A Project Proposal On Occupational Health and Safety of Nafees Steel
A Project Proposal On Occupational Health and Safety of Nafees Steel
A Project Proposal On Occupational Health and Safety of Nafees Steel
Submitted To
Associate Professor
Southern University Bangladesh
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 3
BACKGROUND INFORMATION ............................................................................... 4
ACKNOWLEDEMENT .............................................................................................. 5
WORK PLAN ........................................................................................................... 8
PROJECT COST/BUDGET ......................................................................................... 8
REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 9
BASIC DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................. 10
AVAILABLE RESOURCES ........................................................................................ 12
EVALUATION PLAN............................................................................................... 13
CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 15
REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 16
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Occupational safety and health (OSH), also commonly referred to as occupational health and
safety (OHS), occupational health, or workplace health and safety (WHS), is a multidisciplinary
field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work. These terms also refer to
the goals of this field, so their use in the sense of this article was originally an abbreviation of
occupational safety and health program/department etc. Any accident or incident can shut down
a business/institution, disrupt its operations, causes fatal injuries, cause environmental damage
strategy which will significantly reduce accidents/incidents, though may not completely eliminate
them. As Murphy’s Law, “If anything can go wrong then at one time it will.” Emergency
preparedness is all about “what if it happens?” It is on this basis, and also bearing in mind the
vast infrastructural investment and the high number of staff and employee at Nafees Steel that
enable the victims and those who will respond to the emergency in any way to react
immediately, correctly and safely with the view of mitigating effects and thus the need to
establish the Safety and Health Committee to oversee such. The field of occupational health and
safety (OHS) has become a topic of increasing importance over the last 30 years. The
establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 1970 reflected the
recognition that safety in the workplace is a basic expectation for all employees. Originally
addressing concerns in industry and hazards associated with mechanical injury, the field of
occupational health and safety has expanded to almost every workplace environment, from the
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The Safety and Health Committee is a requirement to all branches of industry
including; care homes, schools, universities, information technology companies, the national
health service, leisure facilities and offices. The government of Bangladesh through Occupational
Safety and Health Act (OSHA, 2007) has made it mandatory that there should be safety and
health committee in all institutions and in any work place that regularly employs 20 or more
Nafees Steel like other institutions, has the corporate responsibility to understand the
effects that the institution’s activities has on the staffs, employees and officer and the
environment and thus the well-being of the officers and staff. With many accidents and incidents
in Bangladesh Manufacturing companies being reported each passing day largely because of
unhealthy condition and risky framework in floor management and safety less infrastructure.
Historically, steelmaking was a dangerous process and accidents were inevitable. Today,
many steel companies recognize that this is no longer appropriate for a modern and technically
advanced industry. There is no area, process or type of work that cannot be accident-free.
Safety and health requires a permanent 100% commitment from everyone. Most importantly, it
requires a strong commitment from senior management of steel companies, which should set
the culture in which safety and health is the number one priority and must not be compromised
for any other objective.
Steel companies are improving their safety and health performance and some
businesses have gone without any los t time injuries or fatalities for many years. These
companies know that such performance requires excellence in all aspects of their operations.
This excellence also produces superior business performance - the most successful steel
companies are also the safest.
As reported from World Steel safety data from 2006 to 2016 shows that the steel
industry has seen a steady and notable reduction in the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
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Nafees Steel is a manufacturing company. It was established at July 17 2010. The legal
status of the firm is sole proprietorship. The total number of employees are 100 to 150 people.
The annual turnover of the industry is 50 lakh – 1 crore. It has modern buildings standing on
several acres of land which is also used for manufacturing metal .The institution plays a critical
role in the society as it provides employment and try to contribute in development in the
country. There is therefore need for emergency response plan and in essence formation of
occupational health and safety committee that will be charged with the responsibility of
overseeing the safety of the people, and the large infrastructural investment in this institution
not to forget the environment.
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Goals: Nafees Steel will comply with all aspects of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) requirements.
This policy:
Shows the commitment of management and workers to health and safety.
Aims to remove or reduce the risks to the health, safety and welfare of all workers,
contractors and visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our business
Aims to ensure all work activities are done safely.
Management will provide and maintain as far as possible:
A safe working environment.
Safe systems of work.
Facilities for the welfare of workers.
Information, instruction, training and supervision that is reasonably necessary to ensure
that each worker is safe from injury and risks to health.
A commitment to consult and co-operate with workers in all matters relating to health
and safety in the workplace.
A commitment to continually improve our performance through effective safety
Employees have an obligation to:
Comply with safe work practices, with the intent of avoiding injury to themselves and
others and damage to office equipment.
Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others.
Comply with any direction given by management for health and safety.
Not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety.
Report all accidents and incidents on the job immediately, no matter how trivial.
Report all known or observed hazards to their supervisor or manager.
Not use drugs or alcohol while engaged in equipment operation.
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There are some steps which help to make a effective health and safety in work plan
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Key players in the emergency response team include;-
1. Institution management- it ensures that the firm’s at all times has an emergency
5. Police- they protect life, property and control traffic during emergencies
1. Equipment- Should always is in good working conditions and this includes; - all
- To have representation from both the management and the working staff:-
management side to include the principal or his/her appointed representative preferably his/her
deputy who will also be the chair of the safety committee in the staffs
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Before a detailed discussion of health and safety issues can take place, some basic
(a) Fire drill – also called fire practice is a ‘mock emergency’ done by deliberately setting
up a fire or any scare, with the knowledge of only a few occupants done as a practice of what
people must do in order to escape safely from a building. It is basically a test of people’s
knowledge on how to evacuate buildings in an orderly and timely manner in the case of
(b) Health – the protection of the bodies and minds of people from illness resulting from
the materials, processes or procedures used in the workplace. The borderline between health
and safety is ill-defined and the two words are normally used together to indicate concern for
the physical and mental well-being of the individual at the place of work.
(c) Welfare – the provision of facilities to maintain the health and well-being of
individuals at the workplace. Welfare facilities include washing and sanitation arrangements, the
provision of drinking water, heating, lighting, and accommodation for clothing, seating (when
required by the work activity), eating and rest rooms. First aid arrangements are also considered
as welfare facilities.
and mental disorders that are either caused or triggered by workplace activities. Such conditions
may be induced by the particular work activity of the individual or by activities of others in the
workplace. The time interval between exposure and the onset of the illness may be short (e.g.
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(e) Environmental protection – These are arrangements to cover those activities in the
workplace which affect the environment (in the form of flora, fauna, water, air and soil) and,
possibly, the health and safety of employees and others. Such activities include waste and
(f) Accident – defined by the Health and Safety Executive as ‘any unplanned event that
results in injury or ill health of people, or damage or loss to property, plant, institution, materials
more narrowly by excluding events that do not involve injury or ill health.
(g) Near miss – is any incident that could have resulted in an accident. Knowledge of near
misses is very important since research has shown that, approximately, for every 10 ‘near miss’
(h) Dangerous occurrence – is a ‘near miss’ which could have led to serious injury or loss
of life. Examples include the collapse of a scaffold or a crane or the failure of any passenger
(i) Hazard and risk – a hazard is the potential of a substance, activity or process to cause
harm. Hazards take many forms including, for example, chemicals, electricity and working from a
ladder. A hazard can be ranked relative to other hazards or to a possible level of danger. A risk is
the likelihood of a substance, activity or process to cause harm. A risk can be reduced and the
hazard controlled by good management. It is very important to distinguish between a hazard and
a risk – the two terms are often confused and activities such as construction work are called high
risk when they are high hazard. Although the hazard will continue to be high, the risks will be
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All the necessary resources should be itemized in an annual budget and included in the
workplace health improvement plan. Accurate tracking of program costs can be used as part of
the evaluation strategy to compare the organization’s investment with program goals and
outcomes. Available resources are a factor in determining which workplace health activities are
feasible to pursue and the time required to achieve them.
Ensure sufficient resources are available to support the workplace health program
• Resources include financial resources, such as vendor contracts, purchasing of
equipment or supplies (e.g., influenza vaccine or renting mobile screening equipment),
marketing or educational materials, or hiring staff to oversee and manage the program.
• Resources for all phases of the program’s development including assessment, planning
and implementation of programs, and evaluation.
• Additional resources include staff time for planning and implementation, space, and
employee’s time to participate.
• Community partners can bring additional resources into the program to meet needs or
fill gaps that the workplace health coordinator or committee cannot accomplish alone:
Experts from local hospitals or universities can be brought in to conduct health
promotion seminars.
Organizations such as the YMCA can provide access to fitness facilities for
opportunities for physical activity.
State or local health departments can provide health data that can be used for
Voluntary health organizations such as the American Cancer Society or American
Heart Association have educational materials or programs that address
employee health needs.
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Safety is good for business. A safe and healthy workplace is one of the keys to business
success. By establishing good health and safety practices in the workplace, a business is
likely to have more motivated and productive employees, lower absenteeism rates, fewer
business disruptions and reductions in the costs of sick pay and temporary replacement staff.
This will help to reduce the sometimes serious impacts of injury and illness on employees,
families and the wider community – and improve the business’s reputation both in the business
world and as an employer of choice.
To make health and safety a day-to-day part of business practice, managers and supervisors need
to be committed to health and safety. These steps can be followed to improve, the management
of health and safety in our workplace:
Assign safety responsibilities for all levels of business, from employees on the work floor
to senior managers. Write them into the job descriptions.
Regularly share the performance in health and safety improvements. Measure things
such as the quality of the incident investigations carried out and the number of
safety improvement suggestions received. Report back to employees on how things
are going.
Build a shared vision of health and safety goals among the managers and supervisors. Be
clear about the priority of health and safety among other important business priorities.
Make managers and supervisors accountable for being seen to be involved, setting a
proper example and leading business’s health and safety improvements.
Create a health and safety committee. Ensure it functions well e.g. meetings are well
attended, responsibilities/functions are shared, and the committee is authorized to
make decisions.
Provide employees with ways to participate and contribute suggestions – able to raise
concerns or problems. Encourage them to share these and ideas for improvement with
supervisors and managers accountable for their responses.
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Good safety practices include the following:
Assigning and publishing the responsibility and duties of the employees associated with
the management of the safety in the steel plant.
Investigation of all the accidents whether small or big and the implementation of
corrective measures.
Studying the significant safety incidents which have happened in other steel plants and
learning from the same.
Registration and control of safety standards and maintaining a register of the
significant incidents.
Internal & external publication of safety investigation results and the obtained
Conducting regular shop review meetings regarding status of safety in the shop as well
as monthly review meeting at the chief executive level.
Conducting training as well as refresher safety training programs amongst the
employees where investigation of various incidents are also to be discussed.
Conducting emergency safety drills.
Conducting of regular safety audits to locate unsafe areas and practices and to ensure
that the corrective actions have been taken. Safety audits can also help in early
detection of the equipment deterioration and the deviations and/or procedures that
can degrade or deteriorate then safety levels.
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The formation of the Safety and Health Committee at Nafees steel will be a great
indicator of the institution in compliance of government policies on safety (Occupation, Safety
and Health Act, 2007) and the seriousness the firm management takes on its responsibilities on
the safety and health of the staff and officers. It will come up with the Safety Policy which can be
used as evidence of the institution against any liability in the event of any claims. It will also help
in reducing risks and hazards in places of work and hence the well-being of staff and officers.
There is general lack of knowledge, attitude and behavior on the part of employees, employer
and regulating bodies in developing countries. Occupational diseases and injuries are very
common due to lack of adopting simple preventive measures.
All employees should know where the first-aid kit and fire extinguisher is located and be
trained on an emergency plan and evacuation procedures. Risk assessment will be undertaken
for all members of staff, work activities and systems annually. It consists in identifying the
hazards; identifying who might be harmed and how; evaluating the risks from identified hazards.
Where risks are already controlled in some way, the effectiveness of those controls needs to be
considered when assessing the extent of the risk that remains. The results of the risk
assessments will be recorded in writing, and safety procedures adjusted to ensure adequate
levels of health safety and welfare.
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1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_safety_and_health
3. Pingle S. Occupational safety and health in India: now and the future. Ind Health
4. Munir A, Ashraf MA, Nasir A, Hensel O, Iqbal M. Ergonomics and Occupational Health in
Sugar Industry of Pakistan. Pak J of Life and Soc Sci 2012;10:74-9.
6. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330701288_Improving_safety_health_envir
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