A Theory of Intelligence As Processing Implications For Society
A Theory of Intelligence As Processing Implications For Society
A Theory of Intelligence As Processing Implications For Society
Preparation of this article was supported in part by Mental Retardation Training Grant HD
07176 from the National Institute on Child Health and Human Development. I am indebted to Nina
Engelhardt for gathering the data listed in Table 1.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Joseph F. Fagan III, Department
of Psychology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Electronic mail may be
sent to [email protected].
In what follows, I show how the assumption that intelligence is processing
allows us to predict childhood IQ scores from infancy and how intelligence
defined as processing leads to the conclusion that Whites and Blacks, while
different in average IQ, are equally intelligent (Jenson, 1985). I point out some
practical implications for the definition of mental retardation and the search for
its causes that flow from the fact that intelligence is continuous over age. The
measurement of intelligence in special populations also is considered. I note how
the fact that Blacks and Whites are equally adept at processing provokes a search
for specific cultural causes of average IQ differences between groups (Jenson,
1985). I point out that defining intelligence as processing can make the hope for
culture-fair tests of intellectual functioning a reality. Finally, I mention some of
the additional policy implications that proceed from defining intelligence as
dates for school entry on intelligence test scores. They administered portions of 12
different standard IQ tests to over 11,000 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders attending
the state-administered elementary schools in Jerusalem in 1987. The results were
unambiguous. Schooling affected raw intelligence test scores on all 12 tests,
including the Raven Progressive Matrices (Raven, Court, & Raven, 1975). I
mention the Raven test because it is highly g loaded (Jensen, 1993a) and, by
implication, has been thought not to be subject to cultural influence. Cahan and
Cohen (1989) have concluded that schooling is the major reason that intelligence
test scores increase with age.
As one might expect, schooling effects owing to cutoff dates have also been
found for other tests of knowledge such as reading and mathematics (Morrison,
Griffith, & Alberts, 1997). Schooling effects, however, have also been found for
tasks that one would usually consider to be elementary cognitive tasks and
unlikely to be subject to cultural influences. Cognitive tasks influenced by
schooling include phonetic segmentation (Bentin, Hammer, & Cahan, 1991;
Morrison, Smith, & Dow-Ehrensberger, 1995), short-term recall (Ferreira &
Morrison, 1994; Varnhagen, Morrison, & Everall, 1994; Morrison et al., 1995),
and mental arithmetic (Bisanz, Morrison, & Dunn, 1995). Tasks that appear to be
tests of processing are subject to schooling effects. Hence, the definition of
processing must be derived from a theoretical understanding of the task in
question and not simply assumed on the basis of the superficial characteristics of
the task. I return to the discussion of cultural influences on what appear to be
elementary cognitive tasks as I discuss racial differences in IQ. For the moment,
however, bear in mind that schooling effects provide a clear example of the
influence of a cultural factor on what are conventionally designated as tests of
intelligence, achievement, and basic cognitive functioning. Schooling effects must
reflect the influence of the culture on what one knows. Thus, tasks affected by
schooling must be, to some degree, culturally influenced.
Racial differences in IQ are a prime example of the application of the
procedural guideline that I suggest for the determination of group differences in
IQ. Differences in average IQ between Blacks and Whites on the order of about
1 standard deviation (about 15 IQ points) are well documented (Jensen, 1985) and
are present as early as 3 years of age (Fagan & Monfie, 1988; Peoples, Fagan, &
Drotar, 1995). I make no attempt here to trace the history of the arguments that
have been made for the causes of racial differences in IQ. The interested reader
may consult the historical discussions contained in Block and Dworkin (1976) or
the references cited by Neisser et al. (1996). Suffice it to say that there are those
who lean toward a genetic explanation and those who favor a cultural explanation
of Black-White differences in IQ.
I accept the evidence for IQ differences between Blacks and Whites at face
value. Theoretically, I ask if the presence of racial differences in IQ is accom-
panied by differences between Blacks and Whites on measures of the spontaneous
processing of information. If so, the search for the causes of Black-White
differences in IQ should be directed toward genetic or physical environmental
factors. If not, the search should concentrate on cultural influences.
As I noted in my discussion of schooling effects on IQ, performance on some
elementary cognitive tasks may be culturally influenced. Thus, one must be
cautious in attributing racial differences in IQ to processing differences on the
basis of any or all cognitive tasks. A case in point is the study reported by Jensen
(1993b) of 585 White and 235 Black schoolchildren whose reaction times were
measured on what appeared to be simple information-processing tasks. Jensen
used four tasks, which varied in the time taken for successful solution. The easiest
task was a simple reaction time task in which the time taken to lift one's finger
from a home key on presentation of a signal from a single source was measured.
A slightly more demanding task measured the same reaction times when the
signal to respond came from any one of eight sources. In a more complex
discrimination task, reaction time was measured when three signals (out of eight)
were activated at once and the child had to decide which of the three was located
at the greatest distance from the other two before reacting. The most demanding
task was the measurement of reaction times over a series of mental arithmetic
problems involving addition, subtraction, or multiplication of single-digit
Jensen's results (taken from the data given by Jensen, 1993b, in his Appen-
dices A and B) indicated that mean reaction times for Blacks and Whites did not
vary on the two simple tasks but did differ on the two more demanding tasks. As
noted in the summary of schooling effects, age of school entry alters performance
on tests of short-term memory and the speed of solution of mental arithmetic
problems. Thus, the present theory suggests that the pattern of Jensen's (1993b)
results may actually indicate the influence of a cultural factor on the performance
differences of Blacks and Whites. The suggestion of the present theory as the
reason for Jensen's results could easily be checked by using Jensen's four reaction
time tasks in a study of children (of the same race and the same age) whose
birthdates fall just before or just after an arbitrary cutoff date for school entry. If
children of the same age who varied in schooling did not differ on Jensen's simple
tasks but did differ on Jensen's more demanding tasks, it would mark the more
demanding tasks (but not the simple tasks) as subject to cultural influences. The
cultural factors affecting Black-White differences, of course, may not be the same
as those influencing schooling effects.
In my own program, I have obtained IQ scores for 299 preschoolers at 3 years
of age, who, as infants, were tested for attention to novelty. Attention to novelty
is a processing task that does not vary for children of various school ages and is
applicable from birth to senescence (Fagan & Haiken-Vasen, 1997). Of the 299,
35 children were Black, and 264 were White. All came from middle-class,
suburban homes. Their parents, as a group, did not differ in level of education. In
addition, I participated in a multisite, national study of 70 high-risk infants (34
White and 36 Black) from predominantly lower-class families, who were tested
for visual attention to novelty as infants and for IQ on the Bayley Scales of Infant
Development (Bayley, 1969) at 2 years of age (Fagan & Shepherd, 1992). Finally,
as part of a dissertation by Haiken-Vasen (1995), we tested 96 schoolchildren (64
Black and 32 White), with a mean age of about 9 years (SD = 2.6), who were
attending church-affiliated schools. The schoolchildren were tested for both visual
attention to novelty and, on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (Dunn & Dunn,
1981), for IQ. The specific procedures for testing the visual novelty preferences
of older children and adults are given in Fagan and Haiken-Vasen (1997). With
the exception of briefer study times, however, testing of attention to visual novelty
is the same for children as for infants, (i.e., there are no instructions as to what to
attend to and processing is spontaneous).
Table 2 lists the average visual novelty preference scores and the average IQ
scores for each of the three age groupings (2, 3, and 9 years). Weighted mean
averages are listed for the 3-year-olds.
The data in Table 2 are quite clear. For each sample, White children were
significantly different from Black children in IQ. In no case, however, do Whites
and Blacks differ significantly in spontaneous processing.
On the basis of the assumptions that intelligence is processing and that IQ
scores are a measure of knowledge, my interpretation of the results is that Black
people are as intelligent as White people but that some Blacks do not know what
some Whites know. My interpretation does not assume that one culture is superior
or inferior to another but only that people from different cultures may differ in
what they believe their children should be taught. One social policy implication
of such an interpretation is that if we wish to understand the differences in the
knowledge tapped on IQ tests that produces differences in performance between
Blacks and Whites, we must discover the cultural practices that influence the
teaching of particular kinds of knowledge.
According to my theory, the study of culture is the study of what interacts
with processing to produce knowledge in a particular domain. Paradoxically, it is
only by examining culture that the conventional definition of intelligence as IQ
remains relevant. Is it important to understand culture as well as the processing
determinant of IQ? Yes, for two reasons. First, IQ scores predict important life
achievements, and the cultural factor is a significant source of variance in such
prediction. Second, differences among groups in IQ may well involve the cultural
factor. As noted, Black people and White people differ in IQ but do not appear to
differ in spontaneous processing. The implication is that the source of Black-
White differences in IQ is to be sought in the culture.
I suggest five guidelines for studying the influence of culture in the determi-
Table 2
Novelty Preference and IQ Scores for Black and
White Children at 2, 3, and 9 Years of Age
Novelty preference IQ
Age 'White Black White Black
M .61 .59 103.7 84.7
SD .07 .07 26.2 18.2
n 34 36
M .60 .60 107.5 93.5
SD .07 .09 11.3 13.1
n 264 35
9 years
M .58 .58 106.5 99.2
SD .05 .06 10.5 14.0
n 32 64
nation of IQ. The first guideline is that the measurement of the culture should
always be accompanied by the measurement of processing. Hart and Risley
(1995), for example, have conducted a landmark longitudinal study of frequency
of verbal stimulation and resulting vocabulary development of children from 1 to
3 years of age. The amount of exposure to language was positively correlated with
vocabulary development and IQ scores of the children at 3 years. Unfortunately,
because no measure of the children's processing of information was included in
the design of the Hart and Risley (1995) investigation, there is no way to estimate
the relative contributions of processing and the culture to the children's ultimate
vocabulary knowledge or IQ. The lesson for future naturalistic or experimental
observations of children's experience is to include measures of processing in
one' s design, so that the differential effects of processing and cultural direction on
knowledge can be assessed.
The second guideline is that the exploration of the influence of culture on
knowledge should begin in the first few years of the child' s life. Empirically, we
know from the Hart and Risley (1995) investigation that large differences in sheer
exposure to important information take place during the first few years. Evidence
also has been presented in the present article that demonstrates that differences in
IQ between Blacks and Whites are present as early as 2 to 3 years of age. Thus,
any manipulation of the culture factor with the goal of preventing a low IQ score
should begin in the first few months and years of life.
The third guideline is fairly obvious. The samples from which we can learn
the most in the search for those aspects of the culture that determine IQ are groups
that differ in IQ but do not differ in spontaneous processing. Likely candidates are
children of the same age that differ in schooling due to arbitrary cutoff dates for
admission to school and children that differ in race.
The fourth guideline is to search for specific techniques that agents of the
culture use to direct a child's attention to information. Saffran, Aslin, and
Newport (1996), for example, have shown that infants at 8 months can segment
words from ongoing speech solely on the basis of the relation between neighbor-
ing speech sounds. But long before 8 months, mothers from various cultures speak
in a more informative manner to their infants than they do to adults by empha-
sizing particular sounds (Kuhl et al., 1997). Is it possible that individual differ-
ences in how mothers speak to their infants may influence the infant's subsequent
segmentation of words from ongoing speech, which, in turn, may alter the size or
composition of the child's vocabulary? Vocabulary knowledge, of course, plays a
prominent role in most estimates of IQ.
The fifth guideline is to be eclectic in the search for cultural influences on
knowledge. Theoretically, any variable that produces differences in knowledge
among groups who do not differ in processing is a cultural variable. It does not
matter whether the individuals being studied are humans or animals. It does not
matter if the knowledge in question is complex problem solving or the avoidance
of a shock. Any variance (aside from what is due to processing or error) that
determines human cognition or animal learning may play a part in determining the
cultural factor in IQ.
Although other examples of the search for the cultural sources of knowledge
may be given, the point is that social policy is determined not so much by data but
by the interpretation of data. The assumption that intelligence is processing leads
us to search the culture (rather than genetics) for the origins of racial differences
in IQ.
Additional Implications
In conclusion, some additional implications of defining intelligence as pro-
cessing may be mentioned. In the area of education, the definition of intelligence
as processing can provide an early estimate of intellectual disability, thus allowing
a child to qualify as soon as possible for available programs. Multiple criteria for
inclusion in special programs are the norm. Hence, children who are good
processors but have other disabilities or live in culturally disadvantaged circum-
stances would not be disenfranchised from special programs by their high pro-
cessing scores. Rather, throughout preschooling and during the school years,
placement in special education and the preparation of individual educational plans
can be accomplished by a consideration of both processing strengths and weak-
nesses in conjunction with measures of amount of knowledge. In medicine, tests
of processing can serve as short-term outcome measures to assess the utility and
the risk of medical procedures, particularly interventions undertaken with infants.
In the area of disability entitlement, tests of processing can indicate intellectual
ability as well as disability and might also provide a way to identify malingering.
Finally, culture-fair intelligence tests that are based on processing may provide an
objective means of selecting candidates for employment or for advanced educa-
tion, thus fulfilling the spirit of affirmative action and equal opportunity programs.
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Received May 25, 1998
Revision received July 7, 1998
Accepted August 25, 1998 •