Numerical Study Shear I

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Shear-critical reinforced concrete

beams under sustained loading

Part I: Experiments
Reza Sarkhosh, Joost Walraven, Joop den Uijl

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Group of

Concrete Structures, the Netherlands

Several experiments were carried out on reinforced concrete beams without shear
reinforcement subjected to high sustained shear loads close to the short-term failure load. The
goal was to investigate the behaviour of shear-critical concrete beams under sustained
loading. The beams were subjected to the load for a minimum period of three months.
Meanwhile, the deflection, crack growth and crack widths were measured. A total number of
42 reinforced concrete beams have been tested. Amongst them, 24 beams were tested under
monotonically increased short-term loading, in order to obtain reference values for the shear
resistance, the crack width and the type of failure, and to gain insight into the scatter of the
results. The 18 other beams were subjected to long-term sustained loading with high load
levels: the ratio of applied shear load to short-term shear resistance was between 0.87 and
0.975. Furthermore, at the end of the period of long-term loading, the concrete beams were
tested to failure. The program was carried out in order to determine advanced rules for the
shear bearing capacity of existing bridges in The Netherlands. For the full background
information reference is made to Sarkhosh (2014)

1 Introduction

Shear failure of reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement is characterized by

an instantaneous brittle failure mode and is complicated by the behavior of the inclined
shear crack, and in relation to that the contribution of the effects of aggregate interlock and
dowel action. The time-dependency of the shear-critical beams is even more complicated
by the role of time effects such as creep and shrinkage, development of concrete strength,
crack opening displacements, creep of bond and stress redistribution in the RC member. It
is well-known that the shear resistance of structural members without shear reinforcement
depends on the concrete strength. Therefore it was an important observation that the

HERON Vol. 60 (2015) No. 3 181

concrete strength, as measured on drilled concrete cores taken from existing bridges, is
substantially higher than the original concrete design strength. The most important
explanation for this is that in the old days cement with coarse particles was used. For that
reason, the cement hydration continued for many years after determining the 28-days
strength. In many cases, concrete compressive strength values between 60 and 100 N/mm2
(8700-14500 psi) were found, whereas the original 28-days characteristic compressive
strength was often only 25 N/mm2 (3625 psi). This was a very welcome observation,
because it would mean the shear bearing capacity of those old bridges is substantially
higher than the original design capacity, which could mean that many bridges do not have
to be strengthened, although they are subjected to larger traffic loads than foreseen in the
original design. A point of uncertainty is, however, the behavior of concrete under
sustained loading. In design recommendations sustained loading factors are used for the
concrete design compressive and tensile strength. Since the shear bearing capacity depends
on the concrete strength it seems logic that sustained loading factors should be applied for
the shear bearing capacity as well.
In most codes, reduction factors on the compressive and tensile strength of the concrete
under sustained loading are prescribed, and it seems therefore logical that they should
apply for shear as well. In the Eurocode 2 for concrete structures, EN 1992-1-1, the
sustained loading factor is a nationally defined parameter, which can be chosen by the
individual countries between 0.8 and 1.0. In the fib Model Code (2010) the sustained
loading factor for normal strength concrete subjected to tension is as low as 0.6. Many
countries, like the Netherlands, have chosen nevertheless for the sustained loading factor a
value of 1.0 both for concrete in tension and compression, arguing that the concrete design
strength is determined based on concrete with an age of 28 days, and an eventual
sustained loading effect is compensated by further strength development. Whether or not a
sustained loading factor should be applied when assessing the shear resistance of existing
concrete solid slab bridges, is a question with large consequences.

2 Development of an experimental program on the effect of sustained

loading on the shear capacity

2.1 Details of the reinforced concrete beams used in the test program
The reinforced concrete beams were designed for shear failure. Therefore, sufficient
longitudinal reinforcement was provided to guarantee a sufficiently large bearing capacity
in bending. The shear critical beams were designed based on an FE analysis with ATENA

2D (2012). The beams were cast in seven series of casting batches, where all series consisted
of six identical beam specimens, in combination with 36 cubes for compression testing. The
loading configurations and the dimensions of the beams are shown in Figure 1 and the
details of the cross section and concrete strength are given in Table 1. The shaded columns
in this table represent the variables in the different series.

P b
500 Diagonal LVDT


950 600 Measuring grid As

Left shear span as Right shear span as

Figure 1. Reinforced concrete beam specimen subjected to three-point bending

Table 1. Details of the reinforced concrete beams

Series fc ,cube ,28 days h b d LL as as As ǒ

No. MPa mm mm mm mm mm mm2 %

1 38.2 450 200 410 3000 1200 2.93 942 1.15
2 34.6 450 200 410 3000 1200 2.93 942 1.15
3 48.4 450 200 410 3000 1200 2.93 942 1.15
4 45.2 450 200 410 3000 1200 2.93 942 1.15
5 44.1 450 200 410 3000 1200 2.93 942 1.15
6 81.2 450 200 407 3000 1200 2.95 1472 1.81
7 80.7 450 200 407 3000 1200 2.95 1472 1.81

2.2 Test set-up

Six parallel long-span testing frames with capacities up to 400 kN have been built in a
climate conditioned room to perform the three-point bending tests in parallel. Each
equipment, consisted of a rigid steel frame and the following elements:

• A hydraulic actuator with a capacity of 400 kN that applies the load.

• A hydraulic bladder accumulator to keep the oil pressure inside the hydraulic
system constant during the long-term loading.
• A load cell with a capacity of 400 kN and an accuracy of 0.33% installed between
the actuator and the loading plate.
• A loading plate placed at the middle of the beam with a dimension of 50×100×200
mm (height, length, width) that covers the width of the beam.
• A linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT) with 20 mm measuring range
at the middle next to the loading plate.
• Two roller supports, each one with a contact area of 100×200 mm.
• A pair of LVDT’s with 10 mm measuring range, diagonally installed in both shear
• Additional measuring equipment with a manually operated LVDT (Measuring
range = 20 mm) applied on specimens in Series 5-7.

The zero reference measurements were conducted in the stage that the beams were only
loaded by their dead-weight. Thus, the influence of the concrete dead-weight is not
incorporated in the measuring results. All tests have been carried out in a load-controlled
mode, whereas the application of the load was performed manually through a hand-
operated hydraulic pump.
For the purpose of measuring the diagonal deformation of the beam, a pair of diagonal
LVDTs was used. These LVDTs have a measuring length of 500 mm and were installed
diagonally whereas the bottom hinge is at a distance of 200 mm and the top hinge at a
distance of 650 mm from the midspan, see Figure 1. The location of the diagonal LVDTs
covers the area of the expected diagonal shear tension crack.
With the aim of measuring the surface strains and monitoring the crack opening in detail, a
measuring grid consisting of 241 lines and 96 points has been attached at the front side of
the beam (Fig. 1). The grid consists of 96 nodes at 100 mm distance from each other, placed
along 5 rows. Steel reference points with an outer diameter of 8 mm have been mounted at
each node. Later on, by means of a demountable displacement transducer, the relative
displacement of the reference points was measured.

3 Results of short-term monotonic loading tests

3.1 Overview of the short term test program

The ultimate load Pu is considered to be the highest peak load in the load-deflection curve.
When calculating the shear resistance Vu , the self-weight of the beam was also included
( Vu = 1 Pu + 1 mb g ). For the concrete beams listed in Table 2, the ultimate load and the
2 4
shear resistance of the beams are given together with a statistical analysis of each series.
The statistical evaluation on each series displays a small scatter and the mean value of
shear strength has a low coefficient of variation of less than 6.08%. It can also be seen from
Table 2 that for each series the lower confidence limit, that is the 5% fractile value of Vu , is
only slightly lower than the mean value.

3.2 Summary of the short-term tests

A brief summary of the results of the short-term test on concrete beams without shear
reinforcement is given in the sequel:

• 28 short-term monotonic three-point bending tests have been conducted on shear-

critical reinforced concrete beams. The test results per series show a relatively small
scatter of Vu with a coefficient of variation smaller than 6.08%.

• The mean value of the shear resistance Vu ,mean in any series will be used as the
reference value for the shear resistance of the same series when testing beams under
long-term loading.

4 Results of sustained loading tests

As discussed earlier, the concrete beams have been subjected to sustained loading for
periods between 2.5 hours (shortest time until shear failure) and 1344 days (end of the
program). The goal was to study the behaviour of shear cracks under high levels of
sustained loading, with loads close to the shear resistance. The sustained loading tests
were started directly after completing the monotonic term tests. During the sustained
loading tests, the crack width development, the crack length development and the
appearance of new cracks have been monitored.

The load intensity factor λ = Vsus Vu ,mean for the various beams was chosen to be between
0.86 and 0.98, as given in Table 3. When the beam was loaded over 0.9 Vu ,mean , it was
practically beyond the lower confidence limit of the short-term shear resistance. Therefore,

Table 2. Shear resistance under short-term monotonic tests
Series Label Age at Loading Pu Vu Vu ,mean COV LCL5%†
t0 time *

days sec kN kN kN % kN
1 S1B1 28 224 192.03 97.31 93.66 4.53 86.68
S1B2 28 92 176.14 89.37
S1B3 28 194 195.04 98.82
S1B4 28 258 174.15 88.37
S1B5 32 176 188.03 95.31
S1B6 32 162 182.95 92.77
2 S2B1 70 201 181.82 92.21 95.75 3.07 90.70
S2B2 71 444 192.76 97.68
S2B3 71 191 192.14 97.37
3 S3B1 83 773 202.69 102.64 102.57 2.71 97.99
S3B2 83 1697 208.00 105.30
S3B3 83 393 204.59 103.59
S3B4 87 630 194.88 98.74
4 S4B1 65 683 187.45 95.02 98.63 4.80 90.84
S4B2 65 199 191.17 96.88
S4B3 65 346 205.39 103.99
5 S5B1 505 309 199.59 101.09 102.04 3.04 96.93
S5B2 505 354 199.60 101.10
S5B3 505 404 210.50 106.55
S5B5 512 558 196.25 99.42
6 S6B1 89 212 250.33 126.46 123.49 5.13 113.06
S6B2 89 239 256.80 129.70
S6B3 89 194 243.10 122.85
S6B5 113 966 227.32 114.96
7 S7B1 210 495 243.81 123.20 114.78 6.08 103.30
S7B2 210 256 213.20 107.90
S7B3 210 325 232.69 117.64
S7B4 219 413 218.14 110.37

* Time between P = 0 and Pu , † Lower confidence limit: LCL5% = Mean – 1.645 SD

it is possible that the beam is already close to its ultimate shear capacity and may fail
during load application. This did not happen. In two cases shear failure was observed
relatively shortly after reaching the maximum load: beam S4B6 failed 2.5 hours after the
application of the sustained load and beam S7B6 44 hours after the application.
As the sustained loads were applied in a deformation-controlled way, corrections in time
were necessary, such as due to relaxation of the concrete causing a reduction of the
sustained load. Therefore, the load had to be adjusted to the desired level. A few times,
changes in temperature of the room (due to maintenance) have caused a temporary
increase or decrease of the sustained load. Moreover, some beams (S3B5, S4B4 and S4B5)
had to be unloaded and reloaded due to maintenance of the test facilities.
The beams in Series 2 were tested 84 days under sustained loading. Subsequently, the
beams were loaded to failure in order to evaluate the possible reduction of the shear
resistance after 84 days. The duration of the sustained loading in the other series are also
mentioned in the last column of Table 3.

Table 3. Beams tested under sustained loading

Series Vu ,mean Label Age Psus Vsus = λ= Description
No. at 1P + Vsus
2 sus
t0 1m g
4 b

kN day kN kN
2 95.75 S2B4 72 165.1 83.85 0.88 Stopped after 84 days
S2B5 72 165.1 83.85 0.88 Stopped after 84 days
S2B6 72 165.1 83.85 0.88 Stopped after 84 days
3 102.57 S3B5 87 196.0 99.30 0.97 Stopped after 1344 d.
S3B6 87 196.0 99.30 0.97 Stopped after 127 days
4 98.63 S4B4 71 185.0 93.80 0.95 Stopped after 274 days
S4B5 71 185.0 93.80 0.95 Stopped after 274 days
S4B6 71 190.5 96.55 0.98 Failed after 2.5 hours
5 102.04 S5B4 512 185.0 93.80 0.92 Stopped after 784 days
S5B6 696 173.0 87.80 0.86 Stopped after 600 days
6 123.49 S6B4 113 224.0 113.30 0.92 Stopped after 1113 d.
S6B6 113 224.0 113.30 0.92 Stopped after 1113 d.
7 114.78 S7B5 219 210.0 106.30 0.93 Stopped after 950 days
S7B6 219 205.5 104.05 0.91 Failed after 44 hours

4.1 Load intensity

The goal was to keep the load intensity factor nj on each beam constant during the whole
sustained loading time. However, as the concrete strength increases, the shear resistance of
the beam is supposed to slightly increase as well and the real-time load intensity nj would
become smaller than the initial value defined at t0 . In the interim period, the load intensity
factors as given in Table 3 are the values at the beginning of sustained loading ( t0 ). The
value of the applied load is plotted for each beam in the figures 2-4.

4.2 Time-dependent deflections

Concrete when subjected to long-term sustained loading, is subjected to creep deformation.

The creep deflection of a reinforced concrete beams under a sustained load depends on the

83.85 83.82 kN
3.89 mm

mm Vsus
Midspan deflection (S2B4) [mm]
Diagonal deformation (Right shear-span) [mm]
Diagonal deformation (Left shear-span) [mm]
0.237 0.262 mm
mm 0.023 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Speciment S2B4 t − t0
– t0 [days] [days]

Unloading & reloading Temprature change

99.4 99.74
kN 3.89 mm
Midspan deflection (S3B5)
Perm. def. Diagonal deformation (Left shear-span) [mm]
= 1.71 mm Diagonal deformation (Right shear-span) [mm]
0.119 0.136 mm
0.121 mm
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Specimen tS3B5 t − t0 [days]
– t0 [days]
Figure 2. Sustained load, midspan deflection and diagonal deformations of S2B4 in 64 days and
S3B5 in 1344 days

load intensity, the reinforcement ratio and the concrete properties (Table 1 and 3). The
beams in Series 1-5 have the same reinforcement ratio, but the concrete strength and the
load intensity of each beam is different. The creep deflection of the reinforced concrete
beams at mid-span is plotted against time in the figures 2-4. Also the mid-span deflection
right after load application at t0 (V = Vsus ) and at the end of sustained loading is given in
each graph.

Furthermore, diagonal deformations at the right and the left shear spans, obtained through
the two diagonal LVDT’s (Fig. 1) are plotted in the same graphs. The measured values
at t0 and at the end of sustained loading indicate two types of behaviour:

• In a number of beams (S2B5, S3B5, S4B4, S4B5, S4B6, S5B6 and S7B6) both diagonal

96.55 96.56 kN
mm Vsus 3.54 mm

Midspan deflection (S4B4)

Diagonal deformation (Left shear-span) [mm]
Diagonal deformation (Right shear-span) [mm]
0.062 0.066
0.035 0.064
0 30 60 90 120 150
Specimen tS4B6 t − t0 [minutes]
– t0 [minutes]
Temperature change 89.04
kN 83.46 kN
79.27 4.97 mm
mm Vsus
Midspan deflection (S5B6)
Diagonal deformation (Right shear-span) [mm]
Diagonal deformation (Left shear-span) [mm]
0.352 0.499 mm
0.211 0.269 mm
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Speciment S5B6 t − t0
– t0 [days] [days]
Figure 3. Sustained load, midspan deflection and diagonal deformations of S4B6 in 139 minutes and
S5B6 in 600 days

deformations at the right and the left shear spans have increased in time, which is
likely to cause further opening of the diagonal shear cracks in both spans.

• In some other beams (S2B4, S2B6, S3B6, S5B4, S6B4, S6B6 and S7B5) the diagonal
deformation at one side (shear span) has been increased while at the other side (shear
span) a slight decrease is observed. In this case, it is expected that the diagonal cracks
have been mostly opened in the shear span with increasing diagonal deformation.

Nevertheless, in order to study the behaviour of diagonal shear cracks in time, special
effort has been put in monitoring the crack width and crack length development, which
will be presented later.

Temperature change 116.75 kN

kN 113.33
4.17 mm
mm Vsus Shear load increase
Midspan deflection (S6B6) = 3 kN
Diagonal deformation (Left shear-span)
Diagonal deformation (Right shear-span)
0.127 0.136 mm
0.111 0.088

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Speciment S6B6 t − t0
– t0 [days] [days]

104.17 104.21 kN 103.97 kN

2.90 mm
mm Vsus
Midspan deflection (S7B6)
Diagonal deformation (Left shear-span)
Diagonal deformation (Right shear-span)
0.317 mm
0.133 0.142 mm
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
SpecimentS7B6 t − t0
– t0 [days] [days]
Figure 4. Sustained load, midspan deflection and diagonal deformations of S6B6 in 1113 days and
S7B6 in 44 hours

4.3 Crack pattern

During the sustained loading tests, the surface crack pattern has been monitored and
labelled at the surface of the beam. Monitoring of the cracks started just after loading
(t = t0 ). The most significant development of the crack pattern occurs during the first day
of loading. As mentioned earlier, shrinkage cracks have been marked prior to sustained
loading. However, concrete at an age of 70 days is still subjected to shrinkage and some of
the cracks at the surface of the beams are likely to be short shrinkage cracks. The surface
cracks of the RC beams under sustained loading are shown in Figure 5 to Fig. 8. The blue
dashed line and the green lines with snaps at both ends represent the longitudinal
reinforcement and the diagonal LVDT’s, respectively.



Figure 5. Crack pattern of specimens S2B4 after 84 days of sustained loading and S3B5 after 1344
days of sustained loading with crack numbers to be used in Figure 8



Figure 6. Crack pattern of specimens S5B6 after 600 days of sustained loading and S6B6 after 1113
days of sustained loading with crack numbers to be used in Figure 9

10 minutes

24 hours

failure at 44 hours

10 minutes

failure at 2.5 hours

Figure 7. Crack pattern of specimens S4B6, which failed after 2.5 hours and S7B6, which failed after
44 hours

4.4 Crack length development in time

The surface crack pattern of the beams under sustained loading was presented in Figure 6.
Most of these surface cracks appeared immediately after the application of the load at t0 ,
while some propagate in time and some others remain dormant. There are also some
cracks that appear at the surface of the beam during sustained loading. All these cracks are
numbered in the figures 5-7 and their length is marked and measured in time.

The results of crack length development are presented in the Figures 8 and 9. The surface
cracks are categorized in two groups; major cracks and minor cracks. Minor cracks are
denoted as short-length cracks (less than 100 mm) and it was inferred that short-length
cracks have no influence upon shear (or flexural) failure: yet they are large enough to
potentially affect the stress distribution in the beam. On the other hand, major cracks, that

are identified to be longer than 100 mm, are expected to take part in the failure process of
the beam.
It is evident from the Figures 8 and 9 that some of the surface cracks propagate in time,
while some others stay dormant. The development of the crack length is not necessarily
limited to the major cracks: sometimes the minor cracks show considerable progress, while
there is no development in the major cracks.

10 minutes

Crack length 450 3
Crack length [mm]

[mm] 4
300 7
150 11
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 16-25
Speciment –S2B4 t − t0 [days]
t0 [days]
10 minutes


Crack length 450 3
Crack length [mm]

[mm] 4
300 7
150 12
0 16
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 17
t – tS3B5 t −t
0 [days] 0
[days] 18-26

Figure 8. Crack length development of specimens S2B4 in 84 days under sustained loading (the
crack numbers refer to Fig. 5) and S3B5 in 1344 days under sustained loading (the crack numbers
refer to Fig. 5)

In order to minimize the effect of an increasing concrete strength (due to hydration of
cement) during long-term loading, the beams have been loaded at an age of at least 70
days. However, a large number of new cracks have appeared at the beam surface during
sustained loading that are likely to be shrinkage cracks. In view of that and for a better
interpretation of the new cracks, two specimens (S5B4 and S5B6) have been loaded at the
rather high concrete ages of 512 days and 696 days. A comparison between the results of
the monitoring of the cracks in the fresh concrete and the old concrete (S5B4 and S5B6),
10 minutes

750 1
Crack length 3
Crack length [mm]

[mm] 600 4
450 7
300 10
0 17-31
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
t – tS5B6
0 t
[days]− t 0 [days]

1 hour

400 1
Crack length [mm]

Crack length 300 6
[mm] 7
200 10
100 15
0 20
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 21
t – tS6B6 t − t0
0 [days] [days] 22-39

Figure 9. Crack length development of specimens S5B6 during 600 days under sustained loading
and S6B6 during 1113 days under sustained loading

shows that most of the new cracks that develop during the long-term tests are shrinkage
cracks, as the number of the new surface cracks during the sustained loading is
significantly smaller in the old concrete beams. An important observation during the
sustained loading is that the cracks do not propagate any more after 6 months ( t − t0 > 180

days) of sustained loading under constant conditions of temperature, humidity and

external load.

4.5 Crack width development in time

Crack width has its maximum value at the mouth of the crack and it reduces along the
crack length to zero at the crack tip. In case of flexural cracks, the crack has its maximum
opening at the bottom fiber. However, for an inclined shear crack, which opens in tension,
the crack width is controlled by the reinforcement at the bottom and the maximal crack
width can be measured at about the mid-height of the beam. In view of that and in order to
determine the maximum opening of each crack, a measuring grid consisting of 241 lines
and 96 points was required to cover the cracked surface of the beam.
For the major cracks at the surface of the beams, as explained earlier, a hand-operated
manual LVDT device has been used in order to measure the width of cracks. This method
has been used for the beams of Series 5-7.
As shown in Fig. 10, the development of crack width (measured at the widest part of each
crack) is measured in time. Minor cracks have been neglected in this measurement. The
development of crack width in time can be categorized into three cases:

• Some cracks such as Nr. 12 in S5B6 show a significant increase of crack width in
time (52%). This refers usually to the longest shear cracks at the surface of the

• Most of the cracks are dormant or demonstrate only a slight widening in time.

• A few cracks such as Nr. 5 in S6B6, show a reduction of crack width in time. It
was inferred that due to stress redistribution in the beam, the stresses around
these cracks were reduced and so has the crack width.

The ratio of the crack width at time t to the crack width at time t0 was calculated as
w(t ) w(t0 ) for every single crack. The development of average crack width, standard
deviation and coefficient of variation are given in Table 4. The mean increase of crack


10 minutes
0.7 1
0.6 3
Crack width [mm]

Crack width 5
[mm] 6
0.4 8
0.3 10
0.2 12
0.1 14
0 16
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
t – tS5B6
0 t
[days] − t 0 [days]

1 hour

0.20 2
Crack width [mm]

Crack width 5
[mm] 6
0.10 9
0.05 13
0.00 19
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 20
t – tS6B6
Specimen 0 [days]
t − t0 [days]
Figure 10. Development of crack width; Left: specimen S5B6 during 600 days under sustained
loading. Right: specimen S6B6 during 1113 days under sustained loading. For the crack numbers
reference is made to Figure 6

width in time is between 9.8% (S5B6) and 16.1% (S6B6) with a maximum individual
increase of crack width of 53%. It should be noted that the sustained loading time was not
the same for the various beams considered.

In Table 4, the ratio of midspan deflection Ʀ at time t to the midspan deflection Ʀ at

time t0 is given. A comparison to the rates of crack width development and development of
the midspan deflection in the tested beams shows that the development of crack width in

time is much smaller than the evolution of the midspan deflection in time, but it appears as
well that there is a correlation between them.

Table 4. Development of average crack width in time and evolution of midspan deflection
Specimen fc ,cube, 28 days t − t0 * Δ(t ) w(t )
−1 −1
Δ(t0 ) w(t0 )

MPa days Mean SD COV

S5B4 44.1 784 0.346 0.135 0.228 0.201
S5B6 44.1 600 0.291 0.098 0.172 0.157
S6B4 81.2 1113 0.387 0.130 0.123 0.109
S6B6 81.2 1113 0.461 0.161 0.226 0.195
S7B5 80.7 949 0.289 0.134 0.202 0.179

*In this table t0 is the time at which the first measurement of crack width has been
conducted, which is usually 10 minutes or 1 hour after load application

4.6 Stress redistribution in time

In order to investigate the stress redistribution in the beam during a sustained loading test,
the elongation of the lowest row of the measuring grid, which is installed at the same
height as the reinforcement, has been monitored in time. The distance between the
preinstalled reference points has been measured before the load application and frequently
during sustained loading. The plots in Figure 11 illustrate the displacement between the
reference points along the reinforcement for beam S6B6. A reduction of the distance
between the reference points in time has been marked with a green arrow: a red arrow has
been used for an increase of the distance between the reference points.
It is seen that the local maxima of the curves increase in time and the local minima
decrease. It is generally inferred that any increase in the spacing of two reference points
due to crack opening, has been matched by a decrease in the spacing of the adjacent two
reference points that reduces the corresponding crack width.

4.7 Shear resistance of RC beams after sustained loading

In order to assess the effect of sustained loading on the shear resistance of reinforced
concrete beams, the concrete beams have been loaded to failure at the end of the period of
sustained loading. Cube compressive strength tests have been performed in time together
with the beam tests to get insight into the concrete strength development. Based on the

−900 −750 −600 −450 −300 −150 0 150 300 450 600 750 900

−900 −750 −600 −450 −300 −150 0 150 300 450 600 750 900


Middle of the beam

1 hour

30 days

100 days

220 days

720 days

1080 days
Displacement between snaps [mm]




-900 -750 -600 -450 -300 -150 0 150 300 450 600 750 900

Beam length [mm]
Figure 11. Displacement between measuring reference points at the reinforcement level; specimen
S6B6 in 1080 days under sustained loading

compressive strength of the concrete, the shear resistance Vu ,calc of the beams has been
recalculated in time according to the following equation (EN 1992-1-1)

VRd ,c = C Rd ,c 3 100 ρl fck b d (1)

where ρl is the longitudinal reinforcement ratio, fck characteristic concrete cylinder

compressive strength. b is the width of the specimen and d is the effective depth of the
cross-section C Rd ,c is the coefficient which is 0,12 for the design equation and 0,15 for
determining the mean shear resistance
Following the expressions of Eurocode 2, given Table 3.1 of EN 1992-1-1, 1 the shear
resistance of the beam at a time t may be corrected by:

fcm (t ) − 8
Vu ,calc (t ) = Vu ,mean (t0 ) 3 (2)
fcm (t0 ) − 8

The results are shown in Fig. 12 and 13. In these graphs, a comparison has been made
between the shear resistance after sustained loading and the calculated shear resistance of
the beam Vu ,calc with respect to the short-term shear resistance Vu ,mean and real-time
concrete strength. The following observations were made:

• The sustained load on specimen S2B4 after 64 days has been increased step-by-step in
order to exceed the characteristic value (lower confidence limit Vu ,calc 5% ). After any
load increment, the load was kept constant for 4-6 days, see Figure 12. At an age of 84
days, the specimen has been subjected to five cycles of unloading and reloading,
nevertheless no failure occurred. Subsequently, the load has been increased to failure.
The shear resistance was found to be 103.46 kN, which corresponds with the 95%
fractile of the calculated shear resistance Vu ,calc 95% according to the real-time concrete
• Specimen S3B5 has been unloaded after 127 days because of maintenance reasons and
reloaded 60 days later to 101.6 kN, see Figure 12. The sustained loading has been ended
after 1344 days and subsequently the load has been increased to failure. The shear
resistance was found to be 113.22 kN, which corresponds with the 95% fractile of the
calculated (theoretical) shear resistance Vu ,calc 95% according to the real-time concrete
• The sustained load on specimen S5B6 after 600 days has been increased to failure, see
Figure 13. The shear resistance was found to be 97.17 kN, which is equal to the

characteristic value of the calculated shear resistance Vu ,calc 5% . Also the sustained load
on specimen S6B6 after 1113 days has been increased to failure (Fig. 13, right). The
shear resistance was found to be 148.68 kN, which is higher than the 95% fractile value
of the calculated shear resistance.

A summary of the shear resistances after long-term loading is given in Table 5. It is evident
that the shear resistance of the beams Vu ,exp , which had been previously loaded under

103.46 kN
100 shear
97.82 resistance
95 93.91
90 89.33
87.24 5 cycles
85 83.85 Vsus &
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Specimen S2B4 t − t0 [days]
t – t0 [days]

115.00 102.57
110.00 106.94
105.00 113.22 kN
101.64 shear
100.00 resistance
99.4 Vsus
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
SpecimentS3B5 t − t0 [days]
– t0 [days]

Figure 12. Left: Shear resistance of S2B4 at the end of sustained loading and comparison with the
calculated shear resistance Vu ,calc according to the real-time concrete strength. Five cycles
unloading and reloading were conducted at Vsus = 93.9 kN. Right: Shear resistance of S3B5 at the
end of sustained loading and comparison with the calculated shear resistance Vu ,calc according to
the real-time concrete strength.

high sustained loads (load intensity over 0.86), is generally higher than the theoretically
calculated shear resistance Vu ,calc at time t.

From Table 5 it can be concluded that the probability to find an increase of the shear
resistance after sustained loading is 83.2%, see Figure 14. This is most probably due to
stress relaxation in the concrete especially around the crack tip. In other words, the static
shear resistance of the beams was hardly affected by the load history of the specimens.

110.00 Vu,calc 95%
105.00 102.04 kN Vu,calc kN
100.00 Vu,calc 5%
97.17 kN
90.00 shear
Vsus resistance
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Specimen S5B6 t − t0 [days]
t – t0 [days]

148.68 kN
150.00 shear
u , cal resistance
140.00 aV95%

130.00 123.49 kN u , cal a

124.61 kN

120.00 u , cal a 5%

u s, s

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
S6B6 t − t0
– t0 [days] [days]

Figure 13. Left: Shear resistance of S5B6 at the end of sustained loading and comparison with the
calculated shear resistance Vu ,calc according to the real-time concrete strength. Right: Shear
resistance of S6B6 at the end of sustained loading and comparison with the calculated shear
resistance Vu ,calc according to the real-time concrete strength.

Table 5. Shear resistance at the end of long-term sustained loading
Speci t0 t fcm ,cube (t0 ) fcm ,cube (t ) Vu ,mean (t0 ) Vu ,calc (t ) Vu ,exp Vu ,exp
men Vu ,calc (t )

days days MPa MPa kN kN kN

S2B4 72 156 39.5 41.6 95.75 97.82 103.46 1.06
S2B5 72 156 39.5 41.6 95.75 97.82 102.51 1.05
S2B6 72 156 39.5 41.6 95.75 97.82 105.03 1.07
S3B5 87 1431 51.8 57.7 102.57 106.94 113.22 1.06
S3B6 87 214 51.8 54.5 102.57 104.65 100.85 0.96
S4B4 71 345 51.0 55.6 98.63 102.00 116.40 1.14
S4B5 71 345 51.0 55.6 98.63 102.00 118.42 1.16
S5B4 512 1296 55.7 56.9 102.04 102.90 116.41 1.13
S5B6 696 1296 56.2 56.9 102.04 102.57 97.17 0.95
S6B6 113 1226 90.7 92.7 123.49 124.61 148.68 1.19
Average 1.08
SD 0.080
COV 0.074

 = 1.08

4 Normal distribution
Normal disribution function
0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30
,exp / V ,calc ((t)
Vuu,calc t)

Figure 14. Normal distribution function of the ratio of the experimental shear resistance Vu ,exp to
the calculated shear resistance Vu ,calc

5 Summary with most important observations

A brief summary of testing concrete beams without shear reinforcement under long-term
sustained loading can be drawn as follows:

• Long-term sustained loading tests have been conducted on large-scale concrete beams
with load intensities between 0.86 and 0.98, for periods between 2.5 hours and 1344
• During sustained loading, the surface cracks propagate in time. However, after 6
months ( t − t0 > 180 days) of sustained loading under constant conditions of
temperature, humidity and external load, no crack length development has been
observed anymore.
• The measurement of the crack width shows that the width of some cracks increases
under sustained loading, while some other cracks are dormant or even show a slight
reduction in width. Still, the average width of the cracks increases in time as the
concrete beam deforms due to the creep effect.
• The stress redistribution in time causes the opening of some cracks, while some other
cracks show a reduction of the crack width.
• In order to find out the effect of sustained loading on the shear resistance of reinforced
concrete beams, the concrete beams have been loaded to failure at the end of the period
of sustained loading. Based on the expected development of the compressive strength
of concrete, the shear resistance Vu ,calc of the beams has been recalculated in time.
• A comparison has been made between the calculated shear resistance of the beam
Vu ,calc according to the real-time concrete strength and the shear resistance determined
experimentally after the period of sustained loading. No negative effect of the previous
sustained loading has been observed: on the contrary, a statistical evolution of the
results shows that the expectation of an increase in shear resistance after sustained
loading is 83%.
• Altogether 42 tests have been conducted on shear-critical reinforced concrete beams
without stirrups. Amongst them, 28 beams have been tested under monotonic short-
term loading as reference tests and 14 beams have been tested under long-term
sustained loading. The results of short-term monotonic tests with the purpose of
identifying the shear resistance show a relatively small scatter of Vu in the same series
with a coefficient of variation below 6.48%. The mean value of the shear resistance

Vu ,mean in each series has been used as the reference value for the shear resistance of
the same series when testing under long-term loading.
• Long-term sustained loading tests have been carried out on fourteen shear-critical
concrete beams with longitudinal reinforcement at the tensile side and without
stirrups. The beams had cube concrete strengths of 34.6 MPa to 81.2 MPa in the
different series and have been subjected to sustained loads with load intensities (nj =
Vsys Vu ,mean ) over 0.86, for a period between 2.5 hours and 1344 days. The goal was
to study the behaviour of shear cracks under a high level of sustained loading, close to
the short-term shear resistance. During the long-term sustained loading tests, the crack
width development, the crack length development and the appearance of new cracks
have been monitored.
• Results of an investigation into the surface crack length development during long-term
sustained loading showed that the surface cracks did not propagate any more after 6
months ( t − t0 > 180 days) of sustained loading under constant conditions of
temperature, humidity and external load. However, the crack width measurements
show that the average width of the cracks increased in time as the concrete beam
deformed due to the creep effect.
• Stress redistribution in the reinforced concrete beams occurred in time. Any increase in
the crack width, correspond with a decrease in the stress of the adjacent concrete parts
between the cracks.
• At the end of the period of long-term loading, the concrete beams have been tested to
failure. No negative effect of the previous sustained loading has been observed as the
shear resistance of the tested beams appeared to be generally higher than the calculated
shear resistance Vu ,calc with respect to the short-term shear resistance Vu ,mean taking
into account the increase of the concrete strength in time.

6 Conclusions

1. The sustained loading effect, which is well known to apply for concrete subjected to
axial compression or axial tension, does not apply to the shear resistance of structural
concrete members without shear reinforcement, although this resistance is formulated
as a function of the concrete strength.
2. The residual shear resistance of existing solid slab bridges without shear reinforcement,
determined using the strength results of drilled cores, needs not to be reduced by a
sustained loading factor.

3. The explanation for the absence of the sustained loading factor should be based on
improved modelling of the shear carrying behavior. This is treated in a follow-up
paper (Sarkhosh et al., 2016)


[1] Sarkhosh, R., “Shear resistance of reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement
under sustained loading”, PhD thesis, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands,
April 17th 2014.
[2] EN-1992-1-1 “Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1: General rules and
rules for buildings”
[3] fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, Ernst & Sohn, 22013
[4] Sarkhosh, A., Walraven, J.C., den Uijl. J.A., “Shear critical reinforced concrete beams
under sustained loading – Part II: Numerical study”, HERON Volume 60 (2015) No. 3
pp. 207-234


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