Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523: Technical Reference Manual

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Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

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1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523
Issued: 24.08.1998
Version: L/01.03.2005
Technical Reference Manual

1. About this manual .....................................................................7

1.1. Copyrights .....................................................................................7
1.2. Trademarks ...................................................................................7
1.3. Guarantee .....................................................................................7
1.4. General .........................................................................................7
1.5. Use of symbols ..............................................................................8
1.6. Terminology ..................................................................................8
1.7. Abbreviations ................................................................................9
1.8. Related documents .......................................................................9
1.9. Document revisions .....................................................................10
2. Safety information ...................................................................11
3. Introduction .............................................................................13
3.1. General .......................................................................................13
3.2. Hardware versions ......................................................................14
4. Instructions ..............................................................................15
4.1. Application ...................................................................................15
4.2. Requirements ..............................................................................18
4.3. Configuration ...............................................................................18
5. Functional description ............................................................19
5.1. REC 523 functions ......................................................................19
5.1.1. Measurement functions ....................................................19
5.1.2. Protection and fault indication functions ..........................20
5.1.3. Control functions ..............................................................20
5.1.4. Condition monitoring functions .........................................21
5.1.5. Power quality functions ....................................................22
5.1.6. General functions .............................................................22
5.1.7. Standard functions ...........................................................22
5.1.8. Communication ................................................................24
5.2. Auxiliary voltage ..........................................................................24
5.2.1. Power supply versions .....................................................24
5.2.2. Power backup ..................................................................25
5.2.3. Condition monitoring of batteries .....................................27
5.2.4. Battery charger ................................................................27
5.2.5. Low auxiliary voltage indication .......................................28
5.2.6. Overtemperature indication ..............................................28
5.3. Analogue channels ......................................................................29
5.3.1. Design ..............................................................................29
5.3.2. Technical data of measuring devices ...............................30
5.3.3. Calculated analogue channels .........................................32
5.3.4. Temperature measurement .............................................33

©Copyright 2005 ABB Oy, Distribution Automation, Vaasa, FINLAND 3

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

5.3.5. Battery voltage measurement .......................................... 34

5.4. Digital inputs ............................................................................... 35
5.4.1. General ............................................................................ 35
5.4.2. Configuration ................................................................... 35 Filter time of a digital input ................................. 35 Inversion of a digital input .................................. 36 Pulse counters ................................................... 36 Oscillation suppression ...................................... 37 Attributes of a digital input for device
configuration ...................................................... 38
5.5. Digital outputs ............................................................................. 39
5.5.1. General ............................................................................ 39
5.5.2. Configuration ................................................................... 40 High speed double-pole power output (HSPO) . 40 Signalling output (SO) ........................................ 40
5.6. LED panel and LED outputs ....................................................... 41
5.7. Self-supervision (IRF) ................................................................. 43
5.7.1. Fault indication ................................................................ 43
5.7.2. Fault operation ................................................................. 43
5.7.3. Fault recovery .................................................................. 43
5.7.4. Fault codes ...................................................................... 44
5.8. Configuration .............................................................................. 44
5.8.1. REC 523 configuration .................................................... 44
5.8.2. LON network configuration .............................................. 45
5.8.3. Rated frequency .............................................................. 46
5.9. Parameters and events ............................................................... 46
5.10.Parametrization ......................................................................... 46
5.11.Storing of parameters ................................................................. 47
6. Communication ...................................................................... 49
6.1. General ....................................................................................... 49
6.2. Communication interfaces .......................................................... 50
6.3. Communication overview ............................................................ 52
6.4. LON communication ................................................................... 52
6.4.1. Network variable indexes of REC 523 ............................. 53
6.5. Virtual IEC 61131 inputs and outputs ......................................... 54
6.5.1. LonMark Slave POD based network variables
(NV indexes 64...97) ........................................................ 55 LonMark POD .................................................... 55
6.5.2. Access to POD data ........................................................ 58
6.5.3. SNVT_alarm outputs ....................................................... 59
7. Design description ................................................................. 61
7.1. Technical data ............................................................................ 61

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

7.2. Terminal connections ..................................................................64

7.3. Terminal diagrams ......................................................................69
7.3.1. REC 523 with sensors .....................................................69
7.3.2. REC 523 with three current transformers ........................70
7.3.3. REC 523 with three current and three
voltage transformers ........................................................71
7.3.4. REC 523 with four current and three
voltage transformers ........................................................72
7.3.5. REC 523 with five current and four
voltage transformers ........................................................73
7.3.6. REC 523 with six current and three
voltage transformers ........................................................74
7.3.7. REC 523 with three current and six
voltage transformers ........................................................75
7.3.8. Application example .........................................................76
8. Service .....................................................................................77
9. Ordering information ..............................................................79
9.1. Order number ..............................................................................79
9.2. Software configuration and software number ..............................79
9.3. Optional peripherals ....................................................................80
10.Parts and assembly description ...........................................81
11.Revision history of REC 523 .................................................83
11.1.Revision identification .................................................................83
11.2.Changes and additions to earlier released revisions ..................83
11.2.1.Release Q1/99 .................................................................83
11.2.2.Release Q2/99 .................................................................83
11.2.3.Release Q4/00 .................................................................85
11.2.4.Release Q1/04 .................................................................86
11.2.5.Release Q1/05 .................................................................87
12.Index ........................................................................................89

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

1. About this manual

1.1. Copyrights
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB Oy. ABB Oy assumes no responsibility for
any errors that may appear in this document.
In no event shall ABB Oy be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or
consequential damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document,
nor shall ABB Oy be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use
of any software or hardware described in this document.
This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written
permission from ABB Oy, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third
party nor used for any unauthorized purpose.
The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
Copyright © 2005 ABB Oy
All rights reserved.

1.2. Trademarks
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Group.
All other brand or product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.

1.3. Guarantee
Please inquire about the terms of guarantee from your nearest ABB representative.

1.4. General
This manual provides a general technical description of the remote monitoring and
control unit REC 523. This version of the Technical Reference Manual complies
with REC 523 Release Q1/05. For information about the changes and additions
included in this release compared to earlier releases, refer to Chapter 11. Revision
history of REC 523.
For detailed information about the functions listed in Section 5.1. REC 523
functions, refer to the version 2.2 or later of the CD-ROM Technical Descriptions of
Functions for REF, REM and REC. See Section 1.8. Related documents.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

1.5. Use of symbols

This publication includes warning, caution, and information icons that point out
safety related conditions or other important information. It also includes tip icons to
point out useful information to the reader. The corresponding icons should be
interpreted as follows:

The electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which

could result in electrical shock.

The warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could

result in personal injury.

The caution icon indicates important information or warning related

to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of
a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage to
equipment or property.

The information icon alerts the reader to relevant facts and


The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your
project or how to use a certain function.

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, and caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
comply fully with all warning and caution notices.

1.6. Terminology
The following is a list of terms associated with REC 523 that you should be familiar
with. The list contains terms that are unique to ABB or have a usage or definition
that is different from standard industry usage.

Term Description

SPA Data communication protocol developed by ABB

SPACOM ABB product family

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

1.7. Abbreviations

AI Analogue input
ASCII American standard code for information interchange
CB Circuit breaker
CBFP Circuit-breaker failure protection
CPU Central processing unit
CT Current transformer
DI Digital input
DLC Digital line carrier
DO Digital output
EMC Electro-magnetic compatibility
HSPO High-speed power output
I/O Input/output
IRF Internal relay fault
L/R Local/remote
LED Light-emitting diode
LNT LON Network Tool
LON Local Operating Network
LV Low voltage
MIM Matching transformer input module
MV Medium voltage
NO/NC Normally open/ normally closed
PCB Printed circuit board
PLC Programmable logic controller
PO Power output
POD Process object dictionary
PSC Power supply and charger unit
RMU Ring main unit
RTU Remote terminal unit
SNVT Standard network variable type
SO Signal output
TCS Trip circuit supervision
VT Voltage transformer

1.8. Related documents

Name of the manual Document ID

REC 523 manuals
RE_ 5_ _, Protection, Monitoring and Control, Installation Manual 1MRS750526-MUM
REF 54_, REM 54_, RET 54_, REC 523, Configuration Guideline a 1MRS750745-MUM
Technical Descriptions of Functions 1MRS750889-MCD
Protocol descriptions
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol for REC 523, 1MRS750958-MUM
Technical Description
IEC 60870-5-101 Remote Communication Protocol for REC 523, 1MRS750956-MUM
Technical Description

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Name of the manual Document ID

LonWorks Network in Protection and Control Systems, 1MRS750035-MTD
User’s Manual and Technical Description
MODBUS Remote Communication Protocol for REC 523, 1MRS752015-MUM
Technical Description
SPA-Bus Communication Protocol V2.5, Technical Description 1MRS750076-MTD
Other manuals
CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool, User’s Guide 1MRS751982-MUM
CAP 505 Protocol Mapping Tool, Operation Manual 1MRS755277
LIB, CAP and SMS, Tools for Relays and Terminals, User’s Guide 1MRS752008-MUM
LNT 505, Operator’s Manual 1MRS751706-MUM
Relay Configuration Tool, Quick Start Reference 1MRS751905-MEN
Relay Configuration Tool, Tutorial 1MRS751903-MEN
Echelon documents
LonMark Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines -
LonMark SNVT Master List -
a. Included in the CD-ROM Technical Descriptions of Functions

1.9. Document revisions

Version Date History

F 26.04.2001 -
G 04.11.2002 -
H 21.10.2003 -Table 6.-6 Power output relay’s breaking capacity value changed
from 1 A/0.25 A /0.15 A to 5 A/3 A/1 A.
-Customer feedback and Service Report forms deleted.
K 16.12.2004 -Release Q1/04 information added.
L 01.03.2005 -Communication protocol IEC 60870-5-101 now fully supported.
-Protocol Mapping Tool additions.
-New hardware variant (054/059) added.
-New calculated analogue channel added.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

2. Safety information

Dangerous voltages can occur on the connectors, even though the

auxiliary voltage has been disconnected.
National and local electrical safety regulations must always be
The device contains components which are sensitive to electrostatic
discharge. Unnecessary touching of electronic components must
therefore be avoided.
The frame of the device has to be carefully earthed.
Only a competent electrician is allowed to carry out the electrical
Non-observance can result in death, personal injury or substantial
property damage.
Breaking the sealing tape on the upper handle of the device will result
in loss of warranty and proper operation will no longer be guaranteed.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

3. Introduction

3.1. General
The REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit (REC 523) is part of the ABB
Distribution Automation system and extends the functionality and flexibility of the
concept further. This is possible due to the modern technology applied both in
hardware and software solutions.
Increased performance is achieved by utilizing the multiprocessor architecture.
Digital signal processing combined with a powerful central processing unit (CPU)
and distributed input/output (I/O) handling facilitates parallel operations and
improves response times and accuracy. Moreover, highly developed function blocks
that are used for protection in medium voltage (MV) substations are utilized in
REC 523 to indicate faults at secondary substations.

Fig. 3.1.-1 REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

3.2. Hardware versions

The REC 523 unit is available in several versions with varying hardware equipment
corresponding to different uses in the distribution network (such as branch, normal
open point, and so on) of the REC 523 unit. See the following table.

Table 3.2.-1 REC 523 hardware versions

REC 523

060/065 AAC, CACb

061/066 AAA, CAAb

062/067 AAA, CAAb

054/059 AAA, CAAa
032/037 AAA, CAA

033/038 AAA, CAA

034/039 AAA, CAA

HW versions

Analogue interface
Sensor channels
Current sensor - - - - - -
Voltage divider - - - - 9 - -

Current Transformer 0.2/1 A - - - 1 - - -

Current Transformer 1/5 A 3 3 4 4 - 6 3
Voltage Transformer 100 V - 3 - 4 - 3 6
Voltage Transformer 230 V - - 3 - - - -
Digital inputs 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Power outputs, double-pole 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Signal outputs (NO) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Signal outputs (NO/NC) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
IRF outputs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
a. The HW versions 054/059 AAA, CAA is only included in REC 523 revision F.
b. Not included in REC 523 revisions A and B. Note also that the HW versions 031/036 AAC, CAC
were only included in REC 523 revisions A and B.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

4. Instructions

4.1. Application
REC 523 is designed to be used for the control, measurement, supervision,
protection and fault indication of secondary substations in medium voltage
networks. The main area is remote control and monitoring of the medium voltage
overhead line and underground networks:
• Pole- and pad-mounted switches and disconnectors
• Ring main units (RMU)
• Small transformer kiosks
• Other primary and secondary substation automation
The functionality of REC 523 is tied to the hardware configuration.The desired
functions can be activated from a wide range of protection, control, measurement,
power quality, condition monitoring, general and communication functions within
the scope of I/O connections, considering the total CPU load. Compared to the
traditional use of separate products, the combination of desired functions provides
cost-effective solutions and, together with the relay configuration (IEC 61131
standard), allows the REC 523 unit to be easily adapted to different kinds of

P ow er st at io n
Pro c es s
au t om a ti on
sy ste m P ro te ct io n
& Co n tr ol
o v e rh e ad
n e tw o rk S PA
or LO N ®

S o la r p o w e r Su b st at io n H V/M V
st ati o n P ro te c tio n

G at e w ay L o c al
N e tw o rk c o n tr o l
C o n t ro l 1 10 k V/
2 0 kV
C e n te r S PA HV
o r L O N®
o ve rh e a d
ne tw o rk
Wi n d m i ll p o w e r
st at io n P ro t ec t io n & C ont ro l

I ndustrial plant
Pr oc e ss
Disc onn ec t or
MV a ut o m at io n
uni t w it h S F6 o v e rh e ad sy st em
-iso lat e d n e tw o rk H V/ MV
M V c ab l e di sc on nec t o r
n e tw o rk SPA
or L O N®

Se c o n d ar y Tra nsf orm er M Pr o te ct io n & Co n tr o l
su b st a ti o n w it h air-iso lat ed
d is c onn ec t or

LV ca b l e
n e tw o r k LV
P a d - m o u nt ed o ve rh e a d
M V/LV sta ti o n ne tw o rk

En e rg y m et er
L o a d c o n tro l d ev ic e

Fig. 4.1.-1 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit system based on REC 523
By means of a programmable LED display, the control functions of the REC 523
unit indicate the status of disconnectors and circuit breakers, faults, alarm limits, and
so on. Further REC 523 allows status information to be transmitted to the remote
control system. Controllable objects (such as circuit breakers) can be opened and
closed over the remote control system or by using the local automation functions,
such as reclosers and sectionalizers. Status information and control signals are
transmitted over the serial bus.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

The REC 523 unit measures, for example, phase currents, neutral currents, phase-to-
phase or phase-to-earth voltages and residual voltages. The power factor, active and
reactive power are calculated from measured currents and voltages. Energy can be
calculated on the basis of the measured power. The measured values can be
indicated remotely as scaled primary values.
In addition to measurement and control functions, the REC 523 units are provided
with a large amount of programmable logic controller (PLC) functions allowing all
the functions needed for secondary substation automation to be integrated into one
unit. The data communication properties include communication over:
• SPA bus
• LON bus
• Modbus (RTU and ASCII)
• IEC 60870-5-101
• DNP 3.0 with higher-level equipment.
The flexibility of REC 523 makes it possible to use a wide range of communication
methods such as switched line telephone, leased line, optical cable, digital and
analogue mobile networks, radio modems, packet radio networks, radio links and
TETRA network.


aux +12V Radio

REC 523
+24V RS232


9 Open
Close C
1 2
2 off

15 IRF


Enclosure UEMC A2

Fig. 4.1.-2 Application example of the REC 523 unit

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

0 1

0 1






Fig. 4.1.-3 Basic functions of a REC 523 unit provided with NxBD type SF6 gas
insulated double disconnectors

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

4.2. Requirements
If the environmental conditions differ from those specified in Chapter 7. Technical
data, as to temperature and humidity, or if the atmosphere around the unit contains
chemically active gases or dust, the device should be visually inspected in
connection with the REC 523 secondary testing. The visual inspection should focus
• Signs of mechanical damage to device case and terminals.
• Dust inside the device cover or case; remove carefully with compressed air.
• Signs of corrosion on terminals, case or inside the device.

If any ust inside the device cover or case is found, remove it

carefully with compressed air.

For information about the maintenance of REC 523, refer to Chapter 8. Service.

Remote control units are measuring instruments and should be

handled with care and protected against moisture and mechanical
stress, especially during transport.

4.3. Configuration
The REC 523 units are adapted to specific applications by using the Relay
Configuration Tool included in CAP 505. The tool is used for configuring the basic
terminal, protection and logic function blocks, control and measurement functions,
timers and other functional elements included in the logic functions library. Refer to
Section 5.8.1. REC 523 configuration.
The configuration of LON network is described in Section 5.8.2. LON network
configuration. If LON communication is used without LON inputs and outputs
(network variables), the section about LON network configuration is unnecessary.
The configuration procedure starts by configuring the functions of protection
control, condition monitoring, measurement and logics with the Relay
Configuration Tool.
For more detailed information about the configuration, refer to the tool-specific
manuals (refer to Section 1.8. Related documents).
For the configuration of the remote communication protocols, refer to protocol
descriptions (refer to Section 1.8. Related documents).

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

5. Functional description

5.1. REC 523 functions

The functions of REC 523 are categorized as:
• Measurement functions
• Control functions
• Protection and fault indication functions
• Condition monitoring functions
• Power quality functions
• Communication functions
• Standard functions
• General functions

5.1.1. Measurement functions

Current measurement can be based on Rogowski coils or conventional current
transformers. Correspondingly, voltage dividers or voltage transformers are used for
voltage-based measurement.
Measurement functions are available, for example, for three-phase currents, neutral
current, three-phase voltages, residual voltage, frequency, and active and reactive
power. One REC 523 device can be used to measure 2 feeders or branches by means
of 9 analogue channels.
Furthermore, REC 523 incorporates environmental temperature and battery voltage
measurements. The values measured can be forwarded to the control centre.
The measurement function blocks are documented on the CD-ROM Technical
Descriptions of Functions (refer to Section 1.8. Related documents)

Table 5.1.1-1 Measurement functions available for REC 523

Function Description
MEAI1...MEAI8a General measurement 1...8/analogue input on RTD/analogue module
MECU1A Neutral current measurement, stage A
MECU1B Neutral current measurement, stage B
MECU3A Three-phase current measurement, stage A
MECU3Ba Three-phase current measurement, stage B
MEVO1A Residual voltage measurement, stage A
MEVO1Ba Residual voltage measurement, stage B
MEVO3A Three-phase voltage measurement, stage A
MEVO3Ba Three-phase voltage measurement, stage B
MEPE7 Three-phase power and energy measurement
MEFR1 System frequency measurement
MEDREC16 Transient disturbance recorder
a. This function is supported in the REC 523 software revision C, or later.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

5.1.2. Protection and fault indication functions

REC 523 provides a set of protection functions which also can be used for fault

Before taking a protection function block into use, ensure that the
function block operates correctly by checking the default values and
by properly setting the parameter values.

The protection function blocks (for example NOC3Low) supported by REC 523 are
independent of each other and have their own setting groups, data recording, and so
on. For example, the non-directional overcurrent protection includes two different
stages, NOC3Low and NOC3High, both with independent protection functions.
Either Rogowski coils or conventional current transformers can be used for
protection functions based on current measurement. Correspondingly, voltage
dividers or voltage transformers are used for protection functions based on voltage
The protection function blocks are documented on the CD-ROM, Technical
Descriptions of Functions, refer to Section 1.8. Related documents.

Table 5.1.2-1 Protection and fault indication functions available for REC 523
Function Description
AR5Funca Auto-reclose function (5 shots)
CUB3Low Phase discontinuity protection
DEF2Low Directional earth-fault protection, low-set stage
DEF2Highb Directional earth-fault protection, high-set stage
DOC6Low Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, low-set stage
DOC6Highb Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, high-set stage
Inrush3b Three-phase transformer inrush and motor start-up current detector
NEF1Low Non-directional earth-fault protection, low-set stage
NEF1High b Non-directional earth-fault protection, high-set stage
NOC3Low Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low-set stage
NOC3Highb Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high-set stage
UV3Lowb Three-phase undervoltage protection, low-set stage
UV3Highb Three-phase undervoltage protection, high-set stage
a. This function is only supported in the REC 523 software revision D, or later.
b. This function is only supported in the REC 523 software revision C, or later.

5.1.3. Control functions

The control functions are used to indicate the position of switching devices, that is,
circuit breakers and disconnectors, and to execute open and close commands for
controllable switching devices in the switchgear.
Furthermore, the control functions provide control objects for circuit breakers and
disconnectors, indication objects for switching device indications, on/off switching
objects for control logic purposes, miscellaneous objects for data monitoring, and so

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

The control function blocks are documented on the CD-ROM, Technical

Descriptions of Functions, refer to Section 1.8. Related documents.

Table 5.1.3-1 Control functions available for REC 523

Function Description
COCB1a Circuit breaker 1 control with indication
COCB2a Circuit breaker 2 control with indication
CODC1 Disconnector 1 control with indication
CODC2 Disconnector 2 control with indication
CODC3 Disconnector 3 control with indication
CODC4 Disconnector 4 control with indication
CODC5 Disconnector 5 control with indication
CO3DC1 Three-state disconnector (1) with indication
CO3DC2 Three-state disconnector (2) with indication
COIND1 Switching device 1 indication
COIND2 Switching device 2 indication
COIND3 Switching device 3 indication
COIND4 Switching device 4 indication
COIND5 Switching device 5 indication
COIND6 Switching device 6 indication
COIND7 Switching device 7 indication
COIND8 Switching device 8 indication
COLOCAT Logic-controlled control position selector
COPFCb Power factor controller
a. This function is only supported in the REC 523 software revision C, or later.
b. This function is only supported in the REC 523 software revision D, or later.

5.1.4. Condition monitoring functions

The condition monitoring function blocks are documented on the CD-ROM,
Technical Descriptions of Functions, refer to Section 1.8. Related documents.

Table 5.1.4-1 Condition monitoring functions available for REC 523

Function Description
CMBWEAR1 Supervision function of the cb 1 electric wear
CMBWEAR2 Supervision function of the cb 2 electric wear
CMCU3 Supervision function of the energizing current input circuit
GMGAS1 Supervision function of the gas density
CMGAS3a Three-pole gas pressure monitoring
CMSCHED Supervision function of the scheduled maintenance
CMSPRC1b Spring charging control 1
CMTIME1b Operation time counter 1 operate time used (motors)
CMTIME2b Operation time counter 2 operate time used (motors)
CMTRAV1b Breaker travel time 1
CMVO3 Supervision function of the energizing voltage input circuit
a. This function is only supported in the REC 523 Software revision D, or later.
b. This function is only supported in the REC 523 software revision C, or later.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

5.1.5. Power quality functions

The power quality function blocks are documented on the CD-ROM, Technical
Descriptions of Functions, refer to Section 1.8. Related documents.

Table 5.1.5-1 Power quality functions available for REC 523

Function Description
PQCU3Ha Current waveform distortion measurement
PQVO3Ha Voltage waveform distortion measurement
a. This function is only supported in the REC 523 software revision D, or later.

5.1.6. General functions

The general function blocks are documented on the CD-ROM, Technical
Descriptions of Functions, refer to Section 1.8. Related documents.

Table 5.1.6-1 General functions for REC 523

Function Description
INDRESET Resetting of operation indicators, latched output signals, registers
and waveforms, that is, the disturbance recorder
SWGRP1... Switchgroup SWGRP1...20

5.1.7. Standard functions

Standard functions are used for logics, such as interlocking, alarming and control
sequencing. The use of logic functions is not limited and the functions can be
interconnected with each other and with control, measurement, condition
monitoring and other standard functions. In addition, the digital inputs and outputs
as well as the LON inputs and outputs can be connected to standard functions by
using the Relay Configuration Tool.
The standard functions are documented on the CD-ROM, Technical Descriptions of
Functions, refer to Section 1.8. Related documents.

Table 5.1.7-1 Standard functions available for REC 523

Function Description
ABS Absolute value
ACOS Principal arc cosine
ADD Extensible adder
AND Extensible AND connection
ASIN Principal arc sine
ATAN Principal arc tangent
BITGET Get one bit
BITSET Set one bit
BOOL_TO_* Type conversion from BOOL to WORD / USINT / UINT / UDINT /
BOOL2INT Type conversion from BOOL inputs to INT output
BYTE_TO_* Type conversion from BYTE to WORD / DWORD
COMH Hysteresis comparator
COS Cosine in radians

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Table 5.1.7-1 Standard functions available for REC 523 (Continued)

Function Description
CTD Down-counter
CTUD Up-down counter
CTU Up-counter
DATE_TO_UDINT Type conversion from DATE to UDINT
DINT_TO_* Type conversion from DINT to SINT / REAL / INT
DIV Divider
DWORD_TO_* Type conversion from DWORD to WORD / BYTE
EQ Extensible comparison to equal
EXP Natural exponential
EXPT Exponentiation
F_TRIG Falling edge detector
GE Extensible comparison to greater or equal
GT Extensible comparison to greater
INT_TO_* Type conversion from INT to REAL / DINT
INT2BOOL Type conversion from INT input to BOOL outputs
LE Extensible comparison to less or equal
LIMIT Limitation
LN Natural logarithm
LOG Logarithm base 10
LT Extensible comparison to less
MAX Extensible maximum
MIN Extensible minimum
MOD Modulo
MUL Extensible multiplier
MUX Extensible multiplexer
NE Comparison to greater or less
NOT Complement
OR Extensible OR connection
R_TRIG Rising edge detector
REAL_TO_* Type conversion from REAL to USINT / UINT / UDINT / SINT / INT /
ROL Rotate to left
ROR Rotate to right
RS Reset dominant bistable function block
RS_D Reset dominant bistable function block with data input
SEL Digital selection
SHL Bit-shift to left
SHR Bit-shift to right
SIN Sine in radians
SINT_TO_* Type conversion from SINT to REAL / INT / DINT
SUB Subtractor
SQRT Square root
SR Set dominant bistable function block
XOR Extensible exclusive OR connection
TAN Tangent in radians
TIME_TO_* Type conversion from TIME to UDINT / TOD / REAL

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Table 5.1.7-1 Standard functions available for REC 523 (Continued)

Function Description
TOD_TO_* Type conversion from TOD to UDINT / TIME / REAL
TOF Off-delay timer
TON On-delay timer
TP Pulse
TRUNC_* Truncation toward zero
UDINT_TO_* Type conversion from UDINT to USINT / UINT / REAL
UINT_TO_* Type conversion from UINT to USINT / UDINT / REAL / BOOL
USINT_TO_* Type conversion from USINT to UINT / UDINT / REAL
WORD_TO_* Type conversion from WORD to DWORD / BYTE

5.1.8. Communication
The remote communication protocols IEC 60870-5-101, Modbus (RTU and ASCII)
and DNP 3.0 are available for REC 523.
The REC 523 includes SPA slave and LON serial communication protocols. In a
customer-specific configuration, special events can be generated via an EVENT230
event function. EVENT230 is documented on the CD-ROM, Technical Descriptions
of Functions, refer to Section 1.8. Related documents.
For more information about communication in REC 523 devices, Chapter

5.2. Auxiliary voltage

For its operation REC 523 requires auxiliary voltage supply. The internal power
supply and charger module of the device forms the voltages required by the
REC 523 electronics. The power supply module is a galvanically isolated (flyback-
DC/DC converter. A green LED indicator on the front panel is lit when the power
supply module is in operation.
When possible, the device should be supplied by an auxiliary supply voltage of the
substation. Otherwise, a small MV auxiliary voltage transformer is recommended to
be used for the supply of the device in secondary substation applications. National
and local electrical safety regulations must always be followed when the device is
connected to the electrical network.

5.2.1. Power supply versions

There are two power supply and charger unit (PSC) versions available REC 523:
• PSC1
• PSC2
The output voltages are identical, but the input voltages are different. The input
voltage range of the power supply module is marked on the front panel of the device.
The power supply version is specified by a letter combination in the hardware
version number of REC 523.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

The auxiliary voltages of the PSC versions are:

• PSC1:
Operating range 80...265 V AC or DC.
• PSC2:
Operating range 18...80 V DC.
The primary side of the power supply module is protected with a fuse located on the
printed circuit board of the module.
The power supply also provides a 12 V DC output voltage to an external
communication device, for example, a radio telephone. The maximum peak output
current is 7A with batteries and 1A without batteries. This is sufficient for most
conventional radio telephones or radio links.
For further technical data of the power supply, refer to Section 7.1. Technical data.

5.2.2. Power backup

Power backup for the station can be arranged by connecting 24 V (2 x 12 V) sealed
lead acid batteries to the REC 523 device. The batteries supply the REC 523 device
and the communication device during a mains failure. Thus the communication
between the device and a network control centre operates in any situation.
Depending on the application and the required maximum operation time, batteries
of 17 Ah or 24 Ah are normally used. Tests performed show an operation time of
about 36 hours for a 17 Ah battery and 60 hours for a 24 Ah battery at an ambient
temperature of +20 °C. The average consumption of the communication device
during the test was 200 mA.
A low temperature reduces the capacity of the batteries and the operate time. The
approximate maximum operate time versus temperature can be estimated as shown
in the following figure.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Operating time/h




-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

Fig. 5.2.2.-1 Operation time versus temperature with 17 Ah batteries

Sealed lead-acid batteries, for example, Yuasa’s NP 17-12, NPL 24-12 or equivalent
are recommended to be used, refer to Section 7.1. Technical data.
Current limiter
A current limiter should be used when the battery capacity is less than 7 Ah. The
current limiter is to be connected between the charger output (connector X7.1, pin
10) and the + pole of the battery to prevent the charging current from exceeding the
specified maximum limit of about 0.6 A.


REC 523 9
R1 R2
+ 12 V - + 12 V -

V1 = Diode 4A , 50 V
R1 = PTC resistor , Rn=2,3 ohm (Siemens B59940-C160-A70)
R2 = Resistor 3 ... 4 ohm, 2W

Fig. 5.2.2.-2 Circuit diagram for current limiter

The voltage of the batteries may vary in range of 19...32 V.
The batteries are charged by the battery charger of the REC 523 device.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

5.2.3. Condition monitoring of batteries

The condition of the batteries is secured by a periodic ten second load test, which is
performed twice an hour and always after the power up of the device. The test can
also be activated remotely with the parameter Battery test.
The status of the battery test, that is, whether the test is active or not, can be read via
remote communication with the parameter BatteryTestSta. The corresponding
global variable in the Relay Configuration Tool is the following:
• REC 523: PSC_7_BattTest
During the battery load test, the voltage of the power supply charger is reduced to
20 V, which causes the electronics and communication to load the batteries. The
automatic functions of the device measure the battery voltage continuously also
during the test.
If the battery voltage drops to ~21...23 V during testing, the device generates an
alarm to indicate that the lifetime of the batteries is ending or that an internal battery
fault has occurred, which means that the battery must be changed in the near future.
The status of the battery can also be read via remote communication with the
parameter Battery status. The corresponding global variable in the Relay
Configuration Tool is the following:
• REC 523: PSC_7_BattStatus
The parameter Minimum battery voltage indicates the lowest battery
voltage recorded, which is usually the voltage during a control operation. The
recorded voltage can be used to estimate the condition of the batteries. Note that the
parameter must be set via remote communication to correspond to the present
battery voltage when a new battery has been installed.

5.2.4. Battery charger

The power supply of the REC 523 device includes a temperature-compensated
battery charger. The charger secures a suitable charging voltage in different
environmental conditions. The batteries are also protected against too high or too
low charging voltages.
The charger regulates the charging voltage for the batteries according to the
temperature as illustrated in the figure below.
The output of the battery charger is protected by a fuse located on the printed circuit
board of the module.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Charging voltage / V





-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80

Temperature / °C

Fig. 5.2.4.-1 Charging voltage versus temperature

Deep-discharge protection
The charger also protects the batteries against deep-discharge during long periods of
outages. It switches the power supply to stand-by mode as soon as the battery
voltage drops below 19 V. The power supply is switched on again when the auxiliary
voltage returns. After this, the batteries are charged at an interval of 1 second until
the battery voltage exceeds 22 V.

5.2.5. Low auxiliary voltage indication

The REC 523 is provided with a low auxiliary voltage indication feature. The power
supply module issues an internal alarm signal when a drop in the power supply
voltage is detected (ACFail, active low).
The indication of a low auxiliary voltage (ACFail) is available in REC configuration
environment and can be connected to any signal output of the REC 523 device. The
auxiliary voltage indication in the REC configuration is as follows:
• REC 523: PSC_7_ACFail

5.2.6. Overtemperature indication

The REC 523 includes an internal temperature supervision function. The power
supply module gives an internal alarm signal when overtemperature has been
detected inside the enclosure. The alarm signal is activated when the temperature
inside the enclosure increases to +78oC (+75...+83oC).

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Overtemperature indication is available in the configuration and can be connected to

any signal output of the device. The overtemperature indication input in the
configuration is as follows:
• REC 523: PSC_7_TempAlarm

5.3. Analogue channels

5.3.1. Design
The REC 523 device measures the analogue signals needed, for example, for
measuring, via sensors or galvanically separated matching transformers. REC 523
can be provided with the following matching transformers:
• 3 matching transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3
• 6 matching transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, VT1, VT2, VT3
• 7 matching transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, VT1, VT2, VT3
• 9 matching transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, VT1, VT2, VT3, VT4
• 9 matching transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, VT1, VT2, VT3
• 9 matching transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, VT1, VT2, VT3, VT4, VT5, VT6
• 9 sensors; RS or VD
In addition to conventional matching transformers, current sensors and voltage
dividers developed by ABB can be used. Depending on the hardware equipment,
REC 523 has 9 sensor inputs. A current sensor (Rogowski coil) or a voltage divider
can be used with the REC 523 device.
Each REC 523 has the maximum of 9 analogue channels. The number of channels
used depends on the configuration and the kind of matching transformers or sensor
inputs used. Furthermore, the device includes virtual analogue channels (refer to
Section 5.3.3. Calculated analogue channels) for calculating the neutral current,
phase-to-phase voltage and residual voltage from phase currents and voltages.
Each analogue channel is separately configured with the Relay Configuration Tool.
Configure both the measuring unit for each analogue channel and the signal type to
be measured.
The REC 523 versions have the following analogue channels:

Table 5.3.1-1 REC 523 versions and analogue channels

REC 523 version Analogue channel
REC523F 032AAA (wall-mounted) 3 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 037AAA (flush-mounted) Uaux = 80-265 V AC/DC

REC523F 032CAA (wall-mounted) 3 current transformers 1/5 A

REC523F 037CAA (flush-mounted) Uaux = 18-80 V DC
3 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 033AAA (wall-mounted) 3 voltage transformers 100 V
REC523F 038AAA (flush-mounted) Uaux = 80-265 V AC/DC
3 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 033CAA (wall-mounted) 3 voltage transformers 100 V
REC523F 038CAA (flush-mounted) Uaux = 18-80 V DC

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Table 5.3.1-1 REC 523 versions and analogue channels (Continued)

REC 523 version Analogue channel
4 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 034AAA (wall-mounted) 3 voltage transformers 230 V
REC523F 039AAA (flush-mounted) Uaux = 80-265 V AC/DC
4 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 034CAA (wall-mounted) 3 voltage transformers 230 V
REC523F 039CAA (flush-mounted) Uaux = 18-80 V DC
1 current transformer 0.2/1 A
REC523F 054AAA (wall-mounted) 4 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 059AAA (flush-mounted) 4 voltage transformers 100 V
Uaux = 80-265 V AC/DC
1 current transformer 0.2/1 A
REC523F 054CAA (wall-mounted) 4 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 059CAA (flush-mounted 4 voltage transformers 100 V
Uaux = 18-80 V DC
9 sensor channels
REC523F 060AAC (wall-mounted) (current sensor or voltage divider)
REC523F 065AAC (flush-mounted) Uaux = 80-265 V AC/DC
9 sensor channels
REC523F 060CAC (wall-mounted) (current sensor or voltage divider)
REC523F 065CAC (flush-mounted) Uaux = 18-80 V DC
6 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 061AAA (wall-mounted) 3 voltage transformers 100 V
REC523F 066AAA (flush-mounted) Uaux = 80-265 V AC/DC
6 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 061CAA (wall-mounted)
3 voltage transformers 100 V
REC523F 066CAA (flush-mounted)
Uaux = 18-80 V DC
3 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 062AAA (wall-mounted)
6 voltage transformers 100 V
REC523F 067AAA (flush-mounted)
Uaux = 80-265 V AC/DC
3 current transformers 1/5 A
REC523F 062CAA (wall-mounted)
6 voltage transformers 100 V
REC523F 067CAA (flush-mounted)
Uaux = 18-80 V DC

5.3.2. Technical data of measuring devices

When the REC 523 device is configured, the technical data of the measuring devices
is set in separate dialogue boxes in the Relay Configuration Tool. The set values
affect the measurements carried out by the REC 523 device.

When the values listed below for the measuring devices are changed
via the Relay Setting Tool, the new values take effect only after they
have been stored and the relay has been reset.

Values to be set for a current transformer:

• Rated primary current (1...6000 A)1 of the primary current transformer
• Rated secondary current (5 A, 2 A, 1 A, 0.2 A) of the primary current transformer

1. For releases prior to revision D, the current range is 0...6000 A.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

• Rated current (5 A, 1 A, 0.2 A) of the current measuring input (= rated current of

the matching transformer of REC 523)
• Amplitude correction factor (0.9000...1.1000) of the primary current transformer
at rated current
• Correction parameter of the primary current transformer at rated current
• Amplitude correction factor of the primary current transformer at a signal level of
1% of the rated current (0.9000...1.1000)
• Correction parameter of the primary current transformer at a signal level of 1% of
the rated current (-10.00°...0.00°)
Values to be set for a voltage transformer:
• Rated voltage of voltage input (same as the secondary rated voltage of the
primary voltage transformer connected to the voltage input, that is, 100 V, 110 V,
115 V, 120 V, 230V)
• Rated voltage of primary voltage transformer (0.100...440.000 kV)1
• Amplitude correction factor of the primary voltage transformer voltage at rated
voltage (0.9000...1.1000)
• Correction parameter of the primary transformer angle error at rated voltage
Values to be set for a current sensor (Rogowski coil):
• Secondary rated voltage of the current sensor used at the preset primary rated
current (100...300 mV)2
• Primary rated current of the current sensor used (1...6000 A)3
• Amplitude correction factor of the current sensor used at rated current
• Correction parameter for the phase displacement error of the current sensor
Values to be set for a voltage divider:

• Division ratio of voltage divider primary and secondary voltage (1...20000)5

• Rated value of primary phase-to-phase voltage (0.100...440.000 kV)1
• Amplitude correction factor of the voltage divider (0.9000...1.1000)

1. For revision A, the voltage range is 0...150 kV. For revisions B, C, D and E, the
range is 0...300 kV.
2. For releases prior to revision F, the voltage range is 0...300 mV.
3. For releases prior to revision F, the current range is 0...6000 A.
4. Only included in revision D or later, refer to Section 11.1. Revision identification.
Note that this parameter can only be set via the Relay Setting Tool.
5. For the releases prior to revision F, the division ratio is 0...20000.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

The correction parameters/factors are calculated as follows:

Current transformers

Amplitude error at current In Amplitude correction factor 1

(e = error in per cent) = 1 / (1+ e/100)
Amplitude error at current 0.01 x In Amplitude correction factor 2
(e = error in per cent) = 1 / (1+ e/100)
Phase displacement error at current In Phase displacement error 1 = - e
(e = error in degrees)
Phase displacement error at current 0.01 x In Phase displacement error 2 = - e
(e = error in degrees)

Voltage transformers

Amplitude error at voltage Un Amplitude correction factor

(e = error in per cent) = 1 / (1+ e/100)
Phase displacement error at voltage Un Phase displacement error
(e = error in degrees) =-e

Rogowski coil

Amplitude error for the entire measuring range Amplitude correction factor
(e = error in per cent) = 1 / (1+ e/100)
Phase displacement error for the entire measuring Phase displacement error = - e
range (e = error in degrees)

Voltage divider

Amplitude error for the entire measuring range Amplitude correction factor
(e = error in per cent) = 1 / (1+ e/100)
Phase displacement error for the entire measuring Phase displacement error = - e
range (e = error in degrees)

5.3.3. Calculated analogue channels

REC 523 includes virtual channels to obtain phase-to-phase voltages, residual
voltage and neutral current when sensors are used. Current sensors and voltage
dividers are connected to the feeder terminal via coaxial cables. Therefore a phase-
to-phase voltage connection, an open-delta connection of phase voltages or a
residual connection of phase currents cannot be made. Both the amplitude and the
phase angle are calculated for the virtual channels.
The virtual channel voltages and currents are numerically derived from the phase
voltages and phase currents according to Table 5.3.3-1. Though primarily meant to
be used with sensors, the calculated analogue channels can also be used with
conventional current and voltage transformers.
The virtual channels are numbered according to the priority numbers in the Table
5.3.3-1. The virtual channel used first is numbered as 11 and the following as 12, 13
and so on. For example, U0s is numbered as 11 and U12s as 12, if these virtual
channels are selected for use.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

When sensitive earth-fault protection is needed, core balance

transformers are not recommended to be replaced with the
numerically derived sum of phase currents. Normally, an earth-fault
setting below 10% of the rated value requires the use of a core
balance transformer.

Table 5.3.3-1 Virtual analogue channels

Virtual channel Numeric derivation Priority number
I0s = -(IL1 + IL2 + IL1)a 1

I0bsb = -(IL1b + IL2b + IL1b)a 2

U0s = (U1 + U2 + U3)/3 3

U0bsb = (U1b + U2b + U3b)/3 4

U12sb = (U1 - U2) 5

U23sb = (U2 - U3) 6

U31sb = (U3 - U1) 7

U12bsb = (U1b - U2b) 8

U23bsb = (U2b - U3b) 9

U31bsb = (U3b - U1b) 10

a. A minus in front of the parenthesis means, that the default direction of neutral current is
assumed to be from the line to the busbar, while the normal power flow is from the
busbar to the line.
b. This virtual channel is supported in REC 523 revision F or later.

5.3.4. Temperature measurement

The temperature measurement is calibrated to measure the ambient temperature of
the REC 523 device mounted in an enclosure. Furthermore, the temperature
information is used to control the charging voltage of the batteries.
The measured ambient temperature values can be forwarded to the control centre.
The dead band of the temperature change report is defined by the temperature delta
parameter of the PSC board.
Heating is needed if the REC 523 device is installed in a separate enclosure
outdoors, where the ambient temperature may fall below -10...0°C. Heating is also
required when the environment is very damp and dehumidifying is needed. The
parameter Heat limit is used for selecting the limit value for the heater in the
range of
-25°...+15°C. At lower values the cabinet heating is switched on and at upper values
switched off. The hysteresis of heating is stable within 4°C. Indication of the heater
status in REC 523 configuration is as follows:
• REC 523: PSC_7_HeatStat
The power supply and charger unit (PSC) has one output, PSC_7_SO1, which can
be parametrized as a heater output. After this, the output is no more controllable
from the application. The relay output is closed when the temperature falls below the

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

heating limit. For more information about the parameters of the PSC board, refer to
the CD-ROM Technical Descriptions of Functions (refer to Section 1.8. Related
Cooling is needed if the environmental conditions may cause the temperature inside
the cabinet to rise above the operation limit. The figure below shows an example of
a CAP application used for controlling a cooler. In this example, the temperature
measured by REC 523 is forwarded to the COMH_1 function via the input
PSC_7_Temperature, the value of which is compared to the values of the parameters
Hlimit and Llimit. If the value of the input is higher than or equal to the
temperature defined with the Hlimit parameter, the PSC_7_SO1 output is
switched on. Accordingly, if the temperature is lower than or equal to the value
defined with the Llimit parameter, the output is switched off.

Note that the indications and parameters used for heater control
should not be used when a cooler is controlled.


PSC_7_Temperature IN Q PSC_7_SO1

Hlimit HHYS

Llimit LHYS


Fig. 5.3.4.-1 Example of a CAP application used for controlling a cooler

5.3.5. Battery voltage measurement

The REC 523 device incorporates measurement of the battery voltage. The
measured value can be forwarded to the control centre. The dead band of the voltage
change report is defined by the voltage delta parameter of the PSC board. For more
information about the parameters of the PSC board, refer to the CD-ROM, Technical
Descriptions of Functions, see Section 1.8. Related documents.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

5.4. Digital inputs

5.4.1. General
The REC 523 device has the following digital inputs.

REC 523
Digital inputs PSC_7_BI1 *)
PSC_7_BI2 *)
PSC_7_BI3 *)

Card 1 MIM / SIM


Card 5 CPU 1

Card 3 BIO1
Card 7 PSC

Card 6

Card 4

Card 2
This number indicates the card position in the rack.
Digital inputs / 15

This digital input can be programmed as either digital input or pulse counter.

Fig. 5.4.1.-1 REC 523 digital inputs

The digital inputs of REC 523 are voltage-controlled and optically isolated. For
technical data of the digital inputs, refer to Section 7.1. Technical data.
The parameter for input filtering, input inversion and pulse counters can be set in the
Configuration menu under each I/O card (for example Configuration/BI01/Input
The events and parameters of I/O cards are included in the event and parameter lists
on the CD-ROM, Technical Descriptions of Functions, refer to Section 1.8. Related

5.4.2. Configuration Filter time of a digital input

The filter time eliminates debounces and short disturbances on a digital input. The
filter time is set for each digital input of the REC 523 device. The operation of input
filtering is illustrated below.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

t0 t1


Filtered Input

Filter Time Filter Time


Fig. Filtering of a digital input

In the figure above, the input signal is named “Input”, the filter timer “Filter” and
the filtered input signal “Filtered Input”. At the beginning, the input signal is at high
state, the short low state is filtered and no input status change is detected. The low
state starting from the time t0 exceeds the filter time, which means that the change
in the input status is detected and the time tag attached to the input change is t0. The
high state starting from t1 is detected and the time tag t1 is attached.
Each digital input has a filter time parameter Input # filter, where “#” is the
number of the digital input of the module in question (for example Input 1 filter).

Parameter Values Default

Input # filter 1....15000 ms a 5 ms
a. In the REC 523 revision F or later. In earlier revisions the value is 1...65535 ms. Inversion of a digital input

The parameter Input # invert. can be used to invert a digital input:

Control voltage Input # invert. Status of digital input

No 0 FALSE (0)
Yes 0 TRUE (1)
No 1 TRUE (1)
Yes 1 FALSE (0)

When the digital input is inverted, the status of the input is TRUE (1) when no
control voltage is applied to its terminals. Accordingly, the input state is FALSE (0)
when a control voltage is applied to the terminals of the digital input.

Parameter Values Default

Input # invert. 0 (not inverted) 0
1 (inverted) Pulse counters

Some specific digital inputs (refer to Section 5.4. Digital inputs) of REC 523 can be
programmed as digital inputs or as pulse counters. This programming is done via the
parameter Input # mode (in this parameter as well as in others mentioned below,
“#” denotes the input number).

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

When an input operates as a digital input, no counting is done but the pulse counter
value remains at the present value.
When an input operates as a pulse counter, the positive input transitions (0 -> 1) of
a filtered input are counted and the counter value of Input # counter parameter
increases in the range 0... 2147483647. The pulse counters are updated with a period
of 500 ms.The frequency range of a digital input parametrized to operate as a pulse
counter is 0.....100 Hz.



Fig. Principle of pulse counter function

Counter settings
The parameter Input # preset can be used to give a counter the start value.The
start value is loaded into the counter by:
• Writing the desired start value to the parameter Input # preset
• Writing the value 1 to the parameter Counter trigger
All the updated values of the Input # preset parameters are then copied to the
corresponding Input # counter parameters.
Writing the value 2 to the Counter trigger parameter copies all the Input #
preset parameter values to the corresponding Input # counter parameters.
Writing the value 0 clears all the counters.

Table Counter setting parameters

Parameter Values Default
Input # preset 0..... 2147483647 0
Input # mode 1 = digital input 1
2 = counter
Counter trigger 0 = clear all counters
1 = load updated Input # preset values
2 = load all Input # preset values Oscillation suppression

Oscillation suppression is used to reduce the load from the system when, for some
unrecognized reason, a digital input starts oscillating. A digital input is regarded as
oscillating if the number of valid status changes (= number of events after filtering)
during 1second is greater than the set value Input osc. level (Oscillation
level). During oscillation, the digital input is blocked (status is invalid) and an event
is generated. The state of the input does not change when it is blocked, that is, its
state depends on the condition before blocking.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

The digital input is regarded as non-oscillating if the number of valid status changes
during 1 second is less than the set value of Input osc. level minus the set
value of Input osc. hyst. (Oscillation hysteresis). Note that the oscillation
hysteresis must be set lower than the oscillation level to enable the input to be
restored from oscillation. When the input returns to a non-oscillating state, the
digital input is deblocked (status is valid) and an event is generated.

Table Oscillation suppression parameters

Parameter Values Default
Input osc. level 2...50 events/s 50 events/s
Input osc. hyst. 2...50 events/s 10 events/s

Unlike most parameters for digital I/O cards, the parameters

Input osc. level and Input osc. hyst. can be found in
the Relay Setting Tool: open the Configuration tab and select the
General subtab. Attributes of a digital input for device configuration

The validity of the digital input (invalidity), the status of the input (value) and the
time tag for the status change (time) can be issued for each digital input by the
attributes BI#IV, BI#, BI#Time and BI#Count, where “#” denotes the number of the
input. The attributes are available in REC configuration and can be used for different
Invalidity (BI#IV)
When a digital input oscillates, the invalidity attribute IV changes to TRUE (1) and
the input is blocked. The digital input is regarded as being blocked and oscillating if
the number of status changes per second exceeds the set Input osc. level
parameter value (events/s).
When a digital input does not oscillate, the invalidity attribute IV changes to FALSE
(0) and the input becomes operative. The digital input is regarded as being operative
and non-oscillating if the number of status changes per second is less than the set
Input osc. level parameter value minus the set Input osc. hyst.
parameter value (events/s).
Value (BI#)
Depending on the status of the digital input, the digital input value is TRUE (1) or
FALSE (0). The attribute BI# value changes on the rising or falling edge of the input.
To prevent undesired status changes of the digital input due to, for example, switch
debouncing, the change of the attribute value is delayed by the filter time.
A counter attribute of a digital input is not handled when the input is programmed
as a normal digital input.
Time (BI#Time)

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Each change (rising or falling edge) detected in the status of a digital input is time-
tagged at an accuracy of ±1 ms. The time tag represents the moment (time) of the
latest input change of the value attribute. The time is not recorded until the filtering
time of the status change has elapsed, which means that the filtering time does not
affect the time tag value.
Count (BI#Count)
The count attribute indicates the number of positive input transitions of a filtered
input. The frequency range of a digital input parameterized to operate as a pulse
counter is 0...100 Hz. If a digital input is changed into a pulse counter, the attribute
BI# is frozen at the value valid at the moment of the change.
The example below shows how the attributes of the digital input 1 (PSC_7_BI1 on
PSC1 module) of REC 523 are named for the configuration:
PSC_7_BI1IV; digital input invalidity
PSC_7_BI1; digital input value
PSC_7_BI1Time; time tag
PSC_7_BT1Count; counter value

5.5. Digital outputs

5.5.1. General
The outputs of REC 523 are categorized as follows:
• HSPO High-speed power output, double-pole contact.
• SO Signal output, either NO (Normally Open) or NO/NC (Normally Open/
Normally Closed) contact.

Table 5.5.1-1 REC 523 digital outputs

REC 523
Outputs PSC_7_HSPO1
PSC_7_SO1 (Heater output)
Outputs / total 9

The events and parameters of I/O cards can be found in the event and parameter lists
on the CD-ROM Technical Descriptions of Functions (refer to Section 1.8. Related
For detailed information about terminal connections for the outputs, please refer to
the terminal diagrams, where all the outputs and relay connector terminals are

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

For detailed technical data of the outputs, refer to Section 7.1. Technical data.

5.5.2. Configuration High speed double-pole power output (HSPO)

The high-speed power outputs PSC_7_HSPO1 and PSC_7_HSPO2 can be
connected as double-pole outputs where the object to be controlled (for example a
circuit breaker) is electrically connected between the two relay contacts, see figure
below. The high-speed double-pole power output is preferred for the control of

CB coil


Fig. High-speed double-pole power outputs PSC_7_HSPO1 and

The high-speed power outputs PSC_7_HSPO1 and PSC_7_HSPO2 can also be
connected as single-pole power outputs where the object to be controlled (for
example a circuit breaker) is electrically connected in series with the two relay
contacts, see Fig. .



Fig. High-speed single-pole power output (HSPO) Signalling output (SO)

The signalling output is not a heavy-duty output and thus it cannot be used for
controlling a disconnector without external interpose relays. Available SO contacts
are either Normally Open or Normally Open/Normally Closed type contacts (NO or
NO/NC), see the figure below.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual


e.g. e.g.
PSC_7_SO1 BIO1_3_SO1


Fig. Signalling Output (SO)

5.6. LED panel and LED outputs

The LED panel is fully programmable through the Relay Configuration Tool (for an
example configuration, see Fig. 5.6.-2 ). Each LED has four states: ON, OFF, fast
blinking (2 Hz) and slow blinking (0.5Hz). The value field of each LED global
variable is 16 bit and the consecutive bit pairs (0 and 1, 2 and 3, and so on)
correspond to one LED state. The four states are illustrated in Fig. 5.6.-1 .
At power up, a test is run for the LED panel for its visual inspection. A testing
sequence can also be initiated via the global variable PSC_7_LEDTEST in the Relay
Configuration Tool.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 STO IRF ON

LED 8 state fast blink LED 1 state on

↓ ↓
10 00 11 00 01 00 10 11

00 =Blank led
01 =Fast blink
10 =Slow blink
11 =LED on

Fig. 5.6.-1 LED panel and different LED states

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Leds 1-8 in REC 523 Led panel

PSC_7_ACFail B0 Q
Led 1: Fast blink =
FALSE B1 AC Fail occurred
PSC_7_BattTest B2
Led 2: On =
B3 Battery Test running
PSC_7_BattStatus B4
Led 3: On = Battery Poor
B5 Off = Battery Good
BIO1_3_BI1 B6 Led 4: OFF = BI1&BI2 OFF
BIO1_3_BI2 Slow blink = BI1 OFF&BI2 ON
B7 Fast blink = BI1 ON&BI2 OFF
PSC_7_HeatStat B8 ON = BI1&BI2 ON

B9 Led 5: On = Heater on

PSC_7_TempAlarm B10 Led 6: On =

Temp. limit exceeded
BIO1_3_BI3 B12 Led 7: On = BI3 OFF
B13 Fast blink = BI3 ON
PSC_7_Bl1 B14 Led 8: Slow blink = BI1 OFF
B15 Fast blink = BI1 ON



Fig. 5.6.-2 Example of LED configuration in the Relay Configuration Tool

LED outputs LED global variable names in the Relay Configuration Tool
1-8 PSC_7_LED1_8
9 - 16 PSC_7_LED9_16
17 - 21 PSC_7_LED17_21
Total 21

In addition to the 21 freely configurable LEDs listed above, the LED panel includes
three LEDs with fixed functionality: STO, IRF and ON.
• STO indicates when storing is in progress. When the LED is blinking, a store
error has occurred.
• IRF indicates an internal device fault.
• ON indicates when the power is on.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

5.7. Self-supervision (IRF)

The REC 523 device is provided with an extensive self-supervision system. The
self-supervision system handles run-time fault situations and informs the user of
faults through the LON/SPA and remote communication protocol.

5.7.1. Fault indication

The self-supervision signalling output operates on the closed circuit principle.
Under normal operating conditions, the self-supervision output relay, that is, the IRF
output relay, is energized and the contact gap X7.1/3-5 is closed. After a fault has
been detected, the device delivers a fault signal to the IRF relay, which operates, that
is, the relay drops off and the NO contact X7.1/4-5 closes.
The fault is indicated by the IRF LED on the LED panel and the PSC card of the
REC 523 device. Additionally, an event E57 is generated over the serial
If the internal fault disappears, event E56 is generated over the serial

Normal condition Fault condition

3 3

4 4


5 5


Fig. 5.7.1.-1 Self-supervision output (IRF)

5.7.2. Fault operation

When entering IRF state, the relay takes the following actions to ensure that a false
trip can not be caused by the fault:
• All relay outputs are forced to zero (released), and subsequent changes blocked.
• All virtual outputs (COMM_OUT1...64) are written to zero, and subsequent
changes blocked.
• Event transmission is blocked, except for IRF events E56/E57 and start-up event

5.7.3. Fault recovery

This feature is supported in the REC 523 revision F or later.
The relay tries to recover from a fault either by restarting the module (I/O module)
that reported the fault, or by restarting the whole relay. During a restart, the IRF state
remains active until the internal self-supervision program has determined that the
relay is operating normally. If the fault is still present after three restarts, the relay is
in permanent IRF state.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

When returning to normal operation, the IRF LED on the LED panel returns to blank
state. In addition, an event 0/E56 is generated over the serial communication.

5.7.4. Fault codes

When an internal fault is indicated by REC 523, the self-supervision system
generates an IRF code that indicates the type of the fault.The fault can be read in the
Relay Setting Tool’s menu Status/General/IRF code.

Do not reset REC 523 before reading the IRF code. The code should
be noted in a service report when overhaul is ordered. In case of a
repeating IRF, send the REC 523 device to the manufacturer.

Table 5.7.4-1 gives an overview of the fault origin.

Table 5.7.4-1 Fault origin overview

Codes Explanation
0→ Faults related to the module of the device, for example to BIO card

3000 → Faults related to the parameter database

6000 → Faults related to the analogue measurement inputs

7000 → Software faults

15000 → Faults related to testing

5.8. Configuration

5.8.1. REC 523 configuration

The Relay Configuration Tool is based on the IEC 61131-3 standard. The standard
defines the programming language used for the configuration.
The programmable system of REC 523 allows the output contacts to be operated in
accordance with the state of the logic inputs and the outputs of the protection,
control, measurement and condition monitoring functions. The programmable logic
controller (PLC) functions (for example interlocking and alarm logic) are
programmed with Boolean functions, timers, counters, comparators and flip-flops.
The program is written in a function block diagram language by using the
configuration software.
After the configuration has been built and successfully compiled, the Relay
Configuration Tool project (RCT project in CAP 505) including the relay
configuration can be downloaded to the device with the Relay Download Tool. The
project can also be uploaded from REC 523 with the same tool.
However, the relay configuration and the RCT project are saved in the non-volatile
memory only after they have been stored via the parameter Store. To activate the
new configurations, the REC 523 device should be reset via the parameter
Software reset. The parameters can be found on the Relay Configuration Tool
by opening the Configuration tab and clicking the General subtab. Likewise, the
storing and the resetting can be done via the Relay Download Tool by using the relay
command buttons Store and Reset.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual


Fig. 5.8.1.-1 Configuration tool

For more information about the configuration and the Relay Configuration Tool,
refer to the configuration guideline and the tool manuals (refer to Section 1.8.
Related documents).

5.8.2. LON network configuration

The LON Network Tool is used for binding network variables between REC 523
units or other LON devices. Typically, LON is used for transferring status data
between the REC units for the interlocking of the units, see Fig. 5.8.2.-1 .


Comm_In Comm_Out Comm_In Comm_Out Comm_In Comm_Out

nv_state nv_state nv_state nv_state nv_state nv_state nv_state nv_state nv_state

>1 Blocking
>1 Blocking
>1 Blocking

Open Open Open

Inter- enable Inter- enable Inter- enable
locking locking locking
Close Close Close
enable enable enable

Open Open Open

I/O Reserve I/O Reserve I/O Reserve
Close Close Close

REC 523 REC 523 REC 523


Fig. 5.8.2.-1 Communication between REC523 devices in station interlocking

For more information about the use of the tool, refer to the operator’s manual for
LNT 505 (refer to Section 1.8. Related documents).

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

5.8.3. Rated frequency

When configuring the REC 523 device, the rated frequency of the device is also set
via the Relay Configuration Tool. The set rated frequency cannot be changed
afterwards via serial communication but it can be read via the global control
parameter Rated frequency.

5.9. Parameters and events

The function blocks and I/O cards include a large number of parameters and events.
In addition, general parameters and events are provided, for example, parameters for
control and communication as well as events for testing and self-supervision.
The function block specific parameters are listed in each function block description.
Moreover, all parameters and events for REC 523 are listed in the parameter and
event lists. The function block descriptions as well as the parameter and event lists
are included in the CD-ROM Technical Descriptions of Functions (refer to Section
1.8. Related documents).

5.10. Parametrization

Before taking a protection function block into use, ensure that the
function block operates correctly by checking the default values and
by properly setting the parameter values.

The Relay Setting Tool is used for parametrizing and setting the REC 523 device.
The parameters can be set off-line on a PC and downloaded to the relay over a
communication port.
The use of the tool is explained in the user’s guide for relay tools (refer to Section
1.8. Related documents).

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual


Fig. 5.10.-1 Main dialog of the Relay Setting Tool

5.11. Storing of parameters

When parameter values are changed, the new values take effect immediately.
However, the new parameter values as well as the recorded data are saved in a non-
volatile memory only after they have been stored.
Provided the storing was completed successfully, the information stored in the non-
volatile memory is preserved in the memory also in case of a power interruption.
During the storing procedure, it is not possible to perform software reset or to load
a new project.

The parameters for measuring devices as well as the protocol and

link parameters take effect only after they have been stored and the
device has been reset. Store the parameters via the parameter
Store, and reset the REC 523 device via the parameter Software
reset by opening the Configuration tab and selecting General
subtab. You can use the relay command buttons Store and Reset in
the Relay Download Tool as well.
The same applies for some communication parameters, that is, the
SPA baud rate, the protocol selection parameters (Protocol 2
and Protocol 3) which can be found by opening the
Communication tab and clicking the General subtab, and the
Command time-out parameter which is found on the same

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

6. Communication

6.1. General
The REC 523 supports the most common remote communication protocols, such as:
• IEC 60870-5-101
• DNP 3.0
• Modbus
By using open and standard protocols in the REC 523 units, it is possible to connect
to various SCADA systems.
The REC 523 has a default protocol interface that fits to modern SCADA systems
as such. However, in case the existing SCADA system is inadaptable you can
modify the protocol interface by using the Protocol Editing Tool. For IEC 60870-5-
101 protocol, the REC 523 revision F provides support for the Protocol Mapping
Tool (PMT). The Protocol Editing Tool and the Protocol Mapping Tool are included
in CAP 505.
The REC 523 is also able to communicate with a modem by using freely
programmable AT-Hayes commands. This function enables a sophisticated dial-up
and re-dialling system, watchdog function and even entering the PIN code for
cellular telephone modems.
The REC 523 has one RS 485 and two RS 232 serial communication ports.The
9-pole RS 485 connection X5.3 connects the REC 523 units to the distribution
automation system via a SPA bus or a LON bus, LON being the default mode. The
RS 232 port (X5.1) is used for the remote communication protocol, whereas the
second RS 232 port (X5.2) is used for parametrization using the SPA bus protocol.
Note that a special parametrization cable of type 1MRS120520 is required to enter
the SPA bus mode in port X5.2.
The fibre-optic interface module type RER 103 is used to connect the REC unit to
the fibre-optic communication bus. This module supports both SPA-bus and LON-
bus communication. To connect REC 523 to the free topology network, the free
topology network interface (FTT-10) module should be used.
For communication port locations, refer to Fig. 7.2.-1, Fig. 7.2.-2 and Fig. 7.2.-3.

Note that the use of serial communication ports is not the same in
different revisions of REC 523 (refer to Chapter 11. Revision history
of REC 523).

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Table 6.1.-1 9-pin communication port signal layout

Connector X5.1 F RS 232/ Connector X5.2 M RS 232/ Connector X5.3 F
remote protocola SPA parametrizationa RS 485/
1 1 1 DATA_A
5 2 RXD 2 RXD 2 DATA_B
4 (do not connect) 4 +15 V 4 RTS_B
1 6 6 DSRB b 6 LON_COL_B
8 CTS 8 8 xLON_Switch
9 9 9 VCC

a. “F” after connector means female connector and “M” male connector.
b. When DSRB pin is set to +15 V, SPA bus protocol is in use (9600, even, 7 data bits, 1 stop bits, SPA
bus address 1.

6.2. Communication interfaces

The REC 523 offers interface for various type of communication media used in
distribution automation applications. The communication media includes:
• Public telephone lines
• Leased lines
• Digital line carrier (DLC)
• Digital cellular phones (GSM)
• Analogue or digital radio
• Optical cables
• Satellite communication

REC 523 X7.1 +12 V



RS232 Radio ON



Fig. 6.2.-1 Radio telephone connection

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Radio modem GSM module

REC 523

X7.1 X6.1 X3.1 X1.1


DLC modem



X7.2 X2.4
X5.2 1
X4.1 2

X7.3 X6.2 X3.2

X5.3 X4.2 1




Line modem



Fig. 6.2.-2 External communication devices


GSM X5.1

6 A

1 Power and distribution line carrier

2 Radio modem
3 Radio
4 Electrical telecommunication
5 Network control centre
6 Adapter
7 Fiber optic

Fig. 6.2.-3 Alternative communication methods

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

6.3. Communication overview

communication SNVT_state
COMM_OUT SNVT_lev_disc
COMM_IN NV indexes
0...63, 100...163 Network Variables
(horizontal communication,
e.g. between two REC 523
LONMark SNVT types units)
slave Lon Mark connector X5.3
communication comm. profile
NV indexes

Sliding Explicit Messages
window (vertical communication,
3 e.g. MicroSCADA)
connector X5.3
Event 4 Commands or
buffer parameterization
IEC 61131
SPA Async. communication
communication SPA connector X5.3
line (connector X5.2
for parameterization)

Commands or

Async. communication
Remote Remote
communication Link
handler comm. connector X5.1
Command protocol line

Fig. 6.3.-1 REC52_ Communication overview

6.4. LON communication

LON communication to/from REC 523 units falls into two categories:
• Communication based on network variables
• Communication based on explicit messages
Network variables are used when communication need to be interoperable with
other commercially available LON devices. This is referred to as LonMark slave
communication. For more information about interoperable communication, refer to
the Echelon documents listed in Section 1.8. Related documents.
Explicit message communication falls into two main categories:
1) Standard LON messages (containing network management messages, router
configuration messages, and so on)
2) Foreign messages

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

In REC 523, the ABB-specific solution for substation communication is supported

by foreign messages. In short, the communication method consists of session control
(REC 523 can maintain up to 4 sessions), a sliding window protocol for application
acknowledgement and definition of data formats.
The REC 523 unit also supports explicit SPA messages which may be used for
parametrization purposes. This method is also defined in the LON Application
Guidelines document.

6.4.1. Network variable indexes of REC 523

Table 6.4.1-1 Network variable indexes

NV SNVT Object
Dir. SNVT_Type Comments
index number Type
0...15 IN SNVT_state 83 16 bit INT Virtual IEC 61131 inputs
(Relay Configuration Tool def.
16...31 OUT SNVT_state 83 16 bit INT Virtual IEC 61131 outputs
(Relay Configuration Tool def.
32... 47 IN SNVT_state 83 16 bit INT Virtual IEC 61131 inputs (Relay
Configuration Tool def.
48... 63 OUT SNVT_state 83 16 bit INT Virtual IEC 61131 outputs
(Relay Configuration Tool def.
64 IN SNVT_elapsed_tm 87 structure Throttle input
(see description in text)
65 IN SNVT_elapsed_tm 87 structure Timeout input
(see description in text)
66 OUT SNVT_alarm 88 structure Alarms to receiver 1
67 OUT SNVT_alarm 88 structure Alarms to receiver 2
68... 77 OUT SNVT_state 83 16 bit INT User-definable outputs
LM_STA_x (generated from
internal process value types
1,2,3 or 16 bits)
78... 87 OUT SNVT_count_inc_f 52 IEEE754 User-definable outputs
float LM_CNT_x (generated from
internal process value type
88... 97 OUT nv_32bit_analog 252 32 bit INT User-definable outputs
LM_ANA_x (generated from
internal process value type 32
bit (=any type))
100... IN SNVT_state 83 16 bit INT Virtual IEC 61131 inputs (Relay
115 Configuration Tool def.
116... OUT SNVT_state 83 16 bit INT Virtual IEC 61131 outputs
131 (Relay Configuration Tool def.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Table 6.4.1-1 Network variable indexes (Continued)

NV SNVT Object
Dir. SNVT_Type Comments
index number Type
132... IN SNVT_lev_disc 22 8 bit INT Virtual IEC 61131 inputs (Relay
147 Configuration Tool def.
148... OUT SNVT_lev_disc 22 8 bit INT Virtual IEC 61131 outputs
163 (Relay Configuration Tool def.

6.5. Virtual IEC 61131 inputs and outputs

The REC 523 unit offers up to 64 programmable LON inputs and 64 outputs on the
LON bus, 128 in total. The inputs and outputs use the LonMark Standard Network
Variables (NV type 83 = SNVT_state and NV type 22 = SNVT_lev_disc) for
sending and receiving process data.
The LON inputs and outputs are accessible in the relay configuration and can be
freely used for different types of data transfer between the REC units and other
devices that are able to communicate using the network variable of type SNVT_state
or SNVT_lev_disc.



nv16 nv16 nv16 nv16 nv16 nv16

nv16 nv16 nv16 nv16

Blocking Blocking Blocking

>1 >1
>1 >1

Open Open Open

Inter- enable Inter- enable Inter- enable
locking locking locking
Close Close Close
enable enable enable

Open Open Open

I/O Reserve I/O Reserve I/O Reserve
Close Close Close

REC 523 REF 523

REC 54_

Fig. 6.5.-1 Principle of connecting LON inputs and outputs to logic functions of
the device

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

NV type 83 = SNVT_state
The SNVT_state can be used to communicate the state of a set of 1 to 16 Boolean
values. Each bit indicates the state of a Boolean value with, for example, the
following interpretations:
0 1
off on
inactive active
disabled enabled
low high
false true
normal alarm

The value field shows the current value of the digital inputs or outputs at the time of
reporting, or the last value reported from the concerned device.
The SNVT_state can be used to transfer the state of 1 to 16 digital inputs or it can
be used to set the state of 1 to 16 output bits or digital set-points.
The SNVT_state inputs can also be used for controlling purposes.

6.5.1. LonMark Slave POD based network variables

(NV indexes 64...97)
The communication application works as an event receiver using the event filter
number 1, which is set with the Relay Setting Tool parameter Event mask 1. This
means that all application events generated within REC 523 and enabled by the
application-dependent filter 1, are received by the LonMark communication
The events received by the LonMark application are processed in two alternative
• Events are converted into network variable data (analogue or digital) according
to the LonMark slave POD (Process Object Dictionary), which works as a
cross-coupling between REC 523 application events and LON network
• Events not defined in the LonMark slave POD are converted to alarms
(SNVT_Alarm) LonMark POD

To be able to parametrize the LonMark POD, you need the manuals from the
CD-ROM Technical Descriptions of Functions (refer to Section 1.8. Related
documents). The POD is structured as presented in Table

Table POD structure

Application Id
Table Event Mask1 Event Mask2 Output Network Process data
index (E32...E63) (E0...E31) variable name object name
000a 122 0 15 LM_STA_1 F122V001
001b 200 0 34353347 LM_CNT_1 F200I001

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Table POD structure (Continued)

Application Id
Table Event Mask1 Event Mask2 Output Network Process data
index (E32...E63) (E0...E31) variable name object name


a. The table index 000 illustrates the conversion of the disconnector position process data (CODC1)
into a 16-bit network variable (index 68, two least significant bits). The Event Mask2 for the table
index 000 means that the events E0, E1, E2 and E3 are set.
b. The table index 001 is an example of the conversion of the analogue measurement process data
(MECU3A, phase current 1) into a float type of network variable (index 78). The Event Mask2 for the
table index 000 means that the events E0, E1, E6, E7, E12, E13, E18, E19 and E25 are set.


Fig. Protocol Editing Tool with the LonMark POD

Application ID
Application ID is a number defining the source of the application event. When the
application is an IEC 61131 function block, the ID equals the function block ID
number, for example, MEVO3A has the ID number 204. In REC 523, there are also
events coming from the non-IEC 61131 applications. These are the events related to
the battery and heating monitoring. They are presented through the event channel
17. For more details about the channel 17 event profile, see CD-ROM Technical
Descriptions of Functions (refer to Section 1.9. Document revisions).

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Event Mask1 and Event Mask2

In addition to the application-dependent filter 1 mask, the event is reprocessed
through the LonMark mask. The masks are defined so that the setting of the bit
2^(event number) enables the event to be processed as a data event and sent out on
the network variable output defined in the next column. Several bits may be set in
the masks.
If the Protocol Editing Tool is used for the creation of the LonMark POD, the
selection of events to be processed as data events is done by selecting them from the
Event Mask E0-E31 and Event Mask E32-E63 lists.
Output Network Variable name
The name is given in ASCII format and must be exactly as defined below.
Nv indexes 68...77 are defined as "LM_STA_1", "LM_STA_2",..."LM_STA10".
Nv indexes 78...87 are defined as "LM_CNT_1", "LM_CNT_2",..."LM_CNT10".
Nv indexes 88...97 are defined as "LM_ANA_1", "LM_ANA_2",..."LM_ANA10".
Conversion rules (see appropriate application documentation for event value
Event value types for output variables "LM_STA_1"..."LM_STA10" are the
Event value type for output variables "LM_CNT_1"..."LM_CNT10" is:
Event value types for output variables "LM_ANA_1"..."LM_ANA10" are the
Process data object name
This is the definition of the internal source for momentary reading of process data.
The data can be found in the user’s manual of the application. The name of the
process data object is always of format "Fxxx<D>yyy", where:
• "xxx" is the application ID
• “<D>” is the data category
• "yyy" is the data number
The name is an ASCII string with the fixed length of 8 characters.
If, for example, the converted data is an analogue current value I3 and the
application block is numbered 234, the name is “F234I003”.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

The number of entries in the LonMark POD (index+1) should be stored into the
231M200000 parameter. In case the Protocol Editing Tool is used, the number of
entries is defined in the No. of Entries tab. In such a case, the value is set to the index
of the last row defined, neglecting the possible empty rows in the end of the POD.

6.5.2. Access to POD data

The POD can be read and written by using three principles:
1) LonTalk file transfer
File index is 48. The POD file is packed as presented in Table 6.5.2-1.

Table 6.5.2-1 POD file packing

Byte Element Comment
0 UINT16 Number of following POD entries
2 UINT16 ApplicationId (first entry)
4 UINT32 EventMask MSB
8 UINT32 EventMask LSB
12 UINT8 OutputNetworkVariableName (8)
20 UINT8 ProcessDataObjectName(8)
28 UINT16 ApplicationId (second entry)
: : :

The POD file must be packed, which means there must be no empty
bytes between structures or elements. The POD file elements must
be in Motorola byte order. The entries must be sorted based on the
application ID, starting from the smallest application ID number.
2) Protocol Editing Tool
The Protocol Editing Tool available in the CAP 505 version 2.1.0. and later can be
used for editing the LonMark POD.
The LonMark POD has two tabbed pages, LonMark and No. of Entries. The
structure of the LonMark tab is introduced in the Fig. Refer to Section LonMark POD for further definitions of the columns.
The second tab, No. of entries, has only one item: number of defined entries. The
value for the No. of defined entries should be set to the same value as the index of
the last row defined, for example to 8 in Fig.

The entries must be sorted on the basis of the application ID, starting
from the smallest application ID number.

3) SPA table format

The SPA access can be used directly from the REC 523 SPA interface or any other
protocol supporting the transparent SPA message transfer.
The LonMark application number is 231. Table is number 1. Data category is M.
Entries are from 000 to 030.
Application Id is element 0.Value 0...65535

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

EventMaskMSB is element 1. Value 0...(232-1)

EventMaskLSB is element 2. Value 0...(232-1)
OutputNetworkVariableName is element 3.Value "LM_xxxxx"
ProcessDataObjectName is element 4.Value "FxxxDyyy"
The following syntax is used for reading or writing:
The reading of elements 3 and 4 of entry 18, for example:
Message form:
Reply form:

The entries must be sorted on the basis of the application ID, starting
from the smallest application ID number.

6.5.3. SNVT_alarm outputs

The events received by the LonMark application, but not defined in the POD, are
converted into SNVT_alarm data. There are two separate asynchronous
SNVT_alarm outputs which may be used by two different receivers. The network
variable indexes are 66 and 67.

Table 6.5.3-1 SNVT alarm data

REC 523 event data
Location(6) ASCII text “SPAxxx”
xxx = SPA slave number
Object_id Application id (channel number)
Alarm_type_t 128 + Event code
Priority_level 0
Index_to_SNVT 0, 83, 52 or 252 (SNVT_state,
SNVT_count_inc, NV_32b_analog)
Value (4) Value from internal event structure
Year Date and time from internal event
Month structure
Alarm_limit(4) 0000

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Each SNVT_alarm output has its own event buffer. The size of each buffer is 50
events. Buffering contains local overflow, which means that overflow in LonMark
event handling does not affect other event receivers in REC 523. The local overflow
event is given with the location_id 231 (LonMark application’s individual
application number) and event code 51.
Sending and flow control of the SNVT_alarms
Two separate tasks within REC 523 handle the sending of events through two
separate SNVT_alarm outputs. Alarms are sent with the minimum transfer rate
defined by the throttle network variable input, NV index 64. The default setting 200
ms may be changed by writing a new value to the throttle input. The maximum
throttle value is one minute.
If the sending of a SNVT_alarm fails, the same event is retransmitted at the rate
defined in the timeout network variable input, NV index 65. The timeout setting is
1 second by default. If transmission fails 100 times in a row, the timeout is
multiplied with 100. The max. written timeout setting value is one minute.
Both the throttle and timeout input variables are of the structured type
Refer to SNVT documentation for more information.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

7. Design description

7.1. Technical data

Table 7.1.-1 Energizing inputs
Number of inputs max. 9
Rated frequency 50.0/60.0 Hz
Current inputs rated current 0.2 A/1 A/5 A
Thermal withstand continuously 1.5 A/4 A/20 A
capability for 1 s 20 A/100 A/500 A
dynamic current withstand, half-wave value 50 A/250 A/1250 A
input impedance <750mΩ/<100mΩ/
<20 mΩ
Voltage inputs rated voltage 100 V/110 V/115 V/120V/
230 V (parametrization)
voltage withstand, continuous 2 x Un (240 V)
burden at rated voltage <0.5 VA
Sensor inputs, max. 9 AC voltage range 9.4 V RMS
DC voltage range ±13.3 V peak
input impedance >4.7 MΩ
input capacitance < 1 nF

Table 7.1.-2 Auxiliary power supplies

Type PSC1 PSC2
Input voltage, AC 110/120/220/240 V -
Input voltage, DC 110/125/220 V 24/48/60 V
Operating range AC 85...110% of rated value DC 80...120% of rated value
DC 80...120% of rated value
Fuse 2 A slow 8 A slow
Normal power consumption 20...30 W
Ripple in DC auxiliary voltage max. 12% of the DC value
Interruption time in auxiliary <50 ms, 110 V and
DC voltage without resetting <100 ms, 200 V
Internal overtemperature +78°C (+75…+83°C)

Table 7.1.-3 Battery (recommended)

Type YUA NP 17-12 YUA NPL 24-12
Rated voltage 12 V 12 V
Capacity 17 Ah 24 Ah, long life
Weight 5.6 kg 9.0 kg
Size 181x76x167 cm (L x W x H) 197x165x170 cm (L x W x

Table 7.1.-4 Supply for radios

With batteries 12 V DC, 7 A peak, 1A continuosly
Without batteries 12 V DC, 1 A peak

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Table 7.1.-5 Temperature compensated charger for batteries

Rated charging voltage 27.6 V DC, at 20°C
Output power 15 W
Fuse (F2) 6A
Temperature compensation - 0.04 V / °C

Table 7.1.-6 Digital inputs

Number of inputs 15
Operating range 18…265 V DC
(24/48/60/110/220 V DC)
Current drain ~2…25 mA
Power consumption/input <0.8 W
Pulse counting (specific digital inputs), frequency 0…100 Hz

Table 7.1.-7 Power outputs

Number of outputs 2
Max. system voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous carry 5A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A
Make and carry for 3 s 15 A
Breaking capacity when control circuit time 5A/3A/1A
constant L/R <40 ms, at 48/110/220 V DC
Contact material AgCdO2

Table 7.1.-8 Signal outputs

Number of outputs 7
Max. system voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous carry 5A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 10 A
Make and carry for 3 s 8A
Breaking capacity when control circuit time- 1 A/0.25 A/0.15 A
constant L/R <40 ms, at 48/110/220 V DC
Contact material AgCdO2

Table 7.1.-9 Environmental conditions

Specified service temperature range -10…+55°C
with heated enclosure -40...+55°C
Temperature range limit (short-term) -40...+70°C
Transport and storage temperature range -40…+70°C
Enclosure class (IEC 60529) wall-, flush- and rackmounted IP 20
with UEMC-xx enclosure IP 55
Dry heat test according to IEC 60068-2-2
Dry cold test according to IEC 60068-2-1

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Table 7.1.-9 Environmental conditions (Continued)

Damp heat test, cyclic according to IEC 60068-2-30
r.h. = 95%, T = 25°…55°C
Storage temperature tests according to IEC 60068-2-48

Table 7.1.-10 Standard tests

Insulation tests Dielectric test Test voltage 2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min.
IEC 60255-5
Impulse voltage test Test voltage 5 kV, unipolar impulses,
IEC 60255-5 waveform 1,2/50 µs, source
energy 0.5 J
Insulation resistance Insulation > 100 MΩ, 500 V DC
measurements resistance
IEC 60255-5
Mechanical tests Vibration tests (sinusoidal) IEC 60255-21-1, class I
Shock and bump test IEC 60255-21-2, class I

Table 7.1.-11 Electromagnetical compatibility tests

The EMC immunity test level fulfills the requirements specified below
1 MHz burst disturbance common mode 2.5 kV
test, class III, differential mode 1.0 kV
IEC 60255-22-1
Electrostatic discharge for contact discharge 6 kV
test, class III, for air discharge 8 kV
IEC 61000-4-2 and
Radio frequency conducted, common 10 V (rms),
interference test mode f = 150 kHz…80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6 and
IEC 60255-22-6
radiated, amplitude- 10 V/m (rms),
modulated f = 80…1000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 and
IEC 60255-22-3
radiated, pulse- 10 V/m, f = 900 MHz
ENV 50204
Fast transient power supply 4 kV
disturbance test I/O ports 2 kV
IEC 60255-22-4 and
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge immunity test power supply 4 kV, line to earth
IEC 61000-4-5 and 2 kV, line to line
IEC 60255-22-5 I/O ports 2 kV, line to earth
1 kV, line to line
Power frequency (50 Hz) 100 A/m
magnetic field
IEC 61000-4-8
Voltage dips and 30%, 10 ms
short interruptions 60%, 100ms
IEC 61000-4-11 60%, 1000ms
>95%, 5000ms

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Table 7.1.-11 Electromagnetical compatibility tests (Continued)

Electromagnetic conducted RF emission (mains terminal) EN 55011, class A
emission tests IEC 60255-25
EN 55011 radiated RF emission EN 55011, class A
IEC 60255-25 IEC 60255-25
CE approval Complies with the EMC directive 89/336/EEC and the LV directive 73/23/
EN 50263 EEC

Table 7.1.-12 Data communication

Front interface, RS485 connection
connector X5.3 LON bus or SPA bus, selectable
the fibre-optic interface module RER 103 is needed for galvanic isolation
data transfer rates SPA bus: 4.8/9.6 kbps
LON bus: 78.0 kbps/1.25 Mbps
Communication remote communication protocol
interface, connector X5.1
Communication parametrization, SPA
interface, connector X5.2
Communication Refer to Section 9.2. Software configuration and software number .

Table 7.1.-13 General

Toolboxes CAP 501
CAP 505
Event recording 500 latest events are recorded
the events are recorded in higher level syntax: reason, time, date
Data recording records operate values
Control functions see “Technical Descriptions of Functions”, CD-ROM (1MRS750889-MCD)
Condition monitoring
Measurements see “Technical Descriptions of Functions”, CD-ROM (1MRS750889-MCD)
temperature of enclosure -40°...+60°C, ±3°C
battery voltage 15...35 V DC, ±3%
Self-supervision all analogue reference voltages
automatic test sequences for I/Os, batteries and flash memory
Mechanical dimensions Width: 261 mm
Height: 265 mm
Depth: 250 mm
Weight of the unit 5...7.2 kg

7.2. Terminal connections

All external circuits are connected to the terminal blocks on the rear panel. Terminal
block X1.1 for the measuring transformers consists of fixed screw terminals
fastened to the energizing input module. Each terminal is dimensioned for one max.
6 mm2 or two max. 2.5 mm2 wires.
ABB sensors (Rogowski coil or voltage divider) are connected to the connectors
X2.1...X2.9. A special type of shielded twin BNC connector (for example type AMP
332225 or Amphenol 31-224) is used to improve reliability and protection against
disturbances. The current sensor and/or voltage divider used must have a connector

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

that is compatible with the device. If the device is ordered without sensor inputs, the
sensor connectors X2.1...X2.9 are missing. Short-circuit connectors (1MRS120515)
must be connected to sensor inputs not in use.
The male parts of the multi-pole connector strips are fastened to the printed circuit
boards. The female parts, including accessories, are delivered together with the
device. The female connector part can be secured with fixing accessories and
screws. One max. 1.5 mm2 wire or two max. 0.75 mm2 wires can be connected to
one screw terminal.
The digital inputs and outputs (contacts) of the device are connected to the multi-
pole connectors X3.1... X3.2, X7.1 and X7.3. The auxiliary power supply is
connected to the terminals X7.1:1 (plus polarity) and X7.1:2 (minus polarity). The
REC 523 self-supervision output IRF is linked to the terminals X7.1:3, X7.1:4 and
Protective earth is connected to the screw marked with the earth symbol.
The serial interface RS 232 on the rear panel (connector X5.1) is used for connecting
the REC 523 unit to the remote control system via the remote communication
protocol. The connector X5.2, which is a 9-pole D-type subminiature connector, is
used for parametrizing REC 523. When the parametrization cable 1MRS120520 is
connected to the terminal, the SPA protocol is activated with the following
communication parameters:
• Slave number = 1
• Communication speed = 9.6 kbps
• Parity = even
• Data bits = 7
The serial interface RS 485 on the rear panel (connector X5.3) is used for connecting
the REC 523 unit to the SPA bus or the LON bus, the default mode being LON. The
SPA/LON bus is connected via a connection module type RER 103 fitted to the 9-
pole D-type subminiature connector and screwed to the rear panel.
The connectors are designated according to the module slot in REC 523.

Table 7.2.-1 Connector descriptions

Connector Description
X1.1 connector for transformer inputs (current and voltage transformers)
X2.1 connector for sensor channel 10
X2.2 connector for sensor channel 9
X2.3 connector for sensor channel 8
X2.4 connector for sensor channel 7
X2.5 connector for sensor channel 5
X2.6 connector for sensor channel 4
X2.7 connector for sensor channel 3
X2.8 connector for sensor channel 2
X2.9 connector for sensor channel 1
X3.1 upper connector for I/O module BIO1 (slot 3)
X3.2 lower connector for I/O module BIO1 (slot 3)
X5.1 RS 232 for remote communication protocol

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

Table 7.2.-1 Connector descriptions (Continued)

Connector Description
X5.2 RS 232 parametrization of the unit via a parametrization cable
X5.3 connector for RS 485 interface LON / SPA
X7.1 upper connector for the combined I/O, power supply and charger module PSC1/PSC2
X7.2 LED panel connector
X7.3 lower connector for the combined I/O, power supply and charger module PSC1/PSC2

X7.1 X3.1
1 1
2 2
3 3
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
X5.2 14 X2.4
X7.2 16
ON X2.5
X7.3 X5.3 X3.2

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5 X2.7
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16 X2.9
17 17
18 18



Fig. 7.2.-1 Teminal view of REC523F 060/065 AAC/CAC

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

X7.1 X3.1 X1.1

1 1 26
2 2
3 3 25
4 4
5 X5.1 5 24
6 6 23
7 7
8 8 22
9 9
10 10 21
12 20
X5.2 14 19
X7.2 16 18
17 17
IRF 16
X7.3 X5.3 X3.2 14
1 1 12
2 2
3 3 11
4 4
5 5 10
6 6
7 7 9
8 8 8
9 9
10 10 7
11 11
12 12 6
13 13
14 14 5
15 15
16 16 4
17 17
18 18 3




Fig. 7.2.-2 Teminal view of REC523F 032/037 AAA/CAA

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

X7.1 X3.1 X1.1

1 1 26
2 2
3 3 25
4 4
5 X5.1 5 24
6 6 23
7 7
8 8 22
9 9
10 10 21
12 20
X5.2 14 19
X7.2 16 18
17 17
IRF 16
X7.3 X5.3 X3.2 14
1 1 12
2 2
3 3 11
4 4
5 5 10
6 6
7 7 9
8 8 8
9 9
10 10 7
11 11
12 12 6
13 13
14 14 5
15 15
16 16 4
17 17
18 18 3




Fig. 7.2.-3 Terminal views of:

REC523F 033/038 AAA/CAA
REC523F 034/039 AAA/CAA
REC523F 054/059 AAA/CAA
REC523F 061/066 AAA/CAA
REC523F 062/067 AAA/CAA

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

7.3. Terminal diagrams

7.3.1. REC 523 with sensors

X2.1 Ch 10, sensor +
Mains 1

X2.2 Ch 9, sensor Temp 2

Alarm -
X2.3 Ch 8, sensor
X2.4 Ch 7, sensor
X2.5 Ch 5, sensor SERIAL BUS

X2.6 Ch 4, sensor X5.3


X2.7 Ch 3, sensor
X2.8 Ch 2, sensor IRF 4

X2.9 Ch 1, sensor
+ 6
- 7

+ 10
- 8
2 PSC_7_BI1 X7.3
5 or 9
6 PSC_7_BI3
Heater Output 11

PSC_7_HSPO1 13

PSC_7_HSPO2 17
X3.1 18
2 X3.2
3 3

4 4
BIO1_3_BI3 BIO1_3_SO1
5 5
BIO1_3_BI5 7
10 BIO1_3_BI7 10
11 12
BIO1_3_BI9 13
14 15
16 14
17 16
BIO1_3_BI11 18

X3.2 BIO1_3_SO6


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

(060 _AC / 065 _AC)


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

7.3.2. REC 523 with three current transformers

Mains 1
Temp 2
Alarm -



9 1A 3
8 5A
Ch 4, CT3 IRF 4
6 1A
5 5A Ch 3, CT2
4 5
3 1A + 6
2 5A Ch 2, CT1 RADIO 12V
- 7

+ 10
- 8

2 PSC_7_BI1
3 PSC_7_BI2 8
5 PSC_7_BI3
6 PSC_7_SO1 9
Heater Output 11

PSC_7_HSPO1 13

PSC_7_HSPO2 17
2 X3.2
3 3

4 BIO1_3_SO1 4
5 5
7 BIO1_3_SO2
BIO1_3_BI5 7
8 9
10 BIO1_3_BI7 10
11 12
12 BIO1_3_BI8
BIO1_3_SO4 11
13 BIO1_3_BI9 13
14 15
15 BIO1_3_BI10
16 14
17 16
BIO1_3_BI11 18

BIO1_3_SO6 17


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

(032 _AA / 037 _AA)


1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

7.3.3. REC 523 with three current and three voltage transformers

X1.1 +
100V Ch 10, VT3 Mains 1
25 Temp 2
24 Alarm -
100V Ch 9, VT2
21 X5.1
18 X5.2
14 X5.3
9 1A IRF 4
8 5A
Ch 4, CT3
6 1A
5 5A Ch 3, CT2 5
3 + 6
Ch 2, CT1
- 7

+ 10
- 8
1 X7.2

4 X7.3
5 8
PSC_7_SO1 9
Heater Output 11

PSC_7_HSPO1 13

X3.1 PSC_7_HSPO2 17
1 18
2 BIO1_3_BI1
BIO1_3_BI2 X3.2
5 BIO1_3_BI3
BIO1_3_SO1 4
BIO1_3_BI4 5

8 BIO1_3_BI5 6
9 7
BIO1_3_BI6 9

10 BIO1_3_BI7 8
11 BIO1_3_SO3
12 10
BIO1_3_BI8 12

BIO1_3_BI9 11
14 BIO1_3_SO4
15 13
BIO1_3_BI10 15
17 14
BIO1_3_BI11 BIO1_3_SO5
18 16

X3.2 BIO1_3_SO6


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

(033 _AA / 038 _AA)


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

7.3.4. REC 523 with four current and three voltage transformers

X1.1 ACFail +
230V Ch 10, VT3 Mains 1
25 Temp 2
24 Alarm -
230V Ch 9, VT2
230V Ch 8, VT1
18 X5.2
15 X5.3
12 1A
11 5A
Ch 5, CT4 X7.1
10 3
9 1A
8 5A
Ch 4, CT3
6 1A 5
5 5A Ch 3, CT2
4 + 6
- 7
2 5A Ch 2, CT1
+ 10
- 8
X7.3 X7.2
2 PSC_7_BI1

3 X7.3
4 8
PSC_7_SO1 9
Heater Output 11

PSC_7_HSPO1 13

PSC_7_HSPO2 17
X3.1 18
3 X3.2
BIO1_3_BI2 3

BIO1_3_BI3 4
5 BIO1_3_SO1
6 5

7 6
BIO1_3_BI5 BIO1_3_SO2
8 7
9 9

10 BIO1_3_BI7
11 10

13 BIO1_3_SO4 11
14 13
17 BIO1_3_SO5
BIO1_3_BI11 16
18 18


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

(034 _AA / 039 _AA)


1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

7.3.5. REC 523 with five current and four voltage transformers

X1.1 +
100V Ch 10, VT4 Mains 1
25 Temp 2
24 Alarm -
23 100V Ch 9, VT3
21 X5.1
17 100V
Ch 7, VT1 X5.2
15 1A
Ch 6, CT5 X5.3
12 1A
Ch 5, CT4
10 X7.1
9 1A
8 Ch 4, CT3
6 5A
5 Ch 3, CT2 5
3 1A + 6
2 5A RADIO 12V
Ch 2, CT1
1 - 7

+ 10
- 8
1 X7.2

4 X7.3
5 8
PSC_7_SO1 9
Heater Output 11

PSC_7_HSPO1 13

X3.1 PSC_7_HSPO2 17
1 18
2 BIO1_3_BI1
BIO1_3_BI2 X3.2
5 BIO1_3_BI3
BIO1_3_SO1 4
BIO1_3_BI4 5

8 BIO1_3_BI5 6
9 7
BIO1_3_BI6 9

10 BIO1_3_BI7 8
11 BIO1_3_SO3
12 10
BIO1_3_BI8 12

BIO1_3_BI9 11
14 BIO1_3_SO4
15 13
BIO1_3_BI10 15
17 14
BIO1_3_BI11 BIO1_3_SO5
18 16

X3.2 BIO1_3_SO6


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

(054 _AA / 059 _AA)


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

7.3.6. REC 523 with six current and three voltage transformers

X1.1 +
100V Ch 10, VT3 Mains 1
25 Temp 2
24 1A Alarm -
23 5A Ch 9, CT6
21 1A
20 5A Ch 8, CT5 SERIAL BUS
18 1A
17 5A
Ch 7, CT4 X5.2
100V Ch 6, VT2 X5.3
100V Ch 5, VT1
10 X7.1
9 1A IRF 4
8 5A
Ch 4, CT3
5 5A Ch 3, CT2 5
+ 6
Ch 2, CT1
- 7

+ 10
- 8
1 X7.2

4 X7.3
5 8
PSC_7_SO1 9
Heater Output 11

PSC_7_HSPO1 13

X3.1 PSC_7_HSPO2 17
1 18
2 BIO1_3_BI1
BIO1_3_BI2 X3.2
5 BIO1_3_BI3
BIO1_3_SO1 4
BIO1_3_BI4 5

8 BIO1_3_BI5 6
9 7
BIO1_3_BI6 9

10 BIO1_3_BI7 8
11 BIO1_3_SO3
12 10
BIO1_3_BI8 12

BIO1_3_BI9 11
14 BIO1_3_SO4
15 13
BIO1_3_BI10 15
17 14
BIO1_3_BI11 BIO1_3_SO5
18 16

X3.2 BIO1_3_SO6


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

(061 _AA / 066 _AA)


1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

7.3.7. REC 523 with three current and six voltage transformers

X1.1 +
100V Ch 10, VT6 Mains 1
25 Temp 2
24 Alarm -
100V Ch 9, VT5
21 X5.1
18 X5.2
100V Ch 6, VT2 X5.3
100V Ch 5, VT1
9 1A IRF 4
8 5A
Ch 4, CT3
6 1A
5 5A Ch 3, CT2 5
3 + 6
Ch 2, CT1
- 7

+ 10
- 8
1 X7.2

4 X7.3
5 8
PSC_7_SO1 9
Heater Output 11

PSC_7_HSPO1 13

X3.1 PSC_7_HSPO2 17
1 18
2 BIO1_3_BI1
BIO1_3_BI2 X3.2
5 BIO1_3_BI3
BIO1_3_SO1 4
BIO1_3_BI4 5

8 BIO1_3_BI5 6
9 7
BIO1_3_BI6 9

10 BIO1_3_BI7 8
11 BIO1_3_SO3
12 10
BIO1_3_BI8 12

BIO1_3_BI9 11
14 BIO1_3_SO4
15 13
BIO1_3_BI10 15
17 14
BIO1_3_BI11 BIO1_3_SO5
18 16

X3.2 BIO1_3_SO6


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

(062 _AA / 067 _AA)


REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

7.3.8. Application example



L1 L3

X1.1 PSC_7_TempAlarm + X7.1
U1 25
Ch10, VT3 PSC_7_ACFail - 2 POWER
24 SERIAL X5.1
U2 22
Ch9, VT2 BUS
U3 Ch8, VT1
10 BUS
+ +
IL1 9
8 1A
IL2 7 5A Ch4, CT3 X7.1
Q3 6 IRF
Q2 5 1A 3
4 5A Ch3, CT2 4
IL3 3
2 1A
5A Ch2, CT1
1 5
+ 6
- 7
+ 10
1 PSC_7_BI1 - 8
Q2 GAS 3 PSC_7_BI2 X7.2
Q3 GAS 5 PSC_7_BI3
8 +
or Heater Output 9 -
11 +
PSC_7_HSPO1 12
14 Q1 OPEN
PSC_7_HSPO2 16
X3.1 17
2 BIO1_3_BI1
Q1 CLOSE 3 X3.2
Q2 OPEN 4 3
5 BIO1_3_BI3 BIO1_3_SO1
Q2 CLOSE 6 4
BIO1_3_BI4 5
Q3 OPEN 7 BIO1_3_SO2
8 BIO1_3_BI5 6
LOCAL / 10 BIO1_3_SO3
REMOTE 11 BIO1_3_BI7 8 +
10 Q2 CLOSE*)
BIO1_3_BI8 12
13 11
14 BIO1_3_BI9 *)
13 Q3 OPEN
BIO1_3_BI10 15
17 14
18 BIO1_3_BI11 16 Q3 CLOSE *)

2 BIO1_3_BI12

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit

(033_AA /038_AA)

*)Auxiliary relays required

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

8. Service
When the REC 523 device is used under the conditions specified in Section
7.1.Technical data, it is practically maintenance-free. The REC 523 electronics
include no parts or components subject to abnormal physical or electrical wear under
normal operating conditions.

To achieve the best possible operation accuracy, all parts of the

REC 523 product have been calibrated together.

If the device fails in operation or if the operating values considerably differ from
those mentioned in the device specifications, the device should be overhauled. All
repairs are to be taken by the manufacturer. Contact the manufacturer or its nearest
representative for further information about checking, overhaul and recalibration of
the device.

The REC 523 device that is to be sent to the manufacturer has to be

carefully packed to prevent further damage to the device.

In the event of malfunction, consult your device supplier.

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

9. Ordering information

9.1. Order number

The following data should be specified in the order:
• Order number (see Fig. 9.1.-1 below)
• Software number of protocol options (refer to Section 9.2. Software
configuration and software number)
• Software number of function options (refer to Section 9.2. Software
configuration and software number)
• Quantity of REC 523 units
Each REC 523 unit has a specific order number that identifies the unit type as well
as the hardware and the software revision as described in Fig. 9.1.-1.

REC523F 033AAA

1 2 3 4 56

Item Identifies Options

1 Control unit type -
2 Software revision -
3 Hardware number -
4 Auxiliary voltage range of a A: Ur = 110/120/220/240 V AC; 110/125/220 V DC (PSC1)
power supply module C: Ur =24/48/60 V DC (PSC2)
5 Digital input voltage range A: Ur =24/48/60/110/220 V DC
6 Analogue interface type A: Only matching transformers included (MIM)
C: Only sensor inputs included (SIM)

Fig. 9.1.-1 Order number of REC 523

The REC 523 units differ from each other as to the number and type of measuring
All the REC 523 hardware versions include the same number of digital inputs and
outputs, whereas the number of matching transformers and sensor inputs as well as
the auxiliary voltage range vary between the different hardware versions.

9.2. Software configuration and software number

Each REC 523 allows different software configurations based on separate functions
that can be activated from comprehensive libraries (refer to Section 5.1. REC 523
functions) within the scope of the processing capacity as well as the
I/O connections and analogue channels available, and considering the total CPU
load of the selected functions.

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

There are two separate software numbers to be specified in the order, one for the
protocol options as described in Table 9.2.-1 and the other for the function options
as described in Table 9.2.-2.

Table 9.2.-1 Protocol options

Software No Protocol options included
1MRS110006-001 SPA, LON and IEC 60870-5-101
1MRS110011-001 SPA, LON and DNP 3.0
1MRS110012-001 SPA, LON and Modbus (both the RTU and ASCII modes)

Table 9.2.-2 Function options

Software No Function options for REC 523
1MRS100512 Current waveform distortion measurement
1MRS100513 Voltage waveform distortion measurement
1MRS100143 Power factor controller

9.3. Optional peripherals

Table 9.3.-1 Peripheral devices
Parametrization cable 1MRS 120520
Cable between REC 523 and a commercial modem 1MRS 120528
Cable between MicroSCADA and REC 523 1MRS 120523
Bus connection module RER 103 1MRS 090701-XXa
Semi-flush mounting kit 1MRS 050239
Rack mounting kit 1MRS 050242
a. XX receiver / transmitter; B = plastic fibre cable; M = Glass fibre cable

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

10. Parts and assembly description

Table 10.-1 Parts of REC 523
Main CPU module, type CPU1 1MRS 050433
Combined power supply and I/O module, 110…240 V AC/DC:
- type PSC1 (80...265 V AC/DC) 1MRS 050084
- type PSC2 (18...80 V DC) 1MRS 050273
I/O module, input voltage range 24…220 V DC
- type BIO1 1MRS 050640
Transformer module (MIM):
- with 3 transformers, 3*CT 1MRS 050461
- with 6 transformers, 3*CT, 3*VT 1MRS 050462
- with 7 transformers, 4*CT, 3*VT (Un = 230V) 1MRS 050466
- with 9 transformers, 5*CT, 4*VT 1MRS 050469
- with 9 transformers, 6*CT, 3*VT 1MRS 050471
- with 9 transformers, 3*CT, 6*VT 1MRS 050463
Sensor module (SIM):
-with 9 sensors 1MRS 050428
Mother board 1MRS 050003
Counter-contacts for multi-pole connectors including accessories
(included in standard REC 523 delivery) 1x10 pin + 3 x18 pin 1MRS 050334

If SIM card installed 1 x 10 pin + 5 x 18 pin 1MRS 050335

Short-circuit connectors 1MRS 120515

Table 10.-2 Mounting kits available for REC 523

Flush mountinga 1MRS 050209
Semi-flush mounting 1MRS 050239
Rack mounting 1MRS 050242
a. The standard delivery includes a flush mounting kit

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

11. Revision history of REC 523

11.1. Revision identification

The main releases of REC 523 are differentiated with the software revision letter in
the order number of the device printed on the marking strip on the front panel of
REC 523, for example as follows:
Order No: REC523F 033AAA
The revisions of REC 523 are presented in Table 11.1.-1.

Table 11.1.-1 REC 523 software revisions

Revision Release
A Q4/98
B Q1/99a
C Q2/99
D Q4/00
E Q1/04
F Q1/05
a. Includes the same function blocks as Release Q4/98.

The revision letter determines the main release which may involve functional
additions and changes to the product. The changes included in each revision
compared to the previous one are described in more detail below.

11.2. Changes and additions to earlier released revisions

11.2.1. Release Q1/99

• Software revision B (release 1.5)
Protocols and communication
• New protocols:
IEC 60870-5-101 (unbalanced mode)
DNP 3.0
• ANSI X.3.28 HD not included
Hardware and mechanics
• Revision of the CPU card

11.2.2. Release Q2/99

• Software revision C
• Revision (E) of the disturbance recorder function block MEDREC16
• New features:
• LED test

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

• Indication of the battery test status

• Recording of the minimum battery voltage
• Store LED

Table 11.2.2-1 New fault indication functions

Function Description
DOC6High Indication for directional overcurrent (high-set stage)
DEF2High Indication for directional earth-fault (high-set stage)
Inrush3 Indication for the three-phase transformer inrush and motor start-up current
NEF1High Indication for non-directional earth-fault (high-set stage)
NOC3High Indication for three-phase non-directional overcurrent (high-set stage)
UV3Low Indication for three-phase undervoltage (low-set stage)
UV3High Indication for three-phase undervoltage (high-set stage)

Table 11.2.2-2 New measurement functions

Function Description
MEAI1...8 General measurement 1...8
MECU3B Three-phase current measurement
MEVO1B Residual voltage measurement
MEVO3B Three-phase voltage measurement

Table 11.2.2-3 New control functions

Function Description
COCB1 Circuit breaker 1 control with indication
COCB2 Circuit breaker 2 control with indication

Table 11.2.2-4 New condition monitoring functions

Function Description
CMSPRC Spring charging control 1
CMTIME1 Operation time counter 1 operate time used (motors)
CMTIME2 Operation time counter 2 operate time used (motors)
CMTRAV1 Breaker travel time 1

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Protocols and communication

Table 11.2.2-5 Use of serial communication ports changed as follows:
Port Revisions A, B Revision C
X5.1 For internal use Remote communication
X5.2 Remote communication protocol / Parametrization with a
parametrization with a parametrization cable parametrization cable

Hardware and mechanics

• Two new transformer modules, each with nine transformers
• 8-channel sensor card replaced by a new card with nine channels
• Revision of the CPU card
• Revision of the PSC card
Configuration, setting and SA system tools
Table 11.2.2-6 Release Q2/99 tool versions
CAP 501 Relay Setting Tool v. 1.0.0.-1 or later
CAP 505 Relay Configuration Tool v. 1.1.0.-1 or later
LIB 500/510 Library for MicroSCADA and REC 523 v. 4.0.2.-2 or later
LNT 505 LON Network Tool v. 1.0.1 d or later

11.2.3. Release Q4/00

• Software revision D (release 2.0)
• Improved storing, shorter storing time
Function blocks
• Under voltage protection and fault indication function blocks UV3Low and
• Phase-selective start outputs added
• Control setting parameter Oper.hysteresis added for adjusting the level
of comparator (for more information refer to CD-ROM Technical Descriptions
of Functions, see Section 1.8. Related documents)
• EVENT230 function block: input interface changed
• Changes to input names in the following function blocks: UV3Low, UV3High,
• MEPE7, the function block for power and energy measurement:
• Events for energy (E), apparent power (S), and cos ϕ added
• Time-based delta event sending added
• New protection and fault indication function
• AR5Func, auto reclosure function
• New control function
• COPFC, power factor controller

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

• New condition monitoring function

• CMGAS3, three-pole gas pressure monitoring
• New power quality functions
• PQCU3H, current waveform distortion measurement
• PQVO3H, voltage waveform distortion measurement
Protocols and communication
• New protocol
• Modbus (both the RTU and ASCII modes)
• New LON virtual I/O’s, NV indexes 100...163, 32 SNVT_state and 32
• Modification to Modem support
• Size of modem initialization string Modem init. str. increased from 40
to 75
• Support for four additional phone numbers and the possibility to define an
emergency number
• Customer defined events (EVENT230 function block) supported by all three
remote protocols (DNP, IEC 60870-5-101 and Modbus)
• Remote protocol support for LON virtual I/O’s, thus enabling Remote protocol−
LON gateway functionality
• Uploading/downloading of the Relay Configuration Tool project (RCT in
CAP 505) from/to the REC 523 unit via SPA or LON
• Uploading/downloading of settings (CAP 501/ CAP 505) from/to the REC 523
unit via SPA or LON
Configuration, setting and SA system tools
The following tool versions are needed to support the new functions and features of
REC 523 D:

Table 11.2.3-1 Release Q4/00 tool versions

CAP 505 Relay Product Engineering Tools v. 2.1.0 or later
LIB 510 Library for MicroSCADA v. 8.4.3 v. 4.0.3 or later
LNT 505 LON Network Tool v. 1.1.1-1 or later

11.2.4. Release Q1/04

• Software revision E (release 2.5)
• Improved functionality
• Plug-in modem support no longer available

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Protocols and communication

• Improved performance
• IEC 60870-5-101: support for new IEC ASDU types
• ASDU 46
• ASDU 9
• ASDU 10
Configuration, setting and SA system tools
The following tool versions are needed to support the new functions and features of
REC 523 E:

Table 11.2.4-1 Release Q1/04 tool versions

EngineerIT Relay Setting Tools CAP 501 v. 2.3.0 or later
EngineerIT Relay Product Engineering Tools CAP 505 v. 2.3.0 or later
InformIT Substation Monitoring System SMS 510 v. 1.1.0-1 or later
EngineerIT Medium Voltage Process Application Library LIB 510 v. 4.0.4-3 or later
LNT 505 LON Network Tool v. 1.1.1-1 or later

11.2.5. Release Q1/05

• Software revision F (release 3.0)
• Improved functionality
• New calculated analogue channel added
Protocols and communication
• IEC60870-5-101 balanced mode supported
Hardware and mechanics
• New hardware variant 054/059 consisting of 5 current transformer (CT) inputs
and 4 voltage transformer (VT) inputs
Function blocks
• Updated function block revisions
• Protocol Mapping Tool support for IEC 60870-5-101
Configuration, setting and SA system tools
Table 11.2.5-1 Release Q1/2005 tool versions
Relay Setting Tools CAP 501 v. 2.3.0-5 or later
Relay Product Engineering Tools CAP 505 v. 2.3.0-5 or later
Substation Monitoring System SMS 510 v. 1.2.0-2 or later
Medium Voltage Process Application Library LIB 510 v. 4.0.5-3 or later
LNT 505 LON Network Tool v. 1.1.1-1 or later

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

12. Index
Analogue channels .................................................................................... 29
Application ............................................................................................... 15
Auxiliary voltage ................................................................................ 24, 28
Batteries ........................................................................................ 25, 26, 27
Battery charger ......................................................................................... 27
Battery test ................................................................................................ 27
Calculated analogue channels ................................................................... 32
Communication ............................................................................ 16, 24, 49
Condition monitoring functions ............................................................... 21
Configuration ...................................................................................... 18, 44
Configuration of measuring devices ......................................................... 30
Connections .............................................................................................. 64
Connectors ................................................................................................ 64
Control functions ...................................................................................... 20
CPU load .................................................................................................. 15
Current limiter .......................................................................................... 26
Current measurement .......................................................................... 19, 20
Current sensor ..................................................................................... 29, 31
Current transformer ...................................................................... 19, 20, 30
Digital ............................................................................... 13, 22, 35, 36, 38
Digital outputs .......................................................................................... 39
Environmental conditions ......................................................................... 18
Fault indication functions ......................................................................... 20
Filter time of a digital input ...................................................................... 35
Functionality ............................................................................................. 15
Functions .................................................................................................. 19
General functions ...................................................................................... 22
Hardware .................................................................................................. 14
Heating ..................................................................................................... 33
High-speed double-pole power output (HSPO) ....................................... 40

REC 523 Remote Monitoring and Control Unit 1MRS750881-MUM

Technical Reference Manual

LED .................................................................................................... 15, 41
LED outputs ............................................................................................. 41
LED panel ................................................................................................ 41
LON communication ................................................................................ 52
LON inputs and outputs ........................................................................... 54
LON Network Tool .................................................................................. 45
LonMark ................................................................................................... 55
Matching transformer ............................................................................... 29
Measurement functions ............................................................................ 19
Measuring devices .................................................................................... 30
Mounting .................................................................................................. 81
Network variable indexes ......................................................................... 53
Optional peripherals ................................................................................. 80
Ordering ................................................................................................... 79
Oscillation suppression ............................................................................ 37
Overtemperature indication ...................................................................... 28
Parameterization ....................................................................................... 46
Parameters ................................................................................................ 47
PLC functions ........................................................................................... 44
POD .................................................................................................... 55, 58
Power backup ........................................................................................... 25
Power quality ........................................................................................... 22
Power supply ............................................................................................ 24
Pulse counters ........................................................................................... 36
Rated frequency ........................................................................................ 46
References ................................................................................................ 86
Relay Configuration Tool .................................................................. 18, 44
Relay Setting Tool .................................................................................... 46
Remote communication ........................................................................... 24
Revisions of REC 523 .............................................................................. 83
Rogowski coil ..................................................................................... 19, 20
Self-supervision (IRF) .............................................................................. 43
Serial communication ......................................................................... 24, 49
Serial communication port ....................................................................... 49
Service ...................................................................................................... 77

1MRS750881-MUM Remote Monitoring and Control Unit REC 523

Technical Reference Manual

Signalling output (SO) .............................................................................. 40

SNVT_alarm outputs ................................................................................ 59
Software .................................................................................................... 79
Standard functions .................................................................................... 22
Storing of parameters ............................................................................... 47
Temperature measurement ....................................................................... 33
Terminal connections ............................................................................... 64
Terminal diagrams .................................................................................... 69
Virtual channel ......................................................................................... 32
Voltage divider ............................................................................. 20, 29, 31
Voltage measurement ......................................................................... 19, 20
Voltage transformer ............................................................................ 20, 31

1MRS750881-MUM EN 03.2005

Distribution Automation
P.O. Box 699
FI-65101 Vaasa
Tel. +358 10 22 11
Fax. +358 10 224 1094

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