Cable Stayed Bridges
Cable Stayed Bridges
Cable Stayed Bridges
A sophisticated, iterative
analytical approach to
re-evaluating the bridge
superstructure has put this
project on the path
to completion.
BridgeDesign By Prabhjeet Raj Singh, P.Eng., P.E., and
Matthias Schueller, P.Eng., Ph.D.
Crossing the Mackenzie River in Canada’a Northwest system. This reveals the difference of an extradosed bridge and a
Territories is anything but easy. In summer a ferry provides a way classical cable stayed bridge in terms of the structural system.
across, and in winter passage is via an ice bridge. But during the The two-lane, nine-span bridge has main navigation span of
transition seasons, as the ice is breaking up or before it freezes 623 ft. The approach spans are symmetrical about the center of the
solid, neither option is available. bridge. Each end begins with a 295-ft span followed by three 369-
The Deh Cho Bridge now being constructed soon will provide ft spans. The total length of the bridge is 3,427 ft. The superstruc-
a permanent link for ground transportation in the area. It is a com- ture consists of two 15-ft deep Warren trusses with a transverse
posite steel truss bridge with a cable assisted main span. The struc- spacing of 24 ft and a 9-in-thick precast composite deck.
tural system can be classified as a composite bridge with hybrid The truss members are built-up I-sections. Two A-shaped pylons,
extradosed-cable stayed features. Comparable to a cable stayed located at Pier IV South and Pier IV North, each support two cable
system, the primary purpose of the cables is to support the truss in planes. Each cable plane consists of six cables connected to the main
spanning the navigation channel. Cable stayed bridges use a close truss through an outrigger system. Figure 1 shows the bridge layout.
stay spacing to realize slender superstructures. However, contrary
to a cable stayed system, the backstays on the Deh Cho Bridge are
not anchored at a pier location. The backstays function by acti-
vating the bending stiffness of the truss similar to an extradosed Figure 1: General arrangement of the Deh Cho Bridge includes nine
spans from 295 ft to 623 ft in length.
axial demands during service and in addi- loss scenarios. For those extreme events
tion bending during launching. The dead the designer should ensure the integrity
load to payload ratio is minimized through of the bridge is not endangered. Basically,
the principles of lightweight design. The the design engineer should have a clear
primary structural objective was to tune understanding of the load path and load
the system to be flexible for temperature behaviour for various load combinations.
effects while at the same time being stiff for In absence of a secondary load path, it is
live and wind loads. important to design the weakest member
The failure mechanism concept was along the path with a ductile behaviour to
applied to ensure that the structure does signal an overload through visual defor-
not experience a sudden collapse under mations or at least partial damage prior to
any given load scenarios. The primary load collapse. For example, the cable anchorage
paths are designed for a controlled failure and attachments are designed for the mini-
mechanism. The load travels through a mum breaking load of the cable, making
series of structural components compara- the cables the crucial component of this
ble to a structural chain. The weakest link particular load path.
in the chain is determined by the designer
and engineered to fail with adequate warn- Value Engineered Design
ing (ductile behaviour). The principles of lightweight design led
The Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) to a saving of 25% in the use of structural
recommends that designers consider cable steel. The deck consist of precast concrete
panels with cast-in-place infills. A combi- modern lock-up devices, which act like shock can be easily inspected visually. The loca-
nation of a waterproofing membrane with absorbers to allow slow acting movements tions of the cable anchorages were selected
two layers of asphalt is applied to the sur- while restraining sudden force effects. for improved structural and aesthetic
face for sealing purposes. The new deck is Compact locked coil cables have been behaviour. The simplified anchorages can
designed as a four-way slab resting on the used for the stay system using a Galfan be easily inspected and maintained.
truss and floor beams, thereby cutting the coating and cast sockets. The cables will be Constructability aspects as well as a
concrete mass by 30% and eliminating the shipped to site in the final length but the lightweight design approach have been
need for pre-stressing. adjustable anchorage at the superstructure adopted for the design of the superstructure
The articulation scheme allows a con- allows for length variations to correct and and pylons. The design of the bridge incor-
tinuous deck for the entire length of the manipulate cable forces. Compared to com- porates a proven construction scheme.
superstructure, which eliminated the need mon strands, locked coil cables are slender A truss is an excellent candidate for
for two modular deck joints on the bridge. with compact anchorage details. The con- lightweight design as it predominantly
The articulation scheme involves the use of dition of the outer wires and anchorages relies on compression and tension members
to transfer loads. Making the trusses com-
posite with the concrete bridge deck uses
both elements to economic advantage. The
principles of lightweight design require
maximization of the payload to dead load
ratio. This is achieved by minimizing the
self weight of the bridge, primarily the
concrete deck. In the case of the Deh Cho
Bridge, the high live load factors and the
dynamic load allowance of the Canadian
Highway Bridge Design Code govern the
concrete slab design. An average slab thick-
ness of 8½ in. has been realized using Yield
Line Theory.
Continuous Superstructure
A continuous superstructure avoids
the use of expansion joints on the bridge
and reduces the service and maintenance
effort. The design objective of the deck
was to engineer a continuous system over
the entire bridge length. To achieve the
goal the articulation scheme was required
to allow temperature movements with
minimal restraining effects and “lock-up”
the movements during fast-acting load
effects such as wind gusts in order to share
the loads with several piers. The so-called
lock-up devices (LUDs) mounted between
superstructure and pier enable this articu-
lation scheme. These devices are dampers
with restrictive orifices; they only allow a
significant translation when a certain force
is applied over a period of several hours.
The truss was engineered as a
“Lego’”system that is easy to fabricate and
assemble. The chord member geometry
was kept constant throughout the length
of the bridge. The varying force effects
were resisted through changing the steel
strength and when necessary by boxing of
the chord “I” section through the addition
of side plates. Steel Grades of 350 AT and
485 AT have been specified for the truss.
Open profiles were selected for the truss
members for good access and assembly.
steel bridge news n at ion a l S t e e l Br id g e a l li anc e
• One-step stressing of all cables simul- This method has the advantage of being able to Pier 4. The design takes into account
taneously by lowering truss at Pier 4 to turn camber off when the truss is moved the construction demands including forces,
• Deck panel installation up to Pier 4 ahead and connected to the supports in the deflections and rotations from the stages
• Installation of 187-ft-long lifting span new location. About 130 launch stages were before.
• Deck panel installation in the main span analysed and summarized in demand enve-
• Activation of composite action lopes. A typical stage is shown in Figure 7. Conclusion
• Casting curb and installation of railing After erection of the A-pylon is com- The Deh Cho Bridge redesign is a
• Installation of waterproofing and pleted, the truss is jacked up at Pier 4 to unique example of an engineering assign-
wearing surface facilitate installation of the cables. There- ment that involved a complex long-span
A staged analysis for the launch was per- after, the truss is lowered to its final posi- bridge on a highly accelerated design
formed. The effect of camber was included tion stressing all cables simultaneously, as schedule with considerable technical,
in the analysis using a temperature load case. shown in Figure 8. project management and quality reviews.
The lifting span Rigorous analysis was conducted for cable
splice requires tuning and camber, live load and other
geometric compat- transitory loads. In addition, the staged
ibility of the truss analysis was conducted for the construc-
Figure 7: one of more that 130 launch stages analyzed in developing ends (see Figure 9). tion scheme. This investigation consisted
the construction plan. This is achieved by of truss launching, cable stressing and a
loading the back- lifting span operation.
span through pla- The principles of lightweight design
cing deck panels were applied to value engineer the bridge.
from the abutment The redesign significantly simplified and
Figure 8: the cables are stressed in one step, but do not at that point improved the constructability of the bridge
take up the camber in the span adjacent to the main span. in addition to achieving an estimated 25%
Figure 9: the lift-
ing span operation savings in structural steel. One of the
results in a load bal- major innovative features of the design is a
ance that brings continuous superstructure over the entire
the bridge structure
close to its final con- length of the bridge, making it the longest
structed profile. jointless bridge, from abutment to abut-
ment, in North America. The submission of
the issued for construction drawings earlier
this year has enabled this project to move
forward toward an anticipated completion
in November 2011.
government of northwest territories
Territorial advisors
BPtec-dnW, edmonton, alberta,
canada (aiSc Member)
t.y. lin international, San Francisco,
california (aiSc Member)
Quality assurance
Sargent & associates ltd., Victoria,
British columbia
Engineer of Record
infinity engineering group ltd., north
Vancouver, British columbia, canada
(aiSc Member)
Peer Reviewer
urS corporation, tampa, Fla. (aiSc
Steel Fabricator
canam Steel corporation, St. gedeon
de Beauce, Quebec and Point of rocks,
Md. (aiSc and nSBa Member)
Structural analysis Software
larsa 4d