Mil HDBK 728 - 1 End Geral
Mil HDBK 728 - 1 End Geral
Mil HDBK 728 - 1 End Geral
. MI L- HDBK-72811
16 December 1985
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Department of Defense
Washington, DC 20301
Military Handbook af Nondestructive Testing
16 December 1985
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Since the hand book’.g effectiveness depends upon continuous, feedback from
its users, individuals are encouraged to contribute comments and suggestions
by filling in and mailing Form DD 1426 provided at the end of this document.
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1. General Information l-i
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‘ MIL-HDBK-728/l
Section &“
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
1.0 SCOPE . . . . . . . . ...’.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1-1
1.1 Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1-1
1.2 USERS GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2-1
1.2.1 Handbook Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2-1
1.2.2 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2-1
1.2.3 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2-1
1.2.4 Format forDefinitione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...1.2-1
1.2.5 Handbook Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2-1
1.3 Definitions for NDT, NDI, and NDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3-1
1.4 General Principles and Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4-1
1.4.1 C6rierel Principle and Guidelines for Using NDT . . . . . 1.4-1
1.4.2 Principles and Guidelines for Adninistratore . . . . . . . 1.4-4
1.4.3 Principles and Cuideline8 for Designers . . . . . . . . . 1.4-6
1.4.4 Principles and Guidelines for Production Engineers . . . . 1.4-?
1.4.5 Principles and Guidelines for Quality Aaeurance Personnel 1.4-9
1.4.6 Principles and Guidelines for NDT Engineers . . . .. . . .1.4-11
1.4.7 Principles and Guidelines for NDT Technicians . . . . . . 1.4-13
1.5 Choosing Tegt Methods . . . . .’. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 1.5-1
1.6 GIOSSa~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...1.6-]
1.7 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 1.7-1
1.8 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.8-I
1.9 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...1.9-1
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M 11,-1{1)S!:
List of Revisions: (
Tnis is the first issue, witk: n> revisi>ns, appraved for
publication 16 December 1935
Page 11>. Latest Issue Date Page 110. Latest Issue Date
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MI L-HDBK-728/l
1.0 scoPi
It must be emphasised that this handbook is not a training manual. Nor can it
replace other written directives, procedures or specifications. However, it
can serve aa a reaciy reference to the important principles and facts relating
to the employment of nondestructive testing, inspection and evaluation. It
can be used to refresh one’s me”ory of a particular NDT principle or
relationship, to double check or establish a particular fact, or to review the
( main ideas, concepts or completeness of a particular approach.
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MI L-HDBK-728/l
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Pages ere numbered consecutively within each section: ”sections are numbered
consecutively within each chapter; and chaptera are numbered consecutively
within the handbook. The publication or revision date of each page is loceted
at the bottom inner edge of the page.
The general Table of Contents listing all chapters in the handbook is found on
page iv. A.Table of Contents listing all sections in a chapter is located at
the beginning of each chapter.
There are two t.yp.?~
of references used in this handbook; (1) cross-references
to paragraphs in the handbook, and (2) references to other publications which
are the sources of specific ❑ateriel. Cross-references are uged within this
handbook wherever poesible to avoid duplication of information.
1.2.3 INDEx
“Every effort haa been made to reflect the latest imfonnation on eddy current,
liquid penetra6t, magnetic particle, radiographic, and ultrasonic testing. It
ia the intent to review this handbook periodically to engure ita completeness
and currency. Each revision will include a revised List of Current Pages
which will show the latest issue of each page of the handbook.
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... .. ....’. ,,’ ‘.
Although extensive definitions are included in each chapter, several basic
terms -- Nondestructive Testing (NDT), Nondestructive Inspection (NDI), .snd
Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) -- are worthy of special discussion.
Any tes,ting, inspection, or evaluation that does not cause harm to or impair
the usefullnesa of an object satisfies the ❑eaning of the word
“nondestructive.” In common usage, testing often refers just to test ❑ethods
and test equipment with only a general reference to materials and/or parts.
Inspection relates to specific written requirements, procedures, personnel,
standards, and controls for the testing of a particular material or a specific
part. Evaluation is concerned with the decision~making process, the
‘d~fetiination of the meaning of the ras”lt’g, or the final acceptance or
rejection of the material or part und may be qualitative or quantitative.
When only qualitative or ralative values are required, the “se of reference
standards is minimized. For quantitative evaluations, however, ertensiive “se
of reference standards and controls is often involved.
Although these distinctions between NDT, ND1, and NDE can be (and often are)
made, the terms are also often interchanged. In order to evaluate, the
results of an inspection must be available. In order to have the results of
an inspection, a test must “be conducted. And no test or inspection is really
complece without an evaluation. As a result of these interdependancies, no
strict differentiations batween these terms are made in this handbook.
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1 The following section presents principles and guidelines for the general
employment of NDT, as well as for specific NOT disciplines. In some cases,
the material is repetitive, since several disciplines are involved in similar
activities. It is important, however, to understand differences, as well as
similarities, between the disciplines, and to recognize how cooperation
between these disparate disciplines is vital to the overall success of NDT.
Guides for applying specific NDT methods are contained in the chaptera for
those.specific methods. The principles and guides covered in this section are
all summarized in tables at the end of each subsection, and can ba used as
handy raference guideline.
Before specifing the use of NDT in any program, “several things .should be
considered. First, detenaine exactly why, or if, NIX’is z-squired. There are
many reasona why NDT may be desired or necessary: to increase the production
rate (by assuring a higher success rate), to increase reliability, “to improve
or maintain safety, to meet legal requirements, to differentiate or identify
improved processing methods, or to detect changes in the product before they
become a problem.
There is a danger that specifying NDT has become routine practice rather than
(“ the result of a real need: i.e., it was done this way last time: it is always
done this way; they did it, we have to do it; everyone else is doin& it; or
let’s do it just to be safe. Sometimes NIYT is specified just for
administrative reasons: the contract requires it.
Whatever the reasons given for specifying ND1’, it ia important that everyone
involved in NDT recognizes and evaluates those reaaons realistically so that
those rssponsiblezfor implementation are able to provide logical and affective
responses.” Certainly, all progriuns should consider specifying the use of NDT;
however, its automatic use should be evoided. NDT should always have an
identifiable purpose that justifies its expense. The reasons for the
requirement of NDT will often affect all other decisiong.
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Once the reasons fo:, the.requirement of NDT haye been established, iL is al- (
~ays wise to determine if the requirement csn be eliaina tea or reducsd through
the use of better materials, or better processing controls, or a better design.
NOnde~tr~~tive testing has no intrinsic value. Specimens do not last longer
simply because they have been ultrasonically inspected. Specimens are not
made stronger simply because they have been X-rayed. (If they were, we would
inspect and X-ray every part ten times over. ) The removing of the
justification for any NDT is therefore desirable. The requirement for NGT,
however, camot always be removed. Therefore, although alternatives should
ideally be considered first, NDT will often be specified.
It is the designer who has the largest responsibility in this area. (See
section 1.4.3 for information on the subject aS it relates tO the designer. )
Once it becomes clear that NDT is appropriate or otherwise required, the
designer must consider other impnrtant aspects of tbe situetinn, including
whether the design can be inspected and whether it can be improved to ❑ake the
inspection more reliable or efficient.
Since NDT can be (and is) used for a multitude of rsasons, it is important
that all needs be correlated. The production engineer may want to inspect the
raw material as soon as possible, even before it arrives on site. NDT engi-
neers, if given a choice, would prefer to inspect material after it has been
machined to a simple shape with smooch surfaces. Reliability and safety engi-
neers would prefer that the IJDT test be performed after all major operations
have been completed. Many times, all of these tests are not affordable.
Therefore, it is important to decide exactly when and where in the manufactur-
ing process NDT should and will be specified.
For every place NDT is specified in the manufacturing process, one of the most
important factors to be stipulated is the critical flaw limitations that must
be detectable. Almost all materials, and all items made of materials, have
imperfections of one size or annther. These imperfections can be defined as
fl.sws. However, the very small imperfections or flaws do not always impair
the usefulness of an item. When this is the situation, it would be
inefficient to inspect for these non-critical flaws. Therefore, the
specifying of this critical size where the usefulness becomes potentially
impaired is important. Those imperfections or flaws that are critical, or
larger than that acceptable, are called defects. It is impossible to
determine the flaw limitations required for an inspection without knowing the
purposes of the inspection, as well as the complete design requirements of the
finished parts.
The dete”&ination of this limitation in flaw size is not always ‘easy. One
vety common limitation specified in the use of ND’1’is “’noflaws are allowed.”’
Certainly such an achievement would be desirable. However, no test or inspec-
tion with that kind of limitation can be expected to succeed. Often, when
this impossibility is eventually understood, the naxt requirement specified is
“find the smallegt flaws poggible. ”’ Again, although tbe desirability of this
type of requirement is apparent, testing to this degree is generally not
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I MI L-HDBK-728/l
... ,. Ultimately, the decision on the proper limitation for allowable flaw size must
be made by the d“esigner working in cooperation with production, stress, and
msterial engineers. They must determine the types of flaws expected and the
maximum allowable flaw limits required to,achieve or maintain design goala.
1, Only after this groundwork has been completed, can the proper decisions ”for
the requirements for NDT be made. Depending upon the NDT capabilities that
exist, trade-off studies may be necessary to ensure that the critical flaws,
“. at their specified limits, can be effectively and reliably detected. Although
trade-off studies and decisions should be accomplished at the design level,
they often are not because of insufficient infnnmation. When “not made at the
design level, choices becnme more limited, often resulting in either a
reduction of the original design goals or the acceptance of unreliable
Once tileseflaws and flaw limitations have been determined, then NDT engineers
must respond by finding answers to ❑nre queetions -- What NDT method must be
used? What equipment, persotiel, and contrnls are necessary? .Many times, one
method alone may not be adequste.
Principles and guidelines for specific disciplines are given in the paragraphs
that fnllow. The assignment nf principles and guidelines to specific
disciplines clarifies who is responsible fnr implementing the concepts nf NDT
and hnw each discipline must suppnrt the other if success is to be achieved.
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4. Determine the proper plsce(s) in the life cycle for performing NDT.
The s,]ceess for any NPT pr~ernm will alwnys rest l]ponman~eers. It is the
m:ln.accrwhl muxt decidr? the overz?11 Rsals, the proper divisim of the
availahl? funds, and the coordination that must be maintained. It is the
mnna~er krhodetermi~es the decree to which the total life cycle of a component
is considered -- including the producti~n of raw stock to the final salvaee of
worn-out parts. The mans.gcr must sften accept the responsibility if proper
funds hnve not been set aside for adequate NDT, if degigners did not properly
coordinate with production and NDT engineers to design a system that could be
efficiently inspected anti built, and if completed parts cannot be properly
inspected in the field. Beceuse the nanacer plays such an important role,
special administrative directives have been published by”DoD. The guidelines
Mana<ers must recognize and mnintain consistent control over the integrity of
the total inspection system by separating quality inspecti~n command from the
production gr~up, while simultaneously encouraging communication and
caordinatian between the twa areas. The manager must determine the relative
degree of this sep~ration, effectively balancing the pressure of meeting
production rates with the necessity for successful inspection bY using
independent manaEers.
I 1.4-.!
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NiL-HDBl~-728/ 1
o Designer.
o 9A.
0 Production Engineer.
o NDT Engineer.
o Materials Engineer.
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One of the most important obligations of the designer, when NDT is determined
to be 3~C~S33Y;, :s to cotablish the requirefients for the inspection, with the
help of stress, material, and test engineers. If these limits are not
reasonable relative to the liDTmethods available, then trade-offs must be
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Usiug redundancy.
:IuTE: Sometimes NDT will be. required by contract. The refore, if NDT must
be done, use it to .vour advantflCe. The “se of cheaper material nay
be feasible, etc.
Production engineers must constantly assess the smount of NDT required and
determine exactly where it is to be accomplished. Forexanple; expensive
machine time cannot be spent cuttin& raw material into a finished product only
to find, at the-last cut, an internal flaw that requires rejection of the
psrt. Such flaws should be found before such operations are initiated.
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Production engineers normally desire to perform NDT at the earliest possible
point in time, usually at receipt of raw stock. The NDT engineers, however,
usually want to do NDT when the parts have the simplest shape with the most
uniformly prepared surfaceg. Reliability engineers often want to do the ND?
after all uossible disturbing-. operations are completed. Usually, there is not
sufficient time or money to do ell these inspections. The final decisions
often rest with the project engineer who must meet overall budget and time
Production engineers should also be aware that production methods and
controls, ❑aw times, establish the need for NDT. Although selectinn of
production methods and controls that prevent flaws from occuring would, of
course, be ideal, trade-offs between the costs of using a more expensive but
less flaw-inducing method, versug the cost of testing and possible rejection,
must be a consideration for every choice being umdk.
One of the most productive uses of NDT is the direct emplnpent of inspection
during the actual manufacturing prncegs. For example, a ❑ethod that
completely changes the approach to the ❑anufacturing process and weatly
increaseg the reliability of the finished product is the use of ultrasonically
controlled cutting machines which determine material thickness as each cut is
made. Automatic tiDTcontrols such as these provide great opportunities for
increased productivity and reliability.
3. Know the &terial, the reputation of the sources of the material, and
the characteristics of the production operations as affected by the
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, The information given herein should be taken only as Eeneral guidelines for
Quality Assurance (QA) personnel. Specific detailed instructions a“reprovided
by each. of the separate branches of the DoD. All QA personnel should refer to
their respective manuals for specific instructions.
Quality Assurance (9A) responsibilities extend over the full ND’I spectrum.
The total magnitude of administrative and technical responsibilities depends
upon the size of the operation involved. However, whether only one individual
or many individuals are involved in the QA task, the following areas must be
considered as part of the QA responsibilities:
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1. records arc to be kept’?
Many of these records must be maintained fo~ the life of the progran or the.
parts involved.
t.y:ms”rance mu:;t support the :W:tUP, or initiation, of proriuction runs.
This support requires an understanding of exactly what is required, why it is
rvquired. and all appropriate trade-offs thnt mW be Present. Decisions on
exact methods to be used must be made. whether those methods are NDT or
others, and the standards or verifications required must be established. It
Lhen becomes necessary for CIA to monitor the existing production runs to
,jll~urethat all ~riginal ~ssumptiarls are still valid, that all procedures are
being followed, and thnt proper records, reports, and interpretations are
boin~ developed.
It does not hsve to be assumed that QA accomplishes all the details of everY
assigned task in all these areas, either adminiatratively or technically. But
it is QA’s responsibility to see that, oversll, these details are accounted
for or that reports to the contrary are made. Much of QA”s success will
depend upon the quality of com..unications established with all the involved
areas and the formulation of decisions based upon their cOmbined .inPu=.
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A. Administrative Areas:
B. Technical h~eno
Some ND? engineers nay be directly involved with receiving and inspection,
quality assurance, or production activities, while other NDT en&ineers are
ase.ociaLea with research and development efforts. Different qualifications
are often required in each of these areas. Basically, however, it is the NDT
engineer who must understand the principles of each type of nondestructive
test and the specific limitations of those tests. He must be able to recognize
which inspection procedures are proper or adequate for the desired results and
he must understand the results and their interpretation.
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MI L-HDBX-728/l
ln order for the NM’ engineer to perform his duties to the fullest, he must (
have certain specific information. He must know the materials involved and
how the part was fabricated. He ❑ust know what defects and/or properties are
to be detected andlor measured. He must be able to identify the kinds of
false indicating that may be encountered so that they may”be properly
considered. It is the NDT engineer who must often communicate and explain the
differences and difficulties when what is requested differs from what can
actually be obtained.
Because the NEW engineer knows the equipment and personnel available, he can
provide a significant amount of data necessary for scheduling nondestructive
tests. Sometimes an NDT engineer receives complete instructions from QA where
test plans, procedures, and standards have all been ptiedetexmined. It is a
requirement thet the NDT engineer double check these procedures and standards,
and essentially, reverify their effectiveness.
The NDT engineer will normally have NDT technicians under his direction, and
the treining and instruction of these technicians will be one of his prima~
concerns. He must understand each technician’s ability to handle complicated
tasks and the limits or the “’confusion” level with which an individual
technician can adequately cope. These factors will greatly influence the
assignment of tasks and the degree of independence that can be given to each
All of the preceding factors will affect the type Of inspection rOutine that
an NDT engineer will institute. The NLYTengineer should also be cognizant of
the sorting routines and scanning methods that have proven to be the most
reiia”Die for his personnel to roiiuu it,any particular sit.u~tior,. k%ea a
vsriety of flaws are to be detected, the approach, sorting routines, order of
the search, number of repeats in the search operation, direction of scanning,
scanning rate, and type of data comparisons (digital or analog) that must be
observed will affect the reliability of the results. Often, a search for one
kind of flsw at a time, on one type of part, will serve to remove some of the
complexities which exist for multiple parts and fIaws, as Well as to establish
One parameter beyond the control of the NDT engineer is the rate at which the
presence of flaws is indicated. When parts are relatively “clean” and free of
indications, or alternately, when there are a great many indications, the
percentage of flaw indications missed usually increases, for ❑ost inspectors.
NDT engineers should be aware of tha frequency of occurence of the flaws to be
detected and adjust the inspection routine as necessary to maintain the
required reliability.
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Table 1.d(6). Guidelines for l:DT engineers.
●1. ““
KflOU exactly what is wanted and why.
The danger of fatigue and hypnotic effects on the technician must also be
consciously fought sgainst, ~d the technician should not hesitate to ask for
a break or change in routine that might prevent these kinds of difficulties
from developing. Present efforts to automate all inspections exist msiply
because of these hiunsn weaknesses.
However, since automatic inspection systems are incapable of noticing all the
various types of exceptions that a technician can, technicians will still be
needed snd valued for their technical knowledge and attentiveness to detail.
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Ceneral guides for technicians include: 1) Not hesitating to ask questions or
double- checki~ procedures releting to”the “NDT work: 2) Recording all NDT
tasks and results; 3) Always checking all dial settings each time an
instrument is used for a new setup; 4) Knowing the capabilities and
limitations of the equipment is essential.
3. If you are not sure if you should ask about something, YOU probabls
5. Always check all dial settings each time an instrument is used for a
new setup.
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Choosing a proper NDT method requires a knowledge of the types of flaws that
must be found, their maximum acceptable limits in size and distribution, and
their possible locations and orientations. Also the presence of all other
possible variables that may affect the inspection must be known. This might
include the orientation and accessibility of the part, the part’geometry and
size, internal variables in densities, ‘etc. ‘l’his knowledge must then be
coupled with knowledge of the basic principles and limitations of all NDT
❑ethods, their availability, and costs. One must also be fsmiliar with the
requirements and availability of atandarda to employ thase nethoda and the
typs of records required. (See Table 1.5[1) at end of this section. )
When the choosing of NDT methods is done routinely, then it is important that
a list of average basic costs of each available ❑ethod is formulated. An
example would be as follows:
With such a chart, one can start with the cheapest method available and then
progress through tha list to the first available method that will meet
acceptable detaction limits. Thase lists must be individualized for each
oparation, taking into consideration how modern the available equipnent and
facilities are and the level of personnel staffing. Although these lists can
provide some broad guidance, they should not be used as a definitive
standard. Costs for each tast vary and the ma.xim~ or minirn~. of.On? test
mathod may, in some cases, overlap the costs for another test method.
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There are times when the choice of ❑ethods is very clear. When small
delaruinations between layers deep within a flat composi te panel must be
detected, an ultrasonic test of some type will almost always be chosen. If
surface cracks on an iron part were to be detected, liquid penetrant, magnetic
particle, ultrasonic, eddy current and X-my tests could all be individually
considered. If porosity were to be found, a quick ultrasonic C-scan might be
used to locate potential areas, followed by X rays concentrated in those areas
identified by the C-scan, to confirm if porosity is really involved and, if
so, to what extent.
Since the difference between success or failure depends on knowing the details
of the specimen and/or material being inspected, many NM’ coumes properly
begin with a study of raw material manufacturing processes to indicate the
orijzinand causes of flaws in castings, ingots, and forgings. The reshaping
and redistribution of the flaws in subsequent manufacturing processe3 must be
Although a study of these flaws and processes will nat be given in this
handbook, the importance of this area should not be minimized. All NDT
personnel should be familiar with: porosity, nonmetallic inclusions. pipe.
macrosegregation, cold shots, cold shuts, hot tears, shrinkage cracks,
blowholes, migruns. forging laps, stress cracks, grinding cracks, fatigue
cracks, galling, and gcale. They should know whera they occur or can be
expected to exist, and what i,mpact they may have in each of the test methods.
The comprehension that flaws are to be expected does not always exist with
those who are inexperienced . Yet it is the first step in chooging a proper
NDT method. Knowing what the fiaws might be and where to look for them is the
next step. Therefore, a study of materials, as well as the relevant produc-
tion and manufacturing processes, is vital to the choice and administration of
an NDT program.
Lastly, the most cri tical (and of ten the most unavailable) dats for determin-
ing an appropriate method involves what the acceptable limits on the size of
the defect are. Those limits determine whether the method would he feasible
and how expensive an effort would be required. Figure 1.5(1) expresses the
importance of this size tolerance. References to sections 1.4.3 (Designers),
1.4.’4 (QA) and 1.4.1 (General Principles) all discuss the importance of
defining this limit.
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I (
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micro cracks.
geome try
density changes.
(“ transducer frequency.
transducer size.
transducer t,ype.
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MI L-HDBK-728/l
4. SmaIl detsils are visible (the limit is often the size of the
grains on the film being used).
Disadvantages :
1. The image is a shadow only (The shadow varies only as the amount
or density of the material varies. Therefore, it can “see”
missiag material, but if a delamination exists perpendicular to
the X-ray beam with ❑aterial pulled apart but not ❑issing, an X
ray will not detect it).
I 1, IMPOSSIBLE —---- .—
I I 1 I I b
!0 +1/4IN. ? 1/2IN.
Figure 1.5(1). Cost curve.
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Corrective Action. Action taken ‘(or plans for actions to be taken) for
solving problems that occur during production.
Critical” Flaw Size. The minimum extent of a flaw (e.g.. miiim~. depth.
length, etc. ) that prevents achievement of the designed goala for a particular
Discipline. A specialty of professinn or training.
Fatigue Life. The expected number of load cycles that a part can withstand
and still perfoxm adequately.
Life-Cycle. The complete history or activi ties associated with a part, from
its manufacturi~, to ita ultimate utility as a waste product.
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MI L-H:)li[-7?F/’:
Cluality Assurance (QA). Qualit.v Assurance can be the organization, the con-
trol, or the actions taken to ensure th~t parts will meet all design goals. A
particular group 1s often ~ssigned responsibility to ensure that Parts are
c~rrcctlx built, inspected and tested to confirm their quality and reliability.
Reference Standards. Any part or image that is used to judge the status or
acceptability of another part or image can be called a reference standard.
Standards. The bsse upon which or by whirh other variables are judged or
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The following ists of Specif cations, Standards, Handbooks and other
I publications are
provided as dditional sources of information to aid in an.v
I particular NDT problems that may arise.
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MI L-HDBK-728/l
DAP 11-25 Life Cycle Management Model for Anuy Systems (Department of the
NBS Nandbook 14, General safety standard far installations usinc non-material
x-ray and sealed gamma ray sources, enereiez up to 10 Me V (U. S. Government.
PrintinflOffice, Washington, D.C. )
N= Handbook 66, Safety design snd use of intiustrial beta ray aaurces (U. S.
Government Printing Office, WtishinCton, D.
NBS Handbook 114, Ceneral safety nt,lnri?rds f9r installation u3icg llJ1l-medi
x-ray and sealed gamma ray sources, ener<ies up to 10 Me V (U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, O.C. ) 1975
ASNE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Section 1, Section 111, Section IV,
Section V, Section VIII, Section IX, Division 2, and Section IV)
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10. Nondestructive Testing ‘Handbook, t?.C. 14cMaster, Ed. , (Ronald Press, N.Y.)
12. Metals Handbook, Vol 11, (American Society for Metals, Metsls Park, OH. )
lY’(6(8th Edition).
13. Suggested “Course Outline for Training NDT Personnel, V. L. Stokes (ASNT,
Columbus. ) 1976.
15. Ultrasonic Testing, J. Szilard, Ed. , (John Wiley & Sons, N-Y. ) 1982.
16. Radiation Detection and Measurement, G. F. Knoll, (John Wiley & Sons,
N.Y.) 1979.
Downloaded from on 2011-11-29T0:55:24.
All U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards Hand beaks are
avai lable from the Superintendent of Doc”me”ts, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402.
All other government. agency spec]f]catl~ns or standards are under the central
of the Department of Defense.
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MIL-}{ DBK-728/lon 2011-11-29T0:55:24.
b. Federal Specifications and Standards and Military Book Form Standards ‘will
not generally be furnished by the Naval Supply Depot to commercial
concerns unless required in conjunction ii th a bid or contract, or for
sufficient other justification. Copies of federal documents may be
purchased from the Business Service Center, General Service
Administration, Washington, D.C. 20405. Most book-form Military
Standards may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
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AH American Petroleum lrwtitute
50 iiest 50th Street
New Iork, NY 10019
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1.8 I!iDEX
Administrators 1.4.2
(Format for handbook) 1.2.4
(NDT, NDI a,ndNDE) 1.3
(Glossary]. 1.6
Designers 1.4.3
“E~-in+6rs 1.4
Clossaxy 1.6
Guidelines 1.4
(User’s Guide) 1.2.2
(Bibliography) 1.7
(Guides) 1.2.5
(Procedures to Recommend Changes) 1.0
Scope (of Handbook) 1.1
Technicians 1.4.7
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... . .
15 October 1965
1 April 1966
10 June 1974
10 April 1975
Apri 1 1970
Custodians: Preparing activity:
I Army -- MR Army -- MR
Navy -- AS
Air Force -- ?0 Project No. NI)TI-0047
I Review activities:
Army -- AR
Navy -- OS
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Downloaded from on 2011-11-29T0:55:24.
INS TRUCII-5: In a Wnfmuma mom 10 CMks our CtMdu’dhuorl datttmnb fmttmx, flu DoD pexida @ [arm for UM in
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Watertown, HA 02172-0001
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