Guidelines For Major Project: Science & Technology Domain

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Major Project



Uttar Pradesh
Sector 125, Noida – 201303
NTCC Guidelines and Calender (AINT)

Start Date : 21.01.2019

End Date : 05.04.2019
Submission of 1st Draft ( soft copy) of report : 01.05.2019 – 07.05.2019
Final Evaluation : 20.05.2019 – 24.05.2019

Major Project

COURSE : Major Project

COURSE CODE : STMJ100 (for B.Tech-VIII and B.Tech +
: STMJ600 (for M.Sc + M.Tech-IV)

Major project provides an opportunity to the students to demonstrate the ability to run a
devise, to show the application of skills of data collection, critical analysis and concept of
synthesis necessary for formation of defensible conclusions. It also provides a platform
to demonstrate ability to draw appropriate conclusions argued from the evidence
presented and also a forum to demonstrate the skills of structuring and present a
balanced informed, complete, clear and concise written argument.

OBJECTIVE: Experiential Learning outside classroom through self exploration, practical

experience, Industry, field experience, live experience, research, design projects etc.


Credit Units CIA FA

10-15 50 50


1. The students shall register on-line on AMIZONE for Major Project.

2. A student having genuine reason may be permitted for late registration on grounds such as ill
health, student is on approved official duty and in case where institution arranged the
internship, but awaits confirmation, provided the student did not opt for self arrangement, initially.

3. The student shall be allowed to register late for NTCC at AUUP or approved external
organisation with late registration charges as given below :

i) Upto 10 days after the date of registration for course, with late registration fine of Rs. 500/- .
th th
ii) From 11 day to 15 day of the date of registration, with late registration fine of Rs.
th th
iii) 16 day to 20 day of registration, with late registration fine of Rs. 2000/- provided student
meets the requirement of minimum duration of the course.
st th
iv) After 21 day to 30 days of registration, with late fine of Rs. 5000/- provided student meets
the requirement of minimum duration of the courses.

4. The late registration charges may change from time to time as recommended by Finance

5. The students who have not registered for the NTCC as per regulations shall be treated as failed
in the course.

6. Further, student shall not be promoted to next year especially if he/she has failed in fieldwork /
or industry internship etc.


1. Each student shall be assigned a faculty guide for the NTCC well in advance in a formal
manner, depending on the number of students per faculty member, the available specialization
among the faculty guides, by Institution NTCC Committee.

2. The allotment / allocation of faculty guide shall not be left to the individual student or

3. In case a student is undertaking NTCC outside in an industry or research lab or other

university, the students shall have two guides – a faculty guide from the institution and an external
guide from the concerned organisation. In such cases of joint guidance, the main guide shall be the
faculty guide.

4. The external guide shall be provided with brief guidelines for performance monitoring and
assessment of the student of NTCC.


1. Student shall finalize the broad area /topic, synopsis and work schedule of his / her NTCC in
consultation with the faculty guide.

2. The area/topic, synopsis work schedule of NTCC shall be approved by the Institution NTCC
Committee (IPC) as per Annexure A

3. The final list, cleared by the IPC and approved by HoI shall be sent to Academic Office in
AUUP HQ and CoE, before the date for submission of first Weekly Progress Report.

S.No Activity Max Marks

1 Introduction and statement of the 10
2 Methodology 10
3 WPRs 10
4 Review of related literature 10
5 Plagiarism Report 10


The NTTC report must be written in students own words. However, if required to cite the words
of others, all the debts (for words, data, arguments and ideas) have to be appropriately
acknowledged. It is mandatory that each project report shall be checked for plagiarism through
Turnitin or similar software before submission. The content which is based on existing published
work must come from properly quoted material and from the references cited section. After
checking the accuracy of the citations and references of such content the plagiarism report
should not return similarity index of more than 15% in any circumstance. However, if the
matching text is one continuous block, the index of 15% could still be considered plagiarism.
Any report with higher than this percentage matching must be explained by the student. The
details of copy rights, professional ethics are given in Plagiarism Prevention Policy of the


The student shall write the project report / dissertation and submit the final report.

a) Following shall be submitted along with final report,:

i) WPRs
ii) NTCC Dairy
iii) Plagiarism Report
b) A student shall be eligible to submit his/her report and final assessment provided he/she meets
following conditions:
i) Did Online Registration on Amizone for the NTCC course.
ii) Topic, Synopsis and Project Plan are approved by the faculty guide.
iii) Atleast 90 % of WPRs were submitted
iv) Atleast 80% of the WPRs were satisfactory
v) Under special circumstances, Vice Chancellor may condone upto 5% of eligibility
criteria for submission of report.
vi) Similarity index not more than 15 % as per Plagiarism Prevention Policy.

1. The final assessment and submission of NTCC shall be done only for eligible students.

2. The final assessment of NTCC shall be treated as End Semester Examination.

4.It shall be mandatory for the students to appear for final assessment as per scheduled date and

4. If a student fails to appear in the final assessment as per schedule, he/she shall be treated as

5. For such cases same rules shall be applicable as those for examinations of teaching courses.
6. The assessment of ‘I’ category students shall be done within one month of final assessment
of the batch. The board of evaluators shall assess the eligible students as per prescribed
guidelines and assessment sheets.
7. The evaluation shall be done separately by each evaluator and duly signed copy of same shall
forwarded to CoE on the same day.
8. The evaluators shall be paid the honorarium as per the rules of the university.
9. The CoE shall appoint an observer and the observer shall submit the report as per the
regulations of the University.

The break up of Final Assessment will be as under :

S.No Component Max. Marks

1 Presentation 5
2 Data collection, 10
analysis, outcomes
3. Introduction & 5
statement of the
4. Review of related 5
Quality of work 5
Student learning 5
6 outcome
7. Methodology 10
8. Future Scope 5

The final report is important component of all NTCC. Therefore must adhere to
following parameters (word length, No. of Copies, binding type etc) depending upon the
credit units associated and course objectives.


1. 9-15 10000-12000 2 with a soft Hard Black Institute/
words copy in CD Bound Colour Central Library
upto 2 years,
Best project
reports to be
kept longer


Language English (unless other wise specified in the course curriculum)

Paper size A4

Margins The text of the document must be justified. The left and right margin of 1.25
inches. The top and bottom margin of 1.00 inch
Typing On One side of page only. Times new roman 12 or Arial 10. The text will follow
line spacing of 1.5 lines. Table and figures, tabular material as necessary and
appendix material as appropriate may be single space. Centered material is to be
centered between the left and right margins. The first line of all paragraphs of
running text will be indented 0.5inches.

Pagination Each page must be numbered, except the Title Page. The pre pages—including the
Copyright Page, Faculty Guide Approval Page, Acknowledgement, Table of
Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures and Abstract (if any) —will be numbered
with lower-case Roman numerals(ii, iii, iv, etc.) centered from the bottom edge of
the page. The first page that will show a page number is page ii. All remaining
pages carry consecutive numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). The page number will be placed in
the upper right-hand corner of the page, right aligned.

Arrangement Every NTCC Project Report should have three parts: the pre pages, the main text,
of Contents and the reference material. Each part has several sections, which are normally
arranged in the order as discussed below.
1. Title page (Annexure B)
2. Declaration (Annexure C)
3. Faculty Guide Approval page+Industrial guide certificate (Annexure D)
4. Acknowledgement(s)
5. Table of Contents
6. List of Tables (If Applicable)
7. List of Figures (If Applicable)
8. Abstract
9. Text (divided into Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and
Discussion, Conclusions and Future Scope wherever applicable)
10. References

Abstract A good “Abstract” should be straight to the point; not too descriptive but fully
informative, First paragraph should state what was accomplished with regard
to the objectives. The abstract does not have to be an entire summary of the
term paper, but rather a concise summary of the scope and results of the term
paper. It should not exceed more than 500 words.

Tables and Each table or figure should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it
Figures is mentioned. If it has a separate page, this page should be the one following the
page on which the table/figure was first mentioned. Tables and figures that must
be positioned horizontally (landscaped) will face the outer edge of the page, with
the widest margin at the binding edge.
Tables and figures are numbered in separate series. Each table and figure,
including any in the appendices, has a number in its own series. Each series
is numbered consecutively within chapters (e.g., Figure 10.1, Figure 10.2,
11. and Figure 10.3).(If Applicable)

References For research article:

Emmanuel J. Candès David L. Donoho, “New Tight Frames of Curvelets and
Optimal Representations of Objects with C2 Singularities”,Comm. Pure Appl.
Math.57 , 219- 266,(2002)

For book:
Slater, L.J., Generalised Hypergeometric Series, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge (1966).
Annexure - A


Synopsis of Seminar/ Term Paper/ Summer Internship /Major Project /Dissertation:


Name of Guide(s):

Programme:- Year/Semester:-
S.No. Enrolment No. Name Signature


Resource requirement:-

Schedule of work completion:-

Signature of Student Signature of Guide(s)

Signature of Programme Leader


Approval by Board of Faculty

Member Signature Remark (Approved / Not Approved)

Annexure – B

Major Project
Submitted to the Amity University Uttar Pradesh In partial fulfillment of
requirements for the award of the Degree of

(Name of the Programme)


Name of the student

Enrollment No: …………….

Under the Supervision of:

Co-Supervisors (if any)

……………. …………………………..

Amity Institute of Nanotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Sector 125, Noida – 201303 (India)


I, ………………………………………., student of ……………………………….. hereby

declare that the Seminar / Term Paper / Summer Internship / Major Project / Dissertation titled

“…………………………….………………………………………….……………….” Which is

submitted by me to Amity Institute of Nanotechnology, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Noida,

in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree of ………………………..…..,

has not been previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar

title or recognition.


Name and Signature of student


On the basis of declaration submitted by ………………………….., student of ………………...,

I hereby certify that the Seminar / Term Paper / Summer Internship / Major Project / Dissertation

titled “……………………………………………………………………………………………..”

which is submitted to Amity Institute of Nanotechnology, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh,

Noida, in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree of

………………………..….., is an original contribution with existing knowledge and faithful

record of work carried out by him/them under my guidance and supervision.

To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any Degree

Diploma to this University or elsewhere.



Department of …………..………..
Amity Institute of Nanotechnology
Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Noida

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