Traffic Impact Analysis of Existing Road at Jalan Berapit (State Route P131) Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang Based On Road Safety Audit (Stage 5) Guidelines

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Traffic impact analysis of existing road at Jalan Berapit (state route P131) Bukit

Mertajam, Pulau Pinang based on road safety audit (stage 5) guidelines

A. A. Musir, R. Ramlee, M. S. A. Hamid, A. Albar, D. Hasan, and Z. Dollah

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 2020, 020053 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5062679

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Published by the American Institute of Physics

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Traffic Impact Analysis of Existing Road at Jalan Berapit
(State Route P131) Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang based on
Road Safety Audit (Stage 5) Guidelines
A.A. Musir1,a), R. Ramlee1,b), M.S.A. Hamid1,c), A. Albar1,d),D. Hasan1,e) and Z.
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang, 13500 Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang,

[email protected]
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Abstract. In Malaysia, an increasing rate of the road accident fatalities in rural road has been identified as one of the
major concern to authorities and public. One of the systems that has been implemented to ensure that the roads were
achieved the required standards of safety is Road Safety Audit (RSA). The RSA (stage 5) guideline very useful to plan
major maintenance and improvement by a proactive way of identifying high risk situations so that that they can be
eliminated or otherwise treated to reduce the likelihood of accidents or reduce the severity of accidents. It is including the
site inspection activity, intersections, traffic signal installations and general traffic management items. This study was
developed to evaluate potential unsafe features or operational arrangement that may adversely affect the safety of road user
and to justify the risk and severity of crashes that may be attributing to the existing road condition. This study was focused
on traffic flow and control that includes the study of traffic signal installation, general traffic management, cross-section
and intersection (sight distance). For the RSA inspection, Jalan Berapit at Bukit Mertajam was selected as investigation
location in collecting the data of traffic volumes, spot speed, site inspection and qualitative research questionnaire. Besides,
extensive preview of previous related research and consolidated by interviews with authorities and industry professionals.
The data was analyzed by using SPSS and the site inspection was analyzed by using prioritization method and compared
with the Guidelines for the Safety Audit of Roads in Malaysia. All the data obtained need to proceed with an immediate
road safety improvement effort to ensure the improvements in term of serviceability and safety of road users. This study
may lead to the improvement of road safety on federal road along Berapit to Penanti from the viewpoint of user because it
is the main road and its lead to the highway nearby.

Road Safety Audit (RSA) is one of the accident preventive measures and it plays important roles to ensure that the
roads are as safe as possible for all road users. The RSA was originally developed and introduced by the United
Kingdom in 1989 and due to both effective and cost beneficial as a proactive safety improvement tool, many countries
around the world such as Australia, Denmark and New Zealand including Malaysia and Singapore have adopted the
similar systems [1]. In Malaysia, RSA was defined as the formal examination of the planning, design and construction
of a road project in terms of its characteristics and operations by the qualified RSA auditors to identify any potential
unsafe features that may adversely affect the safety of road user [2].

Advances in Civil Engineering and Science Technology

AIP Conf. Proc. 2020, 020053-1–020053-8;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1738-0/$30.00

Road accident at the study area was serious enough to demand attention of authorities since most of rural road are
not developed and there are no comprehensive road safety program due to limited resources. Daily road congestion
was also become an issue at the study area especially during peak hour. This study was conducted at Jalan Berapit
Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang with the objective to evaluate potential unsafe feature or operational arrangement that
may adversely affect the safety of road users. Besides, it also justify the risk and severity of crashes that may be
attribute to the existing road condition. This is because this road quit harmful to users based on the road condition
where there are a lot of intersections and accident recorded. It has been suggested by authorities of Jabatan
Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR), Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang. Field study will be carrying out to identify mistakes
that occur along 15km distance along this road. It is important to note the goal of RSA is to ensure all the new and
existing road are assessed from the standpoint of road safety, so that any parameters of the road that are unsafe are
require an immediate attention. RSA can promise a safer road through accident prevention and accident severity
reduction to the entire road user. Even though accident is a tragedy that we cannot predict but the road accident and
fatalities can be reduced by adopting a proper RSA. Besides, RSA on existing road have advantages in term of cost
saving in terms of repairing works and reconstruction cost to fix the safety deficiencies.

FIGURE 1. Jalan Berapit.

This section will mainly focus on the methodology that involves handling and managing data. Within the process
of data collection, two sets of data are classified; namely primary data and secondary data. Processes involved in this
research are illustrated in Figure 2.


Identifying Problem Statement

Established Objective

Determination of Study Location

x Jalan Berapit, Bukit Mertajam

Data Collection

Primary Data Secondary Data

x Traffic Volume x Qualitative Research Question

x Spot Speed Study x Interview (Authorities, etc)
x Site Inspection

Result and Discussion

Analysis of the Data Collected Jalan Berapit:

x Guidelines for the Road Safety Audit in Malaysia, Public Work Dep. (Roads Branch), 1997

Conclusion / Finish

FIGURE 2. Flow Chart of Methodology.

Primary Data
Primary data that has been captured in this study were the traffic volume data, spot speeds studies data and site
inspection data at site location and it was use to be compare with the Guidelines for the Safety Audit of Roads in

Traffic Volume Study

In this study, the traffic flow at the study area was recorded in 15-minutes interval for an hour at each signalized
intersection during the peak flow period.

Spot Speed Study

For this study, 100 samples of data for spot speed was collected in per one hour for both directions at the study
area by using speed radar meter.

Site Inspection

Table 1 below shows the table of severity rating. The safety issue was prioritized on the basis of a risk ranking
between A (lowest risk and lowest priority) and F (highest risk and highest priority).

TABLE 1. Severity Rating [4]


(per RSA item) RATING
Crashes involving high speeds or heavy Probable fatality or incapacitating injury Extreme
vehicles, pedestrian or bicycles
Crashes involving medium to high speed; Moderate to severe injury High
head-on, crossing, or off-road crashes
Crashes involving medium to low speeds; Minor to moderate injury Moderate
left-turn and right-turn crashes
Crashes involving low to medium speeds; Properly damage only or minor injury Low
rear-end or sideswipe crashes

Secondary Data
The secondary data includes the data of qualitative research questionnaire which is achieved from the output of
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Qualitative Research Question

The sample sizes were determine after the consideration of population at the study location by referring to the table
for determining sample size from a given population arranged by Morgan.[5]


Spot Speed Studies
For determination of the speed characteristics of the whole population of vehicle travelling on Jalan Berapit, the
spot speed data are collected about 100 samples of vehicles at Jalan Berapit near Taman Pearl from Kubang Semang
to Bukit Mertajam. From Figure 3, 4, and 5, speed characteristic at the study area were determined such as median
speed, modal speed and ith - percentile spot speed. Median speed was obtained from the cumulative frequency
distribution curve as 49 km/h at the 50th percentile speed. The pace from the study was determined from the frequency
distribution curve between 45 to 55 km/h. Next, the mode or modal speed also can be determined in this study which
is determined from the frequency histogram. These study shows that the modal speed was 52.5 km/h where the speed
that corresponding to the highest point on the graph was taken as an estimate of the modal speed. Lastly, the 8th-
percentile speed that is obtained from the cumulative frequency distribution curve was 60km/h.

FIGURE 3. Graph of Cumulative Frequency FIGURE 4. Graph of frequency distribution

FIGURE 5. The graph of histogram of observed vehicle speed FIGURE 6. Graph of total traffic volume at Jalan Berapit

Traffic Volume Data

Traffic volume studies was conducted at three different stations 20km along Jalan Berapit which is at station B1,
B2 and B3 where station B1 is a flow of traffic from Penanti to Berapit, station B2 is a flow of traffic from Kampung
Mengkuang to Berapit and station B3 is from Bandar Bukit Mertajam to Berapit. The data recorded for about an hour
with 15 minutes intervals during peak flow periods which is at 8.00 a.m to 9.00 a.m in the morning and 5.00 p.m to
6.00 p.m in the evening. Figure 6 above, shows the graph of the total of traffic volume at three different stations of
Jalan Berapit. Based on the figure 6, the total number of vehicles at stations B1, B2 and B3 during peak hour in the
morning is 1016, 610 and 718 respectively while in the evening is 741, 512 and 535 respectively.

Site Observation Data

Any locations and problems listed in the checklist at study location are noted and compared to the Guidelines for
the Safety Audit of Roads in Malaysia which published by Public Work Department on 1997. Table 2 below shows
the risk and severity rating for road condition at the study location.

TABLE 2. Risk and severity rating for road condition at study location


SECTION Low Moderate High Extreme
Traffic congestion F
Inadequate shoulder width D
Barrier type kerb usage C
Safety of pedestrians E
Sigh distance Inadequate sight distance D
Traffic signal
Traffic signal installation B
Motorcycle lanes C
Speed limits signage B
Substandard curve D
General traffic
Ability of overtaking
management E
Safety of bus stop location C
Safety problems during festive
seasons/holiday periods

Table 2 for the problems related cross-section shows that the traffic congestion has an extreme severity rating with
highest risk level and based on questionnaires, 100 percent of respondent agreed that Jalan Berapit is always congested
especially during peak hour. Besides, an inadequate shoulder width has a moderate severity rating with moderate high
risk level. Barrier type kerb usage has a low severity rating with a moderate low risk level and the safety of pedestrians
has a high severity level with a high risk level. From overall view of cross section, it provides adequately for
“vulnerable road users” except at certain critical point where there are lack of safety measurement for pedestrians and
motorcyclists. In addition, 92 percent of respondent said that Jalan Berapit is not safe for road users and pedestrians.
Figure 8 shows the percentage of respondent on the safety of road user and pedestrians. Next, the problems related to
sight distance is inadequate sight distances due to obstruction of tree foliage and existing building. Table 2 shows that
the inadequate sight distance problems have moderate severity rating with moderate high risk level.


98 %
92 %

FIGURE 7. Safety of road user and pedestrians. FIGURE 8. Effectiveness of traffic signal installed at Jalan Berapit

Moreover, the traffic signal installation at the study area are in good condition except for the visibility of the traffic
signals faces that are obstructed by tree foliage where the severity rating is low which it is expected property and
minor crash injury with low risk level. It also installed at the warranted area only which is for safe, efficient and
equitable management of traffic. In addition, the 98 percent of respondent agreed that the traffic signal installed are
operating effectively and efficiently. Figure 8 below shows the percentage of the respondent regarding the
effectiveness and efficiency of the traffic signal installed at study locations.
For problems related to general traffic management items the severity and risk level shows that the severity rating
due to the problems of motorcycles lanes and location of bus stop location are moderate with moderate- low risk level
while the overtaking opportunities and level of safety during festive seasons or holiday periods has high severity rating
with high level risks. Figure 9 shows that 94 percent of respondent do not agreed that there is always an availability
of overtaking opportunities on the road of study locations. The effectiveness of speed limit signage to road user affect
a low severity crashes with low risk level. Based on the Figure 10, 70 percent of respondent do not aware with the
speed limit at the study location. Lastly, the effect of substandard curve gave a moderate severity rating with moderate-
high level risk. Figure 11 shows that there are about 76 percent of respondent agreed that there are risk and severity
of crashes that may attribute to the existing road condition and one of them is the factor of substandard curves. By
considering all the problems and risk and severity above, a major improvement need to be taken into account especially
and barrier at pedestrian footpaths.


30 %

70 %

94 %

FIGURE 9. Overtaking opportunities FIGURE 10. Awareness of speed limits

24 %

76 %

FIGURE 11. Risk and severity of crash that may attribute to existing road condition

Besides, a regular maintenance of traffic signal and trimming the tree foliage that obstructed the view of road user
needs to be done to ensure the adequacy of sight distance and traffic signal operations. It is necessary to provide
motorcycle lanes at this roadway since the average daily volume are more than 15 000 vehicles/day. To increase the
opportunity of overtaking, it is necessary to provide an overtaking lane to ensure the smoothness of the traffic as well
as the safety of road user. To ensure the effectiveness of speed limit signage, the signage must be located at all the
critical area such as near Pasar Awam Berapit, entry ramp to Bandar Bukit Mertajam and entry ramp to Berapit. Since
the accident pattern usually took place at the road curve, so it is necessary to improve the safety at any location with
substandard curve. For example by increase the numbers of warning signage to improve safe vehicle speed and
installation of delineators to improve visibility of road alignment during night time or heavy rain. Lastly, the safety of
road user and the problems arise during festive seasons can be reduce by providing 24 hours of observations at
selection road stretch locations, install a temporary warning signage and road furniture at hazardous location, install
the traffic management items, repair all the road defects and so on.

Generally, this study has achieved its objectives as defined. All the locations and road furniture that have any
potential unsafe feature or operational that may adversely affect the safety of any road users are successfully evaluated.
The risk and severity of crashes that may be attributed to the existing road condition also successfully justified by
ranked each of the problems identified. Thus, the conclusions that can be drawn from this study on Road Safety Audit
(Stage 5) are as follows;
a) It promise a safer road through accident prevention and accident severity reduction to the entire road user as
all the safety issues are identified and an immediate mitigation process can be proceed immediately.
b) It minimizes the budget for road maintenance, repairing works and reconstruction cost to fix the safety
deficiencies caused by the road crashes.
c) It is a simple method to evaluate the safety measurements of roadway.
d) The safety of road user on roadway is increases.
This research will contribute to the improvement of road safety on Federal Road along Berapit to Penanti by
authorities. It is important maintain the road safety at this road because it is a main route to travel Berapit and Penanti
and lead to the highway nearby. Besides, the study will be a supporting element for authority while practicing RSA in


The authors would like to acknowledge Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) for financial support in this research


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