Narrative Text "The Golden Snail" Group 1

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NAME : 1. Shinta Rizki Wulandari

2. Suneti
3. Deasy Noviyanti Permana
4. Mei Rahayu Putri
5. Titi Kurnia
6. Nina Badriah
7. Deni Abdul Majid


SOURCE : Google (
naskah-drama-gue-kemaren-d-naskah.html?m=1 )
Tokoh :

1. Ratu Daha (The Queen) : Titi Kurnia

2. Dewi Galuh Candra Kirana (Dewi Kirana) : Suneti

3. Dewi Galuh Ajeng ( Dewi Galuh) : Shinta Rizki Wulandari

4. Penyihir (The Witch) : Deasy noviyanti permana

5. Nenek dari Desa Dadapan (The Old Woman) : Mei Rahayu Putri

6. Raden Inu Kertapati : Deni Abdul Majid

7. Narator : Nina Badriah

Scene 1

Long time ago, In Daha Kingdom, lived two beautiful girls named Dewi Kirana and Dewi
Galuh. . The girl named Dewi Galuh Candra Kirana is a girl who is friendly and beautiful.
She will be merried with a prince from Kahuripan kingdom, Raden Inu Kertapati.

The Queen : “Dewi Kirana, tomorrow you will be fiance with Raden Inu Kertapati from
Kahuripan Kingdom.”

Dewi Galuh : “what?”

Dewi Kirana : “yes, my mom I will do it for our kingdom, for you, and for my love.”

Dewi Galuh : “why don’t me? This is not fair for me!”

The day when Dewi Kirana fiance with a kind and wise person from Kahuripan Kingdom
named Raden Inu Kertapati.

The Queen: “ladies and gantleman! today, my daughter Dewi Kirana fiance with Raden
Inu Kertapati. May they will be happy until the end of time and they will marry one month
after this moment.”

Inu Kertapati : “thanks a lot, Dewi Kirana. I will always love and prevent you forever.”

Dewi Kirana : “I just can give my heart for you. Thank you so much.”
The ceremonial was end. Dewi Galuh felt envy, then she went to a witch.

Dewi Galuh : “hey nyai, I’m very envy with Kirana because she fiance with Inu Kertapati.
Change her into something that really disgusting and keep away from Inu Kertapati.”

The Witch : “yes your majesty. I will do.”

Scene 2

The witch and Dewi Galuh met Dewi Kirana who was walking alone outside the palace.

Dewi Kirana : “what happened, Galuh. Who is she?”

The Witch : “don’t ask a lot of questions!”

The witch read a magic formula, Dewi Kirana turned into a gold snail.

Dewi Galuh: “(look sharp, and throw it to the river) Good bye, Kirana. I will arrogate Inu
Kertapati from you.”

Scene 3

One day, a old woman looking for fish in the river.

The Old Woman: “nothing fish for me? Hah! What is this? Gold snail? So beautiful.
( then, the old woman back to home and put the gold snail into the crock.)

Scene 4

the next day, the old woman went to the river to catch some fish. When she back to
home, she was surprised because saw a lot ofdelicious on her table.

The Old Woman: “Oh my God! who would have sent all of this food? Thank you so
much.” (the old woman, ate all of that food. The same thing happened everyday.)

Scene 5

The old woman very curious where all the food came. She pretended to went to the
river and peeked from behind the house.

The Old Woman: “ha?” (the old woman surpriesed when looked the golden snail change
into beutiful girl who was cooking for her and then the old woman entered to the
kitchen.) “who are you girl?”
Dewi Kirana: “I’m a princess from Daha Kingdom. A witch envoy my sister change me
into a golden snail because she was envy with me.”

after that, Dewi Kirana changed again into the golden snail and the old woman greatly

Scene 6

Raden Inu Kertapati looked for Dewi Kirana with turned into ordinary people. And then
he met a raven which was a wicth.

The Witch(The raven) : “let me show you the way to find Dewi Kirana.”

Inu Kertapati : “you know it? (the raven keep nodding.) okay,let’s go!.”

The raven showed the wrong way to Inu Kertapati.

Scene 7

Along the way, they met a hungry old man.

Inu Kertapati : “so pity. It’s a bit for you..”

The Old Woman : “thanks a lot, boy. You are so kind with me.”

The old Woman was having magic. She immediately hit the raven with her stick. The
raven was destroyed.

The Witch : “aaaaaaa!!”

The Old Woman : “it is incarnation of the witch. It will mislead your way. Let me
accompany you. ”

Scene 8

They arrived at a hut in the Dadapan village to asked for some water to drink.

Inu Kertapati : “excuse me,may I ask for some water?”

The Old Woman: “of course,wait a minute.”

Inu Kertapati : “okay.”

Inu Kertapati saw Dewi Kirana from the window.

Inu Kertapati : “this is you, Dewi Kirana?”

Dewi Kirana turned.

Dewi Kirana : “raden Inu Kertapati?” (embrace)

The curse was gone. Inu Kertapati and Dewi Kirana come happy with their meeting. And
they back to the pallace.

Scene 9

They arrived at the pallace.

Dewi Kirana : “you are very cruel, Galuh.”

Inu Kertapati : “you will get a punishment from the Queen.”

Dewi Galuh: “what do you mean?this is impossible! You! You!you! dewi kirana! No! It’s

Dewi Galuh run away from the palace and plunged into the revine.

Scene 10

Inu Kertapati dan Dewi Kirana merried

Dewi Kirana : “kanda, I feel so happy.”

Inu Kertapati : “me too, dinda.”

All of they, lived happily ever after.

From drama that we have showed. We can take the wisdom that : life with peace, every
human being has each destiny so don’t deprave the happiness of other people, and we
avoid the deed of envy, because it was not good. And we must protect our fellow brother
or sister that we love.

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