Bearing Capacity of Closed and Open Ended Piles Installed in Loose Sand PDF
Bearing Capacity of Closed and Open Ended Piles Installed in Loose Sand PDF
Bearing Capacity of Closed and Open Ended Piles Installed in Loose Sand PDF
Bearing capacity of closed and open ended pipe piles installed in loose sand
with emphasis on soil plug
Mohammed Y. Fattah1 & Wissam H.S. Al-Soudani2
1 CEng., Building and Construction Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq,
2 Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
[Emial: [email protected]]
Present study investigates the behaviour of plug on pile load capacity and effect of plug removal. Different
parameters are considered such as pile diameter to length ratio, type of installation in loose sand, removal of plug in
three stages (50%, 75% and 100%) with respect to length of plug. Kerbala sand from Iraq, which is used as a
foundation soil is poorly graded clean sand. It was concluded that the percentage of reduction in pile load capacity
for open–ended pile increases with increase of the length of removal of the soil plug. Open-ended pipe pile behaves
as a closed-ended if the soil plug formed inside piles is in state of partial plug or full plug. The failure of a pile to
plug during driving does not necessarily mean that it will not plug during static loading, since inertia effects, which
are present during driving are absent during static loading. This can be observed from the load-settlement curves
where the open-ended piles exhibit large resistance to penetration due to mobilization of internal friction during
static loading.
from entering the pile. A pile driven in the plugged This pile is a steel pipe, which is open at
mode behaves similarly as a closed-ended pile. both ends and is driven into the ground with
Typically, a large-diameter pipe pile (such as used blows to the top of the pile. On completion
in off- shore piling) driven in sand will tend to be of the pile, driving the ground level is
driven in a fully coring mode, while smaller distinctly lower inside than outside the pile.
diameter piles will be plugged, at least partially. The state of plugging of the pile is
Larger penetration depths and lower relative determined based on the difference between
densities facilitate soil plug formation. Both the the ground levels inside and outside the pile.
driving response and static bearing capacity of Normally, formation of the plug requires
open-ended piles are affected by the soil plug that that the pile penetrates into the plugging soil
forms inside the pile during pile driving. In order to layer not less than 10 x D length, where D is
investigate the effect of the soil plug on the static the diameter of the pile. Open-end pipe piles
and dynamic response of an open-ended pile and are driven in order to reduce driving stresses
the load capacity of pipe piles in general, during driving; a soil plug can develop
experimental pile load tests were performed on inside the pipe pile, Figure 1, (Paik et al.,
instrumented open- and closed-ended piles driven 2003).
into sand. For the open-ended pile, the soil plug
length was continuously measured during pile
driving, allowing calculation of the incremental
filling ratio for the pile. The cumulative hammer
blow count for the open-ended pile was 16% lower
than for the closed-ended pile. The problem is
complicated by the fact that the pile may behave, as
Figure 1: Plug length of open-ended pile (Paik et al., 2003).
a closed-ended pile during static loading although it
does not plug during installation.
Szechy (1961) showed that the degree of
soil plugging and bearing capacity of two piles
Materials and Methods
with different wall thicknesses do not differ in a
This pile is a steel pipe, which is open at both
significant way (with bearing capacity increasing
ends and is driven into the ground with blows to
only slightly with increasing wall thickness); only
the top of the pile. After the pile driving, the
driving resistance depends significantly upon the
ground level is approximately the same both
wall thickness.
inside and outside the pile.
Klos and Tejchman (1981) carried out allow further entry of soil into the pipe. If soil
an experimental work on pile models of tubular enters the pipe throughout the driving process,
steel of (69.9 and 128 mm) diameter, driven to 1.0 driving is said to take place in a fully coring mode
m depth in loose and dense sand where the and the behaviour is more like that of a non-
relative density is equal to 41% and 70%, displacement pile. However, if the soil forms a
respectively . It has been indicated that, the height plug at the pile base that does not allow further
of soil core tends to decrease substantially with entry of soil, then driving is said to be done in a
the pile driving depth. It was reported that, "a fully plugged mode. If a pile were driven in the
tubular pile when driven to a penetration depth plugged mode during all of the driving, its load
equal to ten times it’s inside diameter will behave response would approach that of a displacement
as a solid –base one". pile. In real field conditions, the behaviour is
Abdullah and Al-Mhaidib (1999) generally in between the fully plugged and coring
studied the bearing capacity of tubular pile into modes. Further, depending on whether a pipe is
sandy soil under axial loads. The effect of pile jacked or driven into the ground, the behaviour is
embedment length and soil plug length on the different.
bearing capacity of open-ended piles was studies. Paik et al., (2003) described the driving
The model pile used was steel pipe having 31 mm response and static bearing capacities of open-
outside diameter, 27 mm inside diameter, 2 mm ended piles affected by the soil plug that forms
wall thickness and 380 mm length. The tests were inside the pile during pile driving. In order to
performed with dense sand corresponding to a investigate the effect of the soil plug on the static
unit weight of approximately 18.9 kN/m . It was and dynamic response of an open-ended pile and
suggested that the reduction factor must be used the load capacity of pipe piles in general, field pile
for calculating the bearing capacity of open – load tests were performed by Paik et al. (2003) on
ended piles by static formula, where it was equal instrumented open- and closed-ended piles driven
to (0.49) for sandy soil used in the study. into sand. For the open-ended pile, the soil plug
Paik and Salgado (2003) stated that length was continuously measured during pile
during the driving of open-ended pipe piles, some driving, allowing calculation of the incremental
amount of soil will initially enter into the hollow filling ratio for the pile. The cumulative hammer
pipe. Depending on the soil state (dense or loose) blow count for the open-ended pile was 16%
and type (fine-grained or coarse grained), lower than that for the closed-ended pile. The
diameter and length of pile, and the driving limit unit shaft resistance and the limit unit base
technique, the soil inside the pile may or may not resistance of the open-ended pile were 51 and
706 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 45, NO 5 MAY 2016
32% lower than the corresponding values for the parametric study was carried out to investigate
closed-ended pile. It was also observed, for the possible methods to increase the bearing capacity
open-ended pile, that the unit soil plug resistance of the pipe piles due to the increase in the soil
was only about 28% of the unit annulus plugging effect. It was found that the pile/soil
resistance, and that the average unit of frictional modelling which was employed in the study can
resistance between the soil plug and the inner simulate the behaviour of the pile, the soil and the
surface of the open-ended pile was36% higher soil plug during static loading, if adequate soil
than its unit outside shaft resistance. parameters were selected. From the parametric
Lehane et al., (2005) incorporated study, it was found that two methods are effective
plugging into design practice in the ICP-05 and to increase the bearing capacity of the pile due to
UWA-05 design approaches, for piles in sand, the increase in the soil plugging effect. One of
which are included in the commentary of the them is to increase the length of the fully drained
latest American Petroleum Institute (API) design section in the soil plug. The other is to attach the
code. The most significant effect of plugging for cross steel brace inside the pipe pile.
piles in sand is the increase in base resistance, White et al. (2007) concluded that
with a five to seven-fold increase in the ultimate pressing pile is an alternative method for
base resistance mobilized as a pile moved from installing an open-ended tubular pile, which can
the coring to fully plugged condition in sandy soil. penetrate in an unplugged or a plugged manner.
In general, the base resistance amounts to a much During unplugged penetration, the pile moves
smaller proportion of the total capacity of closed- downwards relative to the internal soil column, in
ended piles in clay. This may explain the the manner of a sampler tube.
historical lack of research examining the effects of Penetration is resisted by shaft friction
plugging on the resistance of piles in clay. on the inside (Qsi) and outside (Qso) of the pile and
A case study was carried out by by base resistance on the annulus of pile wall
Matsumoto and Kitiyodom (2005) on soil (Qw). During plugged penetration, the internal soil
plugging of two large diameter open-ended steel column is dragged downwards, and the pile
pipe piles, which were constructed in Tokyo Bay. exhibits the characteristics of a closed- ended pile
Analysis of the load-displacement relationships of (Paikowsky et al., 1989). Penetration is resisted
these piles were carried out using a hybrid by shaft friction on the outside of the shaft (Qso)
numerical program KWAVE. Good agreement and by base resistance on the pile wall (Qw) and
was found between the analysis results and the the soil plug (Qp). When a tubular pile is being
measurement values were found. Then a installed by the press- in method, (or is being
loaded to failure- these events are analogous), determination of effect of soil plug on the ultimate
penetration will occur by whichever mechanism is compression capacity of single open – ended steel
the weakest. If the shaft friction on the inside of pipe pile compared with closed-ended pipe pile
the pile (Qsi) (plus the weight of the soil column) driven or pressed into loose sandy soil. Axial
is greater than the base resistance of the soil compression load tests were performed on model
column (Qp), the pile will penetrate in a plugged piles embedded in loose sand.
Kikuchi et al., (2010) described the Results and Discussion
mechanism of plugging phenomenon at the toe of Description and details of the material
vertically loaded open-ended piles. The behaviour properties, foundation soil preparation,
of the surrounding ground at the pile toe on the loading frame and apparatus, testing
observation of the movement of iron particles, program techniques, and manufacturing of
which were mixed with sand to form layers in the the setup required to perform the pressed
model ground, extracted from visualized X-ray and driven model piles under static
CT data. The CT images of the experimental loading are presented in this section. Twenty
results showed that the condition of wedge steel pipe piles (open-ended and closed
formation below the open-ended pile was clearly ended) were used to carry out static
different from that below the closed-ended pile. compression loading tests on loose sandy
Although the penetration resistance of the open- soil.
ended pile and closed-ended pile was similar, the Kerbala sand from Iraq, which is used as a
movement of soil inside the open-ended pile was foundation soil in the present study, is poorly
not stopped but was restricted, as shown by graded clean sand. The sand is sieved on sieve
intermittent increase and decrease in penetration (No. 4) to remove the coarse particles. Standard
resistance during pile penetration. tests were performed to determine the physical
Although the penetration resistance of properties of the sand. Details of these properties
the open-ended pile and closed-ended pile was are listed in Table 1.
similar, the movement of soil inside the open- Laboratory tests carried out on soil used included
ended pile was not stopped but restricted, as the following:
shown by intermittent increase and decrease in 1. Specific gravity.
penetration resistance during pile penetration. As 2. Grain size distribution.
a result, a plugging mechanism. 3. Maximum and minimum dry unit weight, and
The present study focuses on the 4. Direct shear test.
708 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 45, NO 5 MAY 2016
The central displacement of the footing is holes (32 mm) in diameter; these holes are
read by one dial gage of 0.01 mm sensitivity. The considered as focus place to penetrate the piles
load increments are continued until the applied the soil in the box. Two columns are fixed
load became constant while the increments of the vertically (28 mm) in diameter to support two
settlement measured continued. beams designed from aluminum. These parts are
Pile driving –pressing system installation. shown in Figure 4.
The pile installation system consists of a base
plate with dimensions of (85 cm × 20 cm) and
20 mm in thickness. This plate involves three
The main part in the driving hammer is the ensure the fixity of piles as possible to
aluminum rod, it contains steel helmet in the rod reserve the vertical direction for pile penetration
head and steel cylinder which is used as a base without tilting during the driving process, these
for dropping the hammer weight. The steel parts are shown in Figure 4. Mechanical jack was
helmet was manufactured with different holes that used for pressing pile into the soil at a constant
are suitable for all model pile sizes that are used rate. This jack is fixed to the pile installation
in the tests. These grooves were designed to system, these parts are shown in Figure 5.
Soil plug removal and measurement to move out of the hole being drilled. These
In this study, the soil plug was removed by a parts are shown in Figure 6. The aluminum
device manufactured to remove the soil tube has been marked by small grooves
column entrapped inside the pipe piles every 10 mm to assist measure the plug
during installation by driving and pressing length as shown in Figure 6.
device. This tool consists of aluminum tube Sand deposit preparation
400 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter, The sand deposit was prepared using the sand
inside a steel tube rod 470 mm in length, 8 raining technique. Six trials were performed to
mm diameter, and spring of 70 mm length, control the density of sand by raining. The sand
in the bottom of aluminum tube. A drilling was poured from different dropping heights 10,
device, which usually includes a rotating 20, 30, 40, and 50 cm to fulfill the same volume.
helical screw blade to act as a screw The results showed that the weight of sand
conveyor was used to remove the drilled soil required to fill the computed volume increases
out. The rotation of the blade causes the soil with increasing falling height, as a result, the
712 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 45, NO 5 MAY 2016
sand density has a direct proportion with dropping Eight open-ended and two closed-ended steel
height at specific boundaries. After completing pipe piles of 20 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness
the final layer, the top surface was scraped and were used as model piles in the experimental
leveled by a sharp edge ruler to get as near program of the compression static loading as
as possible a flat surface. The height of drop was shown in Figures 7 and 8 . The length
chosen to be 20 cm which maintains to a placing (embedment length) of the model piles, which
3 was considered in the experimental programs of
unit weight of 15.8 kN/m , void ratio of 0.65
the tests, depends on the ratio of embedment
and relative density of 25%.
length to pile diameter, (L/d) ratio. Details of
model piles are shown in Table 2.
In order to simplify the notation used for
piles, each model is given identification
symbol as indicated in Table 3. ID for each
pile is identification of model pile according
to length of pile to diameter ratio, type of
installation and type of pile.
Length (mm)
Pile Soil plug Diameter D (
Pile type
No. situation mm ) L/d=15 L/d=20
1 Closed-ended -
Figure 8: Development of plugs in pile models (open type) used in testing program.
Installation of model driven and pressed piles hammer plate and the rod of hammer was
The driving hammer was fixed to the box to lowered to the model piles until the pile
penetrate the model piles to the required helmet will be in contact with the model
length. The weight that is used to drive pile. After the model pile head enters inside
the model piles was calculated the helmet, the driving process begins with
approximately. The weight is taking into dropping a certain weight from a specified
consideration many factors that affect pile height, and the results of the number of
capacity. blows are recorded each 25 mm of model
The model piles are vertically pile length until reaching the final required
installed in specific hole that is being in the length of penetration.
714 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 45, NO. 5 MAY 2016
The weight of ram used to drive the hammer mass which was lifted to a
model piles equals 0.8 kg. This weight was specified height by means of half- plastic
chosen to obtain the best driving energy plate with handle was fixed to small steel
depending on the weight of pile to hammer cylinder where the weight of ram drops on
ratio (P/W) where P is the weight of pile and it; it helps the hammer to be lifted and
W is the weight of hammer. The hammer dropped with the weights at a constant rate
masses used in the tests were circular in (Fattah et al., 2016).
shape and formed of steel material. They For installation of model pressed piles, the
have holes in the center to enable lifting and mechanical jack was used and fixed in the
lowering along the hammer rod. The installation frame on the box to press the model
pile to penetrate the required length as shown in In this section, the pile capacity equation of
Figure 5. the American Petroleum Institute, API (1993) is
Some of during test photos are shown in used to calculate the predicted pile load capacity
Figures 9 to 11. (Ppre).
According to API method (API, 1993), the total
load capacity of piles Qt can be determined by the
For driven piles :
For drilled and grouted piles :
Figure 9: Removing of soil plug
a) = external shaft
friction capacity, equal to the sum of the
external shaft friction forces over the pile
penetration depth, after detection of the
depth zo along which skin friction is
Figure 10: Piles installed in the model.
L = pile length,
W = weight of pile,
Zo = length of pile above soil,
fo = external unit shaft friction, and
= external lateral contact area with
of the end-bearing capacity of the annulus An open-ended pile behaves under static
and the shaft frictional capacity of the condition as an "unplugged" pile as long as
been removed.
For pipe piles in cohesionless soil, the skin
d) =
friction may be calculated using the equation
weight of pile, (API, 1993):
= annular cross-sectional area of the f = K v’ tan …(3)
pile, where:
= specific weight of steel (77 kN/m3), K = coefficient of lateral earth pressure (ratio
of horizontal to vertical normal effective
= total unit weight of soil, and stress),
= effective vertical overburden pressure at
= Length of pile sections along which the point in question, and
the tubular cross –sectional area = friction angle between the soil and pile
and are constant.
The unit end-bearing (tip resistance) of section is used here to calculate the pile bearing
pile in cohesionless soil may be computed using capacity for different plug conditions. Table 4
the equation (API, 1993): shows the predicted bearing capacity values
qp = v’ Nq ……………..(4) obtained from the theoretical API method in
where: addition to values measured during the tests. The
Table 4: Measured pile load capacity (Pm) and predicted pile bearing capacity values obtained from the theoretical API method ,
pile length = 40 cm.
20DO25% 80 52.6
20DOU 77 50.75
20PC 156 81.6
20POF 155 52.6
Pressed 20PO50% 142 51.7
20PO25% 104 51.2
20POU 64 50.75
718 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 45, NO. 5 MAY 2016
Interpretation of Pile Load Capacity capacity. This pile was chosen for each model
Several methods (criteria) are used to define the installed in loose sand, type of installation and
failure load from load-settlement curves; some of length of pile.
these methods are Davison, Chin Konder, Fuller Open- ended piles.
and Hoy, De Beer, Terzaghi Criteria and constant Sixteen open-ended piles have been tested and
load vs. increase of settlement according to Civil these piles are divided into four groups:
Engineering Code of Practice No.4, 1954). I. Open –ended piles with full plug: in this type
Throughout the pile load test, the pile is loaded to of piles, the soil column inside the pipe is not
failure, the settlement continues at fixed load removed before pile test.
(failure), and this load is considered as the failure II. Open –ended with 50% plug: in this type of
pile load capacity (Pf). piles, 50% of the total length of the soil
According to the Civil Engineering Code of column inside the pipe is removed before
Practice No.4, (1954), the ultimate load capacity is pile test.
that load at which the rate of settlement continues III.Open –ended with 25% plug: in this type of
at a constant rate. Table 5 shows the interpretation piles, 75% of the total length of the soil
of pile load capacity for 40 cm long of closed and column inside the pipe is removed before
open-ended piles driven into loose sand. pile test.
IV. Unplugged open –ended piles: in this type
Presentation of Load Settlement Curves. of piles, 100% of the total length of the soil
Open – ended pipe pile was chosen as a reference column inside the pipe is removed before
pile to compare all other types of model pile pile test.
ultimate capacity, settlement and failure pile load
Table 5: Interpretation of driven pile load capacity in loose sand (N).
4 20DO25% 80 83
5 20DOU 77 80
Figures 12 to 15 present the load- settlement example, the load capacity of open- ended piles is
curves for model open-ended piles (full plug, 50% typically lower than that of closed-ended piles.
plug, 25 % plug, and unplugged) and show the However, the difference in load capacities varies
effect of removing of the soil column inside the within a wide range, depending on the degree of
pile. It can be noticed that all load-settlement soil plugging during driving. This is compatible
curves exhibit punching shear failure. with the findings of Szechy (1961).
Closed ended piles According to Paik and Lee (1994), the
Four models of closed ended pile were tested in difference between the load capacity of closed- and
compression static load. The piles were installed by open-ended piles decreases with increasing driving
two types of installation system (driving and depth, as the soil plugging effect increases.
pressing) in loose sand. The observed load- Pile driving results in densification of all
settlement relations are described in Figures 16 and sands immediately below the pile tip, regardless of
17. their initial relative density (Szechy, 1961). This
Table 6 presents the pile load capacity densification extends within the first few diameters
according to Civil Engineering Code of Practice of the soil core. Densification is an important
No.4, 1954 for driven and pressed piles of 40 cm ingredient in the formation of an arch and
and 30 cm length closed and open-ended driven or promoting plugging (Iskander 2010, Fattah and Al-
pressed into sand of different densities. Soudani, 2016).
According to Szechy (1961), the settlement
of an open-ended pile is greater than that of a
closed-ended pile under the same load and soil
conditions. This means that, if ultimate load
capacity is defined with reference to a standard
settlement of 10% of the pile diameter, for
720 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 45, NO. 5 MAY 2016
Table 6: Pile bearing capacity according to the Civil Engineering Code of Practice No.4, (1954).
On the other hand, the length of pile plays an loose) and type (fine-grained or coarsegrained),
important role in controlling the pile load capacity diameter and length of pile, and the driving
in pressed piles. When L/d = 20, there is greater technique, the soil inside the pile may or may not
increase in pile capacity due to mobilization of skin allow further entry of soil into the pipe. When the
friction, while when L/d = 15 , the improvement in open-ended pile is fully plugged, its load carrying
load carrying capacity is due to dilation effect in capacity is close to closed ended pile as shown in
the latter type. Table 6.
During the driving of open-ended pipe piles,
some amount of soil will initially enter into the
hollow pipe. Depending on the soil state (dense or
Figure 13: Load- settlement relations for open-ended pressed Figure (16): Load- settlement relations for closed – ended
piles in loose sand, L=40 cm. driven and pressed piles in loose sand, L=40 cm.
Klos and Tejchman (1977) concluded that a closed-ended pile. The present study proved that if
tubular pile when driven to a penetration depth the pile is embedded in loose sand, the fully
equal to ten times its inside diameter will behave as plugged open-ended pile reveals a load carrying
a solid –based one. In this study, it was concluded capacity equal or may be greater than closed-ended
that when L/d 15, the load carrying capacity of pile.
fully plugged open-ended pipe pile may be equal or Conclusions
grater than that of closed-ended pile. Open-ended pipe piles behave as a closed-ended if
Piles, which plug during static loading may, the soil plug formed inside piles in state partial plug
nevertheless, have smaller tip bearing capacities or full plug. Length of soil plug depends on the type
than their closed-end counterparts. On the other of installation. The driven pile mobilizes all of its
hand, the inside skin friction may contribute internal and external friction intermittently during
considerably to the load carrying capacity. penetration and, as a result, the soil core advances
The failure of a pile to plug during driving up the pile. Whether open-ended piles are driven or
does not necessarily mean that it will not plug pressed in the fully coring -fully unplugged mode
during static loading, since inertia effects, which or in the partially plugged mode, the plug does
are present during driving are absent during static contribute to static pile base capacity. The
loading. This can be observed from the load- settlement of an open-ended pile is greater than that
settlement curves where the open-ended piles of a closed-ended pile under the same load and soil
exhibit large resistance to penetration due to conditions. This means that, if ultimate load
mobilization of internal friction during static capacity is defined with reference to a standard
loading. settlement of 10% of the pile diameter, for example,
The driven pile mobilizes all of its internal the load capacity of open- ended piles is typically
and external friction intermittently during lower than that of closed-ended piles. However, the
penetration and, as a result, the soil core advances difference in load capacities varies within a wide
up the pile. As penetration progresses, the soil core range, depending on the degree of soil plugging
inside the pile may develop sufficient frictional during driving. When a pipe pile is driven to a
resistance along the inner pile wall to prevent penetration depth equal to fifteen times its inside
further soil intrusion, causing the pile to become diameter, it will behave as a solid–based and the
plugged. Larger penetration depths and lower load carrying capacity of fully plugged open-ended
relative densities facilitate soil plug formation. pipe pile may be equal or grater than that of closed-
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