Chakra Presciption 2017

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The key takeaways are that chakras are energy centers in the body, balancing them can lead to benefits like increased intuition and spirituality, and techniques like meditation, affirmations, and cleansing can help balance chakras.

Chakras are organizing centers for the reception, absorption, transmission and transformation of life energies located along the spine.

Balancing your chakras can lead to benefits like increased intuition, spirituality, self-realization, healthy expression and communication.

lillian suarez

medium, spiritual advisor, teacher

What are Chaks?

The word “chakra” comes from the ancient Sanskrit, and its interpretation is “wheel of life.” The chakras
are organizing centers for the reception, absorption, transmission and transformation of life energies.
Each chakra comprises various levels of awareness and energetic charge.
The lower chakras: a magnetic charge and are associated with the physical plane.
The upper chakras: an electrical charge and are associated with the spiritual plane.
The lower chakras take energy from the earth and immediate environment (receiving energy). They link
us with Mother Earth and the elements and qualities that tie us to family, clan, tribe and community. They
carry patterns for disease and health, courage, and stealth to stay alive.
The upper chakras are primarily concerned with giving energy out in the form of love, communication,
healthy attitudes and inner reflection. They link us with the Source (”God”) and become active as we
become more spiritual and capable of love.

The process of opening up to greater energy fields (through the freedom, love and beauty of spiritual
experiences) occurs as we live fully in the present. The state of our chakras are the vital key to what we
think and feel. Chakras are like a ladder that takes us from the lowest and most basic aspect of life (such
as survival as a baby) to the highest realm of consciousness, healing and bliss.

Balancing Your Chaks & 21 Day Cleanse:

Every emotion or thought you experience is reflected in some way in your energy field. Everything that
you eat, drink and do has an effect on your subtle energy system. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a
good way to keep everything functioning properly.
There are many techniques used in balancing and maintaining healthy chakras. However, these
techniques should be used to supplement treatments that have been recommended by your personal
physician, not to replace medical advice. None of these techniques should go against the advice of a
qualified medical professional, nor should the techniques be used to diagnose any medical condition.
In order for vibratory rate to be raised, there needs to be a clearing of old patterns and thoughts that
inhibit the growth of consciousness which is what the attunement can aid with.
For the next three weeks (21 days), taking time each day to meditate as well as self-treat in a way that
feels comfortable for you will help you eliminate any blockages that would prevent your progress on your
spiritual path.
As you continue to learn more about your chakras, visualize and feel the location of each chakra in the
body. Go through each of the centers with the intention to open and balance their energy. You can
also visualize the chakra and say the affirmations for each center to yourself, and notice any feelings or
vibrations that come up. This can be a five minute practice or on days when you have more time - do
both the meditation and them self treat.
Make it easy and fun and if you miss a day or two just pick up where you left off and carry on. These
meditations technique can reconnect you to your energy when you are feeling disconnected from your
Higher Self.
• Open Heart & Mind.
• Increase water intake and drink attuned (charged) water.
• Saying daily Chakra affirmations.
• Remembering to be gentle with yourself during your 21 day cleanse and consider this is a time of
detoxing all that has not been serving a purpose in your life.
• Use Aura Mists
• OPTIONAL: Wear chakra colors (clothing, bracelets, etc)
For 21 day cleanse you will do the following once a week for 3 weeks to help the detox process from the
inside out:
1. Grab a hand full of Sea Salt, Baking Soda, and Epsom Salt and add a table spoon of Florida Water to
make a paste.
2. Add the paste to your bath or scrub it on your body in shower after rinsing soap off. If added to bath,
stay in bath for minimum of 7 minutes.
3. While sitting in bath or scrubbing paste on body state your intention to be a light in this world.
This cleanse will help repair, clear, and balance chakras and Auric field.
You are whom you came here to be and not whom the world says you should be.
lillian suarez
medium, spiritual advisor, teacher

Root Chak (Red)

This chakra is located at the base of the spine between the tail bone and the pubic bone.
Root Chakra correlates with feeling welcome in situations and how secure you are with yourself. It deals with how we react to the physical and
material world. It is about feeling physically here and feeling “at home” in situations.
Balanced Chakra: You feel stable and secure. You feel present and connected to your physical body. You feel that you have sufficient space.
Under-active Chakra: You experience self-awareness issues, insecurity, and often feel fearful or nervous. You may feel unwelcome.
Over-active Chakra : You experience greed, materialism, are obsessed with being secure and resist change.
Other signs of imbalance include anemia, depression, fatigue, low back pain, sciatica, frequent colds and cold hands and/or feet.
“I am safe in the world around me. I belong in this world, and am a part of mother-earth. I am at peace with my surroundings, with the people and
the events that occur.”
“I am grounded, centered and secure. I am always safe at the center of my being”
“I accept all of the abundance in my life. I nourish my mind, body and spirit. My energy is grounded to bring in a healthy energy-glow. I have
everything that I need for an abundant life.”

Sacl Chak (Onge)

The Sacral Chakra is located in your lower abdomen a couple of inches below your naval.
It is related to more of the emotional aspects of life, including how you feel about your appearance, your sleeping habits, your sensuality, being in a
good mood, friendliness, feeling emotionally balance, creative, feeling flirty and light, a Woman’s feeling of sexuality, feeling passionate about life and
The Sacral Chakra is the focus of our experience of pleasure and also the first place that experiences any kind of pain. Whatever trauma or pain may
be in the body, it is registered in the sacral chakra. We tend to have a natural inclination to move towards pleasure and away from pain.
Balanced Chakra: You have no problems dealing with your sexuality, and are passionate and lively. Your feelings flow freely and you are able to
express yourself without being overly emotional.
Under-active Chakra: You tend to be unemotional, and are not very open to being social or intimate.
Over-active Chakra: You tend to be over-emotional, become too emotionally attached to people and things, or are overly sexual.
Other symptoms include depression, eating disorders, alcohol/drug abuse, asthma, allergies, yeast infections, UTI’s and impotency.
“I AM creative and I will let go of all that no longer serves a good purpose for me”
“I flow with the rhythms of life”
“I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life.”

Solar Plexus (Yellow)

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located between the sternum and the navel.
This Chakra has to do with our self-confidence, ego and personal power. This chakra correlates with feeling comfortable in a group.
It is also about transformation – transforming the passive elements of earth (root) and water (sacral) into dynamic energy and power. This is the area of
the body where we get those “butterfly” feelings when we are nervous – when the third chakra is not feeling confident and powerful.
Balanced Chakra: You feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem.
Under- active Chakra: You are passive, undecisive or timid. You may be shy or feel that you are unable to get what you want.
Over-active Chakra: Those who are domineering and aggressive. You want to have things your way.
Other symptoms include diabetes, digestive disorders, ulcers, extreme nervousness, parasites and colitis are other indicators of an imbalanced naval
“ I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures.”
“I AM confident, intelligent and intuitive”
“I stand in my personal power”
lillian suarez
medium, spiritual advisor, teacher

Heart Chak (Green)

The Heart Chakra is located in the middle of the chest. It is the gateway between the lower, “earthly plain” Chakras and the higher
Chakras which connect with the “spiritual plain.”
The Heart Chakra is all about empathy, compassion, forgiveness, emotional empowerment, spiritualism and LOVE. Unconditional
love for all, love from the creator, love for your Higher Self, love for strangers, love for spouses, children, family and friends, Mother
Earth and all of her inhabitants and love for all on other non-earthy plains.
The Heart Chakra directs your ability to love yourself and love others, and to give and receive love. This is the type of love that is not
dependent upon outside stimulation (as in the sacral chakra) but experienced as a state of being. This is also the chakra connecting
body, mind and spirit.
Balanced Chakra: When you are compassionate, forgive easily and work to establish harmonious relationships.
Under-active Chakra: You may feel needy, clingy, unworthy of love, and feel self-pity. You may find it difficult to forgive and fall into
dysfunctional relationships easily; you are cold and distant.
Over-active Chakra : You may experience a sense of self entitlement, jealousy and have difficulty with boundaries by giving too
much of yourself without rest. You suffocate people with your love, and have selfish reasons for love.

Other symptoms include heart and breathing disorders, high blood pressure, chest pain, immune system problems

“I AM a loving, compassionate soul and I AM loved”
“I open my heart fully to living”
“Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally.”

Throat (Light Blue)

The throat chakra is located in the V of the collarbone at the lower part of the neck.
The Throat Chakra corresponds with self - expression, talking and communication. This communication center is all about our
creation of thought, sounds, artistic work, and teaching to others. It is the first energetic center that differentiates humans from all
other life forms. This single human attribute gives us the power to express ourselves on every level of experience.
Communication through sound, vibration, self-expression and creativity is vital to the throat chakra. It is the giving and receiving of
information that allows us to transcend the normal limitations of the physical body.
Balanced Chakra: You have no problems expressing yourself and also take the time to listen to others. (This can refer to verbal
expression or artistic expression).
Under-active Chakra: You suffer from extreme shyness, lie often and are typically introverted. You have difficulty speaking for yourself.
Not speaking your truth can cause this chakra to be blocked.
Over-active Chakra : You speak too much, are domineering and keep people at a distance. You feel that you must force your
opinion on someone. You tend to be a bad listener.
Other symptoms include thyroid imbalances, hyperactivity, PMS, hormonal disorders, swollen glands, common

“I follow and speak my truth”
“My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself truthfully and clearly.”
lillian suarez
medium, spiritual advisor, teacher

Third Eye / Brow Chak (Indigo Blue)

The Third Eye chakra is located above the physical eyes in the center of the forehead.
The Third Eye is associated with thought and vision, particularly medium vision. It assists in the purification of negative tendencies and
in the elimination of selfish attitudes.

Balanced Chakra: When you are intuitive and experience self-realization. You have good intuition and a healthy imagination.
Under-active Chakra: You get confused easily, are not good at thinking for yourself or are too rigid in your thinking. You tend to rely
on the opinion of authority. Your thinking can be rigid and you label things as being good or bad based upon your personal beliefs
(judgmental). You may experience a lack of purpose, disconnect with your soul purpose and may be unable use your psychic
abilities/gifts as well as usual. Physically, you may experience eye strain and other eye challenges, headaches, a “buzzing” in the
area of your third eye (typically overuse or activation) or other symptoms.
Over-active Chakra : You live in a fantasy world or suffer from hallucinations. You may feel “spacey” and not grounded. Hence,
when you are practicing too many intuitive and/or mediumship readings, you may feel dizzy, spaced out of like you are in a dream
Other symptoms include learning disabilities, coordination problems and sleep disorders.
“I follow the path of truth.”
“I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situations.”
“I am a gifted intuitive, I am a gifted medium, I see clearly.”

Crown Chak (Violet  White)

The Crown Chakra is located over the top of the skull at the crown of the head.
The Crown Chakra is the center of spirituality and enlightenment and is our connection to our “higher self” and to the “divine.” It is
associated with wisdom and integration of our eternal self with our current physical self.

The crown chakra is the source of healing energy, allowing us to see Spirit in all life and to understand that we are here to be happy,
and fulfill our soul’s longing for love and peace. By balancing worldly activity with spiritual pursuits we can remain grounded in life
while bringing healing and transformation in subtle ways in our immediate world.

Balanced Chakra: You are unprejudiced and aware of yourself and the world around. You have a concept and/or spiritual
connection with a higher being.
Under-active Chakra: You have rigid thinking and a lack of spirituality.
Over-active Chakra : You tend to intellectualize things too much. You may concentrate too much on spirituality to the point of
ignoring your body’s needs.
Other symptoms of chakra imbalance include headaches, photosensitivity, brain disorders, coordination problems,

“ I am a divine being of light.”
“I am complete and one with the divine energy.”
“There is only love”

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