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Heri hartanto took an examination with 32 questions. He scored 76% overall by answering 22 questions correctly. The exam covered topics like navigation, chart reading, meteorology, and regulations. It tested knowledge of concepts like position fixing methods, buoyage systems, and responsibilities when vessels are under pilotage.

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Heri hartanto took an examination with 32 questions. He scored 76% overall by answering 22 questions correctly. The exam covered topics like navigation, chart reading, meteorology, and regulations. It tested knowledge of concepts like position fixing methods, buoyage systems, and responsibilities when vessels are under pilotage.

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Student Examination Detail

Nama Lengkap : Heri hartanto Examination Code : ANT-01-F1

Seaferer Code : 6211822189 Score : 76

Question List and Student Answered

What is the east - west distance between two points called?

a. Departure
b. D`long
c. D`lat
d. DMP
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

When navigating using the GPS, how does the GPS display indicate when the accuracy of the
displayed position is reduced?

a. A large HDOP value is displayed on the screen

b. A large "Correction Factor" number is displayed on the screen
c. The GPS display flashes and sounds an alarm
d. The GPS display is always very accurate and does not give any indication of lack of accuracy
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What possible reason could there be for the identification mark associated with a Racon not being
visible on the radar screen?

a. All of the suggested answers

b. The racon may not be transmitting a pulse
c. The transmitted radar frequency may not trigger the Racon transmitter
d. The radar may be suppressing the mark with application of the Interference Rejection
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

To which traffic separation schemes does Rule 10 apply?

a. Those adopted by the International Maritime Organization

b. Those set up by local authorities
c. Those defined on navigational charts
d. All of the above
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

What does this chart symbol mean?

a. Direction of Prevailing Wind

b. Direction of Traffic Lane
c. Direction of Tidal Stream
d. Direction of Buoyage
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

In what direction does the axis of the gyro-compass wheel point?

a. True North
b. Magnetic North
c. North Relative
d. Compass North
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What should a passage plan include ?

a. The plan should include the first 72 hours of the sea voyage
b. The plan should include the entire voyage from berth to berth
c. The plan should cover the first half of the sea voyage
d. The master decides what to include in the passage plan
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

Your vessel is carrying a full cargo of scrap steel. Which item of bridge equipment is likely to be

a. The satellite navigator.

b. The echo sounder
c. The gyro compass.
d. The magnetic compass.
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

The vertical distance between the sea bed and the deepest part of the keel is known as the
a. underkeel clearance.
b. draft.
c. depth.
d. sounding.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A ship is navigating in the Caribbean in August when it receives the warning of a Hurricane. To
determine the centre of the storm the Master uses "Buys Ballot's Law" and faces the wind. On what
side of the Master would the low pressure area be located?

a. On the right side

b. On the left side
c. Straight ahead
d. This is not a suitable method to use with a Hurricane
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

If Loran-C signals become unsynchronized, the receiver operator is warned because

a. signals begin to blink

b. signals begin to shift
c. stations discontinue transmission
d. stations transmit grass
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On a navigational chart, what does this figure indicate?

a. Direction lights
b. All of the other options
c. Sector lights
d. Heading lights
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which of the suggested navigational systems is a "Hyperbolic" navigational system and has
hyperbolae as position lines?

a. Loran C
b. GPS
c. Radio Direction Finder
d. All of the suggested systems
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A vessel is under pilotage approaching a European port. Who is responsible for the safe
navigation of the vessel?

a. The pilot.
b. The master and duty officers.
c. The traffic controller.
d. The pilot and the master together.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The rate of increase in hour angle is the slowest for

a. the Sun
b. the Moon
c. Mars
d. Mercury
e. I don't know
Result : Wrong

Under soundings marked on the chart, the nature of the sea bottom is also indicated. What does
She indicate?

a. Shingle
b. Shells
c. Corals
d. Soft mud
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

If the radio signal ground wave extends out for less distance than the minimum skywave
distance, there is an area in which no signal is received. This is called the

a. skip zone
b. blackout zone
c. diffraction zone
d. shadow zone
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
The direction of the centre of a storm may be found by Buys Ballot`s law, namely face the wind and

a. in the Northern hemisphere the centre of the storm will bear 8 to 12 points to the right.
b. the center of the storm will be ahead about a point to the right.
c. the center of the storm will be right behind you about a point on your left.
d. the centre of the storm is to your left if you are in Northern hemisphere and to your
right if you are in Southern hemisphere.
e. I don't know
Result : Wrong

How can an ARPA assist the ship to steer a suitable course to make good the entrance to a

a. Select ground stabilised true motion display and alter course so that own ships true
vector passes through the middle of the entrance to the channel
b. Acquire the buoy at the entrance to the channel and on relative vector display alter course to
make the vector of the buoy pass directly through the centre of the screen
c. Select True ground stabilised vectors and make the vectors from both buoys at the entrance to
the channel pass either side of the centre of the screen
d. Select Relative motion display and make Own Ship vector pass through the middle of the
entrance to the channel
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You expect to sight land at 2100 where an alteration of course is marked on the chart. By 2120 no land
has been sighted, the visibility is very good. What action would you take?

a. Keep looking out

b. Call Master
c. Stop engines
d. Alter course
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You see a two flag signal on a ship close-by. What publication would you consult to discover its

a. International Code of Signals.

b. Nautical Almanac
c. Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
d. Mariner`s Handbook.
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong
What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High

a. Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog

b. Strong winds but with very little rain
c. Strong winds and heavy rain
d. Persistent rain and very humid weather
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A cumulative list of notices to mariners are published _____ a year

a. three times
b. once
c. four times
d. twice
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

What is the vertical distance on a given day between the water surface at high and low water called?

a. Lowest astronomical tide.

b. Range of tides
c. Height of tide
d. Highest astronomical tide
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Distance on a chart is measured using

a. any uniform scale.

b. none of the given options.
c. latitude scale.
d. longitude scale.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

South Westerlies are the general surface wind in which of the following latitudes?

a. 40 - 60 degrees.
b. 60 - 90 degrees.
c. 0 - 30 degrees.
d. 30 - 40 degrees.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

If an observer is facing the wind in the northern hemisphere, where does the low pressure lie?

a. Ahead
b. Behind
c. To the right
d. To the left
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS output to a paper chart?

a. Any necessary corrections are applied to convert between the GPS datum and the
chart datum
b. It is important to ensure that the GPS is setup on 2 dimensional and not 3 dimensional
position fixes
c. Ensure that the GPS is setup on the same datum as the chart
d. Ensure that the chart has been corrected up to date
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Tropical revolving storms are accompanied by

a. heavy rain sometimes with thunder and lightning.

b. dense fog.
c. slight wind and heavy rain.
d. very cold air and sometimes hail.
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

The latest edition of a chart can be found from _______.

a. the chart catalogue

b. the Annual Notice to Mariners
c. the latest cumulative notices to mariners
d. the Guide to Port Entry
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
What day-shape would a vessel at anchor show during daylight?

a. One black ball

b. Two black balls
c. Three black balls
d. No signal
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What is a requirement for any action taken to avoid collision?

a. When in sight of another vessel, any action taken must be accompanied by sound signals.
b. The action taken must include changing the speed of the vessel.
c. The action must be positive and made in ample time.
d. All of the above
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Berikut adalah beberapa alarm signal yang harus di bunyikan berdasarkan emergency
procedure, kecuali

a. Berthing station
b. Fire and emergency Station
c. Abandon ship Station
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

Rencanapenanggulangansegalakemungkinanakantimbulnyakeadaandarurat di ataskapal,

a. Master plan
b. Contingency plan
c. Ship security plan
d. Fire plan
e. Passage plan
f. I don't know

Result : Correct

For identification purposes at night, U.S. Navy submarines on the surface may display an
intermittent flashing light of which color?

a. Amber (yellow)
b. White
c. Blue
d. Red
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel?

a. Vessel engaged in fishing

b. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
c. Sailing vessel
d. Vessel towing
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Faktorfaktor yang menyebabkanpencariantidakberhasiladalah ….

a. Benda yang di cariterlalukecil

b. Salah dalampenentuan datum
c. Keadaancuacatidakmendukung
d. Keadaanlaut / ombakbesar
e. Semua benar
f. I don't know

Result : Wrong

Which vessel must show a masthead light abaft of and higher than her identifying lights?

a. A 55-meter vessel fishing

b. A 55-meter vessel trawling
c. A 100-meter vessel not under command
d. A 20-meter vessel engaged on pilotage duty
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-waves?

a. Vegetable / Fish Oil

b. Foam
c. Fuel Oil
d. Crude Oil
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
Vessels engaged in fishing may show the additional signals described in Annex II to the Rules when
they are __________.

a. trolling
b. fishing in a traffic separation zone
c. in a narrow channel
d. in close proximity to other vessels engaged in fishing
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

As a probable result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel involved is on fire? What
are your responsibilities to the other vessel?

a. After checking the extent of the damage and welfare of your crew, if possible your
vessel should standby and offer assistance, until being relieved of that obligation by
the other vessel
b. There is no statutory requirement to provide assistance as the actions of that vessel were
the primary cause of the collision
c. Your vessel should manoeuvre close to the other vessel and aid the fire fighting operation
d. You should inform the nearest Coast Radio Station of the incident and if your damage is not
serious, continue on your voyage
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Ship A is fully loaded with iron ore and is navigating in a coastal region when it is in collision with ship
B, causing ship A to take in water in several holds. What is the best course of action by ship A to save
the vessel and the cargo?

a. Put the ship aground on a soft sandy bottom as soon as possible

b. Attempt to stop the ingress of water by listing the ship over and bringing the damaged area of
the hull out of the water
c. Call for tug boat assistance as soon as possible
d. Inform the local coast radio station of the situation and ask for advice
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Your vessel has been in involved in a collision with an other vessel. As Master responsible for the
ship and persons on board, what is the first step to take?

a. Organise someone to assess the extent of damage and the residual stability of the
b. Communicate with the other ship
c. Determine is there is any evidence of pollution
d. Determine any injuries or deaths of persons on board
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

Which method is used to make a physical connection between a rescue vessel and a wreck?

a. Rocket line
b. Heaving line
c. Sputnik line
d. Cosmos line
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You sight another power-driven vessel dead-ahead showing both the red and green sidelights. The
required action to take would be to __________.

a. carefully watch his compass bearing

b. start a radar plot in order to ascertain his course
c. alter your course to port
d. alter your course to starboard
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

Where do you find instructions for tasks and duties in case of an emergency?

a. In the muster list.

b. On posters at the lifeboat station.
c. In instruction notices posted in the crew's cabins.
d. In instruction notices posted in messrooms, recreation rooms etc.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Di bawahini adalah life saving appliences, kecuali

a. Life bouy
b. Life boat
c. Parachute signal
d. Orange smoke signal
e. Axe and crowbars
f. I don't know
Result : Correct

When anchoring a 20-meter vessel at night, you must show __________.
a. one all-round white light
b. two all-round white lights
c. one all-round white light and the stern light
d. one all-round white light and a flare up light
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship's steering gear fails?

a. All of the suggested answers

b. Display the NUC signal and consider stopping the engines
c. Request the engine room to check the steering gear
d. Request the engine room to check the steering gear
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

IAMSAR adalahmetodepencariandanpenyelamatandenganmenggabunganantaraduaunsuryaitu

a. Penerbangandanpelayaran
b. Pelayarandanperbintangan
c. Penerbangandanantariksa
d. Penerbangandanpencintaalam
e. Pelayarandanpelayanan
f. I don't know

Result : Correct

What action should be taken by the Officer of the Watch in the event of fire being reported to the
bridge during the 00.00 to 04.00 watch?

a. Sound the Fire Alarm

b. Call the Master
c. Stop engines and inform the engine room
d. Send the bridge look-out down to investigate
e. I don't know
Result : Wrong

Safety massage atau Berita/ pesan yang berisi informasi tentang keselamatan pelayaran,
navigasi, dan berita cuaca. Di awali dengan kata …

a. securite
b. pan pan
c. mayday
d. I don't know
Result : Correct

The bridge wheelman has not reported for duty and there is a suspected "Man Overboard" situation
on your vessel. The ship has been searched and there is one seaman missing? The vessel turns
round and retraces the course back, calling for assistance from other vessels in the vicinity. What
should be the focal point for any search pattern to be established?

a. Determine when the seaman was last sighted and concentrate the search round the
course line between the last sighting and present position, taking into account any
prevailing current
b. The focus of the search should be from the present position as he probably went overboard
when proceeding to the bridge for his watch
c. Determine the drift and leeway of own ship and take this deviation from track into account on
the return course. The search should focus around this return track back to the last sighted
d. The last sighted position should be the focal point of any search pattern and all ships should
keep a good lookout in that vicinity, moving outwards to the present position
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which vessel would be required to show a white light from a lantern exhibited in sufficient time to
prevent collision?

a. A 9-meter sailing vessel

b. A rowboat
c. A 6-meter motorboat
d. A small vessel fishing
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Semboyan yang menunjukkan bahwa kapal, pesawat terbang atau kendaraan lain ditimpa
kesusahan / marabahaya dan segera membutuhkan pertolongan melalui radio telephony adalah

d. I don't know

Result : Correct

Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel. What should you as Master tell the Master
on the other vessel?

a. Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel

b. Explain your actions prior to the collision and request details of actions taken by the
other vessel which resulted in the collision
c. Ask if there is any assistance required by the other vessel
d. There should be no communication with the other vessel
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

Where can you find what your duties are during a life boat drill?

a. Muster List
b. Stated at the embarkation station.
c. Safety plan.
d. From the drill leader.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Identify this symbol:

a. Emergency generator?
b. Fire glass door?
c. Inertgas installation?
d. Escape gate?
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You are fishing at night, and you sight a vessel showing three lights in a vertical line. The upper
and lower lights are red and the middle light is white. Which statement is TRUE?

a. You must keep out of the way of the other vessel.

b. The other vessel is responsible to keep out of your way.
c. The other vessel is at anchor.
d. The rule of special circumstances applies.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which vessel must exhibit forward and after masthead lights when underway?

a. A 200-meter sailing vessel

b. A 50-meter power-driven vessel
c. A 100-meter vessel engaged in fishing
d. All of the above
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

What are we seeing here?

a. A sailing vessel less than 20 metres in length, displaying the optional combined
lantern in lieu of standard sailing lights, seen head-on
b. A sailing vessel of less than 10 metres in length, displaying the mandatory combined lantern
inlieu of sailing lights, seen head-on
c. A sailing vessel, seen from astern, where the edges of her sidelights are both visible
d. A sailing vessel, at anchor
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

62. You are approaching the pilot station when you

You are in open water and clear conditions.
hear this signal from a vessel ahead of you. What does it signify?

a. That the vessel is operating astern propulsion

b. That the vessel is picking up his pilot
c. That the vessel is picking up his pilot
d. That the vessel is starting his engine and resuming his passage
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which of the following answers would best define the term "risk"?

a. Risk is a situation involving exposure to danger and includes both identification of the
occurrence and the likelihood that it will happen.
b. Risk is the term to identify a dangerous situation which will affect the ship
c. Risk is the possibility that a dangerous situation is likely to occur
d. Risk means something more dangerous than normal is likely to occur
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

In a crossing situation on international waters, a short blast by the give-way vessel indicates that the
vessel __________.

a. is holding course and speed

b. is turning to starboard
c. intends to pass port to port
d. will keep out of the way of the stand-on vessel
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
What are the additional duties required by the Officer of the Watch when navigating in fog?

a. Sound fog signal, effective radar watch reporting ship movements to Master and
keep a good lookout for ships and fog signals.
b. All of the suggested answers
c. Sound fog signal, plot positions and keep a good lookout
d. When navigating in fog the Master will take over the watch and the Officer of the Watch
should follow all of his instructions.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Rule 12 of the International Collision Regulations prescribes the action to be taken by a sailing vessel
when meeting another sailing vessel. This depends on the direction of the wind relative to each vessel.
In the situation shown here, which sailing vessel (A or B) must keep out of the way of the other?

a. Sailing vessel A must keep out of the way of sailing vessel B

b. Sailing vessel B must keep out of the way of sailing vessel A
c. Both sailing vessels are required to take avoiding action
d. The upwind sailing vessel must keep out of the way of the downwind sailing vessel
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

When steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked?

a. At least once a watch

b. When there is an indication there may be problem
c. At least once a day during the morning 8 to 12 watch
d. No checking is necessary
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100 metres, will manoeuvring and
warning signals, as defined by rule 34 of the International regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea,
be given on one or both whistles?

a. They shall be given on one whistle only

b. They shall be given on both whistles simultaneously
c. They shall first be given on the forward whistle, followed by the after whistle, with a 5
second inetrval in between
d. Manoeuvring signals will be given only on the forward whistle; warning signals will be
given on both whistles simultaneously
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong
You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on vessel "A" and are passing through the Straits of Gibraltar.
The vessel's speed is 18 knots and your vessel is overtaking several other vessels, when the
visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What aspects would you consider when establishing a "safe
speed" for your vessel?

a. Deciding safe speed consider: 2 miles visibility; traffic density; manoeuvrability of

vessel; effectiveness of navigational equipment (ARPA etc); state of sea and currents
and navigational hazards.
b. Adjust my track to follow Route 1 or 2 illustrated and reduce speed down to half speed,
approximately 8 knots
c. Safe speed should be where the vessel can come to a stop within the visible range
d. A safe speed is where a vessel can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be
stopped within an appropriate distance
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The vessel is steaming off the coast when the engine room informs the bridge it must stop engines
immediately. Shortly afterwards they informed the bridge they would need a least three hours to fix
it. Which of the following actions would be the most suitable taken by the bridge?

a. Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and determine how the ship is drifting and
the probable position after three hours.
b. Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and ask the Engine room to be a quick as
c. Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and wait for further developments.
d. Display the NUC signal and keep a good lookout
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What, by definition in the International Collision Regulations, is a "vessel restricted in her ability to

a. A vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre as
required by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel

b. A vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as required

by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel
c. A vessel engaged in underwater work, such as the laying, picking up or servicing of a
pipeline, or which is in support of diving operations, performing dredging and mine-
clearance or is deploying or recovering a pilot
d. A vessel which because of her draught in relation to the available depth of navigable water is
restricted in her ability to deviate from her course and keep out of the way of another vessel

e. I don't know

Result : Correct
You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. This vessel is sighted on the port bow on
a steady bearing. What kind of vessel is it and what will your action be?

a. This is a sailing vessel underway, seen head-on. It is my responsibility to keep clear

under rule 18 and I will take appropriate avoiding action.
b. This is a sailing vessel underway. I am the stand-on vessel and will maintain my course and
speed under rule 17.
c. This is a sailing vessel not making way through the water. There is no risk of collision and I will
maintain my course and speed.
d. This is a vessel engaged in fishing. It is my responsibility to keep clear under rule 18 and I will
alter course to starboard, sounding one short blast.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What is the main purpose of VTS?

a. Increase the safety of all ships and the protection of the environment in the
b. Provide local information to all vessels navigating in the area
c. Improve the scheduling and traffic movement in the area.
d. Increase safety for ships participating in VTS
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

How can a new officer, just boarding a ship, ensure that he knows the location and operation of all
navigational and safety equipment and take account of the operating limitations of such equipment?
a. By asking other officers and practicing with the use of the equipment
b. By following the standard company Induction procedures for a bridge watchkeeping officer
c. The certificate of competency will ensure the officer has suitable competence in operating the
bridge equipment
d. By using the equipment on regular watchkeeping duties
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You are proceeding along a coastal route when you hear this signal. The visibility is severely
restricted. What does the signal mean?

a. There is a vessel aground in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length. She is
sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels that they are "running into danger".
b. There is a vessel aground in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length. She is
sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels to "navigate with extreme caution".
c. There is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length. She
is sounding an additional warning signal to approaching vessels, directing them to
"keep clear".
d. There is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length. She is
sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels that they are "running into danger".
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

Who will have the authority to take charge and make appropriate decisions in the event of a vessel
emergency when transiting the Panama Canal?

a. The Panama Canal Authority

b. The ship's Master
c. The ship's company
d. The Master and Pilot will agree the best course of action to be taken to resolve the
emergency situation.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You sight these lights on the port bow, on
a steady bearing. The distance is closing. What are you looking at and what action will you take in
compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea?

a. This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length
of tow under 200 metres and the tow, both being restricted in their ability to
manoeuvre, seen from the starboard side. Under rule 18, I am required to keep clear
and will take appropriate avoiding action.
b. This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, more than 50 metres in length or less than 50
metres in length and showing a second masthead light and the tow, the combined length of
which is under 200 metres. The towing vessel is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. I am
seeing their starboard sides. The bearing is steady and risk of collision therefore exists. I will
maintain my course and speed under rule 17.
c. This is a power-driven vessel, more than 50 metres in length or less than 50 metres in
length and showing a second masthead light, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. The
sidelight of a second vessel can be seen beyond her. Under rule 18, I am obliged to keep
clear of the first vessel and will therefore take appropriate avoiding action.
d. This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, more than 50 metres in length or less than 50
metres in length and showing a second masthead light, length of tow 200 metres or more, not
under command. I will keep clear under rule 27.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What signal may be given by sound and by light to indicate that a vessel fails to understand the
intentions or actions of another vessel, or is in doubt that sufficient action is being taken by the other
to avoid collision?
a. Five short and rapid blasts (flashes)
b. Five prolonged blasts (flashes)
c. Three short and rapid blasts (flashes)
d. One prolonged blast (flash), followed by five or more short and rapid blasts (flashes)
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You are on a tug and are towing an unmanned barge. You are restricted in your ability to
manoeuvre. The total length of the tow is 219 metres. What daylight signals are required by the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?

a. A diamond shape, where it can best be seen shall be displayed on the tug and the tow. Three
shapes shall also be displayed in a vertical line, the upper and lower being balls and the
middle one a diamond. Diamond shape
b. A diamond shape, where it can best be seen, on the tug only. Three shapes shall also
be displayed, being three balls in a vertical line.
c. Three shapes shall be displayed forward on the tug, in a vertical line, the upper and lower
being balls and the middle one a diamond.
d. Three shapes shall be displayed on the tug, where they can best be seen, in a vertical line, the
upper and lower being balls and the middle one a cylinder. The signal flag "T" shall also be
flown on the tug. A diamond shall be displayed aft on the tow.
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

Vessel "A" is overtaking vessel "B" on open waters and will pass without changing course. Vessel
"A" __________.

a. should sound two short blasts

b. should sound the danger signal
c. should sound one long blast
d. will not sound any whistle signals
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

You are proceeding along a narrow channel and approaching a bend, on the inside shore of which is
a large hill, which obsures your view further up channel. What sound signal will you make to indicate
your presence to any vessel that is behind the obstructing hill?

a. One prolonged blast.

b. One short blast.
c. Two prolonged blasts.
d. Two short blasts.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
A ship is being overtaken by another ship while proceeding along a river. What should be the
required procedure?

a. The overtaking vessel should request permission from the other ship by sounding two
prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts on the whistle or by direct VHF contact

b. The overtaking vessel can overtake but must allow sufficient space to reduce the interaction
between the two vessels
c. There should be no overtaking in these confined waters
d. The overtaking vessel should request permission to overtake from the Port Control VTS
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A man is reported to have fallen overboard and the Officer of the Watch releases the lifebuoy and
starts a man overboard manoeuvre, who are the first persons onboard he should inform?

a. Master and Engine Room

b. Chief Officer and lifeboat party
c. The Master only
d. The crew quarters for extra lookouts.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What is the description for a sidelight, as shown in rule 21 of the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea?

a. A green light on the starboard side and red light on the port side, showing an unbroken
light over an arc of 112.5 degree, from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on the
respective side
b. A red, green or yellow lantern, showing an unbroken light over an arc of 112.5 degrees
c. A red light or a green light, with a minimum range, in a vessel of 50 metres or more, of 3
miles. In a vessel of 10 metres or more but less than 50 metres in length, a range of 1 mile
d. A green light on the starboard side and red light on the port side, showing an unbroken light
over an arc of 135 degrees, from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on the
respective side
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What is the colour and characteristic of a "towing light", as defined in the International
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?

a. Yellow, fixed, seen over an arc of 135 degrees and so arranged as to display 67.5
degrees from right aft on each side of the vessel
b. Amber, all-round, flashing, where it can best be seen
c. White, fixed, displayed as an additional light on the foremast over an arc of 225 degrees,
from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side of the vessel
d. One of two all-round amber, alternate flashing lights, displayed where they can best be seen
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A vessel constrained by her draft may display __________.

a. three all-round red lights

b. two 225° red lights
c. three all-round blue lights
d. two 225° blue lights
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

In which case would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one
short blast?

a. When overtaking in restricted visibility

b. When overtaking in a narrow channel
c. When overtaking on open waters
d. When no other vessels are in the immediate area
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You are proceeding along a narrow channel behind another vessel. You have a higher speed and
have signalled your intention to the vessel ahead that you intend to overtake him on his port side.
The vessel responds with this sound signal. What does it mean?

a. That the vessel is indicating her agreement with my proposed manoeuvre.

b. That the vessel does not agree with my proposed manoeuvre.
c. That the vessel suggests I overtake on the starboard side instead.
d. This is a signal intended for another vessel or shore station. It is nothing to do with our
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Can the OOW be the sole lookout?

a. During daylight when visibility and traffic allows

b. When the visibility is good and the ship is in the middle of the ocean where there is very
little shipping.
c. Only if the Arpa radar is set onto Auto Acquisition with an audio alarm sounding when a
ship is detected
d. Never should the Officer of the Watch be the only lookout
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others?

a. A vessel constrained by her draft

b. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
c. A vessel on pilotage duty
d. A vessel engaged in fishing
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A ship is equipped with a right-handed fixed pitch propeller, which when going from Full Ahead to
Full Astern will make the ship sheer to starboard. Can anything be done to reduce this change in

a. The rudder can be put to Hard to Port to reduce the water flow to the right side of the
b. The rudder should be kept amidships when going astern and there is little that can be done to
reduce the swing to starboard
c. The rudder should be put Hard to Port to reduce the water flow to the left side of the
d. The rudder can be put from side to side in a "Rudder Cycling" movement.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

After start of man-over-board manoeuvre, whom shall be informed?

a. Galley
b. Electrician
c. Engine Room
d. Chief Officer
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?

a. A long ship with a narrow beam

b. A short ship with a narrow beam
c. A short ship with a wide beam
d. A long ship with a wide beam
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Please name correctly the most common rudders as shown below? UNBALANCED,

a. NO. 1,3,2 and 4

b. NO. 2,3,1 and 4
c. NO. 3,2,1 and 4
d. NO. 1,2,3 and 4
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

Where is the normal position of the "Pivot Point" of a vessel when going astern?

a. Between 1/4 of the ship's length from the stern and the rudder post
b. 1/3 of the vessel's length from the bow
c. Amidships
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

What would be the correct definition of the term "Squat"?

a. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance and the possible change of trim of a ship
when it moves through shallow water due to a reduction in water pressure
b. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance of a ship when it moves through shallow
water due to a reduction in water pressure
c. Squat is the loss of effectiveness of the rudder and propeller as a ship moves through
shallow water due to the reduction of water pressure
d. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance due to increase of water flow under the keel
and an increase in the water pressure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

It is late night and a tanker has just been involved in a collision. Should the tanker,to the
collision, carry a red light in addition to the normal navigation lights. Is this correct?

a. No, the tanker should carry red, white and red in addition to the ordinary navigation lights
b. Correct, the tanker did show the correct navigation lights.
c. No, the tanker should show the normal navigation lights only.
d. No, the tanker should carry two red lights in addition to the navigation lights.
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

You are sailing in shallow water with a 15% Under Keel Clearance. Turning the ship around, what
space do you need compared to deep water?

a. Need more space than normal

b. Need less space than normal
c. The turning diameter of your ship is the same for all water depths
d. To port less, to starboard more space
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

When connecting a tugboat, what speed do you think is best for your vessel to maintain during this

a. The speed should be less than 5 knots, normally 3 - 5 knots

b. It is best to stop the vessel completely before connecting
c. A tug may be connected at any convenient speed
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

Your vessel is a laden tanker. The vessel is colliding with another tanker and the vessels are
interlocked. Which action/judgement should first of all be taken?

a. Reduce cargo content by dropping into empty/slack tank.

b. Shut down non - essential air intakes.
c. Take separation of the two vessels into an immediate consideration, but consider that
a separation may create a larger oil spill.
d. Separate the two vessels immediately.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

If a ship requires 2 nautical miles to stop in the water from a "crash stop" when proceeding at full
ahead in deep water. What will the stopping distance be in shallow water?

a. A greater distance
b. A shorter distance
c. Similar distance to deep water
d. About 1.5 nautical miles
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
Overshoot is an expression used when talking about a ship's steering ability. What does this

a. It is the way a ship turns when the helm is put to the hard over position
b. It is the way a ship continues to turn after counter-rudder is applied.
c. t is the way a ship continues to turn when the helm is put amidship.
d. It is the way a ship responds when moving the helm from hard to port to hard to
e. I don't know
Result : Wrong

When a ship is lying at anchor in a tidal area using both forward anchors, to what particular
aspect should the officer of the watch be paying special attention?

a. When the ship swings to the tide the direction of swing should be controlled to
avoid the anchor cables becoming wrapped round each other
b. The tension on both cables should be similar, to avoid one dragging and all the weight of
the ship remaining on the other anchor only
c. The two anchors will restrict the ships swing with the tide and the ship may not lie to the
prevailing current and wind
d. The ship will become controlled by the tide and the wind will not be allowed to have any
effect on the direction the ship lies at anchor
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

In ship handling terms, what is meant by "sinkage"?

a. Sinkage is the deepest draft a vessel obtains aft when moving through the water
b. Sinkage is the change of draft experienced when moving through water.
c. Sinkage is the extra draft a vessel experiences when comparatively heavily loaded both
d. Sinkage is the extra draft a vessel experiences when comparatively heavily loaded
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

In a narrow canal, a ship proceeding at half speed ahead swings towards the port bank of the
channel. As the bow approaches the bank, it would initially

a. be rejected away from the bank by the pressure

b. be unaffected
c. be pulled towards the bank by bank suction
d. be first pulled towards the bank, then rejected away
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

How can the effects of Squat be minimized, when a ship is proceeding in shallow water?

a. Maintain a slow speed just sufficient to maintain steerage

b. Maintain a speed of about six (6) knots and use minimal rudder when manoeuvring
c. Decrease the speed and keep the ship to the centre of the channel where the water is
probably deepest
d. Enter the shallow water with a stern trim and proceed at a moderate speed.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Two vessels are meeting each other in confined waters. What would be the effects of
interaction between the two vessels as they approach each other?

a. The bows of the ships will be pushed away from each other
b. The bows of the ships will be sucked together
c. Each vessel will experience an increase in speed
d. There will be no effects in these circumstances
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What would you say about a ship which is course unstable?

a. She will require large rudder angles to maintain course.

b. When you apply rudder, she will continue to turn long after the rudder is returned to
c. When you put rudder amidships, she will quickly return to a straight course
d. you apply rudder, she will take time before answering.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which type of vessel suffers from the greatest squat effects?

a. Vessel with a high Block Coefficient

b. Vessel with a low Block Coefficient
c. Vessel with a large length to beam ratio
d. Vessel with a small length to beam ratio
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The position of the pivot point when making sternway is approximately
a. one quarter of the length of the ship from the stern
b. one quarter of the length of the ship from the bow
c. amidships
d. one eight of the length of the ship from the stern
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

How is bank effect felt by a vessel?

a. The vessel's bow is pushed away from the nearest bank.

b. The vessel's stern is pushed away from the nearest bank.
c. The whole vessel is drawn in parallel to the nearest bank.
d. The whole vessel is pushed away parallel to the nearest bank
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The ship is sailing in shallow water with reduced Under Keel Clearance. If the ship is steaming
with the engines at full RPM, what would be the speed in comparison to the speed achieved in
deep water?

a. Slower than deep water

b. Faster than deep water
c. The same as deep water
d. It would be very difficult to maintain full deep sea RPM on the engines and therefore
difficult to assess the speed.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What would be the effects of a ship passing into shallow water?

a. The ship is less responsive to both rudder and propeller

b. There is no noticeable difference in performance of the ship
c. The speed is not affected, but more rudder is required to steer the ship
d. The vessel has a tendency to swing to port with a single fixed-pitch right-hand turning
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is the distance A known as?

a. Advance
b. Tactical Diameter
c. Stopping Distance
d. Transfer
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Where would the "pivot point" be considered to be located when the ship is proceeding at full
speed ahead and there is no wind or current?

a. At about 1/6 of the ship's length from the bow

b. At amidships
c. At a position near the stern of the ship
d. At about 1/6 of the ship's length from the stern
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A ship is passing through a narrow channel and keeping to the starboard side of the fairway, as
illustrated. What could be expected in this situation?

a. The ship will suffer bank rejection and the bow will be pushed away from the bank
b. The ship will suffer ship to shore interaction and the bow will be sucked towards the bank
c. The ship will be sucked towards the bank and the stern will be pushed away due to ship-to-
shore interaction.
d. The ship's rudder will suffer a lack of effectiveness due to the shallow water, but should not be
affected by the bank being close to the bow.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

When a vessel is moving in shallow water it will experience an effect known as "Squat". Which of
the following statements most accurately specify the results of squat on the vessel?

a. There will be a reduction of the vessel's underkeel clearance and a possible change of
b. There will be an increase in the vessels draught while moving through the water
c. There will be a change of draught and a reduction in the spee
d. I don't know
Result : Correct

The maximum rudder angle on your ship is 35 degrees. Do you think this is the angle that the
rudder is most effective?

a. No, the most effective rudder angle is about 25 to 30 degrees, this is because the
rudder is "stalling" at 35 degrees angle
b. No, the rudder is most effective at angles between 10 and 20 degrees
c. Yes, the rudder is most effective at max angle
d. No, the rudder is most effective at small rudder angles
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

In the diagram, B represents the start of a turning circle of a power driven ship in deep water with
20 degrees starboard rudder. If the ship was in shallow water, the turning circle with the same
rudder angle would be

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. none of the other options
e. I don't know
Result : Wrong

When fastening synthetic fibre ropes such as polypropylene on bitts, for safety and better rope
control it is recommended to

a. Make two round turns fast on the leading bitt and then figure of eight on both bitts,
fig. 4
b. Make it fast with round turns on the leading bitt alone, fig. 1.
c. Make it fast on the second bitt alone, fig. 2.
d. Make it fast in a figure of eight fashion, fig. 3.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What letter is represented by this flag and what is it's meaning when displayed by a vessel in

a. P - All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea.
b. S - I am operating astern propulsion.
c. P - I require a pilot.
d. W - All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What is the correct understanding of the term "FAIRLEAD"?

a. The access point where mooring lines are lead when making fast to the shore.
b. A fairlead is the direction that a mooring rope makes from the ship when made fast to
the shore.
c. A fairlead is the hole through the deck where the anchor chain passes into the chain locker.
d. A fairlead is the hole through the ships side through which the anchor chain passes.
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

You are proceeding up a river, with berths on both banks. You see this flag hoist on a vessel
moored on a berth ahead. What does it mean?

a. You should proceed at slow speed when passing me.

b. Caution! I have an anchor down.
c. My engine is disabled.
d. I am about to depart the berth.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

How can an azimuth or bearing be indicated by signal flags?

a. The letter A + three numerals.

b. The letter B + three numerals.
c. The letter A + three numerals + the letter R or T.
d. The letter N + three numerals.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What special safety measures are required by a seaman when working aloft on a stage?

a. Safety harness with a rope secured to a safe point above.

b. Helmet, safety shoes and gloves.
c. A safety harness secured to the stage.
d. No special safety measures required.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which of the following channels and modes should be used when initiating a distress alert

a. Channel 70 DSC
b. Channel 6 Radiotelephony.
c. Channel 13 Radiotelephony and channel 16 DSC.
d. Channel 6 DSC
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean?

a. A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so.
b. Vessels may proceed - one-way traffic.
c. Vessels may proceed - two-way traffic.
d. A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so, except that
vessels which can safely navigate outside the main channel need not comply with this
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You wish to send a DSC-message because of a m.o.b. situation and assistance by other ships is
required. You have to choose the category:

a. Distress
b. Safety
c. Urgency
d. Individual
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The diagram shows the lead of a rope during mooring operations and the possible point where it
may break. Where would be considered the safest place to be standing?

a. Outside the coloured zone.

b. Inside the coloured zone and behind the "point of restraint".
c. Between the "point of break" and the "point of restraint".
d. It is impossible to stand clear of any possible danger areas surrounding wires or ropes and
therefore there are not any safe areas.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

You receive via the 8 MHz a DSC distress alert. The received DSC message is however
distorted. The MMSI as well as the position are illegible. After listening at the 8 MHz
telephone distress frequency, nothing is heard. This is because:

a. Telephone signals in the same frequency band are generally weaker than DSC
b. You should have listened on the 2182 kHz
c. First an acknowledgement of a coastguard station must be received via the 8MHz
d. You should have listened on VHF
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
131 .
" On area A4 the function "" Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts"" is mainly based on:"

a. The use of HF DSC and COSPAS SARSAT Epirbs

b. The use of MF DSC and INMARSAT Epirbs
c. The use of VHF DSC and VHF Epirbs
d. The use of HF DSC and INMARSAT Epirbs
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

What is the correct understanding of the term "boat drill"?

a. Practical exercise for the people on board to practice their duties and be prepared in
the case of an emergency abandon ship.
b. A demonstration for the people on board to understand how a lifeboat can be used to
abandon ship
c. A presentation by the Master on what he would expect from all on board in the case of an
d. The opportunity for all on board to launch the boats and abandon ship.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which word will precede an urgency message ?

b. PAN
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A distress call has been sent accidentally on your MF DSC equipment. Which of the following is
correct for cancelling the false distress alert?

a. Make broadcast on 2182 kHz ""Mayday all stations…"" and cancel the false distress
b. Send a all stations urgent priority MF DSC call
c. Send a selective distress priority MF DSC call to the nearest MRCC– Inform it that a false
distress alert has been transmited
d. Switch off the transmitter
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain maritime assistance ?
a. 39
b. 37
c. 38
d. 32
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A distress alert on board may only be transmitted on explicit order of:

a. The captain
b. The safety officer
c. The navigating officer on duty
d. The radio officer
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning
"Calling All Ships".

a. CQ
b. AS
c. CA
d. TT
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

How will you act if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order:
”Nothing to port”

a. Don’t allow the ship to swing at all to port

b. Don’t apply any port rudder
c. Alter the ships course to starboard
d. Alter the ships course to starboard
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which one of the following types of rope is the most dangerous to work with?

a. Nylon
b. Steel wire.
c. Manila.
d. Polypropylene.
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

“RECEIVED MAYDAY” is used in a:

a. Receipt of a distress alert

b. Distress alert
c. Supplementary receipt on a distress alert
d. When received a weather report
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "BOLLARD" given. Which one is
the correct one?

a. Bollard is given by D on the figure

b. Bollard is given by B on the figure
c. Bollard is given by C on the figure
d. Bollard is given by A on the figure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The Urgency Message from a ship is used to notify other traffic of a situation where the ship is not
in imminent danger, but where the development of the situation is uncertain and may need
assistance in the near future. What is the telephony urgency message like?

e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "MIDSHIPS" given. Which one is
the correct one?

a. Midships is given by B on the figure

b. Midships is given by A on the figure
c. Midships is given by C on the figure
d. Midships is given by D on the figure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
How many total frequencies are available for DSC distress alerting?

a. Seven (7).
b. Five (5).
c. Two (2).
d. One (1).
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Regular ‘updating’ of a ships’ position in an Inmarsat-C installation is necessary

a. To have the correct position in case of accidents

b. To enter the correct data to the disk antenna
c. To keep to the correct Inmarsat-region
d. To inform the satellite of ships position
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On board they want to send a safety-call to other vessels. The DSC safety-call:

a. Has to contain a work-frequency

b. May contain a work-frequency
c. May not contain a work-frequency
d. Will automatically send the correct working frequency
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Under what circumstances should gangway nets be rigged under the gangway?

a. Whenever the gangway is rigged between ship and shore.

b. When instructed by the Master or the Chief Officer.
c. Whenever the ship is moving slightly back and forth along the quay due to wind and
d. A gangway net is only required to be rigged when required by the port regulations.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On the figure there are four (4) possible directions shown by the arrowed lines. Which one
would correctly shows the direction understood by the term "AFTER SPRING"?

a. After spring is defined as A on the figure

b. After spring is defined as B on the figure
c. After spring is defined as C on the figure
d. After spring is defined as D on the figure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which type of call will be sent by a ship in danger of capsizing and needing assistance from all
vessels in her vicinity ?

a. Distress call
b. Distress relay call
c. Urgent call
d. Safety call
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What does this signal hoist mean?

a. I require immediate assistance.

b. I require medical assistance.
c. Do you require assistance?
d. Stand by to assist me.
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

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