EDUA630 Research Project Spring 19

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EDUA630 Research Project

In this course, students have to submit a research project report. The pre-requisite to take the

course is the successful completion of the course ‘Research Methods’. To facilitate students the

report shall be completed in six stages. At each stage you may refer back to the course STA630

‘Research Methods’.

1. Selection of Research Problem

You have to select a topic for research. This research topic could be related to your

experiences in the teaching practice or on any other important research problem.

Relevant examples of 2-3 research topics are given in download section of LMS for ready


2. Statement of the Problem

State the problem in two to three sentences and formulate specific objectives for the

selected topic. You may add research questions/ hypotheses of the study.

3. Review of the Related Literature

In this assignment you are required to synthesize literature from different sources related to

your topic.

• The literature review is the systematic account of what has already been researched

and published on the topic at hand. It basically complies the existing level of

knowledge about the subject under study.

• It sets the stage for the study and provides rationale for supporting or refusing the

results of your study.

Note: For review consult at least five books and five articles relevant to the topic of your


4. Methodology

a. Sources of Data

Identify the sources of data required for your study, such as people from the

community, teachers, students etc.

b. Instrument/s of the study

The instruments can be questionnaire, test, scale, interview schedule or observation

schedule. You may select instrument from the available instruments, if any. In such a

case, describe rationale for its selection. If already developed instrument is not available

you may develop your own.

c. Data collection

State how the data will be collected, i.e., through personal visits, emails, surface mails etc.

5. Data Analysis and Results

You are required to use appropriate data analysis techniques for quantitative or

qualitative data. Quantitative data may be presented using numbers, percentages and

other descriptive statistics in the form of tables and graphs. Give interpretations of data

in words (narration) to give meanings. Qualitative data may be given in the form of

figures, flow charts or other charts.

a. Discussion of Results
Discuss and comment on the findings in the light of research questions, related literature.

Explain how your results are similar or different from the literature.

b. Conclusions and Recommendation

6. Writing Complete Report

Compile all the assignment in the form of report having following chapters.

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter should give brief introduction of the problem, including statement of

the problem, objectives, hypotheses/ research questions, and methodology.

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

Chapter 3: Methodology

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter 5: Summary, Findings, Conclusions, Discussion, and Recommendations

General Formatting Guidelines

You are required to provide one hard copy of the research project report following

the guidelines given as under:

1) Paper Size: A4 size (8.3 x 11.7 inches).

2) Margins: One inch on top, bottom, and right, and 1.5 inch on left.

3) Font Size and Type: 12-pt. Times New Roman font.

4) Headings and Subheadings: Font size 14-pt (Bold) for main headings and 12-pt

(Bold) for subheadings, Times New Roman Font.

5) Line Spacing: Double-space throughout the document, including the title page, body of

the document, references and appendixes, if any.

6) Spacing after Punctuation: Space once after commas, colons, and semicolons within


7) Alignment: The entire text must be aligned to the left side of page. In MS Word, select

the entire text. On the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” group, click “Align text left”.

8) Paragraph Indentation: 5 spaces (Press “tab” while beginning each new paragraph).

9) Pagination: The page number appears one inch from the right edge of the paper on the

top margin of every page.

10) Table Heading: “Table 1” is typed flush left above the table caption.

11) Table Caption: “Sample of the study” is typed flush left and italic, above the table

without any space.

12) Figure Caption: “Figure 1.” is typed flush left and italicized on the first line below the

figure (should be a brief descriptive phrase).

Assignment Opening Schedule (SPRING 2019)

There are six assignments in this course. Students have to submit five assignments

on the LMS and one complete research project report through email. Students are

encouraged to share their progress on the project and problems faced by them as

well, with their relevant supervisors. Details of the sessions/ breakdown of the

assignments are given below.

Assign Week/Date Discussion points Task

ment You can discuss these points with your relevant

1 07-05-2019 1.Orientation Selection of topic

2.Discussion about tentative research topics
2 15-05-2019 1.Brief background of the topic Making objectives
2.Develop research objectives and research
3.Formulating research questions/ questions/
hypotheses hypotheses
3 23-05-2019 Literature Review Literature review/
(NOTE: Literature will continue throughout the Relevant Material
research process but you need to send us at least with topic
20 page assignment)
4 20-06-2019 1. Present a written progress report to their Methodology/
supervisors for feedback Instrument
2. Discuss and finalize the research development
(e.g. observation schedule, anecdotal
records, questionnaire, interview protocol

5 10-07-2019 Data Collection and analysis Complete Data

1. Data collection and entry into SPSS Collection from
2. Analyze data with the approval of Sample and
supervisor. appropriate
6 27-08-2019 Final complete research project report Complete Report

Note: Keep Visiting LMS for any updates

Nauman A. Abdullah

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