A Survey On Existing Image Encryption Techniques

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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 2 | Issue 12 | June 2016

ISSN (online): 2349-784X

A Survey on Existing Image Encryption

Er. Ramandeep Kaur
M. Tech. Research Scholar
Department of Computer Engineering
Yadavindra College of Engineering, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab,

Er. Sumeet Kaur

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
Yadavindra College of Engineering, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab,

In todays technical World people always concern with security of data before sending it over the internet. Security of data
provides protection to data from unauthorized access. There is large no. of algorithms are available to secure the data.
Cryptography plays a key role in data security. In modern cryptographic system encryption techniques are most widely in use. It
provides security to data so that it can be used in confidential area like military, net banking, online transactions, medical,
scientific etc. In this paper we mainly focus on some existing encryption techniques. Every technique comes with its good and
bad features. It gives a brief review to researcher to choose a particular type of encryption scheme for some selected type of data
so that it can be efficient and more secure.
Keywords: Authentication, Basic Cryptography, Decryption, Encryption, Encryption Types


Providing the security to data is becomes the most challenging task for data communication and IT engineers. Security related to
online data is known as cyber security. As the Internet grown up today, more and more data is used in every field of life and we
become so dependent on that data or information. Advancement in technology has good as well as bad effects. It is too easy to
share information from a corner of world to another end. The information may be any image, text, binary data, audio, video etc.
But the fact is also true the data hacking is also become so easy. The hackers can use the technology for their own intentions. So
we can say that data security is most important today.
Encryption is a technique used for security purpose of data. It is a subpart of Cryptography. It can be applied on various form
of data like text, image, audio etc. with increase in online applications the popularity of also got increased. A large no. of
encryption techniques exists that prevent data from illegal access. Image encryption, video encryption has many application areas
like banking, multimedia, military, medical and tele- medicine. Every day a new method is discovered on the basis of encryption.
Encryption is a process that changes the data form a readable format to unreadable format to prevent it from read by anyone
and send it from sender to receiver via a communication channel.

Fig. 1: Encryption Process

The original data is known as plain text which is readable. The senders change the data into some other non-readable format
using an encryption key and send this encrypted data to the receiver. The receiver receives the data and decrypts it by using a key
into its original readable form. The data after encryption is called cipher text. Changing process cipher text into plain text is
known as decryption. Key is a crucial part of an encryption scheme. Security of algorithm depends upon the length of key.
There is large no. of encryption algorithms are available for encryption like AES, RSA, DES ,Blowfish etc but most of these
used for text and binary data encryption. We cannot use them directly for complex type of data because in multimedia data high
degree of redundancy is found and fast interaction is needed. Some method provide security to a great extent but slow in speed
while some provide speed but less efficient. The whole existing algorithm cannot provide the entire feature in one algorithm so
strictly need an encryption algorithm which has attack tolerance.
The paper is organized into 3 Phases.
Basics of Cryptography

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A Survey on Existing Image Encryption Techniques

(IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 12 / 118)

Existing Techniques on image encryption


It is a mechanism to enciphering and deciphering a message from sender to receiver and vice versa. Encryption is a subpart of

Fig. 2 Cryptographic System

It sends the data with security. Cryptography attains the following objectives
Access Control
1) Authentication: It assures the identity of sender that the information coming from sender is really an authorized sender or
2) Privacy: It support the confidentiality of information by assuring that the only authenticate user can access the information
rather than anyone else.
3) Integrity: It cheeks the massage length before sending and after receiving so that there is not any change or alteration of
message. Alteration of message can be performed only by authorized sender.
4) Non.-Repudiation: Ensure that both sender and receiver cannot deny about sent content.
5) Access control: Only the authenticate media can access the information.
6) Encryption: the process of converting plaint text is called encryption.
7) Decryption: The process of converting cipher text again into plain text is called decryption.
8) Key: Key plays a very important role in cryptography. Key is just a piece of information that is used to encrypt or decrypt
the data. Various algorithms use different keys. The size of key is also depending upon algorithm because different
algorithm uses different size of key. The security of algorithm depends upon the length of key.
Cryptography can be fall under three categories
Symmetric Key Cryptography
Asymmetric Key Cryptography
Hash Function
1) Symmetric Key Cryptography: In this cryptography only a single key is used for encryption as well as decryption. Before
encrypt the message key is send to intended receiver and then sender encrypt the message with key and send it over
transmission media. Now receiver receives the encrypted message and decrypts it with the same key. It is also known as
Secret Key Cryptography.
2) Asymmetric Key Cryptography: This type of cryptography two different keys used for encryption and decryption. Every
sender and receiver has pair of keys known as public and private keys. Private Key is not shared with anyone while public
key is shared with sender. Sender encrypts the message with its public key and sends to receiver. The receiver receives the
message and decrypts it with its private key. This technique is also known as public key.
3) Hash function: The Hash function provides the integrity of message. Rather than key only fixed length of Hash function is
used. The length of Hash function is decided by plain text. It checks the damage of message
In this phase we are briefly describing the research work of some researcher in the same area.

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A Survey on Existing Image Encryption Techniques

(IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 12 / 118)

Akanksha Mathur An ASCII value based data encryption algorithm and it Comparison with other symmetric data
encryption algorithms 2014 [1]
This paper purposed an encryption algorithm based on ASCII values of plaint text. It calculates the ASCII values for data that is
to be encrypted. The algorithm uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. The key is modified and change into other
string and then changed key is used for both purposes.
The special thing about this algorithm is that the length of plain text and length of key should be same which a limitation in
this method is.
Daundkar Anita Mohan, Pratima BhatiImproving Image compression system by Random Permutation 2014


The given method encrypts and compresses the images. It deals with three phases: image encryption, compression and
decryption. In this first image is encrypt using random permutation and then compression is done by using arithmetic coding.
It can be consider for both lossless and lossy compression.
Pratibha S.Ghode, Abha GaikwadA keyless approach to lossless image encryption 2014 [3]
The algorithm provides lossless encryption of image. The method follows SST (Sieving, Shuffling and Transformation)
approach for encryption. The input image is divided into pixels and every pixel got encrypted using SST Technique. It gave good
quality of output image. It is a secure and efficient technique in image encryption.
Jiantao Zhou, Xianiming Liu, Yuan Yan Tang Designing an efficient image encryption then compression system via
prediction error clustering and random permutation 2013 [4]
In this paper they design an efficient algorithm for encryption and compression of an image. The technique they have developed
can be used for both lossless and lossy compression. It provides a high level of security by predicting the error domain. They did
both the encryption and compression simultaneously. They used arithmetic coding and random permutation to prepare a solid
and high security algorithm.
Ci-Lin Li, Chih-Yang Lin, and Tzung-Her Chen Efficient compression-Jointed Quality Controllable scrambling method
for H.264/SVC 2014 [5]
In this study, a quality controllable encryption scheme is proposed. This scheme shows that the computation and compression
overheads are negligible since only the sensitive data, including motion vector difference, the intra prediction mode, and the
residual coefficients, are encrypted. According to this, the proposed encryption scheme provides high security, low
computational cost, low bit-rate overhead, and smooth compatibility. The encrypted H.264/SVC can transmit the suitable bit
stream to appropriate users on a heterogeneity network.
Amit Pande, Prasant Mohapatra, Joseph Zambreno, Using Chaotic Maps for Encrypting

Image and Video Content

This paper focus on a novel scheme to efficiently secure variable length coded (VLC) multimedia bit streams. The proposed
scheme employs code word diffusion and content based shuffling techniques to achieve security. The main idea of this
encryption scheme is to make the decoding of the VLC codes in the bit streams computational infeasible in the absence of a
private key. Here the contents are divided into random size blocks. Within each block, a few bits are flipped such that the
correlation present among codeword is diffused. Next the blocks are randomly shuffled.
M. Zeghid, M. Machhout, L. Khriji, A. Baganne, and R. Tourki, A Modified AES Based for Image Encryption 2007


A brief introduction of AES algorithms is presented in this paper. With the AES algorithm of video encryption, a novel algorithm
classification is discussed. The algorithm is flexible in supporting any combination of data and key size of 128, 192, and 256 bits
Preeti Gupta, Cryptography based digital image watermarking algorithm to increase security of watermark data 2012

In this study cryptography based Blind image watermarking technique presented that can embed more number of watermark bits
in the gray scale cover image without affecting the imperceptibility and increase the security of watermarks. By using watermark
nesting we can embed more number of bits in the cover image as compare to without watermark nesting. Due to nesting feature
we can embed some metadata about watermark also.
Kalyani G. Nimbokar, Dr. M.V.Sarode Clustering and Permutation Based Image Encryption and Compression System
2015 [9]
In this paper they design an algorithm for encryption and compression. Image encryption can be done using random permutation
and combination. It is useful in compressing the encrypted data. They study both ETC and CTE here.

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A Survey on Existing Image Encryption Techniques

(IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 12 / 118)

Zhang Yun-peng, Liu Wei, Cao Shui-ping, Zhai Zheng-jun, Nie Xuan , Dai Wei-diDigital image encryption algorithm
based on chaos and improved DES 2000 [10]
They present a method of image encryption using a combination of no. of image encryption algorithms. Chaotic and RGB
methods used to prepare the image and then 2 times encryption is done using modified DES.It give high level of security and
posses a good speed.
Shuqun Zhang and Mohammed A. Karim, Color image encryption using double random phase encoding 1999


The paper introduces a technique for image encryption using a combination of image transformation and encrypted technique. It
uses image shuffling and minimizes correlation. After this step double encryption is performed.
Mohammad Ali Bani Younes and Aman Jantan, An Image Encryption Approach Using a Combination of Permutation
Technique Followed by Encryption 2008 [12]
They purposed an algorithm used to encrypt color images. First the color image converted into grey scale image and then
encoding is performed. Encoding can be done in 2 phase mask-input plain and Fourier plain. At decryption grey images again
changed into RGB format.
K.C. Ravishankar, M.G. Venkateshmurthy Region Based Selective Image Encryption 2006 [13]
The proposed method helps to encryption of image at a selective level. It encrypts only the selected portion of image not whole
image, for encryption the image is divided into fixed size blocks or regions. These regions processed independently. Similarly
decryption is also performed on only that portion which is encrypted rather than whole image. It is good choice to save the
encryption time and reduce complexity.
Riyaz Sikandar Kazi, Prof.Navnath PokaleSecure image transfer using Clustering and permutation based approach
2015 [14]
In this paper the image encryption and compression using permutation. In this approach, the input image is divided into small
boxes. These boxes are generating by using clustering method. After this step encryption is applied on selected cluster. At the
end compression is performed efficiently.
Parveen Kumar, Maitreyee DuttaImage encryption using prediction error K-mean clustering and cyclic permutation
2015 [15]
This paper purposes encryption of image using K-mean clustering and cyclic permutation. It is a fast and easier method to
provide a good level of security.
In this paper many algorithms are given to perform the encryption on images. Encryption is a sub part of cryptography. Using
encryption we can secure our data transmission. Different algorithm has different performance. Some gives good speed but not
efficient and some provide efficiency but low level of security. Every algorithm has its own merits and demerits.
On studied the all research paper we can conclude that the selection of particular algorithm can be made on the basis of
various data types because every algorithm works on some special type of data. For security complex algorithms should be used
while chaos based scheme can be use for multimedia data.

Jiantao Zhou, Xianiming Liaoyuan Yan Tang,(2014).Designing an efficient image encryption then compression system via prediction error clustering and
random permutation, IEEE, transaction on information forensic and security vol.9.no.1.january 2014.
Daundkar Anita Mohan, Pratima Bhati,(2014).Improving Image compression system by Random Permutation, International Journal of advanced Research
in Computer Science and software and Engineering, ISSN : 2277 128X, Vol. 4,Issue 11, Nov 2014
Pratibha S.Ghode, Abha Gaikwad,(2014.)A keyless approach to lossless image encryption International Journal of advanced Research in Computer
Science and software and Engineering, ISSN : 2277 128X, Vol. 4,Issue 5, may 2014
Akanksha Mathur, (2012).An ASCII value based data encryption algorithm and its compression with other symmetric data encryption algorithms,
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, ISSN: 0975-3397, Vol. 4 No. 09 Sep 2012
Ci-Lin Li, Chin-Yang Lin, and Tzung-Her Chen,(2011). Efficient compression-Jointed Quality
Controllable scrambling method for H.264/SVC,
international Journal of network security Vol.16, 2014
Amit Pande, Prasant Mohapatra, Joseph Zambreno,(2011). Using Chaotic Maps for Encrypting Image and Video Content, IEEE, International Symposium
on Multimedia, 2011
M. Zeghid, M. Machhout, L. Khriji, A. Baganne, and R. Tourki,(2006). A Modified AES Based for Image Encryption, World Academy of Science,
Engineering and Technology, 2007
Preeti Gupta, (2012). Cryptography based digital image watermarking algorithm to increase security of watermark data, International Journal of Scientific
& Engineering Research, Vol. 3, and September 2012.

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A Survey on Existing Image Encryption Techniques

(IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 12 / 118)

Kalyani G. Nimbokar,Dr. M.V.Sarode,(2015).Clustering And Permutation Based Image Encryption And Compression System, international journal of
research in advent technology,ISSN:2321-9637,march 2015
Zhang Yun-peng, Liu Wei, Cao Shui-ping, Zhai Zheng-jun, Nie Xuan , Dai Wei-di,(2009).Digital image encryption algorithm based on chaos and
improved DES,IEEE,international conference on system, man and cybernetics,2009
Shuqun Zhang and Mohammed A. Karim,(1999).Color image encryption using double random phase encoding ,microwave and optical technologies
Letters Vol. 21, No. 5, 318-322 , June 5 1999
Mohammad Ali Bani Younes and Aman Jantan,(2008).An Image Encryption Approach Using a Combination of Permutation Technique Followed by
Encryption ,international journals of computer science and network security,vol.8,april 2008
K.C. Ravishankar, M.G. Venkateshmurthy, (2006).Region Based Selective Image Encryption, 1-424-0220-4/06 2006 IEEE
Riyaz Sikandar Kazi,Prof.Navnath Pokale,(2015).Secure image transfer using Clustering and permutation based approach,International Journal of
advanced Research in Computer engineering and technology, ISSN : 2378-1223, Vol. 4,Issue 6, June 2015
Parveen Kumar,Maitreyee Dutta,(2015).Image encryption using prediction error K-mean clustering and cyclic permutation international journal of
advance research in computer science and management studies ISSN : 2321-7728, Vol. 3,Issue 4, April 2015

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