Soul Hacks

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I AM a reflection of you

“Manifestation takes as long,

as it takes you to release the resistance
Could be 30 years, could be a week,
could be tomorrow afternoon”

~ Abraham

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
What are Switchwords?
Switchwords are manifestation power words, first discovered by James T. Mangan;
that are designed to surpass the guardian threshold of your conscious mind, in order
to reach in to clear blocks and reprogram your subconscious mind, thus altering the
energy that you transmit towards your desired outcome.

They are a simple (but very effective) manifestation words to help you raise and align
your vibration to that which you wish to create in your vortex and manifest in your life.

They are not to be used for interfering with the free will of others (that would create
”negative” karma), but a tool to help you to clear your own internal blocks and help you
align into your desired reality.

There are many different Switchwords that works for all kinds of different situations.
The ones included here are created with the main focus on: for you to attract and
create money/increase your income and clear blocks to success.

Switchwords have been proven countless times to work on their own - but it is in the
combination of Switchwords and realigning your transmission of energy to match the
vibration of your desired outcome (LOA), that I personally find to work most efficiently
– and which this Switchword Mandala is all about.

The Switchword Mandala

In this specific mandala, there are 4 different sequences of Switchwords.

We are all wired differently, and you will most likely find that one/some sequence(s)
works better for you than others.

For this reason, there are 3 different Switchword combinations inside the mandala,
that are all designed to attract money. After trying them, you simply pick one or more
which you find works best for you.

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
The last one (the” jackpot”) is a general sequence designed to clear whatever blocks
towards success you might have and which I recommend you also do, either alone or
together with one of the 3 others.

Again, it is not a necessity, but I have included it as many have general issues towards
success, in one form or another.

It is important that you say the chosen sequence(s) right after each other, repeating
each sequence for 108 times in a row and at least 1 time daily.

I recommend reciting your Switchword(s) for 5 consecutive days or more, but as your
manifesting powers increases, you might find that less works fine.

Don’t be afraid to try them all out, but give each a good try before going to the next or
combining them all, or you will not know which works best for you.

A little tip to keep track of your rounds is to use a Mala (prayer chain), that usually
has 54 or 108 beads on it - and most times also a main bead. If 54, you make to full
rounds. If 108, then one full round.

You can say them quickly after each other or slow. The most important thing here is
your intention and the feeling with which you send your incantation (or Switchword
mantra, if you wish) out into the Universe.

Remember - Energy always follows intention. No exceptions!

We are combining the power of Switchwords with the Law of Attraction (LOA) and
as such you should always be aware of your intention and your innermost reason for
transmitting your intention out in to the Universe. Own your frequency!

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
Before you begin
• First of all, read the rest of this PDF and then print out the mandala that
you find on the last page.
• Write your name below the $ signs on the printed page, in the middle of
the innermost circle where you also find the Switchword sequences.
NOTE - Take great care that you DO NOT let any of the ink from your
name or any other writing in the inner circle touch the border of the circle
line, as any touching or crossing lines will deactivate the mandala, which
kind of, well… defies the intention :)
If you wish, you can choose to write keywords on what you wish to relea-
se OUTSIDE of and around the Switchword mandala. That is, beyond the
outer petals of the mandala.
• In order to activate the Switchword mandala, either:
Keep it either on the table, face up and take care that nothing is placed on
top, as that will temporarily deactivate it or...
Hang it on the wall, facing out towards the room. Using pins are fine, as
long as they do not pierce the mandala itself.
Likewise, do not crumble or tear the paper as that will permanently deac-
tivate it and you will have to print a new one and write your name on
that, following the same guidelines as above.
• Should you for some reason wish to deactivate it temporarily, simply
turn it face down or hide it in a large book, making sure it does not acci-
dently get crumbled.

How to
Personally I prefer the power of rituals when it comes to Switchwords, so I usually
create a sacred space by lighting some candles and burning incense, but that is strict-
ly my own preferred shortcut to invoke the feeling of freedom and gratitude in myself.
It simply makes it easier for me to “get in the mood ” but is not a requirement in any

Simply do it whichever way that feels right for you, incense and candles or not.

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
What you do have to be very keen on, is your intention and taking care in matching
your frequency to your desired outcome. As said, energy always follows intention.

• If possible, sit for a moment in silence

I usually hold my hands in prayer position, thumbs touching my chest,
my mala in my left hand and my eyes closed - but whatever floats your
boat is just fine.
• Breathe deeply a couple of times to release any stress.
Release the thought of any wanting, needing or any sense of desperation,
as that would be like telling the Universe you want more of exactly that
- desperation – which really is not the point here.
Instead, you want to manifest your desired reality, your desired outcome,
so let all non-beneficial energies fade away and relax.
• Create a feeling of happiness, freedom and anticipation…
And then transform that in to a knowing that it is already in your vortex.
You already have that money. Let the knowledge and anticipation of
more expand from your chest out into the universe. If this is hard for you,
try to remember a time where you had similar feelings and then recreate
it from there.
It gets easier with practice, I promise.
• Mix the sense of liberation with gratitude for all the money that is on the
way and that flows to you with ease - Know with all of your being that
you will always have enough.
• Lower your hands - and keep the sense of freedom and gratitude
expanding outwards from your heart center.
• Now begin your 108 incantations/mantra of each Switchword sequence.
When using a Mala it is tradition to hold it in your left hand, using your
thumb and long finger to ”slide” each bead, saying your Switchword se-
quence for each one.
• Once you are done, take a moment to appreciate the creative force in you
and then... Let go.
• Again, release any need or anxiety and instead keep your sense of
gratitude and appreciation, as that is key for the Universe to respond.

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
Do not attach yourself to the outcome. Simply trust your manifesting
powers and that the Universe is always working on your behalf.
This part can take a little practice too, but is absolutely doable as well as
essential to your results.
• Repeat for 5 days in a row (or more), once or twice a day.

Live your daily life while bringing this inner sense of knowing with you, until your next
sequence or round of incantations, and – this is very important – take inspired action
towards your goals in your daily life.

Tips and troubleshooting

Multiple sources
Money is energy, just like everything else. And just like water, it will always flow
through the most likely source - it will simply find the easiest path of least resistance.

For this reason, you should try open as many channels for money being able to flow
to you, as you possibly can.

Naturally, if you have a 9-5 job with a fixed salary, no tips and nothing else going on,
it will most likely take more effort to attract money/increase your income, than if you
have multiple channels of possible income to draw from.

Simply make sure that as many channels as possible are open.

If you have none, other than your standard fulltime job, try to create new ones
alongside that one. Whether it be a small Etsy shop with crafts you make, your
copywriting, web designing skills or knack of fixing car engines that you now put out
there - or something entirely different. Be creative. Take inspired action.

As said, money will find the easiest path to you. It WANTS to come in to your life,
because you ordered it. Open those gateways, focus on allowing money to come to
you as if you already have them and - this might be the most important point of all -
when done, let go and trust the process!

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
“I feel like nothing is happening – does it even work?”
Oh, it works! Without a doubt.

I personally have manifested everything from quick extra cash, a new apartment, the
option of buying the tiny house I dreamt of as well as the cash to pay it (which I did
not have in the bank when I manifested the opportunity, so manifested that as well)
witin a week, a job as an editor for a large company within two weeks etc.
Sometimes as quick as the day after beginning my round of Switchwords as
as instructed.

Naturally, the more one gets in to the flow, the easier it usually gets and with faster
results. So just because you haven’t turned in to an instant Manifestor overnight, just
hang in there and keep going. In essence, this is about controlling your intention and
frequency. That said, there can be a couple of different reasons for it seemingly not
working for you at the moment.

1. The Switchword combination

For one, you might want to try another Switchword or combination of different Swit-
chwords. I have only included a couple of combinations that have worked flawlessly
for me. But that is not the same as saying they will all work for you by default. You
can find more online, if you wish to dig deeper.

2. Your intentions
You might have to check up on your intentions, as what may be in your way is that
some other block has to be addressed/cleared first, before your subconscious mind
is ready to accept and raise your vibration to match that of more money.

For this I included the success-Switchword, albeit it does not have to be that which is
the specific issue for you personally. This is just a starting point for you to try out.

Maybe what you really want to create for yourself – deep down inside - is ultimate
freedom and not necessarily “just” more money.

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
More money is not equal to ultimate freedom by default. More money could also
mean a lot more work and a lot more expenses – and a lot less freedom - in order for
you to actually make that money.

In this specific example, what you would look for instead, is a Switchword that
addresses freedom and not one for “only” money.

3. Take inspired action towards your desired outcome!

Just like most other things in life, some level of action is usually required, in order for
your desired results to manifest. Just to sit and wish is not going to create a delivery.
Do not make it harder for the Universe to bring you what you want than necessary.

For instance, if you wish to manifest a new love in to your life, he or she most likely
will have a very hard time showing up, if you stay at home and never leave the house
(unless it is the postman you long for – then you might be alright).

In this case, inspired action could be a friend inviting you out to a café for a coffee and
chat, and you somehow get the notion that “Oh, this could actually be nice for once -
I’d like to do that, even if I am an introvert and usually have a habit of declining such

Not to guarantee that your new love will show up on that very first action (although
it actually did on mine, when I felt ready to meet someone new - within 2 weeks), but
you need to make yourself available for your deliverance.

Get the point?

4. The energy that you transmit

Another thing to address is the energy with which you transmit your wish, when recit-
ing your chosen Switchword AND in your daily life. Order, and keep absolute
knowledge and assuredness that the Universe delivers that which you ask for.

When you have just ordered your meal in a restaurant, do you then sit anxiously wait-
ing to see whether the waiter will actually bring you your meal? Usually not.

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
You know with absolute certainty that once you have ordered, you will get it.
Sometimes quick, sometimes slow if the kitchen is busy but it will come to you.

The same principle goes for manifesting, whether using the extra benefits of
Switchwords or not.

To continue this analogy, what CAN happen, if you are in a foreign country where
you do not speak the language, is that you actually receive something else than you
thought you ordered.

You went to Spain and you thought you ordered a grilled chicken breast with a delici-
ous side dish (pechuga de pollo) but you absentmindedly say “lechuga” (I made that
mistake, when living in Barcelona). And the waiter simply does as told, and brings you
cold chicken salad.

Would you blame the waiter for you not knowing the difference?

I would like to think not, as that would not be the fault of the waiter who just delivers
that which you (absentmindedly) ordered, but simply due to the fact that you did not
speak the language properly enough to receive that which you wanted.

Point is, The same goes for frequency and intentions. Don’t blame the Universe – or
the tools – for you not receiving, that would not be fair, just as it was not the fault of
the waiter.

Instead, check up on your intentions and that you have not accidentally polluted the
frequency that you transmit. And should you find (now be honest with yourself) that
some insecurity, sense of unworthiness, non-believing or other has sneaked in, well…
Simply be grateful as you now know on what to work on first in order to manifest your
new reality - and get on with it.

Gratitude and appreciation can take you a very long way and open unknown doors.

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
5. Your shadow motivations – are you well aware and at peace with them?
We all have shadow sides, but many of us really do not want to acknowledge them.
And acknowledging and working with your shadow, and not against it, is key.s yourelf
to feel
Allowing yourself to consciously let your feelings and limiting beliefs surface, sit with
them and slowly release them.

You want more money (which for some can be the shadow side), but do you deep
inside have the belief that money is not spiritual?
That spiritual people do not require more money? Or that money is the root of all evil
or similar thoughts? That wanting money is “bad”?

Well honey, you got to change that attitude or you will have a hard time manifesting
more abundance for yourself. Money is an energy, just like anything else.
And what humankind have done in the name of money, is not the fault of the money
energy. And just because someone have money, it does not automatically mean they
are “un-spiritual” or not good people.

We all need money, in order to survive. In fact, we can’t live out our Soul purpose, if we
dont have our needs taken care of. There is nothing wrong with wanting money and
abundance in our lives. To know we are able to pay our bills without worry. To know
that we can walk out into the world and do what we feel we have to, without having to
worry about whether we can keep the roof over our heads and feed our kids.

As said, money is simply an energy. It is in the how you choose to handle the energy
of money, that counts. Money does not have to change you, make you less spiritual or
a “bad human”. That choice is entirely up to you.

And please, do checkup (and within) yourself to acknowledge any such fears, and
then work with them and change your attitude towards them, as they will otherwise
show up as blocks on your road to abundance.

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
Questions that are not covered here?
Write me at [email protected] and ask your questions.

At this moment of writing I am still designing the new website, but with time I will
provide a FAQ section, so others can benefit from your questions.

So please, do not hold yourself back – and do share your success stories , I’d love to
hear about them :)

Accelerating your manifestation process

The Quantum Dream Success Coaching & Akashic Reading

While the Law of Attraction definitely works (no exception!), LOA only works smoothly
and effortlessly when your goal is aligned to your Souls gifts and talents - your true
and higher self – and this is why many of the standard “quick-fix/manifest-now”-
methods works for some but far from all.
Enter the Quantum Dream Success Coaching and Akashic reading.
In essence, it is coaching and reading straight from your Akashic record, to see if your
dream is aligned, needs tweaking (and to what), how much you need to stretch out of
your comfort zone to reach it - and approximately how long it will take you to reach it,
provided you follow the action-plan that we create for you during the session..

Contact me for more information

Your Soul Manifestation GPS - Manifestation Blueprint

Now this! This is absolutely priceless information! This is your own, personal
manifestation GPS, your Manifestation Blueprint, to how your higher self is wired - at
Soul level - to manifest your dreams into this reality...
Without this vital information, you risk spending sh*t-loads of time, effort, energy - and
even money - in order for you to not be where you want to and maybe even manifest
next to nothing.

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -
This really is an extremely useful and - quite frankly - invaluable tool, not just for you
personally but also business-wise, if you run your own business.

Continue reading...

Soul Blueprint - Spiritual cleansing & Akashic Records Reading

An Akashic Records reading that not only clears whatever blocks against money you
have, if that is part of your set intention for the reading, but also clears and heals ob-
solete karmic gunk that is blocking you from moving forward in life and manifesting
your dreams.

Continue reading...

To your Prosperity & Infinite Abundance

Clairre Sommer
Conscious Energy Transformation Expert

Quantum Manifestation Hacks

Copyright 2017 © Clairre Sommer -








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Copyright ©Soulcraft
Soulcrafthealing. com - All rights reserved
Clairre Sommer is badass Powerhouse Warrior of Light on
a Soul-journey mission to empower and support you
to recognize and follow your inner spark, truth, and your
Soul Purpose.

Being a Conscious Energy Transformation Expert, she

informally and securely guides you through your life
transitions, challenges and transformations, to bring you
to your Next Level.

She teaches that we are all worthy, and how releasing your
past, aligning your frequency and intentions into your Souls
Unique Blueprint is the roadmap to make the Law of
Attraction work for you, whether you just want more money
or manifest the happy, abundant life of your dreams.

She’s certified Soul & Spirit Guide Coach, Level 3 Soul

Realignment Practitioner, Next Level Transformational
Coach, Akashic Records Reader, Energetic Business Coach,
holds several Reiki Master Healer/Teacher certifications
and will soon guide you as an Effortless Life Facilitator.

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