However, there is a difficulty in the
key distribution. If the key is stolen the whole data security is compromised. Moreover, a secure
mechanism is needed for safe key-exchange process. Examples of symmetric-key schemes
include DES and AES algorithms [12].
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) 65
2.1.2. Asymmetric-Key Cryptography

2.1.3. Hash Functions

A hash function is a one-way collision-free function with a fixed-length output. Hash functions
are also called message digests. A hash function is an algorithm that does not use any key.
However, a fixed-length hash value is calculate based on the input data such that it
computationally infeasible to obtain the input data from the hash value, or even any input string
that matches the given hash value. Hash functions are usually used to produce digital fingerprints
of files and to guarantee the integrity of the files [10].


Steganography can be defined as the art of hiding data and communicating hidden data through
apparently reliable carriers in attempt to hide the existence of the data itself. So, there is no
knowledge of the existence of the message in the first place. Steganography techniques often use
a cover, like an image or another file, to hide the secret information. If a person views the cover
which the information is hidden within, there shall be no clue that there is any hidden data under
the cover. In this way, the individual won't endeavour to decode the data. Figure 2 shows an
overview of steganography system [10].

The secret information can be inserted into the cover media by the stego system encoder with
using certain algorithm. A secret message can be plaintext, an image, ciphertext, or anything
which can be represented in the form of a bit string. After the secret date is embedded in the cover
object, the cover object is called a stego object. The stego object is sent to a receiver by selecting
the suitable channel, where a decoder system is used with the same stego method to extract the
secret information [10].

Figure 2: Steganography System

66 Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT)
There are various types of steganography. Here are some of the common types:

1. Text Files: The technique of embedding secret data inside a text is identified as text
stego. Text steganography needs a low memory because this type of file can only store
text files. It affords fast transfer or communication of files from a sender to receiver [1].

2. Image Files: It is the procedure in which we embed the information inside the pixels of
image. So that, the attackers cannot observe any change in the cover image. The least
significant bit (LSB) approach is a common image steganography algorithm [1].

3. Audio Files: It is the process in which we hide the information inside an audio media.
There are many approaches to hide secret information in an audio files, like: Phase
Coding and LSB [1].

4. Video Files: It is the process of hiding some secret data inside the frames of a video [1].

2.3. Benefits of combine the Steganography and Cryptography

It is noted that steganography or cryptography alone is insufficient for the security of information
in all scenarios. However, if we combine these systems, we can generate more reliable and strong
systems [9].

The combination of these two strategies will improve the security of the secret information. This
combination will fulfill some desired features, like: memory usage, security, and strength for
sensitive information transmission across an open channel. Also, it will be a powerful mechanism
which enables people to communicate without dragging the attention of eavesdroppers who does
not even know of the existence of the secret information being transmitted [5].

The significance of network security is increasing day by day as the size and sensitivity of data
being transferred across the Internet increase. This issue pushes the researchers to do many
studies to provide the needed security. A solution for this issue is using the advantage of
cryptography and steganography combined in one system. Many studies propose methods to
combine cryptography with steganography systems in one system. These methods were deceased
in previous surveys available on this topic, such as [1] published in 2014, which aims to give an
overview of the methods proposed to combine cryptography with steganography systems. The
authors introduced 12 methods which are combined steganography and cryptography and made a
comparative analysis. This comparative has been implemented on the basis of the requirements of
security, namely: authentication, confidentiality, and robustness. Another survey [12] was
published in 2014. This survey presented many steganographic techniques combined with
cryptography, AES Algorithm, Alteration Component, Random Key Generation, Distortion
Process, Key Based Security Algorithm.

There has been a continuous rise in the number of data security threats in the recent decays. It has
become a matter of concern for security experts. Cryptography and steganography are the best
techniques to face these threats. Today, researchers are proposing a blended approach of both
techniques to achieve a higher level of security when both techniques are used together.
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) 67
In [13], the authors proposed an encrypting technique by combining cryptography and
steganography to hide the data. In the cryptography process, they proposed an effective technique
for data encryption using one's complement method, that they called as SC-MACS. It used a
symmetric key method where both sender and receiver share the same key for encryption and
decryption. In steganography part, they used the LSB method.

In [14], the authors proposed a highly-secure steganography technique by combining DNA

sequence with Hyper-elliptic Curve Cryptography. This approach achieved the benefits of both
techniques to obtain a high level of secure communication, besides other benefits of applying
DNA cryptography and steganography. The algorithm hides a secret image in another cover
image by converting them into DNA sequence using the nucleotide to the binary transformation
table. On the sender side, the embedding method includes three steps. First, it converts the values
of a pixel of both the cover image and secret image to their respective DNA triplet value utilizing
characters to the DNA triplet conversion. Second, it converts the triplet values to binary values
format. In the final stage, it applies the XOR logic between binary values of both secret image
and cover image to generate a new image which called stego-image.

In [15], the authors presented a new technique called multi-level secret data hiding which
integrates two different methods of encryption, namely: visual cryptography and steganography.
The first step of this method is to use a method called halftoning, which is used to reduce the
pixels and simplify the processing. After that visual cryptography is performed, it produces the
shares which form the first level of security, and then steganography is applied using the LSB
method to hide the shares in different media like image, audio, and video.

The work in [16] presents a method based on combining both strong encryption algorithm and
steganographic technique to make the communication of confidential information safe, secure and
extremely hard to decode. An encryption algorithm is employed first to encrypt the secret
message before encoding it into a QR code. They used AES-128 to encrypt a message, in UTF-8
format, and converted it into base 64 format to make it compatible for further processing. The
encoded image is scrambled to achieve another security level. The scrambled QR code is finally
embedded in a suitable cover image, which is then transferred securely to deliver the secret
information. They utilized a LSB method to accomplish the digital image steganography. At the
receivers side, the secret data is retrieved through the decoding process. Thus, a four-level
security has been rendered for a secret message to be transferred.

In [17], the authors presented an image steganography method. At first, they used DES algorithm
to encrypt the text message. They used a 16 round DES with 64-bit block size. After that the K-
Means Clustering of the pixels which clusters the image into numerous segments and embedded
data in every segment. There are many clustering algorithms used for image segmentation.
Segmentation includes a huge set of information in the form of pixels, where every pixel
additional has three components namely red, green and blue (RGB). After the formation of the
clusters, the encrypted text is separated into K segments. These segments are to be hidden in each
cluster. They used the LSB method for this purpose.

In [18], the authors concluded that cryptography or steganography alone cannot be used for
transmission of data because each has its own weaknesses. So, they proposed a system in which
both technigues are used to create a secure system. They claimed that it is nearly impossible for a
third party to breach the system and gain confidential data. The system used the TwoFish
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algorithm for encryption, while a new approach for performing the steganography is used which
called Adaptive B45 steganography technique.

In [19], the authors presented a method to extend the embedding capacity and to enhance the
quality of stego-images. The Adaptive Pixel Value Differencing, which is an improved form of
Pixel Value Differencing, was utilized as the Steganographic system. AES was utilized as the
Cryptographic system. In their method, they used an image as a cover to hide the secret data.
These covering images should be in grayscale of size 256 x 256 bits. If the size is higher, they
brought it to this range. If the cover image is a color image, they changed it into the grayscale
range. They used APVD algorithm to embed the data into the cover image. The resultant stego-
image is then encrypted using AES algorithm. It is important to notice here that the encypted
stego-image is left uncovered.

In [20], the authors conducted a performance analysis survey on various algorithms like DES,
AES, RSA combined with LSB substitution technique which serves well to draw conclusions on
the three encryption techniques based on their performances in any application. It has been
concluded from their work that AES encryption is better than the other techniques as it accounts
for less encryption and decryption times, and uses less memory as buffering space.

In [21], the authors performed a modern method in which Huffman encoding is used to hide data.
They took a gray level image of size m x n as a covering image and a p x q secret image. Then,
they executed the Huffman encoding over the secret image and every bit of Huffman code of a
secret image is hidden into a cover image using LSB method.

In [22], the authors suggested a new steganographic technique based on gray-level modification
for true color images using a secret key, cryptography and image transposition. Both the secret
key and the secret information are first encrypted using multiple encryption algorithms (Bit-Xor
operation, stego key-based encryption, and bits shuffling). These are, later, hidden in the cover
image pixels. In addition, the input image is changed before data hiding. Image transposition, Bit-
Xoring, stego key-based encryption, bits shuffling, and gray-level modification introduces five
various security levels to the suggested technique, making the recovery of data is very difficult
for attackers.

In [23], the authors proposed an approach which uses Blowfish to encrypt the secret information
before embedding it in the image using LSB method.

In [24], the authors encrypted the secret data using AES algorithm and hashed the key using
SHA-1 to prevent attacks. After that, they used the LSB technique to embed the encrypted
information in an image, video or audio. The receiver must recover the key which is hashed at the
sender side. The secret data can be hidden in any type of media which affords more security.

In [25], hiding information using steganography and cryptography is discussed. A new approach
is explained to secure data without decreasing the quality of the image as a cover medium. The
steganographic method is used by finding the similarity bit of the message with a bit of the most
significant bit (MSB) of the covering image. They used divide and conquer approach for finding
the similarity. The outcomes are the bit index position, which is later encrypted using DES
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) 69
In [26], the authors proposed a new method. First, the secret message is changed into cipher text
using RSA algorithm and next they hide the cipher text in an audio media using LSB audio
steganography technique. At the receiver side, the ciphertext is extracted from audio media then
decrypted it into a message by using RSA decryption. So, this technique combines the
characteristic of both public-key cryptography and steganography to provide a higher level of

In [27], the authors used Blowfish algorithm to encrypt a secret image. They claimed that
Blowfish is faster, stronger, and provides better performance than RC6, RC4, DES, 3DES, and
AES. They selected a secret image in BMP format and encrypted it by Blowfish. Then, they used
LSB method to embed the encrypted image into video frames. This method provides authenticity,
integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation.

The paper [28], is similar to the method mentioned in [27] but the only difference is that the text
is selected to be a secret message instead of an image, and it is encrypted using Blowfish
algorithm. Next, an image is used to be a cover object with the LSB method to embed the
encrypted text into this cover.

In [29], the authors proposed a new strategy employs RSA algorithm with a key of size 128 for
encrypting the secret information before embedding it into a cover image, and use F5
steganographic algorithm to embed the encrypted message in the cover image gradually. They
selected Discrete Courier Transform (DCT) with random coefficients to embed the secret
message by the F5 algorithm. They applied matrix embedding to reduce the changes to be made
to the length of the message. This strategy gives a fast system, with a high steganographic
capacity, and can prevent observing and analytical attacks.

In [30], the authors have proposed a novel visual cryptographic technique. This technique is
suitable for both Grayscale and Bitmap color images. In this approach, the theory of Residual
Number System (RNS) was utilized based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) for shares
creation and shares stacking of a given image. First, they embedded a secret image in a cover
image to make a stego-image. An 8-bit pixel of the stego-image is selected and added with an 8-
bit key to produce a cipher pixel. They use addition modulo 256 and a pseudo-random number
generator with a mixed key generation technique to generated the key. After they encrypted the
stego-image, they mapped the cipher pixel into RNS of n elements. Finally, they collected and
send the n elements. This approach is extremely fast, secure, reliable, efficient and easy to

In [31], the combination of cryptography and image steganography is achieved by utilizing both
AES and LSB algorithms. The authors uses the LSB method to embed the secret information into
an image file and they used AES algorithm for encrypting the stego-image. The authors
concluded that this technique is effective for secret communication.


In this section, we briefly summarize the differences between cryptography and steganography.
Then present a comparative analysis of the methods surveyed in Section 3. Table 1 shows the
differences between the steganography and cryptography. The comparison is in terms of:
70 Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT)
definition, objective, carrier, number of input files, importance of the key, visibility, security
services offered, type of attack, attacks, resultant output, and applications.

Table 1: Cryptography vs Steganography

Criteria/Method Steganography Cryptography

Definition Cover writing [7, 1] Secret writing [7, 1]
Objective Maintaining existence of a message Maintaining contents of a message secret,
secret, Secret communication Data protection [7, 1, 5]
[7, 1,5]
Carrier Any digital media [7, 1, 6, 10, 8] Usually text based [7, 1, 6, 10, 8]
Input file At least two [6] One [6]
Key Optional [6, 7, 8, 1] Necessary [6, 7, 8, 1]
Visibility Never [6, 1, 7] Always [6, 1, 7]
Security services Authentication, Confidentiality, Identification, Data
offered Confidentiality,Identification [10] Integrity and authentication Non-
repudiation [6, 7, 1, 10]
Type of Attack Steganalysis: Analysis of a file with Cryptanalysis [6, 1, 10, 8]
an aim of finding whether it is stego
file or not [6, 1, 10, 8]
Attacks Broken when attacker reveals that Broken when attacker can under-stand the
steganography has been used. secret message. known as Cryptanalysis
known as Steganalysis. [6, 5, 7, 1] [6, 5, 7, 1].
Resultant Output Stego file [6, 1, 8] Ciphertext [6, 1, 8]
Applications Used for securing information Used for securing information against
against potential eavesdroppers [10] potential eavesdroppers [10]

According to the methods surveyed in Section 3, we observed that most of these approaches
apply the encryption (cryptography) before the covering (steganography). We classify these
methods as Class-A. On the other hand, we classify the methods in which steganography is
performed before cryptography as Class-B. This is a useful classification since the methods in the
same class usually have similar features. The proposed classes, A and B, of the surveyed methods
are illustrated in Figures 3 and 4 respectively.

Figure 3: Class A [32]

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Figure 4: Class B

We included in this study the encryption algorithm used in surveyed methods. The algorithms
used in these methods are: AES, DES, Twofish, Blowfish, RSA, etc. Another aspect of this study
is the steganography technique and the file type used for covering.

Our study shows that Class-A methods are more popular in the research than the ones of Class-B.
Class-A methods have higher security levels and less risk exposing than Class-B since ciphertexts
in Class-A is hidden by the steganography technique. While in Class-B, the encrypted stego-
image is exposed.

According to the authors of the methods in Class-B, which are mentioned in the literature review,
the method of Class-B usually provides larger space for hiding information inside the cover
object, because the encryption process is applied to all data inside the cover object. The drawback
of this class is that the output file of the encryption process will be vulnerable to suspect of the
existence of a secret data inside it. Table 2 summarizes these results.

Table 2: A Comparative Analysis of Surveyed Methods

System Year Class Encryptosystem Stegosystem File Type

[13] 2015 A SCMACS LSB Any In Image
[14] 2016 B HECC DNA&XOR Image In Image
[15] 2016 A VCS LSB Image In any
[16] 2016 A AES-128 QR Code&LSB Text In Image
[17] 2016 A DES LSB Text In Image
[18] 2016 A TwoFish B45 Text In Image
[19] 2015 B AES APVD Any In Image
[20] 2013 A AES LSB Text In Image
[22] 2015 A Multiple Encryption XOR Text In Image
[23] 2015 A Blowfish LSB Text In Image
[24] 2012 A AES KEY SHA-1 LSB Any in Any
[25, 32] 2015 B DES Same Bit & MSB Text In Image
[26] 2015 A RSA LSB Text In Audio
[27] 2013 A Blowfish LSB Image In Video
[28] 2013 A Blowfish LSB Text In Image
[29] 2014 A RSA Key 1024bit F5 Text In Image
[30] 2013 B VCS LSB Image In Image
[31] 2013 B AES LSB Text In Image
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In this paper, the concepts of cryptography, steganography and their applications in the security
of digital data communication across network is studied. A comprehensive technical survey of
recent methods which combined steganography and cryptography is presented. Combining these
two techniques is found to be more secure than applying each one of them separately.

A detailed comparison of methods combining cryptography and steganography techniques is

presented. A useful classification of these methods is proposed. Our study shows that Class-A
methods are more common than Class-B and provide better security with less exposing of the
encrypted data. The only advantage of Class-B as claimed by the authors of the surveyed methods
in this class is providing more capacity for the secret information.


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